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Flesherton Advance, 18 Nov 1909, p. 1

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.# fkB\)tti0n %Hmu. TfiUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLEb ^0T MEN. VOL XXV, NO 1401 Fleslierton, Ont., Tlmrsciay, ISTov. 18 190Q .W. H TEDRSTON- EDITOR aiid I'BOPUIETO "Si'. (d rH •^ o f:r o 4-) 'J3 _c >^ o ' >^ b 15 a, 73 o ^ o -H _^ « t-. ^ 4-3 w o J3 O SJ ^ •«^ 73 o s; tn -4-1 tc W Feversham ~ (lutended for Iiist week.) The fowl supper and concert given by Orangemen was a grand success. A Nplendid supjier was given and a ){ood oincert was enjoyed l>y a large crowd, numl^rs being uualile to gain admittance. Quite a number of RcM:kvale people att<)nded the fowl suppar on Nov. 5th. Mr. Wui. Brackcnbury and son, Fred, and Mr, Steui[)Ron left on Monday for Jlew Ontario. We wish them success. Mrs. Albert Long has been laid up with measles tlie past week. Mr. I. Harvey Perigoe visited friends hero on Sanday. Mr. Thos Bradley visited friends at R'K-k Mills Sunday. Inspector Huff of Moiiford, visited evershaiu .school un Friday last. Maxwell Items Rev. Mr. Wellwood and daughter, Evelyn, Fleshetton, spent Sunday with Mrs. (Rev.) Stanley. Rev. Wellwood preached au esciillent Missionary sermon Sunday evening in the Metho<lisc churcli. Miss .Jessie Cameron ami Sadie CaHierou visited at Mr. W. H. Guy's, unday. Mr. B. Brackenbury, Feversham, p-iid a flying visit to our burg on Sunday. Call a{saiu Ben. Mrs. Survice and son of Stayner, visit- ed with her daugliler, Mrs. F. G. Andrew. Mi-s. McLean and Mrs. Cameron, Hclntyre, spent Suu<Uiy with the form- er's sister, Mrs. \V. U. Guy. We are plea.sed to see the apple pickers houie again. Mr. Jiu;k Morrison of the 4th line was very ill last Veek. Miss Wiley will take the League topic Thursday evening. Miss Minnie Andei-son of Wareham was a visitor in our burg liust week. Look out. for the big tea ^mteting and concert in the 'Methodist cliurch, Dec. 87th. Particulars later. Proton Station .\ftcr an illness of nearly two yeai-s, there {Missed away at his Iioiiie, Friday iiftenioon, Mr. John McKeuzie Duncan, Durham iixul. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon, to Flesher- ton cemetery. Quite a number from here attended. The whole community joins in expressing their deepest sym- pathy to Mrs. Duncan and family. Mrs. (>. Bixjoks and son, from the west, ai-c visiting with th) former's mother, Mrs. Mary Shearson. Mr. John Pickett, mail clerk, west Toronto, spent Weducatlay at "Ple;wint View." Mr. John Carson sold a two-year-old colt to Mr. N. White for the sum of tl50. Mr. A. D. Porter, Toronto, s|jenl over Sunday, at the home of Mr. Jos. Trelford. Mr. D»il. Hopkins' sister, of Durham, spent Saturday at his homo. MissL. Kelly, Markdalo, sjwnt a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pickett. Four of our sportsmen went rabbit hunting on Saturday, and came homo with twenty-five rabbits. Mr. imd Mrs. JJt>o Park and niantor Ekor, spent Sunday at the lioine of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cornfield, Flesherton. Artemesia Council The Municipal Council of the town- ship of Artemesiii met in the town hall, Flesherton, on Saturday, the 6th day of Nov. 1909. The minutes of last session were read and confirmed. [Messrs. Walker and Duncan, .solicitors f.,r C P.R., waited upon the council re closing {wrt of Harvey street in the village of Price- ville. Accounts as follows were present- ed, viz : W. E. Richardson for statiimery, SIV. ; H. Wilson, rei>airs to grailor a;'d scnpers, $3.85 ; T. A. Gilchrist, re{>airs to gi"atler and scrapers, f5.25 ; D. Mc- Leod, oil and repfiir.s for gnider, 75c ; J. CuUen, for 02 yds. gravel. Reports as follows were re!»d : The reevo, report on building and repairing bridges ; Mr. J. M. Duuciin, on ward expenditure By-laws, Nos. 710 to authorize tlie treasurer to pay certain money.s â€" and 711 to .'ippoint deputy returning otticers and poll clerks were introduced and rjiid a first time. Civrsonâ€" Wrightâ€" That By-Laws 710 and 711 be now read a second time. â€" Carried. Wright â€" Cai-stmâ€" That- Council ilo now go into committee on By-Laws 710 and 711. â€" Carried. Ctmncil went into committee on By- Liiws 710 and711. Committee rose and reported By-Laws 710 and 711. Wrightâ€" Carsonâ€" That By-Law 710 be now read a thiixl time, signed, sealed and entered in By-Law liook, and By-Law 711 be Uid over until next meeting of council. Deputy returning otticers and iwll clerks to be app<iiuted are as follows: Div. 1â€" Thos. Elliott. W. J. Beatty; div. 2â€" Thos. Clayton, J. Bellamy ; div. 3 â€" T. M. Bannon, George Moore; div. 4 â€" A. Gilchrist, G. A. Caii'ns ; div. 5 â€" Wm. Riley.^Archd. McDonald ; div. 6 â€" Geo. Warliug, E*l. Baker, div. 7 â€" Geo. Meldrum, Wm. Walker ; div. 8â€" F. W. Nicholson. W. G. Jauiiuson. Carsonâ€" -Wright â€" Tliat the report of the reeve and Mr. McKenzie re building bridge on 35th sideroad, con. 7, be rendered, and they be jjaid for iheir •services as follows: Mr. Boyd, $6.30, Mr. McKenzio, ?3.00. â€" Carried. McKenzie â€" Wright â€" Tliat the report - of the reeve re rajmiring bridge at Eugenia and on valley roiul, bo received and hu be paid ^.50 for his ser^'ices on the .same. â€" Carried. McKenzie â€" Carson â€" That Mr. Dun- can's report of expenditure in his division be received, and ho be paid S15.00 balance of commission and S4.00 f<jr two days overseeing work with grader. â€" Cjirried. Cai-s m â€" McKenzie â€" That the report of the reeve and Mr. Wright on rebuild- ing bridge over Saugeen river, con 13, lie received and they be paid for their, services as follows : the reeve $1.50 : Mr. Wright, $1.00. â€"CuTied. McKenzieâ€" Carson â€" Tliat the follow- ing liceounts Ije {>aid: D.Mc Leod oil and rejjairs for grader, 75c ; J. CuUeu for gravel, $3.10.â€" Ciu-ried. Carson â€" Wrightâ€" That the account of T. A. Gilchrist for repairing gnider, $5.2o, be jiaid. â€" Carried. McKenzie - Wright â€" That the follow- ing ivccounts bo jiaid : H. Foester, re- piviring road grader and scraper, $6.75 : H. Wilson, (repairs to grader, .scnijMjr and plouijh, $3.85 ; W. E. Richardson, .stationery, 80c.â€" Carried. McKenzieâ€" Wright-That J.w. Wat- .son 1)0 refundedj$2.90, being townshij) rate on $650.00 a.s.sessinent, on account of his Ixirn being destroyed by fire. â€" Carried. Carson- McKenzieâ€" That W. C. White l)e refunded $1.20, being township rale on $:)00.0O assessment, on account of of bam by fire. -Cai-ried. Wrightâ€" McKenzie -That the action of the reeve and Mr. Cai'.son in regard to the Walkcrton and Lucknow R-iilway Company's crossings in thist tow nship is hereby ratifie«l and the reevo and Mr. Carson be {wid $23.36 each for thoir time and ex|)onsc8 in attonding before the Rnilway Couimission at Toronto, in cou- ucction with the same. â€" Carried. Cars,!! â€" McKeuzie â€" That the Clerk be instructed to publish the necessary adverti.seinenl of By-Lawt. to close up those portions of Harvey, Arte>!'.esia and Queen streets in the village of Pi-icevUlo, occupied by the Walkortoii and Lucknow Rjiilway Comiiany. to bo considered at the meeting of this council on the loth d.»y of December, at Flesher- ton, at 11 o'clock a. m. the, expense of such ailvortising to bo borno by the Railway Co. Carried. McKen/.ie â€" Wright -That the reevo, clerk, and Ti-oaaurer bo ap|X)inted to prepare a financial statement of receipts and expenditure of the ti-easurer of this municipality for this year up to the loth day of December, 1009, an<l from tlio 15th ot December 1908 to 1st of Jan. 190». Carried. I Council adjourned. Kimberley Mr. and Mr. J. Herljert Fawcott and little daughter's, H.izel and Dorothy of Coilingwood, were the guests of the former's pai-ents, Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Fawcett, during the past week. Mr. Fines of Shelburne was a visitor jit Mr. William Scott's, recently. Mr and Mrs. Snell of Wodehouse, were the guests of Mr. and 3frs. Scott on Sunday liist. Klessrs. Frank Dolison and Donald McLean of Tliornbury, spent Sunday in our bui^. Mr. Lome Curry of Rocklyn, visit:d friends here on Sunday last. Mrs. Dixon is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Scott. Mr. Fred Stuart and MisaC. Meiklc- john visited Flesherton friends on Sun- day List. T.!e Kimberley Branch of the O. W. I. will meet ;it the home of Mis. W. S. Bishop on Thursd-iy afternoon, Nov. 25, at 2.;«) o'clock. Ceylon Mr. Andrew Gilchrist inut with another bad misioriune one day hi»tweek, having broken his a: ui at the wrisi Uy a fall from the scaffold .)ver his barn ttoor. iliss Woods is visiting at her brother's, J. L. WckmIs'. Mr. Gibson CoUinson, who wiih Mrs. C, has spent a week visicing relatives at Port Ci'lboriio and Uainillon, has re- turned home, leaving Mrs. Culliuson to continue her visit. Mrs. J. and T. Chislttt have had several quiitiug bees of la'.e â€" which re- minds us, we may expect t>ome cold weather this wi-nter, if nothing else. Quite a number of the residents of this community atUMided the fu-ieral of our esieemed councillor, Mr. McKenzie Duncan. Manyotheis altunded that of Mrs. Aldcorn of Swinton Park. Mr. Martin Murphy Ins retu-ued lo Mr. Peter Muir's fjr the winter. >Ir. W. C. White i-i cuuiiug tc reside in Jas. Ashdown's residence, which was We are pleased to Icjirn that Miss j ''eC'!"*Jy ^•««aleJ by \V,„. Hargrave, who ha< mciied to Eva Seeley's huuse. We extend to Mr. White a hearty welcome, Mr. S. Jackson of Bunessan vitjited hia father and sister here on Sunday last. Mr. Duncan Baxter's horse strayed last Wednesday and has not yet turned up. Maud Hill, who is sufl'eriug from blood poisoning in her arm, is on a fair way lo i"eeovery. Mrs. Jasper Stuart and little daughter, Dunelda, and Miss K. Boyle, visited Eugenia and Flesherton friends during the psist week. Miss Ethel Fawcett of Ladner. B. C, who lias s{)ent the [jast few months at her [Kii-ental home here, has returned to British Columbia. Mr. Jas{>er Stuart, who took in the hunter's excursion up north, returned home on Satunlay last. Hatherton A niiiiiber of our citizens are suflTeri ng from severe colds. Miss Alice Winters returned home from Toronto to wait on her mother, who has been ailir>g for some time, but who we are pleased to know is regaining herusua! health. Mr. at.d Mrs. J. Nicholson, Dundalk, visited with the Intter's brother, Wm. Parker, liust Sunday; also Miss Susie Victoria Corners Rev. 3Ir. Fer;;u.soii preached educational sermon at Inistio<>e the la-it Sunday. Rev. Laidlaw was at Dundalk - for same purpose Mrs. Jus. Lnckhart is again on the sick list. The Mr. Strains have been removing hy fire "the old home, " this last week. BIr. Win. Acbcson had a runaway one day last week. Mr. Tho.s. Bannon has rented Mr. Geo. Baunon's farm for four years. 1 0th Line, Osprey. Sorry to report that Mr. Sam Otlowell is on the sick list. Dr. Ryckman is in attendance and we hope to see him around boon. visited the Bixiwii, of Fine weather is making the farmers ^ wear a broad smile these days, and the Parker, of Siiiglmmpton, spent the week fall ploivhingia nearly completed end at the parental home. Miss Dale's fallier, Mr. Win. Dale, of Heaihnote, who has been very ill foi the post few weeks, is slowly recovering. Mr. and Mrs. James Hall visited the lat tor's si.ster, Mi-s. Down, one day last week. Bornâ€" Sunday Nov. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. George WcMastev, twin sons. The mother and babes are doing well. Mr. Herb Irwiu of Markdale visited our burg last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew, Maxwell, enter- tained the Methodist choir one evening recently, when au enjoyable evening was spent. Rev. Wellwood, Flesherton. preached an excellent Missionai-y sermon last Sabbath evening in ihe MetiiiMlist church Maxwell. The work on the telephone lino be- tween Mcliityre and Hatherton and Maxwell is being rapidly pushed and we expect to be able to call up our friends by phone the last of this week or the Mr. and Mi-s. A. Heron lalter's brother, Mr John Gibralter last week. Sorry to report that Mi-s. R. Ferris ii very ill at present. The youns people of this neighborhood enjoyed themselves at the home of Mr. Em Davidson on Friday evening last and report a good time. Mr. Wm. Brackenbury and son, Fred, also Mr. Chif. Stinson, left for New Ontari-j last week. Wo unilerstand that Mr. Ed. Hawton has sold hisfarai to his brother, Ern, and will go west in the spring. Mr. Alex Maxwell has been away deer hunting for a week. We understand that three hava.bceii shot this fali in the north part of this township. Tho Rev. Mr. W'ullwooJ of Flesliorlon beginning of next. Mr. Heilman, the preach»d « very interesting and instructive Missionary ^^erllloIl in Providence churcli on Sunday mornitic. BIrs, Henry Alexander and halie of Fevoisham spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Dand's, on tho 12th lino. genial merchcinl of Mclntyrc is the general manager. Mrs. J. Winters and little son, Neil, spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. McLean, Mclntyre. Hatherton S. S. has decided to hold their annual Christmas cutertainment on Dec. Uth. Mr. T. Gruinmitt and Harvoy Mills of Honeywood, spent Sunday with friends here. East Mountain McFARLAND&CO. We undei stand that a number of young men from this part are g"ing to woik in tho woods for Mr. A . McKean, near Gibralter. in Coilingwood township. Spoa\i!!g loa Winnipeg audience one day lately, William Jennings Bryan said ; "Woslern Canada is the only country in the woild that can lake the .4niericin farmer away and keep fiim away." Mr, Bryan als ) said a i/ood woi-d for Canada's International Exposition that is to be held in Winni|>eg in 1912, avowing his f.iith in such expositions as a in«aus of This has been an excellent fall for ploughing and the farmers in this section are turning over a lot of ground. Numerous deer hunters have been parading tho woods in this vicinity the ^ pastwnek. Ashley Fawcett of Kimberley j educating the public and declared thatan secured one deer. 1 exposition held in Western Canada will Miss Elsie Martin is on the sick list at | b" "'« »"^""« °f educating th msands in the knowledge of a renmrkable country I of which not nearly enough is known. The Patterson House, Owen Sound, is ' iu trouble again. A (|uantity of liijuor wa.s found in secret cupboards ii> the present. Mr. Sam Smith of Toronto is tho guest of his brother, John Smith, of this place. Willie Harboltio was in Ke.vly for a few days recently. Miss Clara Smith has gone to Toronto on an extended visit with friends. building. The "juice'' was most cleverly hiddeu, but Tn9{)ect«>r Beckett knows his job and ferrettcd out the stulf. There are some people wo have met who would mike prime license inspecto s. They can MAI^KDALE ONTAlflO Good News From Our Clothing Department In this (lepartnient we are fully prepared to supply well almost every man, boy and child iu this community with a New Suit or ><ew Overcoat that'is right, up to-date in every detail, and when you compare values you will conclude this department to be your choice to make your selection. Here's but a few «iuotations for you to think about â€" then come in anil see for yourself The New Suits and over- coats must be seen and tricil on befor(?you can realize fully the style and value we are giving. $17.00 New "Progress Bra^d' Suits for $12.75. L9.00 New "Progress Branil" Suits for $14 50. We've just pa.escd into stock a limited nunib<>r of these two lines «rf "Progress Brand Tailor Miide .Suil.s, " they are all rhis season's make, etc.. bought at a big discount, and we may sty iha. to expiiiiii why we were fortunate in procuring new up-to-date Suits like these would lake ui>nsi(leiable space and you are not interest- ed in whys anil wherefores. This lot consists of medium and dark fancy aii woA worsteds, sini:le bieasted .style, and riuht in stylo they are tju, and we have divid- ed them into two lots as above, sizes 36 to 42. They are displayed in cumer Window. See them. College Ulster, $8.00. 13 only Dark Grey Plaid Hejivy Tweed n tho new College Ulster style, size 'iH to 44, spt cImI at fa. College Ulster, $10.50. 10 only Men's Dark Fancy Tweed in heavy weight ololli, made in College L'lstei style, all sizes, our leader at $1Q.00. Highest Prices paid for Poultry McFARLAND & COMPANY Mr. BaLert Birniiiigha-D, Past Grand Secretary of the Grand Orange Lodge of British .\inerica, is visiting differeni points in Urey county at present:, includ- ing Proton Station, Corbetton. Brook- holm, Chatsworth, Dcsboro, Massie, Walter's Falls, H dlaiid Centre and Berkeley and reports a number of splen- did meetings. There are now sixty-four Orango Lotlges in Grey county, having the gieatest number uf lodges outside Simooe county, and Toronto city, in the province of Ontario. â€" Hanover Post. Business Chances One well established dress-inaking shop. I »ne good brick laundry, small â-  pposition. One barl>er shop, pool room and cigar store combined. Skating rink, roller and ict>, floor tiU .\ ltl8 feetâ€" a money maker. Good reasons for selling. One blacksmith shop with fnime house and stable, good orchard, S4<J0. A tmt class counli-y stand. Hough c«st house in Markdale, $700. 1)0 acres of good level land in Art- 1 eniesia. 3 miles from Flesherton. com- There was a thump and au out-house ' f'^f'^hlo frame house, good fi-ame barn, fell Lo earth. Hallowe'en had arrived ^'"â- 'l' '"''-â- '""'<•. 8^00*'- The Cookstown grain market is boom ing these days. $1. 11 was paid for wheat ] smnll a drink so far that they !«KiHT even . on Monday.â€" Advocate. ' find booze iu dry Artemesia. ,ind the boys hiul done their worst. A roar like Niagara told that au urchin had been struck, as the owner of the building heaved rocks into a tlock of fleeing youth. The man never knew who he hit until his own boy limped into the house. Then the eyes of tho parent were opened, and he proceeded t > do what the father did with the fatted calf in the proaigal son â€" kill him.â€" TiMies. A Cobiih deputation asked the Govern- ment to help to bear the cost of cleaning up the town. An appeal mil be made on behalf of Sam Spinelli, .sentenced to hang for a murder at Haileybury. Notice to Creditors In the mailer of the estate of David McMullen, late of tho Township of Art- emesia in the County of Grey, Geutle- uian, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant lo dIio i-e vised Statutes of Ont.irio, 1867, Chap, i), that all the creditors and othei-s having claims against the estate of the said David McMullen, who dieii on or about the thirteenth day of May; liKflt, to send by post prepaid or deliver to B.. J. Sproule, Flesherlon, Ont., one of the ISxecutors of the last Will and Testament of the .said David .McMullen, decea.s«'d, their Christian and Surnames, addivsses and descriptions, the full [Mirticulai-s of their claims, the stivtement of their account-s and the nature of the securities, (if any) held by iheni. .\.M) KtKTHKK TAKB NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said executors will pr >ceed to distribute the ius.sef.s of the decea.sod among the parties entitled thereto, having regartl only to the claims of which they shall then have I â€" notice, and that the said executors will '^ not Ih) liable for the said as.sets or ""y/ij.^v- l>art thereof to any ijerson or persons of! "7 "« whose elaiiii shall not have lioon received by theiii at the time of such distribution. W. H. WRIGHT, Solicitiir for Executors, K. J. Sproule, Joseph A. Blakelcy luid Samuel McMullen. Dated Nowmber 5th, I'JOtt. 100 acres in ( »sprey. Good clay loam,, watered wiih spring creek, 6o acres under cultivation. 35 aetcs hardwood bush, good fmine hou-^e, good fr.iino barn witli stone foundation and stablim;. A good snap at S3tHX). On easy terms. 100 acres in .-Vrteniesia, conveniently situated on public road. Brick house, gooil fi-aine barn 40 x 60 on stone foundation, with sheep pen, pig pen and ben house adjoining. 60 acres in high state cultivation, 30 acres hardwdod bush with some good timber. Watered with running streams. ?4800. 100 acres in Euphrasia, convenient to school, church, stor^. [Hist oflico, telephone and blacksmith shop. 80 acres under cultivation, good orchard, largo new cement house, pood frame barn with stone foundation and stabling, Diiveshed. Price ?48()0. Half a inillioii acres of land in the North West, ranging from $5 to §20 an acre. Henry M. Douglas, REAL ESTATE BROKER BOX 76 . MEAFORD, ONT J. B. PAT TON PAINTKR â€" PAPKR HANtiKR •Si^rn Painting and Uinh-class Decorating .\ S|x.>cialty. Office at . , . KLK.SHKRn>X. ONT. DR. BXJRT 5pcclallst in discues ol iho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Of lice 1 3 F ix>»t tilt, - fivventSlouncl At the Revere house, Markdale, 1st Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. FARM PROFFFS largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer's market,, and by learning of the best method im farm practice. This is precisely the sort of information the Fanners' 'Weekly Sun (ives ia every isane. It haa no equal' as a Farmefs Business Paper. Ooo* farmers rely on it. For price se« ovf (lubbiag ofier.

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