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Flesherton Advance, 18 Nov 1909, p. 8

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TilE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â-  > NOVEMBEB 18 IdJ^ Business Cards WALTBB LOL'CKB llulliler and Cnutrtetur For Urick, Stoou aud f raiiiu r«aiileac«M, Rl- tiuitten obecrlully luri'isbed, FlwliertOD l> U Ontario. Mv;ULJjOUUH * YOUNG U lltukum MarkiUle 00* general bauklug bustnoni. Money loaned at ruaaonable latw Call ou ua. rp CH1S1.KTT, A> I'oHtiiiaalor, ';«ylou. C'omnii»»iouer In H. C. J , Conveyaucer, dooda, uiortKaKen, leaaeii, wIIIm etc. carefully ilrawu up Joiltcliijiia mail.". chartCB roaHouable. Aleo groccriuii. Hour, leod vtc. kei>t lu btuck. Price! riclil. ^_^ O 1 Hl'KOUliK a* Podtiuaitcr, FleahertOD «.oiumls«ioai.>r in H.C J., Auctloa««r, Con* veyanrer, Ajipralaer and Mouey Iaj udur Real KHtatn and Insurance Agent. UesdH. mortuaKea, Icanoa and wills carefully drawn op and valuallona made ou vUorteHt entice looiify tu loan at loweat rateaot luteroBt.tCol- tctioiia attended to witli |iroruptne«i cliareoH low. AiienC (or Ocean Dominion ht^atuiliip Company. A call â- olicited. DMcl'HAII.. Mcrnaail Auctioneer for the • County o( Orev. Tormn moderate and «atia(actlon euarantecd. Tlie arranRouientt and datoa of talea can be made a*. TuK AnvANca office. Kealdvnceaud P.O., Ceylon, Tele|iboue connection. Deo. 0.07. W'M. K.MTTINti. Liceuscd Auctioueer for '<' tbe couutiea of Ore^ and 8iiucot-. Farm and Stock Falua a specialty. Tornia luoilerate. satUfactiou ciianntiud. Arrauiiv- iiientg for datoauiay be Diadl«t tlie Advance I'lHcc or a: T. HutcuinaOn h Bti|rc. 1' evorsham cr bv addrcaning nie at Fevcnliam, Ont, RlDl) MATHr.WS, Markda' Kiic*.it>n0er tortlio county n' strvicu at reaacnablu rateh. Datoa njale at Tlie Advance, o (/J • X-lcoiiaed »<>.V, Good can bo T HAKVEY rF-KlGOE, broker, Fleiborton. â- ^ General brokeraRu buaineu. Inanranco of every kind placed in aafe and liberal coniiiauiei. Kaal eatate etc.. Open accounta and paat duo note* baodlbd and money adrauoed tbereon. Correa|>oDdenco aolicited. Medical DR CAKTKR M C P & H Ont. Pbyilclan, Surgeon, oto Ufllce and ruti.Iunc»â€" Peter it, PleahartoD Jl> OTTKWKbL Veterinary Surgeon Gradoate of Ontario Veterinary College, rerideuce â€" ajcond door aontb weat*oo Itary atreet. Thie Etreut rjna south Preabyterian Cbarcb. n WILSON, lllacksuiitli "• 'iraduate of fje Veterinary Beiono Aitociation. Durliatu street, op:i3<ilty<; Itoyd, bro'a hardware. Dentistry nr. E. C. MURRAY L. .1. H , donUl aursfon A* honor Kraduate of Torouto L'ulvereity and llpyal ColleKe of Duntal Hurijoons of Ontario Gaa adiiiiHinlatered for t«eth uXtractlOD ' Office at reaideoce, Toronto Btreet, Flea^ierton, Le(;al nr H. WKIOHT. Harrlatcr, Solicitor, Convey "ancer. etc.,â€" Owen Sound, and Kleaherton, J* M â€" Fleeheitou office, ijpruulo's lilock every Katnrdav Societies A O D W meeta ou the laat Monday " lu each mouth, in their locige room Norria" block. Fleaberton, at S M. W. Milea TbiallLlhwaite: Roc, C. H. Munahaw- FlD., W.J. ilel.aiDy. ViaitlDRbrothrcD lUTited pmSOE AKTHUK LODGE, No. :a3, A.F.4 ^ A M, meets in tbe Maiionic ball. Arui- *t«oiii!s lilock, Fleaberton, every Friday ou or before the Utl^uoca . T'loa. Illaliely.W.U.: .a»*t).3mith, Hacre'.ary. nOlUT FLKBHEKTON. 99,'., I. 0. F. ireetaln ^Clayton'a lilock the liiHt Wediiendav eveuing â-  it each luoiitli. VlBitiuff Forestem heartily wilcoino. H. H Dyaon; It. B., 'i'. HoLry: Fin. Sec. C. N. hicbarasou. Pleaan pay dues to Jt'ln. Bee. before tbe Urat day of the month. CHOHF.N FhlFNDSâ€" Fleaberton Connoil of (:bOH«n Frieudi meets In Clayton'a ball Hriit and third We<lheadav of each mouth H p. ni Pav aaaoHMiiiontt* to the Itecorder on or bofoie tneflrnt ilay of each month. Chief Couucillor T. Illakcley;II<'corder. W. H. Hunt. Farms For Sale or Rent ir r«Dt or »leâ€" 100 aero farui, Mr». A. U. McLeo.!, <?eyloii C. <), Apply to L^AKM KOli UALK â€" Uot r,. con! l:i Osprey. â- *â-  containing 100 acreH. more ur lew, 80 aorei cleared. haUiics bardwood bush, running waUir Kcrotfi Iiirin. nevur failiiiK woll at homf, watnr in barn. lliru.Htoiio foiiridation. DO x (iO. (iuod rlwelliotf lioiii^u. 2 acres bearing* orclian). I'ofit olllcti ill lioiiAo. Farm hi k<>o<1 Ktato of cultivntioii. Will Hell reasonable. Iiuuiediato I'Oaae»^Mlnii. Apply to KK'HAltn A. ItQHKRTB.'Lafly Hank P .O. "LHiU KALKâ€" imjBciti farm.lotKt. con 10, tuwn- â- * ship of Oii|iruy,clc>t%Q to ttic vlllaijeof Kcvor- ibain. Hank barn, frame hounn and well fenced. For parlicularH apply to A. (i. CAMt'HKLI., :U0 KuHtiotiiio KoatI Toronto T otH S't and ;t.», con i H I) K, lU acrim. iVi clcarutl -*-* W a<:r*!ipai*ture. Ijalancodooil hiittp. Marn 5x50. cirivinif shod. KOod frame liuiittc #ellH 1 aciu of orctiard and atout) wait nnf*6r harn. Hau»(eeii rtv(*r croftsea l>%ckof farm. Well feucd and in K<>fJ<l f^tatti of cultivation,',:) luiloa from Pro«OM Htation. Kor tonn apply on promUea to UuKH H. Vau«k. Proton Station, If'^or aala rhoapor rent. immo<liato )>opsoafion. " Lot :^ ccn, 14, Artcijiedia, about 75 acrun clear, coinfortablo Iok lir»UHt) and frame barn. Apply to K J Hproule, Floitbortou. or Jobu J Id. ««ro«a the roa<l from aaid lot: Vor Male cheap and on eany tennt, good com* ^ fortablu frame dwelUiif(, Ntable and drivinf< house with tlrto village lotii inCnylon- Dwell- ing well built and nniHlie<l and kooiI )>earinf( oroh&rd oa the property. Apply to â€" U J Ki'itori.K.KIeaborton. T ot 10, oou. (t. Oiprcy containing 100 acrea, -'-'clMarcHl, tiauie linuse. frame bam.ato n foundation: orchard. well waterede , On thouaand down and balance to suit luirc-haser Immediate imnBenalon Apply to H. N. KiNNKAR Uaxwi;l1 P. n. Bulls for Service The tliorouBhlMcd Shortljniu Hull. "Karl Orey." TK'.i will b« for torvlco on lot .«. oon, 8, ArtFinaaia. The |ioilii!r«e of tlila Ibio MiDial can he Men ( n ai'|i|ifitloii. Qiina*! ANDKI-:W DOW, Proprietor. Pure bred Hnlalein Frlualan Hull. Tlila TOunK animal conioa f > oiu mm nf the beat dairy lirrda in Canada, beiUK iuextende<l rcKiatrailuu Teruia «l.uu AMIJKU KINO Purebred Taniwortb Hoar. Tlila young animal liaa ]>rnvud hiniulf one of the l»>i)tHto<rk uottura that haa ever been offered fcr nervicc^ Turum one dollar. â€" UlCIIAllO Al.l.KN Lot 170, liiid K. T and H road, Fleahnrton I' O ThorouKhhrM Hull from liii|Mirted stock, a lO Tamworth Hoar for aervice ou lot l.jl. T: 4 H ]<., Arteinenia. {jO ^ug JOHN ADAU8, Frop. Hereford Cattle for Sale We l.avi! fur iiahi soiu.! uuo,! ImiIIh. heileis'and cowa, all thoiouiilih ed Horc(onl«. T. A J. WATHON. Proton. Pure Bred i-nglish Berkshires and Tamworths, I hnve a fine l<it of youiiK jii^a liro'l trmu irtiu? winiiiiiK tUick, fur aalc. Almi 1 good Iterkaliiie hon, two yeara old, Writf ine for pricea. I can (five a iMreaiu nlirn ipiarnntre ntiafaction on nil mail nrdurii, (ko. W. RO W. Maxwell P. 0. Shearling Ram for Sale A LeitcatiT Mlii'arTinK ram for Halo, will alve .,'.' ."»* "" '"' *â- **'' °' "'I* month. I than •111 have uaort him two yearn and will liara Do more nae for him. Will Pell choaii. Apuly to _^ 'AMKSBTLAItT. Kiml/orle' .' On t. Boar For Service. I hare for aervloe a pure hrod Haniimhire bMr. Anymio ralHinu i-Iks will do weH to aee thia iiiaRnincont aninial. Lord Kevorabam USai, He will pinve a uioney nutter for yon. ' K. HMACKEXIIURY, Feverebam P. O. Lot 8, coil' H, Oipreyl Destroys Hair Germs Recentditcoveries have shown that fallioe hair is caused by Cernis at the roots of the hair. Therefore, to stop falUng hair, you must first completely de- stroy these germs. Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, will certainly do this. Then leave the rest to nature. Poet not chanf the color of iht hair. S ijers Voraola witbaaeh kaWle y Show It to year doctor Aak turn akoa* It, than do aa ha aaya Recent diKoveriet have also proved that dandruff is caused by (erms on tbe scalp. Therefore, to cure dandruff, tbe Brsttblng to do is to completely destroy tbese dan- drulf terms. Here.tbesame Acer's Hair Vigor vill give tbe same splendid resultt. imi>ytl>eJ.O.Aya»i)o»Ii«»weU.MiM â-  Education that Pays What tlio :iveraze youiij^ in«n and woiiinn of to-drty wnntN is nil educiitioii that will inciouHo hi.s or her oppor- tunities for KUCCUS.S in lifu. The tiiorough ourseg in BusinosH, Shoit- liiind and Typewriting of tho Colllngwood Business College Furni.sli tlio e(|uipnient. Write ft>r free C»taio((Uu. Students may enter at nny time. T. E. H.^WKINS. # PRNCIPAL C<>lliiit(wood, Ont. " HOW TO SUCCEED ' In Bu.sine8H Life Write iiH for |>iii'ticul>trs and 'we will .semi yon KKEE mil- hooklet showing how hundreds of young men and women have made a suc- of lifu. Write now. Dcmt delay. Address C. A. FlL-iiiing, Owen S<innd, [>rinci|ial j^ym^r/^^ GROCERIES ! I ! Our slock of groceries eniliraccs everytliing you need or desire, nie prices iire in keeiiing with the ((iiality of g.MHls. Everything in fiiii line <in s'do here. Flour of all grades. Hran, Short.s, low grade flour, 'etc for feed. GIVE USA TRIAL. Wright's Grocery FLESHERTON Thompson's Ihead delivered regu- larly and kept, for sjilo s at the following stores; Colliiison's and 2? o 1^ .1, Pattison's, Ceylon vV.Aldcorn * Hon'.s 9 E and I'. Mf.Xilhur's ^ IVicoville a N. McCannell's >• (J Proton .Station • 1{. Heron's, Maxwell e 3 T» .\. Hutchinson's and UJ Eli Koliinson's 1" ever.sliaiii H. Cairns', .J.K.IjJirge's and U. Parks', Engenia Bakery SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The largest and licst slock of Furniture over shown in Flesherton. This without fearof con- trndiction. Come and SCO some of the nice things ill Side liourds, Dining Room Chairs, I'arlor .Setts, Red Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . , , W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER esherton The Corporation of the Township of Artemesia NOTICE 18 hereby given that the C'oun* oil of the Municipal Corporation of the Townthip of Arteniusia will at a meetiufc • o be held on Wediicsdiy, the 15th day of Duceinbdr, 1909, at tho hour of H o'clock in the forenoon at the Town Hall, in the Village of Flrsherton, consider four several by-laws for cloHini;, stopping up, selling and convoying the following por- tions of highways respectively, name- 'y: FIRST â€" A portion of Harvey Street in the Village of Priceville, inoie (mrlicularly described as follows : BE- («1NNIN(» at the interifectiou of the westerly limit <if .'Vrteinesia Street and tho northerly limit of Harvey Street in tho Village of Priceville ; ijjunco south- westerly along the northerly limit of Harvey Street s distaiictj of five hundred and twoiity-eigbt (528) feel to the east- erly limit of Piiiicess Street; thence soulheily .'ilong the oasierly liniic of Princess Street produced southerly a distance of .sixty-six ((5)i) feet ; thonci iiorlhoisterlv along the southerly limit of Hsrvey Street a distance of two hundred and eighty-one (281) fcot ; tlu'iicu northoiistcrly on a curved lino to the Ivft, havini; a radius of twenty-nine hundrfld and sixty-four and ninetonths (2!MU.!() feet a distance of two hundred and tifty-'.hree and one-half (253.5) feet to the westerly limit of Artemesia Street prodoced southerly; thence ii«r.herly alona the westerly limit of Artemesi'i Street produced southerly a distmce of ton (10) feet to tho point of begiiioing : said tract of land containing sixty-four hundredths (0.04) acres, more or less. SECOND â€" A poiiion of Harvey Street in the Villaifo of Priceville, more particul.irly described as folluw.s : BE- GINNING Ht tlio intersectijn of the westerly limit of Piincess Street and the northerly limit of Harvey Street in the Vill-iye of Priceville along tlie northerly limit of Harvey Si root a distance of thirteen hundred and eia;hly-thrB6 (1383) feet to tho east- erly limit of the lowiiship lino between Gleiieh' and .\rtemesia ; thence southerly along the easterly limit of the township lino between Lilunel<; and Artemesia produced southerly a distance of twenty- two (22) feet ; thonce northeasterly along a straight lino whose course is North seventy-nine decrees thirty thieo min- utes Eist (N. 79 33' K.) a distauce of ten hundred and sixty-live (lOWo) feet t<i a p'lint on a spiral curve : thence north oisterly on a .si)irid cui ve to the left a distance of uinety-eiglit (98) feet to ,i point on the southerly limit of Harvey S'l'eet; thence northeasterly along the southoily limit of Harvey Street a dis- tance of two hundred and twenty (220) feet to till) westerly limit of Princess THE SA WMILLS BOOKS. Th«y NmcImI Not an Auditor, but a Mathamatical Carpantar. Blffklos froso n>« with a stare. "1 remember," be went oo, calmly Ignor- ing my Interruptloo, "one time wben 1 was hired to ke«p books for a saw- mlH way up north. 'Twas six days by log wagon from ever* place except Id' tbe Infernal regions, tbe same beln' a quarter of a mile away, straight down. Tbe durned simpleton they sent down to Nigger Wool settlement aftei Die bad so much boslness with a rou- lette dealer that be forgot to tell me to get some office supplies, so wben we got to camp I found that tbe principal equipment of my palatini 6 by 8 busi- ness apartment consisted of three lum- ber crayons, slightly shop worn, and a last year's almanac. I got some BDiootb pine boards and kept my books on tbem with cbalk." "How did It work" I asked, inter- ested In spite of myself. "Like a charm," grinned BiCfklns, "aotil the foreman of gang 1 got on a drunk one nlgbt an' slept in the office an' used up fourteen pages of the general ledger fer kiodlin' wood the next mornln'. The company sent up an auditor to check over my books, but he went back plumb disgusted. Told 'em they didn't need an auditorâ€" what they wanted was a carpenter who was bandy at figgers. An' that reminds me"â€" â€"Bookkeeper. FLOATING STORES. Merchandise Steamers of the Muskoka Lake Country In Ontario. Among the interesting features of life in tbe Muskoka lake country, in Ontario, are tho floating stores. A good sized steam vessel fitted out with :'.. H'"^*! *"'l': ?! s^*""? Imaginable item of merchandise that might be required makes a tour of au assigned chain of lakes once each week. On a certain hour of a certain day the boat Is expected at tbe different resorts and summer homes, and enough merchandise must be bought nt each to tide over until tbe next trip of tbe floating store. Upon stepping on board the store boats, says a writer In Popular Me- chanics, the purchaser approaches a counter with scales and cash drawer, as In any other kind of store. Behind the counter are shelves, on which are displayed such articles as may tempt the eye. Behind tbese shelves is tbe entrance to tbe storeroom and hold, in which more merchandise is stored. Each article bas Its place, nnd the The light bread or the leaden loaf y is a matter of c/foice â€" not luck. Choice of method â€" choice of yeast â€" but, above all, the choice of the^t^i^r. Royal Household Floor is made from the finest, selected Manitoba wheat, which contains more gluten (that quality which makes bread light) than any other wheat. It is milled under the most sanitary conditions,â€" there is no other flour in Canada upon which so much is spent to insure its perfect quality. Ask your grocer for Ogilvie's Royal Householdâ€" the flour that makes light bread and perfect pastry. OgUvie Floor Mills Co.. Uiuiled. MottireaL ^^ '^^S Street ; thence northerly aloni? the west- sto^keeper can find It In a moment erly limit of Princss Street produced northerly a distance <>i sixty-six (U6) feet to tlid point of bet{iniiing ; .said tract of land conlai:iin;' one and tifly- one hundredths (l.ol) acivs more or ieis. THIRD -.\ portion of .\rteiiiesia .Street in tho Yillai{o of Priceville, more paiticulnrly described ns follows : UK- GINNING at tho intersection of the westerly limit rif Artemesia Street, and the northerly limit of Harvey iSlreet in till) ViUhl'o of Priceville ; thunce north- erly alontj the wo»terly liniitji of Arte- iiienia Street a dintaiice of one hun<lred and sevcnty-eijjlil (17S) font ; thence northeasterly on a curved lit u tti the left. h«viii'.» a ladini of twenty-seven hundred aiid ci'.dity-iiinc and nino-tenths (278!I.'J) feet a dist'inco of aixty-suvoii (07) feet to tho easterly limit of Arte- inenia Street ; thence southerly along the easterly limit of Artemesia ,Street a diitance of on<3 hundred and eighty-eitjht (188) feet ; thenuo southwesterly uii a curved line to tho ri^ht hnvini; a radius f tweniy-iiiiio Imndrel and sixty-four Sometimes Isolated farms on tbe lakes are not worth stopping at every trip, so a flag Is flown when stores are desired. The store vessel drops an- chor when tbe signal Hag is flown, and some member of tbe family rows out and makes tbe purchases. Engraved Gems of the Ancients. Engraved gems are among the most Interesting objects of art inherited by us from the ancients. Though many of the cameos and Intaglios were en- graved ou precious stones over 2,000 years ago, they are still as clear and fine as if they were cut yesterday. Tbe designs engraved on these stones Indicate that tbe old Greeks and Ro- mans regarded tbem as charms against accident or misfortune. This super- stition generally took tbe form ot a fondness for representation of certain animals. Sailors affected the dolphin because It was be'deved to be tbe mari- ner's friend. Women, so far as fishes wre concerned, preferred the repre- and niiietentlis('2l«i4.!l) feet a dihtaiico «entatIon of the prolific ttrluga of the Norris Bros.. ""'Ts* rinsmlths WATCH THIS SPACE Next Week Norris bros. Flesherton ro^ •"*?••••••••• ^••{•^••••••••••'••••••••••••••••••••* ••••••••••••••^a Tenders Wanted Tendera will ho lonolvwl up. till Nov. l,Hh lOOO, for tlia ]><i>'l">«a (it erecliiiK a lavatory hi â- chnol nectlni No. «. Aitoiiisiila. IMaiis and â- jtucil^catloiiacaii bo liad by apiilyinK tn \V, v.. I'EDI.AH, Heoratary. llock MilU.r.O- «(t f sixly-sovuii (1)7) feet to the westerly limit of Artemesia Street produced southerly ; theiico northerly along the westerly limit of Artemesia Street pro- duced southerly n distance of ten (10) feet to tlie point of bej^innin^ : said tract of land ciintainini( twenty-nine hmidredtliH (0.29) acres, more or loss. FOrilTH â€" A portiim of Queen Street in tho Village of Priceville, more pan iciilnrly described as folK»vs : BE- tilNNlNG at tho intersection of the northerly limit of Harvey Street with the westerly limit of Queen Street ; thence northerly along the wtsturly limit nf Queen Street a distance of one hundred and aeventyelL'ht nnd three-tenths (178. ;t) feet ; thence northeasterly along a straight line whose course is North seventy-nine degrees thirty-throe iiiin- utea Eist (N. 711 W K.) a distance of sixty-six (6ti) feet to the easterly limit of tjueen Street ; thence southerly along the easterly limit uf Quoeu Street a distAuco of one hundred and seventy- six (171!) feet to the northerly limit of Harvey SM-oet ; thence .southwesterly along tho northerly limit of Harvey Street produced westerly a distance of sixty-six (<>(i) feet to the point ot begin- ning : said tract of land twenty-seven hundredths (0 27) acres, more or loss. ALL persons interested or whose lands may or might be prejudicially aft'eeted liy suoh i>roposcd by-laws or any of them are i'e(|uiro<l to attend at tho said meeting, when they will be lie.'ird in person or by counsel or Hi>lioi- tor *ith reference thereto upon petition- ing to be so heard. DATKD this 10th dsy of November, A. U. l!Hm. VV. J. IlELLAMY, Cleik Township Artemesia Adriatic, which was n symbol of fruit- fulness because of tbe great number of its eggs. Tbe nnt was worn as an emblem of Industry. By the frog was Indicated tbe Idea of resurrectlou, be- cause that Interesting batrachlan re- news Its youth each spring by shed- ding Its old skin. Pertaining to Fiih. Blessings on thee, little man! Go a-flsblng wben you can. Never mind the teacher's rule not to run away from school. Take your bait and alder pole and then hunt the deepest bole where the wary troutlcts hide by the canyon streamlet's side. You'll get licked at home, of course, and you'll suffer great remorse, but when daddy sees yout string he'll gasp nnd say, "By Jlng!" And his rod nnd reel he'll snatch and start out to make a catcb when your Jacket he doth tan. Blessings on you, little man!â€" Ixis Angeles Express. I.>owest or any tender Dot ue'ceaaarily aocept- - "'"^ ^, 8u«p«nd«d. "I hare decided to suspend your sen tence," tho judge began. "For the Ixiid's sake. Judge, you don't metM to say llftlug a (ew chickens Is a banging mattcrl". _,^ Cloths* and th* Man. Man la In son^e sort a slave to bis clothes, and there are many men who dislike wearing the same clothes on two consecutive days, more particu- larly tbe necktie. Kor the first two or three things you look at when yon meet a man are his eyes and bis neck- tic. And there is a sort of underlying consciousness as you face the morning world that your tie roust be straight and clean nnd new. But to this end you must buy the cheai> tfe and throw It away with your slns^before going to bed.â€" London Chronicle, •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• â- .•• •.•• •••• ••• •«•• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• -.•• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• -.•• •••• •••• â- .•• •••••••••••• Sk5«.« nr ifeneral â- mAlerchant. •••• •••• •••• â- Â«â€¢â€¢ ••• •••• :::: •••• i«*«*aa Boots and Shoes We have just the thing to keep your feet dry in this kind of weather in English Kip, Cordovan and Water Proof ; also some long legged boots lact'd, soft and good. Rubbers in men's women's and children's heavy and lieht, at the old price. I secured these before the raise and cau give you just what you Hie looking for in snai; proof, puncture proof and Maple Leaf Brands. Those who have worn them know how they last. Under\A/ear tor Everybody We have some except ionaly good values in underwear, heavy and light, coarse and tine, unshrinkable, also some feather down in tieeoed lined. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Men's Fur and Fur lined coats that will stand inspection, a'lso some men's Dress Overcoat?, for all tues and sizes. Inspect our Ladle's Fur Coats, Fur Caps, Uuffs, Caperines and Gauntlets, and be oonviuced that they are the very boat, and bettor value than you can get elsewhere. ^as. ^attison • (Beiflon ^ :::;;»:::;:::::!;::::::;::::;::;;:::;:::::;:::;::::;»:::nn:::::;:Hii ^;^^feagg^sga?a^.^^.wStf.Sf."^.;w,'^^^^^ A Curiosity. ">rhat in the world have you got that bill framed up there for?" we asked. "Oh, that," sighed the billionaire, 'Is the only dollar 1 ever eamedl" We understood.- Miss E. F. Scott, nurse of Toronto, who attended the lato Mosea .lacklin, shot four rabbits and an owl Inst Wednos day. Mias Seoft evidently in a good shot. N'.t many of tho fair »ex or indeed males either bag that amount of same in these degenerate days.â€" Hanover Post, Rirs Exo*otion.^_„4|Bsm "I rather pride myself ob'one thing," â- aid tho young father. "Altbougb I have the brightest, smnrteit, cutest, best youngster I ever saw, I novef brag about hlia."-KaDBaa City Timet, All Had B««n Used. "So rinnksTllle's exposlUon is offt" "Yep." "And why?" "We couldn't think up no new name for a midway," \ '<'*^->f~.A Most people live poor to die rich. It la much wiser to live rich and to die noor.â€" Bo>wim c*. The Advance the balance of the year free ^ â-  yyi^ ^ ^^^ j^ ^ s g s g^ ^ g s g ' y-i^ 'g^^ ^vi^v.v^^ In Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, Harrows, ^y^ Ploughs, Cream Separators and i WIRE FENCING J Heard's arriage Works

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