gkB\)ttion %^mnu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PBINOIPLEb KOT MEN." VOL XXV, NO 1401 Flestierton. Ont., Tliuraday, Dec. 16 1909 W. H THDRSTON^ EDITOR aud l-UOPUIETO Feversham Miss Pedl»r of Rock Mills is visiting with Mrs. Leitoh for a time. Miss KuNsel of Rock Mills is the guest of Mrs M. Leitch at the T«mperaDce Hoase, Feversham at present. The young men of this city are busily engaged fitting up the agricultural hall as H skiting rink. Well, Bob, Bert says you are champion of Feversham string banil. We all take our hats off to you. Hope you will favour us with a few seIectiou8 in the near future. Nurinan is very sorry about that high- chair, but thinks there are others who need it more. Mr. John Paul conducted the funeral of the late Mrs. James Sinclair on Tues- day aftei'noon. Mi's. Sinclair died at her home near Singhampton after a long illnesB of conipUcation of diseases. Mr. Albert Paul and wife arrived home last week from Moose Jaw, Sask. 1 0th Line, Osprey. lii^Rn^ The beautiful snow is here agar the merry jingle of the sleigh be! he:u:d' on all sides. The Providence people intend holdi their annual supper on_ Friday eveni Dec. Slat, New Year's *e'e, ^yad a tirst- class supper and program vnirbe given. Don't forget the date. Miss Gertie Dand o^^versham spent Sunday at her parentikfl^e, on the 12th line. â- We understand that the Feveraham people intend giving a concert in the near future, the proceeds to go to building sidewalks. VThis is a move in the right direction. Mr. £d. Hawton has bought the Leitch farm near Duntroon for about seven thousand wllars and will move down there in the spring. His brother Ern has bought the farm near Feversham â€" now he has the cage. Our butchatin Feversham will have to attend to bulReHs better, as the trade must be supplied. Business before pleasure should be his motto ; but, of course he may have thought he was attending to biz. Eh, Benf Don't forget the auction sale at Mr. Pllmnner's on the 4th lineof Collingwood on Dec. 21. L. W. Kaitting is che auc- tioneer. Geo. is looking lonely these days. Bachelor Hall ia not what it is cracked up to be. Long Bros., blacksmiths arid wood- workers, of Feversham, are doing a rush- ing business, having installed a gasoline plant and woodworking machinery. The country needs more such enterprising young business men. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson and fam- ily of Rob Roy have moved to their farm on the 10th line We welcome them to our neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Colquett ep^t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaitting in Feversham. Misses May and Pearl Whitooak of Maxwell visited with their sister, Mrs. Eli Robinson, in Feversham last week. Mr. IDan Murphy spent Sunday with friends at the Temperance House in Feversham. Maxwell Items Wedding bells are ringing in our burg. A Chriatnias lervice of song and praise will be held in the Methodist church uii Sunday evecing, Dec. 26ch. The quilt that was to have been quilt- ed at the parsonage on Friday atternixm to be sent to the Deaconess Himie, Tor- onto, will be pustponea a week or two on account of Mrs. Stanley's illnesii. Mrs. R. Y. Burke has returned to her home after an extended visit at Buffalo and Tiii'(mto. R. N. Kiunenr and family have inored to their farm, and Mr. S. Usborne and family hHve moved, to the premiHes va- cated by them. We extend a hearty welcome to Mr. Osborne and tamily, and hope they may be prospemus in busiiie-s and that their sojourn timong us may be a pleasaut one. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paul have relum- ed from the west. Much), sympathy is expressed to the family of the late Mrs. Sinclair wh^> died at her homo on the gravel roaU Sunilay, Dec. 12th. Her husband preduceasfd her seven years ago. She leaves behind her to mourn their loss three sons and two daughters. Miseea Eiuma and Lizzie Morrison of ironto have reiuraed to their home for he Christmas holidays. Geo. Lent; has returned home again. His many friends are glad to see him. Maxwell Methodiat church nrs holding their annual meat supper in their ball. Maxwell, Monday, Deo. 27. Comn and enjoy your supper of meals, salads, uies and ctikes and listen to a tirst-class pro- gram of solos, motion songs, readings, etc. Admission 25c and 15c. Wedding Bells LouuHEED â€" Pallisteh â€" On Wednes- day, Dec. 8, a wedding took place at the Maxwell parsunuiie, when liev. A. P. Stanley joined in marriage Miss Mary Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W,n, James Lougheed, ^8th line Osprey, to Thornton Brown, son of Mr. George Pallistor of Maxwell. The bride was attired in a beautiful tuit of navy blue ladies cloth, with white satin yoke and undersleeves, finished with white fancy satin braid. Her exquisite cream lace hat with plume and black velvet edged briir., completed the costume. Attend- ing her was Miss B. C. Pallistor, aister of the groom, who was in navy blue and woro the groom's gift, a gold lily and heart act with brilliants. The kridoijroom WHS supported by Mr. John Loughoed, who also wore the groom's gift, a pair of gold cuff links. Following the ceremony the wedding party drove to the bride's home, where many friends and a sump- tuous wedding dinner awaited them. The groom's aift to the bride was a stylish fur coat, with sable trimmings. The bride's reinembi-ance to the groom was a gold locket. Mr. and Mrs. Pslliater will take up their residence on the place known as the Kertoii farm, about a mile west of Max- well on the gravel. Best wishes follow the young couple. Clarksburg public library will be re- opened. Collingwood township council will give a grant of $25 and the police village will subscribe another S25, which, with membership fees, it is thought will put the Hbrary on its feet again. m Christmas is nearly M ^ here and the goods ^ ARE here Wk Goods of the right kind for Christmas presents, and at right prices, to suit all pockets. Let us suggest some of the things to help you make a choice: Ladies' watches, rings, bracelets, broodier, links, tie pins, silrer thimbles, ladies' long chain.s, gold handled umbrellas, jewel boxes, manicure 8et4,locket.s, necklets, VVatei-man fountain pens, fancy china, cut glass dishes. Wo also carry a choice line of CHRISTMAi> POSTAL CARDS and silverware in many designs for table and toilet, also some rich Japanese stoneware which has to be seen to be appreciated. Our usual stock of CLOCKS and WATCHES Is more complete than ever. Come in and look over our stock before making your holiday purchases. r « have a hundned and on^ things besides those mentioned abooe â€" and feel satisfied that toe can meet youn every dmsii^, ^ /K >-/i. >ylrmstronq m^^' A Word to Subscribers For the past year the staff of this paper have been endeavouring to supply a paper that wimid be a.i honour to the place and extra value as a purveyor of district news to all oursubscribei-s. How well we have succeeded may be gauged by the fact tliat during the past year over two hundred subsciibers have been added to our list, and they're still coming â€" it's more like multiplication than addition. During the past two weeks we have been spnding out accounts to those in arrears and these have met with so hearty a response that wo are forced to believe that our efforts have been appreciated by even those who have neglected their subscriptions. In many cases the remit- tances were accompanied by warm words of commendation aild congratulation, (''or all such we feel heartily gntteful. Prompt renewals this year will be thankfully received, and if all will attend to this we would be in a position to add further to our plant and to the value of The Advance as a local newupaper. Vandeleur. Messrs. S. Gilbert and E. Baker visit- ed friends at Price ville recently. Mr. Chas Holley has returned home looking hale and hearty after spending the past three years in various parts of the west. Mrs. Geo. Warling, who has been laid up with a severe attack of bronchitis, is, we are glad to say, recovering. Mr. M. Beard has moved his mill to Mr. Minnis' bush on the east biiuk line, where he has secured a contract for cutting lumber. Mr John Bowler of Manitou, Man., a former resident of this plase, is renew- ing acqiiaintanco.s in this vicinity. Mrs. 8. Gilbert attended the annual convention of the O. W. I. at Guelph lust week as delegate from tho Vimdelour brauch. Mrs. Harris and daughter, Eva, of Wodehouso, wore visitors at Mr. W. Buchanan's over Sunday. The Methodist Sabbath school purpo. so holding their .iiinual enturtaininent on tho evening of Dec. 22nd. A good ti iiio may be expected. Eugenia. News at present is rather scarce, Winter seems to have set in. The storm king proclaimed his prasuneo in good style the jiast week. Miss Cora Williams is homo from Markdalu and is taking a holiday at Eugenia with her parents before leaving for the city. Miss Jean Graham has gone to spend the winter in Undo Sam's domains. Mr. Bert Graham is homo from the coast, where ho has spent tho past couple of years. He looks as if that part of the Dominion agreed with him. His many friends hero woro pleased to welcome him home. The Presbyterian church hero has been supplied for tho past few Sabbaths with very clever young students from Knox College. There are prospects at present of the old saw mill being started again tins winter, art Messrs. Fred Field and Rol)oib Haney aro renting it from the Geoigian Bay Power Co., and setting tho old Beaver at work again. Mr. W. H. Fonwick of Toronto is visiting his friends at Eugenia for a few days. Mr. Robert Wallace came up from tho city to spend a fow days with his father at Eugenia. Miss Delia Magoe of Vandeleur was the guest of Mrs. Large for a fow days. Mr. Large is ii'akiiig some handsome decorations in his already well furnished store. It is well worth a trip to Eugenia to see them and all tho handsome goods for the Christinas shoppers. Don't miss the Sabbath school enter- tainment (m tho 21.st. A good program is being prepared with a CTiristnias tree loaded with presents. Tca!served in the basement of tho Presbyterian church. All aro cordially invited. Stone â€" Battram At Great Falls, Muntana, on Thursday, Dec. 2, 1!)09, Mr. Reginald Heber Stone, to Miss Dota Wilhoii'ina Battram. Tho young couple will reside at Stucketl, Montana. Hold Good Positions The following is a partial list of well known businoss houses and financial in- stitutions employing young men who re- ceived their training at Collingwood Busi- ness College : Collingwood â€" Tclfor Bros., Wilson Bros., Bryan Mfg. Co., Northern Navi- gation Co., Grand Trunk Railway, Trad- ers Bank. Torontoâ€" T. Eaton Co., Gord..n Mc- Kay <k Co., Jowoll A Ct>., Win, Davios & Co., Mackenzie A Mann, Port Arthur, Vancouver, B. C, and other Western points are also represented, Kimberley Intended for last week. Very cold weal her at time of writ- ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thnmpsnn of Flesher- ton visited the fttrmer's sister, Mrj. John Plewos, on Saturday last. Born â€" At Kimberley, on Thursday, Dec. 2nd, (piematurely) to Mr and Mrs. E. C. Hamell, a son. Mr?. A. E. Myles is this week attend - iiie the Provincial Convention of the Women's Institute* at Guelph as district representstive. Mr. Lewis Pedlar and sister, Nellie, of Rock Muls, visited friends here on Sunday last. Mr. John Stuart of Powas8»n visited at the parental home here during the past week. Mr. Lyness Fawcett of Markdale visited at his p.ireiital home hero on Sun- day last. Mr. Thos. Ellis of Powassan paid a f-hort visit to friends here during the past wei-k. Mr. Thos. Fiiwcett and daughter, Lottie, of Sh'iwanaga, Pairy Sound, are vig ting frif nils h^ro at present. Miss Lotiie will spend ihe winter with friends here. Mr. Bruce Myles and sister, Jean, of Hoathcote, Tihiied at Mr. A. E. Myles on Sunday last. Mr. Thos. Camack and son, Cliffnrd, are this week attending tho winter f.iir at Guelph. Mr. McMaster of Wareham is Snish- iiig clover thre»hing here this work. Mr. Alliert Smith, who has been on the sick list during tho past week, is pro- gressing favorably. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Weber visited Fleshertun friends during the past week. This Week's Items. Very heavy rain stonn at time of writ- ing. Mr. Ben HLslop of Clarksburg took charge ofjtlio service in the Union chuicli here on Sunday uvening last. Mr. Wilfred Scott and tho Misses Eula and Bernico Scott, and .Miss Pearl Knox visited tho former's sister, Mrs. J. Gillespie near Meaford, on Saturday last. Rev. H. E. W. Kemp of Walters Falls will occupy tho Methodist church pul|)il here on Sunday evening next. Mr. S. Thompson of Flosherton, is visiting friends hore at present. Mr. F. J. Weber is visiting friends in Toronto at present. Mr. Fred Wickens, who has been in tho prnirie province for some three years, is homo on a two months visit, to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Wickens, of this place. Messrs. R. J. and Jasper Stuart woro in Markdale on business on Saturday last. Mr. Charles Graham of this place, had the misfortune to have oiio of his fingers taken otf while operating a cutting box. East Mountain Mrs. Parker Walton has returned to hor homo in tlollaiul Coiitro, afturvisiting friends hero. Mrs. Chard and daughter, Mabel, of Rock Mills, \ isitod friends on our lino rocontly. Mr. Tom. Harbottlc of Kojidy, visited his brother, George, last week. F. G. Martin has| taken tho job of drawing a (luantity of poles for W. A. Aviiislrong of Flosherton. Mrs. James Harbottlo is .seriously ill at present. Miss Veriia Gorloy is working in tho Park House at Flosherton. Fawcott Bros, have a gang of men em- ployed taking out poles on tho .'ird lino. Ernie Morgan is chief cook and bottle washer . Victoria Corners Intended for last week. Rev. Mr. Wollwocjd of Fletherton, preached the missionary sermon at Inistioge on Sunday last. Mr. Laidlaw took his appointments. Misses Leslie and Violet Stevens visit- ed the fmner's sister and attended the social he >l in tho school at Stone Settle- ment on 1 â- â- â- '\ny last. Mrs. G6j. Lud- low taughr ujhool during Miss Leslie's absence Mi«8 Maud Stevens has secured a position in Mr. McCannel's store in Prot(m. Miss Hattio Leitch spent Sunday with Miss Maud Stevens. Mr. Chas. Monro baa purchased a fine thoroughbred peeigreed Holstuin cow, which we sre told fills an eighteen quart pail at one milking. The price of the cow and hor month old calf was one hundred and fifty dollars. She should bo good, Charlie. Mina Heard returned from Flosherton last Monday, being sick with the measles. , W ood outtintl is the order of tho day just now. BURT .Specialist In diseasoa of tho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OMlce 13 Frost St. . OwernSouncl At tho Rovero house, Markdale, 1st Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. McFarland:&co. MAtJKDALB ONTAl<IO' CHRISTMAS 1 9 9 H few Christmas Sudgestions Olbicb Bring l^apDiness to Every member of tbe Family and Ulso to Triends. For Ladies Ole sveeialize the following Lswn embroidoiy liem-siitch hwe and initial handkerchiefs 2o each to 50c. Fancy lace collan* and bolts 15 lo 75c. Kid, CHsliinere .ind ringwood v1ov»-k 15c t^) $1.50 jier pair. Plain and fancy cashiiiere ho'<e 25 aiid .'lOc. Silk waists, fancy silk waiBtings. fancy waistb and costume lengths. Re:idy-io-wi'ar dress skirts 81.118 to 810.00. Ladies nianllesand fur-lined oua's. Special near seal coats at 9%. ItufTs and umtfs. Fancy bo«e snppoi-terK, ass<irted colours, silk and aatin, 4 clasps, 50c for 36e. .Automobile veils and ciiatelaine bags. , Back and side combs. ;;^; Ladies' cost and pony sweaters, all wool, 2.25, 2.50, .3.00. " -ripi. Fancy linen doilies, tray cloths, otc. Fancy slippers, 42c., 75o., 90c , l.CO, 1.25, 1 50, For Gentlemen We malce special note of the following Tics. 15, 25, 35 and 50c. Suspenders at 25, :i."> and dOc. ; choice patterns in "President" at50o. Mocha u'oves lined 'J5c. to 2.25. Mocha Mitts, LOO. Buckskin mitts, wool lined, special 50c. pr. Fancy i|uilted imiHlers at 35, hO and 75c. The new Bradley knitted inufflers. leading shades, 50c. Negligee shirts, 75, 1.00, 1.25. 1,50. Plain hem stitch and initial .silk handkerchiefs at 25, 35 and 50c. Kxcelda handkerchiefs, 2 for 2uc. C lat sweatei;! at 81 add 1.50. Plain and fancy cashmere aox at 25 and 50o. Wakefield bats at 2.25. Fur coats, caps and gauntlets. Fancy vests, 1 48 lo $3.00. Grips, suit cases and telescopes. McFARLAND Si COMPANY W. E. RICHARDSON'S iu^§E^03N8 HURRAH â€" FOR â€" CHRISTMAS ! HERE WE ARE AGAIN Last week we aavo some sugueslions in pictures, this time I am going to give you .some iilea of what we have suitable for presents for old and young, rich and poor, ill fact evoryl odyâ€" I'm tollinir, duyemiiid if you want-, to please that old wife of yours or ."-he is young you can't do bettor than buy one of those beautiful pictures in heavy wilt frames with gl«8s and all complete for the parhu' or sitting room, just tho fhing, and cheap at tho price, we have a splendid selection of high class literaluro tiy the iKwt authors, also a .selection of poutsâ€" Shakespeare, Burns, Toniiysoii, o'c. Bibles as usual, Metliody hymn and Presbytorio sain; books, toy book.s, story brinks, picture bo.iks. Wo have jewelory - â- most beautiful brooches, rings for kids, Indies and gentlemen; cbaius, jowol cases, manicure setts, shaving HOtts, Ladies and gouts companions, safety razoi-s, and lathe'- brushes, shaving snap, toilet soap, and soft .sua|) deyemind you 1 Wo have hair brushes, paint brushes, nail brushes, tooth brushes, clothes brushes. Toilet setts â€" some tony thinijs ill toilet setts. A mngniticent display of perfumes of tho best makes, just call and see them. Wo have envelope.", note paper, papotieres, sealing wax, pens pencils, fountain pens, pills, powders, patent medicines, deyraind that ' "Tenny- rate I'm just telling ye. h:i8 refused tho budget but we have a big budget of Toys to sell, su:^h as sleighs, skipper.', carta, wheelbarrows, dogs, cats, horses, Noah Arks, stutt'ed animnls, wool dogs, fur dogs and automobiles, trains, airships, flying birds, doves, humming birds, singing birds, tops, trumpets, mouthorgai>'^i monkeys, dancing bo.u-s,'rouiKlaboutH, tweezers, albums â€" autograph and photograph albums, post card albuuipâ€" games, parlor football, ten pin, parhir croquet, fort, tennis, croki- nole, books, card games, lost heir, pitt, nations, authors, tlmch and a whole lot more too numerous to mention. A nice selection of Christmas cards and U-kar cards, domi- noes, chookors, chess, etc.. Drugs of all kinds for man or boast. In the above I havo just told paitof what wo have and if you want anything else y The House of Lords must come and see. Oh, yes â€" rag dolls, naked dolls, dian dolls, sleeping dolls, kinds of dolls. 'Tennyrate, your selection. First come are head ipmrters for Santa numerous agents in this Kforgot tho doll dressed dolls. In-'*-' arctic dolls, all conio and make best choice. Wo Claus and all his district and have the largest and most complete display of Christmas novelties and staples over put on sale in Flesherton. W. E. Richardson & Son FLESHERTON, ONTARIO.