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Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1909, p. 1

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/k0l)^rt0n 2t>t>atta TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"'• PRiA'CIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL 28. RO 30 Flesherton, Ont., Tliursday, Dec. 30 IQ09 W. H TEUESTON^ ^Sil'vlcpiuETOB, Eugenia. A happy New year to the editor and Ktaif and all readers of The Advance. The holiday oeaaon 1>rought a large number of Tisitors to spend Christmas with friends. From Toronto were the following : Mr. and Mrt Dixon at Mrs. Ball's ; Virgie and Millie .vIcMullen with their mother : Georgia Stuith with her her parents ; Edma Williikms with her paimta ; Millie Campbell to his old home in the V-klloy ; Annie Hialop with her {>arents in the Valley ; Grace Jamie- Hon, at her home here ; Kd. Fisher, at bifi parental home. The stork brought to Mr. and Mrs. Will Gordon on Christmas day a present of a fine baby boy. Mr. Henry Fenwick is spending a couple of weeks with his sons in Toronto. Mrs. Fenwick is just recoTering from a bad shaking up she got from her pony running away and upsetting the cutter. Mrs. Woodbuni is laid up with • bad ttack of grippe. ML-vs Milly Wilson sp^nt Cbristmae her mother. Miss Ettio Latimer of the Meiiford tigh school is .-^pending tlio holidays with her parents. Miss Tena Williams has gone to visit her brother at Paris, Ont. The tea meeting for the Sunday school, the past week was a xuccesa. The children were well drilled and rendered a sp!endid program. Mr. Alex. Carruthers ably acted as chairman. There were lots of presents on the tree for the children Mr. Peter Munshaw kindly presented a larve quantity of choice candies to treat the children. A. pleasant lime was en- joyed by all present. Proceeds amount- ed to twenty four dollais and tifty cents. All are pleased to see Mr. R. Park home from New Ontario, where he has spent the past couple of months. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gibson of Cataract are visiting at Mr. Tudor's. Mr. Rossell and two aons are gu*afa of Mrs. Walker, sr. Mr. James A. Jamieson of Sask., has returned home after spending seven years batching on his Now girls don't let him go back alone. Mr. Ben Carruthers of the So-i Is visit- ing his brother Alex, at present. Alf. Genoe of Ueathcote is visiting at Wm. Hislop's. Officers elected for L. O. L., 1118 as follows : W. M., Henry Weber; D. M., James Carson ; Chap., Robert Williams ; Rec.-Sec., Wm. C. Pedlar : Fin.-Sec, Duncikn Williams ; Treas , Geo. Meldrum; D. of C, Alexander Carruthers ; Lect., Fred Pedlar : 1st Com., Joseph Williams : 2nd Com., Stanley Campbell ; 3rd Com.. Wm. J. Magee ; 4th Com,, John Pai-sons ; 6th Com., John E. Williams. Collingwood Gravel Miss Eva Radley viaited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Radley. Roy Phillips, Keneral oianazer or something in T. Eiitou's, Toronto, vi'jiled bis father, .Tohn Phillip?. Otto Ganiey visited his parental ln'iue here. Stanley Garaey o( Toront-i visited his pareal.1. Miu Eflie Smith of Kimberley visited at Jo.t. Gamey's. Thos. Gaiiiey of Cobalt spent tlie holi- dty with his wife. Amiju!} the visitors heie were the following : Victor Phillips, W. H. Phillipp, and daughter, Olive, Mr. and Mrs. Hub Phiilip:^', Mi^s^s E&ii? and Jessie Phillips, and Mr. and Mrn. Frank PUiilips. ProtonStatioa Oui burg has got quite lively, Christ- mas week and the haulini! of timber. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright .iiid fami'y, accompanied by Mrs. Rutlierford, uf Torunto, are spcuditig the hoiidiiys a: Kincardine. Mr. and I Irs. R. Wbito and Mr. and Mrs. B. Medaugh spent Chriitmas at tUe home of Mr. J&s. Medaugb. Miss Eihel Consley and Mr, aud Mrs. John Eddy, of Toronto, spen' a few holi- days at the former's parental home here. Mr. Wm. Falknei left on Thursday for his holidays at his homo in Have- lock. Makrisu â€" In Toronto, week, Mr. George McLean, Owen Sound, and Miss Kate Maclutyre, of PriceviUe. Mr. and Mrs. iVlcLean spent Christmas at the turmer's home here. We wish them a long aud happy life. Mr. and Mrs. H. Love, of Ceylon, spent Christmas At the home uf Mr. and Mr«. P. Consley. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Col<j*n and family silent a few days with DuudaU fne uds this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miles and son spent Saturday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Park and son, Elzer, spent Sunday at Rosemont Cottage. Mr. aud Mrs. Wes. Lyons snd children spent Christmas at the latter's boms in Flesherton. Miss Louie Roome, of Toronto, isapeud- iug the holidaye at hjr home in Ware- hain. Mr. An!(us E^oket'. left for his boir.e in Toronto last week , Mr. aud Mrs. Jis. Morrow and M'ss Edaa, spent Christmas ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blakely. Mrs. Win. White is spending the holi- d.ay8 in Toronto and Detroit. ^^^ A/ff^V f^^ '^euf year 6e one of m ^^- jfoifs and ^rosperiti/ ivitk jou. Vetoeller Municipal Nominations Municipal matters hnre been no quirt in Artemesia that it WHji though â- : linle interest would be taken in the nomina- tions this year, and it was an agreeable Kurpiiae to see the larirs gathering of electors that turned out Monday after- noon ti> he»r the old Councillors *ive in account of thrir R>ewardshi|>. The hall was crowded, with many standing. The gener.-il feeling throughout the township is Li'»c we Imve hikd a good Council dur- ing the piist yearâ€" au intalligcnt body of men who have triad ro c induct the affairs of the township in:iu eouiioinical manner. So much WIS this tha ra'-c that many hoped the old council would be returned by acclamation, of course with the excep- tion of Mr. Duncan's seat, which was vacated by death. Cierk Bellamy took romin^rioas fur Reeve frtmi II to 12 s. m., and for Coun- cillors from 12 to 1 p. m., after which he dl^c!a^e<{ the noibiiiations cluited wirh the following name'* on the list: For Reeveâ€" John A. Boyd, by John Blackburn and Thoiuaa Henry. For Deputy Reeve â€" U. MoTavish by Thos Henry and John Blickburn. Thos. R. M'jKeniic, by J. K. Jamieson and W. U. Hemphill. For Ci'unc'llota â€" Donald McLeud, John A. Carson, Geo. T. Wright, Robert Beiit, J.I. Graham. Later Messrs J/cTavish, Carsou and Wright resigned, making au election nnnecesssry. The Council, therefore, is J A Br.yd. Reeve ; T R McKenzie, Deputy Reeve ; R Best, Donald JXcLeod and J I Graham, Councillor:. Mr. Jos. Blakely was then appointed chairmau, and lh« meatmg ailjourned until 2 p. m. At this hour a Urgo number of electors were present, is we have said. Reeve Boyd was the first apeaker and dealt at cinsiderable length with cjunty m;it- ters as well as the linancial matters of the township. He received a ;;')od hear- ing, and was loudly applauded. Messrs McKsiizie and McTavia.i followed, after whi.'h the various nominees for Council- lor addressed the audience. M. K.Rich- ardaon, Johu Boland and W. Meads also dtlivered bhort speeches. OSPRKY NOMINATION There is a large number of candidates in the field for Osprey, and the nomina- tion at Maxwell on Monday proved a rather warm m-::eting. The building of a bridge over the Mad rivet was the subject uf considerable debate. This w;n built by Wtu. Scutt and the Reeve refused lo sign the cheque, claiaiinj{ that the bridge hid not been built according to instruc- tion.s. Mr. Scutt hold that such changes ns we:o mtido were made by the engineer who drew the plans, and that the bridne was passed by hi ii. It is not yet appar- ent how the deadlock will result, but Mr. Scult, who been noininatel f'T the Reeveship, retired frvim tho held. Fol- lowing are ths candidates who will appear on the ballot: Rocveâ€" E. W. Norman and A. N. Ihownxidgo. Ci>uiicilh>raâ€" .\. E. MeCalluni, John Thomson, â€" . Ougiii, Slepbcus, Jos. Heudoison and K. J. Talhot. Deputy Reeve Taylor wss tulurnod by Hcclaiutttion. FLESHERTON POLICE TRl'STEE.S At a ineotin<^ of eisrhtfcn ratc;'Hyers W. .1. Boyd, '1'. A. BIrtkeley and U. were eL'ct-d by accUniiition us Police Trustc's. There wan iioihiui; tiery alxmt the speeches, and no phUfoiui was laid down. KrPHR.\SlA N<)M1N'.\TR)N The n<'iniii«ti(>ii at Roekiyn fi>r the township of Kuphtii.Ma resulted in the noiuiii.-ition of ilie foilowiiii;: For Reeve -W. T Ellii. J. MilU-r. For Deputy Reeve â€" A. Renuie, .1. M. Davis. For Councillorsâ€" Geo. Hut^^hinson, J. Murray, R. Juhnstoo, H. Krskine. GLENELU The following are the iioiniiiations for (lU-nelg: Reeveâ€" .\. McQiiai({ mid KAHimt. IVl'ity Reeveâ€" Wm. Weir. Corncillors- J. Kiri'h, Will. McN.illy, J ohii Cidlaghau, t.;e«, Walker aud X. Brodie, I'RICEVIIXE K)L1CK TRUSTEES A. D. McLeoJ, Wm. .-Vldciini, Hector Mc- DoiisKt. PROTON TOWNvSlHP Proton council goes in by acclamation. Reeve â€" Ja». H. Corbett. Depnty â€" Richard C>«nan. Councillors â€" Jacob Uo(>e, Win. Hoiidry, Johu <Udcum. MARKDALE. .\ p.vuliar state ufoifaira occurred at Mark- dale : Keeveâ€" J. J. MaClMwa, .Vlbert Jack- son. Councillom-R, \V.'Knni^ R. Mathews, Wes. Rtitletlge, Dr. Can-pliell, Th i». Wilson, Pat. Thonqwon. .Ml the oiuucillors except the first two have dwUBcd out. Feversham Things are7quiri; Uvely arou'id here. Many visiiora are in town V-r the Christ- inaa bidilayss, .-tud quite a number are •ut of town, the gcMxl Bleighin(> making possible fur the people to get around. Among thfl holiday visifTS were I. Harvey Perigou aud wife of Flesherton, Thoitins Cunron at his home hero, Mr. ICiiibls v-siting friends here, Mrs. Jas. Lonj; and baby at her parental home. Born â€" To Mr. aud Mrs. William K.'vitting, a son, ou Tuesday, the insr. While asais'iii^ at the raising of a.<tablu for Jas. Cono, Alex Conron bad the misfortune to oe struck with a piece of fiiUing timber. He had to be 'aken home but is recovering .licely. Quite » number of ihe |)e..ple tiHik in ihe Christmas tree on Wednesday of hist week in th-j Baptist chuich, 14 con. The ChristMias tree and entritainiiient ill ihe Sabiitioii .Aimvbarra. kx on Chriat- m.ia eve aas a decided siicceas. The program was excel'eiit. Santa Cbuse created ipiit:? a sensation when he arrive J wii li oitis for old an 1 yming. The pro- ceeds amounted to i-\er S2:i.iX). Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wbewell »re» of the f>rmer's brother, Mr. Ueorge W he Well. Dr. Ottewell, Flesherton, w.-is a caller in our burg ou Monday. The ak^ting rink is givine a ^reat deal of pleaaure to the young folks. K I'ood nuiuher from Maxwell took advantage of the .â- i>od ice on Christuvis. The rink is opvu every Wednesday e>'eniD$;. John Paul conducted the funeral of James Johnston of Port Law on Tuesday, the 27th at the Presbyterian churcb. Maxwell. McFARLAND&CC MAr<KDALK OXXAlilO **â-  â-  "•» 10 DAYS' Rock Mills A very happy' and prosperous New Year to you, Mr. Editor, and your staff. Mr. Tucker Phillips is la'd up with sciatica. Dr. Rykmtn ii attending him. Mr. Alfred Partridge is borne from Tliornbury. Mr. John Ha^rave got a very nasty cut on the wrist with a drawing knife. Mr. R. Fisher and family spent Christ- mas at C. Best's, near Flesherton. Among the Christmas visitors are ; Messrs. Stanley Gamey of Torunt) and Clifford of Owen Sound at Jos. Gamey's ; Mr. OttiGauiey of Toronto at Thomas Gaiuey's ; Mr. and Mrs. R. Phillips and Misses Eftie and J e-isio Phillips of To- ronto at Martin Phillips ; Mr. Victor Phillips with bis mo- her, Mrs. S. Phil- lips ; Mr. and Mrs. Wi'l Brown and fam- ily aud Miss Eva Radley of Toronto at Mrs. John Radley 's ; Mr. El. Fishor of Toronto wa,s the guest of Mi.s.s Eva Riid" ley ; .Mr. and Mrs. Johnson spent ihe day at F Clurd's near Flesliertoii ; Mr. T. Gillilaiid of Eugenia. Mr. T. Uetts an.l family and Mr. Wm. Hari^rave and family of WarebaTn, spent the day at J. Hargrnve's ; Mr. andMrs. Fred Field and son, Georje, were at R. .^kilt's, M; -.SIS. Wilson and Kennedy I'f t'ao DurlKim Furniture Co. spent Christmas at their hoiuos iu Durham. East Mountain Mr. J. J. Martin .^ud daughter Com loft on Friday morning for r>ull'al<) to siieiid Christmivs with the formers sister, Mrs. A. J. McKeo. Ettio Smith of Toronto is spend- ing her hohdiiys »t her parental home. Miss Nettie M;irtin of Owen Sound is speniliug ChristuKis at home. Mr. aud Mrs. C.-irgo sjient Sunday with the laltoi's si-ster. Mrs. Teed of Duncan. Mr. Mrs. t^.eorge -VLlon spent Christnitis with friends in Kiinberley. Mrs. Harbottle is visiting her sister-in-liw, Mrs. James H;vrbottk>, who is in poor health at present. Fred Smith sold a team of cvdts and Sum Smart a team to a man near Coll- ingwood last week. Kimberley Saw logging is the order of tho day at present. Mr. Henry Hun.1 left List week for Detroit to spend Christmas with his daughter, Mrs. Auverin Drinkle. Our open air rink, under the able sup- erintendence of Mr. William Ha^^i^ will be tit to skate ou in a day or two. A sleigh load of yonng people fivm Rocklyn spent Sunday with Mrs. John Plewes. Our new and energetic sawmiller, Mr. It is a well known fact to the pet^ple of Markdale antl .surrounding country that onr sales are genuine, and this will certainly be no exception to the rule. No good.s held in reserve in any of the deptirtiuents mentionetl, antl in many cases will be on sale at less thau discounts .stated below. Space will not allow us to give a full description of goods in the different departments, hence note the following big diseouuts: Dress Goods 'lo to 40 per cent, otil ('h>thing 'ITi p. c. oft'. (Tent.s Furjii.shings ::•'> p. c. off. -Meui and Latlies' Fur Coats, Fur Setts aud all small Fui-i:, 2j to JiO p. c. off" House I'urnishiniTs "JO p. c off Crockery, Glassware, China ami Staples 15 p. c. oft" Lailie.s and Children's Jackets 35 to 50 p. c. off" Boot-s antl Shoos 25 p. c. oft" -Millinery 23 to .â- â- )0 p. e. oft" All Triumicd liats at half price. At these prices sif.ods will be sold for Cash or Trade only. No goods allowed out on a!)prob.tiu:i or t.\chang-3 during sale. As we expect this lo be a record-bieak- in^ Sale we would advise as many as conveniemly cio to make their purchases in the moruing to avoid the rush. Remember the date=Jan. 5th, to Jan. 15th. McFARLAND & COMPANY Cleiues, giive a party to a number of young people on Weduesilay hist. They all report a good time. Editor Irwin of the Durham Chronicle was A cdler on Mr. M. R. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. McMillan and daugh- ter, Edua, of Dundalk. visited over Clu-Lstniius with Mr. .-md Mrs. George Hutchinson. The nominations held at Rocklyn will be found elsewhere in this Issue. Mr. aud Mrs. G. H. Walter spent Christuuis with Editor Thurston at Flesherton. Priceville Too Late for Last Week. The storm of snow and sleet from the Hammond on e»st "u Sunday night, the 12th, left the roads, especially the side r»>ads (north ; and south) in a bad state until opene<l up during last week. j Win. Edwards of Plattsvillo. Ont., who I has been visiting for a few tbiys with A. D. McLeod and also at the Methodist jpiursonage, preached in the Methodist chmvh Sunday moruing, the 12th, and at Ebenezor in the evening. Rov. H. Berry of the Priceville Metho- w II. ,. .u .â- Â»Â» T ». diat church and Rev. J. T. C. Morris of We are glad to report that Mr. John , c- >, . . *..».. .uu.wnu, ^ ..,„ ...r... u. . 1...... :,i :_ v...,_ :., f he birstMeth.Hlistchurch.Owen Sound, I exchanged pulpits l-ist Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. IJert .Medaugh. Colling I wiHjd St., visited frieiuls in Toronto ii i few days ago. ami Bert had an eve on Mi..ndM.-s. Stephen Bumtt spent ^^^j^,^ „ ^^.y f..^ |,e puixhased a tiu» I. bnstiiULs ni Toronto, the guest of the jri,.er while in the city. former's sister, Mrs. Surbrey. ., Ill reading tho minutes of the recent Plewe-s, who ha.s been ill in Mulmiir rapidly beootffin'; conv;ilescent. Miss Maude Fawcett is visiting friend; in Collingwood this week. Mr. Charles Stuart, who is attending the Normal .schoid ut Hamilton, spent Christmas at his parental home here. County Council in reierence to the House of Refuge supplies, etc , we ob- serve with sati-faction tho defeat of the "skim milkers. " Will Hale.s, who hi«s been in the wwhIs at D^^>!no^x• tor some time, was off work last week, owing to an attack of lumbago. W. G. Wat.son visited Shelburno friends on the 4th-Cth. H. MeKinnon, teacher of S. S. No. 7, O.D.R.. his been the means of ot^anising a lit^niry s.viely in that vicinity which has become very jmpular. Tliis s<>ciety and a similar one in Ceyl.m exchimge visits and tiud it a very profitable way of spending some of their winter evenings. The Presbyterian Siibbith schotl anni- was quite a success. notwithstaiidiiii: tho bud roads .ind stormy Ceylon Mri .\rcbib^ld of Colbcck, her sister, .M»y, Mr. aud Mrs. F. Sprcat, and their daughter of Durham aud Mr. Brauter of Shclburiie. spent it|Mr, James Spro.»t's. Mr. Leslie Rutlcdge of Albnrt i is visit- i:ii{ hi» uiothai- .ind other friends at Cey- lon ; a'si) her daughter. Ida, ef Tonnito, spent Chris(iii.-\s at Mrs. A. RulIeJt;e'«. Mf. .-Vlfred Chislett of Toronto spent Christinss with his parents here. Mr. Robert Brodie h.-is relumed from vers.iry in the 14th Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wood spent j weather. .4. fine pwgrani consisting of Christinas with friends at Dundalk. well-e.\ecuted drills, diidogues, roeitatioue, Mr. mid Mrs. Wm. Hai-gravo spent ! *'^'^- -^^ M' dinger from Tonmto, Master Christinas with her people near Durham. i^""8'*** '*'*"'""'.v- appeared on tho Mr, and Mrs. Carnahan and their i '!*»"*1;""'^ " ''""^'' '"^ *"«*«" ««ived. daughter. Belle, of Owen Sound, .pent i ^^"^ •-/"•«t»»« tree was loade.1 with pres Christmas with Mr. JiOin Crowther. Dr. und Mrs. Holmes of Owen Sound spent Christmas with her parent.s, Mr. and Mrs. T. Chisleit. Mr. and Mrs. Sargent had a reunion of all their family, including their sons' wives at Christmas. Master Robt. Tueker is home for the holidays, Ottowell alse spent Christmas with his parents. Miss Jean (.'ollioson has returned after spending several munlhs in the western Stales. Buts for the young people and childien. The presents were distributed by Santa Clause, who was a great attraction' Rev. H. Berry was the jwpular speaker of the evening, while the pastor of the church. Reve. J. A. Matheson, occupied the chair. Proceeds amounted to ti8.9ft. James Suthorby, express agent at Wisrton , lost a purse conUining »456 and has not recovered it. 5|MclaIlsC In <lls«u<iiol tke Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat 1 Office t3Frf.i!.tS3t. . OwenSouua Sliver which penetrated about t«o inchea. i Fr^^'L^^I^Ltfem Zutra':" Wm. Lessk of Claverine, while »ngaf(ed felling a tree, was struck in the face by a ! r.>ijfrMfiJiiM^ iTMiu

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