/tehertxrn ^hmnu •'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRI5ClPLEb NOT MEN." 70L28, NO 30 Fleshicrton, Ont., Tliursciay, Dec. 23 IQOO W. H THURSTON' EDITOR lUid PBCPklKTO f I Kimberley Merry Christnuw to The Advance and all its readers. The Mkses Alma and Edna Camack, who have spent the past summer in Toronto, returned home on 'Friday hist. Mr. Reginald Ferguson and Miss Ella Knott, of Thombury, visited at ft. i- Htuart's on Sucday last. Mr. T. J. Sbulti of Gow Ganda is a viiiitor at Mr. J. R. Fawcett's. Mr. Chaa. E. St uart, who is attending Normal School at Hamilton, is holiday- ing at his parental home here. Miss Eva Mageo, who has been attend- ini; model school at Durham, is holidiiy- ing at her parental home here. She was iiccunipauied by her friend. Miss Bee McGowan. Mr.Saniuel McChing,'an old Kimberley b«)y, has recently joined the l>enedicts. We offer congratulations. Mr. Walter Loucks, of Flesherton, visited friends here on Sunday last. Mr. VV. A. Stuart, of Elk Lake, visited friends here during the post week. r East Mountain Plenty of good sleighing now. A merry Christmas and a happy New Tear to ye editor and staff and all readers of the Advance. Mr. iSen Carruthers of the Soo is visit- ing his brother, Alex; at present. Miss Mary Branitt' is hotne from Hamilton Normal school for her holi- days. Milton Ned atd brother. Herb, of Heathcote, were in London one day last week on bu8ine.ss. Miss Alnia Humberstone, who ha.s been attending Durham model school, is borne for ChrLstmas. The concert given in the school last Fritlay night, Dec. 17th, proved t<j be a success in every w.iy. The school was packed andover 811 was made for the good of the school. The teacher, Mi.ss Teed, deserves great credit for the way in which she traineil her pupils, and every number diser veil the highest praise. Mi.s.s Teed is a young lady who Ls lield in high esteem by every one, and all are gbid to havo her for another year. Miss lua MoGee, of the 8th line, visit- ed in this vicinity one day last week. A nuuibcr from Egypt ciinie over for the concert last Friday night, and report a good one. Born â€" On Sunday, Dec. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin, a sun, (Orvillo Gordon.) 10th Line, Osprey. We have good sleighing here at pres- •Dt and the farmers are takiag advantage of it and wood and logs are moving. Mrs. W. G. Dand and two children of Rcgina are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Colquette, at " Fairview Farm." -The concert at school section No. (i, Osprey, came off on Friday evening last and was well attended. The children acquitted themselves in a first class man- ner and a first class program was given. At the end of the program presents were I distributed from a splendid Christmas tree by a modern Santa Claus. Miich praise is due the teacher, Miss Gertie Moflat, for the way she had the children trained and the trouble she went to to make the concert a success. Tlie sum of 91C.iO was realized. Mrs. Geo. Burnside has returned home after a month's visit with her p<irents at 8t. Marys, Ont. Miss Cassie Davidson of Regina, Sask.. is visiting her paternal home at present. The friends of Mr. Rob. Whiteoak are glad to see him h >me again from the west, looking hale aid hearty. Mr. Chai'les Perigee has returned from the west and is holidaying at his parental home in Feversham. Mr. K. L. Hubaud is on the sick list at present. Hope to see him out again soon. Mr. John Coulthard of Feversham spent Sunday with Mr. aj.d Mrs. Col- quette on the lOih line. Mr. Fergus E. Summers spent Sunday afternoon with his friend, Mr. E. L. Hu- band. A special ivain of vijj^ht curs left Mon- treal for the west with Christmas mail. Stone Settlement. Box socials are the order of tlie day, and it keeps the young peopln busy attending them. Miss Annie Harrow spent some time visiting in Ceylon last week. Miss Nellie Holman of Port Law has been visiting with her aunt, Mrs. H. Stcme, the pa.st w«ek. Messrs. Frank and Hunter Harrow have returned from Owen Sound. Robt. Spicer is homo for the Christ- mas season. Miss Ethol Harrow, Markdale, sijent Sunday at her parental home here. W. W. Trimble and son, Percy, of 'Flesherton, visited at R, Whittaker's Hast week. I That Christ mas cards w ill take the place i of Chri.'»tina8 presents Rome peopK* have imagiued. But there is no likelihood that- euch a change in impeiidiDg. The card is useful in its spliere. By the iiia.s8i-s, however, the n'lit is preferred. There i* an evaiiescenou in the c in), bu t pcriiiiitieiice in llio Ohristiuas present. A New Postmaster For Flesherton An event of deep importance .ind in- t 'rest in this locality has transpired dur- ioijihe past week. It wa< announced on Monday tliat Mr. R. J. -Sproule had dis- posed of his big frame block in to-TO to Mr. W. W. Trimble, and had resigned from the Flesherton postmastersliip, the same to take effect on Jan. 1 next. Mr. Spniule wdl centre his entire attention on \m grocery f.t<'re ind insurance business. The retiring postmaster has been a faithful servant of the people here for the pKst cbirty-eight yean, and we be- lieve no poatiiiaiter in tlje country has biien more painstaking and careful for the interests of ihe public than has Mr. Sproule. It seems like one more decided milestone in the march of time in Flesh- erton to part with aii old servant such as Mr. Sproule. Mr. Tiimble, who takes charge on Jan. 1. needs no iniroduciioii. he having been born and lived here a!l his life. We be- lieve he will make a worthy successor to the retiring pos'master. Beats CliristniM Prices. The Daily Mail and Kmpire, to serve a special purpose and period, may be ob- tained at a special rate by new suhscrili- ers only, and by mail only, for the next 5 months for SI. This will cover the Dominion Parlia- ment now in session, the Ontario Legisla- ture which will soon meet, and the Brit- ish Ele«tions, the camp.-iigu of which has just commenced. The Mail and Empire stinds alone among great Canadiiin newspapers, as in addition to having the news sei vice avail- able to its contemporaries, it has a spec- ially leased wire, and ab«xthe s.'rvice of the Latt'.in Bureau, which supplies it with all the latest world news simultaneously with the New York Sun. Tlie Weekly Mail and Empire, which is a faithful suiuniary of the daily edition, and with latest news to date, circulates in rural districts from ocean to ocean at the uniform rogulai' rsite of 91 per year. ^ hristmas is nearly here and the goods ARE here Good* of the right kind for Chn8tn\a» presents, and at riijht prints, to suit all pockets. Let. us suggest .sumo uf the things to help you make a choice: Ladies' watehe.s, rings, bracelets, broocliei-, links, tio ^ pin.'<, silter t!iimble». ladies' long chains, gold lisndled uinbri'lUs, jowol boxi's, manicure Huts lockets, pecklets, VValiriuau fi/unlain pons, fancy china, cut glass dishes. We also carry u choice lino of christma:^ postal cards and silverware in many designs for tallo and toilet, also .some rich Jupuuese s'oneware which has to be seen to be appreciated. Our usual stock of CLOCKS and WATCHES Is more complete than ever. Come in and look over our stock befoie making your holiday purchases. ^i^ e have a hunf{nefl ctnei one things besides ' ' those ntentioncfi above â€" and feet satisfied that we can meet ^ouf evenif desire. Jr. >-/T. >yir/ns^ro/iy ^ Dundalk Mr. and Mrs M. J. Bokcr spent Sun- day with Flfshetton friendi. An Arthur township fanner hus wbat heaiid the neiuhiiors reiiHid as (juiia a curiosiry, a Iduo pig, two or tliiee weeks old. Blue is a color seldom worn by tl.e nieinbeis of the swine family. Miss Nathalie Grier, nur^ie in Torimto Generiil Hospital, h;is recovered from tier recent attack of tyhpoid and la-'t week camij home to Dundalk in order to regain her strength by a good rest. On January Srd, I'.HO, Proton rate- payers will vote on a by-law to raise $8000.00 by debenliireR for the purposq of erecting permanent bridges throuubout the township. From our point of view th« by-law deserves the unanimous suppoil of the ratepiiyers although iheio is s.iid ti be cv-ftisidoial-Je opposition fu it. It is admitted that (Uiiiii(i the next fifteen yprti-sâ€" the length of time over which the dotiontutcs will run â€" it will taki> alniott this sum to erect temporary structures and keep the piwent ones in repair. Figuring it on the prt.seiit b».sis of .•i.s.<c.ss mciit the man wh'i iS^as-sossod f^r gl.OliO would pay only DO Ceiit^ a year, which ail must admit is a very reiisonable a- â- iiount when the value to the township MR a whole is consideiod. VVe s.-vy vote fur tho by-Uw, â€" Herald. Proton Station Soon be Christmas. Mr. Peter Consley came home Fridiiy last from the Soo. He ha*l the mis- fortune of getting several ribs broken in that place. Mr. Rutherford spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Ludlow. Mr. Joiin Pickett, mail clerk. West Toronto, silent Sunday last at "Pleasant View." Miss Florence Trelford, of Dundalk, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mr. Andy Colgan, who luis sjwnt the jjast few months in Quebec, returned to his home last week. Mihs E. Mitchell, of Dundiilk, si»nt Sunday at her home here. Mr. Roy NeiL-ou, of Toronto, came U) town Saturday evening for tho winter Mrs. John Pickett spent hist week at •'Plea.sant View" farm. Mr. Bert Medaugh, of Pi-iceville, sjient Saturday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. .J. Morrow and daughter Edna, spent Sunday with Mj-. and Mrs. Geo. Bleakey. Feversham Mr. Robert VVhiieoak has arrived home from the west. He lo^jks as if the couiiiry agre«<d with him. He visited Feversham friends on Sunday. All are pleased at the good pr ispect of sleighinz f <r Christmas. Mr. Silas Shunk, insurance agent of the firm of R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, was in tontii Insc week winding up the yetir'a business in the insuniuce line. Don't forget the Christmas tree in the S. A. barracks Christmas eve. W'l nder how the younit oeoplo got home when their horse left them iu the snow drift, Tbe opening of the great skating link at Feversham will be celebrated ou Thursday, Dec. 23. We invite everybody lo come and siMre with us our Christinas pleasures. To all those who cunnut skate a standing invitation is tfiven to conic and le.»rii. as we have appointed some to help. Goid nccwmniodation has been provideil at the Temperance house for all those coming from a distance. VVe wish all a merry Christmas and a good skate. Maxwell Orangemen Maxwell li. O. L., No. ()6fl, had a most enjoysblo At Homo in their haU_ ou the ItJth iiist., when the members and their hidies were out in full force. Tho first contingent arrrivod about 5 p. m. ai'd all brought full hampers lli;it, when emptied, made a iiio.st delicious spread. .After supper a sociable time was spent with stories ancient and modcvii, etc. On the 16th inst. tho aniui.il election of othecrs took place. When routine bu.siness bad been conijileted the Master called on Pa-st Master Hobort Arnott to conduct tho election and installation, which he did with very great credit to himself and the iiicmliors of .said lodge. Following are the othcors installed: W. VI., firo. Marshall Kerton : D. M., Herlwrf Claik ; Chap., U. N. Kiunear ; Kec. Sec, W. 11. Guy; Fin. Sec, Walter Kerton ; Tieas. . John Kerton; Direc. ofC, Jiicob Loughead ; Lect., Wilfrid Arnott ; Comuiitteeâ€" M. Morri- son, A. Morrison, Chaa. Kurton, Harry I/iuley and M. Couron. After installation all re^iaired to the i-esidcnco of Bro. John Kerton, where the ladies had prejiai-ed a bountiful spread Needless to say, the company onjoycd theni,selvos to the fullest capacity and were very grateful to tho ladies for thoir trouble. The Dog Was Mad. All analysis of thj he.ad of the dou killed in Markdale Isst week proved that the aniuial was afflicted with a ^e'luine ca?.e of rabies. It will he well for all owners of dogs iu this dis- trict to keep a close wutch on their ani- mals for tho iif.xt mnnih or so. It is n< t known where the don came from that did the damai!e in Markdale, and ha miy have liiten other aiiiiii:ils within a hirge radius. The outbreak at Duntroon umy have beeii responsible for this c.ise, i!- ibough it is hardly probable. Itihics requires about thirty days to develop, and everybody should keep a clo.s(i,wnlch on their live slock for at least that lenj^th of time. The village constalilu of M.-irkd^le has received instructions to destroy all d^'ga found running at largo on the streets fur tho next six months. News of The Women's Institute Tho Vniideleur Women's Iiistituto hold tbi ir ri'gul'ir nioeliilt! at the homo pf Mrs. Marshall Beard on Thursday, Dec. 16. The meeting w;is well attended. All Wire pleased to hear the report from Ouelpb, given by the delegate, Mrs. S. Gilberi-. Mi'<«. Jos. Uuchanaii gave an exoclleiii paper oil "How to Arrange Our Cbiis'.mas !Uid New Year Fes: iviiies That There, may bo no Overtiixing of the Nerves." Mis. J.I.Griiham gave a good paper on "Our Christinas Gifts.' We were all pleased t:i hiive nur piustor, Rev. Air. Wollwood, arid hiswifa with us, also Kcv. \V. S. Cullis. 1 ho January meet ina will te h^M at the homo of Mrs. Wm. Hill, east liack lino. â€" Com. The monthly meeting of Flesherton Womon's Institute will bo held on Tues., Dec. 28th, at 2.30 p. ni., in town hall, when the delegate to the convention at Giielph will give her report. Mrs. Carter will give a reading and music will be provided. Visitors will he welcome. I>R. BURT 5p«clall*t in diseases of i ho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 0(fl<"e 13 Ki-ost St. . OweniSoimci .\t tho Revcro hou.se, Markdale, Ist '' Friday each mouth from 8 to 12 a. tn. McFARLAND&CO. MA.EiKDA.LE ONTAl^IO CHRISTMAS 1 9 9 H few Sbristmas Suggestions lUhicb Bring happiness to €very member of the Family and Jllso to friends* For Ladies Ole sveeialtze tl)e following Lawn einbruidety hem stitch lace and initidl handkerchiefs 2u each to 5Uc. Fancy Uce collar" and belts 15 to Toe. Kid, cislimeie anil riiigwood wloves I5c to SLiVliJer pair. Plain and fancy ciuihmere hose 25 and ii^tc. Silk waisl", fancy silk waistings, fniiey waists and costume lenjtlis. F?eaily-towi'»r dre»» skirts 81.!t8 to $li.».00. Ladies <iiantlcs and fnr-lined cua's. SiM-cial near seal coats at $3.5. Ruffs and iiiufTs. Fancy lio«e soppo'ter", assor»ed colours, silk and satin, 4 clasps, 5<lc for 35i.'. .Automobile vedn Hnd oiiatelainc bags. Back Slid side combs. Ladies' cost and pony sweaioru, all wool, 2.25, 3.50, 3.00. Fancy linen doilies, tray clo'hs, etc. Fancy shppers. 42c., 75c., SK)e . l.tO, 1.25, 1 50. For Gentlemen We make special note of the following Ties. 15, 25, 35 and 50c. Suspenders at 25, 3.'> sod oOj. ; choice pattdfus in "President" at oOc. Moeha k'i'Vcs lined l>5c. to 2.23. M.K;ha Mitts, 1.0<) Buck.skiu niitti, wogl lined, special 50c. pr. Fancy i|uiltrd mufflers at 35, .50 and 75c. The new Bradley knitted iiiutflcrs, lending shades, 50c. Negligee shirts. 7-5, 1.00, 1.25. 1,50. Plain hem htiti-h and initial sdk handkerchiefs at 25, 35 and 50c. Excelda handkerehiefo, 2 for 25c. C >at swealera :it 81 add 1..50. Plain and fancy cashmere soS at 25 and •50c. Wakelield hats at 2.25. Fur co.iti>, ca|.>s and sMuntlcts. Fancy vests, 1 48 to $3.00. Grips, suit cases and telescopes. McFARLAND & COMPANY W. E. RICHARDSON'S rSuS^E^TfeNS HURRAH â€" FOR â€" CHRISTMAS ! HERE WE ARE AGAIN i^,..M week we lavi? soma sug'jostiors ill pictures, this tjmo I am goinsf to give yf>il soimi idci of what wo have suitable for [ireacnts for old and younsj, rich and poor, ill fuel evoryl (xJyâ€" I'm tclliiii.', de.veniiiid if jou wanf. to please tb.it old wife of yoursjor she is youiijj'you can't do bettor than buy ono of thoao bountiful pictures 111 liuiivy iiilt fiaiiios with (;1h.ssuju1 all complete for the parlor or .silting room, jiist the t'liig. and chcai- at the price, we have a splendid solection of high c!as.s literaluri! by the best authors, also a .selection of poetsâ€" Shakespeare, Bums, 'rcnnysoii. c c. IJibles as usual, Mctlmdy hymn and Presbytcrie san"i books, toy books, storv h.ioks, piotiiru books. Wo havo jewelory â€" most beau'iful brooches, riii'.iS for kid.>», hidles uud geiitleinon; chains, jewel cases, manicure sitts, shaving set's, Liidies and gents companions, s>»fe!y rsznrs, and lathe brushes, shaving soap, toilet .so.ip, and soft .soap deyemind you '. VVe have hair brushes, paint; 1 rushes, iiad brushes, tooth brush..'s, clothes biushcs. Toilet setts â€" some tony tbiiws in ti'ilel setts. A niat;iiiticent display of pe: fumes of the best makes, juti; call all 1 see them. VVe have env?lopes, note paper, papeficros, sealinij wax, pens pi'iicils, foiiiiiiiiii pens, pills, powders, patent medicines, deymind that I 'Tenny- rato I'm just telling ye. "TPUija |~9oi<C<^ i^f I nf^C h;V9 refused the budget IWt we have I lie I 1<UU9C Ul L.VI Ua Hbiir budaetofToys tosell,su;;b as sleiuhs. skipper?, carts, wheelbarrows, dogs, oat*, horses, Noah Arks, stutfcd aiiiinal-i, wis>l do',{-5, fur dojjs and autonmbil^, trains, airships. Hying birds, doves, hiiniinini; biids, »ingini{ birds, top.», trumpets, mouthoruans, monkeys, danciiii; bear.s, r.inn iabouts, tweezers, albums- -autograph and photograph albums, po.sti card albuiiis - games, parlor footba'l, teu pin, parhir croquet, fort, tennis, croki- nolo, books, card ijHiiies. bmt heir. pi;i, nations, authoi-s, (Vnch and a whole lot more toonumoroua to mention. .\ nice selection of Christinas cards and C-kar cards, domi- noes, checkers, che.ss, etc., Dru;,'s of all kinds for man or iMiiist. In the above I bavef just told pint of what we hava and if you want anything else yon |T|l|l|i|T|tlT must come and see. Oil, yes â€" rnj; il«lle, nuked dolls, dim dolls, sleopinif dolls, kinds of dolls. 'Tennyratc, your selection. First como are head quarters for SantA nuinorous ajjents in this 1 forgot the didls dressed dolls, lu- arctic dolls, all come and make best choice Wo Claus and all hi.s district and hav» the largest and most complete display of Chiistmas novelties and .staples ever put on sale in Flesherton. W. E. Richardson & Son FLESHERTON, ONTARIO.