a. 1 fth MINERS WOIINDED BY POLICE Seven Men Wounded by Company's Police in Glace Bay Strike Fracas. 'A despaUh from Glace Bay, N. 8., Rays : Seven nw^n were struck by bullets on \Ve<lnes<lay after- noon first! from revolvers in the hands of the coal company's po'.ice. None of them were seriously hurt, two of them being struck in the leg and another man having a por- tion of one of his ears shot off. The row started over some men who were stealing coal from one cf the little seams which have been openred up by strikers since the la- bor troubles. A_ little to the east- ward of No. 2 mine is the sea!»hor6 and along the cliffs facing the sea appear small seams of the coal. These are of little economic value end have never been worked. The land is included in the Dominion Coal TiJiTTpa-cv's leases and ths of- ficials of the company have been fcrbi<Iden the digging of coal from these seams. We<Inesday afternoon it was dis- covered that two boys were tak- ing coal from the cliff and there- upon Xorman McKenzie, accom- panied by M. McAdam and three other policemen of the coal com- pany, each armed with a revolver, procee<led to the cliff to arrest the amateur miners. While in the act of arresting them a crowd gather- ed and commenced jeering the po- lice. They ordered the crowd to disperse, but the orders were not piomptly obeyed. The police drew their revolvers and fired first in the ail and then into the crowd. The wounded men were arre&ted and placed in jail on a charge of ''un- lawful assembly" and warrants have been issued for the arrest of the men who used their revolvers. The police say the crowd threw stones before they used their pis- tols, but the men of the crowd say not a stone was thrown until th© revolver shots were fired. STRANGLED 1^ A TOWEL. Tbroe- year-old Boy Found Dead by Hi.s Mother. A despatch from Gait says : The little three-year-i.ld son of Mr. and Mrs. David Hastings, North Water street, strangled himself on Thurs- day morning in the kitchen while hi3 naother was working in the next room. He had been playing with the roller towel, and it is supposed becoming enmeshed in it, was un- able to extricate* hi.mself. The lit- tle fellow made no outcry, and his mother had no intimation of the accident until she had occasion t-o visit the kitchen, when she was hor- rified to find her son entangled in the towel and suspended in it. Drs. Wardlaw and Charlton were at once summoned and every known jnethi>d of resuscitation was tried, but w ithout effect- Life was appar- ently extinct when the mother made her discovery. A LONG SERir.S OF THEFTS. J. C Ross Stoic From Many Hotels in Various Places. .\ despatch from Toronto says: A remarkable series of thefts were admitted to have been committed by John George Ross in the Police Court, on Wednestlay. Ross was arraigned on five charges of theft from local hotels, and to all he pleaded guilty and elected to be tried by Colonel Denison. The charges were of stealing suit cases filled with clothes and other ar- ticles. The case was remanded for h week to allow the police time to make investigations. His descrip- tion and finger prints have been «ent to several cities in the United States where it is bel'e^ed that he is wanted. BEATEN AND ROBBED. Montreal Man Claims to Have Lost $IM0 »nd Diamond. A despatch from Montreal says : Beaten into ir.sensibility and rob- bed of 81,000 in cash, and a dia- mond ring valued at $450, was the story told in the Arraignment Court on Thursday by Mr. Charles Cedarstrura. manager for Bloom- field Brothers, wholesale merch- ants, who appeared to press the charge against Joseph Leblanc, a cabman, who was arrested on Wed- nesday night on suspicion. His story W3S that after taking the cab he was driven into an unfrequent- ed part of the city, and assaulted and robbed. The accused was re- manded. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS BAPfEXINCS FEOM ALL OTEB tug: GLOBE. Trlecriitiile Briefs From Oar Owa Md Other Countries •! Eeteat Eienta. CANADA. Hon. J. J. Curran of Montreal died on Friday. James Stoddart of Winnipeg was shot and killed while hunting prair- i*! chickens. Miss Jessie Ballantyne committed suicide at Stratford by taking Paris green, on Friday. Hon. Sydney Fisher proposes to establish a number of new experi- mental farms in the west. Mr. N. A. Rhodes, Vice-President cf Rhodes, Curry & Co., Amherst, N.S., is dead. Mr. William Mackenzie of Toron- to, who is visiting Halifax, sub- scribed $500 to the memorial tow- er. W'alter Blythe. convicted of mur- dering his wife last year, has been granted a new trial by the Court of Appeal. The route of the Canadian Nor- thern Railway via Smith's Falls has been approved by Hon. G. P. Graham. Samuel Polli was sentenced to twelve years in penitentiary at -An- ddver, X. B., on Saturday, for shooting James Orr. Mr. H. H Adams of St. Thomas will succeed Mr. E. Fisher as Gen- eral Superintendent of the Toron- to, Hamilton k Buffalo Railway. Manley Chew's millyard at Mid- land was burned over on Fridav. THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTTFFS. Toronto, Oct. 5. â€" Flourâ€" Ontario BRITISH TARS IS NEWM " Here Come the British ! " Was the Cry of Everybody. A despatch from New York says : perfect alignment of movement One of the pleasant features of ^''re grasped by the crowd. Thursday's military pageant was "Here come the British," every- w heat 90 per cent, patents, $4 to | the hearty interest evidently felt j â-º'ody yelled, and then they all $4.0a in buyers' sacks on tra«k, | by the crowd in the British sail<,rs ] stood up preparatory to giving Toronto, and S3.00 to $3.95 outside i and marines, and the apprecia- 1 King Edwards men just such a re- in buyers' sacks. Manitoba flour, live reception accorded them. From! teption as the King's Australian first patents, $5. eo on track, Toron-i the first to the last, the crowd i subjects tendered the men of tb« to; second patents, $5.10, and strong bakers', $3 on track, Toron- to. found merit a-plenty in these sai- Atlantic fleet in Melbourne a littl« lors here to join in the Hudson-Ful ton celebration, to whom the citv Manitoba wheatâ€" No. 1 Northern ; has been paving special tribute for $1.00;;;, Bay ports, and No. 2 Nor- a week, and did not hesitate to thern at 98};;s, Bay ports. Ontario wheat â€" ^No. 2, 97c out- side. Barley â€" No. 2 55 to 56c outside. and No. 3 extra at 53 to 54c out- side. Oats â€" No. 2 Ontario white, new, 37 to 3Sc outside. New Canada show its appreciation. The crowd was quick to recognize tactical merit and unstinted in approval cf it where found. They cheered the British jicks in their odd-looking straw hats, and the Royal Marine light infantry with the gold globe oii their collars, which tells the Buckwheat â€" 55 to 56c outside. low, Corn â€" No. 2 American ye 75 to 75'/,c on track, Toronto. Branâ€" $1S to $19 outside in bulk for Ontario bran, and $20.50 to $21 for shorts in bulk. COUN'TRY PRODUCE. Apples â€" Wind falls. Si to $1.30 per barrel, and hand-picked apples $2 to $2.75. Bean.s â€" Prime. $2. 25, and hand- o%er a year ago. It was tlis firct time in the memory of the oldest c* those present when a Britiib column of fighting men had parade eJ thrjugh the streets of Ne-x York, The Inflexible's band headed tie Britishers, and well did it sustain itf reputation as one of the finest naval bands on the seven seas. The Britishers got a ajreat recep- tion all along the line, and when the Color-bearers with the Unioo Admiral's pennani West oats. 37;^c, spot. Bay ports, jt^ry of battles and hard service Mack and the t-easâ€" No. 2 new, 7S to 80c out- i^^ ^^.^j.y pg^t of the world. The! passed, the people stood up" in hoa- " p' ._ . well-set-up sailors from the Brit- or of the colors, while the Ameri> ^^ ^°- ^ ^^ *° '^'^ outside. is]j ships in their service uniform jeans and foreign officers who wer* aroused great enthusiasm, the ac- in the stand stood at attention^ claim subsiding only to rise again their right hands at their caps ht as all the details of precision and salute. DOMINION REYENFE. Groat lneroa«e in Customs Receipts for September. A desfpatch from Ottawa says: The customs revenue of the Do- minion for the mouth just ending •hows an increase of no less than thirty-five per cent, over Septem- ber of last year. The total collec- tions were $5,437,458. an increase of $1,409,531. For the six months of the fiscal year the customs revenue totals $28,781,068, an increase of $8,918,350, as compared with the first half of the last fiscal year. FIRED RIFLE .VT WIFE. Frontenao Man Sent to Central Prison for Two Years. A despatch from Kingston says: John Hickey, of Clarendon, charg- ed with aggravated assault and threatening to shoot his wife, was Bentenced on Thurs<Iay to two years in Central Prison. The pri- soner pleadetl guilty to the first charge of assault. The man came h< me drunk and began ill-treating bis wife. He finally fired a rifle at her, the ball passing clost» to her hea<l and entering the wall be- tide the bed. ILL-TBEATMENT ALLEGED. .Mariposa _Farnior Charged With .\busing Home Boys. .\ despatch from Lindsay says : On Thursday morning, before Mag- istrate Mooro. a charge was heard against a Mariposa farmer for as- saulting two Barnardo Home boys, named respectively Albert E. Car- ter, 15 years of age, and John W. Young, S years of age. who were indentured to him. The charge I >«'^'"s has controlled the world s was made by Mr. Chas. H. Blake, outputof pot.ish has broken up Thirteen million feet of lumber was 1 picked, $2.40 to $2. t5 per bushel. | destroyed, and the Il^s is $300,000. | Honey â€" Combs, dozen, $2.25 to Fire that started in Mason & j $3 : extracted, 10c per lb. ' Co. 's grocery at Petcrboro' on Sun- Hayâ€" No. 1 timothy, $15.50 to day, did a lot of damage to the $16 a ton on track here, and No. stock of that and adjoining stores. " at $14 to $14.50. A head-on collision near Banning, Straw â€" .$9 to 89 50. on the C. N. R., on Saturday, re- PoUtoesâ€" 55 to 60c per bag on suited in the death of Fireman ' track for Ontario, and 75c for New Wo<->dcock and Brakeman Lock- j Brunswick, hart. Poultry â€" Chickens, dressed, 12 Chief Justice Meredith dismissed ' tf He per lb. ; fowl. 11 to 13c ; tur the suit of Morris against Hamil- prime picked cattle sold at $6, but the general average for straight loads of good butchers' was from $4.85 to $5.23. Good butcher cows were strong. Milkers and spring- ers were in steady demand and sold well, as high as $o9 being paid for a few extra choice cows. Calves â€" DOIBLE TRACK PRAIRIES. C. P. R. Prerident Says It WBl liare to be Done. A despatch from Montreal Eaytf Sir Thomas Shaughaes-sy arrived back in Montreal on Saturday from Steadv and unchange<i. Sheep and ; ,'^''' ^."''"•â- '' ^np of 1 n spec U.)n ore r Lamb^Steady. Hogs-Firmer. ^.I'^.^\ll"^ ?:?'";:?_" .^.Ll^.* >:_?: fob., and Selects quoted at $3 $S.25 fed and watered. JUMPED INTO RIVER. Joseph Gay of Ottawa Takns UU^ Own Life. ton, to restrain the city from en- tering into a contract with the Hydro-el-ectric Power Commission. GREAT BRITAIN. There is an epidemic of influenza in London. The British Government has pur- eha.sea all the Marconi stations on the British coasts. The syndicate which for twenty inspector for the Homes, who af- ter an investigation, took them back to the Home in Toronto. Car- ter, the elder, testified to his hav- ing been assaulted by his master, first striking him with his fists, then hitting him with a wrench. ♦ 550 MILES OF CARS. More Western Wheat Crop Will Than Fill Them. \ despatch from Montreal says: The housing of a record harvest is being provided for by a new eleva- tor record, according to news which has reached Grand Truuk head- quarters. Two hundred and twen- tv new elevators were coustruct- W. T. Stead says there will be ar election in Britain in the next few months, whether the budget is rejected by the Lords or not. Mr. Hennikcr Heaton criticizes the British Postmaster-General se- verely for allowing all the burden of the lower magazine post to be borne by Canada. UNITED STATES. Fear of a Black Hand outrage caused a panic in a New Y'ork school. Four men were killed in a cave- iii in a waterworks tunnel at New Haven. Conn. Eight men were killed in an ex- plosion in a mine at Roslyn, Wash- ington, on Saturday. "The Detroit United Railway has A despatch from Ottawa savs: keys, 17 to 19c per lb.; ducks, U . Joseph Gay of Ottawa. 23 years of age. a clerk in the Marine Depart- ment, and at one time Secretary to Hon. Mr. Brodeur, committed sui- jcide on Thursday morning by jump- â- ing off the interprovincial bridge ' into the Ottawa River. Several 1 men saw him run out half way I across the bridge and leap from the railing into the river, forty feet be- I low. A boat was hastily procure<i and put off to the rescue, but the swift-flowing river bore the body away before the rescuers could I reach it. Mr. Gay returned to has **',^^/*^ office in the Marine Departm.T.t onlv a few days ago after a to 13c. THE DAIRY M.VRKETS. Butterâ€" Pound prints, 20 to 22c ; tubs and large rolls, 18 to 19c ; in- ferior, 17 to 18c; creamery, 25 to 26c, and separator, 22 to 23c per lb Eggs â€" Case lots, 25c per doz. Cheese â€" V2/ic per lb. for large, and at 123.JC for twins. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon â€" Long clear. 15 per lb. in case lots; mess pork $26 ^^Iv a few davs ago after a long t(. $26.50 : short cut, $27.50. holidav in the country north of Ot- Hamsâ€" Light to medium, 16 to tawa, where he went to recover ley^c; do., heavy, 14};; to 15e : rolls, f^^n, ^n illness brought on bv over- 14X to 143<;c ; shoulders, 13V; to jjuj^ jj.. j, supposed that th ed in th© Canadian west during, voluntarily granted its employees the past building season. This gives the prairie ProMnces a total <if 1,700 elevators over the lines of the G. T. R., C. P. R. and C. N. 11 .V western railwayman esti- mates that it would require a train 550 miles long to carry out this sea- son's crop. It broken up into sep- arate trains it would mean 2,423 trains of thirty five cars each. .<i;.->0.0«fl FIRE IN MONTREAL. Prciuises of Cotton and Wool Waste Company. .\ dcspati b from Montreal says : Fire on tVe premises of the Mont- real Cotton and Wool Waste Com- pany on Ctmmon Street on Sun- dav afternoon, resulte<l in a loss of about $.')0.000. The fire is believed to have been caused by spontane- ous combustion. 13'. jc; backs. 18 to 19c; breakfast bacon. 17 to 17''2C, Lard â€" Tierces, 15 to IS'^c ; tubs, 153i to lo}4c; pails, 15 to lo^^c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal. Oct. 5.â€" Oatsâ€" No. 2 Canadian Western. 42!.^ to 43c. Barleyâ€" No. 2, 66 to 67c: Manitoba feed barley. 64 to 6.5c. Buckwheat, 55 to 55*.jC. Flourâ€" Manitoba the s\ii- cide was the result of a recurrence of the malady from which he pre- viously suffered. SUICIDE \T THE FALLS. Unknown Man Juiuped From Bridge lute River. It. sj stem. The trip extended over the whole of the principal line« of the C. P. R. between Montreal and Vancouver, and also over tlM "Soo" line^. and the recently ao> quired Chicago and Great Westers Railway. What he had seen in tii* West had been extremely gratify'- ing to him, he said. There w«r« progress and development every- where, and plenty of new pc-jpl« and new capital were coming In. .\11 the good things that had been said about this year's iiarvest wer« true. Sir Thomas reniarkt^i. Ho believed this year's harvest would bring $120,000,000 of money into the country. '"There has been some talk about the C. P. R. being double -tracked across the prairies. Is there auythin.gr in that V he was asked. "Yes, 1 think that will have to be done eventually,'" he re- plied, "and. double tracking from Winnipeg to Brandon will be th« first step." ARMED BURGLAR CAUtiHT. Floui'u^hod Knife When .Vrrested on Verandah. .\ despatch from Guelph saytf With a knife in his hand, whioH he seemed determined to use, Wil- liam Hendrick. said to be of D^ Itroit, was caught r"d'ianded nk half-pa't one o'c'ock on Friday morning on the varai:dah of the ro- side'ice of J. W. Lyon. j-.ist.4ft«r A despaUh from Niagara Falls, | he had left the house thro:igh Tll» N Y.. says: An unknown man. j window, by constable Gree.iwiy, j tario m-ddlings, $22.50 to $23.50 ; i pnaployes. The body appeared on ; the surface for an instant and then was lost to view. a substantial increase in pay. Theodore Rizzo has confessed to the police of Utica, N. Y., that he , . - . , murdered two children in that city. Manitoba bran, $21 ; Manitoba Manv United States infantrymen hl'orts $23 to $24; pure grain collapsed from exhaustion on a jno»'l<?- ff <" *=^ :'"'-''«' â„¢"»»"^' forced march of forty-three miles ^25 to 3(2 from Port Perry, 0., to Fort Tho- mas, Ky. One of the bandits who robbed \ Spring wheat patents, firsts, $3. .0; about 35 years old, early on Wed- ! ^ search of the burg'ar revealed do., seconds, $5.20; Winter wheat ,ies<Jay jumped from the upper steeU a g^,]^i waU-h, twp valuable rings, patents, $5.50; Manitoba strong arch bridge into the Niagara River ; one set with a diamond, and ^ bakers', $5; straight rollers, $3.25 ;i and was drowned. He was seen to ! other with pearh- a gold piec?, and â- 'â- }â- . in bags, $2.23 to $2^50. Feed ; make the leap by Frank O'Neil, a 'seme change, which the prisoner Ontario bran, $21 to $22; On- j ^-orkman, and by several bridge savs belonss to him, as wcU as » do Cheese â€" Westerns, 11^8 to 11,%'c, and easterns at ll)-. Butterâ€" Finest creamery. to lU^jC. 1/ /I 24/i to 25c. Eggs â€" Selected stock. IIIIIIIONS OUT OF miERALS • 1 Output of Ontario's Mines for Past Six Months Largely Increased. A despatch from Ti>ronto says: The total value of the production of minerals in the Province of On- tario tor the first six months ct 1909 was $10.6!9.923, as again.=t *i>.082,- Siii for a similar peri.HJ last year. There were shipped from the si'i- -vcr mines of Cobalt during the Above perioti )5.;W0 tons of ore, in- cluding concentrates, iis ao;:uns!; !).- 20t) tons in the same period of WW. tl>e incressc in the qimniity of sil- ver coiitents beius abc ul -IS per cent Nitkel i.icraa^id 2ii p-«r cent. in (juaiitity acd pig iron -It ixr ^ cent. Iron ore remained about the same and there was a slight de- crease in copper. The mineral production is divided as follows : Quan tity Value .'\rscnie. tons 1.519 28.^20 GoUl, ininees .. 741 14,011 Silver, ounces .11 .234,382 5,37!t.9.'^0 Cobalt, tons ... 2G3 40. ! 1 7 j Copper, tons . . 3,741 6i9.775 iNickKl. to'is ... 6,027 1,2.U,620 Iron vii'o, tons . . S7,73:J 217.341 1 Pig iron, tons . 2il,.>M 3.i:)7,7,>9 Ziuc 01 e, tous . 200 8,000 the Bank of Nova Scotia at Rainy iSS.'j to 26c River three months aeo has been located in Pittsburg jail and has confessed. The Massachusetts Democratic Slate Convention at Bostondecl.tr- cd iu favor of reciprocity with Ca- nada, and demanded a lower tariff on the necessaries of life. Gifford Pinchot, Chief of the Unite<I States Forestry Bureau, has issued a warning that a huge monopoly i' forming to secure con- trol of all the watcrpower sites of the country. No. I candled at 22 '.^ to 23c, and No. 2 at 16 to 19c per dozen. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, Oct. 5â€" Wheatâ€" Sep- ANNUITIES POPULAR. SuperiAtendont Reports Receipts Already of $280,000. A despatch from Ottawa sars : The superintendent of annuities, Mr. S. T. Bastedo. announces that the receipts on this new branch of the public service have already e-\- eeeded $2SO,000. .-\pplioations con tembcr, SS.'i to D^'^c; December, ^^ ?**'»? '^^l^V^l-^^'l V *!*.t'l."__^*'i, ^ tinue"to"conio'in from' all" parts" of Canada, and the system has al- ready passed beyond the stage of GENERAL. The German Crown Prince ascen- ded in Orvitle Wright's aeroplane at Bei'liu on Saturday. Sp:iin will scud IS.OtXI additional troops to Morocco in an endeavor to bring the war to a close. hard, $1.02'i;; No. I Northern, $1. Or'-„; No. 2 Northern, 99%c : No. 3 Northern, 9a%c. Flourâ€" First pat- ents, $5.20 to $5.30 ; second pat- ents, $5 to $5.10; first clears. .'S4.- 35 to $4.55; second clears, $3.10 tt $3.30. Bran in 100-lb. sacks, $19.50. Chicasio, Oct, 5.â€" Cash wheat â€" No. 2 rtv.1. $1.10 to $1.17; No. 3 red, .Â¥1.09 to $1.14; No. 2 hard, $1.05 to $l.0S',., ; No. 3 hard, $1.- 0! to $1.06'.^; No- 1 Northern, $1,- 05 to $1.09: No. 2 Northern, $1.03 to $1.0*5; No. 3 Spring, $1.00 Ui experiment. veil, some cigars and pen point*, which had been takea from thf Lyon residence. . * FELL FROM A I.VDDER. Siiiter Mary Eiumaniiel killed «l Ottawa. A despatch from Ottawa saytf Sister Mary Emmaniie!, age<I 36 years, of the Convent of the PrecU CUP Bloo<l was killed on Friday ev» ejiing through falling from a lad* der to the fioor of the co'iveni (sanctuary. She was engaged ia washing the ceiling near the altar, when the ia-dd?r slipped. She diea from her injuries an hour later. .\ Sp-Tuish General, three officers $1.0."). Cornâ€" No. 2, 64 to 64;^c and fourteen men were killed in a No, 2 yellow, 04;^ to Qi%c; No. 3 brush with the Moors on Friday. PERISH IN PRAIRIE FIRE. Wife of .\lberta Farmer and Two Children Victims. .\ desp.atch from Stettler. Alta , siys: On We<lue:.day the wife of a firmer named Frauk Grovor, liv- i.ig ten miles south-east of Leo, and her two children lost their lives in a prairie fire. The mother saw the fire approaching her home and set out for a neighbor'.s wit.h the two chiklreu. Katharine and Dorothy, age<l four an*t two years, but was overtaken by the flames. 04 to 64>ic; No. 3 yellow, C4^4c; No. 4, 63V'c. Oatsâ€" No. 2 while, 42''4C ; No. '3 white. 39 to 39' .^jc ; No. 4 white. 36 to 39c; standard, 42.^-4C. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Oct. 5. â€" Prime beeves sold at 5 to 5/ic per lli. : pretty giKul auimal.s, 4 to 5c, and the coni- nuiu sti'ck, 2;i to 3;?4C per lb. Small hard-looking bulls, 2r per lb. ; niii^h cows from $30 to $55 each. Gra.ss- fetl c»lves, 2'.; to 3''- veals, 4 to b\,c I 3''^ to 4c, and la'nl^s, 5 to Sjo-; per lb. GockI loto of fat hogs sold at 8:V, to 9c per lb â- Torouto, Oct. 3.- A tew extra THE NEPT1E_ UmCHED Great Britain's Eighth Dreadnought in the Water. â- .,c. and good r lb. Sheep, A despatch from Portsmouth, England, s:iys : The Neptune, Great Britain's eighth battleship I'f the Dreadnought cla>s, or her i levenCi, includi'ig tiie three battleship crui- sers. Inflexible, Indomitable, and Ii'vincible, was successfully launch- ed here on Thursday, and named by the Duchess of .\lbauy in the pre- sence of a great concourse. Th© hulkhe.ids of this svper Dread- nought are so heavily ar.nored that e.\i>erts consider her practictlly un- sinkable I'V a to; tx '.Im. ly ten feet longer and two feet wid- er than auy <^f her predecessor*. She exceeds the Dreadnought type by 3,270 and the Belleraphon by 1 650 ( nis. She has turbine en- gines of 34.000 indicated horsepow- er, giving a speed of 21 knots an hoi:r. The Neptune has been described as "the la«t word" in battleships. Her ton 12-inch guns will be of tho i:cw fifty-calibre pattern, which has a grc.itcr range and ponctra- Mion th.Ti the 12 inch guns now in The Nciituno w.is fo'umenceil at use, and iu additio'i she will car- l*oi'tsninuth on .Imiiruv S^th of .thi'< ' > ." four-inch g.ins for repel li.\g tor- year. She has a Oispla^omcit of . j^cdo attacks. The .Admiralty coi- 2<1.250 ton..;, lene'.'- 510 feot, aud , ^iilv'-H, her the nn^st p-^^vorfully Uaia So (cot. SU^- is ^oascvi ;• t- ..i:,;cJ veisc! thus far built.