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Flesherton Advance, 11 Nov 1909, p. 4

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November 1 1 1909 THE FLESH ERTON A DANCE 1/ ^1 ^^' ^7gs>^:?ri;^-^^fog:^^;^3gg^^ I Custom Weaving R T, HILL & Co,, = Harkdale We are dally receiving shipments of New Fall and Winter Goods This week wo liave opened up many new and late styles in LADIES WAISTS, LADIP:S' MANTLES, DRESS GOODS, and also 'big shipments of MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING in the latest up-to-date patterns, and all have been reasonably priced. It will pay yon to visit this store. We are the barometer to style, quality and value. Special Showing of Men's and Boys' Suits in the New Fall and Winter Styles. ThiH week we are showing n very complete ranao of new styles in up-to-cLtte Clothinst for Men and Boyg. In Men'H SiiitH we are showing fancy Knglish worsted, saxony tiniHhed tweedH in tlie newest shades and paltornn, with the latest features of correct fiishioii. All sizes, aO to 44. FOU MEN our S.5 00, 80.50, 87-50, 810.50, Jil2.."X), 814.00 and 816 00 Suits will appeal to you. FOR BOYS our 82.50, 83.50, 83.73. 84.50, 85.50, 86.50 and 87.50 are just what he wants. SEE THEM. New Silk Waists For Ladies Do yon know wo have the largest collection of really nice black &ilk waists in popuUr -82.75, 83.25,83.75 and 84. 50. SEE THEM. town, and thn prices are UP-TO-DATE MILLINERY T HILL'S FOR MILLINERY! This motto is a popular and recoeni/.ed fact. If you want to see the best and most up-to-date Ftock of trimmed Millinery in Markdale visit the Millinery Department of this store. New and latii styles in many shapes re- ceived this week. ' J^^^ m j^ ' K '. Tliti undersigned is now ]H'epared to do all kinds of Weaving on the Shortest Notice Plain, Twilled or Salinett Ku(!s and Hammocks a Kpecialty. Hit and n)is.s laus and coloured «aip found, 20c u yard, stripp- ed rHgs extra. Ottice, 5th door north of bank on Sydenham Street. Wm. LEES, - Flesherton, Ont. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estAto or Jacob Lougheed, lato of the township of Osprey in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 0, that all the creditors and others having claims against the estate of said Jacob Lougheed, who died on or about the twelfth day of September, 1909, are required on or I)efore the first day of December, 1909, to send by post urepaid or deliver to James Clark, Maxwell, Ont., Executor of the last Will and Testarfient of tlio xaid Jacob Lougheed, deceased. Christian and surnames, addres.se8 and de.scri|itionR, and the particulars of their accounts and the nature of the securities, (if any) held by them. A.Ni> Fi'RTHEE TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned dste the said execut- or will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the [jarties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said executor will not be liable for the said assets or any jmrt thereof to any person or persons of whose claims shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. VV. H. WRIGHT, Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitor for the Executor. Dated Nov. 1st, 1909. The -. Flesherton Advance Published weekly at it's ofJice, Colling- wood street, Flesherton. SnbsoriptioD rates â€" Canada $1.00, United States, $1.25. Advertising rates on applica- tion. W. H. Thurston . . Editor < RATIONAL OR IRRATIONAL? Yea, verily, ours i* a wicked commu- nity ! Our fair Canadi is stiuggling for existence under the weighty burden of the Lord's Day Alliance â€" a vampire suckiug at the vitals of our land, depriv- inK us of our opportunity for the Sunday relaxation! Such, in brief is the belief of the Rational Sunday League, and its great excuse for existence. To the writer it sounds like a very poor excuse at that. In its annual report (the fiist, by the way) it claims that the movement to exclude entertainments and to abolish refreshments and iniioceut recreations on tjunday is at heart a movement to get a monopoly of Sunday for the church. And why not 1 What docs tlio church <lo to the average man during the week ? It is not a lung shot to guess that as fa OS (he churches atl'ect the members of tho "Rational" League during the week they might as well be locked upâ€" ordoing business in tho Holy Land. They claim that tho non-chui°ch-going public have a right to social, intellectual and moral privileges of their own choice. Tlie average privilege of the non-church-goer is not intellectual or moral to any har- I'using extunt ami uhen tho Rational (?) movement is known to be ba'cked largely by liquor interests a true idea of tho morality of the scheme may be formed. The neatly rounded phrases will pull the wool over tho eyes of many non- -church-goers who will fail to note the iact that they are merely pawns in a game, and will fall heartily in accord with the scheme. The League also strongly criti/.es the "methods of intimidation" used by tho Lord's Day Alliance in threatening so- cstled offenders of the Lord's Day It is described as an attempt to «emi-l«f(al iwwer. ENGLISH AS THE DICTIONARY Halley's comet is coming! Already! HAS IT. it has been sighted, travellitig at the â€" rate of a million miles an hour. Numerous men who have attained a{ Astronomers tell ns that it will whisk certain degree of prominence in the the earth with its tale. Something affairs of this world, and knowing it unique, eh, to have a ride on the' feel It their duty to help some other; tail of a comet ? j aspiring soul along tlie way, at times | o o o i give ddvico about good reading. Very often a good course of study in a dictionary is the course advised as a 8 hort cut to wisdom. Tho dictionary ". ""'""'*â-  1 â-  .• L X ^ American is extremely convenient at times, but; . who enjoys tho sensation of hurriedly opening a book in search of tho mean Because he gave 'the distress signal' i of a secret society at a trial and won ; 'a favourable verdict from the jury an i was sentenced for contempt It is well. No man should | claim the protection of.a secret society i to escape punishment, and no secret society should extend that protection in the face of undisputable evidence of guilt. ing of a certain word and being chased! through volume after volume to get to j the root of tho matter? As for in- stance, in searching for the meaning of furrow, we find it is a trench; aj o o o trench, a ditch ; a ditch, a lont- 1 Women voted for the first time in channel of water ; a channel, a groove; I Norway last week. Tho result will and wonderful to note, a groove is the,""' ^'^ favouiable to tho eufrragist fixed routine of one's life. There you | cause elsewhere, as they defeated tho bo , to plough a furrow is the fixed govcrnracut that gave them tho routine of one's life ! But this may ,f'"'»n<=hise. Or did the men do it in be a peculiar exception, so we glance ^P''"? Something happened, anyhow , at another word; take Mia word ^"'' ""^ ^^'^'''°*' SO^'e''""^'-'"' was de- "reap". To reap is to gather; to ^'=''''"^- It looks like a case of biting' gather, to assemble ; to ajsomble. to ; '^'° '"^'"^ ^^"'^ ^e"^- convene ; to convene, to convoke ; and to convoke is to call together. At It is rumored that a g'oup of this rate it is only necessary to stand 1 generals holding high official positions in the middle of a ten.acre field and 'in Spain held a secret meeting recent- call the grain together in order tol'y' Tko proposal was to substitute a reap It, Yea, verily, the English is a military government for tho constitu- peculiar tongue. After such an ^tional regime andtomake King Alfonso educational course as this, one is its absolute head. A more likely content to remain obscure and lot wisdom be for those whoso education comes not from dictionaries. Act. exercise The Adiance is not on the job to simply play a game of spite work. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a t«otb is not tho vlogsn of this body. What if a man does unwittingly break the law ? The Alliance has not judicial power. At l>est it could but lay a complaint. A warning is the more merci- ful, and in many cases, the more effectlTO course ; and the Alliance pursues it, believing it to be tlie best. Another grievance of the Rational bunch is that public concerts on Sunday have Ijeen put out of business through the good offices of the Alliance. The Rational League would like to have them restored, but the law lays no. The natural cours« is downward and without such a body as ;tha Lord's Day Alliance to keep things in tone there would soon be a state of "wide-openneBs" that woulii grsti.'y tho most irrational of "Rationals." In this age of moral and temperance re- form the struggles and wriggles of a depart ing vice are most .ronderful to be- hold. There will be still more struggling be^/rn the boozo makers all desort their stills, and turn the key in their doors for tho last time. AS OTHERS SEE US. The London letter in Saturday Night tells of the wonderment which peaches "which are grown in tho open in Ontario" caused in the Loudon market. Really these intelligent lords of creation are learning, aren't they? Just to think of it, peaches grown right in the open air in the colony â€" grown probably in crevasses of the icebergs or in the shelter of some large snowdrift ; or are they grown under tho snow altogether, aud do the natives dig.them out as needed? Isn't it strange ow 'ardy tho; be? When will the average Londoner get a bit of his native fog out of his head, aud have room for something else? No, Cauada,is not buried under mountains of iceâ€" nor is it a land of eternal snows. Yes, we have a month or two of summnr, and we don't ALWAYS bare to melt ice to get water to drink. Apropos of this, a good yarn was told the writer by a Londoner who had done well in this country and had returned home on a visit. His sister said to him : "I say, Alf, the people bout there don't live in 'ouaea, do they?" homes that will never more be en- tiiely happy as a result of the exile to the Siberian mines. The proposal is to erect houses of correction in various parts of the empire â€" bnt it is easy to forsee the style that will be pursued in "correcting," if one is to judge by past events, aud it is debatable as to which is to be pre- ferred the mines or the "correc- tion. Prince Ito of Japan was buried with Pagan rites last week. It is easy to scoff at the mystic performances of the Japs to find favour in the eyes of the gods, aud to propitiate the spirits, but are ttiere not others who are superstitious ? Did you ever see a person avoid sitting down at a table which had twelve people around it already? And are there not a thousand and ouo signs that are religiously avoided by people of your acquaint- ance? Of course you never do it. But the Japanese superstition is only one forai â€" every country has it, though no two have it in the same manner. The very strangeness of their customs furnish an air of foolish- ness in our eyes, and would not occidental "signs," which so many profess to ignore (yet observe most religiously), be ridiculous in the oriental eye ? gathering is that which would decide to make Alfonso tho country's oiisoLF.TK head. Major Arthur Brodrick has re- ! turned to England from Canada according to a despatch, and proposes I to ship unemployed militia men to Canada, where they may join a colonial force. This will open a new field. Shortly unemployed sailors will be comiug to the "colony" to got a job on the navy. They'll have to trot back home, though, for the politicians will have sufiicieut friends for all vacancies â€" and lots to spare. Canada is still somewhat of a small boy. Boyliko we cannot stand anticipation, it would seem, to judge by oar chosen representatives at Ottawa, They see a distant prospect of a few war ships to play with, but with the impatience of youth can't wait and so will borrow a couple of third class cruisers from the mother- land and at once will have their new plaything. Go ahead, boys, but be careful not to fall overboard, unless there is someone with you who can swim, anyway the water's likely to be co-o-o-<oldl It is stated that the horrors of the Russian exile in Siberia will be no Berlin will shortly seek incorporation as a city. A proposition is on foot to unite Berlin and Waterloo in tho in- corporation, and discussion towards that end has been going on in the !.wo towns for some time. It is a moot, point whether the name of tho new city will be Lagorlin or Beorloo. â€" Mt. Forest Con- federate. Business Chances more, but instead, by withdrawing In an apartment of the next world the exiles Russia will remove the is foretold weeping and wailing and stigma from that vast country aud gnashing of teeth. This is explained: leave it open ior more colonist by the absence of dentists in that, There is a snatch of grim humor in place. Is it? Ask any patient of a i this â€" formerly aland of terror at one "painless" artist and be guided by his. stroke to become a land of happy answer, i homes. But there are many Russian One well established dress-nmking shop. One good brick laundry, small opposition. One barber shop, pool room and cigar store combined. Skating rink, roller and ice, floor 66 x 168 feet â€" a money maker. Good reasons for seUing. One blacksmith shop with frame house and stable, good orchard, $400. A first class country stand. Rough cast house in Markdale, $700. 90 acres of good level land in Art- emesia, 3 mites from Flesherton, com- fortable frame house, good frame bam, small orchard, $3000. lOO acres in Osprey. Good clay loam, watered with spring creek, 65 acres under cultivation, 35 acres hardwood bush, good frame house, good fr^me barn with stone foundation and stabling. A good snap at $3000. On easy terms. 100 acres in Artemesia, conveniently situated on public road. Brick house, good frame barn 40 x 60 on stone foundation, with sheep pen, pig pen and hen house adjoining. 60 acres in high state cultivation, 30 acres hardwood bush with some good timber. Watered with running streams. 94800. 100 acres in Euphrasia, convenient to school, church, store, post office, telephone and blacksmith shop. 80 acres under cultivation, good orchard, targe new cement house, good fraiao barn with stone foundation and stabling. Drive shed. Price $4800. Half a million acres of land in the North West, ranging from $5 to f20 an acre. Henry M. Douglas, REAL ESTATE [ BROKER BOX 76 - MEAFORD, ONT. ^ ^ w J. andW. BOYD merchants Flesberion « Ontario MILLINERY MISS I E. p. AMOS is again in charge of the showroom. This season the shapes are modified as to size. The high turban, the roll at the back, and tide turr. shapes being much worn. Large wings and fprsys are exttcsively shown, and in colors green and a^bes of roses aro very popular. Ladies' Mantles In Ladies' Mantles we have some beautiful line4 ranging in price from S8 to $23.50. This year the styles are semi-fitting, ^ leiigth, and much the same as last season's garments. In Mis- Sfs our prices run from 84 to 88.50; and children's from «2.75 to ioM. Dress Goods In these, stripes are all the rage, and the more decided the stripe the luoro popular. We have a beautiful rangein coloi'sâ€" black, marine, navy, green, mysteria, brown and taupe, aud at prices ranging from 55c to $1.50 I Furs In Furs wo have a complete range of the following lines -Udieg' stoles, scarfs, niuflfs, caperines, etc. Also men's and ladies' fur and fur-lined coats, caps, mitts, gauntlets, etc. Ready-Made Clothing In Clothing we have ihe Progress Brand, made by H.Vineburir & Co., of Montreal, also W. R. Johnston & Co's clothing of Toronto. These are two of the largest clothing houses in the dominion. Their goo.U and prices are right. Boots, Shoes and Hubbers This is the season for the heavy shoes a»d they certainly are ^? s elling fast. We are full in all lines and are selling at prices which ^T d efy coraetition. Come in and e.\amine our stock. fl^ ^K^^ ^U^^ ^^ ^^^b ^^«^^L^^ ^LaK^L^^aftM^ ^^^K^^K^L^L J. E. LARGE The People's Store, Eugenia Now is tho time to buy your Fall Suits, beautiful new goods in all tbfi latest sh.ides and designs, at diflferont prices to suit the purchaser. Dress trimmings in all the prclly, delicate shades. Do not miss seeing these as they are something different than litis ever been shown befoie, ranging in price from 6 to 25c per yard. Slime Sdutache Braids, 2 yds for 5c Beautiful lung sample coats, "Semi-fitting," nicely trimmed [with shappiiigs of goods and large satin buttons, regular ^$15 and $18 coats for .' 810.00 Special values in Klanneletts, best qualities from 7c to 15c extra wide. Call and see our Ltxwns and Cottons, best values ever offered. Just arrived ! all our new woollen goods in Toques, Gloves, Mitts, Scarfs, Sweaters, Hose, Shawles and Yarnsâ€" everything you will need in the woollen line. 'Vl±ljJ_|XJN JIjXVi JL â€"Donotfail to see our comi)lete stock in pretty, up-to-date Hats in all shades, ranging from 82.50 up. Special values given for the Thanksgiving and Christmas trade. Full lines of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Moccasins, Le;.'gings. Wo have never been more ready to meet tho demands of the people, and have been more tible to give better values in all these different lines. Our stock fur XMAS. is coming iu every day. Come early to get the best choice. ^__^_^Highest prices paid for Produce and Poultry. Don't fail to get our prices befcre'going elsewhere. Fresh Groceries always on hand. %%%^V%% %%%^^% (T. uyenia. (Jntario, ^ DRsKENNEDTatKENNEDY SUCCESSOnS TO Drs. Kennedy & Ker^an SPECIAL NOTICE. Owing Id Dr. Kcr- san beinsdeceaaed^ Dr. J. D. Kennedy, Medical Directcr, has asaociftted with him Dr. Kennedy Jr. who hai been with the firm for several years, (<o hereafter business will con- ducted under the aam« of Ors KENNEDY & KENNEDY NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of youoR and tniddlc atid men are annuAlly swept ti a premature grave througli K.\RI,Y INUISCRBTlONa KXCKSSES AND BLOOD DISK ASKS. If you have any of the following symptom:! consult us before it is too late. Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dart circles under them, weak bock, kidneys irrita- ble. palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and loises, sedt- Imentia urine, pimples o:i the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks Cireworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nii;hts, ehange- able moo<ls, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat etc. BLOOD POISONS nievalent aud tnustsertous^cs. They : ''"'" "-'im, and unlesu eutirely crai! Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses tlic Blood Poisons are the most sap the very life system may nITcct the future generation. Bcwi symptomsâ€" OUR NKW MSTHOD cures them. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT «lone can cure you. and make a man of you. Under its influence the braiu bicumcs eciive. the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches, and ulcers disappear, the nerves become strong as steel, so that ner- vousness, bashfulness and despondency vanish, the eve becomes brinht the fnce full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, p', and vital systems are invig- oroled; all dtains ceaseâ€" no more vital wa.ste from the sy.stcm. Donl let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. Wo will our* you or no |My. D C A 1^ r D '^"'' â„¢'"" w''" •'•â- >» treated von, write for an honest opinion Free T\ C-M L/ C n of Charge. tOOKS I-RKE--The Ooldca Monitor" (Illustrated) Qutstlsn List tor Homo Traatmont SanI on Roquoti. Drs.I€NNEDT&KENNEDY Gor. f^iotiigan Av8. and Griswoid St. - DETROIT, MICH. ' ! ♦ ' t * '. * • { ♦ *

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