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Flesherton Advance, 16 Dec 1909, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 1)ECEMBEB 16 )0i>9 # Business Cards WALTS B L0UCK8 Balldur and Contraa«or For Hrick, Btous «ud frauio residaocea. Rt- liisatM oh««rfully turiMiiied, l'te«tiartou 1' U Vutarlo. |u|0Uux>i;uH * youNu U Haakers Markdala Co a gaaaral baiiklni; buiinem . Uooay lo»nad at reasoQaUte ratev Call on uh. TOHIBL.KTT, • Poataiaatmr, Cayloo, Commiaalouar In H.U. J , ConTavaneer, deeda, inortKtutBt, lea»>«, wills etc. cartilully drawn up ;«ilectlona Diad.o, charRtia reaHuiiablu. AIho i;roc«rios, dour, (aed etc. keiit iu alooJi, Priena right. &J HfUOUliU Po<tma«t«r, PlaahartOD vammiaaioner in H.C J., Auctiooea Cot>* Teyanacr, Appralaar and Money Louder Ileal Ratata and Inaurance Agent. Deedn, mortffagea, leaaoa and wilU carefully drawn up and Talnatlona made on tborteat notice montty to loan at loweat ratea of interest. 'Col- Kttooa attended to with proniptnesa ctiargea low. Agent for Ocean UominiOD HMamahip Company. A call â- elicited. DMcPHAIL Licenaed Auctioneer foi the • County of Grey, Tertua moderate and â- atlsfaction gnaran'teed. The arraugonienta and datea of Rales can be made a*, TuR Advasck office. Keeideuce and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. 6.07. WM. KAITTINU, Licensed Auctioneer (or ** the counties of Urey and Binicoe. Farm and Stock aalea a Hi>ecialty. Terms moderate, aatiiifactiou guarantied. Arrange inenta for da^ex mav be made at the Advance office, or a: T. Hutc'iinson'H store, tevursham or by addressing uie at Feversliaui, Ont. RUUU MATHKWH, Markdale, Licensed auctioneer (or tlje county o( Grey, Good service at re»s<.nable rateh. DattJ can be luade At The Advance, oOD T HARVEY PERIGOE. broker, Floshorton. -^ General brokerage business, insurance of every kind placed Iu safe and liberal conipauiee. Heal estate etc., Open accounts and past due notea handled and money advanced thereon. Correspondence solicited. Medical f«l CAKTER V M Of ifc 8 Ont, Phyalcian, Surgeon, etc Olfloe and residenceâ€" Peter at., PleabertoD JP OTTKWELL Veterinary SarKeon Oradaate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" sscond door south west^oo liary atreet. Thla atreet rune south Presbyterian Church. H WILSON, Itlacksniith • 'iraduate of tua Veterinary Bcleno Atsoclatlon. Durham Itreet, oppasite Hoyd. Hro'B hardware. Dentistry Dr. e. C. MURRAY L. O. R., dental surgeon hoDOi' graduate o( Toronto University and Rnyal College of Dental Surgeons o( Ontario, Qasadnilsiuistered (or teeth extraction Office at residence, Toronto Street, Flesherton. Legal WH. WRIGHT. Barrister, Kolioitor, Convey, ancer, etc.,â€" Owen Sound, and Flesherton. N Uâ€" Kleafaei ton olUce, Spruule'a Block every Katardar Societies A O U M' meets on the last Monday " ID each month, in their loogu room Korrle' block. Flcsherton, at 8 p.m. M. W., Uilab ThiBtlcthwaite: Itec., C. H, Munshaw; Flo., W.J. ii^l.amy. Visitin Itttbrct invited pSIKCB A8THUB LODOE, Kd. sw.AF* * A U, meets in the Masonic hall. Arhl- Hrop"'o Block, Klesherton. every Friday on ir l>:fo«"the Jdii .«..:2- TUos, m«kely,V/'.M.; Harb.Smlth, BaaraMkry- llOL'RtFLkSHF.UTON, 095, I. 0. F. nPeetBln (J Clayton's Block the last Wcduesday evening 111 each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. H., Dyson; B. B., T. HeLry; Fin. Hec, C. N. Klchardaon. I'lease i>ay duos to Fid, Bco. before the first day of the month. CHOSEN FhlENDBâ€" Fleaherton Conoeil o( ChoBon Friends meets In Clayton's hall first and third Wednesday of each month H p. m I'ay assessinents to the Recorder on or before toe first ilavof each month. Chle( Councillor T. lllakelev:llccorder, W. H. Buut. Farms For Sale or Rent FARM FOB BALKâ€" Lot 16, con. 10, Osprev, close to thevilageof Keversham. about 100 acres. luiprovorl frame house and good harn. Well fenced. For terms, etc., apply to A.O. CAMPI!ELL.,aiO Rusholuio Road Toronto r.AACRE FARM FOBBALE-W ocroa cleared, ""well fenced, 15 acres seeded down, 7 acres (all wheat, all fall ploughing done, good pit; |>en BUd Hhe«|i pen, good stabl<-8 and barn, driving house !Sx:iO, good orchard, good wiill never (ailing, fair house, lane to Irash ; all in gooi state of cultivation. Apply to KeN H AH obavk, Maxwell.Ixit I, Eaai ball coo. 8,0Bprry, for Jurtber i>artlculars. 1< L'ARM FOR BALE OR RENT -Lots 134-130.137, L 150 acres, con' :i H. W. T. cS; B. 11., Artemesia . brick houBO with frame kitchen, good frame bank barn with stone fonbrtfttion , )»trPr9«aTa, well Watered. About lUU acresoleared, batanca (airly timbered. For further particulars apply to JoHM E. WliioHT, Ceylon P.O. Lots 35 and :», con 3 8 D R. 10 acres, 6.5 cleared 10 acres pasture, balance good bush. Marn exaO. driving Khed. good frame lious( irells I acse of orchard and stone wall um^er barn. Kttugeen river crosses back of farm. Well fencd and iu good state of cultivation, 3 iniloa from I'roBOU Station. For term apply on promises to Jamks H. Vause, Proton Station, For aale cheap or rent, immediate po Esesfion. Lot 30 con. 14, Artemesia, about 75 acres clear, comfortable log liouse and fram o barn. Apply to K tl Bproule, Flesherton, or John J Martin, across tiie roail from said loti For aale cheap and on easy terms, good com- fortaljle frame dwelling, stable and driving honae with three village Iota in Ceylon' Dwell- ing well built aud finished and good bearing orchard ou the property. Apply to â€" R J BrBoui,E, Flesherton. Iot 10, COD. fl, Osprey containing 100 acres, -'clearfid, frame linuae, frame barn,s 1o (ouijdatiou; orchard, well waterede On thousand down and balance to suit iiurchaaer Immediate (lOssesklon Apply to " HI R. N. KiNNKAB Maxwon P. O. Bulls, etc., for Service. ThoronRhbrad Iinjiroved York.liire tioar for service-Dlautyre Chief. '284.15, at lot '27, con. 3, Uaprey, Terms 41, payable at time of service. IIABRY DOWN, «a«well, P. O. The thoroughbred bhorthorn Bnii, "Karl Gray, " 714at!, will be for service on lot 88, con, h, Arteuiesla, The pedigree of thia fine animal can be seen ( nsiiiilicstioii. Oimstl ANDREW DOW , Proprietor. Tboroushbred Bull from imported stock, a so Tamworth Boar fur service on lot 151, T: ii B. R.,Art«iuvala '.JO Aug. JO HN ADAMB. Prop. I have for service a pure .hied Hampshire boar. Anyone raising pigs will do well to see this iiiaKnlltcent animal, IiorJ Feversham, :i;ia3. Ill* will prove a mooey gutter for you, ToruiB •1.00, F. BliAlJKENBUBy, Feversham P, O, I«t S, con- H, Osprey Animals for Sale UOHBEH FOR BALG~1 hone, 7yeara old •"• 1 mare? year old, in foal to Percy Per- former, I agricultural mare 4 yijar old I" foal 1 (Illy riaina'i years. a«ri„ 1 golding'S 8 years, carriage, I good general purpose horM, }'V\\S?^°1*''.. m ^- -HIOHAHb ALLEN M ITO, Bud E,Tm<I Broad, Fir^ertonPO We have fur sale some good liulls. heifers an now*, >1I ttioroughbiod Iiorafords, T: It J: WATSON. Proton, I hitve • fine lot of young piga brecl <rom priwj vrlnning stock, for aale, Aliiii 1 good Barluhire hog, two years old. Write me for prfoe*. I can give a bargain alao guarantee Mtiafactioii on all mail orders. Oeo. W. ROSS, MaxwaU P. O. Stops Hair Fatting Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im- proYed formula, will certainly stop faltiof of the hair. ladeed, we believe it will al vi^s do tfaia unless there is some disturb- •ace of iIm general liedA. TheB,a constitutional medicine may be necessary. Consult your physicisn about this. Datt not dtemge the color of the halt. J^ rarmvin with e ach battle ^^1 • ntow itto yea* | Tbe reaMO whjr Afcr't Hair Vigor stopa f allina hair it becauae it flrat destrojra the Senna which cauae tiiia trooble. After lia ia done, nature aoen brinca about a full recovery, reatoriac tbe nair and acalp to a perfectly healthy condition. Education that Pays WliatMie avera'ie yuung man nnd wdnian of to-dity wantK ia an education tliat will iiicreuBe iiis or her oppiir- tunitieH for succesx in life. The thorough criurseg in BuRinesa, Short- hiind and Typewriting of the Cbllingwood Business College Furnish the equipment. Write fur free Catalogue, Students may enter at any time. T. E. H.WVKINS, » PRNCIPAL Culliiii(wood, Out. Thompson's Bread delivered regu- larly and kept fur sale at the following stores: 1 s o S o CoUinson's and J. Pjittison'H, Ueylon vV.Aldcorii & Son's and P. McArtliur's Pricovillo N. McCannoU's Proton Station O R. Hbron'ii Maxwell A, Hutchinson's and Kll lUjbiason's h, Cairns', J,K.Ijarge's and R. Parks', Eugenia 1 Bakery SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The largoht nnd best stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and 800 some of the nice things iu Side Hoards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock, . • . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER esherton ^1 Mail Contract SEALKI) TENDEIIS addressed to tlie PoatiiiHiitcr (Jeneral, will br leceived at Ottawa until iiooii, nii I'Vidav, tlin 21iit January, llllO, for the amveyanco nf His Majesty's Mails, on a iiroiMiued Contract for four yuars, nix times [wr week each way, be- tween CLARKSBirRG and RED WING From the lat February next _ Printed notices containing further informa- tion as to conditions of proposed Contract may l»e seen and blank fonim of Tender may l«i o)>tainecl at the I'oat Ottices of OUrksbnrK, lied Winft and route otHccs and at the Otiiee of the I'oBt OlHce Inspecclor at Toronto,' â€"v.. 0, ANDERSON •Superintendent, Post Office Department, Mail Hervice iJraiich. Otir-.wa, Gth Decen.bcr, liKK). Mail Contract HKALKI) TENI)KI{.S addressed to the rostmoster General, will lie rewiyed until noon, onFiiday, the t4th.Taiiuary, llIK), for the conveyance of iiin Majesty's Mails, on a jmipoiied Contract for four years, six times per week each way, between PUNDALK and M«I>'XYREi 'From the Ist | rJt DM* _ I'rinted noth.-e» containlhg further informa- tion as to ciinllitious of proisiped Oimtract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may )te obtained at the Post Office of Dnndalk, Mclntyteand intermediate offices and at the offioc of the I'ost Office Inaiiector at "Toronto. -G. O. ANDEHaON, Superintendent. Post Office Department, Mail Service Branch, Ottawa, Ut I>ec«m\>er IMD. An Expensive Joke. Four well known young men of Holland Centre, faced the magiatrate on chargea of a more or lens serious nature, but were allowed to settle by paying the costs, amounting in all to 937.66. Two of them were cluirged with highway robbery and the others with "mischief," It appears that on Friday evening, November 26th, Mr. William Freebum, of Holland Centre, was driving home from Owen Sound. When near the village he fitoji- jiod to conTerse with a neighbor, when a gang of jroung men swooped down on him, unhitched his horses, took the har- pieces, scattered it over the road and ujjset the rig. Freeburn.'reraonstrat- ad,, but at last gave up and proceeded to walk home. After he liad gone, the boys hitched up again and drove after him. Tbey caught up to him, and after install- ing him in the rig again, proceeded to "hold up" their victim. They procured several things from his pocket, including eleven centa in money. After fooling with him they returned his belongings and shook hands with him, Freebum a- greeing to take it all as a good joke. But evidently after thinking it over, he did not seeit that way, and remembering the faces of four of the fun-makers, he laid information against thoiii. They pleaded not guilty, although they admitt- ed they were "out for a time." After the hearing of Freebum's evidence, a conference took place Ijetwcv • cho soli- citora, and it was agreed that the charge be withdrawn on the boys paying the costs. Hamlcd a Lemon A ^oung gentleoMQ in town on the occasion of his birthday, recently, re- received a parcel through the poatoffice, which, upon inveatigktion, was found to contain a lemon. Accompanying the lemon were the following original verses: Prologue â€" Hark! what the future brings ual Voices from afar. Tell ua there's something coming. Is it peace or war! Hello! dear, this parcel I fear Wont reach you ere it is too late, I ne'er wish to offend a foe nor a friend But I'll have to, as sure as fate. Now when I remember the fourth of November In the year nineteen hundred and nuie Is your twentieth birthday, and therefore a niirthday I send you this gift. Don't decline. When temptations ensnare you, and enemies scars you This lemon, just take and apply it. You will find, I am sure, an immediate cure; So take my advice and just try it! Epilogue â€" Ah, woe is me! I'll write no more A song nor yet a sonnet â€" But when you read this, if you're Just rub some lemon on it! [sore THERE IS BUT ONE^ Every farmer should know that the price offered by the dealers for cattle, hogs, etc., is a fair one. How can he know thid if he does not take a farm biisiocss paper? What doctor or law- yer or busineas man would be without his hujiuess paper? There is but one farmers' business and market paper, that is riie Weekly Suu. Start 1910 right by jubocrlbing. Because he had a row with his wife and decided thai he could not live peaceably at home, a well-known and rei>pectablo farmer, owner of one of the best farms in Oxford county, has gone to the House of Refuge at Woodstock, where ho proposes to spend the winter as an inmate. The man ownij n hundred aud 6fty acre farm, well stocked and with good buildings on it, and the properly is reco;!nized as one of tho most valuable in the district. He has been living with his second wife and a family of grown-up sons. Ha is seven- ty three years of ago, and a raembar of one of the best known families in the district. Beconiini; discontented at home, he applied to the Reeve of the township for the necessary order of admittance, and, with this order, applied to tiansger Murray and was admitted, no other course being open to the refuge authorities. He Uft his wife undsons in charye of^the farm. He appears to be contented with his surroundings. He is given exactly the same privileges and acconimod.ition ai the other inmates In the list of Canadian patents issued lately, we notice that A. Drawley of Priceville has been granted a patent for a now design of a snow plow to be used on railways. The invention was planned by the patentee and Donald McLean, of the south line, Artemesia, and the editor of this paper was shown the blue prints of the machine ionic months ago. The whole invention was etpliiinod to us by Mr. McLean, and from what wo could judge seemed to be ahead of the ordinary plow n.iw in use. We oontfratulate the younjj men on their successâ€" Shelbunie Free Press, John Rolston of Amaranth had his big too and part of his foot blown off recently as the result of a shooting accident. He, alonR with eight other young men, were out hunting foxes. When evening came they went in for tea and while sitting around one young man was seeing which gun had the strongest lock and picked up a gun which was thought to be unloaded. But there was a charge in one barrel and it went off', with the above result. Tne affair might have, proved more serious had the gun been raised a little higherâ€" Shelburne Free Press. John A. Best, ex-Reove of Mulmu r Township and a well known farmer, was decided on by the Conservatives of Duf- f erin as candidate to succeed the late Dr. Dari-, There were 21 names before the gathering, and it was on the thirteenth ballot, after four hours votinfr, that Mr, Best was given the choice. His nomina- tion was then made unanimous. A sed and painful accident occurred at the homo of James Clark, Peepabun, last Thursday by which his little sot', Elgin, lost the fingers on the left hand. During a moment's absence of his father from a straw-cutter driven by a wind mill, the little fellow ventured to lift the covering of the gearing and by some moans became entani;led. All the fingers were taken off up to the palm, except a very small part of the index finger.â€"Grand Valley Star, Aoooriing to "The Enterprise two yonng CollinBwooii men wore treed by a pack of wolves up near Sellwood and were kept in the upper branches of the tall timbers all night. In the morning the pack de- parted. The young men tobogganed to the ground and made for Sudbury, where they arrived all right but sleopy, Oeo, Tapping of Grand Valley was ar- rented for stealing an overcoat. He is out on $200 bail awaiting trial. By a clever piece of detective work the identity of the fair poetess was discover- ed, and the young lady received ^the fol- lowing reply: Owed to Now dear, I sadly fear My anger high is r,ii8ed. Your awful verse grows worse and worse As though thy pen were crazed! Now look you here, O dear. You sure should quit your rhyme; For friend or foe would surely know Your verse is out of time. You cannot joke with me at will Unless my ire you'd raise; 8o drop thy pen and leave it till Thy older wiser days. At such a slam my spirits qualm And also sink like lead. So now at what thy pen has said I stormily revile. I strtiin a strangely aching head To jjoetize a while. I'd sure get back at what you've said In verse of quality the best â€" • But hang it all the words wont rhyme; The things mix up and slant And fall But wont get rjgijt in ij^o! So pardon this, my awful verse. I'm sure you willâ€" for yours is worse. And then we'll put our heads together And poetry will spring like flowers In brightest sumn<er weather â€" iJ'rom thtise wise intellects of ours. Mistaken Indentity. A yout.g lady a couple of weeks ago, standing in front of the station in one of our prominent towns, waiting for the incoming train, chanced to meet an old school boy who was waiting for the same Irain, and declaring he was tired of wait- ins around asked her to take a walk. He took the parasol from her hand and fastened it to the suit case beside her, and put them both in the waiting room. When they ruturned from their walk the train was nearly in. Alas! the suitcase was ifono but the umbrella was left. Kxcicenient reigned, the while they both rushed over the depot in siiarch of the missiiiK suitcase. A lady standing near described the gentleman who took it. The train drew nearer Viut the thief could not be found. The train was in nnd the conductor -fihouting his last "All aboard," when the (rentleinan inquired : Well Nora, did you have anything important in it. Sheâ€" "In it ? Why it was not mine ; w hen you put it inside I thought it yours." Heâ€" "Well, it was not mine, but • hen you were standing beside it I thought it yours." They boarded thf. train and iho gentleman got safely away with his suitcase. â€" A Reader. An Oianseville despatch of Dec. Ist lays: William Coak, S'm of John R. Cook, Caledon township, met with a very serious accident yesterday afternoon while clearing up a rocky Held on his father's farm, about two miles from here. He had placed a lilaitiiig charge in a rook and was packing it in when there was a premature explosion. The rod was thrown fifty yards, and the hammer hurled twice that distance. Cook had his head turned aside and escaped the flying missies. A portion of the powder, however, stiuck him in the face, inflicting some nasty lacerations and injuring the sight. It WHS first thought his eyes were destroyed, but Dr. T. H. Henry states that Cook can distinguish dayhght, aud permanent injuries aire not anticipated. Walkerton evidently has some champion sleepy heads. A young lady of that town fell asleep in church and was locked in tfter service. She attempted to crawl through a window, when her dress caught and sho was hung up like a dressed lamb. Her screams br-jught assistance. It would be safe guessing that that particular young lady will keep her eyes open and follow the sermon hereafter. Two children of Richard Day of Da- mascus played with matches and set the bed clothes on fire. Neighbors came in and extiaguished the blaze. Christmas Stock. Wo have our Christmas stock on the shelves, and you know the answerâ€" Wo have the goods â€" youth?«a9h, Lot's swap. You will fliicl h6l?e jjeanuts, almonds, filberts, Brazil nuU, and a thous- and suoh thjugaâ€" all kinds of candies; Now. we've told you aboilt it, and it's up to you. Take advantage of a big fresh stock and buy early at W. L. Wright's FLESHERTON YOU would soon get rid of a servant who did only half the work in double the time of a capable one. Then why continue using a flour that gives half the nourishment and double the work to digest? Royal Household Hour is made from selected spring wheat â€" a wheat that is rich in nutriment. It is the whitest and finest flour made ; it makes fully one-third more bread to the pound than any soft wheat flour and is more dependable in every respect. 19 Ogilvle Floor Hnis Co., United, HoititsL Norris Bros.. "^^T„f„ rinsmiths Cold Weather ! Did You Say ? Now is the time to get Susy and see that there sre no chilly rooms. Procure one of these specials ; everyone guaranteed. C only famous Queen Heaters â€" will heat any room in fifteen minutes. Regular $4.25 for $3.8.5 3 Queeu Heaters, long size, regular $5.50 for $5.00. 2 with cast top and fenders, nicely cickled, recukr $11.00 for $9.75 Quality Talks We are gents for the Royal 'Jewel and the Gurney Oxford Ranges, See those goods on the floor. 'Nuf bed. When looking for saws, axes, and all woodman's supplies, don't forget that we have the very best goods procurable and at reasonable prices. Brighten Up That piano or other furniture which has got dull and scratched "Veribritb Magic Finish" will miUce it look like new. With every 25c bottlo of Veribrite we give a sample bottle free. Use the sample and if not perfectly satisKed with tbe result, return the package aud we will cheerfully refund money. Norris Bros. Flesherton General â- mAtefehant. Christmas Goods. â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••i â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ '«*• •••• •••• .»•• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• '••• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• :::: •••• •••• :::: >••• â- â€¢â€¢* •••• •••• â- â€¢Â«â-  •••• •••• •••• •••• >••• •••• •••• •••• •••• :::: •••• :::: •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢! •••• •••• • •• •••• â- â€¢>• •••• All over the store for men, women and children. Santa Claus has been here and left the nicest and largest lot of Christmas goods and toys he has ever loft yet. For men he left fur coats, fur collars, neck handkerchiefs. Phoenix mufflers, ties, kid glove?, and gauntlets, silk, silkene and linen handkerchiefs, shaving mugs, strops, brushes fine braces. 1 pair in each pretty box ; Stationery done up in nice boxes for ladies, all kinds of fur neckwear, fascinators, kid gloves and gauntlets, all kinds dainty handkerchiefs, berry setts, tea setts, water setts to match in gold and green, gold and pink, gold also in China tea and berry setts, Jarainieres, celery trays, glass placques, sea shell boxes, biscuit, jar, and cheese dishes, slippers, dresses drapes, sideboard covers, tray cloths, dainty collars, hand satchels and many other pretty things too numerous to mention. For children, space won't allow me to enumerate the many toys and trinkets. In the fruit line we have oranges, lemon&, bananas, grapes, cran- berries, all kinds uf nuts and candies. Bring in your fowl this week if possible. We will pay highest market prices. Ion Jas. ^attison • (Pey/< - ..I.JITII.. II. ......... ..'... .. ........... ......... •••4 •••• •••• :•«. ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••••â-  •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •«•• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• 'iSkS^Q In Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Separators 'add WIRE FENCING T Heard's Carriage Works ; ^^^^agj^ ^^g^^^ ^^gg^^^j g ^^^^s i^g^^ \ x^kff^I^T'iii'k. .

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