i^.. WHEAT P BICES WI LL 60 DP Biggest Grain Exporter in Dominion Gives Reasons for Prediction. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS 1A1>I>£MI«G8 FSOH ILL OTEB TBE GLOBI. frlecritpfeU Briefa From Oir Ow« tad Otbvr Countries •! Beeent Eveata. (?ANADA. Mr. George Stroud, the well- known cattle buyer, of Hamilton, A despatch from Winnipeg says : responsible for a big bulge. Should James Carruthers, of Montreal, the these reports be substantiated lat- biggest grain exporter iu Canada, 'cr, it will have a livening effect, is in the West to find if the supply I ''Then another thing, look at the this year from the Canadian West situation in the States. Europe! is dead. will hold out or not. He believes figxired on being able to get a big George Spence, an old man from , _ „, ^ , , , ._ the wheat is being held up, and is : lot of wheat from below the line. ; near Toronto, was found dead in cutside in buyers' sacks. Manitoba ' the Bristol class, costing $1,900,000 going to make a trip through the ! But it doesn't look at present as Small Lake, near Cobalt. flour, first patents, $5.60 on track, 'ea^ij, and four destroyers, costing West to find what the farmers arejif they were going to get much. | The Brandon Shoe Company, re- '^ ^- ' â€" -'^- »-,«*„: THE WORLD'S MARKEFS REPORTS FROM THE LEADIUG TBADE CESTBES. DOMINION'S SAYAL FOBCB Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Nov. 23â€" Flour â€" On- tario wheat 90 per cent, patents, ^ $4.30 to $4.35 in buyers' sacks on ; il of Parliament, to give orders for track, Toronto, and $4.15 to $4.20 the construction of three cruLsers of Annual Cost for Cruisers and Destroyers Will be About $2,000,000. , _. were going ""•"K- Prices there are at least six cents icently burned out at Aylmer, will ^ "I feel," said Mr. Carruthers, j higher than those which would maka j remove to Brantford. ''that wheat prices are bound for! the grain available for export. Yet Serious charges of graft and | higher levels. I base my belief on premiums on cash wheat keep well ; protecting criminals are made a number of points which are now 'above the December option, with 'against the Council of St. Boniface, affecting the market. European ; no signs of breaking. This means j Welland Township Council has stocks are at a low ebb. Prices ' that Europe will have to come to cut down a number of poles erect- have been so high for the past two ! Canada for her supply and eventu-!ea by the Hydro-electric line con- 'yefii",'? that Coreigners have aceu-lally put our prices higher. I tractor. ^ mulated no surplus, but have only] "In Chicago I talked with sev- j The C. P. R., the Allans and taken enough wheat to satisfy im-'eral big traders and they all take | several leading British ship-build- niediate demands. 'this view. I'm also inclined to i ing firnns have arranged to con- ''Now. in spite of manupulation, jbilieve that the United States Gov- i struct a drydock at Levis, wheat prices eventually come to a ernment reports have somewhat | Alex. Bailey of North Bay was supply and demand basis and that | overestimated the crop there. ; knocked down and robbed bj' A despatch from Ottawa says : type of scout adopted by the A#» The Government of the Dominion I miralty. They displace 4,800 toni, has decided, subject to the approv- ' ^"^^ '>»^''' <" '.P'^*'' °^ ^.^ knots n hour,- tc provide wh:ch turbino eB' gines develop 2;i,000 horsepower. They are armed with two six-inal| and ten four-inch quick-firers, a,i _ „^, „,...„,,.,...-, ^ **!' *s smaller weapons. Toronto; second patents, $5.10 to | ^^3^'Q„"J"p^^j^"*g^g"^''^y'^'|g'y"^' Jf^.^"^^ The destroyers are small and very $3.20, and strong bakers', $4.90 to i ^^^^^ ^^^^.^j ^^^^^ j^^ number of speedy craft, intended to w«t $5 on track, Toronto. I officers and men required for these against torpedo boats. They ait« Manitoba Wheatâ€" Xo. 1 5s"rthern : .gg^^jg ^-jj j^^ ^408, and the pay carry torpedoes, to be used if oy $1.04, Bay ports, and No. 2 North- j ^^jj ^^^ victualling will cost about j portunity serves in attacking target ern, $1,023^, Bay ports. '$500,000 a vear. The total cost of j craft. Ontario Wheatâ€" No. 2 mixed. ; ^j^g j^^^,^, j-^^^.^ j^ ^^^1^^^^^^^ ^^ 52,- Of scouts similar to the Bristola, $1.04 to $1.05 outside, and No. 2 ; ^qq g^ ^ ^^^^^ j^^^ ^.jn include ' Germany has but eight at the pr». white and red Winter, $1.05 out- j ^j^^ maintenance of efficient dock- *'^- . 1 vards at Halifax and Esquimalt. Barley-No. 2, 59 to 60c outside, â- ^jj-^.j^ ^^ ^^ available for the larg- and No. 3 extra at 67 to 58c out- ! ^^.^ ^^^^^ ^£ ^j^^ n^^,^^ >j^,.y *'^®- i The Bristols are the most recent Oats â€" No. 2 Ontario white, new, | West sent time, while Britain has twen» ty-one of 25-knot speed. In adA tion to scouting, these ship* woula b-. useful in time of war for the pnt* tection of ocean trade routes. is the prime factor we must look at - "And now we're coming to the unknown man, who visited his house j 390 for No. 3, Bay ports ti^ determine the future trend of :, greatest factor of all, the farmers, in the early morning. the market. The Argentine cropiThey hold the key to the situation | Chief Justice Dubuc of Manito- will play a great part. We have and you may rest assured that pric- j ha, who is retiring, was presented seen during the past week what es will have" to stay at least as high jwith a chair by the Provincial Gov- damage reports from that country as they are now to make them ernment, and with a portrait of to 3Bc outside. Canada anjoats. 39%c for No. 2. and 38% to 't 5»/< to 5%c per lb. Good lota of! THE PROVIXIAL RAILWAY, will do to prices. They have been loosen up.' DROWNED AT STRATFORD. William M. Kane Goes D^>Mn in the Y. M. C. A. Tank. A despatch from Stratford says : Wiu. M. Kane, attendant at the Normal School here, was drowned at the Y. M. C. A. swimming tank oil Saturday. It seems that the young man could not swim and got beyond his depth, the tank being eight feet at the deepest part. Whe- ther he took cramps does not seem clear, but Coroner Rankin said that MAN BLOWN TO PIECES. Three Coiupanionn Hurled Groat Ifgraph Company and the American himself by the Winnipeg Bar. The Bell Telephone officials Montreal issue a statement that their company i.s not in the recent merger of the Western Union Te- Peasâ€" 86 to 86c outside. Rye â€" No. 2, T4c outside. Buckwheatâ€" 56c. low freights. Corn â€" No. 2 .American yellow, T4\f. to 73c on track. Toronto. Branâ€" $21 in bags, Toronto, and ' $4.60. fat hogs about 8^^c per lb. . ^ â- . r' Toronto, Nov. "23.â€" There was a R«'P«rts for September >how Co». fair sprinkling of choice butchers', [ tinned Increase in Earnings. which sold at $5 to $5.30: ordinary I ^ despatch from Tenant.) sayil I good to medium loads at $4.23 to -Yhe gross revenue of the Provi«. !$4.S5; choice cows from $3.75 to ^-^^ j ^ >r q Kailwav for the paal , , ... ,, , I I-eeders were strong at $4.-;„'„p months was SUIS.OOO, •« at: shorts at $23.50 in bags. Toronto. | ro. Milkers and springers- Slight- 1 ^^^j^gt $180,000 for the same tim« ly easier. Lambs at .$3.30 to $6; ,^"„^ ^.^,^ jjj^ „g(. revenue for th# COUNTRY PRODUCE. per Distance Away. A despatch from Vancouver, B. C, says: Joseph Betrozelli. an Italian, working at Little Mountain ' reservoir, South Vancouver, /on , Thursday night was blown to pieces Telephone Company. GREAT BRITAIN. The dowager-Duchess of Manches- ter is dead in London. Mr. Herbert Glad.«tone has ac- Applesâ€" Prices. $2 to $3.50 barrel, according to quality. Beansâ€" $1.53 to $1.65 per bush e! at outside points in large lots. I . no ^*''*- ^*''*''- -"- â€" - â€" ' (sheep at $3.25 to $4. Hogs â€" Se- periJd ,vas $510,000. while receipt* jlects. 87.40 t.o.b., and$7.63fed and, ^^^^ ,jrp royalties amounted to v.atered. $107,000. The freight revenue wa4 $86,000. as against $11,000 last Honeyâ€" Combs, dozen, $2.25 to $3: extracted, 10'. > per lb. Hayâ€" No. 1 timothy $15 to SIS. 50. and No. 2, $13. .50 to $14 on track. MAD DO(i BIT ( OWS. Case of Rabies Develops on Farm in .Vdelaide. by a premature blast. Three fel- cepted the post of G.-veinor-Gcner- : Toronto, low-workmen were hurled through al of South Africa. | Straw- the air a distance of many feet. One i Lord Charles Bere.sford is to be, Toronto. Zanoni was severely injured in the tt^ Unionist candidate in the com- i Potatoes it was a clear case of drowning., and face and will probably lose his sight. ; i°K bye-olection in Portsmouth. an inquest would not be necessary. 'Kane was about twenty years of rge, and his parents live in Fuller The four were employed in exca- 1 The House of Lords pa.ssed the vating and were about to start for ; 1""^ land bill, altering certain the sheltf r when the powder e.rplo- lamentknrnts which the Commons ton township, a short distance from'ded. The two uninjured, as soon,''*'^ declined to accept Mitchell. CERMANVS NAVAL BIDGET. The Largest in the History of the Country. A despatch from Berlin says : The naval budget estimates of 443,- 000 marks ($111,000,000) for 1910, the largest in the history of Ger- many, have been received in si- lence by the newspapers. While there will be no modifications in the large shipbuilding programme, the naval attaches stationed here are awaiting with interest specific information as to what part of the 171,000,000 marks for new construc- tion will be spent on torpedo boats, submarines, etc. The total budget proposals of the Government for the army and navy amount to 1, their feet, started j ^" * speech at Manchester, Mr. never stopped until i Arthur J. Balfour declared that as they found running, and they reached the centre of the city The reservoir was being construct- ed for the city. TO CHANGE IRON TO STEEL. tariff reform was the only practi- cal alternative to the present bud- get. Lord Lansdowne gave notice in the House of Lords that on Monday he would move that the budget be not accepted until an appeal can year, and the passenger revenue $33..")22. compared with $35,923. Th« interest on construction is $')0,000 per month. The September retuma from the railway, just received hjf A. despatch from Strathroy says : | the Provincial Treasurer, shot* Straw â€" $8.50 to $9.50 on track, < A case of hydrophobia was report- gross receipts of $167,777. and e*> ' ed on Sunday on the farm of Nor- penditnres of $90,131. the net rev* 48 to 50c per bag on man Brock. Main Road. Adelaide jenue from operation being $61,62<J, track for Ontarios. | Township,- in which one cow had to and from ore royalties $10,000. Th« Poultry â€" Chickens, dressed. 1! to be killed, while several others may , revenue from the line last year wa( 12c per lb.: fowl, 9 to lie: turkeys, be infected with the di.sease. About j $3.50.000, while this year so far i% 1" to 19c per lb.: ducks, lb., 12 to three weeks ago a .stray dog came h.is amounted to $650,000. All sur* 13c ; geese, 9 to 10c per lb. j to the home of Mr. Bro.ck and be- ' plus earnings are devoted to iiO" i pan chasing the horses and cattle | provements, cutting down grades^ in the field and biting them. Mr. filling-in and straightening curves. Brock chased the dog off the premis- Butterâ€" Pound prints. 22 to 22'4c ; es. but it came back a week later. THE DAIRY MARKETS. HOLD THEIR WHE.iT. Villase Blacksmith Has Invented .be made to the country Simple Effective Process. | A despatch from Gallipolis. | UNITED STATES. M. Laffan. publisher of The Ohio, says : A new secret method 1 W which is said to be able to save the jNew York Sun, is dead. United States Steel Corporation j Richard Watson Gilder, editor at least $1,000,000 a year has been: of The Century Magazine, is dead. sold by Mason Grover, village' Six workmen lost their lives in a blacksmith at Bidwell. near here, cave-in at Wiiiston-Salem, N. C. for $200,000 and royalties. The plan is to convert iron ore into steel by a simple process, and this will do away with much of the me- chanism now used and the long n.ihaii. Mr. H. H. Miller, duced a bill in the M.P.. intro- Commons to | tubs and large rolls, 20 to 21c; in- . In the meantime. Mr. Brock's own ferior. 17 to 19c; creamery. 26 to Jog took sick and died. At the sec- | BiR Falling Off In Shipments froiB 27c. and solids. 24^.^ to 25c per lb. ond return of the dog Mr. Brock | 'h*" West. Eggs-Case lots. .30 to 32c per was himself bitten on the leg, but; .\ despatch from Winnipeg sarsi dozen for fresh, and 26 to 27c for not seriously, and nothing was I'raffic men on the local raiUaya storage. 1 thought of it. He then shot the dog. are wondering what has happened Cheeseâ€" 12'/oC per lb. for large, ; His suspicions were not aroused, 'to the wheat crop of Western Can- however, till Sunday, when one f)f gda. because since the beginning his cows took sick and f'hasod the of the month there has been a big other cattle around the field. Dr. : fulling off in grain shipments. Brandrelh. veterinary surgeon of "There won't be the usual rush at Strathroy, was called, and at once the clo.se of navigation, " a proniin- mess pork, pronounced it a case of hydropho- ent official remarked on Thursday, bia. The cow was driven into the . "The farmers are holding their barn and killed. The other two wheat for higher prices and we can- cows and two horses which were bit- not get at it at all. .^t every poind ten have developed no symptoms i;i the country we have cars wait- ing, with their wheels getting rusty. and at IZ^^c for twins. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear, 14 to per lb. in case lots; 826.50: short cut, $28. Hamsâ€" Light to medium, to 14!ic; 15 to rolls. • "r^'^^'' '^ 'â- â- [f "^'*'l "â- ''%wT^ i 10c : do., heavv, 14 t m (hicago to Miss Anna McClan-l , ^^ ,,^^. shoulders, 12- to 13c; I backs. 19 to 20c ; breakfast bacon, ^et, but they will be watched close ! 17 to 18c. I iy_ 2.50,000.000 marks (about $312,500,- 'time employed in this transforma- j suppress race-track gambling. 000). as against 1.077,803.000 (about $269,450,000) in the 1909 budget. tion work. Grover has been a poor j A great shake-up is expected in Lard â€" Tierces, 15} oC ; tubs, 15%c ; pails, 16c. -*â€" THREE WERE DROWN KD. Their Skiff Capsized at Port Arthur ou Wednesday. A despatch from Port .\rthur says : Three men were drowned here on Wednesday when a skiff ca|>sized with a party of four while rowing across the canal basin. Their man all his life and has little edu- cation. *- the- United States customs .service as a result of the sugar fraud e.x- THE FIRST MARTYR. Siiffragctlc Gets I'wo .Honths' Hard Labor. DYN.VMITE EXPLODED. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Montreal, Nov. 23.â€" Oatsâ€" No. 2! Canada Western, 4lX to 41'/.;;c. Barleyâ€" No. 2. 66 to 67c ; Manito- ba feed barley. 32 to 53c. Buck- wheat -.58 to SSjic. Flour â€" Mani- at Two Men Killed While Fishing Ticloria Harbor. A despatch from Victoria Harbor, Onfc., says: \ double fatality occur- red near here on Sundav when toba Spring wheat patents, firsts. \ ^- '"^ ^^^'.''^''-t ^as blown to pieces by posures. Edward Curry, one time manager of the Montreal Telegraph Com- pany's office at Cobourg, is dead at Staten Island. .\ Detroit Judge says that half ^,_^_^ ^ __ ^ ^ .'\ despatch from Bristol, Eng-'ofthe applications for divorce that ' sr,"';o .""jo., "^seconds. '$5.20 ; Winter ^'-^"^'"'te and Fred Doc was drown- iland, says: Ellen Pitman, an elder- | come before him involve persons ; „.\ie at patents. $5. .50 to $3.60: Ma- i ^''- '^'"^ '"'" ""^^ belonged to this i ly Suffragette, is the first martyr : married in Windsor. Initoba strong bakers' $5; straight l-'^''"-''' "â- '^'â- ^ were in a rowboat some I to the cause to be sentenced to hard j It is estimated that the earning ; rollers, $3.10 to •'!>5.25 ; do., in bags, "li'^s up,the bay-, at a place called names are John Marshall Legrade, [labor. She was arraigned in the < power of the proposed copper mei--!g., ^q \^ $2 50. Feedâ€" Ontario Abner Buinius and Pete Kaiusen. I magistrate's court on Wednesday i ger will be between $23,000,000 and ! ^ran $21 to "$22 : do. middlings The men came here from New Or- ' on a charge of throwing a stone ' $30,000,000 annually. ' ' leans. The bodies have not yet been ; through a window of the post-office. ! Dr. Louise G. Robinovitch de- recovered. The fourth man was i ghe was sentenced to two months' inonstrated to medical men at New jThey are certainly not inarkei.ng the wheat we looked for. and all j the wheat has not gone out of the I country yet. September and Oc- tober were very hcavv months for shipments (if wheat. November has 'been started very badly, and doesn't seem to be getting any, better." WRECK A 1 MOOSK JAW. rescued. i. imprisonment at hard labor. 200 WIDOWS, 1,000 OBPHAIS Result of the Disaster in the Cherry, Illinois, Coal Mine, A despatch from Cherry, 111., Bays : .\fter three mining experts had made two trips into the St. aPul Mine on Thursday afternoon it was learned that they had found 80 bodies along 70 feet of the mine gallery. The search for the bodies ] must last for days. The galleries ' must be strengthened and air seat I into the thousands of rooms in the ; death cavern. Water, too, may have I flooded some parts of the third vein. I 'A sullen crowd watched all night beside the main shaft. The two ' tompanies of militia forced them back with clubbed rifles. .\s a result of the disaster, there : are in (his town of only a few "thou- | sand i)cople, at least 1,000 orphans and 200 widows. Some families of eight children will be dependent up- on charity. These are the figures of Duncan McDonald, of .Spring- field, lit., president of District No. JS, United Mine Workers, who in- stituted a roll-call of the families ci the entombed miners. TWENTY MEN FOUND ALIVE. From deepest despair to the hy- steria of hope, and then to the ilepths of despair again. The whole siale of emotions was twice run over Saturday and Sunday here by the tireless men who have been work- ing for a week to rescue tliose whom fire entombed in the St. Paul mine, and by the waiting, weeping women above. Forty bodies had been brought from the pit mouth iin Saturday, and most of them identified, when the report shot through the prostrate connuunity : "They've found them alive! they've found thciu alive!" Twenty men who had built a barrier between York her ability to restore a dead rabbit to life by means of rythmic electric excitations. Plans are on foot to hold an ex- hibition in 1913 to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the freedom of the negro race in America. The prosecution of the sugar trust frauds at New York gives promise of developing into an in- vestigation which may lank with the insurance inquiry of four years ago. jbran, $21 to $22 $23. .50 to $24; Manitoba bran. .$20 to $21: do., shorts, $23 to $24; 'pure grain niouille, $32 to $33: mi.Ked mouille. $25 to $27. Cheese â€"Westerns, 11% to ll%c for late Fall make, and 11 "9 to 12c for Sep McRae's Lake. Drolet had a quan tity of dynamite in the boat, pre sumahly for fishing purposes, while he was leaning over the Mheat Train Ran Into String of Standing Cars. A despatch from Moose Jaw gays: One of the worst wrecks thak and "^''''''^ occurred in this vicinity hap- bo.K P*'"^'^ near the yard limits of this GENERAL. Bjernstjerne Bjoriison, the Nor- wegian author, is dangerously ill in Paris. The Nicaraguau insurgents have seized the Dictator, a Norwegian fruit steamer, and pressed it into tember goods, with easterns at iij^as drowned. Both men to ll'/ic. Butterâ€" Finest creamery, ^"i^fs and large families 25c, and fresh 24 to 24'.;.c. Eggs â€"Selected stock. 27 to 2Sc. and No. 1 candled, 25 to 26e per dozen. containing the dynamite the ex- i oity shortly before midnight, on plosion occurred. " He was blown to | Wednesday, resulting in the death pieces. Doe was thrown into the ; of Roland Hillings, aged 23. an water, and. being unable to swim. I ^"K''"^"^""- "'^^ ^^^ fireman on UNITED ST.VTES MARKETS. Buffalo, Nov. 93.â€" Wheatâ€" Eas carloads, ; charge of robbing the M. C icr store. Corn- et V,'c; No. their service ! Herr Pawlowski. general agent \ Northern !ot the North (German Llovd line at i Spring. $1.04 to $1.07V^. Paris, committed .suicide because of iNo. 2, 63V; to 63%e ; No. 2 y<*llow. 1 Northern. $1.17 %; Winter, steady. Easier; No. 3 yellow, new. No. 4 yellow. 62^^c ; No. 3 corn. 63c. Oats â€" Firm. Chicagr.. Nov. 23.â€" Wheatâ€" Cash No. 2 red. $1.19 : No. 3 red, $1.0S to $1.15: No. 2 hard. $1.09 to $1.10; No. 3 hard. $1.03 to $1.07; No. 1 Northern. $1.10 to $1.11; No. 2 $1.08 to $1.09; No. 3 Corn â€" leave *''^*' ^orth Line freight, and the complete wrecking of seven cars. Hillings was crushed under a ten- der. He has a brother in Souris, Five hundred persons, including and leaves a wife and baby. En- two Americans, have been summar- Igineer Butts was gashed on the ily executed in Nicaragua. j back of the head. Brakeman Bert George Burns, section foreman at ; Barber was slightly injured. .V Montru.se. hase been arrested on ajleavily loaded wheat train ran into R. by I a string of cars standing in the padding the pay-roll. [yard. financial difficulties. Seniir Habid, a wealthy Spani- ard, the owner of the Blue Hope diamond, is reported to have been drowned in the wreck of the steam- er La Sayne near Singapore. RIEI/S LIKl TENANT DEAD. noxious gases themselves created by the by the rescuers in an almost ex haustcd condition. It tiiok six hours ti get them to the surface, aiut the vcjiort spread around that l.*)0 j nmrc men wt re jilive in a farther , reach of the mine, shut off from fresh air by a wall of black damp. 11(1 Tilt- ii«/.'« i«>ii .-< K oio*... n I _ . _-, â- -• ft • A fire had been found »''>»'"'" '''^'•"••''' "" Anniversary of Leader's Execution. , . A despatch from Winnipeg says : .\iiibrose Lepiue, Louis Riel's lieu- linant, has just died at St. Vital at the age of 73 years. The day oil which he died was the 24th an- niversary of the execution of Riel. 64Vic; No. 3, 63'/„:c : No. 3 yellow. 63>4c: No. 4, 62'. ic. Oatsâ€" No. 3, 39%'c ; No. 3 white, 3S'/,' to 41e : No. 4 white, 38 to 3,9'':4C standard. 41 to 41; ic. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Nov. 23.~.\ few of the best North-West cattle sold at about 5c per lb. and a little over. FlIABS OF THE DOMINION Estimates For the Fiscal Year Submitted to Parliament A despatch from Ottawa says : The estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31. 1911. were tabled on Thursday afternoon by the Fi- nance Minister. The total on con- solidated fund amounts to $91,891,- 578,39, an increase of $10,752,940.- Pretty good animals 3% to ij-gc ; j '^2- The total capital is estimated common stock, 2 to 3c per lb. ; lean ' at $36,779,415. an increase of $S,- eanners from 1)^ to 2c per tb. ;! 294.675.46. The grand total is milch cows from $30 to $60 each. I $127, 670.903. ."59, an increase of $16,- Grass-fed calves, 2'.; to t,',c per 047.616.18. lb. ; good veals at 5 to 6c per lb. There is a total naval appropri Sheep, 3' 3 to 3;''ic per lb. ; lambs, ation of $3,676,500 as against f8W,- j $:^,0?0,000. ; .500 for Inst year. This estimate in- j dudes $3,000,000 for the purcha.s«, j construction and maintenance of ships, the maintenance and upkeep I of dockyards at Esquimalt and Hali- i fax, and the establishment and maintenance of training schools as I against an amount of $280,000 ap- propriated under this head last year, there is an increase of $2,- 719.,590. There is air estimate 0/ $1,7.50.000 fcKi- the Trent canal, an increase of $750,000. The militia estimates show an increase of over