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Flesherton Advance, 28 Oct 1909, p. 4

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October 28 1909 THE FLESHERTON A DANCE ^ '" F. T. HIL L & Co., â-  Harkdaie We are daily receiving shipments of New Fall and Winter Goods This week wo have opened up many new and hite styles in LADIES WAlSrs, LADIES' MANTLES, DRESS GOODS, and also hit; sliipnients of MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING in the latest up-to-date patterns, and all have been reasonably priced. It will pay you to visit this store. We are the barometer to style, quality and value. Special Showing of Men's and Boys' Suits in the New Fall and Winter Styles. This week we are showing a very complete range of nuw styles ill up-to-d.ito Clothlna for Men ntid Bi'ys. In Men's Suits we iireshowiiii; fancy Knglish worsted, oixony finished tweeds in the newest sliados and iMitternf, with the latest features of correct fa'iiion. All sizes, 3(5 to 44 FOU MEN our 85 00. 80.50, 87.50, 810.50, 812.50, 814.00 and 815 00 Suits will appeal to you. FOR BOYS our 83.50, 83.50, 83.75. 84.50, 85.50, 86.50 and 87.00 are just what ho wants. SEK THEM. New Silk Waists For Ladies Do you know we have the lari{e«t collection of really nice black silk waists iu town, popular -82.75, 8:5.26,83.75 and 84.50. SEE THEM. ^ , UP-TO-DATE MILLINERY T nnd the ])rice3 are HILL'S FOR MILUNERYI This motto is a popular and reco'/nized fact. If you want to see the best and up-to-date stcck of tr'niniod Williiiery in Maikdale visit the Millinery Department >'f this store. New and lato styles in many shapes re- ceived this week. :gggggggggga^V g5g^r^^^^":^^^^r-^^-j^ The Flesherton Advance Pnblished weekly at it's oflice, CoUing- WJod street,Flcslierton. bubscriptiou latesâ€" Canada $1.00, United btatcs, 81.25. Advertising lates oti applica- tiuii. \Y. II. Thurston . . Editor POINTERS FOR SHOOTERS Already tlie list of victims of luint- ing accidents has begun to swell. There are some fool people who fahould never be allowed out of their own back yards until they learn what a gun is and what it isn't. In the first place it isn't a child's playthiug, nor is it an iustrumeut which knows not accident. The things go off when not expected, and they will unexpectedly load theniEe'.vtiS that they may carry off arms or logs of hunters, or fill men's coats with air lioIcB. Hunters should remember these facta whin lliey must play with shooting irons. It does but lilllo harm to the sport for a fisherman to take his " bait " along with him to while away the time between bites, but when a hunter begins to scour his internals with the wet cleaniug process there is a grave danger brewing. The cheering liquid has many times caused the compan- ion of the imbiber to too closely resemble the deer expected, with the ineivitablo resulting coro- ner's investigation. Hunters, bear in kuind that you are not on a fishing expedition, and that the proper equipment for one will not serve ou the annual hunt. It is easier to prevent a calamity than to cure it, therefore never point a gun at a fellow human, loaded or unloaded (gun or man), and never shoot when not ab- solutely positive that yopr game is what you ihink it is. some 240 milts an hour in flight, and j and there is no compensation. But Mr. d'Almeda thinks that with alletacrimebe committed and sns- Hying machine a speed of 30O niilts 'piciou avoid every person, as witness should be attained. Just hov/ much j Bedford in connection with the Kin- of his dream will coaie true we cannot ' rade murder, then his confession must say. but the tpeed he so glibly speaks needs become a claim, and must be of would certainly be " goin^' some." j established as strongly as the claim |of a polar discoverer. Even then, the The latest example of fool law attempt to establish a claim fails and making hails fiom Pennsylvania, i the would-be penitent must remain Owing to the large number of foreign- j free and unpunished for the crime ers employed there, and the corres- to which ho has confessed. Perhaps pondingly large number of murders, , this system is natural, for even if a the legislators of that state framed a j man was fool enough to commit a law providing punishment for every I murder, yet he might well be " foreigner " found hunting in that expected to keep his own counsel state. No fault could be found with about it, and the confession of the the object of the law, but it was so self confessed but questionablo mur- carelessly constructed that even an 'derer would only be supposed to serve Englishman or a Canadian is prohib- , some hiddnn or sinister purpose, itcd from hunting in the slate. Aui â€" Englishman who has been a iesident| ,^^.,„ ^akes a Poetical Kink of Pennijylvania for over ten years, , but who has not been naturalized,wa3|If Mrs. Pankhurst throws too g.iy found hunting and received a term in ; And tries to Kot upon the stump, piLson as liis reward. The law will j ^^''-''" "f'-'^'" '""• S'-nHy into j lil probably be amended at nest session; of the Legislature. Q Q (And nrtor this if she's not good. The toll of worship that is accorded i ^^'^ ^""""^ ^y "" "'"'''^ '"• ^^ o'"l. the suicessfnl "sport" in any lino is heavy, and it is somctimcss too heavy. In the case of a boxing champion the plaudits showered have surely turned his little brain. Having lots of cash to get rid of, ho bought a powerful auto and proceeded to smash records and laws, resulting iu repeated fin- ings. Why the police should permit |8ti"np«- Ho makes 25 gallons a day and this pugilistic ass to break the laws so ''''^»" *100 agtllon. And feed her with a sionuch pump. Kiucurdiuc Review. 'To catch her when her time is up And souse her in Aylusworth's canal. â€" Durham Chronicle. An actor in a Toronto theatre wont blind while doini; his turn. Acute indi- gestion was said to bo the cause. A Cjllingwoud man is making money by extracting turpentine fioin pine repeatedly and intentionally is unanswerable, but they appear to be waking up at last and the fool scrapper will likely get his deserts â€" a term in jail. If the offender was one of Itss promineuco the offences would i have been adequately punished long \ before this. Coniiiderable of a flatter in ceitain In these days of wireless telegraph, wireless telephone and a ihonsand and one such things, it,i] reasonable to expect wireless politics. Wai It a compliment a Soeinlistic speaker in Toronto paid *omen when he spoke in favor of woman suffrage and said : "I don't say Uiey'll vote Socialistic, but it's easier to show them the light than it is to put Bence into some men's beads." The temperance campaign against liquor selling is not the only move- tuent abroad to-day. Another tem- perance movement, and a worthy one, <oo, is that for temperance iu athlet- ics, notably running. The long di:it nee run is being frowned down on every side and the popular limit appeals to be fifteen miles. About fifteen yards would be our limit. Arouud tho world in 80 hours I This is the dream of one d'Almeda, who believes that tho ideal flying machine is not that commonly known today, but rather after the style of the fiigate byd of the eoutheri) Pacific islands. This bird attains a speed of If our p»per is meetinR with your ap- proval as n lucal newspaper, tell your neighbor who is not receiving it. If it is not. meotir.g with your approval, tell us and wherein wo fai'. W. .S. Russell, the noted Toronto broker, in his defence at Cleveland says that ho acted in good faith in his mining ventures and believed all that was said in the circulars. Of course ! He was a pnor victim himself of misplaced confi- circles was caused by the action of the j United States this past summer iu putting a war ship on the great lakes %% a training ship. Nervous patriots had a night-mare in which they saw these mouiters of the deep blowing Canada sky high with their pea shoot'- ^erf, or an American army being | here are woiss than any barn yard to be j transj-orled across the lakes and found anywhere and some attention making off with our beloved country, should be «iven them in place of trying It was shown at the time that the i^" always corall the finances of the town equipment of this and sister boats i '"'" •"â- ""'''*'""®^^"^'''"'"'"''~'*'*P'"*' would not be equal to tho task, and so While it is a lamentable ftct that in dcnce and credulity ! A man, however, who published such etatemeiiti as the circular contained could scarcely be ex- pected to give incriroin.'kting evidence ugainat himself. ^ykes street in Moaford should be called Canal (trcet if water has anything to do with it. Tho state of tho roada all DUBtruug patriotic nsrveg were quieted. But last week when it was made known that the wily Americans were fitting their training ships Mith accounts of weddings the urooin occupies the background, and appears to bo among the least important of the various charac- tara in the event, it remained for a To- , „ , .. ,. I ronto paper last week to ao the limit, modern fighting apphances in direct Nri. . r .u j, < s b "fii-niij-io lu ""«*-•' The announceir.ont of the wedding of a Violation of a treaty formed over a certain young lady was published, but it hundred years ago, another flutter 1 failed to give tho groom's name ! There resulted. For various reasons this, I niuit h«vo been a reason for Honieonc too, has now subsided, and wo may : b''^*' '''h^'^ than the groom being called rest assured that our peace will be "be best man. In a boxing tournament at. Toronto on Saturday night John C. Shuto of Mark- undisturbed for another season , The modern system of deaUng with i*^"'" *""*'"''""" "'**' """ ^'""''' * 1 â-  ' I â-  â-  1 1 ! coloroJ man. It isall riszUt to have the crime and criminals is ludacd a i , , ^ , .„ , , , ... , strcnglli and skill, but there IS a dar.ccr ounouB one. A crime is commuted '.i . .u « . t .i i i «. • ili'it ihj h»ts may rule thi: he id. It is a and suspicion falls on a certain indi- '.j^estionaUe lino of Bp..,t to »»y tho, vidual. He is seized and put through and is fdling into disfavour more and a torturing trial even though inuocent more, ai wo!l it might. ( J. andW. BOYD mmbant$ Fksberton « Ontario MILLINERY MISS E. P. AMOS is again in chatge of the showroom. This season the sliapes are somewhat modified as lo size. Tho high turban, the roll at the b^ck, and fide tun; shapes being much worn. Larsowiuits and sprays are extensively shown, and in colors green and abhcs of roses are very pupular. Ladies' Mantles In Ladies' Mantles wo hare some beautiful linoi ranaii'g in price from 88 to 82.3.50. This year ihe siylfS are semi-fiitiiig, J leiisth, and much tho SDuie a-i last season's jrarments. In Mis- ses our prices run from 84 to 88.50; and childreii's from 82.75 to ' O. S. Advertiser : Last wrek a serious chart;e wivs laid against John .McDonald, a young inikii who bus been for years inanag>tr of a farm for Miss Matthews on tho east side of the town. On tho infor- mation of a young lurn named Drew, a warrant was issued fur tho arrett of Mc- Donald on the charge of theft, the ac- cused having gone away with a and rii(, which bo hrs been in tho habit of do. 11(1 for years past. County Cuiistable I'oarce f>'und McDoiiald i.t Meufoid and tonk him ill charge as per tho warrant, but ahortly aiterwaids tho prisoner got into oominuuication with his niistrew, who resides at Poit Arthur, and informed her lh:it he was under arrest and on what Kt'ounds the action had been taken. The 8e<iuel was that a tcle[}hono message came to Drew, wh'>m we understand is a nephew of Mlxs Matthews, inalructine him to pay all costs and have McDonald set at liberty. Tho accused has been be- fore Geor«o Mouzies, J P , and as above indicated is not likely to suffer much from the circumatance. It may transpire that he has ^ood gnmnds for action for wrongful arrest. It will probably bo well toward tho middle of November before tho steamer Athabasca will be ready for business. After being pulled oflfJFIower Pot Island she went to CoUingwood, wheio Ihe dry dock was ready to receive her. She wont on the dock Monday night, and a thorough exdininction of her hull was made at I once. The injuries appear t.i be chiefly j on the bottom, although there is one largo i hole punched in the bow. Tho stem is ' also twisted and several frames are bent. Tho repairs will be rushed, but it ia not expected that less than three weeks will be occupied in restoring the steamor to commission. The coat of the repairs will exceed the amount first estimated and %vill run between §35,000 and ?40,000.â€" Owen Sound Sun. Militarism ran high in Toronto on Monday, tho occasion of a fierce sham tight between the "reds" and the "blues" of the Toronto ijarrison. The b:itt!e was bloodless one, and the troops .showed up well. The aUHir was an education for ! the men, but it is a tafe guess that the influence of such an engagement as this ia not in the direction of universal i>eaco, I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^a^^JK^^^^^^^i^^^r^f '" we are on top of tho heap. l Owen Sound, was fined 8100 and costs for g^^^^^^^^S^^'^^^^^^^^^'^^^*^^^ breaking tho law by selling liquor. / Tho man who could run a newspaper ] to suit everybody went to Heaven long ago. Dress Goods In these, strjpes .-ire all the rage, and the more dt'Clded the stripe the more popular. VVc havea beautiful ransjem colorsâ€" black, marine, navy, green, mysioria, brown and taupe, and at ))iiees rangin'.{ from 55c to $1.50 Furs In Furs we have a. complete ransie of the following lines -Indies' stoles, scarf.<. mufTs. caperims, etc. Also inen'i) and ladies' fur and fur-lined coats, capa, mitts, gauntlets, etc. Ready-Made Clothing In Clolhing we have iho Progress Brand, insue !«y H.Vineburi: A' Co., of Montreal, ."iIs • \V. \X. .Johnston & Co's clothing of "Toronto. These are two of the largest clothing houses in the dominion. Their and prices are right. Boots* Shoes and Rubbers This is the season for the heavy shoes and they certainly are selling fa^t. We are full in all lines and are selling at prices which defy conittition. Ccine in and examine our stock. Business Chances One well established dresB-making shop. One good biick laundry, small i.pposition. One bubor simp, pmd room Hud ciyar store combined. Skating rink, roller and ice, llnar fiC x 168 feet â€" a nioiiey inakor. Gi'od reasons for se'ling. One blackamiih sh"p\vith f'amo and stable, good orchard, f 4 1). A fir;-! class eountiy stand. ISoiigh cist house in Markdale, 8700. 1)0 acres nf good level land in Ax't- oniesia, !1 miles from Fle.sberton, com- fi>rtal)le franiu house, good frame barn, small orchard, 83000. 100 acres in Osprey. Good ciny loam, watered wiili spring creek. Go acre.i under cultivation. 35 acres hardwood i bush, good frame hou«e, good fiMiiie ) harn with stone foundation and stabling, l A good snap at Si3000. On easy lerm.». | 100 acres in Artemcsia, conveniently HiL.intcd on public road. Brick house, good frame barn 40 X 09 on stone foundation, with sheep {.en, pig pen and hell house adjoining. 60 acres in high state cultivation, 30 acres hardwood bush with some good timber. Watered with running streams. 84800. 100 acres in Euphrasia, convenient to school, church, stoi-e, post otHce, telephone and blacksmith shop. 80 acres under cultivation, good orchard, large new cement house, good frame barn with btono foundation and stabling. Drive shed. Price 84800. Half a million acres of land in the North West, ranging from 85 to 8£0 an Henry M. Douglas, REAL ESTATE BROKER BOX 76 - MEAFORD. ONT. 3^ 9^ J. E. LARGE The People's Store, Eugenia Now is the tinw lo buy your Fall Suits, beautiful new goods in all the latest shades and dcbigns, at difforent prices to suit the purchaser. Dro-og trimmings in all tho pretty, delicate shades. Do not miss seeing these as Ihey are something diflfctont than has ever been shown befoie, ranging in price from 6 to 25c per yard. Some S"Utaehe Braida, 2 yds for 5c Beautiful long sample coats, "Semi-Btting," nicely trimmed with shappings of goods and large satin buttons, regular 815 and 818 coata for 810.00 Special values in Flanneletts, best qualities from 7o to 15o extra wide. Call and see our Lawns and Cottons, best values over offered. Just arrived 1 all our new woollen goods in Toques, Gloves, Miits, Scaifs, Swealnra, Hose, Shawles and Yarnsâ€" everything you will need in the woollen lino. >VlxijIjJ.J?i JllXV i _Donotf^il to ggg ojj, complete stock in pretty, up-to-date Hals in all shades, r.inging from $2.bO up. Special values given for the Thanksgiving and Christmaa trade. Full linos of Booti, Shoes, Rubbers, Moccasint, Le;.'ging». We have never been more ready to meet the demands of the people, and have been more able to give better values in all these diS'erent lines. Our stock for XMAS. is coming in every day. Come early to get the best choice. Eye Strain Belies Character. Dcfectiva sight produces unnatural expres* sion. Perpetual frowns caused b^ an effort to see better often belk ;^ character. We are experts in fitting glasses that make facial distortions imnecessary. W. A. Armstrong:, Jeweler & Optician «M{ Highest prices paid for Produce and Poultry. Don't fail to get our M prices before going elaewhere. Fresh Groceriea always on hand. g Guye/ita, :â- ! I-; tntario. YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES. PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT We dealro to call Ihe attention of all those affllcUil Willi liny Blood or Skin Diuua to our Now MoUiod Troatansnt as a KuurnulBed euro for these compluiuts. There Is no ex- cuse tor any person havluK a disfigured face from oruptUms and blotches. No matter whether hereilitary or acquired, our speciflo remedies and treutineiit neutralize all poi- sons iu the blooil and exprl thenj from the system. Our vast experience in the treat- ment of thousands of the most serious and coiupUcated eases enables us to pettect a euro without exi)erii!ii>uthig. Wo do business o:i the plan-Pa, Only for tho BanaHt You DoriTO. If you have any blood disease, con- sult U3 Frso of Chargo and let us prove to you how quickly our rciiiedies will remove all evidences of di.sease. Under tho tnflueneo of tho Naw Method Troittment tho skin be- comes clear, uleera, iiiniploa and blotches heal lip, onlarsel Klanda iii» reduceil, fallen put h:iir Krovva iu a«ain. the eyes become bright, ambition and enertry return, and the victim realizes a new lifo has opened 'ip to him. YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULT A-nON FREE Send for Booklet on Ditoue* of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unable to coll, write for a Quaeliaa Uet (or Iloma Treatment DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cop. Michi^a!) Ave. and Grlswold St., Detroit, Mich. ^ : \ ^ , f ^ ' >â-  ^ 1 ^ 1 1 ^ ! ^

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