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Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1909, p. 2

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CAUSE AND CURE OF NEURALGIA Ifodern Methods Dispose of ilie Cause Instead of Treating the Symptoms. Xcuralgia inoaus simply "nerve j^ain, " so tlicre may be a great va- riation in the charucler and inten- sity of the pain and any nerve in the body may be affected. There are a number of eauses of neural- gia, but the most common is a gen- eral run down condition of the sys- tem. The discovery of thi.s fact from reliable statistics led to the tew treatment for neuralgia which consists in building up the general be.ilth by the tonic treatment and • "> disposing of the cause of the "trouble Persons reduced by acute sicK- «e8S, or by severe mental or physi- ical strain, or by loss of sleep are ANMIIIL.VTE DREADNOUGHTS »» Dirgiblo Torpedn Will t'arry a Ton of Dynuuiitr. That latest and most terrible en- gine of naval warfare, the new dir- giblo torpedo whose movements are controlled by wireless telegraphy, carries a charge of 1,980 poundsâ€" not far short of a ton â€" of dynamite. What this means can be faintly im- agined, when it is remembered that the largest dirgible torpedoes em- ployed up till now carry less than 200 pounds. Yet tha results obtain- ed with these and others of even smaller size, have been sufficiently awful. Thus, the very first torpedo of the modern dirgible type, that was ever used in warfare, which contained a bursting charge of only 50 pounds, sufficed to destroy the fine new Tur- kish monitor Oai-Matsin during the Russo-Turkish War in 1877. The Japanese, during their last war with China, used comparative- ly small torpedocfl of a very simi- jlar tvpe. Yet bv their aid thev suc- Irequently victims of neuralgia and Leoded in sinking the great' iron- Jlt IS common in the case of those I ,^j Ting- Yuen, the pride of the [suffering front anaemia or blood- (^'jjinesc Navy. 4e88ncss. This brings us to the ac- 1 Qn July 3rd, 1880, the Chilian lual cause of neuralgia, which is j ^^.^^^^.p^^j j^^^ ^,^^ jp^^^.^yg^ j„ (-.^, ! lao Harbor by a noii-dirgibld tor- i pedo concealed in a fruit boat, i which carried a b.irsting charge of „ ., , . . , . ; 30C pounds of dynamite. Thi.s was factonly when it is weak or impure. | ^,^^ j^j ^^^ quantity that up till fiujld up the blood and the neural- i ^j^^^ j^^j j^^^.^ ,,^j.^, -^ ^^^,^, ^^^._ ^le pain will disappear as the ^^^^ .^^^, ^j^^ ^jy^^.^ ^^^ terrible, perves become fetter nourished, j,^^ ^^j^ ^.^^ ^^^ Loa herself blown Bervc starvation. The blood which In normal health carries to the nerves all of their nourishment, is tinablc to perform this duty satis- factorily when it is weak or impure. Juild up the blood and the neural- jie pain will disappear as the nerves become better nourished. )r. Williams' Pink Pills are a ! iilood-tnaking tonic , . I to bits, with the loss of 150 men out and for t...8 , ^^ j^^^. ^^.^^^ ^^ goo, but everv house reason cure even the most obstin- ; ^^^ j^,^,,^^, ^.^^ ^,^„^^^ ^^ .^^ founda- ^te cases „f neuralgia, hvery dose ^.^^ ^^^ ^,,^ ^^^. .^ ^^^^ j^^^.j^^^ ©f this DU-d.cme makes new, rich , ^^ ^^^ ^^j j,.,^ ^^ j^^^^^ ^^ the starved . ATTENDED BY FIVE DOCTORS BIT «0T AO RI:MKF IIXTII. HK VHV. UOItD'S KIDNKY PILLS. TLHING EARTHQUAKES. Study of Seinnilc DialiirbanecH Mak- ing iireat Sti'ldcH. The study of earthquakes is said t<. have been pursued diligent- ly in Japan and in Italy. The dis- covery which led to the establish- ment of observatories, .furnished with delicate instruments for re- cording distant earthquakes, was due to an accident. In 1877 a Rus- sian astronomer noticed, while making observations with one of the levels attached to a tele8coi)e, that the bubble of the level was os- cillating, but apparently for no rea- Wondciful Cure of A. K. Richard, Who was Tortured by Rheuma- tism and Kindred Palu.s, MetH Kent County TalkiuE. St. Ignace, Kent Co., N. B., Nov. 22-(Spccial).â€" After being tortured for four years with iiack- ^, ^.^ ache, Rheumatism, Stiffness of the son. Directly, however, there came Joints and Pains in the Loins, and the news of an earthquake at Iqui- getting no relief from five doctors que, which had occurred an hour and a quarter before the oscilla- tions of the instrument; and since then it has been ascertained that this is just the time needed for the earth waves to travel the 8,000 miles between the two points. Such was the beginning of what seems ti. be now a highly developed at- tempt at the formation of a new science. Mn Poultry Producer WE HAVE NOTHINO TO ADD t. our advice of last week. WE REPEAT : " Don't rush your Poultry on to (he market before quality and condition* warrant.' WRITE US for our special instructions covering Killiny, Plucking, Packing, Etc. GET THE BENEFIT of our 35 ye«r» experience for the asking. GUNN, LAHQLOIS ^ CO.* Ona'da-s Largsst ProdHcs Hau.. MONTREAt.. I's Largatt ProdHc 'OUE SPKLIALT1K8 EGOS. BUTTER, POULTBV and HONET. 10 whom he called in, Mr. Antoine t Kichard, a well-known farmer liv mg near hero, is spreading the good news that he is once more a well man, and that he owes his cure to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Speaking of his wonderful cure, Mr. Richard says : â€" "I was a helpless man in July, 1907. For four years I had endur- ed the greatest torture from Back- ache, Rheumatism, Stiffness of the Joints and Pains in the Loins. I had dark circles under ray eyes, my head ached and I was often dizzy. I was attended by five doctors, but not one of them could help me. "Then I began to Dodd's Kid POULTRY. We call the attention of our read- ers to the advertisement of Ounn, Langlois & Co., Montreal, which appears elsewhere in this paper. If _ you have any poultry to place on ney Pills and after the first few | ^'le market during the holi}3ay sea- son, take their advice and commu- blood, which feeds u.o --â- -"â-  .^^e shock veins and drives out the sharp, , t>„„i,„„„ 1, darting, stabbing pains of neural gia. Mrs. John Tibert, Little Kiv er, N. S., says:â€" "A few years ago I was a great sufferer from neural- . . , ,, , ,. „„„„«• • , " an ironclad s bottom, was anorded by the destruction o ftho Petropav- the Russo-Japanese This splendid vessel was the f the Russian Admiral ] Perhaps, however, the most strilc- 1 ing example of what can he accoin- i plished by a heavy charge of high _ , **," explosive fired in close contact to was a great sufferer from neural- 1 _' . i.,i>„ u^k. „«• i-.i ' flagship gia in ray head and face. At times tlie attacks were simply excruciat- \ , , • t IT ij u f I * .„ lovsk during Ing, and I would be forced to re- „ main in V)rd. I tried doctors' medi- ' **" cines, but did not receive any bene- ft' until I began using Dr. Williams' ^ink Pills, and I am happy to say â- that the benefit I received from 'these wonderful. 1 may also 'ilidd that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills jeured my daughter of anaemia and Indigestion, at a time when we be- gan t^ dispair of her getting bet- ter. I can highly recommend these pills to anyone suffering from these troubles." Y'ou can get t)r. Williams' Pink Pills from any dealer in medicines or they will be sent by mail at 50 Eents a bo.\ or rLv boxes for $2..oO V The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., (Brockville, Ont. doses I began to improve. I used four boxes in all and now I am working every day on the farm a well man. I owe my wonderful cure t) Dodd's Kidney Pills and nothing else." There is no case or kind of Kid- ney that Dodd's Kidney Pills will not cure. PHILOSOPHY OF LUCK. Re on Lookout for Good, it Will Surely Coiuc to You. Every woman has her pet super- stitions. " Something, to her, stands for luckâ€" a horseshoe picked up, .. ^ . ,, I a four-loafed clover found, a pin ery respect. Yet she was blown up | gathered up from the floor, a black and sunk the greatest ease by , .^t straying into the house, a birth- ...... „.. „. ......... .... , a contact mine containing 500 lbs. jay stone, a lucky date or number, I ,*orrv and cares of business pre- ] Makaroff, and was first-class in ev- nicato with them before rushing goods to market. It is a good plan to write to these people if you have eggs, butter, poultry or honey to dispose of at any time, as they are known to be a very reliable house. He (fiercely)â€" -'We don't need that rug any more than a cat needs two tails. How often have I told you, my dear, never to buy any- thing because it's cheap?" She (with an air of one who has got the better of the argument)â€" "But it wasn't cheap, my love ; it cost $20.'' An .\lways Ready Pill. -To those of regular habit medicine is of little concern, but the great majority of men are not ot regular habit. The /For Baby's Sake^ Exercise care. Those who buy unknown brands of Condensed Milk for the baby, be- cause of the saving of a few cents, may find the experiment a costly one. The only brand especially prepared for infant feeding is Borden 's Eagle Brand Condensed Milk NEVER ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. IT CAMIIOT IE AS OOOO. (THB oRioiNAU BORDEH'5 COHOEMSED MILK CO.. --- »' WM. M. DUNN, Accnt - - MONTRBAL. INVIGORATING TONIC FOR RUN-DOWN PEOPLE Youi blood has become this and weak. The dtain upon your syitem the pa<l few months hat been very great. You are con- •equently feeling " all out of torts " and "ran down." Your appetite is bad and you hardly have enough energy leltio do your daily dutiet. You should take PSYCHlNE.lhegteatetlof Tonics, with- out delay. Thit will put you on your feel at once, Ceatlemen :.."1 have used PSYCHINE and I do think it it the greatest tonic and lyttem builder known. 1 would adrite all who are run-down or phyiically weak to use PSYCHINE.", YourstruIy,Mrt.Ju. Berlrand, West Toronto. If m an wnk PSYCHINE wH mAt m Mraax. Fw Sab kr >a DraniOt ft Deakn, S«c. A $1 fcrk*tlb. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM UNITED, TORONTO ' of dynamite. ! And now nearly fonr times thisi J quantity is to be .used, and in dir- ' gible torpedoes. The next naval war ought to witness a big mortal- ity amongst Dreadnoughts. A RELUBLE MEDICINE FOR ALL CHILDREN ! etc. She believes by definite ex- i vent it, and out of the irregularity aiuples, and in this she is usually j cf life conies dyspepsia, indigestion, correct. What she calls luck has ; liver and kidney troubles as a pro- really come to her the very day or , test. The run-down system de- week in which she found the horse- mands a corrective and there is shoe r)r i)ut on the birthday ring, none better than Parmelee's Vege- 1 CHENILLE CURTAINS^ It is not mere coincidence. It has table Pills. They are simple in their happened as she says. The only j composition and can be taken by P.aby's Own Tablets are absolute- ly safe. This medicine is as good EDUCATIONAL. A N nOrR A DAY GIVEN TO STUDY J\_ will enable you to improve your education. Our ifissons by mail will helo you to 8tudy to advantage. We teach (.'om- loprcial work. Public and Hieh School subjerts, Steam Emtineerine. Mechanical DrawinK. Journalism, AKricuUure. Stock Uaifling, and 100 other courses. Ask for what you need. Canadian CorresDondence College. Limited, Deut. K., Toronto, Can- ada. thing she fails to see is just why and how it has happened, says Har- per's iSuicaar. The most important thing in life the most delisately constituted. She (to beggar) â€" "It's a wonder you don't use soap and water once { for the new born babe as thcwcll I '^ "ic's attitude toward it. To the j or so in a month." Heâ€" "I have grown child. It contains no opiate ' yrong attitude life brings nothing, 'thought of it, mum, but there's so j WAXTFUfi. or poisonous stuff. The mother who ! J'» t'"" '"'Kbt attitude it brings ev- ! many kinds of soap, an' it's so .. ij 1 1- . gives this medicine to her child has eiyt-biiig. The blind doctrine of luck i hard to tell which is and which is . A ;»oraan seldom has any time to , ^j^^ guarantee of a government an- ' i« the liaiulinaid of this clear truth. I not injurious to the skin that I be thankful for the things she has , ^,^^ ^,,^^ ^,j^,^^ Htatemonts are. The woman who finds a f<.ur-leaved don't like to take any risks." because of the many other things ^^^^ .^.^^.^ j^ ^.^,^^j^ something tojelover and is convinced that life _ every mother for Habv's Own 'Tub- hdids soniotliiiip plrasant for lior in Mrs. Robart E. feary, mora than nini lets is the only medicine that is sold I the iniuicdialc future gets at once j |»«/«^je;'^;;''^Jf<;;' Vb^Tp'^^^^^^^ under such a guarantee. The Tab- into the right attitude. tShe looks ._-â€".:.-.- 'n....i,i»„ ,„.„i.i„„ fr,.,„ liver IS a very sensative organ and lots cure such ailments as indiges- out for soiiicthing good to conie easily deranged. When this occurs ^j„,j^ colic, constipation, diarrhoea, 'along, and so she sees it and grasps there is undue secretion of bile and and teethin- troubles, destroy it. If she had not found the clover ftnd all kinds of hoi^a? tibnglni;!!, ab^u l^CECURTjtlMS "^^''..*"," hV""^"^ Wrttn to U.1 about yours BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00.. Boxl&S, MontrtAl! ^h e wants. A Boon for the Bilious. The the acrid liquid flows into the sto worms, brcnk up colds and thus aiiil had gone dully and fretfully tnacli and sour.s it. It is a most | p,.evpnt deadly croup. Sold by ine along instead, she would never liave "distressing ailment, and many are prone to it. Ill this condition a man finds ihc best remedy in i ar- rnelec'b Vegetable Pills, which are warranted to s|)eedily correct the disorih-r. There is no belter medi- cine in the entire list of pill pre- parations. dit'ine dealers or by mail at i!t cents a bo.x from The Dr. Williams' Me dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. DHKSSIXG POL'LTIU' poultry noticed the pleasant thing at all That is the whole psychology of luck. Tl seems too simiile to be true--but really its simplicity is its bit,'n manual of verity. Expect good, look for good, be- lieve in goodâ€"and life becomes good and grows ever better. (' WATKll (JAlGi: HIRST. P. It. Flreiii.'in Hadly Sealdod. The manner in poultry is dressed determines largely the price "" jit will bring in market. All ill- Brown- 'f.rt us cross thi' street. I looking speciinrns, ragged and I 8ee Smith coming, and I don't torn, will be passed by for a het- mant tfi meet hiiTi. I owe him a lit- tcr ai)pearing bird by nine people tie money." Robinson â€" "You're out of ten, even though the hard- all rJKht here. He'll cross tne looking specimen inay in reality be .street as soon as he sees us. He a larger and fatter bird, it is not a hard matter to dress them to looii neat, and as the price is what all , the Logger. â€" grciwers are after it pays to ilo i l,ogg<^rs lead a life which exposes the work well. I mcident . The them to many perils. Wounds,! The bird should have had access '"''"""'I'^f' !'"'"'' and sciildcd (he cuts and bruises cannot be aiio- j to neither food nor water for 1*''\«''''' "'/'''•'''''•« /ii;'' •'^''"'-'â- 'â- ^^ grth. r avoided in preparing timber I twenty four hours, and should be I "Ii so liai>i)oned, said l>uffus to for the drive nn<l in river work, [caught carefully so as not to bruise , where wet anrl cold combined are it or badly frighten it. This is eas- of^iilv experience coughs and colds ; ily done in darkening the place a<nd muscular pains cannot but on- : where they are confined, or catch owes me money. A T.iniment for Family for F.yo Trouble* rcaultinit froia MeaHlea and Scarlet Fever, and Interâ€" i-e- commended to the fainoiiH Exiilo-er. t,ie Man who now returns home an the Pibcov- eror of the North Pole. Cold. Cuttmit Winds and Dunt cause Red. Wei'.k. VVutory Eyea Murine F,ye Remedy uffordu K«- liable Relief. Write Murine Kvc Kemedy Co Chicago., for lUuBlrnled Kye Books Murine. -SOc., by Hail from All Diueema- If a man never has any use for a doctor he hasn't much of a kick coming. A GREAT DEMAND FOR PAPER STOCK WASTE PAPER OF ALL GRADES. Also Rags, Iron, Uetals, Uubbers. Etc. EPIII I AM Adalalds and Miud Sts.. • rUH.f\n, Toronto, Ont. Phone (or partlcnlars. Uatn 4093. â- !;iip;;iEii<cfi9i»^i:!if:Ji^^ii:Ai!^|; Often what appear to be the most trivial occurrences of .life prove to be the most momentous. Many arc disposed to regard a cold as a slight thing, disserving of little consider- ation, and this neglect often restilts in most serious ailments entailing years of suffering. Drive out colds C. P. R. fireman, Geo. H. Duffus, j^^^j poughs with nickle's Anti- who lives in Robertson -Street, Fort Consumptive fivrup, the recogiiiz- Williani, while on his engine near j ^j remedy for all affections of the West ford happened with a nasty j j,,^^,^^ ^^j i„ngg. water gaup,e of the ___ The average man is either dis- sotisficd with what he has or with vhat he hasn't. •62 Tia-PIn, Chased, Crascent, and genuine Baroque Pearl. 906 Ring, well cut Ruby, with flneOpal. 929 Ring, set with 5 Rubies. 1002 Brooch, strong, well-finished, withspari^ling Brilliants. Above nro i;ti,ir;intee<t heavr gold-tilled Roods. Sent preftaid on leceiiit of price, wlimi oiileriiiR Kiiii;» incisure linKernrith a tliick piece c»( pa^ev. PARK SALES COMPANY, London. Ont, Unit fa sue. Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil 1 ing with a crook, feimilar to the when applied to the injured or ad- niinistereil to the ailing, works woneler.s. Kindly iiicndon ili^ name of (hi» pApcr in w riling to adrertiser.t. I'ori LUt;K. Id-time shepherd's crook. Suspenil the bird, with a double- edged poultry knife cut each sitie of the throat to sever the jugular, then up and b/u-kward through the roof of the mouth into the brain to destroy the sen>^e of pain. Place a hook in lower beak, with a there {weight atlaclH'il, and begin to |)ick Boarding Mistress â€" "Is linything wrong with that I'gg, Mr. ! at the winys as these cool i|uickesl Fourper? 1 see you are a<(^niding i The breast f(!at,heis come off v<M-y H a very critical e.xaniinntion." Mr. Fuorper- "Oh, not any- IhiiiK wrong with the egg. Mrs. f<kimpcin. I was just looking for the wishbone, that's all. Sick Headachesâ€"â€" ».r« not rnurtM by AtjylhiiiK wrons In tlio hrod, hnt by noiiNti nation. bUiniiKncH!! and iudiKrinlton. Head- iicbo powd(«rM or tablctn inny di'ud* ftn. but oHniiot curr tberu. Hr. Mnrft«'8 Indmn Root I'iMs do mre Rick b^ndarho in tbc Hrn^iblo wuy h^ rf^niovliiir the rnn.''(ii)attoii or 0irk «ir)ni!i' h wbhb milled tbr>Di. Dr. Mori«**B Indian Root Pi'ls nro fmrrly vrifi'tHbli*. frrc from any larmfol rlnifr. mifr and Biir*». Wb*"!! yon fcrl thr boadarbe lotnlni? tnk^ Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills easily, and there i.s small need of tearing the skin if vnri'. is exercised. When jiicked remove from hook, and, where the market, reiiuires it, cut off the head mid draw the skin over the stump aiul tie neatly, remove entrails, cutting as small a piece around the vent as possible. VVIiere head and entrails are loft simply wash all blood from the brak. Press wings and legs close to body and tie a string around to hold them. See that feet nnd shnnka ar(> clean and cool thciii in a-i compact a shape as possible. This gives them a plump appriir- nncc, and they aUn pack for ship- ment much better. It's nnich easier to lay plans than 1 1 hatch them out. our representative, "that I had a box of Z;im-Huk in my pocket, which I used for a sore on my lip, nnd when T had recovered from the fust shock of the accident, I produced the balm and had it applied freely to the 8(>aldcd (larts. .At the time I applied it [ was suffering acute agony, but within a wonderful short time Zani I>iik gave mo ease. I was able to continue my journey, nnd upon reaching home I obtained more Zani -Uiik and continued the treatment. It acted wonderfully well, and in a tew days hiul the wouiul nicely healing. I don't know anything so fine as a healer of biiins, scalds, cuts, and similar injurie:* which workers are so liable to ; and in niy opinion a box of Zain- Riik should he ke|)t handy in c\ (mv worker's homo.' For burns, c its, scalds, bruises' ec- /riiia, piles ulcers, ring-worms, itch, saltrhcnin, bad leg, festering sores, chapped places, cold-sores, frost- bites, and all skin injuries and dis- eases, Zani-l!uk is beyond doubt u most niarvelliius cure. Druggistr, and stores soil at 50 cents a box and the Zam-Huk Co., 'turnnlo, will mail a L-.">x, ])os,t fiee, upon receipt of price, to any of our readers. Home people lof>U nvion the .ship of state as a political band wag- gon. Thos. Sabin of Eglington, says: I have removed ten corns from my i feet with Hollowjiy's Corn Cure." Reader, go thou and do likewise. Kindly monflon the name of this paper In wriling to advcrliser*. BEGINNING OF 'FHE KND. "Let nie see," mused' the young man in the parlor scene. "I have V.ecn courting you for about three years, haven't I V "Yes, .1 believe so," replied the I atieut maid. "Well," he continued, "T think I have made love to you long enough. Let's get married." okxaiaUfiMaKcmK Hadway'e \Un .y Ueliet cmea the wjrii yaina In Crom one to twenty mtnutoa For lleail. ucho W i)k OP nor v- link). Toothache, N Ksralffia. R h e u niatt/JU, Lu.iiba(cii, pa'nfl in Ibo back. «l«.ne or Widiieiri'. iwlna around I he fiver, pleurley, â- welllngB ot the jolnte, and palna ofoll kln<l8, uae RADWAY'S RKADY REIKF. Send lor treo aatn.ila to Dept. W. L,, H»- tlonol Drug * Chstnloal Co., Toronto. UNCLE EZR.\ SAi'S: "The man who scatters the seeds uv kindness don't need to worry about the cultivation ; the crop will take kcer uv itself." Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator has no e<|Ual for destroying worms in children and adults. See that you get the genuine when pur- chasing. QU.MIRELSOMK. "But why did you leave your la^t placo'i" the lady aakcd of the would-br cook. "To tell the truth, mum," said Sarah, "I just couldn't stand the way the master an' the missus used to quarrel, mum." "Dear me! Do you mean to say that they actually dared to quarrel -and before the servants?" "Why, yes, mum, all the time. When it wasn't me an' him, mum, it was me an' her." .\ man must liavo a certain anuiuut of wisdom in order to rea- lize what a fool he is. \\-^ woiupu's rights likely to make children's wrongs) Shorthand A good position ix fjuaranteed to everv person who complete* our Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Our excellent modern facilities enable oiie to finish such a course in a very short tiini.'. Write for particulars to British-American Business Colleca V.M.r..4. BIII.niNU, TORONTO. T. M. WATSON. Principal. AGENTS WANTED. MA.NLTFAC-riRlNt! COMPANY WANTS man to sell direct to farmers. Qnick •pUer. Erery farmer wants one. 70",', profit. Experience valuable but unnecea- gary. Postal to-day brings particular!. Charles Adams. Karnia. Ont. ALL THE HOUSEHOLD SILVER CLEANED IN 30 SECONDS No fieoorinz. riilibiiijc or poliahinc required. Ju«t dip tbe silrrr iu warm water cuutaininz !\ HDiall aniuuut of Elflctrua Silver Cleaner and wipe OB towel. All taraUli. (rease and dirt iuit.-intly removed. Malce.4 oldeHt silver av bright as new. I'a.^ be Uiied fornheapett plate and ilne«t Ntnrltna. Caiiaut barm silver iu aiiv way. Send thirt>-ei;;hii con:^ (or full niied package. I'seful hciu<i>bol.l article Riven fre** for a few minuter "f your time. Cm-khnrn .\t.i!iufactnrinK C'l.. BranttitirL t>iit.irio- STOCKS. 'P O INVKSTORS-YOCR 0RDF.K9 TO buy or sell Stocks will receive m.y personal attention, tj. M. Mathews. Brok> IT. 43 Scott St., Toronco. ^A L l/ES â- Â»'»• Them Without Milk XJI ,*•,'*â- '* Book let Kree. ^^ Meele.lBrieg.iSeed Co, Ltd., Toroato,{0.n». DEFECTIVE HEARfNC °<^«rcnn.e by the ,"' ••>• "v'»i' ••' <t.e eio.fric.?r4V""r„ ",",; throUBhnut th» world. Write for catnloBU, â- â-  â-  â-  Bi^ ^^ t)n vou trap or buy â-  IB â-  1 â-  1 I'uisM am Canada's ^^ â-  â-  m m ^" LirKcst dealer, I pay ^" â-  â-  ^^ ^^ hiRliest prices. Your â-  â- â- â- â- â- â-  shipments solicited. â-  \^ I â-  ^^m I pay mail and ex- press charKCs: remit gromptly. Also largest dealer in Bcefhides. heepskins.etu. Quotations and shippinif taes sent free. o JOHN HALLAM TORONTO We buy Wing and Tail Turkqj Feathers. Write for prices. H. W. Nelson » Co., Toro nfo, On» Dressed PouKri ANY QUANTITY. /Harkef prices Guaranteed REMITTANCES DAILY Ship by Express and Advis* THE il. A. McLean Produce Go. LIMITED, 74 to 76 F ront St. East, Toronto . . 1. . , a CONTINUED LESSON. Maniinaâ€" "I am delighted at the interest my boy is taking in his writing. He spends two hours a day at it." â- Visitorâ€" "Really ? How strange How did you get him to do it!" Maniniaâ€" "Oh, T told him to write nic cud a list of everything he wants for his birthday, and he's still at it " A ISSIK NO. 48-OJ.

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