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Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1909, p. 3

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DISFIGURING, TORTUR- ING SKIN TROUBLE tSannot be Gmed by Salves and Olntmeatsâ€" The Blood Must be Puriflod, A blemished Bkin, irritatiag sores, pimples, eczema, salt rheum and ether skin disorders are all signals of distress, telling that your blood HEALTH BURNS. m&m J QUEEB ENGLISH TILLAGES. Oae Which Haa do Pnblio Building Except a Letter Box. The English vilage is very dear to the hearts of poets and painters, »nd thousands of them are certaia- ly charming. A few, however, are more amusing than anything else, The medical books describe sev- as, for instance, one which con- eral degrees of burns, according to sists entirely of old railway carri- the amount of damage the fire bas ages, even the chapel being com- done to the skin or the parts be- , poaed of four horse trucks, ncath. I Another village, with a popula- The first degre* consists merely '^o o^ I'^OO »'»<1 taxed at the valu YOU NLED FEAR IT NO LONGER GRAVEL WARDED OFF A^D CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Manitoba Man Tells How His Vria- ar; Troubles Vanishod Before the; Great Canadian kidney Remedy.! is impure or weak. You cannot I in redness and stinging of the skin, SlTch*'^J^'^her'1,,,M!?b'inIrfw' (sSJiprJbLbly t£re'is nodis- cure eczema and other skin trou-is«ch as is caused by the flame of a J?yf^_»°u:_- !J .?. i'f..''u'.i*!.f*.' ease to which man is heir that causes such a general dread as Gravel, or Stone in the Bladder. luic cuzems ana otner sicin irou-i*""'" "« »= <;»uocv» uj i.uc u<»uit; ui <> , , ... . . â-  bies with ointments and outward n-atch touching the finger for an [°,*,*"''3' thmg of the sort being a instant, or a drop of hot wax from ^^"" ''°* on a pillar. a candle falling on the hand. Ordin- ViUages with but a single inhabi- applications. These things may give temporary relief, but cannot cure, because the trouble is rooted in the oiood and can only be removed by purifying and enriching the blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills speedily euro skin troubles because they en- rich, purify and build up the im- poverished blood that caused the trouble. .\8 they feed and cleanse the blood the skin grows fair, the bloom of health returns and new strength is found. No other medi- cine has ever had such wonderful results in curing all diseases due to bad blood. Miss Elizabeth Gillis, Kensington. P.E.I., says:â€" "Words ran hardly express how grateful I . . ., , , . 7^°^ soaa, because he cannot vot but if a large surface is burned, as when a cambric night-dress catches fire and blazes up for a moment, but is quickly extinguished, the patient may suffer severely from shock. The frightful pains it brings and necessi- apprehen- ned. But! there is really no reason why any man or woman should fear Gravel. It is purely and simply a Kidney : disease, and as such can be either ' cured or guarded against by the use ' of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Take the there be ing no overseer to prepare a vot- ers' list, and no church or other public building on which to publish one, as the law requires. The lonely ratepayer in a No'th- nmberland village has declined ti case of Mr. Calvin R. Snyder, well In the second degree, blisters contribute money to maintai^i the ! known here. He says: â€" I form on the injured part. Care roads, remarking that the one he 1 "In the spring of 1907 I was al- ' must be taken not to tear the blis- has is quite good enough for its ! most laid up from a lame back and ters â€" in removing the burned clo- use.^ In the Isle of Ely is a little ; was also troubled with excessive thing, for example. A little snip parish with about a dozen inhabi i urination. I got a box of Dodd's with clean scissors, or two or three tants that has no rates, a^ there | Kidney Pills, and used them with I fot-l for what Dr. Williams' Pink! punctures with a clean needle, are no roads or public institutions ; satisfactory results. Dodd's Kid- Pills have done for me. For seven | should be made in the part of the of any kind and consequently no years before I began their use 1 1 blister which protrudes most, and expenses. was troubled with salt rheum. My as soon as the water has drained Kempton, near Bradford, ney Pills are the best Kidney medi- cine I ever heard of." If vou follow Mr. Snvder's ex- In burns of the third degree the -„,„„ „ „„ near Kradford, can if you follow Mr. Snyder's ex- j hands and arms were nearly always I away, the part should be covered Pr"'?*°V '*y ""'^f^-^f"' claim to the | ample and use Dodds'Kidney Pills; amass of torturing cracks and { with a cloth wet with soda solution, aistmction of bemjt the longest vil- j for slight urinarv disorders, you! •ores. I tried several doctors and' or with equal parts of lime-water/*** m the world, as it strajtgie: ! „ni never be troubled with Gravel.! spent a great deal of money with- and olive-oilâ€" called carron-oil. |»lonK tn* road for a distance of out getting any benefit. Indeed j x„ ...„« .f tH« third de.r.e the'L*;],- ^^_ ""Zt^^Z,* haS: either on the edtfe of â€" jar cliffs that make tart burns, for the sensitive cutaneous of th« coastline, or over an ancient nerves are exposed. The first thing mine. One of the latter class is in to do is to cover the part so as to Shropshire, and each vear one or anH T w^,.M „^f K.. fk * *k protect the bared nerve-endings mo-e of ^he cottaorps tumble as th** r^ai r f fuln:! 7ft rfi'" f'-°'" '=«°"^^t ''tfa ^^^ »''•• "^^^ «»rth sinks beneath it a case of this kind if they cost five .ame dressing as that for burns of my hands seemed to be getting I j ^f the skin is destroy- ^^e^ 3r e worse all the time. Imally my bro- J^ ^his is the most painful of all th^^crumb in. Iher persuaded me to give Dr. Wil- u,.,„. ,„, ,u„ ^r,.M^ n.,f.«n,n„.; !, ..fâ„¢'"^ 1^/ giv liams' Pink Pills a trial and I am happy to say they have completely cured me. I used in all seven boxes beuefit to some other sufferer from ikin trouble." I These Pills are sold by all medi-| eine dealers or will be sent by mail I at 50 cents a box or six boxes for| $2.60 by The Dr. Williams' Medi cine Co., Brockville, Ont. dollars a box instead of fifty cents ^j^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^iU ^^e „ljef I hope my experience will be of | ^^^jj jj^^ physician comes. Carron- oil is best, but the soda solution is better than nothing, and much bet- tor than plain water or oil. In burns of the fourth degreeâ€" the third and fourth degrees usu- ally occur together â€" the skin is If you have Gravel, Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure it. A girl ne^'er ha.s very much res- pect for a man's judgment if his nockties don't match bis complex- ion. PROPOSED INSURANCE BILL. Opinions of Fire Insurance Pre- mium Payers of Canada. The following extracts from a booklet recently issued by the Com- mittee of Insurance Premium Pay- ers of Canada will be found inter- esting by all classes of the com- munity in view of the proposed In- surance Bill now under considera- tion by the Dominion Government. The opinions herein expres.sed are taken verbatim from the literature issued by the Committee and we assume no responsibility for them. The public, however, can draw their own conclusions as to the cor- rectness of these views from the facts at their disposal. The Com- mittee of Insurance Premium Pay- er!, is composed of business men representing all classes of business in Canada. This Committee came together for the purpose of organiz- ing definite opposition to certain clauses in the proposed Insurance Bill which were considered harm- fu". to the best interests of tbi busi- ness community, and to offer some opposition to the full sway of what they call the Insurance Combine. The following extracts from the booklet issued by the Committee arc ii'teresting in this connection : â€" "Because of the combine to which refernce has been previously made, rates are excessive ; insurance re- o.uired to reasonably expedite large business transactions cannot be ob- tained. Necessary and very desir- able forms of insurance in the pro- per conduct of business are not procurable, and on the other hand, conditions are imposed by the Li- censed Companies which are not re- quired by other offices, and the op- eration of which entail additional burdens upon the Premium Payers of Canada. Other insurance than can be ob- tained in Canada is therefore most desirable, and in many cases, abso- lutely essential, and the Premium Payers want the Insurance Act to provide the means whereby the right of private contract outside of Canada, now an inalienable right of the citizen, may be carried out. burned through and the bare flesh io exposed. This, strange as it may seem, is less painful than a third- degree bum, for now the nerve- endings, which receive and trans- mit the painful sensations, are en- tirely destroyed. It is more seri- ous in its after effects, because it always leaves a scar which is dis- figuring, and may contract and draw the part out of shape. In burns of the fifth degree the muscles and other ti.ssues are more A Mild Pill for Delicate Women. The most delicate woman can un- dergo a course of Parmelce's Veg.^- The healthy glow di>!anpearing • table Pills without fear of unplea- from the cheek .md moanin<? and ' sant consequences. Their action, restlessness at night are sure symp- 1 while wholly effective, is mild and toms of worms in ch''dren. Do not i agreeable. No violent pains or fail to get a bottle of Mother ' purgings follow their use, as thou- Graves' Worm Fxterminator ; it is sands of women who have used them an effectual medicine. Generally the man or woman who says "I don't care" is a liar. Being self-satisfied is what would call conceit in others. Broken hearts cut no ice in coroner's verdiqi. you the Ttiar* la N« luoh TMns: u a Ii»rmI*M •oiiKh. Tb« iroiihle >;*>»s troir baci t.. wort* anlnsa ofaaiik- •d. Ailen'a i.ung EiaL-iam cures tb« irortt ul or less extensively disintegrated, »oid»._jt »ii»js iuflamuatiua auJ oiun ih* aii and in those of the sixth degree the entire limbâ€" finger, hand, arm, foot or legâ€" is destroyed. In all these severer burns there is more or less shock, which may be so profound as to kill ; and there His Mother â€" "What are you mop- ing about the house for can testify. They are. therefore, strongly recommended to women, who are more prone to disorders of the digestive organs than men. "I am a poor man." "When we are married I can learn to cook." "Hadn't youâ€" erâ€" better begin practice," suggested the thrifty suitor, "while your father is yet supplving the raw material, so to speak?" PILES CUItEO IN 6 TO 14 D.WS. r.\7,0 OINTMB.Nr is coiraitoei to euro .in» c-ti;. of ItchiiK. Bliol. H'a.>liu.' ar IVjlruJiiig PilM ia < to 14 Jays or moiia; ra(uii<l«l. iOc. A scientist claims that hogs have PUT LIZ.IRDS IS HIS BED. Get« Eren With Amevican's Big Mosquito Story. Gino Calza, the famous Roman poet, has travelled around the world. He says that the American in his own country is a fine gentle- man. "Abroad, said Calza, "an J especially in South America, the American iz a great boaster. He tells of the wonders of his couutry in no uncertain voice. "When I was in Buenos Ay res there was an American who boast- ed of the size of the mosquitoes in his country. 'They are so large,' said the AnK:rican, 'that they often atitack people in their b«da and carry off the bedclothes. 1 can vouch for this, because I live in New Jersey, the home of tfa« larg- est mosquitoes.' "The next night some of his ae quaintances in Buenos Ayres put si.x or seven of the lizards of that country in. the American's bed They are large, repulsive-looking creatures, but quit eharmless. We al sat up late to see the fun, and shortly after the .\merican ha/1 re tired we heard a frightful scream, followed by another and then an- other, and finally the American came bounding downstairs, his face as white as a sheet. " 'My bed is infested with li?- ards,' he said. " 'Weran upstairs and saw the little animals, which the host took up in his hands tenderly. 'Fah, is that all yon are afraid of ? Thesa are only the Argentine mosquit.ies Are your mosquitoes larger thar these?'" A NEW TORONTO BRANCH BANK. The increase in prosperity and growth of business in Ontario Cit- ies and Towns during 1909 is some- thing that deserves more than pass- ing comment. One reads in the Toronto papers of the new Branch of the Traders Bank being opened on the corner of Richmond and Yonge streets this week. Another Branch to handle the increased business of this bank in Toronto, and within tw«o blocks of their big fifteen-storey Head Office means enormous growth. The Traders had already eight branches ia Toronto, which might seem to the ordinary layman to be more than sufficient to handle any rea- sonable amount of business. The necessity of opening a new branch i'l its own town shows part of the reason, doubtless, for the very sub- stantial growth of this Institution this year. Shareholders and Customers of the Bank are looking forward with a good deal of interest to the re- port that will be presented at the Bank's Annual Meeting on Janu- ary 25th, 1910. BRONCHITIS If NcflMtW, it woa rcaeka tka Liai* ud Baj Pvan FiUL Mr.C.L.Carrowuf 1 16 MiUkeatSt.. Toronla, wtilca under date ot Scpteobar 13, 1909, " One year ago till* spnng i con- tracted a Kve» cold in tlie coetl, which devrlopid ia'o B:ascli.-tia 1 loalc three kinds i,i medicine aad fouad ao iaipioTc- lacnt. Affiesdof mioeadfiied ma totiy PSYCH.NE aiidiQthieedajrane:t;ioa newmanafaia. Ideaiielalatwthenknow wkal a rahiabia cun jrou have in PSY- CHlNEfaritcuredmewbeteallolhermad- iciaeabadfailad. iamraoiethaatiiankfulio be weUa9'>dfortlmalieof oi'icr^ who may b J m.T^u mar pjohih thiiteatiffionial." Stop that catd or the resulta will i>e aerioua. Yaucsada thia bytoniag uplAe •ptem wiA PS-rcHLNE. I Dr. T. K. SLOCUH TOaONTO LTOCKS. 'ro i:NVESTOilS-TOCE 0BDER3 TO * buy or sell Stocks will rtt-eivo mr pemonal attention. 8. M. Xatiiews. Brok- er. 43 .«oott St.. Toromo. EUUCATIONAL. LE.'IU.N THE BAUBEB THADE-NBW systemâ€" conBtant practice; careful i iCBtruction- frw weeks eomplet« coursei touis frefl; Kraduatea eurn twelve to eichteen dollars wcv-kly: write tor cata. loguo. Holer Barber CoUeee 221 <!"••â-  Ea**t. Toronto. We Offer a prac'ical traininf; (hat will enable you Ao secure a good position. It will take only a short time to acquire and the cost is sin^ll. New term begins Jan. 41b. Write tor pitrticulars. BrttUh-A.-narlcan Bualness Callafa, Y.M.C.A. BIdg., TORONTO. FOR SALE. /^UKAP. U.NOiiR MOKTUAOB. VrO A'BJi \> 'arqi. frama buiMinc*. township "f Lindsay, 1^0 :tcra« -rlaarad. Oaly flM down, balance al five par c^nt. London Loxn Cusspan*. of <'aa md a> L«ndon. Ont, QAL 1/ jrc Ralaa Tham WItnout â- IIB i:te«^e,:Ur.gg3 Saad Ca„ Ltd.. Tui«ata,{Oal> f IT^IVE COLEARS a day sure. w%6» selliui nnr i JP Utbur-sATinc D*a<-biues. Kxparianoa unneca*. sary. Bvarvbody bnys. Tbdjr sail themsaWaa. Asanta wanted a*ervwhan- A postal to-day . 'bringa particulars. Charlaa Adaioa. samia. On£ HOPE FOR THE OEAF-IR ACOUSTICONâ€" nne uf the marvels of the •'•ctricai axa. I In Qse threuxfauut the world. Hrite f'<r cati^ ' -logne. (jsnerat Arou.-'tiu Co., of CanoJa, Ltd., 'â-  468 Vonio street. Toronta 'â- '•'â„¢''J^'' souls, but he probably doesn't mea.T , Why don t you go over and play, tfaoee who occupy two double scats: with Charley Pinafore f Tommy â€" I Jq ^ railway car. | "'Cause I played with Charley! " ^ ; WANTED MUSKRAT ASc, NO. I. Canadian Hide and Skin Company, 86 Frant St. E., Tsronto, Ont. are also serious symptoms caused by pinafore yesterday, and I don't â-  BMMrM wm Oa tiaiKtitaff. run come hom» congestion of the internal organs, and probably also by a poison form- ed in the burned tissues. â€" Youth's Companion. HOME CURES. To cure a burn, wet it quickly with cold water, cover thickly with soda, then carefully bandage. For a wasp or a bee sting, the above remedy is the best ever tried. The pain ceases instantly. After suffering with a severe ct.ugh for many weeks,' without re- ceiving any benefit from the many remedies I tried, I was persuaded by an old lady, who chanced to hear my cough, to have her perscription filled at the drug store. Here it is : One-halt ounce of camphor, one- half ounce of lobelia, one ounce of paregoric. Dose, fifteen drops three or four times a day, according to the severity of the cough. It acted like magic with me. For a violent (it of nervous coughing, nothing is better than to take three or four &.I1 w the duwra.. drops of camphor in a teaspoonful of glycerine. â€" F. E. L. During the winter season colds are the rule, every one suffering at one time and another from this dis- ease. A cure that seldom, if ever, fails is one that is as simple as it is effective. A strong dose of a«a- foetida pills, taken just before re- tiring, will not only prevent a cold developing, but will also break one suppose he's well enough yet." *<"â-  While more prevalent in winter, when sudden changes in the wea- ther try the strongest constitutions, colds and coughs and ailments of the throat may come in any sea- son. At the first sight of derange- ment use Bickle's .'\nti-Consunip- tive Syrup Instant relief will be experienced, and use of the medi- cine until the cold disappears will protect the lungs from attack. For anyone with throat or chest weak- ness it cannot be surpassed. A sentry, an Irishman, was on post duty for the first time at night. when the officer of the day ap- proached. He called, "Who conies there?" "Officer of the day." was the reply. "Then what are yez doin' out at night 1" asked the sen- try. ^ m HanKW Oougl* drltas sleep and e«« tf ei > -JlL. Yon oan ounqoer it with Allen's LoaB ^Kâ€" which relieres hard brenthlag, pala tB fia cheat and irritaUoa o( the tBnaU. QiT* it „.«riid withnnc.w lUif .-» tea-<p.Kmjul of Paia- klUar in bi>t .iwMtaued wator will pre'snt any Ul affect-i. A'ciU dul><titut«:^ there ia but uaa "FaiakiUar"â€" I'erry Uafisâ€" lie. and iOe. IN TRAINING. "That man Jiggers is the smooth- est liar I have ever known." "Yes; his wife is one of these women who demand many expla- nations, and he has acquired won- derful proficiency." It is an Elixir of Life. â€" Since for- gotten time, men have been seek- ing for the Elixir of Life, which tradition says once existed. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is an Elixir, before which pain cannot live. It is made up of si.x essential oils, carefully blended so that their cttrative properties nre concentrat- ed in one. It has no equal in the treatment of lumbago, rheumatism, and all bodily pains. Husband (arriving with his wife at the station just as the train -iteams out)~"There! If you hadn't taken such a fearful time dressing we shouldn't have lost the train." Wife â€" "And if you hadn't hurried me so all the way here we shouldn't have had such a long time to wait for the next one." FURS , un in an astonishingly short time and the cc-inciilent requirements | f his dose must be repeated sever- al nights to attain the best results. .\ little cold cream rubbed on the lips before retiring each night will The Premium Payers do not jpsure immunity from the di^fistur- 01 inspection and adjustment of losses within Canada not interfer- ed with. wish the Inisurance Act to lower the bars whereby unlicensed insurance companies would be permitted to canvas or solicit business in Can- ada, to advertise or open offices in the country, but they strongly pro- test against any legislation which will restrict their right of contract, bv imposing penalties on the indi- viduals who will perform in Can- ada, the acts incident to that cou- ,traot, as for example, the inspec- ttion ot a risk or adjustment of a less." ing "cold sores" and chapped lips. "I you find that a baby brightens up the house?" said a bachelor to a friend who had rang- ed himself among the Benedicks. "Yes," was the semi-sad reply, "we burn twice the gas we used to I" "I want to ask you a question, Pa," said Tommy. "Ask your mo- ther," answered the tired father Well, but it isn't a silly question 1 want to ask you.' "All right," Are your corns harder to remote! wearily. "What is itt" "Well, if than those that others have bail f | the end of the world was to eome Have they not had the same kiiid.'.aud the earth was destroyed wlkile Have they not been cured by us- , a man was up in a balloon, where ing Holloway's Corn Cure? Try a | would he land when tie came bottle. down?" HE'D HOWL, TOO. Jackson is the kind of man who is always seeking gratituous ad- vice. Not long ago he met a well- known physician at a dinner-party. "Do you know, doctor," he said, as soon as there was a chance, "I know a man who suffers so desper- ately from neuralgia that at times h(: can do nothing but howl with pain. What would you do in that case?" "Well, I suppose." deliberated the medical man, "that I should howl with pain, too!" KIDNEY â- /PILLS _ V,sr S' I8SUB NO. tâ€" It. Sheâ€" "The Swellingtons called on us last week, you know." He â€" "Yes." Sheâ€" "Don't you think it is about time we should retaliate?" "Only One •'BROMO QtilNlNB" That is I.AXATIVR KROMO pviNI.NB. Look for tlia slenature of K W. CIROVK. Used the world orur tu Cure a Cold in One Day. lie. Troubles may come to a l»<)y in the form of curly hair, and to a girl in the guise of freckles. Try Murine Eya Remedy For Red. Weak. Weary, Watery Eyes. Oranul&tion, P'nk Eye and Eye Strain. Murine Doesn't Smart: Soothes Eye Pain. Is Compounded by Experienced Physicians: Contains no Injurious (;r Prohibited DruKS. Try Murine for Your Eye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. Try it in Baby's Eyes, for Scaly Eyi>lids. DrugRists Sell Muriua at SOo. The Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chl- uaffo, will acDd You latereBiiug Eya Book* Fraa. MINING FOR WOOD. A curious source of wealth is re- ported by the French Consul at Mongtze, in Upper Tonkin. It lies in wood mines. The wood original- ly was a pine forest, which the earth swallowed in some cataclysm. Some of the trees are a yard in dia- meter. They lie in a slanting di- irection and in sandy soils which cover them to a depth of about ten feet, and as thoy are all well pre- served it is thought the geological convulsion which buried them can- not be of very great antiquity. The ' wood furnished by these timber mines is imperishable, and the Chi- j â- ese ghMily buy it tor coffins. The Pill That Brings Relief. â€" When, after one has partaken of a meal he is oppressed by feelings of fullness and pains in the sto- mach he suffers from dyspepsia, which will persist if it be not dealt with. Parmclee's Vegetable Pills are the very best medicine that can be taken to bring relief. These pills are specially compounded to deal with dyspepsia, and their ster- ling qualities in this respect can be vouched for by legions of users. Professor's Wife â€" "You haven't kissed me for a week." Professor (absently) â€" "Are you sure? Then who is it I've been kissing?" Do you trap or boy Furs? Iam>.anadaa iarj^est dealer, 1 pay higiiestpricei. 'Your shipmen'-s solicited. I pay mall and ex- press chai'v-ea: remit gromptiy. Also !arire»t doaier in Rrefhidea. neepsL^ins, etc. Quotations and abippiOK taca sent free. ^g JOHN HALLAM. TORONTO HSTABLI.SHED IS"*. We Make Everything in l-'iir*, Coal.-. .lAf-kets, Mnfla, .^toles, <'aps, ti.tuutiata, etc. Write for catalog. FURS RAW FURS we pay hithast prices. f'lr pries list. Writ* H. BAsreoo a, n King St. K., Turoato. CO.. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take I.AXxriVB lilt~)MO Qnlnine Tablets. Druveistc refun.i ir'->n.y If It falls to oura. K. W. OUOVK'S aiguatureis on each b.ix. iSo. The man who talks only about himself and to himself has occasion t ' swallow his words. No tuhetltuta for "The D A T," Menthol Ptastar, altliouiih Hoiuo un4crupiiloiiM dealers may nay ther^ la, Keouinmauileil hy dootors, hospit«U, clergy ami everybody for pleurisy, stiffneaa, etc. LIGHTS OUT. An irascible sergeant going his nightly round of the barracks in onier to make sure that all lights had been extinguished, noticed that a window was illuminated. He roused the occupants of the room. 'Put out that light!" he order- ed, "and be quick about it." "But it's moonlight:" explained a private. "I don'b care what it is," roared the sergeant, "put it out!" Dytrng I Cleaning I 'as sa* Nrr keel sae« r*a/ wore So tk. "niTMa AMfRICAM •TIINO M." Iiaafe Ms sasat la rmu lowa, m Mad MrMt. MMii«al,T«reoto, Ottawa. Quokaa SS?.;SITH£ LEADER SIGHT thfl Mltlf (ue daviee which mak*«w n< ftho«>tlnc r-^tj. Aim •Ur^: (Ir «t ih« f.sst-ll| or viuwciit. fl>inf bird . ik* I (hi «tr<>»i»t atl>r kllnirs for th« fli«ht (• ntaiit f aitftchvd orUrt rh«l. i'«r. t'cl in ttfkt liir'.-i ),of In yti' fHH-k&t- (sire tM.\^« .tnd |UA.-« of piti. P'^iM 93 00 p<)«i).>«tU. fov ut« M all LeADCR CO., 3aO Mark<^^ S t:.. San Franolaoo lODINOL Tlie Uinious new discovery of iho aj^a. positively, quickly, completely relieves and cures Goitre,' Thick Neck,' Sciatica, SwellinKs. Bunions, Quinsy, etc. $i .oo, or 6 :or $5.00, nLiilcd on rc.-eipt ot price by UYLE MEDICINE CO.. Toronto. When Yoa're Hoarse Use Vil BtSI VLVtXU, nt |uUl^#%ftS Gives immetfiale n&A. The (in>t dose re]ie\'es yoiu' aching thro.->t and allays the irritation. Guaranteed to cootaia no opiates. Very pcJatalyle. AUDrussUts ::Sc. ror (.>oap. DIphtherUs, Infloeiiaa^ O'raaos. !<|)aNiia, Bunts, ?i)aldH. .^ocdeuts. Uruisea, Kails. Gunshot Wuiinda. Potxoiious Bl*^<*>ttf I>«i«rA. ^miketi. Stiu^a dk InaaoU, aui.. Bad way's KM4y E«Uef. "Poor fcllo'w, he died in pover- ty." said a man of a person lately deceased. "That isn't anything!" exclaimed a seedy bystander. "Dy- ing in poverty is no hardship; it'» living in poverty tliat puts '*"* ' thumbscrews on a fellow." th« <viv([>\ mention ihff name *t tbU l/^^~i i^ ui'itin^ io adrertiierts

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