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Flesherton Advance, 23 Sep 1909, p. 4

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mm â- *â- â- Â» mii/itm v' itkm I lpw ^ i<ijwiAjipiiw|<ji|iH>»*S»»"i Skptkmbkr23 1009 T fl E F L E S H E K T O N ADVA N.C E The Flesherton Advance Published weekly at it's ofticr. Colling wood streetiKlesliertou. bnbscriptioii lateaâ€"Canacla ?l.O0. Unite tl Siiiles, $l.2C. AdvcitisiUK lalcs oi» appiica t'Oll. W. H. Thurston . . Editor A GOOD YEAR The prrsoiit has been a >;ood year in Cftnada nud should niiikc money easy for ihe next few months. The pessimist findi it dillioult to secure fiurticitnt ammunition to keep his pop- gun working, now tLut tlio threshing luaehiiie has deiuonstrntod a splendid yifild of all kinds of giam. Every- thing seems to liaYu thriven this year â€" root crops, grain and fruit (including lieu Iruiil and the farmer who is depicted with a long face in cartoon is I'O longer a typical subject. The potato crop in Canada is said to be enormous and prices for than coimuodily will be low, but for all other produce that the farmer raises loug prices will prevail, and as a coiisequence uiai:y mortgages will be paid ofl' and home coinfcrts secured. The yield of wheat in Ontario has been extra gcod this year and the quality is much beyond the average, Bomc millers reporting grain weigh- ing as high as 04 lbs. to the bushel. Thanksgiving time is approaching, and never before did the people of this country .have better reason to celebrate that day ia a befitting manner than they have this year. recent writings. The judge who would refuse to punish a criminal because other criminals are not pun- ished, is not tit to sit on the judicial bench. What right has such a judge to presume that others who are not brought before him are guilty? He is supposed to take cogni/.ance only of the cases that aie tried in his court. Moreover, his oath of office makes it imperative for him to administer justice according to the laws that arc framed for his guidance. In this case we tiiid a judge floiUing the law he has sworn to administer, without fear or favour ; and we also find the Toronto paper before-mentioned praising the act as one of "even handed justice." and hoping we will have more of it. Wp fancy, however, that the pessimis- tic editorial writer of Saturday Night penned his criticism without due con- sideration of what his position invol- ves, posi-ibly through a williugiieBS to sink his true sentiment in the not very creditable object of getting a knock at the Lord's day Alliunce, for whom he appears to have a peculiar aversion. Whether his contention that the laws are unfairly administered in Canada is correct or not has nothing to do with the case in point. That the prosecutor fails to do his part is no excuse for a judge to refuse to penalize any crime that is proven before him. Weather conditions : Storms are still raging around the north pole. At the Canadian Manufacturers' Association convention held in Hamil- ton last week the question of forming a tarriff commission to revise the tarrifl was thoroughly discussed and the principle endorsed. The appoint- ing of such a commission was advo- cated in these columns a few weeks ago. With this week we enter upon the grind of local tfall fairs. Friday of this week Flesherton, next Friday Priceville and the following Wednes- day Osprey fair. With a prosper- ous season and barns bulging farmers ehonld all patronize the local fairs, uwap storios, discuss live stock, make sales, purchases, etc., etc. Ihe local fairs are profitable events if iiandled properly by both directors and public. A serious outbreak of typhoid fever •t Cobalt is puzzling the authorities. The hospital there is full of patients and many have left and ate in hospit- als at other points. The cause has not been located, but a general cleau- iug up has bttu ordered. There are two great sources of contagion in typhoid â€" the germs are carried in water, and also, it is said, as would seem reasouale, by fliei. Cobalters say they have good, pure water, so possibly dies are the great carriers of contagion in that district. A whole- sale campaign against these house- hold pests might go a long way to- wards stamping out the disease. Aceording to the Scientific Amer- ican, telephonic vision is now an assured fact, two Danes having solved the question of carrying vision elec- trically so thai the poisons speaking orer a telephone cau actually see each other as they converse. This accom- plishment has long been sought by electrical experts and the fact that its success has been chronicled by such a high scientific authority places it beyond the realm of hearsay. The new invention will have the effect of popularizing telephonic conversations iu many ways. The young man who deaires to see, as well as hear, his absent young lady friend, will prob- ably find the greatest consolation in the new invention, and the three minutes will more often be exceeded. One of the more practical uses of the invention, however, wilt be its use for purposes of identification of criminals and others, in which it will work an immense saving of tirao and expense. Toronto Saturday Night extols the the British Columbia judge who refused to pnnisb some Chinese gamo biers because white men (iamblbd too. This new editor of Saturday Night appears to have a somewhat distorted Selling At Owen Sound Owen Sound, Sept 18 â€" Last night after :iii »ll-day session the case iioniiist Hell HowHiil, l);irtemli;r nt the Puiter- siiii House, WHS concliuled and a tine of SICO impcscd. t'lipt. .lolin Corbett of I lie Royal was lined n like aniouiit on a siiiii <ir cliiugu this nioininjj. Howard n.'ii atjiiin tilled u like aiiiouiu or another charge, and a enso against Ucuinald C'larksoii, lefse of the Grand Cei.tnd, is ill progress. E:irlier in the week .lames McArthur, lesse of the Patterson House l>nr, was convicted on two countp, pay- ini; tinefl of l?HXt on each. As undouht- edly the hotels pay these tines the Patter- son House pays 8400 tlii* week, while the costs will be about 9^T>. Olaikson, whosD case is in proirress, was Cut Head Off Corpse. Toronto, Sept. 18 - The action of Frank Anthony of 548 Adelaide Htitiet west, n local tiiisinith, in ojjeiiing the grave of his son-in-law, ^^'illiaIn Gray, at Oniiige- ville, and having the liuad si-vured from the liody, will \)u tliu basis of a criminal proHecntion by the Oranguvillu auihori- ties. Anthony was arrested in a foundry yesterday afternoon l>y Dt^toctive Tipton on a diaige »{ "niiscoiuliict in respect to hiiinan remains," and liaiidi'd over to (,'<iunty Constable Huglies of Oiangeville. Tlie olhcer took bin prisoner back last evening. The case is .•in niuisual one, and centres in the death, over a year ago, of Gray. The dead iiian was, according to the police, n heavy drinker, and, having been placed on tlio "Indian hst," was refused lii|iior at till- hotels ill the town. Some time before his death, it is said, he forced his way into .Jeremiah Morrison's hotel, :uid wlien the proprietor attempted to put liim out a tight resulted. Gray was ejec- ted from the building after lie had, .•iccording to the story of his relatives, been struck over the her.d liy a hard rublior instrument in Morrison's hands. The incident was almost forgotten until some iiioii'.hs later when Gray after a sliort illness died. His relatives then revived the story of the tight in the hotel and the alleged use of the piece of hard rul)l)er, claiming that Gray's skull had been fractured hy the blow, although the injury was not suspected at the time. t'iMinly Crown Attorney MicKiiy, to determine whetlier there was any fouiid- .ition for tho story, held an in(|uest, but the jury after hearing the evidence brought in a verdict of death from natural causes. Ni>t content with this, Frank Anthony of Toronto, representing Gray's wife, brought an action in the courts against the hotel keeper, claiming damages for tlie death of Gray. The body wis ex- humed. The trial of the action was heard before a jury. County Crown Attorney Di-ayton of Toronto represent- ing Morrison. The jury, after listening to physicians for both si<les, found against the plaintiffs, and the pres ding .Judge refused permission to appeal. Still unwilling to accept defeat, Anthony announced bis intention of a.skiiig the Court of Ap|ieal to set aside the .Judge's ruling, and for permission to have the action tried again. No decision has yet defendant in a recent trial in which he stated (hat he had been washing <lf the l,oen given on this point labels from the local option beer bottles and selling the contents under n pretence of secri'cv, thus lending his cusloineis to believe they were drinking the straight lager. This device brought pleiiiy of customers till the Iritl exposed the dodge. Provincial Inspector Ayearst and his men secured the evidence against Howard and Corbett, while License Inspector Matt. C. Beckett laid the charges against Mc- Arthur and Clarksou. Meanwhile Anthony bad the Isnly exhiuned again, and severing tliu head from the trunk, brought it to Toronto, where it is now in charge of his lawyers. As his warrant for this action Anthony claims to have received an order from an Orangeville Justice of the Peace, .although the second disinteriiient took place some time ago, it was app.'irently kept a secret until the last few days. A falling tiny nerveâ€" no larger than the tiiie<l silken thread- -taki's from the heart its impulse, its power, its rejsular- ity. The stomach also has its hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop who tir»t told us it was wrong to diug a weak or failing .Stomach, Heart or Kidneys. His prcscript'onâ€" Dr. Shoop's Restorative Bad Shelburne Boys U has happened on more than one oc- casion during the past few years that the hand room of tho 3tith regiuiuntil band has licen entered in tho night by unau- thorized persons and the bass drunn,cym- hals and any other noise producers that were available taken out and a determined attenipt made to make night hideous by c uiibinatioiiB of strange sounds. Gener- ally entrance hia been m^de by means of duplicate keys, and this in spite of the fact that the [iHttern of lock on the door has been changed several times to pre- vent just tuch funny business. Monday night of this week the bandmaster saw to the locking of the door himself after praclise. Tho two keys Imvo Dot since heen <u'. of pdisefsion of the persons supposed to carry them, and they were not near the rotni on Tuesday. Yot in the early hours of Wodnesday morning (about 1 a.m., to be precise) night was again made hideous liy individuals who got into the htiidroom, procured instru- ments, uniforms and torches, and held a liacclianalian ktreet parade. It is time these people were prosecuted for disturb- ing the peace. If that doesn't stop their fool performniices. perhaps a prosecution for breaking into military property will help. â€" Economist. Making Room For Hosea Owen Sound. Pen Kahbeje, an Indian fium the Southampton reserve, rented a wheel and did not return it when promised. A warrant was sworn out and he was arrested. He whs let go on suspended Henteiice on paying costs aaiouniiu(< to 916.46. The ti.'iherlos inspector at Owen Sound has got busy recently and secured several convictions fur illegal tishiug and havim; fish in possessiun that were illegaly caught. A curious sight was to be seen yester- day alternoon on Division St. opposite the Seldon House. A man wati observed on the sidewalk holding a tele|)hono receiver to bis ear while his right hand had a grip on what ajipeared to be an ordinary wooden hoop. Al- though there were nn wires visible he was evidently li.steiiing to some c<m- veisatioii, Hiid ini|uiry revealed the fact that wireless telephony had arrived in Owen Sound. Experiments wero being made with apparatus belonging to the C'lllins Wireless Telephone Company of Newark, New Jer.iey. Mr. John Sydney of this town, who is one of the agent.s of the Company was conducting the experi- ments. While Mr. Sydney was standing in a room in the hotel speaking into the transmitter the man ou iWe street with the receiver at his oar could hoar every word with marvellous distinctness. It was a wonderful experience, and was hailed as such by the numerous indi- vidu.ils who got â-  hold if the receiver. Mr. Sydney ia eiideavoring to sell stock for the Collins Compuny. Demonstra- tions were tirst given in Canada at the Toronto Exhibition and Oweu Sound is the second p'ace in the Dominion to receive a demonstration ot the powers of this latest achievement of mechanical science. Last night there were thirty-three patients in the General and Marine Hospital, three mire than there is really accoiunioJation fur. Thirteen of the in- mates are suti'ering from a severe type of tyjihoid fever, and ttd.s is a most ab- normal number in this district. Several of these patients have been working down on the wharves. The matron and nurses have their hands full, and have little or no time to obtain rest. It is to be lioped that this typhoid epidemic, the cause of which is puzzling the doctors, will be speedily stamped out. Councillor J. L. Boyd of Sydenham |.(< received a painful injury on Tuesday afternoon. He was at work packing apples in his orchard when the end of a barrel cauie do>vn ou the last Hnger of his right hand. The hnger was severed at the first joint. J. atidW. BOYD merchants Flesherton Ontario Millinery Openings WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 32, 23. 34 and 25 MISS E. P. AMOS is again in chaige of the .showroom. This season the shapes are somewhat moditiiil as 10 size. ITic high ttirbin, tke roll at the ImcW, and tide tun. shapes keiin,' much worn. Lmge wings and tpriys Hie exttasively shown, and 111 c<jlors green and a»hes of roses are very pnpular. We extend a cordial invitation to our many lady customers 10 ci me in and examine our display on .ibovc dates. Ladies' Mantles In Lidies' Mantles we have some beautiful line< ranaiog in price from §8 to §23.50. This year ibe styles are seiiii-tittiii'.'. 5 length, and much the same ai last season's garment*. In Mis- ses our prices run from 84 to §8.50; and chihlien'i from S2.7.J to 85.(10. Dress Goods In these, stripes are all the rage, and the more decided the stripe thj more popular. We havoa beautiful raiigein ciilorsâ€" black, murine, navy, green, mys'eria, brown and taupe, aud at prices ranging from 55c to 81.50 Furs In Furs we have a complete r-miie of the following lines -Udie.s' stoles, scarfs, muffs, caperines, etc. Also men's and ladies' fur and fur-liued coats, caps, mitts, gauntlets, etc. Ready-Made Clothing In Clothing vre have ihe Progress Brand, inadeby H.Vineburg & Co , of Montreal, alsi W. U. .Ichnstou & Co's clothing of Toronti>. These ate two tf the largest clothing hou.se8 in the douiiniou. Their goo.U and prices are right. v..-^^W.-^-»...>-:>i/« â- .--•u-v/-v.--w-\f...--.»>y-.>/..,..-^ â-  V i.-»if ua Aui^^kj '' I On Thursd.iy James Sargent went up! {Kj Seeing by Telephone To allow persons conversing by tele- phone to see one another is known to be the ultimate goal of inventors to whoso labour we are indebted for the evolution of telephotographic apiwratus. As the problem did not so far admit of any practical solution, inventors have, in fact, been satisfied with transmitting, by wire, photographic pictures, diagrams, hand writing and the like. According to reports just received from Denmark, a satisfactory solution is now offered. In fact, two young Danes (the brothers Anderson) recently called at the offices Politiken, tho well-known Copenhagen daily, in order to submit to the editor the principle of their idea, [uirticulars of which cannot yet be given out. I'nlike the Korn •p]>aratus,optical trausmisason. according to their scheme, is not eflected by meana of any material seiibitive to light, such as lelenium, nor is ja picture produced by photographic or mechanical means as in all ihe apparatus so fur hi g- gested. Transmissiviii. in fact, takes place siiuul*aneously, so as toreproduie any objects situated at the sending station in their natural colors and motions, their diniensions, however,being reduced. The apparatus is connected by a con- tact with the telephone wire, when the acoustic or optical currents can be throwu altornalily thiough the line. The operator is thus able at will to show himself, or to bring befoie thw eyes of the person at the other end any objects he inay like to show him. Ah the apparatus, so ftr from being necessar- ily located iupuediatuly beside the tele- phone, can be used within a considerable nuige, provided the contact be obtained. Dr. Edward Everett Hale was a foe to the] possibilities of this inveiitiun are to long seriDona. He used to tell a atoryj obviously many. Further details will be of along-winded preacher and the minor {awaited wi'di interest.- Sciontilio Aineri- [irophets, which the Wnshingtou Star can. repi ints. j - to Arthur for a load of furniture for Guoi'Ke Mutiie, who is moving to Grand Valley. When about opposite Geo. Parks'on '.he way home, walking beside the loitd, he was somewhat startled to see smoke coming rather thickly from the load, and he lost little time in bundling off the stuff. The tire was burning fiercely in a feather tick, und had taken hold of the dray floor vt-ry close to some hay. Hurrying to pi event it eetting headway he burned his hands seveiely, but Bu intent was he in unh>ading the stuff that lie fe!t no pain until the burn- ing stuff was unloaded. In addition to the feather tick, a mirror was broken and a dresser blistered. Tho tire is supposed lo have started from a spark from his pipe or a broken match at Arthur, and sinoulderetl unnoticed until opposite Mr. Parks'. Jim has a very bad pair of hands, and will not do any work for some time. All the tleah on the left hand is t>urned and the riKht one is badly blistered.â€" Grand Valley Star. •kvl In Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Separators and WIRE FENCING I I i I . .i. - i Heard's Carriage Works L Farms For Sale or Rent Ccylon Meat Market Lots .15 and ;i5, com S D R. 10 acres, ro cleared 10 acres |i»sture. balance good busli. Harti MxaO. drlvlnasliecl. good frame house. 2 wells 1 acse of orciiard and stone wall uo(»er barn. SauReeii river crosses b»ckof farm. Well fencd tnd iu good state of cultivation, 3 miles from rrosou Station. For terms ajn'ly o" premises aPl'l! , ho J*ME8 H. Vacse, Proton Station This preacher preached over an hour nn the four greater prophets , and then, when his exhausted congregation thought he was through, he took a long breath, turned a fresh page, and letiiinK over tho {)ulpit, said : "Wo now come to the more complex \\. J. Henry, cx-couiity councillor of Kiuc-trdine, was coming in his auto with A party of four from Goderich, when hia machinu became stalled going up a steep hill. Two of the party got out when Mr. Henry started to back down the nuestion of the minor prophets. Virst^hiH- The auto became unniaiiagoablo let us assign to them their piupei order, and shot over a 25-foo'. embankment. Where, biethren, shall we place UoseaC 1^^^ o^,,^, ,^„ j,, n,, ,„,„ jumped bu". An irascible old gentleman in a back .. „ . ._i. , u:.. _.„i,:.. :. I ,. â-  . 1.1 „j Mr. Henry stuck to his machine, receiv- iMW rose, took .his hat and stick, and ""• '""'J ... , . said, as he depArted: '"« l*" broken ribs bcwdes being other- "Place him here if you want to. I'm '*'»« injured. The auto w»g not badly moral viaion, judging by much of his | going home. damaged. Business Chances On« well established dreis-inaking shop, one good brick laundry, amall < ppoatiion, one barlwr shop, pool room and cigar store combined, skatiin; rink, roller and ice, floor 66 x Ifirt feetâ€" a money maker. Good reasons for ae'lmg. One blacksmith shop with frame hou,s8 and stable, g<iod cichard, 94IN). A tirst elates country stand. Itnugh cast house in Markdale. $700. 90 acrea of good level land in Art- emesia, 'A miles from Flesherton, coiii- fofiable frame house, good frame barn, •nail orchard, 930OO. 100 acrea in Osprey. Good clay loam, watered wiih spring creek, do acres under cultivatioD. 35 acres hardwood bush, ^ood frame house, good frame barn witb atone foundation and ntabling. A good snap at 13000. On easy terms. 100 acres in Artemesia, conveniently situated on public road. Hrick house, gfiod frame barn 40 x 60 on stons foundation, with sheep ten, pig pen i»rd hen housn adjoining. 60 acres in high state cultivation, 30 acres hardwood bush with Sonne Rood timber. Watered with running sireauis. 14800. 100 acrea in Eupbrsaia, convenient to school, church, store, post oRice, telephone and blacksmith shop. 80 acres under cultivation, good orchard, large new cement house, vod frame barn with stone foundation and atabling. Drive shed. Price 94800. Vor sale cheap or rent. Immediate possesfion. r LotaOccn. 14, Aitrmesia, about 73 acres clear, coiiitortable Iok bouse and frama barn. Apply to It J Hproule. Klesherton. or Jolin J Martlu, across the road from said lot: Lots li i 8 and 0. Con 13 In the township of Oaprey, l.W aoreB. large clearinn.good frame barn and stables, good dwelling aud well, Ap-' Illy on the premises to „. . . ' -W J BBtLAMT, Flesherton. Vor hale cheap snd on easy terms, good com- " for'able trsnie (IwelliiiR, ftahle ami driving house with th'ce villacelots iuCeyloir Dwell- ing well built snd fluislied and Rood bearing orchard op the projM^rty. Apply to â€" K J Spbocle, t leshertou. in the 920 an Half a million acren of land North Weat, rangini; from $o to acre. ' Henry M. Douglas, REAL ESTATE BROKER BOX 76 • MEAFORD, ONT. t'or sale or rentâ€" 100 acre farm. 1 acre of orch- " ard. 10 acres bush including S acres hard wood, wjll watered and good fences, brick lioiisB, frame barn, ti miles from school and post otWco, .1 miles f roui Proton Station. For price aud termsof eale apply to Wui Tavlor, tot 73' 7*. oou 1 north ot Durham road Artemesis Iot 3 con. 4 Osprey. 100 acres well timbered. •" For tei ins etc. apply to K Koberts, Lady Hank V O PUMP Wooden pumps manufactured through- out and repsirs pioutptly and satisfac- lorily attended to. I am asent for the thiee best iron pump manufacturers in Ontario. A card dropped to nie at Ceylon P. 0. will hare my prompt attention. JAMES A. M CLEAN CUBR1E8 CORNER. Ceylon P.O. All kinds of fresh aud smoked meats, head cheese, sausai^e, always on baud Cash paid lor hides. J. HcCLOCKLlN Voters List, 1909 TOWNSHIP OFOSPRKY BULL FOR SERVICE Pure bred Holsteio Friesian Hall. This voubn animal comes fiotu one of the beat dairy herds iu Canada, beinciiiQ extended registration Terms •1.00 AMBER KINC Pure bred Tamworth Boar. This ionog aaimal has proved himself one of the beet stock getters that has ever been oftered fer service- Terms one dollar. -KICHARD ALLEN Lot 170, 2ud ('. T and S road, FleshertouP NOTICE'S hereby given that I hitve transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 8 anil 9 of the On- tario Voters' Act, tho c«>pies re- ipiiretl by the said section.s to be st) trans- mitted or delivered of the List, tiiada pursuant to .sjiid Act, of all pei-sons ap- pearing by the last revised » roll of the said iiiuniciixdity to bo entit- led to vote in the siiid iminici(>ality at elections for meiulKus of the»tivo A.s.seinbly and at itiunici|iHl elections, and that the .said List was tirst iM>Nted up at my ortice at Mclntyre on the 9th day of September, 190t), and remains there for inapection. l!.lector.s are called upon to examine the said List and if any omissions or other errors are ft>uud therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the mid erriTs coriwled according to law. THO.S. SCOTT, Clerk of Osprey. Dated thU Wh day of September, 1909 Bull For Service reg. shorthorn bull. 2 years old, Piide, 74,S05 is for service at Lot »7, Artemesia. Victor' Cun. 6 Terms fl.Oit. JOHN HARGRAVE Steer Astray Came to the prenii-ses nf the undersigned, lot 178, E.T.4 8. R., Artemesia, alwut August 18, one'steer, preaviuiahly S-yeam-old. The owner will prove pi operty, pay expenses and and take him sway. JOS. H. WATSON Portlaw, Aug' 23, 1909. Hereford Cattle for Sale We h»ve lor sain some nood bulla, heifers aad cows, altloroughb od Heretords. T; 4 J: WATSOy. Proton. w

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