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Flesherton Advance, 11 Nov 1909, p. 7

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â- I««HM1U J«.f^ . •I •i ^ONIC TREATMENT FOR INDIGESTION SemBdies Thac Digest the Food Will Not Cure the Troubleâ€" The Stomacli Host be Fitted to do nature's Wort The tonic treatment for indiges- tion, dyspepsia, catarrh of the sto- mach and gastritis is having re- Diarkable success in curing obstin- ate cai-es and deaerves attention from every sufferer. Its principal is that remedies for indigestion that digest the food for the stomach give relief for only a short time. Ultimately they unfit the stomach to do its own proper Iwork. because they make its al- I ready weak powers still weaker by disuse, while the remedy that strengthens the stomach makes it capable of digesting the food for it- self, and this benefit is la-sting. A remedy that is not only a tonic for the stomach, but for the blood and nerves as well, invigorates the en- tire systena and makes recovery from the painful, weakening effects of indigestion rapid and thorough. Every sufferer from indigestion will find in Ur. Williams' Pink Pills just the tonic needed, as they enrich the blood, tone the stomach and thus enable it to do the work nature in- tended it should do. This has been proved in thousands of cases, and It is worth the while of every stit- ferer from stomach trouble to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. Mr. Edward C'hatterton, Campbell- ton, N. B., says: â€" "I have been a is a pause, during which the Czar partakes of a light lunch, then working on again till one, signing documents, studying Bills, and reading reports of Ministers and Governors. His Majesty drinks, meanwhile, one glass of tea after another, on rare occasions taking a glass of wine and a caviare sand- uich. From one till four the Czar works again, and is devoted to his family, and then continues his la- bors till seven, the hour for the principal meal of the day. The rest of the evening till nine-thirty is again devoted to his family, after which he retires to his study, and punctually at midnight goes to bed. Mr. Thomas A. Edison, the great invnntor, has for many years been afflicted -with deafness, but, curi- ously enough, he regards this as a blessing. Some years ago he was told that an operation might cure him, and a friend of his expressed a hope that he would submit to hav- ing it done. "AVhatI"' exclaimed Edison, "and give up the great ad- vantage I have over the rest of you fellows. Why, I need my deafness in my business, for, you see, my business is thinking, and no matter what the of you are doing, or how much noise yovi aro making, it doesn't bother me, and I am able to concentrate my mind fully on the subject in hand without interrup- tion, dive up an advantage like that? Not much!" Mr. Joseph H. C'hoate, the fam- ous American lawyer, has he repu- tation of being one of the wittiest men in the States ; though, on oc- casion, his humor is spiced with sar- casm. Some time ago he took great interest in a certain young man, the son of a personal friend, and it was Mr. Choate's wish that this young fellow should go in for the law. But NEWFOUNDLAND PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE GRAND WORK DODDS KIDNEY PILLS ARE DOING. Fishermen Regard Them as a Boon tn .Mankind â€" Mr. Yvank Bantleld Tells How They Cured His Back- ache. Garnish, Fortune Bay, Nfld., Nov. 8. (Special). â€" Among the fish- ermen here, who through exposure to wet and cold are subject to those pains and aohes which come from diseased Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills are looked upon as a positive boon to mankind. They are never tired of telling how their Backaches and their Rheumatism vanished be fore the great Kidney remedy. Among many others Mr. Frank Banfield, after years of suffering, has found relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills, and here is what he is telling his friends : â€" "I find Dodd's Kidnev Pills the Biliousness is certainly one of the mnst din- aitreeable ailmetiiH whicli flesh ii heir to. Coated tongueâ€" bitter taste ill the mouthâ€" naufleaâ€"diiziiipssâ€" these combine to make lifti a burd- en. The cause is a dieordered liver -the cure Dr. Miu-se h Indiau Hoot Pills. They ko straiirht to the root of the tronble, put the liver right, cleanee the stomach and bow- els, flear the tongue and take away the bitter taste from the mouth. At the first sign of bilious- aess take Dr. iViorse's Indian Root Pills CONVINCING EVIDENCE. First Thugâ€" "The jury acquitted Bill of that murder charge without leaving their seats." Second Thugâ€" "Did Bill prove his innocence (" First Thug â€" "He proved that no woman had fallen in love with him since he'd been in jail, nor sent him any bouquets or photygrafts !" Of the culprits haled before a po- lice magistrate there was one â€" an Irishman â€" who b"d caused no end of trouble to the police. The mag- best medicine for Backache I have istrate regarded the prisoner with ever used. I only used two boxes ! mingled curiosity and indignation. great sufferer from indigestion and . the youngster had an idea that fate stomach trouble and although I had , had intended him to be a great art- treatment from several doctors, I ; ist, and one day he asked Mr. ] did not find a cure until I began i Choate to look at some of his pic- and they cured me ofBackache I had for five years. It started through a strain. My father's back also bothered him. and he got some relief from one pill I gave him. They were too precious to give him more. -All persons suffering from Backache should use Dodd's Kidney Pills." Why do Dddd's Kidney Pills cure Backache ? Simply because Back- ache is Kidney ache, and Dodd's Kidney Pills positively cure all Kid- ney aches and ills. This has been I proved in thousa ... ... j Canada. If you haven't used them yourself ask your neighbors. "So you're the man that gave the officers so much trouble?" his honor asked. "I understand that it took seven policemen to lock you up THT DEAREST NAME. When he was one-and-twenty, He saw a maiden's face, •^nd when he learnt she loved him. Oh, life was filled with grace. Hfi watched her tender blushes. He saw her sweet eyes fall ; "Oh love," he murmured, "sweet- heart Is the dearest name of all !" When, later on, she murmured In chtirch, the old, old vow, His ring upon her finger. The wreath upon her brow; In all the glow of manhood. And love's new perfect thrall, "I think that wife!" he whispers, "Is the dearest name of all!" But now in Life's sweet evening. He sees a picture fair. That brings him back his childhood, And all the days that were. He sees their children's faces, He hears their voices call ; And oh, he knows that "Mother" Is the dearest name of all ! â- acj&j COUGHS & COLDS LEAD TO CONSUMPTION CoU< ue the moet dangacuf of all (ormi of diiease. A nsglecled cold leads to Broncliitif, Cansumplion, Pneumoaia. ** Coughi " are the result of irriutad hnn- cbialtubet. "PSYCHINE 'cun(eoii(hi by removing the irriuiing particles and heaiuig tb« inflamed Bcmbruo. It i* • rrmicida sad deatroyi tlw tnl>eicle germ. U a Ionic that stiengthent the lungs, tbs liver, sad toaes up the system. It make* for better health in allconditioBselliumaii. ity. GetstrongandtlMCaugh will disappear. "PSYCHINE" mika weak p«>i>J« strong. It cioes coughs of the laoit obciu. rata kind and breab up a coU ia a few koun. Write for Free Sanple. |WSsUlr*>'>'<v''t*!3f D«JtnS*cft tl *" Br. T. A, SLOCUM LUOTtS, T«MirFO -♦ using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I can hardly describe how much I Buffered at times. Every meal brought with it more or less agony, and I seemed to have a complete distaste for food. I had almost be- gun to think my case incurable when I came across a pamphlet ad- vertising Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided to give them a trial. I am very thankful that I did so, for 1 had not been taking the Pills long before I found them helping we, and in six weeks every symptom of the trouble had vanished. I can now eat heartily almost any kind of food, and no longer experience pain and discomfort after eating." It is because Dr. Williams' Pink tures. "I don't wish to go in for the law," he said; 'for you see, I am wedded to my art."' ''H'm," replied Mr. Choate. glancing criti- cally at the paintings, 'but, my dear young friend, you need not let that discourage you â€" you have am- ple grounds for a divorce I" DANGEROUS TO TAMPER WITH The habit of taking bicarbonate of soda for digestive troubles may give relief if carefully ind\ilged in, but is dangerous to tamper with. A half tcaspoonful of baking soda to a glass of water will often cure acute indigestion or settle a dis- Pills make new, rich blood that they ' ordered stomach, but one should cure such troubles as indigestion, not get into the habit of taking it rheumatism, neuralgia, headaches ' after ea<'h meal, as is often done, and backaches. St. Vitus dance, j Even more injurious is the practice and other forms of nerve troubles, of munching dry soda. This, if not They cure the irregularities of girl- 1 checked, becomes as much of a hood and womanhood, and bring i chain as opium or cocaine. Carried ease, comfort and health to .suffer- 1 to excess it eats out the lining jf ers. Sold by all medicine dealers : the stomach and eventually makes or by mail at 50 cents a box or six the bones brittle, boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. EcZtM.i AND PILES CrilED. Magistrate and School Commission- er Healed by Zam-Buk. Zam-Buk by its healing power has earned the praise of men and wo- j Yes, ver honor," responded the "|en in the highest stations of life. | Celt, with a broad grin; "but it ; Oi^e <^» ^he lastest promment gen-; would take onlv one to let me out." tlemen to speak highly in Zam- ; Buk s favor is Mr. C. E. oanford, B.\BY FOOD. ^^ Weston, King's Co., N. S. Mr. | Sanford is a Justice of the Peace ! Make a thin paste with two table- ! for the coimty. and a member of spoonfuls <jf flour and boil it in a the Board of School Commission- ] ^^.. quart of water for fifteen minutes ' ers. He is also deacon of the Bap- tiiousandsof" cases In â-  (po'T paste in water while it is boil- 1 tist Church in Berwick. He iiig). Then skim half pint of cream says : "I had a patch of eczema en j off of a quart of milk. To this my ankle, which had been there for cream add one and one-half pints | over twenty years. Sometimes al-! X^ATTTHAT TTKJTnnv ''* *^^ above gruel and two table- so the di.sease would break out on rsAibiiAi. niaiuni. spoonfuls of granulated sugar. If my shoulders. I had taken solution Teacher was telling her class little milk sugar can be obtained substi- ; of arsenic, had applied various oint- 1 stones in natural history, and she , tute four tablespoonfuls of it in the ^ ments. and tried all sorts of things' asked if any one could tell her what ; place of the granulated. Tliis to obtain a cure, but in vain. Zam- a ground hog was. Up went a lit-, amount is for twenty-four hours, ' Buk. unlike all else I tried, proved tie hand, waving frantically. one-quarter of a pint to be given highlv satisfactory, and cured the "AVell, Carl, you may tell us what j every two and one-half hours as a , ailment. feeding. | "I have also used Zam-Buk for If the baby won't retain the milk, ' itching piles, and it has cured them feed it the plain gruel mixed with i completely also. I take comfort in the sugar. 1 helping my brother men, and if the This is an old niirse'.'» recipe and ' publication of my experience of has stood the test of time, bring- ] Zam-Buk will lead other sufferers ing little ones back to strength and to try it, I should be glad." foods have Zain-Buk also cures burns, cuts, ulcers, blood poisoning, ringworm, scalp sores, chapped hands, coltl sores, and all skin injuries and dis- eases. Rubbed well on to the chest in cases of cold it relieves the tight- ness and aching. .Ml druggists and stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, fur price, 3 boxes for $1.25. AGENTS WANTED â- pEB.MANBNl nSPRESKNTATIVKS WAXP Jl sd •»«rTwu»r». ALCOSO No n..»;<ioli,.lil Flamring Siir^cla savi) cuBsumen mX- (J >> I yreOt to aceats. Only Ihnse aeaaiag busiiiea apflf. Park Males Co., LondoD, Oat. AGENTS WANTED.-FOR PSBFA«ATIO« used in every buueehold. flftr vei cuiic. profit. For tree samploa and eat» locue, address Lorkburn Uanufactarinl Co., Brantford. RELIABLE DISTRICT AND LOCAL A* enia for "Star" Incandesrent Manllt Lamps. Uannfactured in Canada. IM Candle power. U<>nerat<'8 Oag tr«si erdii» ary Coal Oil. Odorieb!-. amoUaieu, abB» lately safe. Write quick for panioularl and open territory. Star ll'f°(. Ce.. ICaB' ning Arradp. Toronto. EDUCATIONAL PERSONAL PARAGR.IPHS. Soae luterosting Gossip About Prominent People. A MOTHER'S CHIEF UM IS HER BABY'S WELFARE The great desire of every mother is that her little ones shall be I bright, good-natured and healthy. I Every mother can keep her little Among the collecting fads of , ones in this condition if she will give fiionarchs the most curious are those j them an occasional dose of Baby's of the aged Emperor of Austria, i Own Tablets. These Tablets ciire who has boxes of menus and bills 1 of fare of the various banquets , which he has attended and given. colic, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, worms, teething trou- bles, and other minor ailments. and the King of Greece, who has a | Guaranteed to contain no opiate or collection of railway tickets; while - .. __ in the museum of ivory articles poisonous "soothing stuff." Mrs. H Irvine. North Portal, Sask., a ground hog is." "Please, ma'am, it's a sausage." RAISE CALVES WITHOUT MILK Letteis or postals addressed to "The Steele, Briggs Seed Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont.," will procure a valuable pamphlet for the farmer, entitled "How to Raise Calves , Cheaply and Successfully Without Milk,'' and every farmer should â-  have one. It tells how to raise j three calves at the cost of one, 'avoid scours and keep calves heal- I thy and fat. Tells how to veal ! calves at about half the usual cost, how to save the milk and, in fact, j how to make more money out of calves than you ever thought pos- ] sible. j Mrs. Gabbelâ€" "What do you tliiiik, George? When the doctor called the other day he asked me t' put out my tongue, and when I did so he quite hurt uie. He " Mr. Gabbel (interposing) â€" "Did he tread on it?" A cough is often the forerunner I of serious pulmonary afflictions, yet I there is a simple cure within the I reach of all in Bickle's .\nti-Con- I sumptive Syrup, an old-time and I widely recognized remedy, which, if i resorted to at the inception of a I cold, will invariably give relief, and I by overcoming the trouble, guard i the system from any serious conse- quences. Price 25 cents, at all I dealers. ri^WENTT-FOCR HOURS IN EVSHI DAT. M. What do you do with them t Wbf not use some of the time in sttiar ? We teach you at homeâ€" Bookkcrplne. Short- hand, Penffianahip, Arithmetic, Letter^ writiDB. Commercial Law, PubUo 8«hooj Courses. High Srhool Subjecta. Matricnia* tion. Toachprs' Certificates, Civil Serflc©. ABruulture, Htock-raising. Special Knsr. liHh. Steam F.UBineerinif. Journalisin. Mn« chanicnl Drawinsr, Hounchold Bcieiirc, Anil about wliat interests you. Canadiuii Cor- respondence ColleKe. Limited. Dei*t. K. Toronto, Canada. health when all other failed. THE SAME THING. "So he praised my singing?" "Yes; he said it was heavenly." "Really!" "Well, something like that. He said it was unearthly." It Retains Old and Makes New Friends. â€" Time was when Dr. Tho- mas' Eclcctric Oil bad but a small field of distribution, but now its territory is widespread. Those who first recognized its curative quali COURAGE. A good many people who think they have the courage of their con- 12 and 14 PEMBROKE STREET. Examinations in February SEND FOR CATALOGUE and SYULAIU8. F. H. TORRINCTON, Mu(. Olr. ties still value it is a specific, and i victions reverse the decision when it is 1 may cost money. while it retains its old friends it is j '•hey discover that their opinions ever making new. It is certain that whoever once uses it will not be without it. THE PROPER KIND. "Say," queried the young man .\ Cure for Fever and Ague. â€" Disturbance of the stomach and liver always precede attacks of fev- er and ague, showing derangement British-Amerioan Business College ESTABLISHED IKt. Y.IW.C.A. Bldt., TORSNTO. On* e'ltas oast uy-w data »n<i bs>l sqnty pod scbouls in Canada. WHte (or catalog ae T. M. WATSOI*. PrinelpaL FOR SALE. COMIC RECITATIO.N BOOK-Beat col- lection publiehed in Knglleh 1an«u(vcei Ten ceutH. Arthur Elce, Granby. Que. With the conundrum hibit, -^-hat i ^f.^'i^^iKf^*'^"'' '''•Kf "^ f f* <^<"««,"°'; kind of notes does a shoe-horn play- er use?" "Footnotes, I suppose,'" answer- ed the girl who was wise to his fool- ishness. which forms the Queen of Norway's | says :â€" "I have used Baby's Own hobby show are some splendid Tablets when our baby was teeth- Beals', alligators' and lions' teeth, ing, and for other little troubles. Miss Eadith Campbell Walker, ' and have found them all you claim who has just given £l,000 to the j for them. I always keep them in Australian Dreadnought fund, is ^ the house." Sold at 25 cents a box Bupposed to be the richest woman j by all dealers, or by mail from The la the Commonwealth. She is of'Di. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- Bcottish parentage. Her father j ville, Ont. emigrated from his native Leith, j ♦ »nd acquired e.vtensive lands in the j Skinner~"Good morning ma'am I early years of Australian co oniza- : pj^, ^.^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ anv thing so un- tion. Irom these lands, largely ^^med as the weather has been through the operation of unearned , j^tgiy ,„ ^..^ Hashlev-"Well, Increment, Miss \\alker derives a j there's your board bill, Mr. Skin- vast annual income. She has been a munificent benefactor of the Syd- ney hospitals and charitable insti When two women begin to talk over the back fence his Satanic Ma- jesty hears a lot about their neigh- bors that he never even suspected. ! Mii'rine.'Mc.T by""Mai'l"rrom'Air'Druwi~Bt8 ation in the quality of the blood. ' Ifi these ailments Parmelee's Vege- i table Pills have been found most ef- ! fective. abating the fever and sub- duing the ague in a few days. There , aie many who are subject to these | Mrs. Robtrt E. Peary, mar* than nine ^'stressing disturbances and to | .years ago, favorably commented on Murine, these there is no better preparation : Eye Remedy after Its RDplication in her | ui t !• t I Family for Eye Troubles resulting from | procurable as a means of relief. Measles and Scarlet Fever, and later re- commended to the famoun Eznlorcr, the Man who now returns home aa the Discov- erer of the North Pole. Cold. Cuttinit ! Winds and Dust cause Bed. Weak. Watery Eyes. Murine Eye Remedy alTorda Re. â-  liable Belief. Write Murine Eye Remedy I Co.. Chicago., for Illustrated Eye Books. STOCKS. is little' Little Willieâ€" "Say, pa, what is a I Maâ€" "Veil. Aaaron, it is ninety., business." hypocrite?'' Pa â€" ".\ hypocrite, L\by"s birthday to-morrow. Vat are j my son, is a man who publicly ; you going to give him for a pre "Your daughter's music is im- proving," said the professor, "but when she gets to the scales I have to watch her pretty closely." "Just like her father," said Mrs. Nuritch. "He made his money in the groc- thanks Providence for his success, then gets mad every time anybody insinuates that he isn't mainly re- sponsible for it himself." ner. tutions, and she serves on the coin- Kittees of some of them. She lives a splendid mansion at Concord, a suburb of Sydney. Why she epells Eadith with an "a ' is known only to herself. The Czar of Russia is a hard- working monarch. He rises at half- past eight, and spends half an hour on his toilet, after which he sits down at his writing-table to dis- charge important matters of State, j stable) -"I understand that the One of the greatest blessings to parents is Mother Graves' Worm E.xteiminator. It effectually e.\pels worms and gives health in a marvel- lous manner to the little one. Kindly mention the name ot this paper In uritiug to advertisers. HE CAUGHT 'EM. Inquisitive Stranger (to con- "Your husband says he works like a dog," said one woman. "Yes; it's very similar," answered the other. 'He comes in with muddy feet, makes himself comfortable by the fire, and waits to be fed." "It is really a pleasure, ma'am, t.. observe how readily ymxT little sent?" Pa â€" "If he's a very good poy I'll have the front vinders cleaned and let him look at the horses going by." It is a Liver Pill.â€" Many of the ailments that man has to contend with have their origin in a disorder- ed liver, which is a delicate oi'gan, peculiaily susceptible to the dis- Only those who ha\ e had experi- ence can tell the torture corns cause. Pain with your boots on, pain with them off â€" pain night and day ; but relief is sure to those who use Holloway's Corn Cure. TO INVESTORS -^ TOUR ORDERS TO • buy nr sell Stocks will rooeive my personal attenlion. S. M. Mathews, B^oa- cr. 43 .Scott St.. Toronto. FARM WANTED. I^ARM WANTED-I.N' EXCHANOE FOB 640 acres unimproved !<outhern Al- berta Fall Wheat land. Pewlrcss. 84 Don Mills Rd., Toronto. FARM WANTED. 640 acres of land with house and stable. Very pretty place, over a mile of creek. Twenty (20) dollars an acre. Apply A. B. LeniH, Cochrane, Alberta. ' •â-  "â€" ' PHRENOLOGY. SELF-rULTtiRE. MAGNETISM AND Bl."( CESS. Secure valuable advice at once. Scud P.C. to M. .1 Kavanafth. Charl- eston, Out. Biriclly reliable. COULDN'T EVEN YAWN. \ young girl of 14 was taking a turbanVes t"hat "com;' from i7reguTar ! ^''P °" ^.-ike Michigan in a small habits or lack of ca.e in eating and : ''t^'^'"^'' , ^^'^ ^"^"^ ^^•"' somewhat This accounts for the ' ""l*'* ,"'."' /"'*"/ «"^^>-e -.easick. Ihe liver regulators nn«, 8"'l »»* '" 'â- '^« ^ow and was unusu- CANCCR, ToiBor<, Lumps, etc., Internal aait axtsriml, cured wifhout pain by our kom* treatment. Write a> boture tun late, Dr. â- ellm.'kn Medlenl Co., Ltd., (.'olllngwiiod. Out. ^A L \/PS "•<>• Them WIthaut Milk I^"*"'*^ Booklet free. ^ Steele.lBrltgs Seed Co, Ltd., ToreaCo.IOal. I drinking, great many now , boy runs your errands! " 'Oh, he's i pressed on the attention of suffer- 1 '^'Jf.''""^'^ tor iier We buy Wing and Tail Turkey Feathers. Write for prices, H. W. Nelson J^ Co., Toronto, Ont. ".\re you feeling sick, da\ighter?" the bnv that lives next door. I [ ers. Of these there is none superior ' . . , , , get him to do my errands | to Parnielee's Vegetable Pills. Their I '"1"""*^" "^'" •'»"'*"'" From ten till eleven o'clock there «Md f»r frii lampU to Dtpt. w. L.. Na- iBIial Drug A Chtmkal Co., Toronto. measles broke out here recently.' Constable (proudly) â€" "Yes; but our head constable caught 'em." APPRECI.\TION. Little Willieâ€" "Say, pa, what is conceit?" Paâ€" "Conceit, my son, is what a man Is said to have when he thinks ai much of hinaself as you uo pi yourseli." PROOF. "I'm glad Tompkins has struck • atreak of luck at last-" "I don't know just vhat, know that he talked twenty minutes wlthotit borrow )>9." iny own boy won't!" ".\h is your boy doing now ?" hr'. is, rushing i lady next dour What There n an errand for the lat. t only DODDS KIDNEY L PIUS W81I15 NO. 4fr 09. operation though gentle is effective, | and the most delicate can use them. I ABOUT TO BE TRIMMED. i "What sort of trimming would j you advise me to put on in,v hat?" j "I can't tell. It's the trimming that I am to get that worries me more," replied her husband. DANGEROUS COXDITION. Patient â€" "I to consult you in regard to my utter loss of mem- , ory." 1 Doctor â€" ".\w â€" yes â€" why â€" erâ€" in this class of eases I always require ray fee in advance." "Your husband says that when he is itngry he always counts ten be- fore be spcak.s," said one woman. "Yes." answered the other; "I wish he'd stop it. Home seems to be nothing but a class in arithme- tic." "Xo, I don't think I am sick ; but I should hate to vawn." i i'W:;iS«iiSft5!»3iiii«3UiViailii^ tvaatiAran.Jcifinu. ujiah '''"' . MJ. ft^/.V.» tJt^ACftj; 5 Inflammation of th Kldiieya, of the Bladder, of the Bowels, of the Lnnos, ^ofe Throaty UruiLublUs, UKScult Brcathliif. Croup. Cv ache, "ooihiu'ho. N>u- raJfin, Khoiitim;i«ni, Cold CMiIilB. Ar^o ( Mils. CfcU- hlalos. i>oslblloK quliily eur«d by BidMil's Rasdii MA M2r~Ti< Ma-CluM4 Craactal sad srsalas Bsrsns P«ai) •M - RiM- Vtb cut Re!>r »ai lias Oral »n- -R>as-S<l »il)> i Xubin 1N2 - Bra.cli-SliMi. woll fi>i«M »ilk irsrUliW MBs^ AtwTt »re (â- â- r4i>:a*d tMtrr |oU-fi3Ws«*s*. i Scot prAS«i4 u rvMipt of snc4. ^fk«a ar4«riaf Risxa «Maar« fiacc wUh « t^cb u'tttm ef paser. PARK SALES COMPANY Sss sn LONDOn. ONTAUO nij CLEANING LADIES' . . , WALKIM* OR OUTIdta •UIT« Ota ks don* ffrlKsl.f hr our Tn^tA PrnoMS TcT IS SSITISH AMSSieAW BYSIWO 03 . â- ainmBAN tobonto, urr.\WA a quxiiBO

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