^kehttion !lirtwna» TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRiJSCIPLEb ^0T MEN." 7, NO 1401 Fleshcrton, Ont., Tliursday, Sept. 23 1009 W. H TEDRSTON EDITOR HLd PBOPKIETOK s 4 .:« i> tc i = = 1 X 'JS •# "T 5 \ 2 :; 1 •fcj ts cc .:z Zi -^ \ ^ -3 C -H r-< \ S >-, " *J '/? â€" 1 ii s • ^ o o -«~) 1 X a tc ) s Khnberley Hidtchinson visited Dundalk ', »rs. R. J. Stuart, Mr. amd; , Lyuess Fawcett and si^^l!«ir, mid Chiirles Stufiit and Miss ;ett attendetl the wedding of Miss Fiiwcett, to Mr.TJPlF. xa, on WednestLiy Msaiiiing Rie Duncan of Dundafik is the aunt, Mrs. Geo. Hiltchin.son miber from here attended the iigs at Clarksburg on Sunday . Fawcett visit«C Duiuliilk unday hist. J Plewes, who hi» s|)eiit the ks with her ilu«4j.'liter, Mrs. Toronto, vuturaed home last Line, Artemasie. ; is the oi'tlerof the Jay in irhood, but u to^v more days inish. il. No. 9, i-e<>(Ki>ed List week legard ( if HaiuiW-.-r in cliarge. u visited the Twjonto exhibi- ire were: Mr. oiud Mrs. Geo. !rs. J. Parliam'.ent, Janie Fred •Jaiiiiesiiu. lint and Marf JauiieHon of Suudayedat J K. Janiiesou's. rry to reixirt Jlolni Bonson list at present, Hint hopo soon .round again. 1 Legard and chiWren returu- lonie in Toroutwi last week, ng the (M.st UMMntli with Mrs. Mrs. W'ni. C-MWirou spent I friends in the valley. II Wright of FleHW rton sjjent with Mrs. Jiui. McGee the 1 be easily and quickly Fink Pain Tabkfe â€" Dr. 3top Headache «niotnanly pains, any whcne, â- . in 20 ire. Formula on tlfae 25c. ,your druggist or itfoctor r formula â€" it's fine . Sold fkoton Station Mihs Faith Porter, Swiae>ou it •ywiday with Mr. and Mkj. f. t« Wilson and daughtet, vwitivHJithis week with Cey- LyoiM, •â- »i^ and family visit- Stuftrt. left iiH- Ciwebec last week, red a good jKifWJtion with the , Porter, Turoato^ is visiting Ford's. 11 of Tliorn Hill i«< I'eMewing itances around hare. >lor s are plea,sod to see her a^aiji. . and L. Park and Mr. P. it Sunilay at Eugeuia, . Wright, Kincardine, i.s vis- homo of her brother, J. 0. onie, Dundnlk, is home on ler and 8«)u,Toni,of Havelock tlays last week with Mr. W. The Well Caved In After Twelve Years A peculiar phneoHieaon occurred nn the farm of Mr. Charles Irwin adjoinnig this villace, recently, that has causied conaiderable cummt nt. A well close to the house that had showu si^ns of Ciiving in was filled up over 12 ye>iis af^o and the pump cut oflf even wifh the ground. Since that time WH;^ons have been con- tinually crossing the spot, ax it was on tl\e yard fronting the houi:e where teams pass when entering the premises. About a month ago (it is said during a thunder- storm) thia tilled well .suddenly caved in and no bottom could be seen, although the pump stem still rotained its upright position. Mr. Irwin himself had a narrow escape from falling into this pit, not knowing it was there, while passiag some time after the occurrence. Had it been dark he probably would not have escaped it. Saturday morninc last a chalk line was procured, a stone attached to it and dropped down the hole. The stone was caught in lome manner at the bottom and the line broke. This was repeated several times and the lino broke ♦*oh time without bringing up the stone. The Work of tilling up the well was 'tihen proceeded with and fourteen large loads of stone were dumped therein b«f«re the hole was levelled up. There must be a peculiar geological formation at that point, and there aie seversl puzzling things in connection with it. Why, if there was an under- ground vacuum, did the tiiiiog reniam in- tact a dozen yews and u>i>re and then drop instantaneously out of sight? \\hen il did diop, what 'Caused the pump stem Co i^uiaiii upmgUc while the tilling fell / Wkat caughl'ttwt stone at the end of th« line taul , prevented it. from being diaiwn up again, the line breaking every liuie it wss tried ! The only theory we can advance is that a bed of soft ((uicksttitd limi %' one .side of the wel! pro|ier, asid tdiis in-liiiie cucroaohi;d on the well «itiii;irnt'i»y to swallow up the tilling, the piuiBp .s-tt-m-still standing on tirm ground. The «UMie would be held by this quioksa-nd with sutticienl tenacity to bleak the .ord Th.it is our theory, but we Bwait, further demonstrations by the freak to eiiber attirin or disprove it. IPiiceitlte Fine wesftTier hist «eek for building, threshing aawl other aaakloor operations. The ftu-mtiis 1)11 the t^.D.R. ewst of the village wtaieuuote thwiKi*asy liuit week in their vaim eradeavors to rfill tho hungry lUHws uf tla«e .sceaui tikr«shers, operating within 1^ oiiileK. Did y<»u g»>'t<> Walhettjun fall fair last week? C<iUBet«o PricevJlk fair on Oct. Ist aiid yoQ can ^see all : the attnictions that ar« ad^\tiit3i8edr.and'ni>ure, too. Rev. J. A. MnUieson auN lucted union services <i>ti HSund-jv, thef'S2tli, in the Meth«di>>t «:lnu(iii] in tlmniMiiing to tin ovcrttowing .uougregati jii, .«nd in the evening iu Uhe Prosbytetkiii chuix-h. From the eaaino.sl;flittentioii^.eii we feel sure tliat the iii(i»ic'.ssive serwons were much appivmiiiled. J. McAttiiur iV: *u« have buikJ.ers em- ployed uaing ihtrge i|ut>ntities of l.iick and other maleriaJ for the necessary â-ºenlarge- ment of their j;eiieii(l -store. A certjiin yuuiig -buchelor sa«v Eva Cuthbert, v<xaJiist and i'liivy daiio»;r, at some entertaiiiHiont duwii the coiMjtry, and perhaps owiug to Imr line voiot^ or the artistic movement yf !ker Cindei>alla- likc slippers, he luxt his.jiwwt, ami nattu'- all is delighted at tjie pru,s>ii'ct of seeitjtg her at our fair. Mrs. M. Reiley van not m well last *eek. .-Stanley Fergu.son w.is at Ivmie la.st »««jk, <|uite ill with quiu.sy. ^e was mwiewhat improved at the end .of the wei'i.. Ml-*, H. Elliott (ueo Miss Eiuma Roh- ertsou) o.>f Winnij^ieg, has been viaitijig her niotW and other relatives here alvj in Toronto. Her former schoolinntes ami other iuinieii.>us frieiuls are nimjjj pleased to have her in their miiLst again. X scheme is ou foot now to get all the school children in the section to march through titwii to tho fairgrounds on show day, led by Piper McDonald and Flosh- ertou Citizens' Band. Wo hope the soheiue may materialize. Mt. Foreit was placed in darkness ow- ing to the buminii out of an electiic transformer. Eugenia. Maxwell Items Threshing will soon be all done in this ] Our y<mng Iwchelors gave a merry neighl)orh(K)d. Grain is turning out well ;' P»ity at the HiUiard House last Wednes- for the bulk of straw. John E. Williams ; day night. is doing good work and getting a gcjotl run. Mrs. Sloan, sr., held a side last week. Everyone was sorry to see her parting with her goixls, and preparing to leave the home where .she had spent so many happy years with her husband and family. She is going to live with her sou. Walker, at Mount Albert. Bornâ€" Sept. 17th, to 5Ir. and Mrs. Jas. Linton, a daughter. Mrs. Jake Willimns is very ill with conjestion of the lungs. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan of Mount Albeit wore visitors at Eugenia. Will Wilson and Irene Walker spent Sunday with Singhampton friends. Matthew J. Jackson of Philadelphia is vwiting his uncle, Mr. Woodburn. He enjoys a trip to Cauad.i. Thos. Spence, of the Toronto tire de Win. Scutt met with a serious accident last week. He attempted to drive into the liarn with the lower door, <mly, open, foi-getting that he was in an unusually high waggon. The upijer d(«)r caught him, pinning him to the .seat. Fortu- nately the horses stopped and Mi-s. Scutt was .soon at their heads, or thd accident might have proved fatal. Mr. Scutt is improving nicely under Dr. Ryckman's care. .\fier Mr. R. W'ellar's serious illness we are glad to i-eport him a little belt ,t. Rev. A P. Stanley, Mr. and Mi-s. A. N. Brownridge and Miss N. \\iley .itteii- ded the convention at .Stayner la.st week. A picture contest social is to be held in the Methodist hall next Moiuliy night. Everyone is asked to l)riiig pencil and l>aper. Cookies and cotfee will be served. Admission 10c. Miss Jessie Mclntyre, M!» ! expect- p.u-tment, is s,«i„di.^ his holidays «« i ejTii'sing a^.h^'in'tC Mcftdi!!t diurch usual with friends .-it Eugenia Mr. Wyant of Tliornbury and Miss Marv Jauiiesou were visitors at John K. Jainieson's. Miss Kate Jamieson is visiting at Eppiiig for a few days. Some of our boys are going to cjitch bull fit)gs at Duncan lake. next Sutidav evening The Standard's Souvenir Number iTj District Clippings From 0«r Exchanges ♦„ The Montreid St.mdard's s| ber has come to hand, and creditable pn)duction. It >(*s a magaif- icent cover in colots, painted by ciftc of America's best known aitists. Th* â- nuni- A Markdale lady in her hurry to start lorchuich, hastily took from her ward- ro'oe what^he supposed to bcherdnluian, {leci'd nnin- , threw it «ver her .-irm, and on arriving at is a nKWit I cJmr^h <HJd it on the back of the eear. had â€" her )ii when sJlie discovered eha band'^s trousers. The new oatmeal fnill and elevator, lier conuins nearly 150 hsW-tone plates | ^^^,^^^, ,,y j,^^ «uterprise of the Mc- devotedto subjects of ijeneral *Uerest. 1 y^^^.^,,.^ j^^.^ ,,^^^. c,^„,pietea externally and bus two sui.erb panoramic views of I ^ ^^^^^^ ^ g^^^j showing between the Monti-wd suit^ible fcu- fnimifcg. The|jj.j^,^^. ^^^^ ^^^ rwlway. The mill is a printing is first cla.ss, and we 'tinderstamU 3 ^^„ry brick structure, the elevator ie that many th.ms.-mils of the issue '«»♦• j f™„e with mew.! siding and roofiuj? ami been sent to friends abroad. • is as high as »!ho mill with the usual narrow Ctpper structure. Tliestt nve undoubtly tku most iuiposiiii.' addirh»H« to Durhaui architecture of recent ye«Fs~ â€" Review. McFARLAND&CO. l^h line, OspKy. A uuiubcr fr*>«i this inxgliborhood are attending the I'CJi days' camp wieetil.g of j the Holiness Workers, held at Otarks- burg. Mr, and Jim. D. Tv'. CliiHii*. of the Eighth line rtttonded nihu Toi-oiiloexhibi- tioii last wetk. Bi»i-nâ€" t'hi Septoniliur l.">, tx) ^Ir. and Mrs^ Josttflh Irwin, a son. Mrs. X. Jeffepy visited hei^sister, Mrs. F. J. Ha«nion, of Staynev.k'ifit week. Mrs. Jkihn Uialaiell i«'-»i*ting Mi-s. CTuunb(iu.'«of (aibriihsir at prese4it. Mr. Th«iniiiH, -Ri.. of Didbreville, Mich., is visJt4«i;iii«-H«iil,'Tlu>«. iit)p*e«eiit. Eli ftidBiiBBem oT #'everslia«i'. is erecting a iiuxleim, >uip-t»^dctte hoimeolting sidj his store. A. T. Hiatebinwm w.-u* in Toronto on busiuexs ]iu>t w^eek. Jt)8. li»-in ha* .ereated u tiine house on his farui, aund wiffl ««»ni havciit completed. Firman Iriidi '*! ^$;ui>ehaiu did the wood tiuishiiig, juid Jjui. «<ayer« .irf Fevershain the plaRtciiiig. John JenJiiuK aiu£ daiugb6et\ Mrs. Wni. Horton, of CoUiugwiwud (lisKisii at R.J. Cohiuelte's ivcentJy, CeytM T. A. Gilchrist, D. D. MeLwr»;hlaii. J., S. McMillan and H. Pi|jer tdwk in the excursion to Walkertou. Mr. and Mrs. S. J.icknoa and fiMiiily of Biinessan visited the fiirmer's ^reiit.s here last week. Cur scluKil teacher,Mii« McGrejjw.was was suddenly called away by illness im her home at Owen Sound. Wo all hojje *Jle »)iay be aide .soon to return. Bell McLood visited her uncle. Alex M«,Tjcod, at Priceville, last week. Ml-, and Mrs. .\. Sealey of BunesKaii vi.sitfcd friends in Ceylon hist week. Miss Maggie Caswell visitetl Miss Jack- son rcc«j.itly. Mrs. Hv'glif of l^lvon^^a visited at T. Chislett's last week. .\ quiut«tte of Shelhuriie youii^ men undeitnuk to do some gambling i« the rear of a feui'dint' on Owen Sound «rreet a week *-jf Sunday. Whether the stakes were larpe or small we don't kiK^w, but anyway (iroceotlings were taken against them, iriie case did not get as fa4- «s the time scheduled for appear«ac« iu court before Police Magistrate Ilutheri»ini, for the y<*»U'^ men pleaded guilty and throw theiiisel^-es on the clemency of ihe com I. 1 he luitpist rate imposed a tine of ^ and costs o«i> each member of {kv ijwiiteito. Scnidaf.:gambliiig doesn't pay. â€" £«oiio- iiii^t. Surv<5/ors took the levels and .dist.ance from a.^oint near Kiiuberley to IRiiorii- bury station one day last week, Uir the pur^Hise^it is .said, of being evideiu.e in a law suit, a Mr. Clemens of Gait, ie.«iiitcr- ing Hgaixst a Â¥v. Fuller of Owen iSM^und. The funucr ptirchascd cettain bush ilaiids from thtt iaiier, and it is claimed by the purcha^e^, that the seller lepreouuted the distauctf to be shorter by 3 or 4 uiiiWs ; than it is, «nd that the road was a letel road, instead the hills are iiumer<MU> and a serious detriment to hauling heavy load.s, such as lumber. U is said Cleuiijns' suit nill be for flOOO damaged. -•Clarksbuiip Review. Tho man »iho wrestles with the cow and learns the calves to suck, who casta the feed befort the swine, is now in greatest luck : ^ur butter's on the upper grade, lamb's l«i;licr than a kite, beef is climbing up the licalu and pork is out of sight ; eggj he gathers ovuy day from his Portland chicken coop are uimost wi'ith their weight iji gold and we iiro in the soup. His grain brings him a fancy price, its rising eveiy day, ami he rakes in all kin Is uf nion. for a small load of hay. The f.irmi'r i.s in the saddle and when he comes to town the rest of us by rights should go way lack and sit down. From eigkt and une-hslf acres R. E. Guiin. of Beavertoii, this year produced 3U0 bushels of fall wheat. Tho wheat was thieshed dirent from the liiild, haul- ed to tho mill from the machine, and sold at one dollar a bushel. "Throe teams did the hauling," ;aid Mr. Gunn, y dealing with the crop in thi.s way MA.E?K;DALB ONTAl^IO Fall millinery ^" mantle Styles All the new i.leas and fcishions in MillincM-y for Fall are now on exhibit in our Millinery Parlor. The de&igns are va.stlvtiifferent from tho.se of last season. You get a wide choice here of hats that are luotlish and modern. We extend a cordial invitation to you all. We welcome you to come and learn all about the new mantles, where style, work- manship and material are taken into consideration. We can serve you at the most reasonablE prices. Prices range from $6.50 to $1>^. 00. New Mantles. Here's Prices That Should Tempt Shrewd Buyers: 500 yds lOc Flannellette for 6ic. per yaid. W.) yd*. 3Dc. Ribb<ms. fur 2-2c per vard. •M prs. oOo. Hose Suppirtera at 3oc. per pair. . (JO only 40c Ebony handle Hair Brushrs for 19c. 24 ?1.00 Black S.itmo Uiidertkiris at t>8c. 209 yds. 25c. and 30c. Fancy Ribtons "at I'.'t; per yaid. 48 prs. 7Jo white or grey Corse te. Hose Supporters attached, for obc per p.<ir. 5 d«z.<n 'Joe. Clothes Brushes on sale at loc. 70 boxes 15c kind N'te Pap*' «nJ Env.4opes to match, at per box 49«, a.V: valse Glass Vacos !<)T loc. 144 d»«. papers duplex Safety Pins, Teg. oc per paper, now 2 papers 'for M. A young cowitry chap once gut a job iu a city grocery. Ha w.is vcsy cautious in his new berth â€" they had told him that the city people would try to josh him because he was green. He kept a sharp j and lookout, accordingly, for joshers. A wo saved two handlings of the Sjtraw and sober old luaid entered the graoery one i one of the grain. The field on which morning. " I want some bird seed, ! the wheat was iirowii was summer fallow- pleaae,' she sail. The new clerk sneered | ed hist year, and i.s well underd rained, and answered scornfully, " No ye don't, ' "I like" added Mr. Ounn, "to grow a lady. Ye can't j.wh ui*. BirJs * row ' considerable crop of fall wheat every from egifs, not seeds." year, wholly irrtspective of the price ol , 120 Gents Hock on and bow Ties reg. 25c., choice for 15c. 27 Leather covered Bibles, reg 50c for I9c. 12 doz. 5o ."pool grey and black Linen Thread, 2 for 5c. 29 on'v, soft pliable bather back Bibles, reg. Sl.OO and f 1 25,your choice for 69c. 24 Poets, leather liound, a«suited, ?1. 25 and SI 50, choice 68c. 60 prs. Ladies Boots reg. $3.lX> and t;i.50 patent leather, blucher cut, dull kid tops, on sjt'e at per pair r-'.io. 10 doz. pre. Ladies W'orsted Hose, special at i>er pr 25c. 15 dozen Ladies Underwear, speciai at per garment t'oc. 15 doz. Gents Fancy Pipes, ref. talus 25c, on sale at 15c. lUO Infants Bibs, speci il at 3 for 25c. McFARLAND & COMPANY The Flesherton Carriage Works Fleshertcn, Ont. BUGGIESâ€" luteudiug purchasers will save money by calling aud iu- spectiug our stock, »a we have a good stock to choose from- aud prices are "'"^ 'rEPAINTI-N'^â€" Bring your buggy to us for repaiutii)g. Satisfaction """^"^PlJvVS. etcâ€" Wo handle the best plows, harrows and also carry a full SfEl7sEPARAT0RS-We are agent, for the MELOTTT, The best iu tlje market. Special attention given to Horseshoeing. First Class Livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. the grain. It divides u(t the work of the The latcpayors of Montreal voted hf yejir, gives you a lot of straw, and byfityor of a Board of Control and a re- having ditforLiit varietie* of grain you Juction in the number <f Aldertneu.- lessen the risk of loss from failure in onejThe proposal for a Board of Works ajK variety. When the wheat is hi^h inipomted by the City Council was decisive- pricj I sell ; when it is low I feed it. |y defeated. You cannot loose no matter how th. market is.' Fall Fairs .A. book on rheumatism by Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Wis., tells some •1- 1 . 't,„.,. K ,1 M>.rii.<» rn pliiin truths, and in a plain and A youii, g.rl in her teens belong nR ^^^^^^.^^ ^„^^. ^,^^ ^^^.^ ,,^^^,^^ . respeciable family m ^" l"'S"0"^^;^„d ^ free trial treatment; of Dr. caused hot parents and the police con- ^.^^^^^.^ Rheumatic Remedy for siderabe iinuble and worry la.st week, j,^^,,^^, disheartened sufferer iu vour Having disobejed her father and fearing vicinity. Make a grateful ami ap- puiiifehuient .she suddenly disappeared preciative friend of some one who and despite the etl'orts of her friends to is discourajred because of the fail- U.cate her remained out of sight for ures of others to help him. Help nearly a week. Before leaving she,«ne to make this test, and I'll cer- ..â- ,;„ f 1,,,,, ;„»,,n,i,.,iitainlv help vour sufferinjr friend. wave no intiiiiation of her mtonueui . „ , • , " , ,, ,,.,.„. Sold by all dealers, departure, consequently those ciKlea\oi-i -' ing to find her were entirely at sea. -^,' brother, however, came to the assistance of the searchers and gave such infor ma- ion as led t.o the sirl's locovery. Pollowini; is a list of the Fall Fairs in Strani/e as it may be the Kirl wn"* ""''this district as issued by the Ontario Department of Agricultural: â€" Flesherton .«!ept. 23, 24 Meaford Sept. 2;?, 24 Clarksburg Sept. 31, Oct. 1 Chatsworth Sept. 10, 17 Kilsythe : - Oct. 7, 8 Owen Sound. .Sept. 14, 15, 10 Rocklyn Oct. 7, 8 have heard the frequent talks with Wimton Sept. 23, 24 friends and «ith the police regarding hor| Walters Falls September 28. 2» J ,,,.. „u... nmdo toiDnndalk Octolier 7, 8 disappearance and the plans niado toi^^^^^^^^^ September 21, 2 2 ascertain her wheicabouts. mat '*ii« Pfjceviile Sept. 30. Ocioberl continued her oscapa.le for such a length Feversham Oct. 5 and of time is remarkable. . iway from her home. Insteiul of leaving for parts unknown she sought seclusion behind tho piano in tho f.tniily home, iemainiiii{ in hiding during the day and coming out at iiisjht to procure food. The uirl's place of hiding wa.s in the chief rooui of the hou.so ai.d she must ^pecliiKst] |in; dlstasesl^of Iho Sliclburne has been made a moteoro-l logical staiion with Principal L:ins(foidj _ _ ., J TL x appointed observer. The in.strumentsi fye, tar,NOSe End ThPOat were set on tho first of the mouth «"^'|o«tloe iLi K.i>»t srit. - tiweniSounci the tcinporature and rain fall .since that dato. -Free Press. recorded At tho Revere house, Markdale, 1st Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. m.