FIBE AT QUEBEC CONDENSED EWS ITEMS Elevator, Freight Sheds and Cold Storage Plant Destroyed. A despatch from Quebec says : A firp loss estimated at from $1,- OOO.UOO to * 1,250,000, and the death of one fire fighter, luark the de- struction Saturday night of the million bushel grui^ elevator own- «d by ibe C'aapvtiran Northern Rail- way. .The J)*ilding was erected a few year* ago at a cost of $ 100,000. It wagf^ destroyed, together with 150, OOP bushels of grain. Also coii- suia^d were two huge freight sheds, w*ff filled with goods; the Cus- m.s, 3 small freight sheds, le plant of the Quebec Cold Stor- t"<»., and u number of loaded freight cars and two small boats. The lii-e broke out in the elevator about eight o'clock, and as it was ct^nstructed of woijd, and of a good height, it soon became a mass of and in a short time the place was in ruins. The records were saved. A stiff west wind fanned the flames and threatened the safety of the C P. K. steamer Empress of Ireland, which was lying at Neford's wharf in a damaged state, and the steam- er was moved across the harbor. The fatality occurred when Je- rome Fortin of the fire department and a C. X. R. fireman named Martel fell with a ladder from the second floor uf the custom house. They alighted on the stone steps 30 feet below. Fortin was instantly killed, while Martel had both legs and several ribs broken, and sus- tained other injuries. The fire was not under control ^ ^ until the early hours of Sunday j bi„g ^ Canadian Express°agent at ' "^ " Truro, N. S. BAl'PENINCS FROM ALL OTEB IBS ULOBK. Trieeriipftifl Briefs From Our 0»t» tAd Otbt-r Countrisa •! B£ccat EtcuU. CANADA. Net earnings on the T. &. N. O. Railway for the past eight months siiow large increases. The C. P. K. will close the Farn- ham shops and move tbe plant and men to Montreal. Another portion of the Gillies limit is to be sold by public tender ia twenty-acre locations. Inspector John Rogers has been a{ pointed Superintendent of the re- organized Ontario police. Civil service examinations will be held at several points in the Domin- ion, commencing on Nov. 9th. Winboum L. Burgess was arrest- ed at Vancouver on a charge of rob morning. Only the direction of the wind saved the lower tows. The flames, the firemen being quite i work of the fire department is be- helpless. The freight sheds of the j ing severely criticized, and, an in- cold storage plant followed, and vestigation may be held, then the dome of the custom house. The insurance is said to be less a large stone built edifice, ignited than $300,000. I THANKSGIVING ! t "They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness." â€" P:>. cxiv. 7. Why should we set aside one day ir the year and ask men to give thanks to the Most High for the mercies oif the past.' Does the In- finite (Jiver of Good demand the tri- bute of our praise .' Might it not be well rather to spread the thanks through all the year and every day to cultivate the habit of gratitude! Yet it may be a gootl thing to have this special day of apprecia- tion â€" at least one day when com- plaining is silent and the face is set to fiiid the best in all things. If we earnestly seek on this day to The Rail'way Commission ordered the Canadian Northern to build the subway at Pembina street, Winni- peg, at once. Daniel Cummings, a Winnipeg ticket agent, who has been despon- dent over the death of his wife, has disappeared. An Italian named Spanelli was convicted at North Bay Assizes of the murder cf a Chinaman in a Hai- ieybury restaurant. Harry Bremner of Toronto jump- ed from a window in the Kingston the wealth of the inner life through the harduess and despoiling of out- er things ! How empty must the day of thanksgiving be to him who can count his benefits only in cash bal- ances. No matter how great the | p;„7j;~(i;ry\"^^; ^'^^^^j^pft;;"^^-^: gams in things there is no reality i„,jt guj^.j^e. He will recover, in praising God for what has been j^^ children of a Galician settler made in apparent independence and near Vonda, Sask., named Ixwte- , often in conscious defiance of him. i g^.htn, were burned to death in a while xt would be but mockery to; fire that destroyed the family dwel- 1 join with your fellows in praise for.ijng I that which has been gain to you j xiie Government is considering! only because it has meant loss to ij,^ question of abolishing the grain ' them. certificates at Port Arthur and Fort Even the humble and honest lives; William, owing to the dissatisfac- caunot be satisfied with giving ; tion of the mariners, thanks only for profits and gains i The last spike was driven in the in things. Gratitude wells vip from Xational Transcontinental Railway deep source. When looking beyond | between Fort William and Winni- and through , the experiences of ; j.^g on Tuesday, and the line now gain or loss, of pain or pleasure j stretches from Fort William to Ed- we see what these have added toltnonton. us, not what has passed through] Mr. Geiger, choirmaster of the our hands, but what has found its' Colborne Street Methodist Church way into our hearts. at l.ondon, Ont.. died suddenly, and How small seem the prizes for the choir waited for his arrival on which we strive, how paltry that; Sunday morning, not knowing of cultivate thanksgiving its spirit and ! ff which we have been proud when his death, its light will shine through all the with clearer eyes we review thej The San Domingo Government year; we steadily shall cultivate the process of enriching the permanent has forwarded a check to the own- view of life as crowded with loving assets of our lives which has been ' ers of the Nova Scotia schooner Bri- kinduess. ^ going on through storm and sun- 1 tannia to cover damages inflicted on Then it is a good thing to have] shine. g<K>d and bad, as it has , the vessel by some troops firing THE WORLD'S MARKETS! REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TBAOE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese aad Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTCFFS. Torontoto. Oct. 19.â€" Flour-On- tario wheat 90 per cent, patents, $4.15 to ^4.25 iu buyers' sacks on track, Toronto, and at $4 to 84.10 outside in buyers' sacks. Manitoba flour, first patents, 35. GO on track, Toronto ; second patents, ijS.lO. and strong bakers , ^4.90 to ia on track, Toronto. Manitoba wheat â€" No. 1 Northern quoted at $1.04}.^ Bay ports, and No. 2 Northern at |1.03j.j Bay ports. Ontario wheat â€" No. 2 mi.xed quo- ted at 98 to 99c outside, and No. 2 white and red Winter, 99 to $1.00 outside. Barley â€" No. 2, 56 to 57c outside, and No- 3 extra at o4 to ooc out- side. Oats â€" No. 2 Ontario white, ne^, 36/.J to 37c outside. New Canada West oats, 3S to SS.'.x spot. Bay ports. Peas â€" 84 tor'86c outside. Ryeâ€" No. 2 69 to 70c outside. Buckwheat â€" 55 to 5(Jc outside. Corn â€" No. 2 American yellow 69c on track, Toroto. Bran â€" $21 iu bags, and shorts, $23 iu bags. THE AT IABASCA AEROOl Her Bow Driven Up on a Flat Rock ia Georgian Bay. A despatch from Owen Sound says : Superintendent Buchanan of the Canadian Pacific Steamship Lines took the powerful tug Har- rison and cleared on Thursday af- ternoon at 3 o'clock for Flower Pot Island, where V- e company's steam- ship Athabasca, is hard aground. Word of the mishap reached Owen Sound by the C. P. R, steamship Assiniboia. â- which pai-sed the point at 6.o0 on Thursday inorniug. Cap- tain Bruwii of the' .\lhabasca said that his vessel had gone ashore at 1.30 in thick weather, and that she was lying with her bow on a flat reck, with about four feet of "water in the forward hold. An effort was made to get a message across to "Tobermoray, by passing tug for as- sistance, but the arrival of the As- siniboia was the first word receiv- ed. The .\s'siniboia stayed about twenty minutes, but having no ti»w line could not render assistance. The steamer is said not to be iu a dangerous position. She carried only half a cargo, composed of get>« eral merchandise, and had leaC than a dozen passengers on hat list. Owing to the heavy sea it waa thought unwise to attempt any &»• sistance. It was also feared thak the .\thahasca if she was pulled olf migiit sink. .\ conversation 'witb a megaphone was carried on b«> tween the two vessels with much difficulty owing to the high wind*. The Athabasca is one of th« smaller of the company's vansal* and -was built on the Clyde ia 1883- Since the arrival of the two big new liners, As.siniboia and Keewa- tin. siie has not ueen in regui»r service. She went into commissioa early in Octol>er for the fall trad». The point where the steamer wenk o'l is about two hundred yards from the Flower Pot Lsland Ligliiliouse, the islands being located in th« ch.annol between the end of th» Bruce peninsula and Maaitoulin Island, and about eighty-fivo miles from this port. COUNTRY PRODUCE. >bar- a •day that questions our boastings ' come <•*! self-sufficiency, that marks with What thanksgiving is there like interrogation our oft reiterateu j to that for the joys of home, for ''all these things have my hands ; friemlships. human loves, glimpses i miles an hour at Vancouver and wrought." that questions whether of higher beauties, the foretastes of collided with a Grand View passen- from shore. A work train released by some small 'bovs rushed down hill at 50 there is not something of credit due in all our works lioth to fellow maa and to the Father of us all. It is good to have this day in which even tlie dreariest and sad- tiobler living, the treasures of mem- ory and hope, the touch with the World of spirits? These are the gifts with which the days that are past return to ger car, smashing it badly. The pas- sengers escaped with a shaking up. dcht lives shall feel the swelling tide us if we have but the spirit of ap of joy and shall be borne by it to j vreciatioii. if we have but eyes to find cheer anew ifor themselves. I see and hearts to know true values. Each day of rejoicing but augments- if we but liift up our hearts to thank the bitterness of those who are ' the Infinite Goodness for the glow- burdcne<l with sad memories. Yet ' i'-.g pattern and the imperishable j ''^f-^' *>", if they will but look tor it joy awaits them scmewbcre. How blind are we who measure our benefits iu terms of the dust, who feel that we have not been blc'sed unless we are laden with toys, and follies, and paltry prizes. We ought rather to murmur if with all our gain of things we have missed the lasting treasures of peace, and love, and cliaracter. The real causes fur thanksgiving, the great benefits of life, are iu •v^â- hat has come of enriching to the heart, and mind, and memory- Who then, has not occasion for joy I The retrospect may have pain and loss :n its vista, it niav be here a part- ing and there a grave. Y'et have not the dark davs brought to us that which could have come iu no other way? What lives are as rich as those tliat have been down in the dark valley? Where are hearts develop- ed as in that way that is barren ciT all but the flowers of love? To wlioui do we turu when we would find riches of sympathy on which to llraw save to those who have found treasure of character that is being woven ia this strange and busy mill o; lite. WESTERN EXPANSION. Enoruioii!* Urowth of Wiiinipp«: Itaiik Clcai'iufs.s. A despatch from Winnipeg says : Business conditions in the west are reflected in the hundred million dol- lar expansion in bank clearings, the five luillion dollar increase in build- ing operations in Winnipeg, with a proportionate development in the country and other cities, and twen- ty million bushels increase in the wheat yield. The banks are very active in establishing branches in the newer towns and growing cen- tres, and in one case a, branch was opened in a farm house, awaiting the sale of townsite lots by the rail- way. The city of Lethbridge, with seven thousand population, has ten chartered banks. GRE.VT BRITAIN. It is reported that Sir John Fish- er will retire from the British Ad- miralty this month. A London mob attempted a de- monstration before the Spanish Em- Suuday night, but was diiven off by the police. Two suffragettes were sentenced to a month in prison for their at- tack oa Mr. Llo.vd-George at New- castle. James M. Barric. the Scottish writer, was grant-ed a divorce from his wife in Loudon, on Weduesday. THE YIELD IN TEE WEST Expert Says It Will Not Fall Short of 122,000,000 Bushels. A despatch from Winnipeg says : Grain Agent .\cheson of the C. P. B. returne'l on Thursday, after a comr'ete tour of the west. He was •tudying the grain situation, and reports himself delighted with the yield, which, he says, is running far beyond all early estimates. He is convinced that the total wheat irop will run close to 122,000,000 bushels, which, at current prices, rould mean a cash return to farnt- er<^ of nearly as many million dol- lars. "We estimated the yield of wheat 1b Manitfiba at fitteea bushels tola blockade auy where the acre," he said: "Saskatt^heiwan at seventeen, and Alberta at twen- ty bushels to the acre. Actual re- ports show that in Manitoba wheat ij running from seventeen to twe i- ly fi\e bushels to the acre on an aveiage; in the vicinity of Jaw, 5 to 30 bushels to the acre; aiound Swift Current the same; out through Alberta, from 27 to 33 bushels to the acre. In one place, Piucher Creek, wheat is running 4a bushels to the acre." received a sing'ej UNITED STATES. President Taft and Diaz met on Saturday on the Me.\ican border. Dr. Cook was presented with the freedom of the city oi New Y'ork on Friday. Nineteen persons lost their lives in a storm which swept over Ten- nessee on Friday. Homing pigeons are being used t<. smuggle cocaiue into the West- ern Penitentiary at Pittsburg. A launch with twenty-eight per- sons aboard is believed to have gone down in Larch Lake, Minn. Ed. Barrill, who went up Mount McKinley with Dr- Cook, says un- der oatli that the e.\plorer never reached the summit. Business men of the eastern States will send a petition to Pre- sident Taft asking clemency for Charles W. Morse, who has been sentenced to fifteen years in prison for violating the national banking laws. He had not complaint of a car shortage this'suming serious proportions. fall. There had not been a hint of , men were killed iu a fight GENERAL. The Nicaraguan insurgents have ptissessions of the entire east coast of the republic. The general strike at Rome as a mark of sympathy with Ferrer's fol- lowers continues. Eight Spanish soldiers were killeS in a fight ^ith a party of Moors near Melilla. Germany's super-Dreadnought Westfalen has developed a speed of twenty knots on a trial trip. Orville Wright reached an alti- tude of 600 feet in a flight before the Kaiser at Potsdam, on Friday. Business is practically at a stand- still in Rome, while the people pro- test against the execution of Fer- rer. The revolution in Nicaragua is as- Nine near K; 1 eytown. Apples â€" $1.25 to $2.75 per rel, according to quality. Beans â€" Prime, $2-25 and hand- picked, $2.40 to $2.45 per bushel. Honey â€" Combs, dozen, $2.25 to $3; extracted, 10c per lb. Hayâ€" No. 1 timothy, $15.50 to $10 a ton on track here, and No. 2 $14 to $14.50. Strawâ€" $8.75 to $9.50. Potatoesâ€" 55 to 60c per bag on track for Ontario, and at 75c for New Brunswick. Poultry â€" Chickens, dressed, 12 to 13c per lb. ; fowl, 9 to 10c; turkeys, 17 to 19c per lb-; ducks, lb. 12 to 13c; geese, 10 to 12c per lb. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butterâ€" Pound prints. 21 to 22c; tubs and large rolls. 19 to 20c: in- ferior, 17 to 13c; creamery. 25 to 26c. and solids. 23 to 2tc per lb. Eggs â€" Case lots, 25c per dozen. Cheese -12%c p.r lb for largo and at IS/'aC for twins. HOG FRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear. 15 to 15' ^c per 1. in case lots: mess pork, $26.50; short cut. $27.50 to $2S. Hamsâ€" Light to medium, IS'-o to IGc; do., heavy, 14 to I4'<.c; rolls, 14'.., to 1,5c; shoulders, 12'.j to 13c; backs. 18'a to 20c ; breakfast ba- con. 17 to 18c. Lardâ€" Tierces. 13 to lo^c; tubs, loX to 15,' -jc; pails, 15,' .j to lofjc. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Oct. 19â€" New crop oats No. 2 Canadian Western, 41'... to 42c: old crop cats No. 2 Canadian Western. 42 to 42'...c. Barley â€" No. 2. 06 to-67c; Manit-oba feed barley, 52 to 53c; 'buckwheat, 57 to 53c. Flourâ€" Manitoba Spriii-g wheat pat- ents, firsts, $0.70: Manitoba Spring wheat patents, seconds. $5.20: Wiii- tei wheat patent.s. $5.50; M.-initoba strong bakers. $5; straigiit rollers. 9r> to $5.25; straight rollers, in bags $2.:i5 t<^i $2.50. Feedâ€" Cintario bran $21 to $22; Ontario middlings, $23.- 50 to $24: Manitoba bran. $21; Manitoba shorts, $23 to $21; pure grain mouillc, $33 to $35 : nii.xed mouille. $24 to $27. Cheese- Western, U?^ to M%c and eastern li;-8 to 11 'jC- Butterâ€" Creamery, 241', to 25c. Eggs â€" Selected stock, 27 to 28c: No. 1 candled 25 to 26c per dozen. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo. Oct. 19. -Wheat -Spring stronger ; No. 1 Northern, carloads store, $1.08; Winter, steady. No. 2. $1.24; No. 2 white, $1.24. Corn- Firm. Oatsâ€" Higher ; No. 2 white, 43% to 44c; No. 3 white. 43) .jC:; No. 4 white, 42>.,,c. Ryeâ€" No. 2 on track. 7yc. Chicago. Oct. 19. -Cash wheat- No. 2 red. $1.19 to $1.20; No. 3 red, $1.16 to $1.17; No. 2 hard, iJl.lO to $1 13; No. 3 hard. $1.05 to ."el. 10; No. 1 Northern, $1.07 to $1.08; No. 2 Northern. $1.05 to $1.00; No. 3 Spring. $1.02'.; to $1- 0;,%. Cornâ€" No. 2. 60 to CO' ..c : No. 2 white. 60% to 61c; No. 2 yellow, 60'. J to 60%c; No. 3. 00 to 60'. Jc; No. 3 white, 60%c; No. 3 yellow. 60' .jc; No. 4. b9\ to 60e. Oats- No. 2 white, 40^4C ; No. 3 white. 39 to 40c ; No. 4 •whitt. 38% to 39c ; standard, 40,' ^ to 40' .jC. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal. Oct. 19,â€" Northwest cattle sold at from 4% to S/^c per lb. ; pretty good animals from '^'\ •o 4%c ; common st-ock, 2 to 3c per lb. ; small bulls sold at about 2c per lb.; lean old cows 1% to l^^'c per li». ; milch cows. $30 to $60 each- Grass-fed calves, 2'.; to V .,c per lb. ; good Teals, 5 to 6c per lb. Sheep. Sj^c : lamts &% to oj^c per lb. Gviod lots of tat hogs 8% t-o 9c per lb. Toronto, Oct- 19.â€" Really choice well-finished butcher and e.xport cattle were very scarce, $3..'j0 be- ing tile top price paid for a few extra primo. picked steers and hei- fers. The demand for good but- chers" was strong and sold freely at from $4.35 to $5. Butcher cows were rather higher. There was a good market for stockers aiwl feed- er-, of the heavy class, but the rough and light variet.v were draggy. As high as $70 was paid for choice milch Cows. Distillery feeders, steers and bulls are in great de- mand and the supply was oa the short side. Sheep and lambs "were steady, with lambs slightly easier. Calvesâ€" St-eady. Hogsâ€" Unchanced at $7.30 f.o.b. and $7-75, fed and watered. . , C. P. R. LIXER STRIKES WRECK Empress of Ireland Damaged iu the Gulf. A despatch from Montreal say's : .Vccording to a message received on Thursday at the Canadian Pacific Railway oflice, the Empress of Ire- land struck a submerged wreck on Thursday morning between Cape Chatte aud Matauo and had a hole punched in her bows. The steam- er reached Rimouski at 4.43 in the afternoon and proceeded for Que- bec atfter taking on her pilot, as it is apparent that she is not badly damaged, as C'apt. Forster 'would have landed iiis 1,100 passengers at that, point had his ship b.-en in grave danger. Government vessels have been searching for the last few days in the river for a derelict, but without the success of tlie Empress. SI ICIDK AT Pl( TON. Well-KiioHii Iusur;ince Vsjent In- hales Chliirnform. A despatch from Picton says l I Tired of life. Geo. .\. Ostr«;idcr. an ibsurance agent, coctmitted suicids I and was found dead by his wife oa .Sunday morning. On iiaturday at- ; ternoon he l>ld his wife he would ! not be home for sui>i>er. He wenfc I lo the barn unnoticed, made a bed, I and co\ ered his face with cottoa ! hatting saturated with chloroform. j Then he pulled a rug over him. jThus he was found this mornnig by his wife. He was aged about 60. ♦ SIXTV-LKJUT ME> KILLED. Loss of Life oa TraD.sennliuenlal Railway CuRslriielioa. A despatch from Ottawa savst The toll of death in const ri^ctioa work on the National Transcontin- ental Railway during the last fiscal !ycar was 08. while 22 men suffared serious injuries. Tlu fatalitiea 'were, for the most part, caused by 'carelessness ou the pari .>f the men handling dynamite. Most of th« I killed were If.lians or Swedes, 'There were over 12,'.>10 men in th« , army of railway builders during th« j past year. A SHO>VER OF POSTCARDS. IIiindrod.'< of Petitions .V.sking Cle- mency for Mr.s. Robiusun. .\ despatch from Ottawa says: I The Department of Justice is being • inundated with letters and post- I cards praviug for executive cle- I mency for Mrs. Kobinson. the un- â- fortunate woman under sentence to i be hanged al Sudbury next 'month. On Thursday over 1,500 postcards and letters were receiv- U'd. Wliile it is practically certain j that the death penalty will not be I exacted under the circumslanoes, the Minister of Justice will not deal with the case in any hasty or irre- gular manner. TOOK POl.SON P.Y .MISTAKE. Miss Muriel Johnston Uied at Otta- wa on Saturday. .V despatch from Ottawa sayst Tbrougli mistaking a bottle of car- bflic acid for a similar bottle con- taining a tonic. Miss Muriel John- ston. 17 years of age, residing oa Glouce.slor street, poi.soned herself on Saturday and died an hour af- terwards in great agony. Mi»« Johnston contracted lypiioid fovof . in Cochrane several week.s ago, and j was convalescing from the disease. ; .\3 soon as the mistake was ered medical aid was suminon«J, but efforts to save her life wora without avail. * .--^ The United States will admit frc« cf duly woodpulp from wood cu| .anywhere in Canada, except oa j Crown lands in Ontario or t^uebeo. I .\ sanguinary battle betwuen re- gular troops and revolutjonisis waa fought iu Santo Domiiigo ou da^ urdav. PROF, FEBREB E XECUTED Spanish Educator and Revolutionist Faces Death Without Tremor. .\ despatch from Barcelona. Spain, says : Prof. Francisco Ferrer, the Spanish educator and convicted revolutionist, was shot at the Fort- ress of Mont Jiiich. where he has beeii coiitined since iiis condemna- tion by court-martial. He faced the firing squad 'without flinching, aqd fell dead at the first volley. Ferrer, except for a moircuta-y e.\pres§ioa yf emotion immediately- preceding Ills death, retained his composure to the last. His attor- ney, K. M- Malceran, who had de- fended the prisoner, had secured permission for a 'brief talk with the revolutionist before the latter was led to the ditch where he was to die. To his attorney, Ferrer spoke feelingly of the work for which he had sacrificed his life, and of the future of his daughter, whose brave attempt to save his life touched the father more deepl.v than any other incident of Iiis trial and convicti mi. On Ferrer's arrest. hi« family were left dependent upon his daughter, who al onco secured em- ployment in a biscuit factory. Th« daughter made a personal appeal t< King .Alfonso to spare hor fa- ther's life. When these f.acts wora related by Malceran. Ferrer broke down, ft was but a p;«>-:sing emotion, and prcbcutly the undaunted rovo- liiti'>nist was himself again. Ferrer <leclined to receive tha last sacraments, and turned away from the two priests of th(» Order of Peace and Chariiv, who had been sent oy the prison aiitliorl- ties to offer him tlia final cuisola- tion *<t the Churoli. When tha hour of his execution arrived, ha walked bravely through the piison â- yar<l t-o the ditch, in the shado'w of the encircling wall. Witluuil « quiver he faced the twelve iufa i- tiynieii who, at the word of com- mand, fired a siug'e volley When the repo't had died away. Ferrer lay do-ad upon the ground. Previous to ths execution pre- cautions had been taken to tone- stall a possible a'.leiupi at r-.'scwa by douliling tit^ seiitiueU up^n th« wails ol tho tortresa.