?OLXXV, NO U NOVEMBER ISSUE MISSING Swintan Pari Tlie anuivdrsary of SiiL chuich, took place on Sun( when Rev. Wellwood, Mpihotlisc church, Flusher tu a large congregdtion evenin;;. Mr. Wellwo miulo a great iniprossiun (» and all enjoyed greatly ihe prc-Sfuted. On Mond»y e ing ail old fnshionod tea w the basement of the churc » program wa» K'ven in the Methoilist Aurch, Kev. ably filled the chair au cl union choir cf Salem and i did their part, in good Tuckoc, Ceylou, plcusod th^ sneetiy singing throe solo% by Miss Berry, Pricsville. of Hopovillo, and Rev. Flesharton, gave helpful addresses. Proceeds of were 847.20. AUhx Ucartlo from tho wc at Mr. H. Wilson. Mr. U. \Va( on is hjinc i enjoying hunting. Mr. and Mrs. A'hert Stoi spent Sunday at Mrs. D. M Miss Leopard cf Toronti wiih Mrs. Thos. Watson. Mr.i. D. Cauipboll and R. ed friends at Dornoch lua w Messrs. A. McMillan and returned from the west hi.st v sweet home. Miss Huston hns the pleas ing her two brothers fiiini visit her. Mr. and an I Mrs. Jaj. Coibetlon, spent SunJay \\ Aldcoru here. Mrs. Richardson Sr., ro after spinding throe wetii daughter at Lucknow. â- Rev. J. A. Miithewao:) pn ing evangelistic services hei loth. Rev. RcnduU, Dro assist him. Nov ember Rod and ( Wlul'j notable for the rangu of its conteuts, tho number of Rod and Gun pub'ishod by VV. J. Taylor, stock, Ont., in accordance season has no loss than se\ Htoritis. In addition, tho op descriptive of an otticial visit! reserves for the purpose of treaty money will attract inuc A Fishing tiip to Newfoui climbs of the Alpinists, a sar er or. the Perils of tho Chase eroiis others, oil havinw thei torosts, make up a number ev man will bo ylal t) ijoasesi which each should m iko .sur not miss. Proton Station Mr.s. P. Consley ml Miss I Wilson and daughter, spent Si Ceylon friends. The incnibers of L. O. L. N. an "at horn-)" in the Orange lu even in.'. All enjoyed thcms dancing and other amii.somentf Miao Ruby Trelford has beo tbe past wieh tonsilitia. ' Mrs. J. McMillin spent a Imbc week at tho homo of D. C.