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Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1909, p. 4

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1909 THE F L E S II E K T N A D V A N C E Ws. 1 F. T. HILL & Co., » narkdale NEW FALL STYLES IN LADIES' MANTLES \\c ure showing nuv new iiupurtslioiis in Ladies' Fall iii'l Winter Cimt-<. Our styles for the coniins »i'»a;'ii h.'up » very n-iliy aiiil stylish liioking iiniiojirnncu which nil! go fur t(i iiiiike thia ono of the most successful inHiitlo HURsoi.s wo hive over had, so wlieu you are iiiterestod in l>uyiiij{ that iirtw Fall Mnntltt be sure Jiiid see Iho l>ii; no.k of new Mantles wo »ru shuwing. They will please you and all popularly priced at ?5.50, 810.00, 812.50, 814.00, 815.00 and 810.00. Natty Up=to=date Styles First Showing of Ncw^ Dress Goods Broadcloths Lead Dame Fa.shion for this Season The jjrovailinK stylos for Fall have made liroadcloths more fasliionahle tlian ever, and accordingly we hnvo made heavy jiurchases of these rich, eK'(j;aiit broadcloths. Wo have them in all iho leadinu and popular shades.grcenK, violets, touprs, ureys, navys, liruwns, rods ni.d blacks, and wo are also showinK many other line^, but broidcioths fur Fall lead the prevailint; .stylos. Uptodate Styles in new fall Suits for Men This BesKon we have placed in stock one of the finest ranees of Fancy Worsted Suits now so popular for men's wear. In stylo they have all the laiest ear marks of fashi ;>n. In make ind worknianHhij) they are unexcelled. If you want soniethiiiir natty for your new Fall Suit see the 810.50, 812.50. 814.00, 81.').00 and 810.00 suits we ara showing. They will please you. Wo have the lower priced ones as well. A Big Snap in Pveralls for Men 75c, 85c aud 95c Lines on sale this week for 5Sc. We bought from a nnnuf.icturer a hit; line of cottonade, blue and black denim Ovenlls, mafle from 7, 8 and oz. cloths, which are the heaviest weiuhts used in overalls. They are all well made and the piico fully ouo-thiid less th»i\ you regularly [my. A big saving at per pair .580. *'*^;i !^: ^' /A I i' I ^^:^"^ '^":: '^ '^^, '^:'gg:g^ayg;^yag;^y»g :sf'rPrr n The Flesherton Advance Pablished wcclsiy at it's ofiRce, Colling- wood street, Flesbertoii. Snbscriptiou rates â€" Canada $1.00, Uuitcd BiateE, $1.25. Advertising rates on applica tiou. W. H. Thurston . . Editor The Oldest Postmaster The township of Melancthon claims the .distinction of having a pnstmaacer hold- ing office longer than any other pjUic official in thisoradjoiiiins counties. We 'What wonld the eity newspapers do if it were not for the country weeklies? At this season of the year every country oflice is deluged with requests for reading notices, free locals, or offers of special clubbing rates to boom some city publication that desires to extend its circulation, aud often findd the country weekly willing to give space and time without price as a sort of fraternal benevolence. There are one or two notable exceptions to this importunate class of periodicals, tlio most noteworthy of which is The Farmers' Bun, which pays for ita advertising, and recognizes the injus- tice of a.skiug for free advertising in the country press. There appears to be a mistukcu idea prevalent with metropolitan newspapers that it is iu .some way of financial advantage to the local paper to be allowed a clubbiug rate with the city periodical, but such is not the case. Iu fact, it is a loss of time^v«t^ -distinct nuisance to the .>C5Tiutiy editor, aud is only done by him to oblige his own subscribers. When several hundred subscriptions for other papers have to bo handled the dram on time amounts to a hard- ship, and several newspaper mbu of our acquaintance have seriously con- sidered cutting out all clubbing ofiTers. We have not yet come to that decision but our space will have Iu be paid for when other publications wish to boom their circulation through this medium. ThecaseofBlythc, who killed his wife after a drunken carousal, is up for discussion, and a variety of opinion is being advanced. A new trial has been granted aud the result will doubtless be imprisonmcut for life instead of hanging, to which ho had been sentenced. 1 his will meet with the approbation of very many. Our Uws were not made to satisfy a re- vengeful spirit. Murder, which carries capital punishment as a penalty, is premeditated killing. Murder that is done in the heat of anger is called manslaughter, and the penalty is life imprisonment, Iu Blythu's case it was not shown that he premeditated killing his wife, therefore something less than the extreme penalty would satisfy the law. And after all, life imprison- ment may be worse than hanging. There is little choice between the two. At any rate, those who have been shouting for Blytho's hanging aro really asking for more than the law itself demands. It is all very well to say that a brutal crime of this nature should be punished by hanging, but does not a certain modicum of guilt attach altio to those who perpetuate the liceuso system â€" a system that produces such men as Blythe? Aud where should our punishment come in and to what degree is the system le- spousible ? These are questions that would have to be answered before v.e ^^fer to James Brown, who has been would feel like shouting "hang him" postmaster at Melanethon since the year or hang any other man in a like 1 1854. He was also ono of the earliest position. mail ciirriorg in the county aud is still on duty taking the mail from his office to the C.P.U. station. From Oct. 1, 1854, to Sept. 30, 1859, Mr. Brown carried The trial Peterborough election corao to a sutMen end last week, when'^'^'' Majcty'i mail from Mono Mills to both parties decided not to" ^''"'^^*""''' »'^» "'='» *'^<'''- "^^ ""ver their charges further. It was prob- ably just as well, bccaase the facts missed a trip during the life of his con- tract. Our readers must hear in mind ,. , ,., „ ., I that there were no regular travelled roads which came out did not reflect with;. * .u-, ,:„,„ „,„„„^ „â-  â- . , ..., . at mat time except a blazed j)aih through any degree of brilliancy on either side. I the woods. The offices supplied The evidence so far as it was gone into j Mono centre, Melanethon and Homings did not tend to enhance one's pride in ! Mills. From the latter another currier our political methods, and both sides |»"PI'^'«-"d Osprey, now Maple Valley, and emerged with a piosuinable conscious^ '^'"' ^'*''" **'"''' "°* Singhampton. ness of wrongdoing that should make^^""'^''^'""""^''*'"'"'""* ""•â- ""'°'- "" "'" ,1 • 1 ii ,1 1 -.1 Map. The next oflice called at on the them wiuce when they think upon it. , . ... „ -^ „ ,.,. t. . , north trip by Mr. Brown was Proton, Politics in some quarters, however, i . n i i â-  .• i.^ • â- / 1 , .""»-'i-'. later called IiustiogB. from there maiU seem to deaden all conscientious Vere sent to Pricevillo and Durham. His Bcrnples,ond the Peterborough bribers I next calling place was Artomosia P.O., and bribed probably tiv, to hold,now the villago of Flesherton; then to their heads as high as^e/er. East Glenelg, now M:ukdale. The next office was Holland, now Berkeley, and his trip ended at East Holland, later Maxwell Items known as Johntown and now Chatsworth. For this trip once a week ho reciMved the Miss .Icssio Mclptyre, with a full,clL>ar ;"""' "f ^â- *<0 per year. When tlio con- voico, retidercd with much feeling, "Face 'â- '*<^t was to bo renewed he was underbid to Face," by Johnston, a wceic ago Sun- ''J "" Albion township farmer, who so- day evening at the Methodist church. (cured the contract for 83«7. Commenc- ,,,.„ ^, ,», ,, . ... inK in the year 1859 and during 18C0, Will Glarvey of Markham IS visiting at' laci „„,i lano .i,„ i... w t^ i- c w M n < j lot>l anil lBb!i, the lata \Vm. Devlin of ' ' ^ â-  , Melanethon carried the mail from Or- Hov. A. P. Stanley, H. Down and Mirs angeville, which had 1)ecomea formidable Dale atfendtd the S. S. convention at 'rival to Mono Mills. The oflices supplied Staynor Inst week. iby Mr. Devlin were Fartnington, Whit- W. Il.CJuy wont down to Toronto on !""«*^""""'' Coleridge, south of Shel-, Lizzie, who! ''""'^•'""* "" ""â- '"'"« »' Melanethon is ill in the General hospital with typhoid ^^'- Devlm continued the trip to Berko- fg,pp,_ I ley. Mr. Brown is still hale and hearty. He is tlerU of Melanethon township and Miss Jessie McTntyro and Mrs. L. Cameron returned to their homos at ! manager of the Duffe rin Kurniern' Mutual r, „ -,, »,â-  1 ,, ,. , Insurance Company, and we hope he may Dollarville,Mich.,after8pendnig a month „,..,• .. , j i • . .. i , .^ . ., ,. ' ' *• continue to do business at the cdd stand with friends here. , o.. ,. for many years to tome.â€" Shclburno Mary Heron of Fleshottun spent Sun- Krcu Press, day with her parents. | Mrs. Bobt. Heron has been ill the i The merchants of Kincardine purpose past two weeks. |adoptinga jirotectivo system which has The picture contest was a grand success pr<>ved very satisfactory in other tonus especially socially. A spleodid prot-ranl "''"eby all accounts are collected by one was given. Bosidon our homo talei,t, '""" «PP'""ted:for the purpose, and who who all did well. Miss J. Mclntyre gave '''" *'*" '^'''" ^^° ''*''"'"â- '' '"' ^«"^ *'«'*'â- '• three well rendered loloe. and Miss F. "'"* V'^J"'' '"' SO"^^' ""^ «'" pUce li.ti Mclntyre of Mclntyre gave two excellent "." '='''8'"'"'d "' «l»o merchants' hands f, i- readings, and Mr. (Jalloway of Ijtdy Bank gavo a reading and solo in his usual fine Canada and the Pole Ottawa, Oct. 3. -ThePeary-Cook contro- versy has a special interest for Canada owing to the fact that Commander Peary has lield language regarding the north polo which implies a territorial claim on the i)art of the United States. The attitude of Canada long has been that she cliiims all the land lying to the north, and tho indt fatigfiblo tind expensive Captain Beruior has found timo during tho con- sumption of the stores, for which the steamer "Arctic" is famous, to hoist the Can.'tdian tiag on sundry northern islands. Commander Poaiy's claim thus is viewed with a goo<l deal of interest here, and the Cabinet has been discassing the matter. As often happens, when tho Cabinet discusses matters outside of immediate party politic^, it has boon stirred up from â- Great Britain. A Con.sorvat ive member of tho Biitish House of Commons, the Canadian-bom Sir Gilliert Parker, asked a question on the subject. The Colonial office cabled to know what the Canadian governmont liad to say on tho subject, and tho Canadian govornment forthwith began to consider. We are given to understand that it's answer was a reaaser- tion of the Canadian claim to][all land between tho northern shore of the contin- ent and the north pole. It also is given out that the circumstance that Comman- der Peary says that the polar regions are occupied by a deep ocean relieves the situation, national ownership, of^course, boiug concerned with land surface. TcM- years ago the matter would have been merely of .-icademic importance, the polar regions not being susceptible of exploitation by tho means of tnivel and tninsportjktion then known to mankind. But perhaps the most extraordinary feature of the alleged double discovery of tlie pole is that the event has corao just as the older methods of exploration are about to become oKsolete. We are on the threshold of the conquest of the air. Wo can, with j>erfect sobriety, expect ten years from now to see the air- ship and the aeroplane so improved as to make a visit to the pole a matter of ease and the explorsition of the whole region merely a matter of interest and energy. The Klondike gold ' fields re- mind us of the riches which may lie in the inhospitable north. It already is known that deposits of coal exist under the Arctic ice; so that while it would be absurd to count upon the extraction of riches from tho very far north, it would l)e extraoi-dinarily foolish to assume that the district has no value. The matter is one for an energetic aaaortiou of tho Canadian claim to all tho northern regions. Viewed in this light tho stupid- ity and extravagance of tho "Arctic" expedition, instead of being merely a squandering of money l)ecoines a misman- agement of serious public Ixisinoss. Canada should take up the work 'f ex- ploring, administering and explo-i: n{ the land in tho Arctic ocean witli utmost vigour. J. andW. BOYD mercijants Fksbenon Ontario .! MILLINERY MlsS E. P. AMOS is again in charge of the sl'owrooni. This season tho 8h«])es arosonitwimt niodilied as losize. The high turban, the roll at the, and fide turr. shapes being much worn. Large winns and spriys are e.-iten^ively shown, and in colors grein and a>hes of roses aro very popular. style. Tho prize was won by Miss Field. Mr. Andrew and Miss Dale noted as judges. Alice Fenwick attended tho Dundalk convention. The Misses Wiley are visiting at Wode- hoiiso. Th's Epworth League took Sundny service in tho absence of Rev. A their guidance in giving credit. The oolloclors will have access to all the bools and will thereby be able to know the standing of all debtors. â€" Harriiton Tribune. On Friday, Oct. Ist iho Boll Tolophono Co., ill view of the growth of their bufi- ne«B in Dundalk and vicinity, will insti- tute a night service in this central office. Ii will, ill fact, be a''continuouB srrvioo *y for every day and night in tho year, Sun- '• day included. An operator will be on Stanley. A. N. Brownridge gave «n duty at all times. Mr. Nixon, tho local excBllent address on the relation of lhe|,„R„»gor^ informs The Hor»ld that thoro .S. S. to the church. Mrs. Down aiidi^ro between 90 and lOOphonon connected Miss Dale gave splendid papers on mis- ,vjth Dundalk central, and the prospects "'""*• are good for further inorenae in number. Rev. A. P. Stanley spent Sunday at â€"Herald, Stayner, tahing Rev. J. J. Wheatley'sj A Rpoctacular incident of t'le Holatein •ervice», while Mr. Wlumtley condooled! f^ir was tho buining of one of tho tents services at Buckingham on the Maxwell Jon the Midway. It was a moving picture ''"''^'*''* j show and tho apparatus caught fire in A Harvo«t Thanksgiving servico will sotno way, as it is very prune to do, and be held in Iho English church, Maxwell, 'set fit o to tho onclosuro, wh'ch was a at 11 a. m. on Sunday next. Uev. John! heap i>f ashes and dobris in a few Morria will occupy tho pulpit. in;nute».â€" Mt. Fore«t Coufederate. Ladies' Mantles In Ladies' Mantles we have S'lUie be.uitiful lino< niiisjii ;;• in price from St* to Si'i.oO. This year the s:ylr8 aro semi fi;tiijg, J lei.atli, and much the simo ai last season's garment*. In Mis- ses our prices run from S4 to §3.50; and cliil.hen's from $2.75 to t-J.UO. Dress Goods In these, stripes are all the r.ige, anl the more d!:'Cided the stripe th" more poiju'ar. We have a beaut iful range in colorsâ€" black, marine, navy, green, iiiysieria, brown and taupe, and at prices ranging from 55c to $1.50 Furs In Furs we have a complote range of the following lines -lidie."' stoles, scarfs, muffs, caperines, etc. Alan men's and ladies' fur and fur-lined coats, caps, mitts, gauntlet.s. etc. Ready-Made Clothino: Tn Clothing we have ihe Brand, made by H Vjui-'ouri: it Co , of Montreal, also W. U. Johnston <t Go's clo-b'tii; >'f Toinnto. These are two of the largest clothing houses in the d •luiniuu. Their goola and prices are right. Boots* Sboes and Rubbers This is tho season for the heavy shoes and they certainly are selling fast. We are full in all lines and are selling at prices which defy cometiiion. Come in and examine our stock. miMM i I r^ In Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, Harrows, ^ Ploughs, Cream Separators and iwiRE F ENCING T Heard's Carriage Works J. B. PATTON IWTN'TKR â€" PAl'KR HANGER Sipn rniiiting and High-class Decorating A Speciidty. Oflice at . . . FLKSHERTON, ONT. I. ^ jbi ^^ â€" - ^ ^ -«- ^ '.^ '^ •-* --^^1:^^.:^ '^'^ ^ :.>: Farms For Sale or Rent 1 rOV SAI.Eâ€" 100 acre faim, lot 16. con 10, town- I ship of Osiirey. close to tbevillaKeot Fever- Bhaui. Hank barn, frame liouBeauilwellfeneeii. For particulars aiu'ly to A. G. C.\SIf HELL, :U0 Unsholuie Koad Toronto Boar for Service 1 Vcrknblre boar rig for Bervice at lota Ml -2 T' d: 8. U. o28ct KOHT BltHARDSON, Flesherton P. O. Business Chances One well established dress-making shop. One uood brick laundry, small (.pposilion. Ono barber shop, poid room and cii;ar btoic combined. Skating rink, roller ami ice, Mom- fiO x ir>8 fjetâ€" a money mukor. Gi'od reasons for so'ling. One blacksmith 8ho|) with frame and gtablo, good orchard, ?4tK). A hrst class country stand. Itough CiiRt house in Markdale, S700. 00 acres of good level land in Art- eniesia, ;i miles from Flesherton, com- foi table frame bouse, good frame barn, small orchard, §3000. 100 acres in Osprey. Good clay loam, watered wiih spring creek, ()5 acres under cultivation. 35 acres hardwood bush, good frame house, good fr.ime barn with stone foumlaiion and stabling. A good sua]) at 83000. On easy terms. 100 acres in Artemosia, conveniently situated on public road. Brick house, good frame barn 40 .\ CO on stone foundati(m, with sheep pen, pig pen and hen housn adjoinine. 00 acres in high state cultivation, 30 acres hardwood bush with some good timber. Watered with running streams. 1?4800. 100 acres in Euphrasia, cnrivenient to school, church, store, po»t oHice, telephone and blacksmith shop. 80 acres under cultivation, good otohard, largo new cement house, pood frame barn with stone f<iund«tion and stabling, Drive shed, i'rice ^4800. Half a million acres of land in the North West, ranging from fo to ?20 an acre. Henry M. Douglas, REAL ESTATE BROKER BOX 70 - MEAFORD, ONT. 1 (in ACKK8,70ur(lo?ciiltivatioo. frame barn lUVI with baBHiiei.t, 40x.W, oointortabU- louBfl. Rood well with wluamill; favui well fen- ceil 1 aci e of boaving oiclianl. Two and a hall miles from Markdale. J mile froiu school. \VM. SM.^UT. Markdale p. o. Lot 25. Cou.lP. OlonelK Ivon Lots 33 and 35, con 3 S D B, 10 acres, 65 clearec 10 acres pasture, balance good bush. Han 05x50, drivi"K shed, tjood frauiB house. 3 wclU 1 Bcse of orchard and stone wall uni'er barn SauKcen river crosses luckof farm. Well fence aud in tiood state of cultivation, .:i miles from I'rosou Htation. For terms apply ou premises to Jamks U. Vausk, I'lotou Ktation, T/'or f ale cheap or rent. Immediate posBosfion. " Lot:'0ccn. U, Artimesia, about 75 acres clear, comfortable log house ami fiauie barn. ApplvtoU .) Sptoule, KIcsliertou, or John J Martin, across the road irom said lot. LotBKJSandO, Con Vi In the township of Osprey, 100 acres, lavKocleariuR.KOOd liamo barn and stables, cood dwelling au.l well. Ap- ply on the promises to â€" W J Hkllamy, Floshcrtou. I Tor sale cheap and on easy terin». Rood com- fortablo liame dwellinn, stable aud driving house witli tto ec villace lots in Ceylon- Dwell- ing well built loul nnished and good bearing orchard on tho property. Apply to â€"It J SrBoii.K, Flesherton. Ceylon Meat Market •Ml kinds of fresh and s.noked meats, he.u clioese, sausage, always on hand tash paid lor hides. J. HcCLOCKLIN Bull For Service Artemesia. Terms 81.(W. JOHN HARGRAVK Virtor' C«n. Steer Astray !>< !,,'-, J^K.. Artemesia, alKiut Auinist owner viirr,' '"'""'"''^'^y 3years-old. The â- 1 t»l-.M' " 1""I»'^V. pay exiiensesand ami take him awav. ,TOS H W AT'^nV I'ortlaw, AuR- 23, 1<K)!>. " Tot 10, con. 0, Osprey containing 100 acres, B -'cleared, dame bouBO. Irauie liarn.stou fouudatiou; oiclisrd, well waterede . On tliousand down and balance to suit purchaser Immediate poBsession \\>\«y to B. N. KiNNKAR Maxwell P. O. W'oodan jiumps manufactured through- out aud repiirs punnptly and satisfac- torily attended to. I am aaetit for the three best iron pump manufacturers in Ontario. A card dropped to me at Ceylon P. O. will have my prompt attention. JAMES A. M CLEAN CURRIES CORNER. Ceylon P.O. Hereford Cattle for Sale T. & J. WATSON. Proton Ram Lambs For Sale von BALEâ€" Sevorol pure bred filiropshiie ^ shearling aud ran: Idinbs from iuiportid stock, at a reasonable price, WM. FINUL.* Y, Mwkdale p, o. Lot 118-U!', cast back iiuo, Ivoa Pure Bred English Berkshires and Tarn worths. 1 have a fine lot of youuR pi^, bred from prize wmnmg stock, for sale, ' Write ,nef« l.nces. I can if ve a barpaiu aU. euiran^ satisfaction on all mail oHers. f»»f'"><*« <ieo. W. RONS. Maxwell P. O. Bull for Service The thoronchbre.1 Shorthnru Pu'I "KaH ^'i;. J, i!"l '""nil? ""â-  ""^"0 o» lo «<. o5n, s, Artemesia. The nedicreo nf ti,,-. »Jr2 animal can be seen cf.V,7'f.r.-°'n ' n'en'Si AXDKEWncW^vioirletor. BILL FOR SERVICE I'ure bred llolstein Kriesian Hnll; Thto voni.g annual comes t.oni ono of the best dair» Term%'*l'.M """• '"'""'â- "' "'^"''"'^ "SiB'mlpJ AMBER KING PurobreiTamworth Hoar. This vnung animal has i|. oved hunself onn of the best stock pot «« that has cvei been oiror<d fer service. Wm» i",lKi,*\"!i'\, „ ^ . -niCHAlll) ALLEN Lot,170, 2ud E. T aud S road, Fletherton P O • < n • f :;- â-  t :: »lr

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