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Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1909, p. 8

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THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE October 7 J0«j9 P«om»,"h troiihli' In hut ii innWoin of. nnJ no! In »-«•,( u tru.' d;s.*sf. \\> tliliik o( Drsju-psia, i l|i.:ftti!ra. «nt1 In>li;v>t*oii as real (INiJws. yvi | SVrr*.' ficknc-s* â€" noihlair i i^p- It ««!i this (art Ilu.t lir'trrirrpotlylpdrr. Rho<jp In tl !• c. .-.lioii r! tl.ut rioii vi ry iiiiiular Stnmafh ' Ki iiwdyâ€" r>r. Shotiij's Kiftniutlvi-. (ioing illrwt ' to thi' ^romach ntrvi-*. aluat- bftv-rirht that s«ro*sj • rti favor to f>r. Hh(><>i.iin(! his Ri-^ton»iivi'. Witb- <.';:: ll.ut original and lilithiv vita! iitii.i Ip!.'. no ait'-h lB*UnirBrr'imi>il?hnn-ni.- w< nM-vt-rto Ia- had. Ffir vioniach ili»trcM. bUMtlfng, bllluiibnii's, t*ad frratS ami itlUxv romiili Ainu, try Dr. f^hmi^'i h»;orullv<?â€" Tabl'U or Llnuldâ€" aud «eo (or your. H'U Htiat It ran ar.J will du. >Vu uU aud cheeT' tuWj tcmmcicod Dr. Shoop's I Restorative "ALL DEALERS" IHTIMII Carefully Corrected Eacli Week tjAti 34 to ;io Peas 75 lo 78 Barley 4b tn 50 Hay 10 00 to 11 00 IJuttcr 17 to 19 Eagfi, fresh 23 '.o 23 Putatoetper bag 50 to 50 10 to 10 Ducks 10 to 10 Cliickans 8 to 10 Turkeys U to 14 \Vo.jI 20 to 22 Fme Care Fine Hair It's fine care that makes fine hair! Use Ayer's Hair Vl^or, new Itnprovcd fonnula, sys- tematically, conscientiously, and you will get results. We know it stops failing hair, cures dandf^ff, and is a most elegant dressing. Entirely new. New bottle. New contents. Data nol change ihe color of the hair. A xjers Tormola wnti_e«eh bottla • 8b<nr it to yno* Aakhlmabvatit, tiiaa do >a ha aa/a Honor Rolls. Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our new improved formula, is the latest, most sdentiBc, and in every way the very best hair preparation ever placed upon the market. For fallinc hair and dandraff it Is tbe one great medicine. w ststu itii T r ij-frr â€" I " " I â-  NcM/^ Readers FOR Public School AT RICHARDSON'S , Flesherton. Individual Instruction I» a siieciiil fciiture ;it the ( )wun Sound Studentj) enter .it any time. BuKinesN, Shorthand, and PiejMinitoiy Courses. Worthy students aiwwted to ixwitionH. Infornwtion free. Education that Pays What the aveiaije young man and woDian of to-day wantH ii an education that will increuKe his or her oppor- tunities for success in life. The thorough curies in HuNinefs, Short-^ hand aud Typewriting of the Collingwood Business College Furnish the equipment. Write for free Catalogue. Students may enter at any time. T. E. H.WVKINS. PRNCIPAL Collimwood, Ont. C. A. Fleming Principal IHABVEY rERIOOE, broker, Pletlierton. General brokeraiju buslnofis. Imurance of every kind placed in aafe and liberal coiu|>auicii. Heal eatate etc.. Open accounts aud I<i>Ht due notes bandlbd and money advanced tboreon, i;.^rrea|>oodeac« aoUciMd. Medical DU CARTER M C P & H Ont. Phyilclan, Bnrijeon, e Office and residenceâ€" Peter at^Flleaharton_ JP OTTEWKbl. Veterinary Surgeon „ „ . Oradaata of Ontario Veterinary Collega. rerideuce â€" asoond door aoutli ""^."S Jtary itrect. ThU itreet ram aouth Preiibvterlan t'liorcli, WlLhO.S, hlackujitli I~ Urailiiato of lie Veterinary Bclence Aminolatlon HenldHUco, Durham itreet, op o«lte llovd. Hl''kllmi« liardware. J)ENT1STRY ; Dr. B. C. MURK A V Ii. .â- ). 8, donul unrseon 1 liouoiitraduate of Toronto Uulvpr«ity and Koyal Colleifo of Dental Huri<oon» of Ontario, Uaa adniininliileiod for teeth cXt/actlon Oin<!a at redence, Toronto Htreef Fletherto n '~ Societies Ac U W nieeta Ol. the laat Uouday : 10 each luoutb, in their loage room I Norrle' block. Fleaberton, at 8 p.m. M. W.,| Mile* TUiattothwalte; Koo., C. H. Munshawji -Kin., W.jTBel.amy. VUltioR bretbrco Itvitad PBINCB ARTHUR LODOK, No. XS.3, A r & A U. loeeta In the Maaonlohall. Arm- •»ronK« Hall Flesherton. every .»'f'''»y.9» or boYore the full iiiocn. Tboa. DIakely.W.M.; Herb.Suiltb, Hetretary. COURT FLESHERTON, 00.^, I. 0. F. ireeta In Clayton • Hlook the la«t \Vedne«dav nvonltis ..f each month. VlnltiuR Fore»ter« hoartlly welcome. H. K., Dvw.n; H. H., T. Henry; | Fin. Hcc, C. N. llichardion. ., . .1 Plo»«« pay diioa to Fin. Boo. before the flrat day of the month. SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The largehl and hest stock of Furniture ever shown in Fle.sherton. This «ith<;ut fear of c<pn- trndiction. Come and see some of the nice things in Side Poaids, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bod Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton Business Cards WALTER L0UCK8 Ituil der and Contractor For Hrlck, Htono and frame rf»ldeDCe«. Es- tlninlos cLuorlully luri'lkbed, Heeherlou P o Untariu. UCULLOUGH & YOUSQ wl Hankcra Markdale ^0 a general banking buBinufia. Money loaned at reaHOuablo rati-ii Call on us. nHOBEN FHIENnB-Flenherton t'onncll of W Choten Frlnnda meeta in Clayton'e hall rtrat and third Wodnoadev of each month H p. m Pay a»»««»inentii to the Ile.-order on or before tee flrat day of each month. Clilof Councillor T. lllakelev;Reoorilor. W. H. Hunt. Lecal Wn.WBlOIlT. Harrl»tor. Kolicitor, Convey- ancer, eU'.,â€" Owan Hound, and Fleihorton, N »â€" Fleahertoii otBco, Hproulo'a Illook ovory Saturday RUDD MATHKWB, Markdale, Iiloon«od< kUfi'.loneer for the county of flroy, Oood â- arvics at rnnacnable ratoi>. Uatea can bo made at The Advance. ' 10 TOHIHLETT, • Poatmaatur, Ceylon. Cotniniaaloner In H, C. J , Conveyancer, dccda, iiiortKBUeH, leaHOK, willa etc. carefully drawn up Jolluctious ijia^l?. chargun rcaaonable. AIho gruceritia. Hour, teed etc. kept in block, Pricea right. RJ HPROUl.fc) Podtmaater, Fleaherton ooniintaalonor in H.U J., Auctioneer vayanoor. Appraiser aud Money Lende Heal Eatate and hiauranco Agent. Dcert tnortgagoH, loaaea and willa carefully drawn up anil valuationa made on ahurteat uctice money to loan at loweat rates of intcrnat.'Col. loctioiia attoiided to witli prninptncas chargoH low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Hlaauiahip Company. A call aolioitcd. DMcl'HAir., r.lccnaeil Auc'-innoor fni tht> • ('ounty of Orev. ToniiH inoflerate and satiafaction gnarantood. The an-ang<imonta and dates of anlna can he made a^ TfiK Advani^k olllco. UuHidunce aud P.U., Ceylon, Teluphoiia connection. Doc. 11.07. WM. KAITTINO, Licensed Auctioneer for till) couniioH of tirey ami HItncoe. Farm aud Htm'k sales a Hpeoialty. TerniH niMiluralo. satiafaotioii gnnrantted. Arrangi'- inentH for dalea may be made at the Advunre office, or A! T. Mutcblnaon's atore, teverHham by addrt'Hslng nio at Fiu'crHlift?n. Ont. Portl-iw achool report, S. S. No. 8, Artuuiesia fur September. : Sr. 4â€" E. Jackson, F. Taylor. I Jr. 4â€" Viola CjriiKi-ld, Glidys White, Vina Watson, Lawrence Lyons. I ;iid classâ€" Edna WiUinson, .4nnie Fisher, Li!likn McKeiizie. I Class 2-Alela Lyons, Millie Wyite, Harold Thomptoii, Albeit Wilkinson. 1 Pt 2â€" Murray Cornfield. ;.Roy White, ! Annie Udell, Harry Thompson, I Sr. 1 â€" Sadie [Sliier, Georgo Blakely, Florence B'tdfjerow, Rob. Mclntyre. 1 Ind, 1â€" Violet McNally. Florence While, Lizzie Tliumpsin, Lulu Pedlar. j Jr. 1 â€" Juhnny Shire, Heihie Jackgon, Alice Mclntyre, Harry Udell. Average attendance !U. C, C. Ramaob, teacher. Rfport of Ceylon public school for September. Sr 4â€" H. Gibsoir, L LeKate, ♦J. J. Pattison, *M. Hemphill, E. Chislitt, P. McLeud. Jr4â€" ♦J. Hemphill, F. Rutledge. I Sr 3â€" E. McLeod, *M. Le^'ate. I Jr 3â€" *A, Love, M. LeKaie. R. Rut- ledge, J. McMulleii, S. McL-od. I Sr 2-G. McMullen, P. W^hitney, W. Pattison, (equal). ! Jr. 2 â€" 8. Simpson, BI. Bennett, ♦£. I Dennett. I Sr pt 2- -♦Susie McClocUin. I Jrpt2-»P. Hemphill. E. McMullen, I G. Whitney, »a. Rutledge. I Pt 1-J, C. Lochlan, *G. McClocklin, (ffjual.) Class Aâ€" J. Adams, A. Bennett, A. McMullen. Those perfect in attendance for the month are marked *. P.McGkeo.-jr, Teacher, The followini( is the honor roll for the senior room, Flesherton public school, September: Sr 4-W. Wilson, E. Richards n, W â-  Henry. Jr 4-L. Bun», I. Mitchell, L Wilson. Sr 3â€" V. Loucks, V. Hustle, L. Truc- : man. J. 3â€" E. Karstedt, R. McAuley. L. Thompson. Sr 3-M. Wright, G. Fatten, L. Blakelcy. BEST HPELLCIUS 4â€" Lilli-in Bunt. Jr 3â€" Georgo Stewart. Jr 3 â€" Leone Thompson, Sr 2â€" Roy Lewr. Miss CaiDLEY, Teacher. Report uf S. S. No. 17, Artemesia, for the inou'.ha of September. The names in order of irerit. Class 4 srâ€" E. Russol, E. White jr., L. Fisher, R. Belts. Class 3-B While, A. Pedlar, A, M, Genoe, II. Botts, W. Smith. Class 2 srâ€" V. Smith, A. Poitcous, L, Atkinson, Cla.ss2 jr-L. Partridge, S. White. Pt2- 1. Smith, P. Porteous, F. BelU, J. Mirluii, C, StaSoid. Pt I srâ€" 11. I'ortecus, L. Fisher. Jr pt 1â€" C. Partridye, H. Nusbitt. A viirugo attendance for Aug. 15, for September 17. L. Maikmknt, Teacher, " THE DIA MOND ' CUnER. His Skill Has Much to Do With th« Brilliancy of th« Gem. When tbe expert looks at a diamond be con tell you in a moment where It came from and even whctber It was cut lately or some years ago. He knows by Its color whence It comes, for tbe color of tbe Brnztliau diamond differs frona ttiftt of tt« South African, and even In South Africa different col- ors are found In different mines. In the rough tbe diamond has little brilliancy, for there Is a crust that must be cut away l)efore It can proj)- erly refract tbe light, and It la tbls power of refraction which makes tbe brilliancy of a diamond and has ev- erything to do with Its value In tbe market The skill of tbe diamond cut- ter baa much to do with bringing out this brilliancy. He must do the most he can with the rough stone before him and lose as little as possible of tbe precious weight In tbe stone. Diamonds are found In all kinds of queer shapes, for tbe carbon may be in any position while being crystalliz- ed, and the act of crystallization may affect only parts of that carbon. When tbe expert cutter has a rough diamond before him be JtMges almost Instantly bow It will cut to tbe greatest ad- vantage. If It Inclines to tbe pear shape he will make a pear shaped dia- mond of It If It be square or round tbe cutting will folow the natural lines as closely as possible, so that tbe loss may be reduced to a minimum. To make the stone as brilllont as possible the diamond cutter cuts many facets so as to refract tbe light fi^m as many points as be can. A full rut brilliant has at least forty-eight facets, and so expert are the cutters that they often cut diamonds so small that It re^ qtilres a hundred to weigh a carat Each has forty-eight facets. Dog poisoning of an expensive kind took pliico ill Ml. FoioBt recently when \ \S . W. Lewis' prize St. Bernard wliicli ' took two 2iids ai.d a 3id at Toronto and Ist and 2nd at Ottawa with Mr. Luxtoii's j exhibit nan poisoned in his owner's yard two days after its return home. A valu- able cnllio of Mr, Luxtoii's was also poisoned the same day. NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILBTATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE.ACED MEN. th,' \lcilrrincif i.arly Indiwri'llnns and liitiinx. ivlio am failuri'a in liti' y.m arc tlio onoHHo can ri'stoio to nianlioo<l and revive the apnrk nf i-m Iffy and vltnllty. iJun't rIvm up in dcapnir iH-cmiHe yon have treated wHIi other diii'tois, ir»d olcctrio belta end tried variouM driiK store noiitriinis. fliir New Method Treatment liai snatched lnindri.< Ihe hilnk of despair, hi\a re- Ktored Impplni'SH to hundreds of liduiea and has made aurcessful men of those wlio were •ilowii mid mit." We prescribe Hpecidc rem- pdlea for each Individual ease acoordliig to the ayinptonia and coinplicatlous wo have no patent niedlelnca. Thia Is one of I ho secrets of imr wontlerful Huotu'ss as our treatment can* not fail, for we preaerilio reniedli-s ailapteil to MM-li IndlvlilunI ease Only e\irnblii eaaen ii<v cfpte<l. We hava done businosa ihrouihoul CsLOada (or evar 20 Yean. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY nrinrn Are von a vlellm! Ilavo you lo«t nCAULn h<>|>o? Are vmii Iritemlini; to niarryf IfiiH your hliMxl bwn dlHi.ftsed" Have yon any weaknesHl' Our Naw Malhod TraalmanI will onre yon. Wluit It bus dune for others It will do for you. Conaullalion Fraa. No matter who baa treated yon, urite for an honest npiidnn Fraa of Chart*. Books Fraaâ€" "lloyhoo.l, ManhtKid. Katliurhooil." Ulhisirat- cU) uu Dlsetuiea uf .Mod. \ NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No names on boxes or anral- M- Evarrtitinc ConfidantiaJ. QuaiUon Ual and Coal o( Troalmant FREE FOR HOME DmKENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Oriswoid St., Detroit, Mich. HE WAN TED A PARROT. The Ute to Which the Old Man Would Put the Green Bird. We are all striving for two thingsâ€" success and happiness. To get these many of us are struggling for a third â€"fortune. In striving to attain our desires many of us need a green par- rot In a little town In Iowa, in the midst of a great stretch of timber and meadow, n man built a castle. Some- thing over (26,000 bo spent In buUdbig a home. It was Qnlahcd within with the finest jkoUsbed woods. The founda- tion was of brownstone, the windows of French plate, and every dctaU was ,carrled out In the best manner. Uo had grown to be an old man. He had alwaya lived In a modest cottage of Blx rooniB. This mansion had fifteen. On one side there was a magnificent! Btone arch over the paved drive that led up to tbe house. Uo had Just com.- pleted showing a friend over the place and reached this point when thd Visitor exclaimed: "Well, John, yon ought to be happy. This la a magnificent home. Here la everything one could wish for." "Waal," replied the old man, who) waa a cattle buyer, "a fellow always wanta something ehw." "What on earth could you want?" was tbe query. "A green parrot to bans tip tbar Id the drive." "Wby a green parrot f* "So every morning aforo I drlre out ha woald ny, 'John, yoa'ra a dan) tooL'" .. wj,^ SARATO GA'S S PRINGS. The Water Was First Used by the In- dians as a "Cure." The Saratoga Springs "cure" ante- dated tbe settlement of this commu- nity by tbe white man, when tbe High Rock spring was only a bubbling sprlnglet. drunk at first by the Indians as a fresh water spring. Finding that their health was Improved by the wa- ter, they bethought them that It must have medicinal qualities, and from that tltne all sick Indians were branght to nigh Rock spring for the healing of their Ills. The "outward and visi- ble sign" that Impressed the red men was the deposit of the salts of the water about tbe spring In the form of a cone, called tufa, which atlll exists and from which It received its name and through and over which tbe water bubbles to this day. In 1800 tbe Congress spring was dis- covered and became renowned the world over as a saline cathartic. This, combined with the sulphurous iron water of the Putnam spring, made Saratoga Springs famous as the lend- ing health resort of the Cnlted States. Tbe remainder of tbe thirty-five mln- eral springs were discovered from time to time, and all have a wide therapeu- tic application In the treatment of al- most all chronic diseases and are di- vided Into four groups according to their component parts. These groups are: First, sodlc, raurlated, alkaline, saline, cathartic; second, sodlc, calcic, muriated, alkaline saline; third, cha- lybeate; fourth, sulphur. â€" National Magazine. PUMPS ! We are ai'oiits for ^â- evc^al of t!ie V-Oft linos of putiu)s inchic'.inu the Aylnier intinps which you nhotiM soo before imrcliasinf,'. We enn .'iu|iiily and jiut in pumps in the shoriost notice and all yi ods and workmanship fully CuaranUcd. Sec us before buyin}" elsewhere XORRIS BR()S.,TinMnitlis, Flisherton. WHAT every cook should know is, which wheat makes the best flour, and why. Winter wheat is put into the ground in the fall, but does not ripen until the following July. It matures slowly, is soft aiid very starchy. Spring wheat is sown in April or May, and ripens in August. It's a flinty, trans! jcent wheat, rich in gluten and contains nearly twice as much nutriment as winter wheat. \ Royal Household Floiir is made entirely from the hard, nutri- tious spring wheat, carefully selected from all the wheat of this kind grown in Canada. Royal Household is fine, Ifght and pure â€" milled by the most improved methods â€" in a mill as clean as your own kitchen. Ask your grocer for Ogilvie's Royal Household â€" just enough to try. You won't mind the slight advance in cost when you see the results in your bread and pastry. 21 OgOvie Hour Hills Co.. Uadted. MMtreaL Our Clubbing List Tli>i followiiis; ptioi'H nru for strictly paiil in a. lvalue subsci ipiiops only. We have no accimiits with other papeis. Xdvancn nnd Toronto World, diily S :» (X) Toronto Dally News 2 !10 Weelvly Globe .1 80 Mail-Empire , . , . ...... 1h Family Herald & Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Fiirmcr Sun 1 80 Farmers .\>. .oaite 2 2.t Weekly Wii.iesF 1 To Sutiii-dayNit;ht 2 55 Scottish Pride 66274 Tho yciniK bull fr'tottiHij IMhlo will stand fov oi'vicu at Mi*. K. W. Nlcliolfdnn, lot .'i7, coi). ."S, \vtuniUHia. Koottisli piiiU^ Ih tth*e>l by KoottiRh I'rlnci*. a Ktandfon c f tliu wondorfnl t>l)ow cow (iKiii of Itotlacbiii, Imp., whiuurof pi^lit piiisui lit Totuiit.t and lAiiidun.butiUluH beliiK eliaiiip* ion feiiia1». Sliu wrif;liH ov^v 1^^ junni(f», Ono of tliU cowH calvoa aoKl fur dlTTA.OO. Hcottleli inido i» out of Lady Itetla by the Toronto Avftt prt/.e winner. (.'aptAtn May Fly, hill) i!HH&H. yoiuiK bull litis provo liim- Nbli a Hltowbull luivhifj gained an onootivauluK record tbla (all at K<wurttbaui. He won ttrat pri/.e as boat bull calf, aino diidonia (or boBt bull any ajje. TboHo imvinc luno inid cow- liould 606 tbta Krand bntl btnoto brotdJuK as Norn's Bros., Hardware & Tinsmiths No* is the time t<> repair that roof. There are a j^ood many reeis^ms why you should use Paroid Rooting. Call and let us explain â€" nnd quote prices. We havR just luide 3 dozen e.ich of 10 and 14 quait paiLi. These are htud-niaue out of f;ood t^uality tin, and we aell thetn just its chevp as tho rtitnsy factory paiUâ€" 10 qts at; 15o each, 14 qta at 20c each. Our stock of Tinware and Oraniteware is most complete. Our prices are Right, Duck shooting is notir in full stvins; and we are prepared with a com- plete sloclt of empty shells, loaded shells, both black and eniokeless powder, in all sizes uf shut. Also wads, buckshot, p()wdcr,primeis,etc. When in ni-ed of any kinl of shelf or heavy hattlwaro don't fail to exiiiiiiie the <|Uality of our K'^odj, and to net our pricea. If it i>i eavo trout;hs, roof, furnace, luth-ruoin fLVturc*, pumps or sinks you will do well to i(et our pri'ies before buyintc. Norris Bros. Flesherton ••••••• ♦;. .:::• • ••{••••••• ^3-9* e' ••••••••••• ^kw««< ii S^^* tPattisorij Cet/ionj Ont^ ?i zi >^lereha.nt. â- .•• ..t« ..•a •••• Jubt arrived â€" a complete atid up-to-dato stock of Ladies' and Misses Fall and Winter Coats. I secured at a bij; reduction, imd it wi:l [ay you to inspect thorn before buying elsewhere. Wo also have a nice range of Fall DrtKs Giwds in tho very latest shades. Ask to see our Ileathfrblootn ami Moiretto Uuderskirta at about half theii regular price. Wo have secured tho agency for the Poabody's Smocks aud Overalls- just the thing t) wear well and look well. Uno tiial will convince you that there is nothing better in thin line. •••• .... ^cis. Pattison * (5eiflon UB •••• ••.. •••♦ ••« «!*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••â- #•• •••••••••••â- tsr .••;.;..}<.{^1. I].. ..,...{ .•••>t?<?!tt??t!t;!*ttt!t!!!S:!:!!||(!;!!tt I! !••;!***; Eye Strain Belies Character. I • tliev ratiiiotdo t)ottortt)aii ukh him. iiiiiiibi'r of KiailiiK will l>u talieiiat pure bruits. ^t.OO A liiiiiti'V Sl;aj;l''or ROYAL PURPLE Stock and Poultry Specifics Wo have laid in a sttjck of Ihe above upecilics. The Stock Specific is a valuable aH."ot where all stock is concerned. It will k(<ep the HU>ck in good cotidition. The Poultry S|>ooiho will make the hens lay in the winter. Fully guaranteed or mimey refunded. On Sale at Wright's Grocery FLESHERTON Defective sight produces unnatural expres- sion. Perpetual frowns caused bj an effort to see better often belli [;*> character. We are experts In fitting glasses that make facial distortions unnecessary. W. A. Armstrong:, Jeweler & Optician FLESHESRTOMT • Bui! and Boar for Service TliorouKbbred Hull froin iiupoitediitook alto Taiiiwortti Hoar for service ou lot 151, T; A 8 H., Arieiuesia. og f^xyl JOHN ADAMS, ProiJt Came Astray CjTK.WKU to tbe iiromiscs of the utidersicued •J ou or about June Kith, one yearllsR bulU Owtiei' can have tlie Kaiuo by proving i>ropert» W, H. CONN Lot la, ecu, 0, Osiirey Feversha* H a V Thompson's Bakery Y c o T u r Havitig secured Mr. E Arm- str.mK t)f Poterboro, a first class baker, wo are prcpired to turn out the lie-st of every, thing in our line, ' • e d 1 Freah llrCMcl nlwajr* on hHUcl A^rl^t solicited.' Ed.Thompson, Flesherton. ,A'»

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