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Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1909, p. 3

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r 1 A A h NOT FOR MONEY SAYS MRS. QUIRK WOULD HE BE OODD'S KIDNE&' WITHOUT branch of the imperial service, side by side with the French-Canadian born "free days below Kebek." Two years the rollcall of one troop included in its rank and file a son of a colonial governor, a grandson of a major general, a medical stu- dent from Dublin, an Oxford M children, has 43 grandchildren, and several great grandchildren, and is in the enjoyment of an old age pension. SENTENCE SERMONS. BABY'S OWI TABLETS A LiTTLS LIFE SAVlll There is no other medicine for little ones as safe as Baby's Owa Tablets, or so sure, in its beneficial effects. These Tablets speedily - . . , Most of our irritability com^a cure stomach and bowel troubles, A., two troopers of the imperial from hunting the rough places in j destroy worms, break up colds, forces and half a dozen ubiquitous | the road. i thus preventing deadly croup, al- Scots. For many years a son ol That is a dangerous religi.jd lav simple fevers, and bring the Charles Dickens did honorable scr- j which would not be known but for i little teeth through painlesslv. vice with this force, and there i ,t^ label. Mrs. C. A. Weaver. Saskatchewan sorved beside him a runaway cir- 1 ^o amusement can be healthy La^jing^ Sask. sava â€" "I have cus clown and the brother of a ' that does not give us a better hen >t " ' •> . â-  Yorkshire baronet. Several of the for living. full privates have tucked away in j If your virtues are writ in heaven the bottom of their mess-kit medals they will be visible on earth won in South Africa, Egypt and | without a telescope. Afghanistan, but the lost legion ! Much so-ca'led religious effoit is of gentlemen-rankers predominates, an att«mpt to make others feel as and it is Rugby and Cambridge out bad as we Ao. here on the unbroken prairies that I I* " better to help one lame <ng little band of red-coated riders, ; t^i?«« '"^out consulting them. scarcely 1,000 in number, spurring singly across the plains with sealed orders and turning up just when most wanted. The beat of the mounted police- man is from Hudson Bay to the Pacific and from the 49th parallel to the frozen arctic, and he does not take tips or sleep on duty ; you cannot bluff him, you cannot bull- doze him, and it is not exactly safe tj try to "square" hiin. Of this The people who cry for practical preaching are the first to demn id hit. Many a saint would have lees trouble wre he would get out and wrestle with a ball for an hour or two They Cured His Lumbago of Twen- ty Ycara Standing, and Made Him Feci Twenty Years Youuger. Fortune Harbor, Nfld., Dec. 20.â€" (Speci.ll>.â€" Sixty years of age, but hale and hearty and with all the vi- gor of a young man, Mr. Richard Quirk, well known and highly res- pected here, gives all the credit for his good health to Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. "I suffered for over twenty years from Lumbago and Kidney Dis- ease, ' Mr. Qu consulting doct^..^ . v- „ â€" , . , , • l i medicines, made up my mind 1 was j di^mty and decency in a border . ^^.^^^ .^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ incurable. I was unable to work country as big as tu rope is ttijs _, . ,., , . ., " when I was persuac^ed to buy a box of Dodd's Kidney Pills. To my great and happy .surprise I had not taken half â- Â» ^'^^ vh--^ I exneri- enced great relief. , Seven boves cured me. That was in 1900, and I am still cured. I would not be wii fa- out Dodd's Kidney Pills for any money. I am twenty years younfftr than before I took them." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the kid- revs. Hp.^lthy kidni'vs 'tra'" "11 the impurities out of the blood. That's why they cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, and other diseases caiise'l by the presence of uric acid in Lne blood. if. NEW COUNTRY TO BE BORN. ^I'ws Arc to Establish Kingdom in Cyrcnaeia. A new country is about to be born into the world, and the world so far knows little or nothing of it. It is to be called Cyrenacia, and is situated, in Northern Africa, be- tween Kgypt and Tripoli. Here the Jews are to establish kheir long-talked of kingdom. From Roumania, from Rucsia, and even out of England, they are pre- paring to move. The preliminary regulations have been kept secret for fear of inter- national complications, but it is AN CNDERGBOUND CITY. Dates Back Two Centuries Before the Birth of Christ. Russian explorers have made a .lingular and most interesting dis- covery of a subterranean city in Central Asia. In Turkestan, on the right bank of the Amu Darya, in a chain of rocky hills near the Bokharan town of Karki, are a number of large caves, which upon examination were found to lead to ail underground city, built, appar- used Baby's Own Tablets for my i , , , , ,,,.-..â-  little one in cases of colds, stomach «°*'y- ^""S ^^^''"'f the Christ-an era. and bowel troubles, and other min- .According to the effigies mscnp- or ailments, and have never known ^'°^^ .^^d designs upon the gold tLem to fail in speedilv restoring a°«J «»l^f "^"."^e^' unearthed from the child's health. I think there ^'^â- ^'^S the ruins, the existence of is no medicine for babies like the ; ^^^^ town dates back to some two Tablets." Sold bv medicine dea- centuries before the birth of Christ lers or bv mail at 25 cents a box , The edifices contain all kinds of iams' Medicine I a«mestic utensils, pots, urns and vases. The high degree of civilization at- tained by the inh'abitants of the city is shown by the fact that they built in several stories ; by the symme THE TRUTH GETS OUT. COUGHS ft COLDS LEAO TO amsfmmon Cch6* me tk* moM daogeraaa of all taria* of <ii<u««. A MgUcted coU laaik to BroBcbibs, Coowaatiea, Poeuawnu. " Couflit ' â- Â» til* mm el irrluaed bron- ehUltuix*. "PSYCHINE 'cunac^ by ttmarmf tk« irritetia( paniclei tai bcaiuif lb* lofiameJ BeaLraBc. It i* • xmiaie mai iatUojt tbc tubercls frm. It it a tonic dut mnwtfktnt the; lungs, tfaa IhrcT, and looaa Vf t^e iyatcia. It makea fat baiter beahbia all confitions of humaa- ity. Gr* ttrama aad tbscougb will d'aapptu. " PS Y CHINE" make* weak peopU itrona. It car** csuglu uf tbe mnat obdu* rate kiad and breaLa up a cold lo a faw bouia. T7iiU far Fraa Saapl*. Far Sala fcr a* DncriM >•' Dulo* SOc. U $1 Dr. T. A. SLOCUM UMITEl), TOKO»TO " Ah, Mrs. Goodwin," saiiJ the "tv,^ ^;^^}^ „„.^oi" «,!, „ *u_,- „„♦ person as he pushed his chair back ; try of the streets and squares, and ^the simple gospel when they get , j^^^ ^^^ ^^^.^ ., j ^^^_^^,^ ^^^ ,^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^. ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ en as Rood a dinner as this since metal utensils, and of the orna- i ments and coins which have been stUig with the devil if . ^ '^^^ ''^/^ ^ix weeks ago. Bt oul and wrestle with ' Neither have we, pip< EING. THE GLOBE TROTTEX. Left Montreal Oct. 23rd, at 1 p.m. manTas'^of Lord""Bobs',"we may slyl i ^ walk to Vancouver, 2,896 miles, "'P -1,,^'t »,i,.o,f;c<, ." ;♦ ;= fK» ^^' " ' â- ' •anna E don't advertise;" it is the boast of the service in Canada that they seldom "get into print." Yet it is strikingly true that on the margin of every page of the unwrit- ten history of this great, lone land, the figure of this solitary horseman is vignetted. PRECIOUS STONES OF INDIA. Diamond Industry Limitedâ€" Ruby Mining Profitable. Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, spi- nels, tourmalines, garnets, rock crystals, and various sorts of amber and jadeite are the precious stoites found on India's coral strand. ") he ruby and jadeite are the only stones of considerable value produced. Large quantities o. turquoise come now known that the 'powerfu'r Ito i ff"â„¢. ^l^^"^ »°^ ^ibet, that from Society (the object of the society is 1 *,^« .^^"f; *=°"°*7 }l^''"i ^^"^^'' 1 â-  4 -i i i darker blue, and therefore more 4d procure a territory upon an aut- . i ki cnomous basis for those Jews who cannot renfftin in the lands where; „„„ii,, *„ „i,„„f «i unn <vi.-i ., . i. 1- \ 1 ' nually to about !84, 900,000. they at present live) sent an expe- m^' - . . ihtion there quite recently, and ! and is cirried on in southern India, though their report is not exactly Uhc northern part of the Indian pen- favorable. It is, on the other hand. | jng^i^ ^nd in the central provinces. aring CATSPA'W RUBBER HEELS. King nassed Port Arthur, 991 miles, Dec. 14th. When will he reach Vancouver, 113 prizes offered nearest guess- ers. Contest fre« to all. Each guess given a number in or- der received, and prize list mailed. Prizes mailed to vinnners. Guess on a postal card. Write plain. Address Dept. B, WALPOLE RUBBER CO., LTD., MONTRE.\L. ped little Elmer from the place near the foot of the table. The Foe of Indigestion. â€" Indiges- tion is a common ailment, »nd few are free from it. It is a most dis- tressing complaint and often the suffering attending it is most se- vere. The very best remedy is Parnrelee's Vegetable Pills taken according to directions. They rec- tify the irregular action of the sto- mach and restore healthy action. For many years they have been a standard remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion and are highly esteem- ed for their oualities. found. It is supposed that long centuries ago this city, so carefully concealed in the bowels of the earth, provid- ed large numbers of people with a refuge from the incursions of na- madic savages and robbers. LTOCKS. TWISTING IT. say he called me a what evidently FOR CHARITY'S SAKE. Have two small trees, one for the family and the other for charity. Let each one, especially the chil- jdren, hang some simple gift on this tree. The next day someone can | jjjg ! distribute these gifts among poor ; 1 children, for even in the smallest ! he communities we alwavs find those ! - • In I plan " You sausacre ? "That was ^ __ meant.'' j less fortunate than ourselves "Tell me exactly what he said." la certain Siindav school this He said skinned." you were thin- The importation of pre- cious stones rato India amounts an- ually to about $4,900,000. The diamond industry is limited, tntr â-  OaM Onv* lioat rt-n \» tak* a laaapaaa. fal of Paiakil'«r miixl with a s'"» •' *"' watar ^Bd aagar. It duralv pr«T«al« caills. iLToid aab- •titutaa, thaca in but oaa DaTla'â€" and SOa. is successfully year. carried out each FURS TO INVESTORS -TOCR 0EDEH9 TO buy or aell Stocks will ri-ceive my pereonal attrotion. S. 11 Uathvws. Uroli- ar. 43 Scott St.. Toronto. EUUCATIONAL. LEAR.N THE BAEBEE TK.\DE>-.NEfr systemâ€" tonstact, careful iDHtruction- fpw weeks complete coursat tools free; graduates earn twelve t» eiiffhleen dollars weekly; write for rata- loeae. Holer Barber College 221 Queea Eust. Tornnto. HiMjuum xi.saATKA. latrnmniaiaaa of Ih Udneya, of tJM BIad4>r. af ihm Bo well, of tb« Lane, fof Tliront, Brojiclutia, Utacolt Brealian*. ^"r»"ft, f^ tur'a. luflMeiua. Head- acke. roc'JiiU'ba. S'aa- reWia, Riiaujnatuiii. I'nU CilTUa. A3UI1 Lhllk. ( ha- blaiaa, Fro«tbttati qaicUy eux«d by liadMtfi B>ad| MM, New Term Our Winter Term t>«,;ins on JanDaryltb. Our e'tuipment, c->iir.i«.< aiidalt fa^'iiitiaa are uPHXcelled. .-lad ft tah do better work than ever befure. Writ« fur cata. loftua. Britlsh-tmarleaii lusi-'ss fillaga, Y.M.C.A. aidt., TCRONTO. 'PaiBkiUar''-P«ti7 I not SO unfavorable as to deter the bolder- Jewish spirits from attempt- ing an organized scheme of colon- ization. A thousand lusty young men, armed fo» protection against the Ruby mining is carried on in "'^p- pcr Burma and ,n'ext to petroleum, is the most profitable of the miner- al resources of the state, the vahie of the product being about $500,000 annually. One ruby of seventy fierce Arab nomads, are to be the j seven carats was taken out a f^w pioneer settlers. After them will years &!!f valued at $133,330. •ome the older men with their i Sapphires used to be mine.I in wives and families. Transporta- [ Kashmir, but the mines are now tion will not be difiicult, for the ; said to be exhausted. The yellow. new holy land lies within easy dis- tance of both Russia and Palestine. It is even nearer southern Europe. Yet it has been closed to Europeans from time immemorial. This is owing to the jealousy of the Turk- ish (Jovernmcnt, which has abso- lutely declined, except on very rare occasions, to permit travellers to pass into the interior. Yet Turkey welcomes the Jews as Jews, the reason being that they have behind them neither soldiers nor gunboats, so that thre is no fear of the Porte being called upon Ig pay compensation in case a few scores of them are killed by tin- de- Bcrt tribesmen. And this is an eventuality that is very likely to happen, for no more dangerous people exist anywhere than the fierce fanatics who now oc- cupy the territory which it is pre- sently proposed to call by its ancient name of Cyrenacia.â€" Pear- •on's Weekly. white, blue and green varieitieo if sapphires are found in the ruby bearing gravrl? in Burma, T^e spinel is found in considerable (luantities in Burma. The greater the^irritation in the throat the more distressing the coiieh becoriies. C'>"ffhi'< " "s the effort of Nature to dispel this 'rri- tatii!g substance fror^. the <*•• mss- ages. Bickle's Anti-Consumpuve Syrup will heal the inflammed pi.-ts which exclude mucous, and restore t';«'rii to .-v healthv st.ite. t'e •'â- luirh disappearing under the curative of- ffcto of t*!-^ rred'c^p. It 's nl-'a'-Tnt Hollowav's Com Cure is the med-Ho the taste, and the price, 25 cents A GENTLE INSINUATION. Lady â€" "My husband gives me a piece of jewelry every birthday." Friendâ€" " Y'ou must have quite a collection of them now, my dear." Do you trap or bay Fui&? 1 am Canada's larKetit dealer, I pay hiicnest prices. Yonr shipments solicited. I pay mail and ex- preH.s charges; remit promp'lv. Also largest dealer in Bcefbides, Saeepsk'mB,etc. Quotations and shipping lag" sent tree. 9 JOHN HALLAM TORONTO Byefng I Gleaning I FIVE POLEARS a day luro. ma.1© ^ellinc ont labor s*TJn« machines. Kxpen^iiice Hnn«o«»i •arv KTtrytHiay buys. The* ^a*! t he mv«U*«a Ae«nt« waJiUU •»«rvwhtr«- A p<iMt»! t<»^aj brinjis particulurs. rharlw Aduma. ??»ruii 0«W ^ 8t««ie,:Mnef3SMd C*^ Ltd.. Turonto,*OatL TTOPEFORTNE DCAF-IH «CQUSTICOII--i Xl on* of the nan'ela of the e uvtritra^ ac«J III use throuj:hout th* wnrld. Wrii* f«r rat4H ^osav. Ueaer&l Amuptic Ca., «f C&OA^la, Lt4^; 4M Y on£« Str*«t. Toroafco. ALL VOUR S*LVCR CLEARED IR 0R« WIRUTK. N« flcourine. ruhltins or jiMhtii-. iof. just dip in wa-m wat^rctntsiniiis "Klrotras* anci wip« on t ^wel. P«rf«ctlr harm'ew. S^iA i.'i cant* f'>r packar*. Vaaful honssh >lr1 artieta xiren FREK f *r a 'aw aainHta!* n( roar tima aa« i cants poataxa. Economio Supplv Company, tJlb Tathiuinaii. Ontario. M«ilrMt.X mm AHiRttAM oTima m." I r I m A fr mmU la »Mr wwa. t aai^ ittttk. la I I \j V at.T«roata, Ottawa. 0««ta» F 11 fl O KSTABLISHKD 1S7S. W« Make Everything icine to remove all kinds of corns and warts, and only costs the small sum of twenty- five cents. SCALY. The social, lika the musical scale, begins and ends with "dough." â- own tlcnal* dean lot <tela7 itoraa. 0>iaai-iadei) " medciines " nay cbeek couihiav, bat tu«'''>ld ntay^. Donot trills ; » haa vou begia Tourmaline stones of bhie. green ^J;,^,'.u'^,'bJi!L",'»^«,. "^"^ *"* '"" and black in coloring are found in i<i within the reach of all. FACTOR FOR DECENCT. The Royal Northwest Mounted Police Force of Canada. The voyal Northwcsi mounted police force of Canada is a com- bination of all sorts and conditions of men blown together by the roundup of the v/it»ds of heaven, writes Agnes Dean Cameron -ii Century. In the ranks we find Western bronco-buster, Eastern â-  Uigbirler, lumberjacks, unaspivcd Cockneys, Crce-Scot halfbreeds, time-expired men from every <N-^>5.^. I KIDNEY l/;-PILLS^ «aICv\\ ^\-«.^^~;^ls' Upper Burma. Garnets are mined in Jaipur. Rock crystal, cut for cheap jewelry, known as diamonds, is found in Madras. .\n- other quartz crystal, found in Kala- bagh. is cheaper and is used f , r necklaces. Chalcedonic silica 's called h.^ppik ami embraces mviy forms of agate, mined in the Dec- can. Agates and carnelians are cut and prepare<l for market in Bombay. Large quantities are shi iped to Europe and Ch^na. Jadeite of beautiful green veins s found in other parts of India. Fhe stone sells for $50 to $100 a hun- dredweight. /â-  UNCLE EZRA S.\YS : " Some men could do a better job at after-dinner speakin' ef they didn't eat so all-fired much." ISSUE NO. 32 (». THE OLDEST CHORISTER. Now Living is George .Vrnold. of Boshani, England. The most remarkable feature of the village of B<-»ham, with its his- toric church and its relics of olden times, is its mouagenarian ohoiris- ter, George Arnold. King Canute's daughter was buried in the church- yard; on the church walls are thanksgiving crosses which Crusad- ers used to nick with their swords; but the grand old man of the church choir, with his i|uaint me- mories of church ways, is of greater interest than all. George Arnold sang in the church choir when he was a boy of eight, and for eighty-two years he has since sung in it. He is a bearded, sturdy fisherman, a real type of the fisher folk ; such a type as artists love for their canvas; and hence h«; has often been a figure in Royal Academy pictures. Although 84 years of age, Mr. Fred. Moore still takes part, as he has done for the past 74 years, in tlic choral portion of the services at St. Mary's Collegiate church, Stafford. He joined the choir when he was 10 years of age, and, with one ex- ception, has always accompanied them on their annual outings. He went with them this year to Black- imoK .Mr. Moore is the lather of 18 A Sure Corrective of Flatulency. When the undigested food lies in the stomach it throws off gases caus- ing pains and oppression in the stomachic region. The belching or eructation of these gases is offen- sive and the only way to prevent them is to restore the stomach to proper action. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills will do this. Simple di- rections go with each packet and a course •f them systematically is certain to effect a cure. It isn't how far you get on ia this world, but how well you cover the distance you do make. "• Uttia 0«I4. Taa Know," win become a ir«at 4aaeer it it be allowed t<> reaeb down the Ihroal t" the lungs. Mp tbe peril In the bud witk . Allen's Lung Balsam, a sura reasd; eontaIala( i tto opiates. Some people get credit for being patient when in reality they are too cowardly to start anything. EAST NOW. She â€" Marry you I Didn't yoi^ hear me vow thtt I wouldn't marry the best man on earth? Heâ€" That's all right. We can be married up in a balloon. tiM Jm* Bid It- I'baT nt>p11ad the Mentbsl tonn.l v.i "TheD*!. " Msuth.'l 1'l.viler. wliieh califtvtM ia^taiitly backache, baadiiche. neuralgia, tbaumatism and sciatiea. HEROIC. The re.-l hero is he who can bear his own troubles as stoically as he does those of his friends. Hcur Promoter OROV«/S HAIR CN ANY HE.AO SOc. ao4 $1.00. GtmrAnteo withererT bottW. Kor sale at i)rui Stores and Barber sh->ps, or HIARLATT MAIR PROMOTING CO., 83 Bathurst St,. Tarante. >VANTED MUSRRAT 4Sc, NO. I Canadian Hid* and Skin Company, 86 Frant St. E., Tsronts, Ont. in Furs, Costs. JiM-kecs. Muff^ Stoles, Caps, (iauntiotw. et«. Write (er ca'.aiog. RAV^ FURS we pay blithest prices. Writ« for prit'S tint. D. H. BASTCDO « CO.. »- JT Kjn« »t. E.- Toruuta. The Hapital For SiS" Sck ChildrcD THIS APPEAL I IS TO YOU! FARM FOR SALE. I DCMCHqCD That Every Sick Child 140 acres, TO acres cleared, close ' "t'"*-"'''^" â„¢ r>«tari„ wi,.„ p.^ Try Murlnt Eyt Remady For Red. Weiik. Weary. Watery Eves, Grnnulation. Pink Eye and Eye Strain. , Murine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye l>ain. ! aon Is Compounded by E.xnerienied Pbysiciaus: .^^ Contains no Injurious or Prohibited Driiss. I Try Murine for Your Eye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. Try it in Baby's Eyes, for Scaly Eyelids. Drusgists Sell Murine at 50c. The Uurine Bye Re'uedy Co.. Chi- cago, will send You Interest ing Eye Books Fraa. to Bothwell, Kent County. Good hoiiFie anfl furn^ buildind" â- -â- wd roads. Terms easy. Apply to Gibbons, Harper & Gibbons, Lnn- Cauada. There is nothing equal to Mother Groves' Korm Exterminator for 'de- stroying worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. PETEE THE GREAT'S STATUE. A monument of Peter the Great has just been erected in St. Peters- burg, and is the work of the cele- brated Russian sculptor, Leopold Bernstamm. The incident sym- bolized took place in the Bay of Cronstadt. Peter was on his way to visit some ironworks, when he observed some sailors in distress. He impetuously waded into the water, and was for several hours engage^^in the work of rescue. The exposure hastening the end of Rus- sia's great ruler. TELLING. The banker's "teller" is he who, when to the bank you go. If overchecked your balance ia. Politely tells you so. WARY. Thompson â€" "Suppose a man should call you a liar, what would you do?" Jones (hesitatingly) â€" " What sized mant" It Will Prolong Life.â€" De Sota, the Spaniard, lest his life in the wild' of Florid.T, whither he went fdi the piuf)ose of discovering the legendary "Fountain of perpetual youth," said to exist in that then unknown country. While Dr. Tho- mas' Electric Oil will not perpetu- ate youth, it will remove the bodily pains which make the young old before their time and harass the aged into untimely graves. BLAMING HIMSELF. "Did you ever get bunkoed?" ' Once, but I suppose it was my own fault." "How was it?" " I gave a preacher $50 for marrying me.'' f Children Like ^ A GREAT DEMAND FOR PAPER STOCK W^Af?TE P.^PF.R OF ALL QE.\DES. Also Kacs, Iron, Motali. Rubbers. Etc. EDIII I All Adalalda and Mtud Sts„i , ruibnni Toranti. 0-.t. Fhonc (or particulars. Main 469S. CHRISTMAS STAMPS HELP CANADA'S NEEDY CONSUMPTIVES CURE It is to pleasant to take â€" stops the cough so quickly. Absolutely safe too and containt no opiates. AH Dmcgists, 2S ceats. TH F. net proceeds from stamps sold will be u.<ed for tbe extension of the work of th« Muskoka Free Hospiliil fof Consumptives. The avail- able beds were trebled os the result of last year's Stamp Campaign. BUY THEM. rSE TUE.M. HELP THE GOOD WORK ALONG. THE BEST INVESTMENT YOU EVER MADB. ONE CENT EACH. Not a single p,itient hnn ever been i refused .'itl mis.sion lo the ^luskoka l''^-eo i Hospital for t'on.suniptiVfS l>evause of his or her inability lo pay. EVERY STAMP SOLD IS A BULLET IN THE WARF.VRK AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS. If not on sale in your town, write .T. S. UoBEiiTsON. Sec.-Ti-oas. Nntional Saoitnnuui Association, 'Ml Kin;; St. W.. Toronto. AU ii-foi-ui.!tioi» f'.un- ished n.tul sismps nii'.llt'd prtrv-Hlv oa i-eceipt of oiiier. ia OaUrio Whose Par- sate Cannot Afford to^ay for Tr«at- nent is Treated Frs*. The Ucspitai for Sick Child>«n bad lost year iu its cots sod bedi l,lo5 patients â€" 3SS cf these wer« from 2H7 places in the Province Si.xty- ftv« per cent, wcr* children of poor pcoplo who could not afford to pay. Since its orjjiinirA* tion the Iu»tiu:l:no TWO CUB rooT caam li«» treated 15,613 ixpi.AmM. chiklren ; 11,550 ol these uuabi* to pay and weie ticatitl free. If you know of any child in your neighborhood who is sick or has oiiy deformiby send the name of the parent, to the SecretArT. Tbe Uoepitai for Sick Children is not â-  local but a great Protiucial Cha.ity for the sick child of the poor man iu siir uciso komb in awkkk part, of Ontario has same olaim upon it« help as the child who lives within the sliadow o ( its walls JD Toronto. There were 89 cas eb of Club Feet treated i n M.tiia.(RiM> A I iTierrr. the Hospi- tal last ; car bad 67 had perfect cormction. asrouc arrut Jsst thiek of it â€" Toar money can help the Ho.sp«tal to de tbe good work ol •trmifrhteatng the crc<oÂ¥e4 timbs nnd club feet ot Uule children. Plaiuo help us. n««ae 9end Cantrlkutlons to J. Ttoam Robai-taoB, Cta»lrm»a, op to DcuslaM DavMean, ••c-Tp*aa.. Tlte Hospital ror £.i.:i: Ctalldt-es, CoJtaca St., Toronto. r ». til.V :::riiti()n (lie nnnic ol this >a uniiiig to advcrUaersa V

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