October 14 190D THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE F> T, HILL & Co,, « narkdale f We are daily receiving shipments of Nev/ Fall and Winter Goods Tliis week we have opened up many new and lato styles in LADIES WAISTS, LADIES' MANTLES, DRESS 'GOODS, and also big shipments of >IKN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING in the latest up-to-date patterns, and all have been reasonal)Iy priced. It will pay you to visit this store. We are the barometer to style, quality and value. Special Showing of Men's and Boys' Suits in the New Fall and Winter Styles. This week we »re shuwiiig a very complete range of new styles in up-to-date Clotliin« for Men and Boys. In Men's SuilH we aresliowiiiK fancy EiiglUh worsted, aiixonv fini.shed tweeds in the newest Hhades and pattorn*, with the Utcst featureH of correct fanhion. A!l sized, 3(5 to 44 FOR MEN our ffb 00, J6.50, 87-50, §10.50, $Vl'M, gl4.00 and ?15 00 Suit-i will aupeal to you. FOU BOYS our «2.50, 33.50, 83.70. $4M, 86.50, 80.50 and $7.50 are just what he wants. SEE THEM. New Silk Waists For Ladies Do you know we have the largest collection of really nice black silk waists in town, and the prices are popular -82.75, 83.20,83.75 and 84.30. SEE THEM. UP -TO DATE MILLINERY T HILL'S FOR MILLINERY! This motto is a popular and rocoi/ni/.ed fact. If you want to see the best and mn.st up-to-date cti-ck of trimmed Millinery in Maikdalo visit the Millinery Uep^rlnient of this store. New and lato s-ylej in uinny shapes re- dived this week. ^jl The Flesherton Advance Published weekly at it's oflice, CoUiiig- wood slrecl.Fleslierton. Subscription latesâ€" Canada $1.00, United States, $1 25. Advertising rates ou applica- tion. W . H. Thurston . . Editor We Lave all been enjoying the beautiful autumn weather of the past nine days: The forests are new clothed in their royal autumn robes, and the artist and amateur poets are in their annual rapture of delight. But the ordinary man is too busily engaged dij^ging potatoes and chink- ing up for the winter to pay much atterition t(J the beauties of nature so lavishly spread. He takes 'em for granted. Our readers this week will notice that the Toiouto W. C. T. U. have taken up the case of Jlrs. Robinson, who lies under sentence of death at North Bay, and whose peculiarly sad position was referred to in these col- umns last week. Every mother in the land as well as every liumane person should comply with the re- quest of these ladies and thus asnist ia preventing a legal in order to punish a civil crime. A gentleman Hobcrly informed The Advance the other day that the govtrument had instructed the banks not to accept torn Dominion one and two dollar billi!. Ihia was 8uch a palpable loss and hardship to the possessor of such bills, which Irequeiilly turn up, that we decided to set on foot some inquiry. The order only icfers to bills where one quarter or more ia missing. If the bill is all Iberu and torn from cud to end it will be redeemed by the govern- ment and the banks will not refubc it â€" neither will The Advance, which of course, is more important. Wliat the liquor traffic means to Canada is put very clcai ly and in startling figures by C. B. Kcenlcy- Bide, llis ti'jures ate taken from government reports and should there- fore be correct. Last year the wheat crop was valucdat $72,424,000 and the liquor bill was estimated at more than that. Mi. Kecnleyside says: "If Bome sudden blight ahonid pass over the fields, and every maturiug head be blasted, it would cause such a panic m Canada as the country never saw before. That is whit the liquor trallio does â€" and does every year. It deatroys the cash value of the entire wheat crop of the plains. On the other hand, if by some new virtue in the sunbeams, or new elctrcnt in the soil, the crop i.o v lipening Hhou'd yield just double its pro.nise and 8t;i),OO0,000 bushLls be reaped, and an nxtra seventy-six millions of dollars should find their way into the hanks to the credit of the prodiicera, wo would sec such a new dawn of prosperity as would make all the past look dim beside it. The destruction . of the liquor traffic would have just; that effect." i Postcard Petition Artemesia Council Artemesia Council met on Saturday, The Toronto Diitriet Women's Chris- tian Temperance Union has instituted a l>ostcaid petition in behalf of Mrc. Aima Rohinson, now under sentence of death at Sudbury. Acting under legal ndvice, t we, with good reason, believe if this ed hich Out. 2. Members piesent, the Reeve and I , , ., ., ., â- vvi. i-o ;campatijn succeeds, her life will be spar Messrs, oIcKetizie, Wriunt and ,Cai-son. i j ,,.,.. , '^ ~, . ei . • J jiand lier frienda will have fiino in whi The minutes of last sefs;on were read and , , , , ., ^ , â„¢ , „ . .to 'aki.' further measures, coiihrmed. The following conimuniCH- ^ tions wore presented and read: Isaac j "« "ake through the courtesy and Trayiior, C.E., report of survey and ac-j'^*"'""*"!' "' '''« l"""^'" athree-foldappeal count for woik and plan, 841; George 1- ^^'i!l every ed. tor who receives this Pi i- chard, account of 8150, repairs to!"PPe'*l â- "'nd'y pul'lish it in hisneUissue. grader ; J. A. Boyd rep 'it as coniniis-i 2. Will every man and woman who »ioner on expenditure on valley rond ji reads thii request comply wiih its da- A. Carpon, report as coinmi.ssiouer and.mands't expenditure on :«) si.leroad, showing ex-j ;{. Win you do it ut once, for the un- penditure of 8135 on suid road ; Ueorge happy victim has only six wevks to live. Wright, report as commissioner of Div. -, vol I- . 1 . . Ourre<iue4t IS, wntea poatal ciud as No. 2, showing an expenditure to date of I , ,, '^ ««...- I follows : 8211 15. { 117 • 1 .. r. a>i 1 T rf " I rejpectfully beg of you to recom- Wrightâ€" Caison â€" That Isaac Tiaynor, ' . ., , , , n V \ . i \- »f : i>"B"u that the deaih Btfiiteiico passed ou U. i!i., be iiaid his account for surveying . ,. , . . J , , . . ,. , ,. . -^iwia Uobinson be cominutel. ' and plans and cicscri^t on on towiiuno A. I and E., 841, and ihat Euphrasia Council! '^'K" >""' "»™8 »"'d phiee of residence, be .isked to pi»y one half the amount.-!*'''^â„¢''* '"""' "'"'• A- B. Aylo8*otlh, Carried. ' i '^'"»"'*. Canada. Do it now. Wrighl-McKei.zie-That the accountl .^'"'- ^"-''^ ^- ^^'"'J- Bresident ; Mis. of George Priichard for lepairi to p'owP^'" Bu^jsley, Supt. LegisluHoii and and grader, 81.50, be paid. â€" Carried. Wright- Carson-- That the following accounts for gravel used and duly certi- tiud by overseers, lie paid : Mrs. Jsmie- »on 81 50, John Teeter 83.80, Geo ge Moore 75c., Oeor.<e White 83 40.â€" Carried. Wriifhlâ€" McKc.izieâ€" That .). Welier be paid 82 for assisting surveyor on town line and one half of amount be charged to Euphrasia Council. -Carried. t'jirson-McKenzie â€" That the Ueovo Petition. W. C. T. U. headciuarters, Toronto. Kimberley .\ largo number from here attended the Hocklyn fair on Friday last. All reisnt a fir.it-cIaHS time. Pearl Knox Hjient Saturday and Sun- lay at her parental home in Duncan. A|)ple pivking is the order of the day and Clerk lio paid 84 each for services on j '" "'is vicinity, comniiltee re town line A. ai:d K. â€" Carried. MoKenzio â€" Wrightâ€" That the Reeve's IVarl Lawrence is vi.siting Rocklyn friends at present, and i.s a guest at the Loriie IIou.se. report of expenditure on Valley Road he 1 Smlie Plowes is visiting friends at received and that he be paid 812.84. ! ii„„^.y„.,„„, ,^t j,res„„t. coiniiii.ssion on an expondi'ure of 8128.45 â- ,^, â- ,. , , . , , ^ . , 1 * lossie Duncan, who has been visiting expended.â€" Carried. ir â- , , , . 1 triends liere for Momo time, returned to Carson-McK«nzie-Thal, Mr. Wright's ,,„, ,,„„„ ;„ D„„a„ik „„ Sunday last. report on oxpendiiure in Div. 2 be re-' ceived and he bo p-«id 818.30, commis- sion on expenditure of 8183.05.- Car. McKei.ze- Wrightâ€" That Mr. Car Lome Curry of Rocklyn visited friends here on Sunday last. Don't forgot to attend the Women'.s , ., ,.. ,, Institute fowl siiiiper on Oct. 28. Good son s report of rpecial expendiluro of I ,. , , ,,.,-. 1 1 I. I 1 .lo t programme. KverylsKly come. 8l3i> ho received and he be paid 818 fori j j Mine days' work superintending the work. 1 <3eo. Wlmtley of Thoinbury was the Carried ^ I guest of his coii.sin, Lyness Faweelt, on McKen/.ie-C«rson-That this Coun- 1 ^"'"'"y ''"'^• .il expres>es ill 8ym|.athy with Mr. Bobt R. Fawcett was in Dundalk la.st Duncar. as member of this Counc 1, in his,^""''")'- severe illness, and hereby grant him sn additional leave of absence from Ccmnc I for two months, in accoi-dance with clause 207 of the Municipal Act. â€" Car. Council adjourned. •lohn Wickons and sister, Etta, visited Collingwood friends last wojk. Uobt. Thomiwon and sister of Flesher- ton were visitora at K. C. Haniell's (>n Sunday lust. ^ A miiiiber from hero attended Mark- Charles Kern, formerly of H.nove',|j,,,,„ f,,i,. „„ ^v„,,„^.,^,„y ,,^^j ,1. R. Fawoott was in Uicklyn tn liusiiio.ss on Moiiilay last. W. T. Fawcett of Rocklyn and Jaines wh:> has been Canadian manager f'lr the Peerless Cooker Co. is abi ut to start a factory in Berlin to nianufacturo firoluss cook stovoi. The ni" I hod of cooking is simply by putting the food i.uo sn „i,.| II"dgins of Meaford were callei-s at ,1. R. titfht oiimpartmeiit. Iron radiitii-s are l Fawcett 's on Thursday last. placd, one in the hottoin and one ot. top 1 ^iss Enna Bniritt, who has been on of the vessel C')nt.tiiiing t,he fooil, rctpiir- > , .,,.,, ,. ^ . , , inu absolutely no fuel .r altenli.n afte' ( "'" '"'^'* '"*l f'"' """'« ^""o P""*' '« "'""'y the food is placed in. It will bake, boil, recovering rimst or tiew. Ihe s;o\e has I eei. \wv A n lUiber fioiii hero took in the tea and entert:iinmont at New Kngl.'Uid on ffcte 1 and new piitt'iits applied for by Mr. Kern, and ilio .'X-Hanover man wiil go into the manufactmii.g liusiim.s on j *• ""day evening of last week, his own hook, till Saturday last Mr. ; Misses Hogg and VeitoU of Tlioriilairy Koni put fool into th.i s'ov'j c.iOL'ked a* , ,,< , < .• , ... ba;...age at Beibn, and ot. ar.i.ing here! "'"' <-''"'"''""K iOH,H=ct.vely,woio vtsitois in th.) early afleriioi.n had diniu-r wjih "' ^'- ''• ^^"l'«r's on Suiidiy. his aited pareiits. The foo.l hsd be.-i. t;. H. Walter wa.s successful in cairv- eocked wIiiIh in Vais't and wa" piaoul Eugenia. Born â€" On Oct 2nd,atStought<in,Sa8k., to Mr. and Mrs. Sturgeon, nee Mm Edith Carr, a daughter. Mr and Mi's. John McNally of Paisley are visiting tit T. E. Fenwiik's. Bella McKenzie of Ceylon is visiting her sistor, Mrs. W. llislop, of the valley. Mrs. John Turner of Toionto, who has been spending the past month with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. James Walker, Kitnl)erley, and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hislo)), Eugenia, has returned home feel- ing much better for her outiag. Mrs. Wallace Armstrong and daughter, Elhol, visited for a week with friends in Dundalk. Barl>ara Armstrong is visiting ^friends at Thornbui-y. Mrs. James Armstrong is visiting her daughter at Heathcotu. Mi's. Jake Williams is slightly on the mend. Rev. Mr. Stewart of Toronto filled the pulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath inoniing. All present were pleased with the address. The ladie.s of the Presbyterian church are prep.iring to give a fowl supper on the evening of Oct. 21. For particulars see bills. Alliert Armstrong and sister, Lillian, vLsited for a few days at Heathcote. Tlireshing is almost over around this neighborhood. A good yield of grain is reported. Mr. and Mi's. Jas. Reid and Mr. and Mi's. Wni. Reid of Singhampton were visitors at Mi's. Wm. Wilson's on Sun- day. J. andW. BOYD merchants Flesherton « Ontario MILLINERY MISS E. P. AMOS is sgain in charge of the showroom. This season the shapes are somewhat modified as to size. The high turban, the roll at the back, and ude tun; shapes being much worn. Large wings and sprays are extensively shown, and in colors green and sbhcs of roses are very popular. Ladies' Mantles In Ladies' Mantles we have some beautiful linei ran^ii'g in price from 88 to 823.50. This year the styb-s are semi-fitting, I leoutb, and much the same :ih last season's ganiietit*. In Mis- ses our prices run from 84 to 88.60; and rhiMren's ^fnmi 82.75 to 85.00. Dress Goods In these, stripes are all the rage, and the more decided the stripe the more popular. We have a beautiful range in colorsâ€" black, marine, navy, green, uiys'eria, brown and taupe, and at prici»» ranging from 55c to 81.50 Furs In Furs we have a complete range of the following lines -lidies' stoles, »carfs. muffs, caperi'ips. etc. AIsi> men's and ladies' fur and fur-lined coats, caps, mitts, Ksuntlets. etc. Some of the Sydney, N.S.W., citizens have been discussing the reason why men do not go to church. One man declares that the tendency is for men not to go anywhere outside their own busineas. tie declaies that the average attendance of men at theatres is about 1 to4 women; at concerts about 1 to 8 women; at ordin- ary social sncial functions 1 to 12 woinen, " Men hustle thruuiihout tie dar, and prefer to rest at night, and at the end of the week's business rough and tumble require the whole of Sunday to pull them- selves togother, as it were." In his opin- ion, the length or shortness of the sermon has lery little to do wi:h the size of the congrecstion, but he would like to I ave better congregational sinttir.g. Wo do not know this brother at all, but we con- fe.ss we have a ifood deal of resp-ct for his judi^ment, at least it Australian crn- ditions res.'mble ours in any apprtciable deisroe. â€" Christian Gdardian. Wanted NOW! FOR FLESHERTON | And mil rounding distriotK for Kail and Win- i ter iiionthH, an enorRetic, rrliiilde aKent to ' take orders for luiraery 8tiM-k i Good Pay Weekly, Outfit Free. ! EXCLU.SIVK TKUKITOKY. (iOii.VCRKs! irNDKRClTLTlVATION. We t,-nirantee| to delivci- stock in good condition :oi.l nji to Contract Kradc. W e can allow you I'.i it there | in Ko->(i nioni-y ill reiirf8en*-in(f a well-known, I reliable tirin i>t tluH time. K^tublisheil over , thirty yearn. Write fnt purticubm. Pelham Nursery Co. Ready-Made Clothing In Clothing we have ihe Progress Brand, made l>y H.Vineburi; & C" , of Montreal, alsi W. R. Johnston & Co's clo'loiii; "f Toronto. These are two if the largest clothing houses in the dominion. Their goo.U and prices are right. ^ Boots, Shoes and Rubbers ^ This is the sea«on for the heavy shoes and they certainly are ^n selling fast. We are full in all lines and are selling at prices which ^ defy cometition. Come in and examine our stock. V m Â¥ 3 In Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, Harrows, S â- J I Ploughs, Cream Separators and iwiRE F ENCING T % .« TORONTO, ONT. febUO un the table here piping hot.- IVst. Han 1 ing otTa largo number of prizes at Uook- ] lyii fair. J. B. PATTON I'.MNTKR â€" TAPER UANGKR .Sitfii ralnting and HiKh-clatis Decorating A Siwcialty. ORiceat . . . FLESHERTON, ONT. Business Chances One well established dress-makinL' sho|i. One good biick laundry, small • pposition. One bit her shoji, p ol room and cigar Btoro combined. Skating rink, roller and ice. Moor 60 x 168 f-vt â€" a money maker. Good ri asons for se ling. One blacksnii'h shop with frame house and atatde, good orchard, 8400. A fir.-t class country stand. Rough Oitst bouse in Markd.de, 8700. !K) acres of good level land in Art- piiiesin, 3 milos from Fiosh.'itnn, com- f< It I able frame hoii.He, good frame birii, small orchard. 83000. 100 acres in Oaprey. Good c'sy loam, watered wiih spring creek, 05 acies under cultivation. 35 acres hardwiHsl bush, good fi'Hme hou"o, good frame bain with stone foui'da'inn and stabling. A good snap at 83000. On easy terms. 100 acres in Artemesia, conveniently situated on public road. Brick house, Kood frame barn 40 x 60 on stone foundation, with sheep i en, pig pi'ii and ben huusn adjoiiiinz. 60 acres in hiith stBte cultivation, 30 acres hardwood bush with some g^iod timber. Watered with running sireams. 84800. 100 acres ill Eupbris'a, coi.vinient to HcbonI, chnrch, Ktoit>, post olHee, tt l>'|i'ione aid blacksmith shop. 80 seres under oultivation, goml orchard, Ihiuo iii'W ceinoiit bouse, voihI fiaine burn with kt'iie foundation and (tabling, Olive shed. Price 84800. lliilf a niillioii ."Ores of 'and in the Ni>vtli West, raogiii,; Ironi i5 to 820 an .'lore. Henry M. Douglas, fvEAL ESTATE BROKER BOX 76 - MEAFORD, ONT. F' AltU For Bale â€"100 arres more or less. 80 acres j cleared, balance liardwood bush, spriUK, I well l!5(t. deep, sniall younR orchard, Ur^ebaDk | Imrn, larKe fttraw stied and frame dwelhUK* : well fenced, and ill Kood state of eultivatiou, i| | lulled from acbool, 1 mile from i>. o. Lot aU-T. con. 3, Osjirey H. DOWN. Maxwell V Heard's Carriage Works 9 ^ gl Farms For Sale or Rent Cevlon Meat â- Market F>OH S.\liKâ€" 100 acre faiiu, lot 16. cou 10, town- ship of Onprey, close to the villOReof Fever- sliani. Hank barn, frame housL* and well fenced. I For partlcnlars apply to A, 0. CAMl'llELL, I 1110 Itiielioluie Uoad Toronto ion AC11K8, 70uude'cultlvatiou. frame barn ll»U with baBeniei.t, 40x50, comfortable honsp. Rood well with winduiill; farm well fen- ced, 1 aoie of beaiinf! orcliard. Two and a tiaif inil04 from Markdale, J mile from school, \VM, sUAttT, Markdale p. c. Lot a\ Con. IP. Oleuelg Ivon T ot« .13 and ;)j, con '1 a I) B, 10 acres. 63 cleared I ^ 10 acres pasturn. batance Rood bush, Ilarn lfV1.x.''i0. (trivies tilled. Kood frame lionise. 2 wells !1 acse of orchard and stone wall iiinier barn. I Sanueen river crosses tiickof farm. \\v\\ f*>ncd ' end 111 tjood state of cultivation, .S miles from Prosou Station. For term apply on premises to Iamrs 11, Vai'sk, I'lotoi" Station, F'or fale cheap or rent, inimediate possesfioii, Lot"0ccn. 14, Aitcmeiiia, about 73 acres door, comfortable Iok house and frame barn. Applv to R J Kptonle, Flesherton, or John J Martin, across the road from said lot. T ots h. i S an â- 9. Con 13 in the township of *•• Osprey, 190 acres, lai'neoli-BrlnK.iiood Iraine I arn and alahles. Rood dwelling and well. Ap- ply ( utile premises to â€" W J Hkllamv, FIe»;>erton. Uor sale cheap and on easy teriiiK, eood ccm- ^ fortahle fraine dwellinK, vtahle anddrlvinij house with th^-ee villgrelots inCovlou' I)ivell- Inswell built mid flnisheil and iiood bearing orchard ou the property. Apply to â€" K J Sproi'LI', Kleshertor, T ot 10, cou. (1, Oeprev containing 100 acres, S •'cleared, tiamo house, frame barn.ston foundation; orchard, well waterede On thcusaud down and balance to suit purchaser Immediate poas'ssion App'v to R. N. KiNNKAa Maxwell P, n. I All kinds of fresh and smoked ireats, head cheese, sjiusaue, always on hand Cash paid lor hides. J. HcCLOCKLIN Steer Astray •t 1,S, r,. 1.& S.K.,Ar^eme»ia, alnnit Auirust 1!<, one steer, presumably 3-veai's-old. The owner will ,>i„ye pu.perty. p.iv expenses and Hereford Cattle for Sale oo^'s''.'arho7o"iSirire"."Hi,?etr'-'^«"«"""' T: a .1. WATSOX. Proton. Pure Bred En(!lish Berkshires and Tamworths. Ihaveafinebit of younif pics bred tcom prize winning stock, for wile. Write n • f" ITJuA'^.i "'""*1?'" «.,^'«Win also guarantee satisfaction on all mail urders. Oeo. W. ROSS*. Msxwell P. O. Bosr for Service T.'t^K'M"''-'''°"''8'os»"'«e at lot! 14*.» â- "' â- oiWcli ROBT RtCHARnSON. Flesh.rtoi.^P. P. PUMP Wooden )iunips maniifacture<] through- out and ri-piirs |iiou>plly and satisfac- torily atiendtd fi. i I am ai'eiit for the thice best iron pump inanufactuiois in Ontaiio. j A card dtopjicd to me at Ceylon P. O. ! wi I have my prompt attention. JAMES A. McLEANl CIRUIKS CORNER. Ceylon P.O. Bull For Service P .T'l^iiy-. "â- ,?â- «• shorthorn bull, Victor' 1 ride, ,48(io is for service at Lot 37, Con. -"â- Terms Jl.lKt. JOHN HAKtJRA VK .\rtcnu'sia. Bull for Service nl^ •• ,Vr-o""" !^!:*''. hl'orthorn Hu't, "K.rt Orev 714-2^ will b„ for scry ice ou lot .W. ^n Li.!,A''"'*"'k' ^''O l'e'»«ree of this Bna animal can be s.-en m si i '.crroi.. Ifu "Si ANHRKW DOW.ProrrietorT BILL FOR SERVICE Pure bred Ho'aleiii Frieslan Hull, Thia voui.B aiiiii.nl roil e< fioni one of the best dairy _ I herds ill ( aiiada,beiUR.iu extended ii(,iBtr»ti«ii I AMBER K'NO Ram Lambs For Sale