'GOOD BLOOD AND GOOD HEALTH Is tlie Besnli Obtainad Wlieii Br Wiliiamj' Pink PiUs Are Used. To have good health you mu«t have good blood. It is not only when the blood is bad that the health is poor. Thb blood is the life-giving fluid of the bodyâ€" it is therefore an absolute r.ecesaty that it should be kept free from all im- purities and poisons. To do this no- thing can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. These Pills make new, rich blood with every dose;^tliey drive out every impur- ity-T^very poison â€" and thus give 'd heilth. Concerning them iHs Bernadette Lapointe, of St. Jerome, Que., says: â€" "For several years my health was very bad â€" my system was completely run down. I had indigestion almost continual- ly ; my heart was weak ; I had headaches and backaches, and was sore all over. My blood was very poor and more than once I was in despair. I tried many supposed remedies, but none t'l them helped me. One day a friend advised me to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, telling me that she had found them good in a case cimilar to mine. I followed her ad- vice and began taking the pills. They soon gave me some slight re- lief. Encouraged by this I con- tinued their use for several months and they strengthened my whole system. I am to-day in excellent health and always keep Dr- Wil- liams' Pink Pills in the house for if I feel a little out of sorts I take a. bo.T of Pills and am soon alright again." Thousands of young girls throughout Canada suffer just as Miss Lapointe did- They are sickly all the time and are totally unable to take the enjoyment out of life that every healthy girl should. They need a tonic to build them up â€" to enable them to withstand the wor- ries of household or business du- ties; to give them strength to en- jov social life. Such a tonic is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple. These Pills give blocd to bloodless girls; they strengthen the nerves; banish headaches and back.oches ; cure indigestion, rheu- matism, heart palpitation and re- lieve the many ills of girlhood and womanhood. Sold by all medicine dealers or direct by mail at 50 cents a bo.x or si.x boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. $22,000 LEFT TO CATS. Vt'oman's Will LcaTCS Thorn Over llulf of Her Estate- All the cats in Ireland would purr their grateful regard for the ,'late Miss Alice Mary Swifte of â- Earlsporte Mansloss, Dublin, if they knew the provisions of her will. About $22,000, more than half the amount of her estate, is lett tc cats â€" that is to say, is devised for their benefit. Of this $20.0u goes to the Dublin Home' for For- saken and Starving Oats for the enpport of the home and for the chloroform chambers, where cats may bo put painlessly to death. Hiss Swifte was always against vi- visection and a clause in her will provides that if ever any of the cats arc used for vivisection or anato- mical purposes the bequest shall be void ; $550 is left to the chief ©t the Irish constabulary, and any person who prosecutes any one for cruelty to cats will receive $10 out of the income. 8nOES THAT TALK. Afriean Natives arc Very IV>ad of 8qn«>3kcr8. The East Coast African, buying shoes, is lese concerned with fit or style than with a quality the white man cannot ignore, or, at worst, wishes to, if he cannot. That is, the squeak. "Do they talk proper loud J" in- quires the ingenuous native, first of all; and if they do not "talk" he will not buy. In the south seas it is the same with the bronze man as in Africa with the black. Perhaps it is only a natural desire for harmony in the attire, for his other articles of dress, although eeldom numerous, are frequently also "loud." The preparations of a native tre.v ab jut to receive shore leave are amutins- ly described by a passenger. "Tapitua, who is a great dandy, puts two gold earrings in one ear and fastens a wreath of cock's fea- thers about his hat. Koddi, chris- tened George, gets into a thick blue woollen jersey, very suitable for antarctic weather, a scarlet and yellow parco or kilt, and a pair of English shoes which ma^e him limp terribly ; but they are spleaaad squeakers, so Koddi is happy. "Ta pato oa three different sing- lets, â€" a pink, a blue and a yellow, â€" turning up the edges carefully so as to present a fine display of lay- ered colors, like a Neapolitan ice, and gums the gaudy label off a jam tin £;bout his bare brown arm, thus cltristening himself with the im- posing title of 'Our Real Rasp- berry.' "Neo is wearing two hats and three neck-handkerchiefs. "Oki has a cap with a 'P. k O.' ribbon and Union Steamship" Com- pany's JTsey, besides a three-poa- ny piece in the hollow of each ear. Truly we are a gay party by the time we are ready to land." So certain are t'ne islanders to stlect squeaking shoes that many clever manufacturers now put special squeakers into goods in- tended for the island trade. The value of shoe-music was rec- ently amusingly impressed upon a good-natured visitor who present- ed some shoe-polish to a native friend, whom he had found mourn- fully contemplating the fast-fading glories of his foot-wear. The native departed, grateful and o"erjoyed. but inquiry a day later proved that the gift had not accomplished all that was expected of it. "Shoe feathers shine again, all right," explained the recipient, figuratively, "but shoes don't sing." ^ GREAT SHOE FOR DRY FEET The "Wood-S^.led Boots." or Clogs advertised in this week's is- .«nev are a Marvel of Cheapness. They are cut from grained leather, and being linetl with thick warm felt, should be a very great boon to Farmers, Fruitgrowers, Poult ry- Hien or any wishing real damp pro- tectors. For stable use they are •ideal. Thou.=iands of them are sold by the proprietors of The Scott" h Wholesale Specialty Coy., 134 princess St., Winnipeg, Man. LITTLE ILLS OF CHILDHOOD HOW Ta CURE TflSM On the word of mothers all over Canada there is no other medicine can equal Baby's Own Tablets for the cure of such ills as indigestion, cclic, diarrhoea, constipation, simple fever, worms and teething troubles. This medicine is good for the new born baby or tiie well grown child. Abs<.».;'.*iy safe â€" \ou have the guarantee of a gov- ernment analyst that this is true. Mrs. G. S. Ward, Rivington, Que., says: â€" "I cannot praise Baby's Own Tablets warmly enough. ' So!d bj all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The animal trainer having been taken suddenly ill, his wife rcport- et' for duty in his stead. "Have you had any experience in this line?" asked the owner of the cir- cus and menagerie, with some doubt. "Not just exactly in this line," she said: "but my husband man.ngcs the beasts all right, doesn't he?'' "He certainly does ' "Woll, you ought to see how easily 1 can manage him." HE NEW. Little Willie was playing one day with the girl next door, when the latter exclaimed : '"Don't you hear your mother calling you? That's three times she's done so- Aren't you going in?" "Not yet," responded Willie, im- perturably. "Won't she whip you?'' demand- e<l the little girl, awed. "Nawl" exclaimed Willie, in dis- gust. "She ain't goin' to whip no- body ! She's got company. So when I go in, slve'll just say: 'The poor little man has been so deaf since le's had the measles !' " UNNOTICED. "Where you at Mrs. Qray's func- tion last evening ?" "Yes. I saw you there." "That's strange. I didu't notice you. But, of course, j"ou didn't have on a new dress." AN IMPOSSIBLE THING to find a pl.-iMer equal to "The D. A L. " Meuthol Plaster, and it if) b^iiiK iniituttKi. livt thp genuine. For side ached, backaches, stiicbos. noth- ! ing iMiuaU it. Made by Uarig A Lawrence I Co. DODD^ % ^KIDNEYl &,-piLLS 4 ISSVK ^0. 42-09. I Customerâ€" "What do you mea,n i by selling me that stuff you called I hair-restorer, and telling me it would restore my head to its or"!- ginal condition i' Chemist â€" "Didn't you like it?" Customer â€" "No, I didu't. It I had kept on much longer. I should have been entirely bald. OrigHnal condition, indeed 1" Chemist â€" "Most people are born bald, sir. That is the ori- ginal conditioQ." You may know that a man means bis prayer for the kingdom of hea- ven when he tell« the truth in a horse trade. Sentry^-"You can't leav©." Sol- dierâ€" "But I have the captain's oral permission." Sentry impor- ' tantly)â€" "Let dm s«e it." COLD BROUGHT ON KIDNEY DISEASE BR.\NTF0RD LADY SUFFERED TILL CLRED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mrs. A. H. Thomson had Heart Dr!iea.so, Lumbago and Rheama* tism, and Tcll.s How She was Re> stored to Health. Brantford, Ont., Oct. 11 (Special) â€" How Colds, LaGrippe and other minor ills settle on the Kidneys and develop Rheumatism, Heart Div ease, Bright's Disease and other terribly dangerous ailments ; and how any and all of them are cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills is fully shown in the case of Mrs. A. H. Thomson, whose home is at 48 Al- bion Street, this city. Mrs. Thomson was, some years ago, taken with Cold and LaGrippe and Straining, which affected her Kidneys, and the result was Back- ache, Lumbago, Rheumatism and Heart Disease, which caused both her and her friends grave anxiety. She had suffered some years when she heard of cures effected by Dedd's Kidney Pills, and bought a box, which she used with such splendid results that she continued t' take them till she was cure<l. Since then she has used Dodd's Kidney Pills in her own family and recommended them widely to her friends, all of whom have warm words of praise for the standard Canadian Kidney remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pills. Heart Disease, Rheumatism. Lumbago and Bright's Disease are all Kidney Diseases or are caused fcy diseased kidneys. You can't have any of them if you keep your Kidneys sound and your blood pure. Dodd's Kidney Pills make the Kidneys sound. Stiund Kidneys strain all the impurities out of the blood. ARE Y^OU SUPERSTITIOUS? It is unlucky to be kicked in the back by a piebald hor»e on a Sui day. All the luck of an iron horseshoe it lost if, when picking it up, yoi are inadverteni,ly run over. When travelling by rail, it is dl.i tinctly unlucky to be alone in a car riage with a homicidal maniac. If on your wedding-day the cle*- gyman forgets to aSc you for his fee you may consider yourself ve-y lucky indeed. If at dinner you upset your &oup- plate five times it is a sign tha.*, you will not be asked again. Y'^'i are unlucky. It is unlucky to be the thirteentn ^est at a dinner-table which ih laid for twelve only. The bet- ter course is to wait until you re- ceive an invitation. They Soothe Excited Nerves.â€" Nervous affections are usually at- tributable to defective digestion, as the stomach dominates the nerve centres. A course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will still all di.stur- bances of this character, and by restoring the stomach to normal ac- tion relieve the nerves from irrita- tion. There is no sedative like them and in the correction of irregulari- ties <.f the digestive processes, no preparation has done so effective work, as can be testified to by thou- sands. A one-legged Welsh orator namea Jones was pretty successful in ban- tering an Irishman, when the lat- ter asked him: â€" "How did you come to lose your leg?'' '"Well. said Jones, "on examining my pe- digree and looking up my descent I found there was some Irish blood ii- me, and, becoming convinced that it was settled in the left leg, I had it cut off at once." "By the powers," said Pat. '"it would have been a very good thing if it had only settled in your head." HER ONLY REGRET, The Brideâ€" "Oh, darling, onr honeymoon was just the loveliest ever." The Groom â€" "It certainly was, dearest." The Bride â€" "And I hare only one regret â€" I may never have the plea- sure of going through another." A Good Name is to be Prized. â€" There have been imitations of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil which may have been injurious to its good name, but if so, the injury has only been temporary. Goodness must j always come to the front and throw ; into the shadow that which is worthless. So it has been with Eclectric Oil ; no imitation can maintain itself against the genuine article- PREVEENTION. Cholly Softhedâ€" "Say, Mr. Kill- time, Iâ€" erâ€" love your daughter and want to marry her. Is there any insanity in your family!'' Mr. Killtime â€" "No, young ma^., there is not. an', moreover, there ain't er-goin' to be!" Practically all Canadi.tn drug- fists, grocers and general dealers f<ell Wilson's Fly Pad-*. If your storekeeper does not, ask him why- Medicine Man â€" '"What is the matter with your majesty!"' Can- nibal Kingâ€" "Oh. I've an awful in- digestion." "What have yoa been eat'ug i" "I have just polished off «i; American millionaire." "Good heavens I No wonder yoa are ill. I've told you repeatedly to beware- of anything rich." Hed. tfrak. W'earr. "Walerr Eye*. Relieved By ilurine Kj'e Remedy. Try Murine For Tour Eye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 50c At Your Drugrtrists. Write For Eye Books. Free. Murine Eye KemeUy Co., Torunto. In the sailor's family the father IS the mainstay and the mother the spanker. Are you a sufferer with corns? If you are, get a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It has never been known to fail. If every hoosekeeper would use Wilson's Fly Pads freely during the Summer mouths the bou^e fly peril would soon be a thing of the past. When a young man is handed his college diploma he knows every- thing there is to know â€" except how to earn a living. DIST.\NCE OF BIRD'S FLIGHT. The ruby-throated hummiugbird passes over a distance of 2,000 miles twice a year. The hooded crow, or- dinarily a sluggish bird, hurls it- self through the air at the rate of 108 miles an hour. The northern bluethroat, a hopping bird, flies lOS miles an hour in migration. There can be a difference of opin- ion on most subjects, but there is only one opinion as to the reliabil- ity of Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator. It is safe, sure and effec- tual- Kindly mention the- name of this pcper in writing to advertisers. THOROrGHV.Y PREPARED. At a religious service in Scotland the late Lord Kelviu noticed a youngster accompanying his grand- parents and sitting wise as a young <iwl through the sermon. At the close of service Lord Kel- vin congratulated the grandfather upon the excellence of the young man's behavior. •"Och, aye, " returned the veter- an, "Duncan's weel threatened afore he gangs in." Teacherâ€" "Johnny, what is a hypocrtte !" Johnnyâ€" "A boy that comes to school with a smile on his face. " "I erâ€" er want to ask you. sir, foi your â€" erâ€" er â€" daughter's hand, sir," said a bashful suitor to his beloved one's parent. "Well," re- sponded the father. "I'm not dis- posing of her in sections, but I'm willing to listen to any proposi- tion involving all of her, sir!" People don't use broo:ns when they make sweeping assertions. EDUCATIOWAL \rOU HEEOMT 00 aWAT raOM HO«i to g«t mji AU ucxtlon. Wt to tcb yeu in *oa| 9p.ir« tint*. Boakkwpinx, Kb <rttuiid, Trp^ whllBje, Arithmetic, CoamaoMAl Law, Bir^ineM Corraipundence, il,itricuiati n. T«jx:b«rs' Carti* riratM. IVeinner'a Counw, Staam Hn^ia'yring^ Met-bantcAl Urawlnc. .>torlt EaiainK, Africaliura^ Jourti.ili.-^in. -peci;&l English kikI 100 other C!>U'-s«a. A^k fiT wh It vnii nao.! (.'an.Ktian Co'.-raapoaUaao« I'uCaita. Liinitet Dept. K, Toronto, Can. THE GLAD KDTD. Wedderly â€" "I shed tears to-day while burying my wife's pet poodle." Singletonâ€" "Fond of it. eh?" Wedderly â€" "Ni t any, thank you. I shed tears of joy." .\ Pill for all Seasons. â€" Winter and summer, in any latitude, whe- ther in torrid zone or Arctic tem- perature, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills can bo depended upon to do their work. The dyspeptic will find them a friend always and should carry them with him everywhere. They are made to withstand any climate and are warranted to keep their freshness and strength. They do not grow stale, a quality not possessed iu many pills now on the market. II and 14 PEMBROKE ST. F. H. TorrinKtan, Mus. Bir. ANNUAL CONCERT. MASSEY HALU NOVEMBER 1st. Tickets may be had at the College. AGENTS WANTED. ME.V AND WOMEN DONT BE IDLBâ€" Khow samples of our reliable madi. cinei, euperb toilet preparatione. pni* baking powder, and flaTorinit extracts tA your Dpighbors and forward ihe:r order* to us. Yoa can easily make form ten t0 tweoty-fiTe dollars a week and haT« permanent position. Qoods sell on sisht and repeat orders come fast. Book ""How to Sucreed ' and particulars sent fr«% The H->a!e Supply Co.. Dept. M. Merrill Bo.ldiPK, Toronto. .^^.^.^ A\7 E W.UNT SOW IN ETBEY rNB» f T PEE.--ENTED district a reiiabU aeent to «ell Pelham > Vci-rless fruit ana ornamental trees. Consioer this. Good pa.T weekly. Exrlusive terrilory. Pto*" guaranteed up to erade and deliTored IB eood condition and all the advantages of selling well-known stock. Write now for agen.-v f.T Fall and Winter months, r"' h am Nursery Co.. Toronto. Ont FOR SALE. COMir RECITATION BOOK-Best col- lection published inEnglL^hlanauaMj Ten cents. Arthur Eiee. Granby. Que. SILTEBCLOTH will clean rnor Sil'orware aa4 other ?.>:e m«tal« like raa^-ic. X.i pow.ler of other aiU re-iiireO, the prepared cloth does a;! in a quick. cI«M. h.inrtT wny. Price W cents. >«ad yidna* fur trial aamplo. Ca-iada SUrercloth Co., Toronto. ANOTHEPt. "As I understand it, an X-ray will go straight through a ma-i s head. There is nothing e'ie qu'te so penetrating, is there!" â- "Oh, I d<!n't know. Did you ever hear my daughter sing I" It b an nndisputed fact that one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads has actually killed a bushel of house flies. Fortunatel; no such qoantity can ever be found la a well kept bouse, but whether they ho few or many Wilson's Fly Pads Mill kill them all. Jimmy â€" "Joiinnie is untruthful, or somethin'-' Jamie â€" "Why J" Jimmy â€" '"He told me his grandfa- ther lost a leg or arm in every bat- tle he fought in. an' I asked him how many battles he wuz in, an' he said 'More 'n forty.' " Psrrv DavM' Palnhllier. It» effecU »r« almint iBJtantane.im. Curei cuM. barm and bruliei, [i'akea inte.-naJiy curea cramp*, diarrhiea and (ijMiiterT. AToid lubjtitatet. There li bat on* '•FalakiUer""â€" Perrj Da»l» -lUo. aad 30c Mrs. X. (away from home) â€" "John, did you leave out anything for the cat before you s':arted I Mr, X. (who dislikes the beast) â€" '"Yes; I left a can of condensed niilk on the table, with the can- opener beside it." Regarded as one of the most po- tent compounds ever intrtxluced with which to combat all sununer complaints and inflammation of the bowels. Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial has won for itself a reputation that no other cordial for the purpose can aspire to. For young or old suffering from these complaints it is the best medicine that can be procured. TypEWRITERS Bargain prices, $15 to $65, {all makes) taken in exchange Icr Mcdcl 10 and i| Remingtons. Many of these machines show little u-e. Romlngton Tjpewrltsr Companr, Ll.-nltsdk .4* B.W bfREEr. 10P.OS10. FCATHER DYEING Claanlni «aii Curilnf tnd Kid Glana clnoad Th«a( eu k< Mnt bj POM, U ixr m. li. i,«»t pUc» is BSmSH AMERICAN DYEING CO. KOXTKXAU Turkey H Feathers CAM BE QUICKLY TURNED INTO CASH WRIIE H. W. Nelson k Co., Torenfo, O.if. WARM FEET AT 40 BELOW Isn't t:iIs Just What Vou Have Been Wanting? Wall Tr; Our Grained Leather Giogs t C: BUfKLK) I UNCO wrm "nticx cosy fclt. Men's or Women's These <>'e'-rnt.>i Woed-Soled B>ats are tae Warmest Footwear you cao p-it ou. I TMOJSANU ar mTIMONUVJ. i Also im:'"r!tf.l ili.-eot fi\jiu tiie Oiil Toontry I aon's Scotch Haao-KNiTTEO Seeks ! 3 pair encloaeU in parcel to.- $1,00. Only from The Scottish Who!esale Specialty Co., i 13* Priacess Block. Winnipeg. "Wiiat did Jinx say at the ban- quet last night ,'" "Nothing." ""Why, he told me he made a speech !'â- ' "So he did.'' Kiodly mention the name of this paper in writing to advertisers. Do You Realise the Danger of a Don't judge a man by his clothes. It may be his tailor's fault. And the butcher plays for big steaks. DEATH OFTEN LURKS IN A CUT. V /• S*nd far trt* MmpU t* 0*pt. W. L., Na- tlMMl Or«t A ObMBlMl 0«w, TtrMla, y^ "WOM see this donger illustrated in the case of Mr. W. C. Edwards, a well-known Friendly Society leader, of Peter Street, Toronto. He cut one of his fingers with a piece of glass, and instead of applymg 2^am-Buk to prevent blood poison and to heal it. he neglected the cut, and blood poison followed. He says: "The blood- I oison from the finger spread up nvy hand and arnv and caused vikc terrible agony. After two months' treatment th3 doctor said there was no cure, and amputation would have to take placs if I intended to save my arm. I left that doctor and consulted another. After a few weeks' treatment, he also told me that operation would be necessary. He said the bone had become diseased and the finger would have to b« opened so that the bone could be scraped. I went sway to consider when I would have the operation performed wi ir et a fi-land who advised raa to t-> Zam-Buk. " That night I bathed the wound and put. on somo Zam-Buk. 1 ;;ct a litt e x!«cp for tho first tloM for many nishts. In the morAiivg tb; wound began to hJced ir.stcad c-f the foul <IU- chars<nj as in the post. This was a beahhy sign so 1 went on with the Zjm-Buk. WeU. to ouC a long story short, in a few days I put away the siing, and in a few wes.Vs the finscr wa$ healel conp'eteiy. To-day that. Anger is as sound as a bell and I owe it to Zasi-Buk. I spent, over X20 in doct.ors fees and when I thinli how Zar.!-Buk at, SJch a trifling cosC saved me irom aaputatioa WHAT ZAM>B*JK CURES* 1 am very 3rat«ful for the halm I can tcU you." Zsm-Bnk curc^ ont», bums, »p^a!a^ ftsterinf «orc».Mlc«r». »>'«1H», l.l,>o.l-p.iiso'iing. eczema, ha^i Irg, (lwease.1 -.nkle«. ^l'rl!MlllJ!K>^v^ ritufwrnn. col^?<^acI.^ â- +a['pcl liamfs ^.•^â- ,ilhl:^lI!^ and a'tolhcr fkin diva-ics HH.i ;ii.<urir«. All dni,iir«:< »n<l stores Mfl! at Wo. Vo\. 3 for $1 â- -»."> or v.-<t frv-o frv.rn Za.ii-'Ru's Co, Trror!(\ for jMioe. Kef uaa anything oiI«r«<l "just â- KaaaHEaBHBHBBBa