THE FLESnEETON ADVANCE December 2 ]0ii9 BusiNEi^ Cards mtVTKR LOUCKS •• Bolldtr kDd Contr*0tor Fat Briok, Stone and ffkOM rtwldcBOM. B*- Mbm«m obeerfvny (urplthed, FlMbertoo P O Ontario. MOULOAJUOH « YUUNU BtDkera Mkrkdkle i>o » genertkl bknkiuK butlneit. Money iMned lit reanookble ret«« Call on un. TOHIKl.KtT, • FcMiimMlwr, 'leylon. Comiuii>8ion«r In H, C. J .Conveyancer, deed*. uiortCMe*. loueii, wllla etc. ouefully draim up Jollaetloai med>. cbargea rMRonable. AIM groeeriee, flour, feed etc. keiitin stock, Pricee rtebt. ' ^__ A J bfBUULB Pottmuter, Fleeberton v/«iumi*eloner In H'.C J., Aucttonee Con> veyanoer, Apprelier and Uoney Iiep£er Real Batate and Inaarance Agent. Deeda. mortgage!, leaiea and willi carefullydrawo np and Talaations made on ihorteHt notice money to loan at loweat ratet ot ioteroat.^Ool- ectlOD* attended to with promptntiM cbargei low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Btaamebip Company. A call lolicited. DMcPHAIL, I.icfUMd Auctioneer foi the • County of Orey. Terms moderate and eatiRfactiou Kuaranteed. The arrauRementi and datea of salea can l>e made a', Thb Advanck office. ReaidenceandP.O., CeyloQ, Telepboue connection. Dee. 6.07. WM. KAITTINO, Liceuaed Auctioneer for tbe countiee of Urey and Siinoop. Farm and Htock aalea a specialty. TorniB moderate aatisfactiou Kuarantced. Arraiitte- iiients for dal«a may be made at tbe Advance uflice, or a: T. Hutcbinaona itnre. heversham or by addreaaing me at Keveraham, Ont. RUDD MATHKWS, Markdale, Liceuaed auc'.loneer for the county of Grey. Good aerviee at reaarnable ratea. Datea can be made at Tbe Advance, o 00 T HAKVEY PERIGOE, broker, Fleeberton. ^ General brokerage bnaineas. Inanrance of every kind placed iu aafe and liberal compauiea. Keal eatate etc., Open accounte aud p&at due notes bandied and money advanced thereon. Csrreapondence solicited. Medical DR CARTER U C P A B Dot. Phyaiolan, Snr^eon, etc Office and roaldenceâ€" Peter at., Fleaberton JP OTTBWBLL Veterinary Bnrgeon Oradaate of Ontario Veterinary College, reaidence â€" second door aouth weat^oQ k.ary street. This street rana soutb PreBbyterlao Chnrch. HWIL.SON, lllackaultb • 'Graduate of tue Veterinary Scleno Aasoelation. Durham Itreet, oppJiite Hoyd, Uro's hardware. Dentistry Dr. e. C. MURRAY L. D. 8., dental surgeon boooi' graduate of Toronto Uuiveraity and Koyal College of Dental Surgeona of Ontario, Gas admiainlatered for teeth extraction Office at reaiJt'Uce, Toronto Street, FleaisertOD. Legal WH. WRIGHT. Barriater, Bollcitor, ConTey- ancer, etc..â€" Owen Bound,' and Klesberton. N Bâ€" Flesheiton office, Sproule'i Block every Batordav Societies AO D W meets ot. the last Monday in each month, in their long* room Norris' block. Fleaberton, at 8 p.m. M. W., Milaa Thistiethwaite:Hec., C. H. Muashaw: Fia., W.J. Bel.amy. VI alMog brathrae Icritad 'DRIXCB ARTHUB LODGE, No. fflS.A.F.A t A U. masta in tbt Haionicball. Arm- rt rone's Illock, Fleaberton, every Frldav on or before tbe lull moco. TbOf. UUUtaly.W.U.; Herb.omitb, Beireiary, COURT FLF.RHF.KTON, 9B5, I. 0. F. ireetaln Claytou'B Illock tbe laat ^\edneadav evening uf each month. Vialtiug Forcatera beartlly welcome. H. It., Dyaon; B, 8., T. Betry; Kin. Bee, C. N. KIcbardaon. Please pay dues to Flo. Bee. before tbe Srst day of th* moatb, CHOSEN FklENDSâ€" Flesberton CoaDCil of CboNen Frienda meets in Claytona hall first â- and third Wedneaday of each month H p. m Pay aaaeaamenta to the Recorder on or before tee flrat day of each month. Chief Couuclllor T. islakolev. Recorder. W. H. Uuut. 50J Farms For Sale or Rent FARM FOB BAT.Kâ€" Lot IC. con. 10, Oaprav, close to tbe Til age uf Keveribam. about 100 acrea. Improved frame houae aud good barn. Well fenced. For terms, etc.. apply to A. O CAMPBF.LL., 316 Buabolma Road Toronto )ACKE FARM FOB BALE-45 acres cleared, well fenced. IS acres seeded down, 7 acrea fall wheat, all fall ploughiiig done, good pic pan sodBhaeppen, good alablrs and barn, driving bonsa iixao, good orchard, good well never failing, fair houae, lane to bnab ; all In gool state of eultivatloo. Apply tollEN HAitaiuvi, Mazwell.Lot 1, East half COD. g.Osprey.for fnrtber particulars. FARM FOBI8ALE OR RBMT-Lote IM-lse^lST, ISO acres, COU' 3 B. W. T. dt 8. K.. Artameais brick bouse with frame kitchen, i/uod frame bank barn with atone foundation , lair orchard, wall watared. About 100 acrea cleared, balance fairly timbered. For further particulars apply to JouM K. WnidRT, C«>l ?or rent or saleâ€" 100 acre farm, ' Mrs. A. B. McLeoa, Ceylon V. O, Apply to P'<ABM FOB BALEâ€" Lot 6. con! U Osprsy, " contaluiug 100 acres, mors or less, 80 acres cleared, balance hardwood buali, running water acroaa farm, never falling well at houre, water In barn. Baru.atoue foimdatiou, SUx06. Good dwelling houae. 2 acrea bearing orchard. Post office iu houae. Farm in good state of cultivation. Will aell roaaouable. Imiuediate poaaeesion. Apply to BICHABD A. KOBIiBTS. Lady Bank P.O. LoU K and 33, con 1 H D B, IU acres, US cleared 10 acrea pasture, balance go'xl buab, Sam S»60. driving abed. goo<l frame bouaa jrelia 1 acae of orcliard and stoue wall uni'er baru. Baugeeu river croaaea back uf (arm. Wull feucd and in goo<l state of cultivation, ;3 miles from Prosan Station. For term apply on premises to â- lAUKi U. Vausk, Pioton Btatlon, ITor sale cheap or rent, Imiiieiliate poaseafion. ' Lot 30 ecu. 14, Artcmeaia, about 75 acrea clear, comfortable lug house and frame barn. Apply to B J Bproule, Kleahertou, or John J Mart In , across the road from said lot; f*or aalo cheap and on easy terms, good com* foriable frame dwelling, titable and driving house witti tlpee villagtilula luCuylou- Dwell- ing well built and fluiahud aud good bearlug orchard ou the property. Apply to â€" B J BPRoviJ-:, Fleaberton. Iot 19, coo. 0, Osprey ooatainlog 100 acres, â- 'cleared, frame house, frame barD,sto foundatiuu: orchard, wall watereda On thouvaiHl duwn and balanco to ault purchaser Immediate iioaaesfiiou Apply to B. N. KiNMKAH Maxwell P. O. Bulls for Service The thoroughbred bhortboru Bull, "Earl Orey." 7M^, will be for aorvive on lot 38. coo, b, Arleiiieala. The perligree ot thia fine aolmal oaJi be seen en siipllcatioo. Tftnatl AKDBBW DOW.fropriator. Pare bred Holstein Friesisn Bull. This yoQDg animal romea fioui our uftlie beat dairy herds In C;aoads,beiug iu extended registration Terms $IM) AMBER KINO Purebred Tauiworth Boar. This young animtl hM proved l)lmsel( one of the bsstitocl getters that ha* ever been oOered fer servloe- Terms ope djHIar. -HI0HAH6 ALLEN *â- - â€" â- â- â- â€"â- â- ! M 11 II ^llll Vbotvosbbred Bull from imrortad stoek.a so Tamwortb Boar for servioe w lot 161, T: A B. |t.,An«<n«ai«, as au, JOHN ADAUS. Prop. Pure Bred Enllish Bcrkthirts and Tanworth*. I have • fine lot of yuung pigs bred <rom trize winning stock, for sale, AUn 1 good Berkshire bug, two years old. Write raa for prices. I can give a bsrtcain alsu guarantee (•(iafsction on all mail oraers, (Jeo. W. BOSS. Maxwell P, 0. The Familu Phy siaan The best medicines in the world cannot talte the place of the family physician. Consult him early when taken 111. If the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lunfs, ask him about taking Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he aaya. A 'We pskUak vox taraalaa tiers "A Biliou attacks, slck-beadactaea, indiges* tion, conitipation, dizzy speUa â€" these are aome of tbe reaolta of sn inactive liver. Aali your doctor if be endenes Ayer'a Pills in these cases. Tbe dose is small, one pill at bedtime. >ytt>J.9.4y0fc.I*â€" MaliMi Shearling Ram for Sale A Leicester BbearlinK ram for Kale, will give bim np the last week of thi« monti'. I then will have naed him two yeara and will bavo no more use for him. Wilt pell cheap. Apply to JAMES flTUART, Kimberley, Ont. Boar For Service. I have for service a pure bred Rampahlre boar. Anyone raiding piqs will do well to sec thia magnificent animal, I.or.l Feveisham. 3303. He will prove a money Kctter for you. Terms St. 00. F. BBACKENBUBY, Feversbam P. O. Lot 8, CO n- 8, Osprey Hereford Cattle for Sale We have for aale some good bulls, heifers',aDd cows, all thoroughbred Hereforda. T: a J. WATSON. Proton, Education that Pays What tlie averAife young mnn and woman of to-day wnntR is an educalioi) that will increase his or her oppiir- t unities fur success in life. The thorough ouraes in Business, Short- hand and Typewriting of tho Collingwood Business College Furnish the equipment. Write for free Catalottuo. Students may enter at any time. T. K H.WVKINS, # PRNCIPAL Culliiiitwuod, Ont. COMMENCE AT ONCE Better Your Position liy Attending The Owen Sound, Out, Our courses are tliorough and pract ical â€"experienced teachers. Individual in- struction. Students msy enter at any time. A BUSINESS EDUCATION IS ESSENTIAL TO SUCCESS, Write fur particulars. C. A. Fleming, G. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. GROCERIES ! ! ! Our stock of groceries embraces everything you need or desire. The prices are in keeping with the (juality of g,x)ds. Everything in our line on sale here. Flour c>f all grades. Bran, Shorts, low gi-ade flour, etc for feed. GIVE USA TRIAL. Wright's Grocery FLESH ERTON 1 Thompson's Bread delivered rogn- larlv and kept for sale at tlie following stores: 2} or e 1 E & • Collinson's and J, Prtttison's, Ceylon W.Aldcorii & Son's and P. McArthiir's Priceville N. MoCannell's Proton Station R. Heron's, Maxwell <e u A. Hutchinson's and Eli Itioliinson's FovorHiiain Il.Camis', J.E.liiu-ge's and 11. Parks', Eugenia o 3 r Bakery SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The iargesl and liest stock of Furniture ever shown in Fleshortfru. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts, A special reduc- tion just now on every- thtngf, in order to re- duce the stock, t . , W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton The Corporation of the Towaship of Artemesia School Inspectors' Allowances Continued From Front Page NOTICE is hereby given that the Coun. cil of the MuniciiMl Corpomtion of the , »ai\ t â- -t ^i. _x ,. Township of ArteLesiawVn at a meeting f "'^ •^ for po.«tge if the report went to be held ou Wedne«J*y, the 16th day of ; through, m addition to his salary. December, 1909, at the hour of 11 o'clock ^- Hershey corrected Mr. Hastie as in the forenoim at theTown Hall, in the '**•*â- ''* •'"'"^•' °^ *«*>°o''' '" South Grey VillftKe of Flesherton. consider four ! â€" There were 124 which would make at $3, 1372. Each school was to be visited several by-law.t for closiiiK, stopping up, selling and conveying the following por- tions of highways lespoctively, name- ly : FIRST â€" A portion of Harvey Street in the Village of Priceville, more psriiou'arly described as followR : BE- GINNING at the intersection of the westerly limit of Artemesia Street and the northerly limit of Harvey Street in the Village of Priceville ; thence south- westerly along the northerly limit of Harvey Street s dtstancu of five hundred and twenty-eight (528) feet to the east- erly limit of Piiucess Street ; theuce southerly along the otsterly limit of Princess Street produced southerly a distance of sixty-six (6(i) feet ; thence northeasterly along the southerly limit of Harvey Street a distance of two hundred and eighty-one (281) feet; thence northeasterly r>n a surved line to the left having a radius of twenty-nine hundred and sixty-four nnd ninelenths (2964.9) feet a dittance nf two hundred and tifty-'.hree and one-half (253.5) feet to the westerly limit of Artemesia Street produced southerly ; theuce northerly along the westerly limit of Artemesia Street produced southerly a distsnce of ten (10) feet to the point of beginning : said tract of land containing sixty-four hundredths (0.64) acres, more or less, SECOND â€" A pni'ion of Hsrvey Street in the Villaue of Priceville, more particularly described as follows : BE- GINNING at the intersection of the westerly limit af Princess Street and the northerly limit of Harvey Street in the Villaoe of Priceville : thence westerly along the northerly limit of Harvey Strvet a distance of thirteen hundred and eighty-three (1383) feet to the east- erly limit of the township line between Gleneltr and Artemesia ; thence southerly along the easterly limit of the township line bi^twcen Glenelg and Artemesia produced southerly a dialance of twenty- two (22) feet ; thence noitheasterly along a straight line whose course is North seventy-nine decrees thirty throe min- utes East (N. 79° 33' E,) a distance of ten hundred and sixty-live (1065) feet to a (X)int on a spiral curve : thenco north onsterly on a spiral cut ve to the left a di»tance of uinety-eiKht (98) feet to a point on the southerly limit of Harvey Street; thence northesfterly along the Koutheily limit of Harvey Street a dis- tance of two hundred and twenty (220) ' j n au â- " t feet to the westerly limit of ^Hnce.,s '•"^^'f ^'"^ ^'T" Street; thence northerly along the west- '' crly limit of Princess Street pi-oduced northerly a distance ot sixty-six (UO) feet to the point of bei{inning ; said tract of land contaiainn one and tifly- oue hundredths (1.51) acres more or !e(8. THIRD â€" A portion of Artcme-sia Street in the Village of Priceville, more paTticulsrly described as follows : BE- GINNING Ht the intersection of the westerly limit of Artemesia Street and the northerly limit of Harvey Street In the Village of Priceville ; thence north- erly alonu the westerly limits of Aitn- meitia Street a distance of one hundred and seventy-eight (17li) feet ; I hence northeasterly on a curved lire to the left, havini; a radius of twenty-seven hundred and eighty-nine and nine-tenths (2789,9) furt a distance of lixty-seven (67) feet to the easterly limit of Arte- mesia Street ; thence southerly along the easterly limit of Artemesia Street a distance of one hundred and eighty-eight (188) feet ; thence southwesterly on a curved line to tho right having a radius of twenty-nine hundred and and nine-tenths (2i>64.9) feet a distance of sixty-seven (67) feet to the westerly limit of Artemesia Street produced soiilhorly ; thence northerly along the westerly limit of Artemeala Street pro- duced southerly a distance of ten (10) feet to the point of beginning : ssid tract of land contnininx twenty-nine hundredths (0.29) acres, more or less, FOURTH â€" A pnriicm of t^ueen Street in the Village of Priceville, more particularly described as follows: BE- GINNING at the intersection of the northerly limit of Harvey Street with the westerly limit of Queen Street; thence northerly along the westerly limit of Queen Street a distance of one hundred and sevonty-eiffht and three-tenths (178.3) feet ; thenco northeasterly along a straight line whose course is North Ncventy-nino degrees thirty-three min- utes East (N, 79° 33' E.) a distance of sixty-six (66) feot to the easterly limit of Queen Street ; thenco southerly alung the easterly limit of Queen Street a distance of one hundred and seventy- six (176) feet to the northerly limit of Harvey Street ; thence southwesterly along tho northerly limit of Hatvey Street produced ivesterly a distance of sixty-six (66) feet to the point of begin- ning : said tcact of land twenty-seven hundredths (0 27) acres, more or lesi. ALL persons interested or whnne lands may or might be prejudicially affected by such proposed by-laws or any of them are reijuired to attend it the said meeting, when they will ht heard in person or by counsel' or solici tor «ith reference thereto upon petition- ing to be so heard. twice annually, and Dr. Hershey defend ed tho report stating that from 25c to 40c per meal was charged and Mr. Campbell had stated that be required to keep two horses. Mr. Saunders, of Durham, here rose to say that from his persona) knowledge Mr. Campbell had driven the same horse for four years and only had one horse. The warden sitid this was an important question aud should be fully discussed. Mr. Boyd went into figures as to how many schools the inspector should visit in a day to cover 124 twice in 210 days, (the number of actual school days in a year ) Mr. Legate corrected Mr. Boyd's calculations on thia score. Mr. Eaton, of St. Vincent, claimed that J2.50 per day would cover livery hire. He thought the inspectors fre- quently stayed at private houses, where they were welcome visitors and where no charge was made. Mr. Wilson, of Bentinck said that many high school principals were not paid $1700 per annum and inspectors had not higher standinif than they. He estimated that the inspectors cleared $2000 per annum with their salaries and travelling expenses. Mr. Hastie wanted to know if the County had to board the inspectors. Dr, Hershey replied that the salary is fixed by statute, what the county has to do is to provide for travelling and other reasonable expense, because the in- spectors must have their meals, Mr. Wilson claimed that the inspec- tors do not work 210 days in the year and further that every school was not visited twice. Mr. Hunt stated that hia daughter had taught school at Vandeleur which was in Mr. Campbell's inspectorate and during two years she was only visited once by the inspector. She had also I aught in East and West Grey and was visited by Inspectors Huff and Burgess. Mr. Smith was of the opinion that one inspector could not do justice to 124 schools and he believed that Mr. Camp- bell had been grabbing schools for the monev that was in them. He had 124 schools while Mr, Huff had only 77. On motion of Mr. Legate the inspec- tors were called upon to address the council on the questions, Messrs. Burgess Mr. Burgess 'juoted from his experi- ences when travelling, citing one caae where he was charged 50c for his horse standing in a shed. His figures made 93 per school a fair allowance for expenses and 50c for ptwtsgc would every cent Ihj used up. Mr. Huff claimed th.-kt as his inspector- ate was mainly in local option territory he was bold to confess that many of the hotels were not first class. Ho referred to the pay of commercial travellers whom he claimed were allowed f25 ))er week for travelling expenses. As Inspector Campbell of South Grey was expected to be present I'hursday it was considered fair that he should have a hearing also, and the committee rose with leave to sit again ou the report. Reports were also presented for roads and nridges, printing and House of Refuge Committees. All were adopted. Mr. Eaton, chairman of roads and bridges had also two special reports â€" one of these was in reference to a danger- ous bridge and a deviation. of the county ^ line near Hanover. Anew bridge was sixty-four needed but Bruce would not stand for a share, and some repairs had lieen done to the old bridge. It was recommended that the matter be arbitrated so that Bruce be c<mipolled to contribute towards the bridge. Adopted. Tlie other report recommended in reference to payment of 1200 to Bentinck for deviation of road, that only 9100 l)e paid as Bentinck was benefitted chiefly. This report was discussed in committee with Mr. Garvie in tho chair. Mr. Wil- son, Dr. Moarns and Mr. Schenk sup- I IK>rted the claims of Bentinck and re- called the fact that at the January ses- sions Normanby had been paid 91t)00 to cover costs of litigation, and Bentinck was as much entitled to consideration. On the other hand Mr. Eaton was pre- i Mired to show by ineansof a map that 1100 was a fair amount to pity Bentinck in that connection and council upheld his recommendation by 21 votes for hia report and 1 1 votes for the ainendmen to make it 920<), Bylaw 743 to convey part of the H(mse of Ilofugo proi)erty to the vilkge of Markdale was passed iu committee and given its third rending. The clerk road a Iwtch of accounts, mainly from members of council for work in their divisions, and certified by them. Ratepayei-H of Ayton and Normanby petitioned council that a public school ex.'imining centre bo established at AytoD. Mr. Hastie made a similar application ou behalf of Droinoro resi- dents. Adjournment was made until Thurs- day afternoon. DATED this 10th day of November, U. 1909. W. J. BELLAMY, Cloik Township Artemesia Because he supplied with liquor two Durham boys whoa* agei are about 16 or 17, a NaustAdt hotel man was brought before Polic* Magistrate Telford on Monday last at tho instance of Inspector P«VW asd baed flO.QQ «n4 costs, tht toiibimum fine, it being « first offenot. The boys wsre Milt there on buainau by Mr. Robert Eweni and otks olthem when arriving here wU dahgernuily intoxicat- ed . Tha boys were let off on suspended aenteaoa with impreativa warninga from the magiatrate. The iooident ahould be a warning all rotind.â€" Review. yesterday addressed Thtirsp.w At the council meeting afternoon Inspector Campbell the members in reference to expenses incurred by the inspectors in travelling through their districts. Like the other two, he held that 93 per school was a fair sum for expenses. The matter was discussed for some time, the report was finally adopted without amendment. When a fellow feels like throwing hiin- aelf down and worahipping a girl, he ahould wait. She will probably thiow ))im down herself, W. R. Raid ot Durham, slipped and tell on tha pavement and waa rendered unconicious for a time but reoavered. Mr Jamaa Kerr waa killed and Mr, A, 0. Jones badly injured by an explosion of gaa while they were filling marine buoya at Parry Sound. ID YOU EVER. FIGURE THE COST of a single da/t baking â€" the material, fuel, time and labor â€" and consider that it is all wasted if the baking is a failure? Is it economy, then, to use a flour of uncertain quality when a few cents more will buy Royal Household Honf â€" a flour that you can depend upon to produce light, crisp and wholesome bread or pastry? . It is made from selected hard wheat, milled by a most modern process which guarantees absolute purity. Royal Household Flour does not vary in quality â€" docs not disappoint. 17 tfOvle Flsir MllbCt.. UmXki, MMtred. Norris Bros., ""'Tns* rinsmiths Cold Weather ! Did You Say ? Now i« the time to get busy and see that there are no chilly rooms. Procure one of these specials ; everyone guaranteed. 6 only famous Queen Heatersâ€" will heat any roooa in fifteen minutes. Regular 94.25 for S3.85 3 Queen Heaters, long size, regular 95-50 for 9o.U0. 2 with cast top and fenders, nicely cicklttd, regular 911-00 for 99.75 Quality Talks We are agents for the Royal Jewel and tbe 3urney Oxford Ranges, See those goods on the floor. 'Nrr bed. When looking for uws, axes, and all woodman's supplies, don't foricet th^t we have the very best goods procurable and at reasonable prices. Brighten Up Thai piann or other furniture which has got dull and scratched "Veribriti Maoic Finish" will make it look like new. With every 25c bottle of Veribrile we give a sample bottle free. Use the larople and if not perfectly satisfied with the result, retutn the package and we will cheerfully refund money. Norris Bros. Flesherton ^ >••••••••••••••«•••••••••••••••••••! a««»*«**»^« !•••••••••••••••••• • • • ^? s ;.' • •• SbS*** • ••I •••• •••• C" •••• •••• 111 •^•y* tPatiisony Ceylon, Ont^ % Senerai â- ^i.ei'chant. Sj; •••• •••• •»•• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• *.«• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• t)ur stock bf groceiirs is complete tor Christmas trade. Our •••â- currants and raisins are of the highest quality, citron, orango and J*^ lemon perl, shelled nut<, everything to make your Christmai cake J*^ taste good and look nice. JJj: !;•• Special talu this week of men's and boys' suits. 20 per cent. •»; !*!S oft reeulsr price for this week. This is a snap. Dou't miss it. ^j^ If you want good bread tsk for Cream of the West Flour. It n^ is made from the very best of Manihard wheat. IF you want a cheap- •••• rr grade and still a good flour, ask for Satisfaction Flour whieh I f;^ don't think can be heat for a cheaper flour. m» Lots of bran and shorts on hand. Men's all wool un- *••• * ' " ::S* Exceptional good values in Uuderwear. '.\\\ shiinkable, heavy weight at 91.75 per suit. gz ::2S Ueavy rubbers, leather top, laced three lengths, aud leather VX- '.\%i top not laced, high, with a felt to pull out. Oil tan lardigans and XIX. :SS| sheep skin mocoaaina for inside of heavy rubber*. m> ::*{ Highest prices paid for nil kinds of farm produce. C'tn take all Xm ",\\ the dried apples you have to spare. 22;: •••â- •••• Jas. ^attison (3etfU on nx •JSlffJMtts'tUtSt!J»»t»f.t!fS»tt»J»!fm!SMtt!U!!!mS!»J!f!!JMt »»???â- !*; '3f^:SrI^\^r^3^}yi,SFi'S^^M'^i^^^^^'^5^S^^^^^^S':iiS!''.e^^at^':t 5521 ?i'gi^'g?L^iri\^v/i:siSg^ig?-^igt.^^-^:^ i In Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Separators and \M1RE FENCINGr Heard' s Carriage Works ^^yggj^ ^^gg^^ ^^g^i^g^^i^^ ' ji^gga