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Flesherton Advance, 11 Nov 1909, p. 8

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THE FLESIIEETON ADVANCE ^^ November 11 l&i)^ Business Cards WALTER LOUCKB Builder Rud Controctor For Brick, Stone auct frame resideacei. Ra- iitoates cbeorfuliy turriilieJ, Flesheirtou P U Ontario. MOUIAiOUOH & YOUNG Kankera .V\rk<lale Do • general baukiuu bubiueaB. Money loaaed at ruaaoualjlu ratit Call ou uu. TCHIShUTT, • I'ustiuaatcr, Ceylon. Commiseionor in H, C. J , Convoyancer, deeda, iiiortcaKOx. leaaea, wIlU etc. carefully drawn U|> JolkiVtioaa inad.>. cbargea ruaHonabie, Al>o Krocerius, flour, feed etc. kei'tiu atock, Prioea rittbt. RJ SFMOL'LK I'Odtuiaater, Fleaberton woniicieaiouer in H.C J., Auctioneer, Con- veyancer, Appraiasr and Uoney Lu ndt^r K«al Katatfl and Inanranoe Agent. Deeds, mortgagea. leaaea anl wllla carefully drawn op ai!'l raluationa made ou aborteMt notice money to loan at lowent ratea of iuteroat.^Col- ectiona attended to with promptneaa iharnoH low. Agent for Ocean UominioD Buaiusbip Company. A call a olloited. DMcPHAIL. blcenaed Auctioneer for the • County of Orcy. Terras moderate and tatisfaetion guaranteed. Tbo arrauKomeota and dates of aales can be made a*. TiiK AnviNCK office. Ucsideuce and P.O., Ceylon, Tulepboue connection. Dec. 0.07. W.\l. KAITTINU, Licensed Auctioneer for tbo conutiea of lirey and Sinicoe. Farm and Stock Bales a specialty. Tornia iiijderate. aatiafactiou guarantied. Arrauge- i.ientB for dates may bo mideat the Advance office, or a; T. HutchinsonB BUire. teverabam or by addreseing me at FcvcriLam, Ont. RUDIJ MATHKWS, Markdalc, Licensed auctioneer for the county of (irey. Good service at reaacnablo ratet>. Dates can bo made at Tbe Advance. o09 T HAKVEY PEUIOOK, broker, Fleaberton. •1 General brokerage business. Insurance of every kind placed in safe and liberal compauiea. Heal estate etc., Open accounts and past due notes handled and money advanced thereon. Correspondence aolioited. Medical DR CARTKB M C P 4 S Ont, rbyiiclan, Burgeon, etc Office and residenceâ€" Peter at., Fleaberton JP OTTBWELL ~~ Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Colleg*, residence â€" B3cond door aoutb west'oD tLdxy street. Tbia street runs aoutb Presbyterian Charch. n WILSO.N, IllBCkFi.iitb **• Uraduate of tue Veterinary Bcienc Association. Durham itre^t, op;>Miti^ Boyd, bro 8 hardware. Dentistry nr. E. C. MURRAY L. :>. R., dental surgeon â- Â»-' honor graduftte of Toronto University and Koyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, fjas adiiiisinistered for teeth extraction Cilice at residence, Toronto Btieet, Fleaberton. Legal m H. WRIGHT. HarrlRtcr, Bollcitor, Convey- "ancer, etc.,â€" Owon Hound, and l-lesberton. N Bâ€" Fleaberton oaice. Sproulo'a Block every Baturdav Societies AO U W meets ou the last Monday â-  n each month, in their ionge room Norris' block. Flesberton, at 8 p.m. M. W., Mlleb Tblstlethwalte: Bee., C. H. Munebaw; FlD., W.J. Bellamy. ViaitlDgbretbrtc Icvited PRIXCB ARTHUR LODGE, No. :I3,1, A.F.4 A M, meets in the Masonic liall. Arm- strong'8 l<lo(k,Flesbertou, every Friday ou or before tbe full mocn. Thos. Ula](ely,W.M.; Herb.omitb, Seirotary. COURT FLE8HEBT0N, 005, I. 0. F. iroets in Clayton's Block the last Wednesday evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. R., Dyson; R. S., T. HeLry; Fin. Sec, C. N. Richardson. Please pay dues to Fin. Bee. before tbe first day of the month. CHOSEN FRIENDSâ€" Flesberton Council of Choaen Friends meets in Clayton's hall first and third Wednesday of each nmntb 8 p. m Pay RBsessnionts to the Recorder on or before trie ftrnt fiavof each month. Chief Councillor T, jUlakeley; Recorder, W. H. Bout. Farms For Sale or Rent For rent or sale-100 acre farm. Apply to Mra, A. U. McLaod, Ceylon P. O. I/ARU FOR SALK-lxjt .1. con: M Oaprey, •T containing too acroH. uioroor lesa, HO acres cleared, balance hardwood hush, running water across farm. nov«r failin g well at bouf i-. water in Imrn. Harv. ht*)no fou udation, 00 x (-'. Hood dwelling house. 2acrea bearing orchard, Pe Bt otiico in honae. Farm in good state of cultivation. Will sell reasonable. ImmedlaU) I'ossHBBiou. Apply to , „ ,> RICHARD A. ROHt-UTR.'Lady Bank P.O. TTOM HALKâ€" 100 acre farm, lot 10. cou 10, town- â- T ihip of Osprey, close to theviUagoof Fever- thaui. Bank barn, frame houseand well fenced. For par icnlai's apply to A. O. CAMPIIKLL, aiO Rusholiiie Road Toronto Lots :« and Xt, con I 8 » R, lu aores. 0.1 cIuh-oiI 10 acies pasture, biilancegood bush, ^arn 6x30. dri\ing»he<l. gooii frame houBf #ell« 1 acse of orchard ami stone wall uni'o. barn. Baugeen river crosses bickof farm. Well^foncJ and in good Htato of cultivation, ..) iiil'.os from ProBon Htation. i'or term ap|>ly on premlBes to .lAiiKs II. Vausi:, I'loton Station. I'or aalo chitaiUir runt, iuimodiate poBHUslinn. ,*• jliGt, .W Cf,n'. U, Artiniodls, about 75 acres '' clear, conifortnblu log lionso an<l, frame barn. Apply to It .) Bproulo, Fleshertou, or John J Martin, across tlie road from said lot: For sale cheap and on easy terms, good com- fortablu frame dwulling, vtnble niid driving house with lli>-ee vlllsuo lots in Cevlou- Dwell- ing wuil built and Hnlsbed and gooil heaving _ orchard on tbo property. Apply to â€" RJ Spboule. Flesberton. Iot 19, con. A, Osprey containing 100 acres, -'cloarod, frame hnnso, frame harn.ston foundntlon; orchard, wt'll waturede On thouBsiid down and balance to suit purchaser Iiiiniudlatu posaession Appiv to H. N. KiNNKAB Maxwell V. O. Bulls for e rvice The tliorongbbred Sliorthnrn lUi'l, "l*arl Grey," Tifi-. will bn for service ou lot .S^, eon. .8, Arlen^esla. The podigrue of this flue anluiai cilO be seen ( n sppllcalion. 1i ins M A.SDUKW DOW, Proprietor. Pure bred Holsloin Frieslan Bull. This young animal coinei ft oiti one of the bist dairy herds In Canada, being in extended registration Terms i?I.O0 AMDEIl KING Parebre'i Tamnortli Bonr. Tliln vonns animal has inoved hiinsulf one of the beststocK getters that haa ever been offered fer Bcrvice- TeniiB one dollar. â€"UK HARD ALLEN I/Ot 170, Slid E. T and S road, FieBlmiton P O Thoroughbred Hull from inipnrteil stock. » lo Taniwnith P-our for service on lot \T\l, T. k H. B,, Arteiiicsiiu i!U Aug. JOHN ADAMS, Prop. Hereford Cattle for Sale Wo havfi fi>r sale loiiui good bulls, belfors and COWS, all llioioiiglib od Iloriilonlii T! <V J. WATKDN. Piotoii, Pure Bred liiiKllsh Rerkshires and Tamwortbg. Iliaveii (li.e lot of ycmng pigs lii-o'l f.-om prize tviniiiiit; stoolt, fur sale, Writi! inu f.„ )>rici.-i. Icungive a Largain iiIho (;iiiii'itiiCoe «Atii,fectiou (III all in.iil orders. (»eo, W. KO.S.S. Maxwell P, O, Shearllnit Ram for Sale A Lfltester Sliesnlug lani lor Hiile, will give biin lip the lint week of this juoutli. i then Will li.ive nsud hlin two vear< ami wili have no ' more use for lilui. Will sell ithean, Apniv to .lAMHS STUAHT, KImlwrlev, On'. Boar for Service Ul-S I Vorkahira boar pig for lervix' at lita !• A 8. U. o2»jt iiO.'.T RICHARDSO-V, Flishertoii P. 0, Desperate Qoughs Dangerous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs. Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lungs. Coughs that shake the whole body. You need a regu- lar medicine, • doctor's medi- cine, for such a cough. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A We vabUah ear foraulas iiers We Walak aleehel Item OUT aae aieiaaa We urge yen to eononlt/oor Any good doctor will tell you that a medi- cine Tike Ayei^s Cherry Pectoral cannot do its best work if the bowels a^e con- stipated. Ask your doctor if be knows anything better than Ayer's Pills for cor- recting^tbit sluggishness of the liver. M al l l by tk*f. O. AyarOe.. -Unnai, Education that Pays What the liveraze young man nnd wciinan of to-day wants i» an educatiiiii that will incruHSu his or her oppor- tunities for succes.s in life. The thorough ciurses in Bii.siness, Short- himd and Typewriting of the Coilingwood Business College Furnish Ilia equlpinunl. Write for free Catalogue. Students may enter at any time. T. E. H.\WKINS. # PRNCIPAL Colliii(;wood, Ont. " HOW TO SUCCEED ' In Business Life Write us for particulars and wo will send you FREE our iMjoklet sh< how hundreds of young iiienaiul women have niadu a suc- cess of life. Write now. Dunt delay. Address C. A. Fleming, Owen Sound, princiixil GROCERIES ! ! ! Our stock of groceries embraces everything you need or desire. The prices are in keeping with the <liiidity of goods. Everything in oui lino on s»le here. Flour of all gi'iides. Bran, Shorts, low gi-ade flour,'etc for feed, GIVE US A TRIAL. Wright's Grocery FLESH ERTON Thompson's o S o Bread delivered regu- larly and kept for s.ilo at the following Ht<ires: J. Pnttison's, Ceylon W..\ldcorn & Son's Pricevillo N. McCannoll's Proton Station R. Heron's, Maxwell A. IlutohinHon's and Kli Uobin.son's Fuversliain H. Cairns', .I.E.Largu's and R. Parks', Kugonia or 3. o O 3 Bakery FURNITURE Thi! largfsl uiid best stock of Furnitiue ever shown in Flcshortoii. TIiIh without fearof con- tmdiction. C'omo nnd SCO soiiio of the iiiiti) things in Side Itoards, Dining Room Chaiis, Pallor Setts, Hod Room Setts. A special ruduc- tioii just now on overy- tliing, in order lo re- duce the stock, . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER FleshertonC Tenders Wanted ToiiilerR will lio locnivurt up till Nov. l".t!i ItWl), for tlie imrpo 1.) of oicotiii;; a l.ivatory tii •ohool ««cti(ia .No. 0. .^itomosltt. Plans ami fpofltli'atioiKrRii 1)0 hail bv aiiplylni; to W. C. I'i;i)l,\H, Secrotarv, lloik Mill»,l'.0> i.iOweat 01 any tuiiUer uot iiooeaearlly accent- od. Fire was discorrred Saturday niorninif shortly <»flor midnight in th« resilience of A, McIiHiighlin, of U.Oiiidgo, Such hendnray had lieeii viiined that no one could enter the Ijuildiny, and Mia. Mo- Lauchlin and her two yonnt^est children were liuined to dentil. Mr. McLaughlin, who was up with a sick child, escaped w:th it.---Eiiii Advocate, NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events Which Havs Occurred During the Weeic The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Complied and Put Into Handy snd Attractive Shape for the Read- trt of Our Paperâ€" A Solid Hour's Enjoyment WEDNeSD«vi. The U. 8. PostofTice Department will issue a 12-cent stamp. Two prisoners in a jnil nt Lord.?- buTK. N.M.. were burned to death in a fire that destroyed the building. Ttie sawmill of the North Kiver Lumber Co., nt Widditkdd, near North Bay, was destroyed by fire. The loss was $10,000, partially covered by in- surance. Fred Cook, serving a life term in San Quentin, Cal.. Prison fof mur- dering his wile, hurled an iron bar at Henry Mayer, serving a term for arson, killing him instantly. At New Y,cirk, Frank Miller shot and killed Ims fathep-in-law, John Sceain, and probably fatally wound«?d his wife. Miller was arrested. His four children saw the shaoting. At Fitchburg, Mass., when Mrs. F. Berry, who kept a boarding-house, an- nounced that she was going to give up the business, Kdward J. Dickson. a boarder, shot her and tried to kWl himself. Two horses worth $600, belonging to William Cha-plin, formerlv of Mont- real, were burned to death in Capt. MacKie's barn at St. Catharines, de- stroyed by fire, as the result of a Hallowe'en prank. Wind velocity in the Straits of Juan de Fuca on Oct. 27 was so great that seagulls were driven up>on the waves and drowned by scores, is re- ported by Captain Charles Sautz of the American cruiser Taurus. He es- timates the velocity at 150 miles an hour. THURSDAY. Emperor William will open the Reichstag Nov. 30, with the speech from .the throne. E. R. Farfbault of the Dominion Geological Survey staff, has accepted the post of superintendent of mines for the Quebec Government. L'Kvenement, the most militant Conservative paper in Quebec, wants the jieople consulted before adopt- ing the views of the Government on the naval defence policy. The new Dundee Rural "Eelephone "The Japanese military mission, which has been visiting other capi- tals, arrived at St. Petersburg yester- day. The party will remain until Nov, 15. The Daily Telegraph says it has been definitely decided that the House of Lords will to accept the fin- ance bill until an appeal has been made to the people. An official of the Big Four Railroad at Cincinnati is said to have confessed that the shortage of from $50,000 to $100,000 in his accounts was due to his paying blackmail. MONDAY. Fire did $10;0o0 damage to the Pul- len Paper Co., Winnipeg. It is expected that Castro has been foiled in an attempt to resume the presidi-ncy of Venezuela. Right Hon. Wm. Court Gully, cx- Speakcr of the British Commons, is df/ad in London, aged 74. P'red Bosomw.orth of Guelph was severely burned in pouring coal oil on the kitchen fire. The stove was wrecked. An armed posse spent Saturday searching for two men who assaulted seven-year-old Bertha Gifien of Stan- stead, Quo. Lord Roberts has sent an autograph- ed photo to Cadet Mackenzie ot P.E.I., who broke his leg at Ottawa while competing for tbe Lord Roberts cadet team prize. The Canadian Iron Furnace Works at Three Rivera were partially destroy- ed by fire early yesterday morning. I>oss about $50,000. Seme 200 men are out of employment. Tl>e fine stern-wheeler Omineca, built here last summer for Foley, Welch & Stewart, is wrecked in Skee- na River, B.C.. and is a total loss. The cargo is saved. Col. F. Gausdeau, ex-deputy of ma- rine, would like to proceed against the Government because the public accounts blue book chronicles his re- tirement as "in the .public interest." George Smythe, a C.P.R, freight en- gineer was badly scalded under his overturned engine on Saturday night, near Staynerv,iHe. A train of cars ran down an incline and hit the freight and the engine was overturned. lUfeSOAV. H. C. Sergeant, said to be of Hailey- bury, Ont., was killed by a street car at Pittsburg. Frank Wannamaker of Trenton is in the county jail at Belleville, charg- ed with horse stealing and highway robbery. The .Aluminum Company of Amer- ica, a Pittsburg concern, has filed no- tices of increasif of capital stock from $3,200,000 to $20,000,000. Portland Township Council, Fron- teuac County, has ordered a vote to be taken in the next municipal olec- Co. has declared a dividend of 10 per cent. There are 1-60 subscribers and \ tion for the repeal of the local option 60 Bell connections. A good sum was ' law in operation. set aside .'or rest account. j In a gale vesterday the home of Ihe names of American suffragettes F. A. Ward of Victoria, B.C.. was were augmented by anoth"er important member yesterday, when Mrs. Philip Snowden arrived from Liverpool on wrecked, the family falling with the second floor and being hurled in the debris. Mrs. Ward, who was ill in the steamer Carmauia. She comts on bed may not recover a lecture tour ,,,,,,,., .The loss to the Big Four Railway A^rL^L^^. • ""'* '^â- "'I'J'"''. '" I by the defalcations of C. L. Warri- ^1ln= frn,^ T ,*?"?• 1*^"' ".'"^*': »"• 1°«»1 treasurer of the road at hv iho Tl. k"^ • '"^ V''"t.-''"P "'u C^'-'^nn-'ti. will ultimately amount to tr^be. who hfr''?i.""'^.v,'^TM'^^'l"^"t $500,000. according to a stata- bolmH Tf ?)w^ ! " f"c.*^'' ''*'''* '" nient issued yesU>rday. New, Ls Lw.'^re^oi.^ 1"''! n»^ HiBh school pupils in Cleveland ob- that'Vict" Mo^V H a^id^LTa^s" \ L^' '\'"°^"'"« ""*' "^'^'^"°«" ^'*^- 8on of Andrew Montpetit. the welU i ?Z ' ^^''""'^^ »", """n^" «''''«!0" known Montreal writ^. was drow - I ^^,t%r'''' ^ '^'^T ''\ 't^f^T ed at Smoky River. Albij^ta, on Sept. ' 'I'av tn efir^M," •"'"^* "'r'' ^^^^ "" 1. He was a member of a Govern- r *!â- **' earn their education ment survev nartv I 'â- "'' Premature explosion of a blast FRIDAV '" Victoria, B.C., sent a boulder HaH.the business dilt'rict of Cayuga, ' '^^^^''-^^ ^uT^^^nlft tr^l "t '"Frecte\^rh;;:^s1abo';r oTcT- '«-! -ti,*^t;;orT'^struck'^'co"ntra'i: bec.^t:,l^h^s ne'cVby'a7.[ll°fro'i5r''a- , ""' 'â-  «" ^â- '"""--- He may die. lafeblowers cracked the vault of the i '"'*^^ FR OM MER RITTON. tefNB' l^^ZVv.m- f Camp- ! Three Men Killed Near St. Catherine, Dellton, N.U., but got little of value i Ap. id.ntifi.d James J. Murphy, deakr in build- i «, ^ .. * " „ n^u .w ers supplies, Quebec, has assigned his ^'' Catharines, Nov. 9.â€" The three his estate, with liabilities of sonio ""^" â- *"" ^^'^''^ killed by a train on $80,000. I the G.T.R. near St. Catharines Sun- At Green Bay, Wis., a lone robber ''"^ night were identified yesterday held up the teller of tlie Furmer-"' , "â- ^ ,<hree residents of Merritton. Exchange Bank, and escaped with Ei'^ard Huraon, the youngest, 2-» about $1,000. , .years old, was employed as a macliin- Driver K. Patterson of the Royal '*' tender in the Riordan Paper Mills. Caniidiun Horse Antillery at Kingston ^e leaves n widowed mother, one bro- Ont., has surrendered at Fredericton' ^^'"^ "'"* '^""'" â- '^istTS. N.B., as .1 deserter. ' : Thomas Wright, aged 30, was the W. T. R. Preston has boon ofUcially ^"I'Port «' an aged mother. He has appointed Canadian Trade Conmiis- "'"" three brothers, one of whom is sioner to Holland, and loft Ottawa yos- " eripple. torday afternoon for .Vm.sterdaui, via Jolin Dundas, 40 years of ago, has New York. ' agtki parents and a married .sister in Tli(> latest official reports received nt Chicago. He was employetl on tho tho State Department, Washington, construction of tho new Lincoln Pa- tend to show that Nicaraguan rovohi- 1*"'' Mi"s at Merritton. tionists are daily gaining strength in '^^.'^ "'."-^^ '""e "aid to have b-.^n nien, ariiis ami auiniunition. coming to this city to bid good-bye .M Pittsbur>f yesterday, nn appoul *o » "'"" leaving lor Cobalt. w.-is filed in thoSupremu Court in bo- half of Helen Boyle, luslung for n re- vor.sal of her .sentence of 25 years' ini- New British Warship, . .... London. Nov. !<.â€" Tho newest Brit- pri.soimient for complicity in the kid- ish Dreiidnought cruiser Lion and her napping of Willie Whitla. sister ship, for wiiich contracts have Lord Pentland. who has been men- just been let, will, according to a tioncd as a Governor-Uwieml high authority, \x'. remarkable for for ('iniula, was military secretary to tlu-ir formidabK' tonnage of 2C.-350 ;ind Hbrd .Aberdeen during his terms a.s speed of 23 knots. Oov(!rnor-Gencral of Canada. Mo wa.H These ves.sels will be 700 feet long, plain John Sinclair 'hen. On Icavini; only 62 feet short.-r than the CunarU UiiiaUu he was elected to the British Line steamer Lusitania, and will from a Scottish oonstituonoy, carry eight 12-inch guns. The big and tiecame Secretary for Scotland. Ho warships will over $10,000,000 was advanced to the peerage, with tho , each title of Lord Pcintland, a couple of voar.s ago. He is n son-in-law of Lord Aberdeen. SATURDAY. \Vomen voted in Norway for the first time in the general electron yes- terday. Manager Jeffrey of the Sterling I'lmk, lort Erie, was found dead in his room yestervlay. Roberl H. Price has been .irrpste>l at Siiigliampton in cwineclion with incendiary fires in Sinicoe counfv. An order-in-council ha.s b.-en pnss- e<l appointing Georg,> J. D.-.'^barat* Ue puty Minister of Marin.) and Fisli- erie.J. .Mis.^ Francos Beaverstock of Tven- <iu.( pa has been arrested on ' t'le Charge of iirardtving throe of hor chil- dren. P. W. Coleman, a native of Ontario, is at Washington, D.C where he held nil important position in the Pen.sion Oftie.\ â€" .--^ ,-.,^. . . Klmoro Walker Scott, tele?rap!i op,'rator, Toro>ito, will apply to Par Ihunent for a divorce from his wif(i. Mary fanner Scott. The greut leather work.i of F. T Holdeii & Son at Walsall near Hirm- ingh.'!i!i, were burn;'d out ve.iteiday. Uh" Io"s is over half a million d.>Miirs. Steam Plow Excites Zorra. Woodstock, Nov. 9. â€" Reeve W. Forbes of West Zorra, a progfessivo farmer, has hitched a {raction thresh- ing engine to two double plows, turn- ing four furrows at once, and has started into a 22-acre field, which ho expects to flnisdi in four days and at much less cost than the cost pf plow- ing in tlie ordinary way. It^ would take a team of horses three weeks. Still Opposrng the Insurance Clause. Ottawa, Nov. 9.â€" W. H. George, J. F. Stewart, nnd W. M. Campbell of tho insurance committee of the Manufacturers' Association conferred yesterday unofficially with the Minis- ter«of Finance regarding tho clause in tho insurance bill about foreign mu- tual companies. It was suKgccted that representations be made to the Senate committee. '"f^*"' '* "' Bad Itumber Fire. Montreal, Nov. 7. â€" Word was re- ceived in this city yesterday morning of the destruction by lire of the mills and tho ejiitirc plant of ihe Silsby Lumber Co. -at St. George. Loss about $60,000; insurance $20,000. The best Canadian wheat, the most modern mills, and the most skilled millers, all combine to give Royal Honsehold Floor those baking qualities which make it the choice of discriminating housewives everywhere. Give Royal Household a fair trial and you will never go back to other brands. Your grocer will get it for yoii if you insist. i« Ogilvle noar Hills Co., Limifed, HonfreaL Norris Bros. "^^^Tnstths WATCH THIS SPACE Next Week Norris bros. Flesberton • •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• •???????????!!*!*** JlJiJiJiiSJliiJJi i^^S • ••••••••••â- '•••••••••••••••••••••******************»••••••••••••••••• 2|k^«< ••••• •••• •••* •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• ••• •••• •••• •••• •••# •••• •••• •••• •••• <••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••tt •••« •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •«•• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••»• •••• *••• •••• •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• ••«• •••• •••• •••• •••• ^as, iPattison^ Ceuioriy Ont^ H= Senenai â- mAlefcAant. SlF: Boots and Shoes We have jus^t the thing to keep your feet dry in this kind of ive.ither in English Kip, Cordovan and Water Pi oof ; some long legged boots laced, soft and g-xid. Rubbois in men's women's and children's heavy and liplit, ut the old price. I .secured these before the raLso and can give you just wlirtt you are lookiui; for in 8imi> proof, puncture proof and Maplo Leaf Brands. Those who have worn them know how tht-y Inst. Underwear tor Everybody We have soiito o.xceptionaly good valuej in underwear, heavy and light, coaisri and tine, uushriiikikble, also some fealh<.-r down in Heened lintd. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Men's Fur and Fur lined coats that will stand inspection, also .some men's Dress Overcoat", for nil nues and sizes. Ins{>ect our Ladiu's Fur Coats, Fur Cap.s Buffs, Caperiiics and Gauntlets, and ba convinced that they are the very bos;, and hotter value than yuu can git el.sewhore. WW^ B •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••â- â€¢ ••• •••• •••• Con sir ^as. ^attison ' 6eylo •••• J!??f?***?!S*l!?n!t??Sttl.St?M!«tttt»!8!?!»MJ?!SS!tfS?}Mnj:!f*8!?*j!};j", In Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, Harrows,! Ploughs, Cream Separators and WIRE PENCINGf Heard's Carriage Works The Advance the balance of the y^ar free ' ^^ ^ ^^^ Z-^^^^:si^Sg^ iS^viijj^i^^

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