THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE October ti 1009 Weak Kidneys ' W<«k KI(tn«T«. •tn«Ir point to w««k kidney , Mvrre*. Tb< Kidney*, like the lUmrt. »nd tba Btomach, flud their weaknou. not In tho ort*a I UwlL but In th« nerrea t>un runtml ami mild* •nd ftmifthen them. Dr. Shoop'n KustorstlTe 1* • medlHnr fPvciflcellT pivvarvii to ruarh tboM controlUnc nerm*. To doctor thu Kidneys «loue, : U ftnUe. It U a wmstu o< tiioo. and oi mouey a* well. II your tark vhea or Is weak. If the orlna •oald*. or li dark and utronr. If you have (ymptomi ' ti Brichu or other diMreuIng or dan(eroiu kid- « ^ per dlseajie, try Dr. Sh(K)p'tt Ki-ittorative a monthâ€" • Tfcc>'.«t*or Ugiildâ€" and »â- <' wljat it ran aud wUI ( do for rou. Urucglit ruouumwud aud tell /'Dr. Shoop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS" ii[ mini Carefall; Corrected Each Week OaU 34 »o ;«. Peas 76 to 78 Barley 45 to 50 Hay 10 00 to H 00 Butter 17 to 19 Edgg, fresh 23 '.o 23 Putatoea per bag 50 to 50 Geese 10 to 10 Ducks 10 to 10 Chickens 8 to 10 Turkeys 14 to 14 Wool 20 to 22 New Readers FOK Public School AT RICHARDSON'S , Flesherton. Individual Instruction Is a N])ecial feature at the Owen Sound Students enter at any time. Buninesfl, Shorthand, and Prei>ar»t«ry Courses. Worthy studuntA asfliHted to pusitions. Inforniatio'i free. Qoldi son the Chest Ask your doctor the medical mme for i cold on the chest. Hewill sty, "Bronchitis." Atlc him if it is ever serious. L4istly, ssk him if he pre- scribes Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral for this diseue. Keep in close touch with your family physician. E W* v«klleh ear letmolaa yerh W« kaaiih alMhol ft»» e ay Me ^i eta ee We arte yeu te eeaaaltyear aeater â-¼ben you tell your doctor about the btd tut* in year mouth, loss of ippetite for breakfast, and frequent beadacnes, and when he tees your coated tongue, he will say. " You are bilious." Ayer's PilU wetv well in such caaes. Sfili>yt»J.aAyK>»..Utwll.Wiiii â- . Education that Pays What the atreraite young man and woman of to-day wants ia an education that will increaBe his or her oppor- tunities for success in life. The thorough courses in Busineis, Short- hand and Typewriting of the Collingwood Business College Furnish the equipment. Write for free Catalogue. Students may enter at any time. T. E, H.\WKINS. » PRNCIPAL Colliniiwood, Ont. Where Red Deer Run Two weeks more on a liardwood stool, Fingering a fouliah pen, Doing the work of a drudging fool Over and over again ; Three weeks more and then for the wild With a friend, a dog, and a gun, Where Nature opens hor arms for her And the red deer run. [child, Off to the woods to take my st«nd In the run-waya of the deer. My good old rifle poised in my liand, As I strain my ears to hear; Nothing i^erhaps but the wind in the trees Moaning for Iohh of the sun. Or jmrhaps the bay of a hound on the U hen red deer run. [breeze Up goes your rifle as swift you drop down. Branches crackle like hail; Bang: â€" at a sudden streak of brown. Nothing but legs and tail. Perhaps you've got himâ€" and maybe notâ€" .Still you've had your fun; There's more than lies in a lucky shot Where red deer run. Get your degr or miss your deer. Nut such a lot it means; Still the old camp-fire gives it« cheer, Still do the gods send beans. Sleep brings balm to your cedar bed, Whether you've lost or won. And fir-trees croon above your head Where red deer run. Only two weeks from now till then. Fourteen days er so ; Off to the good brown woods again With a dot; and a man I know. There to live as God meant we should, Far from debtor and dun. Where things all look and smell and taste And red tleei run. [good P.O.D. in Saturday Night C. A. Fleming Principal T HARVEY PERIOOE, broker Ploebertoo. *â- Oeneral brokerage butlneaa. Iniaraooe of every kind placed in lafe and liberal compauiea. Heal estate etc.. Oi>en accountit and (laHt duu note* bandied aud iiiouey advauced tbexeOQ. CorreepoDdeac* •elicited. Medical 1/ MCPAfeOnt.Phytlelan.BariieoD.B Offlaa and reildenceâ€" Peter Bt., Fle»herton J- p oTTEWELL Veterinary flnrgaon Oradaate o( Ontario Veterinary College, rerideuce â€" sscond door aoutb weet'on li^ry Dtreet. Tbli etreet rane aoutb Presbyteriao Charch WILHoS, lllackfuiitk liraduate of oe Veterinary Bclenoe Aaeoclation. Uusideuce, Durham itreet, op o>l te Bovd.Hlokllui;'!! hardware. SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The lai-gesL and best stock of Furniture ever shown ill Flesherton. This without fear (if con- tradiction. Ctinio and see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A sjjccial reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock, ... ! W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton ITi D JENTISTRY e. C. MURRAY L. .). fi, dental auriieon honoi Kraduate of Toronto University aud Koyal Collexe of Dental HurKoona of Ontario, Oaa aduilainiatered tor taetli extraction Offl'^e at redence, Toronto Htrect' Kleaherton Societies AO n W meets ou the last Uonday lu each niontb, iu thoir lodge room Norrla' block, PleHhorton, at 8 p.m. M. W., Mitek Thiatlethwaite; Hec, C. H. Munabaw: Flo., W.J. Uel.amy. VlaitiiiRbretbraDiDTited of one of the oldesc and most highly re- bpected families of the town, aud the interest in his case is particularly keen. Among the article* alleged to have been stolen are 14 cards of lace, valued rt sev- eral hundred dollars, each card containing 33 yards; 18 pairs of ladies' kid glo»es, 7 pairs of shoes, besides % variety of other articles such as shirts, ehaving soap, chocolate, Spanish onions. The evidence showed that goods said to be missing had been found iu Johns' house. It is allesed that thefts have been going on all sum- mer at the C. P. U. The result of the hearing was that the cue was adjourned for one week, as several important wit- nesses for the prosecution are expected from the west, men to whom the goods were supposed to have been consigned. BUSINE.SS Cards WALTER LOUCKH Hullder and Contractor For Drick, Htone aud frame re»ldence«. Ea. timatea cbucrfully turriehed, FIvsliertoQ 1' u Ontario. UCULLiOUOH A YOUNQ UL llankeru Markdale Do a general banking bualueaa. Money loaned at reaaonable rates Call ou ua. PINCE ARTHUR LODGE, No. H33,A.P& A M, nieeta in the liaionic ball. Arm- atrons'B Hall Fleaberton, every Friday on or balore tbe fall moon. Tboe. Ulakaly.W.M.; Herb.Bmlth, Secretary. TCHIBLETT, • Poatuiaaler, Ceylon, ConiiiilHHioner lu H, C. J .Convovancer, deeds, niortga«eB, leasoa, wills etc. carefully drawn up Jolluctions niad.\ charges reaaonable. Alao groceries, Hour, feed etc. kept lu stock, Pricea rlKht. COURT FLK8HERT0N, l».'i. I. 0. F. weota In Clayton'a Hlmtk the last Wednesday livening of each luontli. VisitiuK Foresters heartily welcome. H, K., Dyson; R, 8., 'i'. Henry; Fin. Bee, C. N. Itlchardaon. Pleaae pay duea to Fin. Sec. before the first day of the month. CHOBEN FRIENDBâ€" Fleaherton Connoll of ChcBon Frinnda meets in Clayton'a hall flrat and third Wedneadav of each month H p. m Pay assosaments to tlie Recorder ou or l>efore toe nrst dayof each month. Chief Couuolllor T. lllakelev: Recorder, W, H. Hunt. RJ HPROULK Poitmaster, Flesherton v/omralaaloner in H.C J., Auctioneer veyancer. Appraiser and Money Lends Real Katate and Inauranoe ARent. Deed mortgages, leases and wills carefully drawn up and valuationa made on ehorteat notice mouey to loan at lowest ratoa of interest. ^Col. lections attended to with promptueae charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Htaamabip Company. A call solicited. Legal Wn. WRiaHT. Harriatsr. Hollcltor, Convey- ancer, etc,,â€" Owen Kouud, and Flesherton. N liâ€" Fleaherton oHlce, Kpruulu'a lllook every Batarday RUDD MATHHWfl, Markdale, LIcenaedi auctionuer for the county of (iroy, Uood service at reaaonable rate*. • Dates nan bo I. â- ( i a) 'j 1 1 < 1 M I 11 . oOO DMcPHAIfi, Licensoil Auctioneer for I the • County of drey. Terms moderate and aatisfactiou gnarantood. Tho arraugomonta and dates of ssloa can be made a*. Tuk Akvancr office. Keaideuce and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection, Deo. 0,07. WM. KAITTINO, Liconaed Auctiouoer for <' the conniiea of (Iroy and Bimooe. Farm and Htock ealoa a spooialty. Terms moderate, aatiatantioii guaraiittod. Arrange- ments for dntun may bo made at tho Advance office, or a: T. Hutrhlnaon'a store, I'oversham by addri-HhiiiK liiu at Fuversiiaui, uiit. YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS Cared by the H«w Method Treatment tr NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT -Mi NERVOUS DEBILITY Thoumnds nf young and middlo-aged men am annually swept to a pivmature grave through EaHy indlacrelions, Exeeaaaa and Blood DIsaasea. If you have any nf the fol- lowing aymptoina coaaull IU bofore it ia loa Uls. Art; y»ii ncrVMUH and weak, des|>on- dent anil gloomy, specks Iwfore tho cyi-.s, Willi dark oiivli'S nndi^r them, weak Ixirk, kidneys Initahle, luilpltation at tht> ln*art, luwiiftil, ilrt>aiiiH and losHfA. aodimcnl lu virtue, pimpfes on llie fairt", oycs aunki-n, IioIIdw chm>k«, camwiirn cxpreasiun, poor memory, lifeless, dialruatfnl, lai:i( eniTgy and alrcngtb, tlrul nmrniuK'. real less nights, rhangeable moods, weak oiaoliood, preuutture decay, bono pains, uair loose, sore throat, etc, Y04; WILL BE A WRECK Oar New Molhod Treatment cnn nurn yiiu and make n mnn of you. TTndflr Its Inflii- •oce the brain iMvomesaollvK, the hliKxl i)urille<l, sn lluit all plmple», hlotclicsand ulcers disappear, the nKrvea Iwcoino strong an steel, lui tluil uoivnusiiess, iNishfuhiesii anil de»- poodency vanish, the eye Ihx'ouipa bright, thn fiirit full and cli>ar, energy returns to tho body and tbe niomi, pfiyalcitl ami st'xiial aystenis are Invlnorated ; all araiiis ceaa«â€" no more vital wastofnim thn ayHt<-in. IVmt let quacks and fakirs rub you of your hard •oruad doUsrs. W« will cure you or no pay, EVERYTHINC PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL KEADERi No matter who haa treated ynu, write for nn honest opinion Frea of Chars*. Beok* Freoâ€" "The Ooldan Monitor" I Illnslniteili on Secret Diteasea of Man, QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DR8.KENHEDY&KENNEDY Car. Michigan Ave and Griswold St.. Detroit, Micli. Owen Sound. The Board of Trustees of the General and Marine Hospital has decided to build an addition to their institution. The annex will cost between $12,000 and (15,000, and will double the accommoda- tion. Several thousand dollars will also be spent in making the old building mod em in its equipment. The new government buildint;, coating $80,000, which has been in the course of erection for the past two years, is at last about completed. It will be some weeks yet before tbe post office will be installed, as the fittings have notfyet been put in place. The annual report of the county ksoI . for the year ending September 30th, is complete. On Oct. Ist, 1908, 17 priion- ers, all males, were in gaol, while on Oct. lit, 1909, there were 10 males and cne fe.nale prisoner, two of whom are of un- sound mind, and one of whom is awaiting trial. During tho year just ended 116 males and 7 females were committed to gaol, while during the previous year 104 males and 8 females were incarcerated. Of those within the walls during the past year 3 were under sixteen years of age,68 males and 7 females appeared for the tlrst lime, while twenty m.tles were in for the second time, 8 paid thoir third visit, while 20 had been oftener still. Nino males and ',i females were of unsound mind; '.ib males and 1 female were acquit- ted on trial, siid discharged; 5 males were discharged on suspended sentence; 1 fe- male is awaiting trial, and C7 men and 2 women were tentenced to serve time. Of those sentenced 10 males wont to Central Prison, one to the penitentiary, 2 to the reformatory, and 54 inalus and 2 females completed thoir time. 21 prison- ers served terms under thirty days, while the other sentences ranged to throe years in the pen. The government piid for the maintenance of 62 prisoners, who served 2149 days, while the municipalities paid for the support of 55 prisoners, who served 3635 days. As to the nationalities, 71, initlea and 4 foninles wore Canadian, 21 males were Enj^lish, males and 1 female were Irish, 6 males were Scotch, 6 males and 1 female from United States, while males and 1 female wore natives of other countries. Ah to religious belief,l() wore Roman Catholic, 36 were Church uf England, 25 were Presbyterian, 18 wore Methodists, and 27 claimed other denom- inations. Thirty-four inalps and 5 fe- males wore married, 22 males and 1 fo- mule were illiterate, 28 males and 6 fe- males claimed to be temperate, 88 males and 1 female wore intemperate. Uf those serving sentences 6 wore committed for ai'con, 8^ for assault, 3 for abduction, 1 for bleach of by-law, 1 for burglary, 1 for contempt of court, 15 for being drunk and diaorderly, 23 for vagrancy, 34 f.-ir larconcy, and 3 each for selling liquor without license, perjury and stealing ani- mals, Litburers lead in occupation, 72 being of that class, farmers come next with 11 to their diacredit, sailors iind fisherman 6, merchants 3, The greatest number of prisoners conllnod at one time was 22 nialea and 1 female, and the low. est was 7 males and 1 female. Thoee , committed to hard labour sawed wood aud did general work around the gaol, Tho oflicerH salaries totalled VltKX), and the cost per prisoner per day for rations was a fraction under 13c. This is Governor Millbi-'s forty-seventh annual report. A demand has been made by the forty teachers of the town public ichoola for an iiicrensejn salaries, and tlioy ask for ad immedia te decision, so that if the retpiest ia not granted those who desire inty make a change before the first of next year. Magistrate Creasor was occupied all day Saturday with tho oaso of John Johns, assistant foreman at the CP.R. steam- ship freight Bhod8,oliargod with theft, and two employees, George Christie and Jas, similar charge. All Johns is 'a member AFTER THE BAHLL An ncident That Ssemed to Explain Joshua'* Miracle. There was an litcldent In our life at Brundy, connected wltb Gettysburg. Tvblcb Is worth relating. Butchelder. whose mnp of the battlefield of Uettya- bnry is nutUorlty aud whom we had fallen in with while we were there, asked to join our mess at Brandy when he came to tbe army to verify tbe po- sitioua of tbe various commands. One night we bad Just sat down to dinner when be entered our big hospital tent, quite tired. "Well," he annonneed after taking bis place at the table, "I bare l>een down In tbe Second corps today, and I believe I have discovered bow Joshua made the sun stand stllL I Brst went to regiment and bad tbe officers tnark on tbe map tbe hour of their position at a certain point Then I Went to regiment In tbe same bri- gade. They declared positively It was one or two hours earlier or later than that given by tbe other. Bo It went on, no two regiments or brigades agreeing, and If 1 hl.ited that some of them must certainly be mistaken tbey would set me down by saying wltb levere dignity. 'We were there, Batcb- blder, and we ought to know, 1 guess,' tind I made up my mind that It would take a day of at least twenty hours Instead of thirteen at Gettysburg to satisfy their accounts. So when Josh- ua's captains got around blm after tbe Bgbt ond tbey l>egan to talk It over tbe only way under the heavens that be could ever harmonize their state- ments was to make tbe sun stand still and give tbem all a chance." Ajiy one who has ever tried to estab- lish tbe exact position or hour when anything took place In an engagement will confirm Batchelder's experience and possibly. If not too orthodox, ac- cept bis explanation of Joshua's feat. i-Morrls SchaCt In Atlantic. A MONSTER SKULL Ferr i s, also on a pleaded, not guilty. One That Was Said to Be Bigger Than a Bushel Basket. One of the most remarkable finds of gigantic human remains of which we have any record was that said to have t>een made at Palermo, Sicily, In the year 1510, when an entire skeleton of unheard of proportions was unearthed by some marble qnarry men. These mammoth rcmolns measured exactly thirty-four feet from bend to foot and nine feet seren Inches from point to point of the shoulders. A stone ax burled with this old time giant may still be seen at Palermo In section "Z" of the St. Isorent museum. It Is made of a bluish looking, fine grained bowlder and appears to l>e atjout two feet eight inches long by one foot brond and nine Inches through In the thickest place. A musty, rusty look- ing tag attached to tbe relic Informs tbe visitor that It weighs fifty-two pounds, but tbe general verdict Is that It could not weigh over thirty or thlr- ty-flve pounds. Tbe skeleton was burned by a mob In the year 10G2 during the prevalence of the black death at Palermo, the Ignorant, superstitious people believ- ing that it was connected In some mys- terious way with the death dealing dis- temper. The skull of this giant, ac- cording to Abbe Ferregus. "was large- ly excessive of tbe baskets sayd to hold tbe bushel, being fitted above and belowe withe teeth to tho number of sixty-foure, tbe eoch of which would ;uive weighed two ounces." Cavnllor Soroy claimed to have found a skull on Tcnerlfe that bad sixty teeth. Scottish Pride 66274 Tho young bull Bcottish Pride will atand for ervice at Mr. K. W. Nicholson's, lot 37. con. 5. Arteuiesia. Hcottish pride la aired by Scottish Priuce, a Kiandaou of the wonderful show cow. (Jem of Ilellaohiu, Imp., winner of eight prlaei at Toronto and London, besides beiuR champ- ion female. She weighs over ItWG pounds. Cue of thia cow'a calves sold for »1775,00. Hoottiah pride Is out of Lady nella by the Toronto ftrat prize winner. Captain May Fly, imp 2SS3H, This young bull has prove hlui- aeir a showbull haviuR gained au enoouraging record tlila fall at KeverBham. He won nrst urir.p aa boat bull calf, alao diploma for beat bull any age. Those having iiuro bred oowb hould ace thia grand bull before breeding as they cannot do better than use him. A liniitep number of grades will he takeuat ^l;'2&;For pure breds, 91.00 NOBODY WANTS POOR GROCERIES And what's more to the point, nobody gets 'em here. Our goods are always fresh aud soasonablo. Wo carry a full line uf groceries, canned goods, flour aud food, and by reason of quick selling the stock is kept fresh. The quick sales naturally follow our reasonable prices, Wright's Grocery FLESHERTON More Bread to the Barrel That extra cost per barrel which you pay for Ogilvie*s Royal HoasehoIiL doesn't go into anybody's pocicet. \ It covers the cost of inspecting the ^ entire wheat crop of the country, and . selecting the choicest grain. It pays, for cleanliness, for purity and for scientific flour-making. A barrel of Ogilvie's Royal House* hold Flour goes farther than a barrel of any other flour. It makes more bread and better bread. You are not really spending that extra amount â€" you are investing it. Go to your grocer and say "Royal Household." 23 •gflvfe Flair MOta COm Ualted. HtilreaL Norris Bros., Hardware & Tinsmiths Now is tbe time to repair that roof. There are a good many reasons why you should use Paroid Roofing. Call and let us explain â€" and qubte prices. We have just made 3 dozen e.tch of 10 and 14 quart pails. These are hand-made out of good quality tin, and we sell them just as cheap as the flimsy factory paiU â€" 10 qta at 15c each, 14 qt4 at 20c each. Our Steele of Tinware and Qraniteware is most complete. Our prices are Right. Duck shooting is now in full swing and we are prepared with a com- plete stock of empty shells, loaded shells, both black and smokeless powder, in all sizes of shut. Also wads, buckshot, powder, primers,etc. When in need of any kind of shelf or heavy hardware don't fail to examine the quality of uiir goods, and to get our prices. If it is eiive troughs, roof, furnace, bath-room fi.\turos, pumps or sinks you will do well to get our pri'ses before buying. Norris Bros. • • Flesherton I « •••«••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••#•••••••••••••• syg*** •••• •••â- •••• •••• 11 ^as, iPattisoTij Ceylon, Ont^ g| niESK Rnn ifiB ShNB'i NMk ttalBCita. ,.sa •••I •.•a •.•a â- ••a •.•i â- .•e â- .•• '.•a '.•a •.•a •.as •.•a •.•a :::: -.•a •.•• â- .•• â- .•• •'•a â- >•• •••a â- >•• â- .•e â- ••J <.*a â- ••a â- .as •.•a •.•a •.•• •.•a •.•a â- ••a •••a •••a ..•a ••aa •••I '.•a Senerat ^tereAaat. Just arrived â€" a complete and up-to-date stock of Ladies' and Misses Fall and Winter Coats. I secured these at a big reduction, and it will pay you to inspect them before buying elsewhere. We also have a nice range of Fall Di'ess Goods in the very latest shades. Ask to see our Heatherbloom and Moirette Underskirts at about half their regular price. We have secured the agency for the Peabody's Smocks and Overalls- just the thing to wear well and look well. One trial will convince you that there is nothing better in this line. Ill %^S^aiM^^^»N» ::: a*.- a*.. a«.. ••~ •••• ae.. V.T. •••• •••• •a.- •at* •1:1 ^^^' ^^mson " Ceylon Eye Strain Belles Character. Defective sight produces unnatural exprcs. sion. Perpetual frowns caused bj an effort to see better often beUi *^ character* We art experts in fittinf glasses that make (adal distortions unnecessary. __ W. A. Armstrong:, Jeweler & Optician Bull and Boar (or Service Tborouehbred Hull froui iuiportod stock, alsi Tamworth Boar for service ou lot 101, T: * 8 B., Artemesia. jjo Aqk. JOHN ADAMS. Prop. Came Astray CTRAYED to the premises of the undersigned •J on or about June 15th, one yearling bull. Owner can have tho same by proving property aud paying all expeases. W. H. CONN liOt 18, ooD, 9, Osprey Fevershaa H a V Y c o T u e d Thompson's Bakery Having secured Mr.E, Ann- strong of Pet«rboro, a first class baker, we are prep.tred to turn out the best of every- thing in our line. Preah Bread alwrajr* Oft hand Atrial aoUotted, Ed.Thompion, Flealierion. '