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Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1909, p. 8

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sUl-- TflE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE NOVEMI !«- Business Cards WALTER LOl'CKS Bullilar Bnd Coiitrkctor Tor Brick, Hloiio nint fr«uio rmiilcncw. Ei- tiio»to» cheerfully lun'i«lioJ, Flesliortou I' O Otitnrli*. _^ MOUULiOt'OH * YOUNO Kaiihurs Mtrkila'.e 00* general banking busineiiB. Money loaned at reasouabla ratee Call on uh. TCHISl-KTT, ' l>oatii)a«l<ir, 'Ceylon. Coimiiiafilouer In H. C. J .Conveyancer, aecda, liiurtita«uii. leaMK, wills etc. carefully ilrawii up LlolliCliouB niadf. chargea reanonaliU'. Alfo Krocer ion, Hour, feed etc. kept lu stock. Prlcoa rwlJt. RJ bPilOULK Poituiattor, Fleaberton coniiniasioner In H.C J.. Auctlonee Cod- veyanoer. Appralaer ami Money I-e niler ]U>al Biitatc an.l loaurauco Aiiotit. DecdK, uiorli;«t;es. leanoii anl willn carefully drawn up and raluallona made on nhorteBl notice money to loanatlOweat ratoB of interest.. Col- cctious Kttouilod to witb proniptncM chaiBoa low. Agent for Ocean Uoiuiuion Ht»aiu«lup Company. A call Bo Uoltud. DMcPHAll.,'uBod Auolionoor fm tin- • County of lirey. Terms nioderttto and i-Rtisfartion fuarautct.d. The arranKonionts and dat«-s of Kaluatan l>o made a*. Thb Ahvanck office. licHideuce and P.O., Ceylon, Teleplioue connt'Ctioti. Dec. 0.(17. \r\l. KAITTINli. I.,iceused Anctiouoer for the counilea of lirey ami Kiiiicoe. Farm and Stock aalos a tpccialty. Torma moderate, aatinfactioii (luaranlted. ArraUKC- ii.entR for dalon may bo uiuilc at the Advance ofUce, or a: T. HutcblnBon'H store. teverBliam 01 byaddressinit uie at Fevorabaui, Out. RIDI) MATHKWS. Markdale, Licensed Kiic'.lonecr for tlie county of Orey. Good service at reasonable rates. Dates can bo made at The Advance, o OU w IHAUVEY PEKIOOE. broker, Flosberton. General brokcraKe business. lYisurauco of every kind plaoed in safe and liberal coinpaoies. Ileal estate etc.. Open accounts and past due notes handled and uiouey advauced thorooD, Corroapouduuce solicited. Medical DR CAKTEK M CI' A BOnt. Physician. SnrKeon.etc OfBce and residenoeâ€" Feter St., Plestaertoo JP OTTBWELL Veterinary Snrgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, ref)idence â€" ssoond door south west^on Ikary street. This street runs south Presbyterian Church. HWILHON, ISIacksiuith Uraduate of tuo Veterinary Bcieno Association. Durham itrent, opposite Boyd, Bros hardware. Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. D. B , dental surgeon hoooi'Rraduste of Toronto University and Koyal Colleen of Dental SurReons of On tario, Gas adiiiisitilstered for teeth extraction Othco at residence, Toronto Street, Flesherton. Legal WH. WBIGHT, Barrister, Solicitor, Convey- ancer, etc..â€" Owen Bound, and Flesherton. N Bâ€" FlesbertoD office, Bproule'a Block every Baturdar Societies A U V meets on the last Monday O ID each month. In their looge room Norris' block. Flesherton, at 6 p.m. M. W., micb This tiethwaite: Bee., C. H. Munshaw: Fin., W.J. Bel. amy. ViaitiDgbretbxaD invited PHIMCB ARTHUR LODOB, No. S8S, A.F.4 A U. meets in the Masonic hall. Arm- strong's Illock.Flesherton. every Friday on or before the full uiocn. Tbos. blaliely.W.M.; Hsrb.Bmith, BeLretiary. COURT FLESHERTON, 995, I. 0. F. ireetB in Clayton's Block the last Wednesday evening if each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. R., Dyson; R. 8., T. UeLry; Fin. Kec, C. N. Hiehardsoo. Please pay dues to Flo. Sec. before the first day of the month. '-'^â- ^ nnOSBN FRIENDSâ€" Flesherton Council of ^ Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's hall first and third Wednesday of each month H p. m Pay asseHsinents to the Kecorder on or before toe first day of each month. Chief Councillor T. Itlakelev; Recorder. W. H. Bunt. Farms For Sale or Rent For rent or saleâ€" 100 acre farm. Apply to Mrs. A. B. UcLao<l, Ceylou V. 0. VARM FOR HA1,Kâ€" lx)t S. coni U Osprey, ^ containing 100 acres, more or less, W acres cleared, balance hardwood bush, running water across farm, never failing well at houte. water lu harn. Barn, stone foil udatiuo, UO x G(i. Good dwelling housu. 2 acres bearing orchard. Post amce iuhouis. Farm in good state of cultivation. Will sell reasonable. Immediate possession. Apply to RICHARD A. R OHlCRTS.'Lady Bank P.O. â- pOR HALKâ€" 100 acre farm, lot Ifi. eon 10, town- *â-  ship of Osprey, close to the vlllageof Kever- sbani. Bank barn.franieliouseandwell fenced. For particulars apply to A. 0. CAMPBKLL, 310 Husholme Road Toronto Iots X, and :is. con <1 8 D B, 10 acres. G.'i cleared â- ' 10 acres pasture, balance good busU Nam SxSO. driving shed, good frams houss irells 1 scse of orcliard and stone wall un(*er barn. Haugoen river crosses back of fsrni. Well fencd and in good state of cultivation,^:) miles from Prosou Btatlon. For term apply on premises to Jakes H. Vaksk, Proton Btatlon, 'L^or sale cheap or rent, immediate' possosfiou. *• Ijotmcon. 14. Artemesia, about 75 acres clear, comfortable log house and frame barn. Apply to B J Bnroule, Flesherton, or John J Martin , across the road from said lot; 'I/or sale clieap and on easy terms, good oom- ^ fortable frame dwelling, stable and driving house with th^^ee villii«e lots In Ceylon' DwolU Ingweil built and fiuislied and good bearing orchard od the property. Apply to â€" BJ Bpbouue, Flesherton. Lot 19, COD. ft, Osprey containing 100 acres, cleared, 'frame house, frame barn,sto foundatlou; orchard, well waterede^ On thousand down and balance to suit purchaser Immediate possession Apply to R. N. KiNNKAB Maxwell P. O. V Bulls for Service The thoroughbred bhortlinrn Bull. "Karl Orey," 7Uas;Wll be for service on lot m. con, 8, Artemesla. The pedigree of this fine aoiuial can be seen en si>plicstlon. Tims*! ANOBUW DOW .Proprietor. Pure bred Holslein Friesian Bull. This young animal ooniaa from one of the best dairy iierda in Caiisda, being in extended registration Terms tl.uO AMBKU KINO Purebred Tamwortli Hoar. This ynunc auimsl has proved himself one of the beststock getters that has ever been offered for service' Terms one dollar. -HICHAHl) ALLEN Lot 170, 2nd E. T and B road, Flesherton V O Thoroughbred Hull from Imported atoek, a so Tamworth Boar for service on lot ISl, T: d: H. B., Artemesla. 90 Aug. JOHN AOAUS. Prop. Hereford Cattle for Sale We have for sals tomn good bulls, heifera'and cows, all tboroiighbied Iteretords. T: ii J. WATBON. Proton. Pure Bred English Berkshlres and Tamworths. I have a tine lot of y.xing pigs bred <roni iirtr-i! winning stock, fur sale, Also 1 (rood Berkshire hog, twci yearH old. Write mo for prici's. I can give ii bargain also guarantee satisfaction on nil mail orders. (t«o. W. RiXSM, Maxwell P. O. Shearling Ram tor Sato A Leicester Hhearling ram for sale, will give him up the last week of this montii. I then will have use<i hint two years and will have no more use for him. Will soil cheap. Apply to JAM EH STUART. KlmUrley, Ont. Boar For Service. I have for aervloa a hoar. Anyone ralalui this magnificent an lOKI. He will piove Tsruis (LOO. F. BRACKBNBUltr, Feversham P, O, tot B, coo- 8, Ospreyi i bred Hampshire :s will do well to see lA>rii Fevershani, oncy gutter for you. Have One Doctor No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by hifn. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just as he says. A W« pQbU«h our fonnaUs ^ W«b«nlih Aleohol _^_ from oMt me4ioio«B W« urg* you to oouauit your iiers Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills in the house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and then, will ward off many an attack of biliousness, indigestion, sick headache. How many years has your doctor kno<va these pills? Ask him all about them. lH«m»7«fc>J.O.AyOtt..I<owtU.lUâ€".«â€" Education that Pays What the averatie young man and woman of to-day wants is an educalioii that will increuKe his or her oppor- tunities for success in lifo. The thorough cnursea in Business, Short- hand and Typewriting of tho Collingwood Business College Furnish the equipment. Write for free Catalogue. Students may enter at any time. T. E. H.\WKINS. » PRNCIPAL Collingwood, Ont. COMMENCE AT ONCE Better Your Position l)y Attending The Owen Sound, Ont. Our courses are thorough and pract ical â€" exj)erienced teachers. Individual in- struction. Students may enter at any time. A BUSINESS EDUCATION IS ESSENTIAL TO SUCCESS. Write for particulars. C. A. Fleming, G. D. Fleming, Princijial. Secretary. GROCERIES ! I ! Our stock of groceries embritcos everything you need or desire. The prices are in keeping with the quality of goods. Everything in our lino on sale here. Flour of all grades. Bran, Shorts, low grade llour.'etc for feed. GIVE US A TRIAL. Wright's Grocery FLESHERTON Thompson's I a E o Si Bread delivered regu- larly and kept for sale at the following stores: Collinson's and J. Pattiaon's, Ceylon W.Aldcorn & Son's and P. McArthur's Prieevillo N. McCannell's I'roton Station R. Heron's, Maxwell A. Hutchinson's and Eli Rohinson's Fevorsham H. Cairns', J.E.Iinrgo's and R. Parks', Eugenia Bakery o SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The largest and best stock of Furniture over shown in Flesherltm. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of tlie nice things in Hide lioards. Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bod Room Setts. A special reduc- S tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce tho stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER esherton A young soldier at Beziers simulated s'.eeping airknoss so cleverly that he de- ceived th« regimental dwtors. Ue must have been a night watchman, 'f he West Slreut Methodint ohuroh in Owen Sound will erect a new building. Already the whole 912,000 has been almost totally auliicribed. The steamer Toronto, tho first of tho direct line to Italy, sailed on Saturday for Naples, taking in her cargo 12 barrels of Canadian apples to the King of Italy. The Corporation of the Township of Artemesla NOTICE is hereby aiven that the Coun- cil of tho Muuicij>al Corporation of the Township pf Arteniusia will at a meeting to be held qil WodnesiUy, the lutli day of December, UHlt), at tho hour of 11 o'clock in the fort-noun at the Town Hull, in the Villaae of Fleslierlon, coiisider four several by-laws for closini;, stopping up, selling and convoying the following por- tions of highways iespecti\uly, nuine- ly: FIRST â€" A portion of Harvey Street in tho Village of Pricfvilk', mo'o pnrticularly described as follows : BE- tilNNINO nt, tlio intersoctioii of the vvesteriy limit of Ailomosia Street and till) ni'rthoily limit (jf Harvi.-y Street in (he Vill ige (if Pricfvillt! ; tlioncc soiith- ttosterly along the northerly limit of Hiirvey Street s di-^tiinc" of live hiiiidrwl iiiid twoiily-i'iglit (528) fool to the eust- crly li'iiit of Piincess Slieet ; tlieuce southerly along the enmerly limit of Priiict'Hs Strei't produced southerly a diatimco of sixty- six (G(i) feet ; thunc« iiortlieaKteilv sloiig the southerly limit of Ilarvoy Street a distance of two hundred and eighty-one (281) feet; thence northeasterly <in a curved line to the left havins! a radius of twenty-nine hundr'id and aixty-four and ninelenths (2964. !•) feet a distance of two hundred and tifty-'.hree and one-lmlf (2r).'!.5) feet to the westerly limit of Artemesla Street produced southerly ; thoiice northerly alons; the westerly limit of Artemesla Street produced southerly a distance of ten (10) feet to the point of beginning : s.'iid tract of land containing sixty- tour hundredths (0.(>4) acres, more or less. SECONDâ€" A pniiion of Harvey Street in the Villaste of Priceville, more particularly described as follows : BE- GINNING at the intersectijn of the westerly limit of Princess Street and the northerly limit of Harvey Street in the Vilhiiic of Priceville ; thence westerly along the northerly limit of Harvey Street a distance of thirteen hundred and cighty-thre6 (1383) feet to the east- erly limit of the township line between Gleuelr and Artemesla ; thence southerly along the easterly limit of the township lino bMtween Glenelg and Artemesia produced southerly a distance of twenty- two (22) feet ; thence northeasterly along a straight line whose course is North seventy-nine dearces thirty three min- utes East (N. 79° 33' E.) a distance of ten hundred and sixty-hve (1065) feet to a point on a spiral curve : thenco north eisterly on a spiral curve to the left a distance of uinety-eiitht (OH) feet to a point on the southerly limit of Harvey Street; thence northeaplerly along the southoily limit of Harvey Street a dis- tanco of two hundred and twenty (220) feet to the westerly limit of Princess Street ; thence northerly along the west- erly limit of Princess Street produced northerly a distance of sixty-six (06) feet to the {xiint of beginning ; said tract of land contaiulng one and tifty- one huudredths (1.51) acres more or loss. THIRDâ€" A portion of Artemesia Street in the Village of Priceville, more particuUrly described as follows : BE- GINNING at the intersection of ths westerly limit nf Artemesia Street and the northerly limit of Harvey Street in the Villaee of Prioeville ; thence north- erly aloni; the weaUsrly limits of Artn- tnosin Street a distance of one hundred aiid aoventy-eight (178) foot ; thence northeasterly on a curved lice to the left having a radius of twenty-seven hundred and eit{hly-nine and nine-tontha (2789.9) fe»t a distsuco of (ixty-suvon ((>7) foet to ths easterly limit of Arta- mesia Street ; thence southerly along the rasterly limit of Artemesia Street a distance of on« hundred and eighty-eight (188) foet; thenco southwesterly on a curved line to the right having a radius of tweniy-nino hundred and sixty-four and ninu-tsnths (2t>64.g) feet a distance of sixty-seven (07) feet to the westerly limit of Artenieaia Street produced southerly ; thence northerly along the westerly limit of Artemesia Street pro- duced southerly a distance of ten (10) feet to the point of beginning : said tract uf land containing twenty-nine hundredths (0.29) acres, mure ur lesa. FOURTH â€" A porti(m of Queen Street in tho Village of Prioeville, more particularly described as follows: BE- GINNING at the intersection of the northerly limit of Harvey Street with the westerly limit uf (jueen Street ; thence northerly along tho westerly limit of (juuen Street a distance of one hundred and seventy-eight and three-tenths (178.3) feet ; thence northeasterly along a straight line whose course is North seventy-nine degrees thirty-three min- utes East (N. 70" 33' E.) a distance of sixty-six (66) feet to the easterly limit of (jueen Street ; thenco southerly along the easterly limit of Queen Street a distance of one hundred and seventy- six (176) feet to (he northerly limit of Harvey Street ; thence southwesterly along tho northerly limit of Harvey Street produced westerly a distance of sixly-six (06) feet to the point of begin- ning : said tract of land twonty-sevon hundredths (0 27) acres, more or less. ALL persons interested or whose lands may or might be projudioially atfeutod hy such proposed by-laws or any of them arc retjuired to attend at the anid meeting, when they will be heard in person or by counsel or solici- tor vith reference thereto upon petition- ing to be so heard. DATIID this 10th day of November, A. D. 1909. W. J. BELLAMY, Cloik Township Artemesia With The Lordly Moose In Algoma. (Continued from front page.) Mark Waugh, Norwood's silver haired celestial, popularly known as "Charlie" last week diai)oaed of his laundry busi- ness here to Mark Hain, of Toronto, and leFt'hy the afternoon express on Sunday for China, where he expect* to spend his declining years with his family in ease and luxury, having by his frugal habita, »c- quired what the Chinaman consider* a' 66mpeien6o suflicient to enable him to do so. HtasuocesBor, Mr. Haiu, i« & much younger man, but has been in Canada long enough to c6py many of the Canadian styles and custom*. His predecessor, Mark Waugh, had lived in many Ameri- can and Canadisn cities and wa* probably the oldeat Chinaman in Canada. He name to Norwood about five years ago. â€" Register. Comanche Indian. Going over to see what tho fuss was about we found two members of the (larty standing over the respected remains of a bull moose, who, however, was minus his horns, which bad been knocked off in some manner only a few days previous, probably in a fight with another moose. The story oft he kill- ing was not roniatic. Mr, Wilfrid Phillips was stiindiiig on a deer runway waiting for a deer that the dogs were (irivin!;, when ho heard a alight noise io a ravine below him. Crooping cautiously down he looked into a thicket and saw* what he took to bu the head tif a doer, but which proved to bo a moose's ear. Firing at it the huge animal lumbered out towards hirn,9la;{gering. Thee more bullets were placed into his head and shoulders in quick succession before he fell. The animal would weigh' about 700 lbs., live weight. After trust^ing he was left where he fell for the time being. Tuesday produced two deer only. Weduenday was the bigday of the hunt and was a d<«y long to be remembered by some members ot the party at least. OCR MECONl) JIOOSE. On that day our party was strung out at different points and the dogs were put out Our dogs would not run moose and little hope was expressed that any more would be secured. In fact one uf our dogs had run a deer within a few rods of tho animal captured on Monday and it did not stir out of its tracks. The day in que.stion Mr. James Rose was stationed on a narrows of the lake where deer crossed. The dogs ran one deer, which he Secured. Later in the day he heard a noise'behind him, and looking around he saw a huge bull moose bearing down on him at full sail not two rods away. He quickly tired at the animal's head, We believe it was three shots that he tired and the great fell within saven feet of tho water, where, after trussing, it was unly necessary to roll him into the boat to take him to camp. Ue wss a magnificent animal and would weigh 1000 lbs. live weight. Another member of the party secured a splendid buck that day, makin? two deer and the big moose one day's bag, a record for the hunt. Mr. Ruse was on his Urst bunt and was justifiably elated over hi* good fortune. This animal only had one horn, the other having been knocked off. Thursday morning the hunt proceed eJ and the afternoon waa devoted t'j draw- ing out our first mooee some quarter of a mile to the water, whence he was tuwe 1 to camp. Friday, Saturday ahd Monday no hunt- ing WHS dune. We had ten doer and two moose, about as much venison as we cared to bring home. The time was de- voted to making arrangenieuta for and getting our game out lo Bay Fin where the tug was to meat us. Owing to rough weather tb* tug did not arrive until Wednesday following. We arrived at Killarney Wednesday afternoon and were obliged to wait for a boat â€" the Germau- icâ€" until Friday evening. The party arrived in Owen Sound at 3 a. m. Satur- day and ctnie down ou the morning . train. ' This la the whole story of the hunt I without botheiing our readers with details. The season was pleasant for hunting but rather |warm to keep the game. While at Killarney awaiting the I boat the time was relitved by studying ^ the fishing conditions, etc., but hung heavily all the same and we do not desii'e any more tall hunting trips by boat, ' They are too uncertain. I Wo heard a go»)d story while at Kil- larney, told by a guide, at the expense of a Collingwood gentleman who hunti*d for moose in the vicinity of Collin's Inlet. The guide showed him a moose and told him to sho<it. The gentleman asked the guide if he was sure it was a moose, and waa again told to shoot. Again the gentleman asked if the guide was quite sure ir was a moose. Than he proceeded to adjust a p«ir of eyeglasses, but before this could be accomplished Mr. Moose had decamped. The hunter then told tho guide he would give him f25.(X) if ha would follow and secure the animal, but, a* the guide said, the game would be about twelve miles away by that time and tho ((unst would be useless. Thus the one and only oppor- tunity was lost and the gentleman had to return home without his moose meat. Of oourie it is anperfluou* to remark that the [game laws were observed, as Deputy Game Warden Jacob Loughead was a member of our party. We believe that the laws in that district are fairly well observed and few transgressions occur. The Spanish rivor Lumber Co. issued strict orders to the cooks in their fifteen camps that not an ounce of veni- son was to be cooked by thoni, which had the effect of knocking illicit work in the head, and was creditable to the company. An exchange publishes the namea of a party of "dear" hunters, There can be no objections to this, but suppose tnnie of the dear hunter* were already married. We imagine there would be a curtain lecture coming their way after thu papar came out, A 14-year-old girl was married recently in Maaford, her pareiit* cunaenting. Twenty-five years ago it was difficult to sell spring wheat flour for pastry at any price. People didn't want it â€" they were using soft, winter wheat flour, and saw no reason for changing. But hard wheat flour was persistently pushed. The women tried it and succeeded with it, â€" to-day hard wheat flour is the favorite for Pastry as well as for Bread. Ogilvie's Royal Household is hard wheat flour at its best â€" milled by modern methods, retaining all of the good of the wheat. It is without an equal for every kind of baking in which flour is used. 16 OgOvie Flonr HDIs Co., LiaiBed, MMfreri. Norris Bros., """Tns* rinsmlths WATCH THIS SPACE Next Week Norris bros. Flesherton •••••••••••••• ; •••••••••••••••••• ; ••••••••1 ::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*:****t::::***v:*::;;uus:::u:u:i :::: :a ^___ .«•• - ^-^^^â€" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^» :::: •••• â- Â«â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• :::: •••• •••• •••• •••• :::: :::: :::: Boots and Shoes We have just the thing to keep your feet dry in this kind of weather in English Kip, Cordovan and Water Proof ; also some long legged boots laced, soft and good. Rubbera in men's women's and children'a heavy and litrht, at the old price. I secured these before the raise and can give you i'ust what you are looking for in sna; prooff, puncture proof and laplo Leaf Brands. Those who have worn them know how they last. Underwear tor Everybody We have some exooptionaly good value* in underwear, heavy and light, coarse and fine, unshrinkable, also some feather down in fleeced lined. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Men's Fur and Fur lined coals that will *tand inapeotion, also some men's Dress Overcoats, for all ages and sizes. Inspect our Ladle's Fur Coats, Fur Caps, Huffs, Caperines and Gauntlets, and be convinced that they are the very best, and bettor value than yo u can get elsewhere. ••• ^as, x^attison (3eifU on .•tm!JttJint»tltflllftttittt'!«ll!UJtttft8M»t»ftiIjS!jJfMflJfjJttt??J}t!«! In Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, Harrows, \ Ploughs, Cream Separators and WIRE F ENCING T Heard's Carriage Works \ w ^^- .^a. 1^^ '^**â€" ^^ ^^i^T" '^T "^^ ^^ 'm ^ -^~^~-^^ - â- ^^^ ^^ -^ ^fc . <^ -^Vi^^l^^A^^^?^^^"^^!^

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