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Flesherton Advance, 23 Sep 1909, p. 5

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September 23 I9u9 THE FLESHEKTON ADVACE The Money Yoti Save Saves Yot» fcom worry â€" want â€" debtâ€" humifiadon. A comfortable Bank Account gives one an easy mind, self-confidence, and the power to take advantage of every opportunity that comes to better one's podlioa. TTIE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA LaM we«ii Owen SjounJ »nd Waikertoa hei"! their fall fairs and Fleshertun wa8 represeaCerf it both. There »;i3 some ilDtjd bijrse r»cin^ at Wilkerton, irhere PSidily MeKiiiley woo tirst in the i.'M tDiS. P*ldy IS n"W nwnetl by Jiiclj Cul- vert of Ayt^n. Mr. W. Trimble made » trade with Mr. Calvert reeeutlv. EitiUyicd 1873 77 Bianciie* pves Savings Depositors, whellier their accounts be large or sttall, the most courteous service. Make a beginning at once vviih a Deposit of One Dollar or more, in our Savings Department. 73 FLESHERTON BRANCH George MitcHell, Manager BRA.NCBE5 Al^SO AT DURHAM AND BARRISTOM. VICINITY CHPS Odds and Ends liauev ur marri^a s.ile. Mr. aud Mrs. D. Rjwers of CleveLuid, I Ohio, \isitedthe Utters sister, Mrs. J. J. Thorapeou, the past week. Little M ss May Thialle of Shelburne i visited with her aun', 51rs. J. J. i Thompson. I A lidy left an ad. for a lost chatelaine I ba^ with us last Saturday for this issue. j Less that tifteea minutes after leaving the \ I oflice she found the article. H^ve Yor , Mn. Martin Phillips is visiting her Sons in Toronto. Churk's McTavi.h of Toronto is holi- dayinji at his home for a veek. Miss Violet Parsons of Lions Head is the guest of Miss M. A. Thurston. Misses Thompsin and Jamieson spent jlost anything? Sunday at their homea in M.'unt Forest. [ Dr. Airth of Chats worth ii;et with a Mr. and JMrs. \S", Muore spent Sunday severe crossing accident Monday even- at the Utter's parental home in Xiruian- jing when returning from at'visic to a pa- by. I tleut. The nistht express came alon-^ as Mrs. M. Yourz of Blythe, Huron Co., | •>» *"* approaching a crossing when his viaited Mrs. W. W. Trimble over the | horse became unmanatjeable bolred week end. ' '^" '"^ ^^^ track in front of the train. The n'1111-i L ;. , . , • . J- ,. i doctor iuiuped and the eni:ine struck the \\ lU W ilcock returned to his studies at ' ' ^ With tlK CkKdtts Since R?v. L. F. tiipp resigned the | Baptiat coogreiiatiun ha^ bev'n [eor<;;iniz- j ing Us apptjintoa'ati her». .\t present j the churches aiid misscous are eii in nuiu- ber. At % meesini; held hiH-e Friday evening, it was decided to eu larvae the Fleshertou ur^misition. admitting rep- resentatives from the Iwokirgtr mi.s»ions, : Rock vale and Ceyloo. A deacooate was e'ecietl, consiitiog of M. Phillips, I. : Cki^lett aud T. W bitten. .\ Boird of j Management was elected, composed of ' M. Phillips, T. Phillips. R. Akitt, and | Mrs. A. Blackburn, repreaentin'» Ri^Mik- i vale; T. Whiiteu, R. Alien and Mrs. A. ! Wilson, Flesherton; and T. Chislett, S. Hemphill and Miss M. Couir, represent- ing Ceylon. Rev T. R. White <â- Â£ Laurel cccupied the Methodist pulpit here at both services on Sunday, preachit:g two tbouijhtful and instructive sermons. Mr. White was stationed at Eugenia a few years ago where he formed many warm fdendships both there and in Flfsherti>n. Rev. Wellwood took IVIr. White's work at Laurel, prettehiag anniversary sermons there. Ac the regular meetio<; if the Chidmer's Church Guild the following olficers were elected for the coming six i T. Atkinson, Ruck Mills p. o. jnonths; Hoaorary president, Ckis. | Oo...d homes wanted for a few bright Stewart ; pre-*., Frank Duncan ; 1st ' children. Apply to J. J. Kelso, parlia- vice pres. , Geo Cairns ; 2ni vice pres. W. A. Uawken ; aecretary, P. Radley W'. A. Arinstroni lieeoses. ^ Ten fine suckling pujs fiir nuick James Mniie. Uock Mills P. O. | Don't 'iinjet the races at Markilale fall fair, Oct 6. Get your chopping done ** Collinaon'a i mill. Will be running Sac. Sept. 25. j Two loads of hard and soft coal jqst { arrived. F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. { B<iy Wanted â€" lr,te!ligt>nt you'h to j learn the printins; basiuess. Apply at 1 : once, this ctPce. Hoase and blacksoiith shop t> rent in ; j the village '^f >Lii.»eI!. Apply to Wm. Guy, sr.. Max* el'. i Parlour heater and sidcUsird for sale â€" I Steve only burned ' h 'oai coal, sideboard [ nearly Duv. For sde cheap, John ^ Stewart, west back liue. , Sow lost â€" From the premises of Thos. Atkin.soii, one lame white sow, supposed \ soon to farrow . Fir.der will be rewarded. 1 thf! northwest high-school, Toronto, last week. Bornâ€" To Mr. aiid'Mrs. L. Fiier, nee Miss Selina Thompson, a daughter, Veluiii Beruice. 5Irs. Richard Bentham and baby, Elizabeth, visited the former's [nireiits at £u;;eDia last week. Miss Nina Spencr j( Mobile, Al,»., is â-¼isitina her aunt, Mrs. T. A. Gamey, Itock Mills, and other friends. buguy squarely, sraaehin^ it into kindling wood. Dr. Airth was injured about the head, but we believe not serioujly. The horse had not been foTcd at time cf writing, Tuesday a.m. Miss Lulu Mitchell left on Monday to attend Toi>into normal school. Miss Mi'chell is taking up kindenjarten work, for which we believe she is peculi'irly adapted. She has put in considerable time in prepjiratory work alon^ this line, I but propi'ses putting herself thr-jugh for treas , Frai^k Duncan, re-ckcced : organist, Mrs. W. Bentham, re-electtd ; prayer meeting committee : Miss Ida Binnie, Mrs. F. G. Morley, Mrs. F. Mc- Clocklin and Miss Mable Thistlethwaite. Flower commi'tee; Ruby Radley, Muriel McTavisb, Vina Hastie. Social committee: Mrs. H. Smith, Miss E. M. Chidley, Mabel Thistlethwaite, Jack Sloan. , „ , T- . • , 'a directress l)efore entering ucou the du- Harvey and Kenny are a great pair of 1 _ , ' ties of teaching. For this purpose it will be normal. drill entertaiuers. Hear them in the ehed on the evening of fair day. The (.hitario government has received 9620 as succession dues on the estate of the late John Beecroft of Eugenia. A number of young people are attend- next week. Sept ing the Epworth League and Sunday school convention at Duudalk. Miss F. £. Thurston is i(iring a paper on Junior Lieague work. t)tto. L. Ronsou, who has been assis- tant to Rev. L. F. Kipp this suiuiner, returns to MoMastev l'iiivorsiiy,Toriinto, on Monday. Last week he visi'ed Rev. Ur. Evans at Drew, Out. necessary to p<ut in a year at The Chesley Enterprise baa celebrated the Wginning of it.s iUth year of publi- cation by adding an extra column to its page*. It is now an 8-column quarto full of interesting hx-al matter and one of our most valued exchanges. â-  Dr. Bach, osteopathic physician of Toronto, s^>eut a couple of days this week in Flesherton, and while here held a c«>usuItation ou the case of Mr. Joseph Blackburn. I:!e thinks he can materially assist Mr. Blackburn. About $125 h-«s Iwen expended recent- ly on the valloy roaj between Hi.>gtf'sold uiill-site and Robert Graham's. This sum went a long way towards improving the road, which wilt soon, with the stat- ute labour Qut on it, b« a goiKl rv>ad for either summer or winter travel. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perigoe, whose wedding notice appears elsewhere, arrived m town last week. They will take up ^their residence in the Lever premises lately purchased by Mr. Albert Stuart. We tender Mr. and Mrs. Perigoe a hearty welcomo and congratula- tions. The third annual conveutiou cf Grey County Women's Institute will be heldin , the town hall, Durhaai. on Thursday of 30. The Superitend- ent of Institutes wi!l have a represent- ative present and Miss Shuttleworth of Toronto will Ije the chivf speaker. In addition an excellent program has been arranged consisting of papers on variuu* timely subjects, readings, addresses and music. A more than usually protitable time is anticipated. Prosrauis have been forwarded to the various branches. Everybody is cordially invited. It ct>sts far more luijuey to-day to run a country newsp«i.>er than it did twenty or even ten years ago, and close collec- tions of the multitude of small subscrip- tion account.< becomes an absolute neces' aity. To allow subscriptions to run into arrears merely adds to the perplexities and worries of the publisher and makes collections more ditlicult as well. How much easier it is, for instance, to pay the very ,one dollar in advance than to whack up several dollars arrwarsiâ€" Burks Falls .Arrow. Mr. Will Urr, of the Tou>nto line, recounts a very peculiar find that ha nude the other day, while cutting wood in the bush. A tree had been felled which contained one large limb, probably eigh or nine inches in diameter. This limb was hollow at the top end, or point. Mr. Orr cut this limb up for wood. After he had male four or tire cuts anil before arriviug at the hollcw part he split one of the logs open, when an egg drop- ped out. The egg was the size of a small hen's esrg and bore every apjiearance of age. .\round where it lay the w<.kh1 was A unique and interesting meeting is ' planned for Sept 27th in the Methodist j church when a circuit rally will take place heie The congreg'itious of Flesherton : and Weeley churches will meet and have I a "family re-union." The members will \ bring baskets. Agoodprognm of music, , addresses, etc., will be presented. Rev. J.T.C.Marris will speak. Next Sunday Rev.J.T.C.MorTis.B.A., B.D. . Owen Sound, chairman of the District, will prvach anniversary sermons in the Methodist church hrre morning and evi^ning, and at Vandeleur in the afternoon. A free will thank offering. Mr. Morris is an interesting speaker and none should fail to hear him. Rev. J. W. Penman, late of Lions Head, preached in the Presbyterian church here ou Sabbath last. His able sermon was from the text : John 1-19, Many ^leople expressed their appreciation of the serinin. Rev. A. Thompson B. D.. of Palmera- ton will supply the Presbyterian pulpit the next two Sabbiths. ment bui'.dini;*. Toronto, or M. K. Rich- artU'iU, Flesherton. Good second-hands â- eooKhtove, large reservoir, new pipes, etc.. for sale cheap, as I have no further useforsama, Chas. Irwin, Flesherton. H und losr. black and white, about S«'pt. 5. Anyone kuowiuz of bis where- abouts will confer a favor by communi- catiusj with George Cairns, Ceylon. Came to my prem:3.;s about July 1, a two-yoar-old heifer. Owner prove property, p.iy experses and take away. Geo. Rijsj!, E » lot 1 j. con. 7, Osprey. Sheep lostâ€" o ewes with red mark on rumps, abiuc Sept. 16. Information thankfully received by Wm. John Chard Port Law P. O. Strayedâ€" One wh'te pig, we'ght about 100 lbs. Strayed from my premises about i Sep, i. Anj information thankfully re- ceivedâ€"Alex. Camero.T. Eugenia P. (,>. L.vstâ€" Ou Sunday. Sept. 14. between Muirs' corners, the .-tation h 'Use and Flesherton. a silver cufflink wi-h moac- aram S.T. Finder pkase leave at th s t oiBce. k For saleâ€" 6 hiah c'ass Shropshire ram lambs, and one shearlimr ram. all fn m imported stock. Will be sold froo; JIO , to $12 each. Apoly to Jas. Fiudlay, ' Msrkdale p.o. ! 1 ivsk the {.virty who stole a barrel of I horseshoes from niv blacksmith shop , Married Perigoe -Speersâ€".\t the lesidenoe of the bride's parents. Echo Bay, netr Sault Ste. Mai-ie. on Wedoesdaj, Sept. 15. by Rev. Mr. McKiuley, I. Harvey Perigoe of Flesherton, to Miss I. A. Speers of Echo Bay. decayed but there was no hollow. He The reguUr meeting tf the W. I. will hvs the piece of wihxI and egg to prove be held at the residence of W.J.Bellamy his statement if necessary. We piss the on Tue.s.,the 28th,at 2.;>0. Mrs. W.Moore oonundium on to our readersfvr silutiou and Mrs. Mitchell will read papers on •'Thauk>g'ving Dinner," the discussion to be ojwned by Mrs. A. Stewart. Young ladit's are c<-rdially invited to attend. The following item is from the Hawkestone ci>rrespondence to thaV>rillia Times of recent dale: Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Reid and family left on Wednes- day for their new ho;ne at Arkell. Mr. Keid, who has been principml of the pub- â€" lie icho*>l here during the last three years. The type of Christatnity that (ails to has managed the same with extra *ckh.I guarantee c\.>ntrol of temper is only skin results, aud all were very much di!«ap- deep â€" tiH.> mild to be catching. â€" Uamil- pointed when Mr. Reid rvaigued. Th» , ton Spectator. family is certainly a loi.s to our villag*. < ^^ ^j^,,, between Jews and ChrUt- Iwingvery much liked «"d tesi>««tfd i,^„, »ro bec:.ming (re*iuent at Montreal. â- We wish them ereiy success in Arkell, where Mr Keid takes up similar duties, i John McKisaock, an old ijensionsr. „, ,. . , ,. , ,, attempted to commit suicide at Pictou by The fifteenth annual convention of the ' East Grey Sunday School .\s»iX!iation will be held at Heathcote Presbyterian and MethiHliat churches on Wediieeday, . „ . .1 v u c . L n,A.i. , ,„ .j^ (or the spectators to pull him ashore, September SiHh, commencina »t 10. JO. '^ a. m. Tho morning and aflerooi»n I The lirst whit* child born in Calgary, •essions will be held in tho Presbyterian ) Alberta, endowed by the local church and tho evening soaaion in the authoritiea with a twenty-five-foot lot Mathiidist churoh. Addresses will bejof land. Having reached the age of given by Mr. E. Fawcett, Heathcv.>te ; twenty-five years, the pioneer baby Mrs. W. Bunt, Flesherton ; Rev. H. W. I recently sold this prerentation Kt for Pi«rcy and Rev. Mr, lUker, Thorubury ; fiighteen thousand dollars. Almost Rev, H. WelJwiHKl, Flesherton, and Rev. anywhere in the Can.adian Northwest a Dr. McLaren, Temple Hill. All are title-deed would be a satisfactory aul>sti- ««lcom», Uut« f'-'t Ihe proverbial silver spocn. I I tying his legs together and jumping off : the dock. He left the end of the rope on the di>ck, and it was an easy matter Foster â€" Fawcett A very pretty hous« wedding was sol- emnized on Wednesd.ay, Sept 15;h. at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fawcett, Heathcv>te. when their daughter, Margaret Liiuretia, of 'fara. became the wife of Mr. T. Percival Fos'er, also of Tars, Rev. Ge). Lawrence performing the ceremony. At eleveu o'clock . to the soft strains of Lohengrin's Wetldiug March, played by Misa Mabel Foster, sister of the grooo', the bride entered the verandah, which was prett ly dccoratevl for the occasion, leaning on the arm of her father. They were unattended. .After the words bad been spoken that made them about a mouth, a week a^o. to further action. als'> a't^'ut 30 bricks about reruro the sj*me Wfore â€" H. Fcesrer. Eugenia. For Saleâ€" One 16-g«ugif. sinsle barreL breech-lividing -shot gun : a number cf pure-bred butf orpinatou and barred ply.uouth rock cockerels : one driving niiire. D years old.- Rev. L. F. Kipp. Flesheitoii. Ont. Come out to East Grey fall fair tc- morrow. Friday â€" .»ud stay for the concert. It wi 1 be rich in huaior and pleasure. : Harvey is a prime favorite here and Kenney is bis equal. Together they make a great team. I To those who want to have a good ap- 1 (learance it is good news to know that 1 they can take their linen to .\ndy Wils«.)n I Flesherton. and have it laundered in tjrst ; class style. Basket leaves Tuesvlay night j and returns Satuixlay a. m. Markdale ' steam laundry. W'. J. Smith. Prop. Cleariiiir s«le of general store stivk. consisting of dry aixnls, Kiots and shoes. gr»>ceries, hardwar-e, [taints, oi's and varnishes, wall paper, patent medicines, all will be soil at a reiluctiou as I have sold uiy store and sive ^x-ssession on Dec. Is'i, 1900. -All ;»ccouiits due and at once. I will acce;>t trade for sjiH'ds to Xov. loth. '05'. R.N. Kinnear. Maxwell l>i tario. Nothing in the way of a ci'Ugh is quite mail and wife, and best wishes had been extended, about seventy quests sat down â-  so annoying as a tickling, teasing, wheez- to the wedding dinner on the lawn. The dacorations were red and white Sowers. msj. bn>nch'al Couijh. The quickest relief ounes jwrhaps fivin a prescription , known to Urusgists everywhere as Dr. After the usual toiists had been given the : ^h.nip's Cousjh"" Ronudy. And besides, bride charged her wedding dress for her it is so thonumhly harmless that mothers travelling suit. She was gowue<l in white silk mull, trimmed with tucked net and silk and chiffon insertion, and carried a boquet of white roses and ferns. Her travelling suit was navy blue chiffon broadcloth, with net waist, aud hat to match the suit. The groom's gift to the bride was a fur- lined coat with mink trimiuings, and to his sister, who playe<.l the wedding march, a whole pearl ring. The young couple took the afteruovm train from Thorubury for Toronto and Collingwood amidst showers of confetti, and g<^<od wishes from frieuda who accompanied them to the station. Many friends 01 the bride, whohW not been invited.rememb^red her with pretty aud useful gifts. She was very popular among the young people when she lived in Flesherton, and a large ci'cleef friends join The Advance in wiihing the young couple Ix'n voyage through life. They will be at home to their friends in Tara after November 1st. CanI of Thanks The family o( the late Mr. Thos. Hutchinson, si-., desire to thank the Kimberley friends for their kindness and »ymj>athy in their time of trouble at their f:»ther'8 death. Signed, Mrs. Graham, Thos. H. Hutchinson mvo it with [.)erfecr safety even to the youngest babes. Th» tender leaves of a simpdo mounfain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough RenK'iy its remarkable cui-ative effect. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy prescription. Sold all defers. The seismoiiraph at Washington has . 1 regs'ered »u earthquake of uKnlernte in- â-  tensity, probably in Brazil. by ^r. : â€" ^Millinery Openings On THURSDAY We wili open fo the-Uidy visitors to the fair the hu'^i display of the most fasbionabU headware evr exhibited here. Under the able charge of M s& M. Brown, who will courtsousiy l)e pleased to show you her entire display. It will be no trouble U> her to try |thea on. Come in and she will be delighted to meet you, aud if possible make a setisfoctory s,-\le. DRESS GOODS We show on thee centre tables a eomple'e rai';^ ot up codate fall suitings, in all the new shades and good.*., as -Ashes of Roses. New shade otre>l .Amethyst and other colors, wb.dr are being used very stfugly this Season. We have the reputation of carrying the mijst up-to-datest'ck of Dress Guods on the line, and we mean to a»t: only knap up that Sttmdard but raise it to « peer with the best houses in Cai:ad.H. LADIES FALL COATS The "•R-aer" Garments are recognized by all, as being the most up-to-dare neat coat, made and put upon the market at a miderace price. Military and plain collars are bem:; woru stronaly, tight t!C- tiiig in Bio*u. Green and Blue. Callaiidse^ our ccmpiete stock, which will arrive oetorc the fair. GENTS' SUITS AND SUITINGS Afier some ditfieoltits we were fortunate in securing the right to sell the famous "Daling '' clothes, mad by the "Andrew Darling Co." of Toronto, who have the best e<iuipped and most practici! tailors in the trpde. Everything is inspected »ud :ire turned cut in every way satisfactory and are not the ordinary Ready Mades, but are on a peer to the best hiiih olskss tniior luade got>ds. Come in and see the s'yies and qua icy of the gocus. also the making, and it wili convince you. Gents & Ladies Furand Fur Lined Coats Here is where we shine â€" N .w that we are beginning to feel the cliiily winds of fall weather, furs ar« he«»iuning to take a leal. The Sroles and Rutfs are seding fast and the best values are being up fast. Also the best furs aiii fur hned coats are aoitig. Have a look in the window to see four t>f te nicest coats that ever came into town. Tho cannot be Iieaten, and at the lowest possible p>riie. Our motto is "Sell furs reasonable wheu they are the most needed,not whenthey are aliuoat a dea^i sti-v's.' We sell i.u a small maniin in order tj make a 'luick siilc. C^me in and prove this lor yourself. R 6. Harsfedt IN BUYING Footwear Come where yoa can save money. We have the Model Shoes for Ladies and Gents â€" for (Quality they cannot be excelled. .Also other styles suitaole for the season, patent leathets in kid. calf, dongola. • Trunks, Suit Cases, Leg- gings, Polishes. • In Rubbers we have a givd stock suitable for fall and winter wear. First qoal.ty and reasonable prices. * .\ lot of men's homemade Kx'ts on hand. Q\vt us a call CLAYTON'S J. E. LARGE AH througlwthis store. high class gootls at very low prices. We have never been better pivf.\iretl to sup- ply you with all your spring and summer wants, for every tlepartnient is crowded with bright new goods â€" the fkind of goods we insist on selling â€" look better, are better, antl cost you no more than the kind that are uiaile merely to sell.' Your Stitisfaetion the particular thing we aim at, and we aim to make this the safest store for you to buv at. Highest prices paitl for priHluee. J, E. Large, e u q e n i a. Rhode Island Reds A few good early hatched ?.-ckerels for sale, suitable for breeding with mixed tliK-ks, at II each Better binls, good color and markings, at two aollurs each. Call and exaiuioe or will ship and accept r.'tim if not satisfactory, W. H, THURSTON, FUsherton. The Advance Till Jan. 1911 $] QQ Numl>eis have taken advantage of this bargain. IXm't YOl' be the one to miss it. For Sale On«9P»B ot I.lishtuii.K Colts ccniiOK tfcre« n>»tcb«S. Kead.vtowoik. .\Uo on» hh^ttiotn Hull fiiihteeu mouth* oW.brevt by l.eo.Hristow, KiibRoy, uumbe- 3S*l,\ in voluuie M. >*'V"; Vill»(i» C.i.'»i°- •M'K*=R'T^K H.\NUt;\. Lot I Cod. to, Osprey. Kev»rsl)»m P 0. Pur« Bred English Berkshires and Tamworths. Ih.-«veatine lot of young pigs bre-i tumi j>ri« wiuuing stovk, for sale. Write n,» for prices. I can give a l>anp«iu also guarantee sati»f."ictiou on all mail onlers. t;eo. W. KO!*S. Ma.\weU P. O. Good Farm For Sate. T ot W, con. 6. Osprey cootainins tOO aer««, 9 '-'clvarevl. (tatu« bouse, frame t>«rQ,*toa (ouiHJatiou: orcBarJ. wall waterade.^ On C>iou»«ad down and l>alanc« to suit purclt aawr liumedtate f>0(tjie«»iou .V|>^%' t^ B. N. KiMNKAM. Saawell F. 0. Boll for Service Tb« thorouutibre,.! Shorthorn Hull, "Earl Orey." TliMJ, will be (or ?orvic» on tot St. coo, S, .*n»n:i»i». The r*lisr»e of this flna animal can b« swn ou applioatiou. T«u* $1 ASI>lifc.W POW .froptitivo

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