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Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1909, p. 1

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/toh^rtxrn %Hanu. "TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PRiJfCiPLEb hOT MEN." TQLUV. NO 1401 Flcshierton, Ont., Tliursday, Dec. 2 IQ09 .W. H TEUBSTOr- ^ss'yi FKCPHIETO 10th Line, Osprey. Presto cb»Dge ! And the soow hu fled and mud is predominant again. Mr. Duw Daridsoo of Cullingwood a r«De«inii oM acqaaintancea ia this neijht-orhood at present. A* IX>« is an uld Osprey boy be received maoy a bearty hand shake, and a hoir ara you old boy after yvur loot; abience. Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. DaTidsoD of Toronto, attended the fc"Ideu wedding of the latter'a parents last week aad re- turned hooie on Saturday last. Miss Atha Heron has returned b<im« after speiMliDg a couple of months, visit- ing her aister, Mrs Ensigti Plantt at Lindsay. Mr. Sheldon Heron, of Cat«rac^ paid a short visit to his parental home last week, returtiing to Cataract on Saturday. The occasion of his visit was the golden wedding of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Feveisham. Some of our young men hare ipturned from the west. They report go>)d times and a big crop in the pr«irie provinces this year. IIGlad to^port that .Mrs. Tuplin$; and family are recovering nicely trum their noent aeige of typhoid. Mr. Sam Ottewell is able to attend to bis work again, after a couple of weeks on the sick lisi. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Brownridge of Htxwell, visited their daughter, Mrs. Sara Hawton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wiight and little son Mirven of Maxwell, visited at R. J. Culquett'a last week. East Moantaln (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Weeks have returned to their hocae at the Soo, after spending a month with the latter'i sister, Mts. Carruther«,here. Miss Eliaa Martin visited a day with her brother, J. J. Martin, before leaving for Collingwood. Mrs. E. G. Cross and child of Wiartou, are visiting at h»r parental home here. Mr. Charlie Martin returned from Thorobury latt weak. He intends re- turning tn a short time to spend the winter. Mr. Edie Smith leaves shortly to learu the harneas making in Thornbury. Theeilitorof The Advance and his staff of assistants are to be congratuUted on his newspaper, which is so full of news every week. It is worth two of some of tb« local papers. (This Week's Items) Miss Cora Martin c»we home from Owen Sound last week. Mr. Welsh of Keady is the guest of Mr. Ueo. Harbottle. He is down on the lookout for a farm. Mra. Alma Uumberaton of Durham model aohool, visited at h«r parvutal home. Tke BMt Chrlstait Gift. Every parent who wishea to make the family happy should order a> a Xmaa gift the beautiful pictor*, "The Soul's Awakening," given with *'The Family HwhMI Uld Weekly Star" of MooItmI. One dollar will p»y a whole year's sub- scription to that beat of all weeklie* and a copy ol the beautiful picture. A dollar sent now will bring you the picture before Christmas and you will never regret it. Golden Wcddidg f A pleasing event took pl»ce at the home of Mr. aod Mrs. Robert Broun of Fereraham, on 'Tharaday, Nov. 25, when they cetebrattd their golden wedding, and childrtn and graiiJ children to the number of 41 gathered to do hoo<>ar to the ocusion. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are old residents of Osprey Towaship,cninkg ! Vajideieiir. Mr. S. WiUy and daoshter Netty of Wodehoose were visitors at Mr. Will Hutchioion's, on Thursday evening U&t. Mr- A. S. Donlop of T>>ronco, who Ims been visiting trieiids here fur the past three weeks, isas returned home. We are pleased to h«ar that Mr. W. froos Scarboro and I^ckerinz townships, ! N. Uutcfainsoo, wh« hag been laid up respectively, fifty-three rears a^t. Mrs. with au abceea, is recovering. Brown's m«iden iwuae was Misa Eliiabeth j Mrs. Sid. Gilbert returned home last Cooper, a daughter of the late Thomiis, week, ufter (.pending a couple of we«k3 O>oper. at wh-jse home, on the 12th ! with frieuds in Glenelg and Ceylon. Imp, Mr. lud Mrs. Brown were married • ^(^^^ , ^^^ ^y, „f beautiful sle gh- fifty years ago by the Rev. Thos. Foster. I -^^ ^^ ^^ ,„ ^j^^ „^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ They mned to the 10th line, .here Mr. . ^ ,^j,^ ^j,, gtonebo^ is the best Brown engsged m the bl«cksmith bus. , ^^^^ ^, j^^^tion. nesa for aSoot fuarteen years. Theyl ,,. „ , _ , . . . „ . . . ., ._, ' -_Mu8 E. C. Boland returned home on moved to Feversbam about thirty-stx ^ , . ,. , , Tuesday, after spending a few days in Toronto as delegate to the Grand to Feversbam about thirty-six years ago wheie they have sine*! resided, j and Mr. Drown still runt a blacksmith business thete. They have ten children : living, four tons and six diughl^fs. The ; daughters are Mrs. A. Heron, Mrs. | Joseph Barber, Mrs. Geo. Whewell, . Mra. Joseph Irwin and Mrs. Frvd { S. O. T. from Vandeleur Division, Division. Mr. G<!o. Wright and family are dumxiled in their new house. MesKrs. .\lcox and Gilbert, our local Brackenbury of i.^iprey ; and Mrs. I tmtchers, are supplying their customers Thomas Davidson of Toronto. The sons ! with a fine quality of beef these days. John, of Gibralter ; Fred, of Purest ; : Xhe pie social gitea by the Vandeleur Bert of Fevenham ; Robert, of Alberts, i s. o. T. in the schoi-l house on Friday The following addrees was read by j evening was a decided success. The their third daughter, Mrs. Geo. Whewell, '. house was lilkd to its utmost The and a purse of fifty dollars in gold waj( I program wis varied and lengthy. Music, presented to the esteemed eld couple by | readings, dialogues and recitations were their elde« ton, John, on behalf of their pven in such a manner as ti call forth children: encorvs iii plenty, fhe Division is to be DraR Fatbbr a>-d Motbbx, â€" It is { conzratnlated on its literary attainments, with [Measure that we, your children and i The proceeds amounted to (31.00. grand children, meet in your home to- day and in lememberaoce of your love aiid care we wish to express our love and gratitude and to present yon with thia IHirse of gold, not U>r the value therein, but as \ token of honour and respect. May the good Father who has spared you Eogciia. The wedding belis are ringing all around us. Oli pei>ple say that denotes good times. ^ Mrs. Joseph Williams gave a party '.o to see fifty years of married life, itraut j the young folks the past week. A. good you many more, and may the evening of your lives be spent in peace and happi- ness is the wish of your children and grand childrvn. After this all sat down to a somptuons wedding supper, the tables be^n^ taste- fully decotited and *domed by twojij^^g ^^ Bobcaygeon magnificent bride cakes, donated by two] jj, p Munshaw has treated his of the daughters. When the hour camej fiends to a generous roast ot venison, to saparate all joined in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wdliams is now getting time was enj'iyed by alL Mr. John Wiltiaou is doing good work with his straw cutter snd chopper. Mr. Fied Smith and Eruie Morgan have gone to work at Redwinir. Mr. James Halliday has gone to his Mrs. Brown joy rest of their lives. and ^happiness the strunt er after her prolonged illness. Miss Cora WilHams is going to Swiatoa Park. "'' '" '^°^ ''" '^'"- Mrs. Jamieson sr., who has been Death has again vUited our neighbor- the past tew weeks visiting with hood and taken away <>neof our respected citizens, Mrs. Doagal McCannel, who passed peacefully away at her home in Boothville on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd. after a short illnoss. at the early age of forty two years. She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn their loss, the youngest being about two yeeirs old. Her remaius wete laid to rest on Nov. S5th, in this cemetery. Rer. Mr. Matbewsoo, assi&ted by Rev. Mr. Ket.dall of Dromore officiated at house and crave. The sorrowing family have the heattfelt sympathy of tho ooiuuiunity in their hour* of loneliness. the for her gene daughter, Mrs. McMaster, has back to the city. Mrs. Johnston of Meaford has be«n visitiug her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Latimer. Mr. Willie Gibson of the Cataract- spent the pa.<t week with his grand' mother, Mrs. Wm. Walker, sr. Dnada!k Mrs Gtier was in Toronto a few days seeing her daughter. Miss Nathalie, who has been sick with typhoid, but is now improving. Miss Crier is a nurse in the The special services which have been I Generd Hospital. held in this church for the past two weeks have been well attended. We trust the excellent aetmous given by Rev. Kendall will be the means of doing much good. Mr. Wm. Steward !â- Â« preparing tn build a new house next summer. We unden>tand an agrteinent has been entered into to arbitrate the matter in dispute between Mr. Geo. Sharp and the council of this viU»^ relating to the corporaiio:i drain passing through Sharp's property and under his stables. Mr. Sharp is claiming damages. His Honor sole arbitra- One of our prominent fanuers, Mr. Geo. W. Parslow, l*s( we^k took ten j Judge Hatton is named as ipring pigs to Uolstein market. They | tor. brought $190.00. I Our readers wtU regret to hear of the JamvH The hunters and trappers of this place : m 'sfortuue that has up-..i. , . .. , . .. Martell, a rt^pected farmer, who lives have been doing a rushing busioess this , .,, Melancthoo alKJut four miles s^.uth season. j west of Dundslk. For a week ir two MiasAlroaShell, who has spent the j »>» has |wn acting very strangely at sumaier in the Park, has returned to her home at Bethel. Miaa Mioni* Halpenuy of Kgremont visited her cousin, Mr*. Lawrence last week. Igralutlly growing worse uatil hi$ reason ia finally itone. He b«-ciirae quite violent I Sunday and threatened his own life. He ' was taken to Shelburne Suodiy night, I where proceedings will be taken for committment to an asylum. 1 Ther« h*ve been some prel ty g^Hxl pots A few from here attendeil the At i made in rabbi's shot this fall, but Chester Home at Dromore last Friday e vening. j McDonnell, of this i>lace, the one- â€" ^â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" day-record »o far as we are able to find ,._._. . , „ . i out. Single handed hecaptui-ed 13, a C>aTbur«lay evening la.t a crazy horse u^^^., ^,^„ ^^^^ other day in tke made a detrrmined effort to kill Dr. J. ; ,„nip near Badjeroe with the help of a hound. The Dufferin Light and Power Co.. through Mr. T. Haxtable. is pushing the trausmi«>iou line fr<tm U >rnittgs Mills towards Dundalk. He has given Mr. L. . . Vert, of this place, a contract tvt three Whsn he arrived the beast I hundred poles to be delivered along the G Siewort, of Toronto, brother of llr. A. T. Stewart, of town. The animal WM found by the police runuinsr around the streets and acting strMigely. It was takea to a stable and Dr. Stewart was tent fi»r. was ia a perfect frenay and Dr. Stewart i route as soon as the road* are fit. The moked up an axe aod tried to kill it. I line is partly built from Homings Mdls inie blow missed and the hor*e made tor' to within a mile of the Catholic (.'hurch the vet, tearing up the post to which it ! in Melancthon and men are woirking from was tied. For a few moments the > that point in this direction at excavating School Inspectors' Allowances Discussed The first meeting of the Ni>vember session of the County Cooacil was held at Owen Sound on Monday aftem<x>n of last week. The following is the Adver- tiser's report ; The Warden expressed his pleasure at meeting the members again and said that he had an address dealing with matters to come before the couneiL As there was not full attend-tnce of the members present however he would defer reading it until next day (Tuesday.) The County Clerk, Mr. John Ruther- ford, presented a botch of c<.>mmunica- tious and accounts, among which were the following: List of hawkers and pedlars, with a letter from County Treasurer Parker stating that the new regulations govern- ing the issue of licenises was working very satisfactorily. Letter from Mr. Parker re sale of de- bentures under By-law 742 aiuountiu:; t.. f-iO,000 for which' the tender of the'Do- mini«)a Securities Corporation amount- ihg to (SO.Stiii htd been accepted when it was found that the by-law should have hjen advertised before the County ct.iuld legally dispose of debentures. The by- law had therefore been advertised and the sile to the Dominion t>ecuritieH Corporation cancelled and it was stated by the Clerk that the Council would be able to deal with the matter at this session withonly one hour to spare. Report of High Constable Hector Mc- IX>naId. Report of South Grey Women"* Insti- tute by Mrs. This. McOirr, Durhuu. Requests for modey grants from the Owen Sound and Meaford Poultry Asso- ciations respectively, in aid of their annual exhibitions. Claims for damages caused by alleged ill repair of County roads was made by Lucas. Wright A Raney on beh-tlf of Mrs- Mary V asey of Glenelg. Resolution from the Good Roads .As- sociation asking for cooperation in laeiu- orializing the C>utario Legislature to in- crease the government grant to public roads from oce third to one half. Mr. R. McKnight, registrar of North Grey, presented a statement of annexa- tion of Brooke to Owen Sound. The township council of St. Vincent forwarded a copy of resolution passed at a recent meeting in which it strongly disapproved of the appointment of Mr. .\. D. Creasor, pohce inagistFate of Owen Sound, as police magistrate for the County of Grey, for various reasons which were stated in the resolution. Dr. Sproule, M. P.. acknowledged the thanks of the council for his services as a member of the deputation which wait- ed on the Legislature last summer re railway matters. The Salvation .Army, per Lt. Col. Pugsmire, acktK>wl«dged grant given in aid of prison work. A Toronto firm vf accountants applied for the audit work from the county. The council adjourned to meet at ~ o'clock Tuesday afternoon. TfKSDAY The chief feature of the meeting was a lengthy address from the Warden in which reference was made to the business of the county and which address was afterwards referred to the various com- mittees for consideration. The clerk read a number of accounts and a letter from the ci>uuty treasurer .-isking to have Mr. John PiMrker appoint- ed his a-ssistant. Mr. Hastie presented report of Finance c<.>muiittee and Mr. Legate report of Ju- dicial audit. Th«; ivji<.>rt of hnance was consideretl in cv<mmittee and both rept>rts wei-e adopted without amendment. Bylaws were iiitnxlu ced to cv>nfiriii the transfer of county prt>perty to the village of tiarkdale, to pr<.>vide for closing up of a certain pi>rtion of load allowance in St. Vincent. The bylaws were numbered 7-43 aud 744 and given two readings. On motion Councillor Hampton w.-ws alloweil to pay over to the treasuier the sum of $:} for old timber of a brulge. Mr. Bi'vd asked for information as to the duties of high i\>iistables as defined by bylaw^. Wki>.nxsi>.vy Tlie third meeting held on We^lnestlay aftermvn was cluiracteriie*! by discussion of a rejH>it presenteil by Dr. Hcrshey, chairman i>f a specid c«.>iumittee, which had been api><.>juted to confer with the public »«.-h<.H>l in.s{.)ectors and i-e<x>iuiuend what sums they should be paid for trav- elling aiHl other least'iiable expenses as prx'videtl by statute. The report tecora- niended that they be paid 93 per school for travelling ex|>ense« and 50c per schawl for p(«tage. Tlie report was o»>nsideretl in committee with Mr. McClellaml, reeve of Sarawak, in the chair. '•.7, hot; the holes. doetor and a Mr. Teft had a ...^ â€" time dodgiig Ike mad brute which ai ' agreement entered into with the vdlage length was ttopped by a st\irway where | the oompany ap(>ear confident of rovtftiag it fell back ana was despatched with iha anv demtnds in furnishing Dutidalk with ait. â€" Mt. Forest Confederate. | light and power. â€"Herald. It was Mr. Walter Hastie, reeve of Egreniout. who led the opposition to the recommendation i4 the report. The public school inspectors, Mr. Hastie said, had recently received very substantial increases to their salaries, and the three in this county each receive 91700 pet . annum. Taking South Grey inspector- Alth'High there is BO definite ate for example, there were 120 schools, which mean that Inspector Campbell irould teeeive 9300 for travelling expenses McFARLAND&CO. MA.i{KOAL.B OXTAKIO The Place of Quality for Reliable Furs. Continued on Last Puge If there's any wearing apparel that deserres more careful attention and inspection in buying than another it is your Furs for there can be more deception in Furs than anything else. A great many Furs look alike, etc., but do not' wear alike and before buying you shoidd consider this store your store to procure them. Whv? Because of the LIFE-LONG ^SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCE we ve hadâ€" and when you stop uud consider the reputation this place has for handling nothing but RELIABLE FUKS you should not have the here for vour Furs. jlightesl hesitation in coming ASTRACHAN JACKETS We htve about twenty-live of these to â- sslect from which are priced at 9^-00 945.00. 900. 'JO NEAR SEAL JACKETS FOR rs.oo. 4 I'lily Ltdies' Seal Cumbiu.i'ion Trim Sable or Norwegian Miuk Co:l:tf and Kevere<s satin lined auj ^uanuiteed perfect skins, regular value 9o0.00. while they last your choice sizes :t4, 36 and 38 fur 935.00. »i.'»GREY LAMB OAlNTLETS FOR 92 50 .i pr. .mlybest quaLty Dark «£ Mediuox Grsy Lamb Oiauntlets, sold in rettnlar way at 9o.C0 aiid $6.00 pair, your ehuici! per ijair 1^.50 MEN'S FIR COATS ^\e hnve an iiiim?n-«* range of Men's Fui Coats to select from and at all prices to suir all purees : Dugsk'n Ojets .tr 919.00 to 925.00. Bulgatian Curl PerirfanColUr 933. CO to 935 00. No. 1 Cooo Cuars 9S0.i» to 60.00. Par Lined Coats at 937.30, etc. Our shhwing of Ladies' Fur Set's. Rufls, Stoles, etc, are at the beat aod we've never ha>l a m->re handsome display ot these jrarious Furs, and all of the new styles and the prices rang so that jva are sure to find just what you want here and at the riiiht price too. McFARLAND & COMPANY W. E. RICHARDSON'S FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. % /-Pu^ -.JL.

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