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Flesherton Advance, 2 Sep 1909, p. 5

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September 2 1909 THE F 1. E S H E K T O ^' ADVANCE Build Up A Reserve Now Now, while your earning power is good, why not convert part of it into a Cash Reserve that will, later on, yield a competence for old age ? You can easily do it by regularly depositing a part of your income in THE STANDARD BANK E-j,iuh«i 1873 OF CANADA 77 Bnochea^ j^ J3: One Dollar and upwards opens an account, and with systematl? saving and Compound Interest, the fund will rapidly accumulate.^ Begin to-day. 72 FLESHERTON BRi^NCfl George Mitcliell, Manag'er BRANCHES J^L«0 AT DVR.HAM AND BARR.ISTON. VICINITY CHPS Mr. Oshwell Whi'tsu of Toronto is holid»yiDi{ at the paiental home. Miss M. Miller of Owen Sound visited Miss Lulu Mitchell uver Sunday. Miss Vida Rundle of Dundalk spent Saturday and Sund:iy with Mis.s Chidley. Mr. John Duncau of Toronto is spend- ing some time with Mr. Hubert Best. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drake and liabe, of Toronto, ire gue.tts at F.G. Karstedt'.s this Aveek. The stuff bows its most graceful thanks to Mrs. W. Sharp for a chi>icfl basket of eating apples. | Mr. J. G. RuBsel returned Saturday to bis home nt Purkhill after recuperating here for a few w^eeks. After a heavy rain Saturday nighl cool ireather set in and it approached peril- ously near to frost Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pye of Clarksburg were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Carter for several days during ilie past week. Miss May Magce uf Toronto is visiung her uncles, Mr. .loseph Cornfield in town, and Mr. James Corntield at Mt. Zion. Mrs. James Saunders a-td three chil- dren, of Toronto, are guests of the for- mer's pareiits, Mr. and Mrs. Edward "Whitten. Rev. W. L. McXeil of Lii)ertyville, Iota, a former Canadian, will preach in the Presbycarian church the ne.xt two Sabbaths. Blaster Ross Douglass, formerly of Colllngivood, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. A. S. VunDusen, aud attending school heri'. . Mr. Austin Shackleford conies again â- with corn 11 feet 4J inch stalks. 'Hump' yourself, Mr. Chronicle, or we'll bo a whole lap thead. Mrs. M-ilntyre and two children re- turned to their home in Toronto last week â-  fler spendinj three wneks wiih her brother, Mr. Rob Richardson. Friend A. Reid, who has been teach- ing at Mawkestone, found it necessary to resign his school, owing to illness. Xiater he accepted another school at Ar- kell. Clue. Mr. Bert Fleaher, who left hero nine years ai!o with his oiutber, culled on friends here for a couple of days this week. Bert is in iho plumbing business At Barrie. He returned home Tuesday. The few rcniainii'g tools, pipef, etc., belonging to the Kiniberley oil drillei-s, that had not boon removed, werenhipped from here last week to be use d in a (juest for oil at another point. Miss Heta LeGard has gone to Toronto to lake a position there. Wo wish her every success. She ii a briijhf, iutelli- {(ent young lady, aud Mhilohere, gained many warm friends and will be much missed in the Suuday School and Guild. The Orangemen of St. John, N.B., Mrs. George Trato and little daughter, Violet, of Chicago, who were on their hon'eward journey from a trip to the Atlantic coast, sptnt a few days las': week with BIrs. Tralo's grandparents, Blr. and Mrs. John Brown, sr., and other friends. They resumed the homeward journey on Saturday. Down in Stayner there is a washec- washee almond-eyed celestial named Charlie Yem. Last week Charley's mangel was put out of business and the proprietor, who prides himsplf on his knowledge of English, wrote out in largo letters and pasted on his door the f jIIow- ing aniiuuncument : "Charley Yaui machine broke, send to Toronto for to be tix. She stop." Division Contt is being he'd here a^ we go to press, before Judge \Viddi5eld. The docket is a pretty large one, though many of the cases are tiivial. There is <mly one jury case on the list, that of Wti. Scott V. Charley Wolf. This is a trade cnio in whxh the plainlifT claims to have got the wor^t (f it and su^s for §100. The evidence will be weighed in all its bearings aiid live good jurymon aud true will ssttlo it beween the parties. Sabbath, Sept. 5thâ€" the pastor of the Method'st chutchâ€" Eph. 4: 22-24. 11 a. m. â€" "Putting off the old msn and putting on the new man." No. 4 in studies in Ephesians. 7.00 p. m. â€" Lal>or day sermon. You are heaitily welcomed. Some of our subscribers would notice that they were a little late in getting tlieir copy of Tlie Advance last wetk and would wonder what could be the causn thereof, as it was scmething very unusual indeed. Well, here is the explanation : After getting the first copy ofl and mak- ing soroo corrections, the machine w-is started again without properly locking the forms on the press, with th» result that one page slid off to the floor aud piled itstlf up into a shapeless m.ass. This represented at least a week's work for one map to replace it in the cases, but owing to the kindness cf Bro. Tucker of the Markdalu Staudnrd, who came to the rescue with his type-setting machine, the paper was printed the same evening and was sent out Tlvursday instead of \Vediies<lay. The wreck was nne of the worst we have known and there are still pounds of printers' " pi " lying arouud awaiting someb'idy's leisure to put it back where it belongs. The editor-in- chief was solely to blame in th s instance and now considers himself a full-tlediied pressman, having learned his little lesten. No Paper Next Week In confortnity with the usual cus- loni of tb-oppiiig one i.ssue in the year, there will l«i no Advance is.sued next week. The office will be open a.s usual, however. In a private note from Rev. Dr. Cald- well, who is stationed at Owen Sound North (Brookholm Ward), we learn that he taking a trip this fall as far west as Vancouver, to le»ve about Sept. 30. Mrs. Caldwell will aUo vi.sit friends in Saskatchhewau. Spe iking of local option, he says: "Our local option must be a sucite.<8, for I havo seen only one man the worse of lii^uor, aud am much of the lime on the street." Mr. R. T. ftlcLend of Oregon, who is vi.iiting his brother, A. D. . of Priceville, gave Tlie Advance a welcome half hour's chat on Tuesday. It is over fifteen years since he went west and this is his first trip east since that time. Blr. BIcLeod is in a wlieat growini? sectiou of Oregon, where he says they never havo a failure He does not have to depend on irriga- tion for his crops, either. There are a great many Canadians in the state of Oregon, and all appear to be diing well. There was a noise as of many battles down in the valley en Saturday kst, and people for miles around wondered what the thundering noise was about. The cause theriiof was as follows : Mr. John Weber was the owner of about e'ghteen pounds of dynamite which ho had stored in an old out building for the past couple of years. The family did not feel com- fortable with so much explosive lying about and to allay their fears he decidad to get rid of it. It was carried out and have decided to hold a big fair, opening l''""'^ "" '^ '"'"S^ ^'^n^' " '"«« attached. on October 11 and laktiug a week. Dr. Sproule, M. P., will bo asked to open it. It is also likely that Dr. Sproule will be invited to address ih while at St. John. and those who did not heir the explosion that followed can guess the rest. DiAR EniTOR,- Allow mo to make a Canadian Club I contradiction in your paper of a false statement made about mo for using pro- Some Ma. kdalo young men made them- 1^""" '"""""So to R. Cook. He hauled aelves busy Friday night dist.ibuting ; '"* "P '"" »'*»'"»'*' »'"' '•»*" ^^ ""s will- empty whisky bottles around town. The j '"= ^^ '^''•*- ^ P"''! 92.65 soortor than boys may havo considered it a funny ' '"'"â- '« '"y """"s '» t'»8 V^f^r. but any "stunt," but it wss a r.uher poor adver- ! ""'''* ^ ^'^ "'y '" •>''" ^ «'" "'>t take tisement for then- home town. I ^"=''' ""'^ ^ ^^^ "O' P'^^aJ Suilty and We understand that the Baptist ^on- ' ^ *""'' »;'«" j «"'"y' ^ '^'»' »«»V U«t gr.g.ation8 of Staynov tmd Creemore arej "'""''. "^ '^"^ ""' ^'' ^""'^ '» '"»" '" ««' . 15 T c V D » ""* '" "'*' "eek s issue. ThtukiiiK you anxious to secure Uev. L. F. Kipp,B.A., ..... uim.'s J"" .1 • i /> u 1 ir t 1 tor tins snort space m your uaner. I re- •8 their pastor. On behalf of ourselves ^'^ ' h"!"^'. , ,. .1 .1 . 1 :niain your, â€" EuwABn Sargest. ana a great many othci-s that we know, â- â-  .^ w .. ,. we utter a fervid wish th;it their cffoit-si. ^''"''ley Wolf, a Jew pedlar well known will be fruitless. When spoken toon thel'" "'''' scct'O". ha« been having a diffi- fnatter,Mr. Kipp could neilhor affirm, nor j''"" '"* '" boe recently. Some time ago deny the ramor. ; he was twice fined for selling without a Dr. J. P. Ottcwell showed The ^d- i "'='"""' V' ",'" â- ^""'">-- L^'e-- it seen.s he c . , ,. 1 • I I. L J I repeated this act in tho neighboring Vance on Saturday a sliver which ho had I . , .,. , , I county of Simcoc and the authorities extracted tho day befcre from a cow be longing to Mr. David Dow of the O.D.R. Wo call it a .sliver but it was in reality a I down there got after him. Ho heard of this and went him.self to a m:igi.strate aud had the matter adjusted. It is said that large dry cedar limb 2 feet 4 inches m i , . , , „ , , ° . , , -.1 . 1 ^ for twenty dollars he got a clear ieecii)t length and covered with nasty knots, i ^ , , . , . . . _,, • I . , • , ., 1- , i up to date for any irregularitifs commit- Tho animal had jumped on the limb, j j n which penetrated between her liiiius in he vicinity uf her heart and on into intestines, breaking olf four inches be- ted. In thi.s manner he got off very y, but how the niigislrate in j quest on will explain hi.s action if calU d ^. .... , , , , . . .u 1 cheaply, but how the niiaislrate in the vicinity uf her heart and on into the • ' _ .,, , • ,• ,• •, „ , Death the skin. The Dr. had great dith- ' culty in extracting the slick, but sue- j ci-eded, and now has it on exhibition I aniong his curiosities. The coiv, it is (bought, wiH recover. upon to do .SI) we cannot attempt to de- cide. Chailcy inay be a Wulf by name, but ho has a little of tho fo.x in him, too. He is fast learning, however, that it does not pay just now to peddlo in this county or uiiy other county without a license. Change of Date The Directors nf Ariemesia Asjricultu- ral Society have found it necessary to change the date of their fall fair and bold it a week earlier than was announced. The correct d.ites will bo Septemner 30 and October 1. The next time that Peter Toews of Winnipeg enters a barber's chair he will make certain that ho won't take a nap. He wandered into the toneorial parlors of a Leonard VioK-te reofutly. Wheu ho came to he had tho following little hill presented to him : Haircut, 25c ; shave, loo ; singe, 25c ; elertric shamj;oo, 50c ; scalp nv-issage, 50c ; face massage, 3.5c ; eyebrows dyed, 75o ; moustauho dyed, $1 ;, 83 75. To this was added $1 for good measure. Toews looked at him- self in the It was not the same Peter Toews he knew before his sleep in the barber's chair. Ho pinched himself to be sure he was not still .slet-ping. There was an aiterc ition which wound up in the police court. Magiitnito Daly was called upon to adjudicate as to the bill. Peter seriously considered bringing in a ch irge of assault when he viewed h:s countenance, but was finally appeased by having his bill cut down to 40 cent>>, which he duly paid. The Postoliioe Dej artmeut continues its policy of providing free rural miil de- livety routes where thoy are asked for by | the people. So far about 100 routes i have been tstablished, mostly in Ontario and tho west, Quebec and the Maritiuio ' provinces showii'.g little appreciation if the b<ion. The pr'>cedure is for twelve, or more far.ners along the mail route to i send in a petition in which they express i their wiilingniss to provide the official boxes. This reiiuest is reported upon by the divisional inspector, and if apiproved the contract is then let and put into op- eration. Card of Thanks. I beg to tl'ank the citizens of Fleshor- fon who extended kindness and help during the il'uess ufmy son in the village. Tho assistance rendered U appreciated more than lam able to express. Grate- fully. â€" W. J. Ar.m«trong Dundalk, Auiiust 31. 100!). Mrs. John Heard Dead The citizens were shocked on Blonday morning to learn that Mrs. Jwhn Heard was iu a dying condition. Ail day Mon- day she lay and UMcon.scious pissed peace- fully aw.-iy at 8..30 p.m. that evening. Two doctors wore in attendanco upon her for hours previous i-> d ssolutiou, but found it beyond human power to save her. Much sinceie .sympathy is expres- .sod with Blr. Heard in his extremely sad loss. The deceased lady was much ad- mired for her many .sterling qcalilies.and most by those who knew her more inti- mately. She leaves behind her an infant daughter only a foT hoars old. BIrs. Heard was, previous to her marriage, Miss Hannah Wttllaoe, daughter of Mr. Jamos Wallace, of this township. Her mother uiod about a year ago. Besides her father, she leaves behind two sisters and four brothersâ€" Hattie, unmarried, in W'iniiipag, Jennie (.Mrs. Robert BIcClel- Ian ) Port Hope, Joim T. and Roy iu London, Out., William at W iarton and Robert in Toronto. The decea.scd lady was a consistent inein her of tho Blc'ho- dist church. Her age was 32 years. The funeral took place ycslerd.ay (Wednesday) aiternooii to Flesherton cemetery, serv- ice being conducted in the Methodist church ly her pastor. Rev. H. E. Wellwood. Charles Such's well drilling outfit is at present on the farm of Charles Jacks. n, 14th con.. Brant. Mr. Such was drivina out into Brant ou Monday afternoon and Mr Jas. Leggett of this town asked Blr. Sucli fur a riJe as far as Win. Leggett 's, 12th con. On their way th-y drove into Clias. Jackson's and Mr. Such Itft Mr. Leggett to hold the horse in the lane till ho went to see how diilling operations were proceedin,'. The horsu became frightened and ran up the lane. The buggy ttruck a gale near tho barn, up- setting tlio rig, and throwing Mr. Leggett against a post on tho other side. He was picked up, carried into the house and a physician piione I for. When the doctor an ived he found Blr. Leggett's ribs on one side had been smashed so badly that thoy were separated from his spine. Ho only lived a ftw hours aud spoke only a few words after beini; in- jured. Tho shnck killed him. Blr. Leggett h-Td renc'iod tl-.e advanced age of 81 ycara but was in peifeet health. â€" Chesley Enterprise. If it is true that i.o editor, publisher, manager or primer is now or has Ijoen, an inmate of ei'.her the Kinijsion peni- tentiary I r the Ceniral pri.son, tho uew.s- papers should not too hastily conclude that it is a credit to It may ba regarded by S'.me as a repn ach to the adii;inistra- i 111 of justice -Toronto Star. Last Saturday when the farmers got to- gether in towr., they invariably began talking aSout tho gras.shoppeis. Tho tales some of th >m told wore most un- fortunate, and there arc uiidoultet'ly a larije number of farmers who havo com- I aratively iiothing in the sha;;o of fodder this â€" Wiarton Echo. The town of Coliingwood has purchased a gas producer plai.t from the Caniida Foundry Co. fir power purposes to bo ins'alled by October 1st iir an expense of ?."),500. The plant is adapted fi^r char- coa', an'hiacitc or cuke. JItinouticemetit I am in the city thi.s week for the purpose of secur- ing an expert Milliner, and also to choose from stock all of the most up-to-tJate Suitings, Ladies Fall Coats, Skii"ts, Waists, etc. Wo will have tho most complete stock of Ladies' and Gents' Apparel that has ever been shown in this vicinity. 20th Century Sewing Sewing Machine Wo luive in the Goodrich " B " one of the most up-to-dale,coiu- plele machines for the money that is on sale. Ic is imly a loader, and we will not be able to repeat it for the money. It has all the latest iini)roveiiients, including the lift drop-head, which does not re<iuiro the belt to bf moved to get the head up and down, drawers lock when off duty. Tliis is a " tjueen " for only $25.00 Fur and Fur-Lined Coats Are arriving eveiy day. We are Grey county's renowned Furriei-s, which is admitted liy all. Wo keep the best fur.s at the most popular prices. Wo guaiantee our coat.s. If thoy dou't turn out exactly as we repi-e.sent thera we cheerfully take them back or havo them rejxiired. We will have a com- plete stock in this hue, and will make further announcement proliably next week announc- ing our best values. 1^ Odds and Ends ^| W. A. Armstrong issuer of marriage licenses. Buyers should keep their eye -'n F. G. Kaistedi's ad next week. Ten line .suckling pigi for quick sale. James Milne, Uock Mills P. O. j The Advance till 1 Jan. 1310 for 25 j cents, or till 1 January I'Jll tor $1.00. I Now sewing in.ichii.e for skIo at F. G. â-  Karsiedt's. Price i25.{)0. See it in the window . Shingles and Hemlock lumber for sale, any loiii^th roiiuired. T. \> . Phillips, Lady Bank P. O. B ly Wanted â€" Ii.tallig.nt youth to leani the printing business. Apply at once, ttiis uthce. House and blacksmith .shop t < rent in \ the villaue o( >L»xwcll. Apply to Win. ' Guy, sr., Maxfoli. ! We would refer our readers to Norris Bros. ad. on the last pane. It is ot un- usual inUTest this week. Hemlock, spruce and b.als,Hn lumber, also hemlock, spruce iiid bal.siim lath f «• side. J. W. Deagli>, Eugenia. Property for Sale at Priceville â€" .\ brick house. eis;ht rooms. Darn and fivu lots, for sale reasniiabie. -Apply to Catherine Scott, Priceville P. O. Mar.ltf Lo.-t â€" On agricultural grounds, Aus. 27, a bunch of keys, also a leather fob with locket set with pearls, valued for associations. Advance otHce. Strayed or stvileii from my fioclc. about Jjly 12. two leioee^er ram lambs with , lonv tails, weight, about 85 pounds. Finder will bi." rewarded. Chas. Stafford. For Sale â€"3 year o'd heivy horse, 3 year old well brokoii driver, driving maro | and her col>, bred by .\b Brino, also , lumber and shingle. E A. Graham, ' Eugenia P. 0. I For silo at Eug-i»ia-A good house] and barn, s'abling for ihrto hiadof' cattle with U)ft over stable for food, and \ one half ai^re of land. The house is in good repair. Apply on the premises to ^ Joseph Wdliams. Watch Lost â€" Gold watch and pin, I small watch with iiionograin in diamond ; " I. .M. C." between Fesherton Jiiid East I hack liiif. Wednesday night of last week. ] Five dollars reward given for its return to Tho Advance oliico. | To those who want to have a good ap- / pearancc it is good news to know that I they can take their linen to .Vndy Wilisouj Flesherton, and havo it laundered in tirst class style. Basket leavts Tuesday night and returns S.itu>-day a. in. M;iikda!e! steam laundry. W. ,1. Smith, Prop. Clearing s lie of general store stock, coiisi.stiog of dry sjoods, boots and sImos, groceries, havdwaie, paints, oi's and varnishes, w.iU papor, patent medicines, all will he soH at a reduction as I havo sold my store and t{ive possession on Dec. Ist, 1909. All tiocouiits duo and payable at once. I will accept tr.ide for goods to Nov. 15th, '09. R.N. Kinnear, Maxwell Oi tario. Nothing in the way of a cough is quite so annoying as a 'idding, teasing, wheez- ing, bronch'al Coniih, Tho qiiichtst relief comes perhaps from a prescription known to Druygisis everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Coui;h Remedy. And besides, it is so ihorouahly harmless that niothets cive it with perfect safety even to the youngest babes. Tho lender le.ives of a simple mountain »hrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Rjiiie ly its remarkable curative ell'ect. It is truly a certain 1 • and trustworthy prescription. Sold by ' nil dealers. We linve received word from the manufacturers that Rubbci-s have advanced iu price 10 /< Now to rinu in on the old prices and get .a couple of excei)tioiial vjilues. Wo will for SEI'TEMBER ONLY. seU our light ;ind heavy Rubbers at the old prices. You ought to take ad\antago of this. Nearly all of our ctuiH)etitors in tho neighlwring towns have advanced their prices, .so we would advLse you to put iu a heavy stock. We have a little leader here in a Ladies' " Flora ", rolled edge, per- fect in it.s appeanmce. and which retails in any store for 85c â€" our ])rice is 75c. Another â€" an extra tine plain CriMjuet for 5,">c; and a gentlemen's (^ver. plain, reg flOc for 75c. These are real values, and you should take advantage of them. Also a full stock of luiul>ennen's heavy snag-prouf Rubbers at {>opular prices. Skcl Ranges Wo have two Steel ranges on the tioor which have been used s'.ightly, till! lliiyal Peninsular a perfect stove in every respect, guaranteed to be a baker, had fire in it but a few times, but in default of pay wo were foix-ed to t.ike it back. Also a KoJtenay, made by the McClary .Mfg. Co., which is also a Hmt-chiss Range, fitted with coal grates, in tii-st-cliuss order, only having had a few fires in it-. If you are need- ing a new stovo you will s;ivo money on these. Tliey have l)een tested and found t j Imj first-class Ixikei-s. i»nd you will save from 88 to 310 on them. We ha\ .' also a full line of new Steels, Iron Ranges, Base Burnei-s, Heaters, etc., iilways on htind. R e> Karstedt Fine Shoes With the coming of Spring we naturally look for somethiug ijcat aud stylish to wear espci- ally iu footwear. We Lavo go jnst what yon need. We recom meut the MODEL Shoe as being haudsome iu shape and right up \, 3 date aud built of first class material by reliable ma'.;ers. We have the MODEL Shoe iu Bhicher and Oxford style in Black, Chocolate, Oi-Blood, Kid and Dougolo. You cannot help being suited. Not especi- ally for Children, 3Ien or Women, but for the whole family. Also â- Men's aud Boys Fine and Heavier Shoes. CLAYTONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. E. LARGE high class goods at very low Our Clubbing List Tiirt following prices are lor strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. Wo have no .accouiits with o:her papers. Advanco and Toronto World, daily S ,"? 00 Toronto Dailv News 2 30 VNeckly Globe I 80 Mail-Eiiipire , ... ..... ."j Family Herald & Stat 1 80 T.Tonto Star 2 ISO Fanner Sun . . . 1 80 Farmers .Vti-ociti 2 25 Weekly Wii.-ess I 75 Satii;dayNight 2 53 All through this Store prices. We have never been better prepared to sup- ply you with all your spring and summer wauts, for every ilcpartnient is crowded with bright new goods â€" the 'kind of goods wo insist on selling â€" look better, ;u'e better, anil cost you no more than the kind that are niadt; merely to sell. Yoiu' satisfaction the particular thing we aim at, 35 and we aim to make this the safest store for you to 5 buy at. ^ Highest prices paid for produce. I J^E. Large, eug enia. The Advance Till Jan. 191 1 $1.00 Nuiiil>eis have taken advaut;igo of this bargain. Don't YOl' be the one to miss it.

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