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Flesherton Advance, 2 Sep 1909, p. 4

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September 2 1909 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE it ;i ( f I The Flesherton Advance Published weekly at it's oflice, Coiling- wood street, Flesherton. Subscription ratesâ€" Canada $1.00, United Statee, 91.25. Advertising rates on applica- tiou. \V. H. Tliurston . . Editor CANADIAN WATERING PLACES The watenidc suuimer idea has taken a strong hold iu this country and is growing year by year. In past days the Atlantic seaside resorts were about the only places where city wealth and luxury went to cpeud the two Lot mouths of summer. A few years ago the frequcuters of thtse places discovered thai "up iu the woods of Canaday' there was some* thing better, and the result was that the Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence were preempted by United States people, and when these were all gone other island dotted lakes were searched out and purchased from the goverDtneut. About that time, however, our owu people awak- ened to the pleasnrc of owning a summer home beside or iu some lake, and the quest became a serious one for those who had th:| means. Now the securing of an accessible island on which to build a summer home is a difficult matter indeed. The islands of the Kawitrtha lakes have all been taken up, Lake Simcoe is lined with summer cottages, so is the Bay of Quiute and Ridcau lakes, and the choice islandc in the Georgian B\y are now nearly all privately owned. The Muskoka lakes are overflowing with Toronto residents. Five years ago the district north of Parry Sound was literally a howling wilderness where no one visited except iu ihj fdll during deer hunting season. To- day two railways penetrate this section and thousands of tourists have been overflowing it during the past summer. Five years ago the little lakes echoed to nothing but the woh's howl and hunter's gun; to-day gasoline launches and gay summer parties float on their placid surface. Things are chang- ing fast in that district and soon it will be but one vast playground of (JO or 70 miles on each eide. This is within reaEouable distance of our largo cities and the inhabitants of those places have not been slow to take advantage of the hixuiious aids afforded by the ucw railways. On the Moon river a largo Pittsburg club Lave a magnificent club house sur- rounded by cement walks and em- bracing every modern luxury. The club numbers over 200 and is known as the Iron City Club. Tins is of course distinctly American, and there are other sections \» hero onr consins from across the border come to get a few gasps of f.esh nir, but what we set out to say is that the waterside summer idea is growing fast in our own country and our own people are quickly picking up the plums in choice locations. So much so is this the case that it is now diflicnlt to find any- thing this side of French P,ver and Lake Nipissing that is easy of acorBS and suitable for a family summer «*ater:ng place, unless one buys from the other follow at a premium. Few people clearly understand the real magnitude of this movement. The railways, however are thoroughly cognizant of it and are making coin out of it. Outside of the sightseeing, there is little to induce Ontario men to go west to assist in the harvest. Not one in twenty saves any money by the trip. The financial inducements held out are not suftioient of them- selves to draw the assistance required by our friends in the west during their rush seaaon.and this year a pinch IS be- mg felt in Manitoba. It seems that the majority of those who go have seen all of Manitoba that they want to and the Btream of farm laborers is flow- ing out towards the provinces further west, leaving the Manitoba farmer to get ofl' his crop as best ho may. In time the other provinces will also have lost their charm to the curious eastbi-uer aud they, too, will have to look about for other assistance to liarvesl their golden crop. This is a situation that will have to be met by the farratrg of the west. Prob- ably it wtll take the form of increased remuneration, a .'(ufficicnt sum to mako it worth while for a man to drop his work m Ontario foi a couple of months and share iu a little of tho profits in wheat that we hoar so much about. The Bands Played To a Large Crowd The annua' band concert was held <>n the agricultural irounds Fridny iifiernoon and evening list, and whs more than UNUslly BUccetRful fruni n financial stand- point, the receipts amounting to $1C0. In the afternoon Flesherton and Mark- dale ball clubs gave what could not by any stretch of the iimigiiiation bo called a good exhibition of ball phiying. The first tialf was somewhat iiituresting but in the laUer half the Flesherton team up- penrud to go all to pieces and allowed their visitors to pile up the score moat Crushed While Coupling Cars Markdale Standard Many Mnrkdule citizens will remember the tfouisl Jimmy Wilcox, formerly of the staff of W. J. McFarland's iiiorcantile 04tal>lishnncnt;. Tho news of his sudden death Saturday night in Detroit, saddened many a lieiirt. Jiinmiu, as he was faniil iarly known, loft Markdale some seven- teen years ago, sjiont a year in Owen Sound, a few years in Toionto and has been f'lr ten years a resident of Detroit. He was 35 years old and unmarried. He was a switchman in the yard of the Mich- igan CenlrHl lailwiiy, and while adjusting a cou[)liiia! the other portion of the tr.iin noiaolefsly closed upon him, crushing his unmercifully. At the end of the ninth life out. Messrs. George Stubbs, George iniungs tho score stood 22 to 9 in favor of tho visitors. Just as the shades of evening began to fall Duiidalk and iMarkdale juvenile la- crosse teams lined up for play and when it got too dark to see the ball they quit and counted up points, when it was de- Hass and H. M. liurt, who had, with the deceased, been iissociato meinl ors of the switchmen's union, together with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. ! Driukle, and Mrs. George Stuhbs, bc- conijmnied the body on Tuesday to Mark- dale, and were joined nt Toronto by his • 1 1 .L . «« 1 J I u J i J r» sister, Misi Ella, and hia brothiT, Albeit euled that Markdale bad two and Dun- j ' , ., „, • " Wilcux, and wife. Ihey were met on arrival of the noon train here by a com- pany of brotlier Oddfellows and inter- ment took place tlie same .'iftemooii at New England cemetery in the family plot, Rev. .1. R. Wilkinson ortioiatiiig, Credit--A Solution of the Problem dalk one goal. It is possible that a few more goats may havo been made in the darkness without being counted, but this was immaterial, as the public was not very much interested. The strain on the eyesiglit was too oreat to follow the sjanie. Luncheon was served from a booth at \ 10c per lunch. The grounds weio well „ ,. . ,.,,.,, , ,. , Credit i.s .-i very necessary sjstem in nil iiKhted with lenlcrns and gas-.line and a , ,i,,g^„f i.^.si,,,,^, „„,) ,,,o,„ise.s to pay do good program of band music, solos, quar- ! not alw:iyx niaterixli/.e on time. Ac- tetles, etc., rendered. A quartette by ^ o muts are iiegotiible by assi^'niiient nl- Mcssrs. J. 0. Russell, MarcoUus, Murray | "'"«' »» convonienlly as are m.te.s by .,n- , ,,,., , 1-1 I florsemeiit. the broker is in •> position and Wilcock was very much enjoyed ; t,, ^,,1,1 i^,,.], ^^..tor and cie'itor, and Mr. Perkins, loader of tho Markdale : the forniiT sliould not feel en b:iri!issud band, gave a very pleasing cuniet sido, because of his ac.ount beiiit; as ignod any and >Fessrs. J. G. Ru.ssell and Dr. 1 "'â- :'« 'IwIVs prunus^ory ii-to bei.,g do- ,,,,.,,.,. i nuciied. riie uioKcr by aiscountini! the Murray g.-ivo a lau.:hable Irish di.lect : ,^^^.,^^,,,^ ,^^ advancing, money thcie-n to duet. Rev. Mr. Wi-lUood occupied the the crediu.r may ease the burden from ch lir and gave a short, pithy address. ; ort' the sliouldiis of tlic creditor iiiirl also Tho program w la a good one and thor Tho National Anthem i to pny his Jebs he may open an account oughly enjoyed, ino i,au...,ai .v„u.u„. ^^j^j^ „,^. j^^^,^^,^ l,y pl.c-io^r to bis credit brouglit H very pleasant eveuinxtoacloso. ' „t|„.riicc(.uiits or iKites ciiui biiii, or he The 3-inile race did not come off exactly | " a^ b<3 able to settle in some other con- .is advertised, but Hardy Pattoii did a \enieiit way. In cafio" wlipre thy dtditor simply r - fuses to acknowloil^'e his hones^ debts (which class o;' individuals are veiy few iiiirl far between in tbis oounlry) than that nun is simply askiii<; alms and ac- } cejjliny chi.rity and ho has no earthly right tci ex|iuec an iiuliiiduHl to supply Perhaps tlie incest item of the event ' Ins iiei-il«. >iii» sli. u! I apply to the niun - was the procession of sihool children t. ciV. authorities for a8sis:ance. p.iced three miles in sLtteeu minutes, which it will bo conceded is pretty good going. Three young men â€" Fred Mc- Mulien, Roy Kerr and S. Thurston â€" ^ took him in hand mile about. the grounds in the afternoon. These were made up from the Red school, Flesherton and a few from Ceylon. The c'lildren marched well, headed by Flefch- erlon band, and Inoked neat. The chil- dieii from tlie Red school looked espec- ially natty with swishes and luiiner. All liusiiiess men are pleasid to give ciidir to g(M)d pioplu and when the Imsi- iiess man turns ycjur account in to 1 lie brokir to let him t^liare a in"iitli or two of tho loiin wait just drop into the brok- er's otiicu slid fix. It up in note lorin or acknowlfd^o the noC"Uiit and everyone connected with lluMiiaiter wdl be over the hard pliice. LlI us elabor.ite further ns follows : The retail merchant i.-i ti d iiji ; he has 1 been a ^n(,<l folbnv and his moiuy is out The Thornlmry Hendd-Rellecb r thus 1 '"";'."« 'I'", f"''"""'''' ^ bo cons.unor is , , ^ . ^ • .1. 1 teelini' o.iilly because be ciiiiiidt piv, and refers to two recent inventions m th:.t ^^.^ ,,;,|„,.^ ,^„i ,.^,,,,,,^ j,,^ ^..^^j.',,,; ^^-^ locality ; | iiceouiit is only tmiU, but hninhi'ils of Tho first is that of the Fi.stcr Fan and I such accounts mnke up ii pretty lieavy Foster Turniii!; Device, built by James :'"»;! f'"' I'' t '.»"'â- ''""â- !• '^''"' "-'"' '^''' "* T, „ . r ' ni 1 1 T, .1 .1 ' feelini! biidly l>oc.iUKs he ciinni^t nay and L. Foster of Clarksburg. Both the.e | j,.^ ,^|;^,^,^J^.,.^^„„„, ^^.^^ ^^^^ ,^ /^^^^^^^j^^g inventions are iinpfovements on tho ! j„b lot bo-nuso his e oUections h.ive boMn blowers of tbroshiiii,' machines. They j slow. All this tie up reliounds at Local Inventors are not experiments, but are rei;istcrod the head of the conaumev .... , . " , , has til pay up in lets time, very patents that havo proved most successful ., if'i,\va« in tl,« band. „f „ and economic iinprovemetits in the wind- stacking ait. I'he other invention is by Albert Pren- tice of Henthcote wli'i w as assisted by Dr. Shultis. This machine is a clover harvester which is attachable to an ordi- nary mower. The inveuticm is likely to make a new era in clover harvesting, being a groat seed saver and also a con- venient and inexpcusivo machine to the farmer. This machine is to bo seen woiking at tho Toronto exbibitipii. than if it was in the hand-i of who, with a comparaiivuly small of moiKiy, is in a pnsilion to nil start the whole machinery goin;4 again. Old ho often, lii'oki-r. amount lip and merrily Durham. Dundalic The drill .»t the power hou.'io is down 11)5 feel but still no flow of water. .*.bout <)5 feet of this is in rock. James McMiUen, Thomas Henderson and Wesley Irwin of the back hno north have had slieep worried by di^gs recently. Mr. .McMillen had tive killed while Messrs. Henderson aud Irwin each loi-t two. Alex. Vanalstine, who has managed the electric bglit plant for the past few months, accepted an offor to go to Gren- Forty-four harvesters in nil loft here i)n Thur.sday morning last for tho west. At a special mot'ting of (he town councd held on Friday ovening the .dd Ml, M«n , and loft nn Monday for that cream .separator works site was disposed I j,,,^,^_ lj,.l„.,.t si„.,,„„„^ who has ro- of to Mr. Zenas Clark of Varney, who turned to town, has been roenga-ed by will commence operations to have a saah ' j,,^ ^, ^^^.^j j„ ,^^^ ^,,,^^^,j, ^j ^,^^ tloctric and door factory erected thereon. Tho ! jj„|,, ,,iu„, consideration was 8.">00. and we under- ;,,.,, , ... , ,, „, , .,, ^. 1 « Mr. Albor'. Armslroinj is making s.itis- ptand Mr. Clark will start tho work of , , , ^ ,. , ., ,. , factory progress towards recovery at bis reliuildmg at once. rina is tho season nf year when long corn and oat stories are iti order. Tho homo here. Mr. C. K. Nohlo, who recently sold out „, . , ., , ,,„,,. : his hardware business here, left .Monday BloKhurton Advance starts tlie bull rollinii I, „ ,, ,, , , . , ,, , . „ . , ... .... , ifor Vaneouvor, H.U., 011 a two or three with 11 feet J inclies and 4 feet 10 inches ( ., , . ,, , , mimtlis trip. Holms the weatern fever. John Brillinger has sold his farm on lot 25, aud part lot 24, con. 7, Brant, to his neighbor, Mr. Wilkin, for 810,900. As the farm consists of 148 acres this is at t'.ie rate of ^73.65 per acre. The farm has first class buildings and is one of the best in tho county of Bruce-â€" Chesley Enterprise. A young couple from Newton RoHnson dropped into the ice cream parlors here on Saturday iii;;ht last. The younsr man â-  •rdiTpd one dish of icts cream, which was promptly delivored. After he had par- taken of ab-)ut one quarter of the dish, he rjuietly reinaiked, "By gosh, Mary, it'sKOod; you ought to tot a dish 1 " Ho'h lookinj; for another girt now.â€" Biad- ford Witness. Canadian Pacific TORONTO EXH I B ITION Special Rates and Trains From FLESHERTON J' S, W RAVn General and Hardware Merchants, ( , « TT. DUlU, Flesherton. OnL k Mid-Summer Clearing: Sale We will clean out the balance of our summer stock at greatly reduced prices, some of which are as follows : Boys' Straw Sailors, reg. 30c clearing at 19c Men's and Boys' Linen HaU, reg. 50c and 60c. clearing at 4.3o a 11 " " " " 75c for 59c Muslins, reg. 12ic, dating at 8c " 15o, " at lie Muslins, Linens, and Zephyrs, reg. 25o for 17c •• " •â-  •• '• 35c, for 25c White Lawn Waists, 75c for 43c • ' " " 81 00 for 6!tc .< .' " ^2.25 aud 82.50 for 81.73 All New Dutch Waists, reg. 81.75 for S1.48 Embroideriesâ€" A r.iee range of embroidery and insertions, prices from 10 to 15c, clearing 8c r' ^ ci â- *-• TORONTO AND RETURN TORONTO AND RETUN $2.00 I $2.60 Special Excuruon Days I Daily Aug. 31 Sept. 2, 6, 9 I Sat. Aug. 20 To Sat. Sept.ll, Inclusive Tickets good to return until Tuesday, Sq)t. 14. Ask agent for fr- e copy of official progiammo and time table giving fu!l deiails of special train s :i v'ce. S. RANDS. Agent, FLESHERTON. HE BEST Is what we se'l in tho line of Groceries. Our customers want nothing else, and so we meet '.he .leinand at popular prices. If you are not acustoiner here, you should try an order. .The stock is constantly fresh, and clean. Hour and Feed and every- thing in the line, carried at ) reasonable prices. \VRIQMT'5 Grocery, Flesherton ei c- is . €6- t£ J2 Tr. > s r/) c ^" >" s c ^ ^ r/l r/) f a 1 1 •r" Ph CO ^t ca W en s '".^ w: c; u -i-j C! (â€" ' C r^ c- -kJ r/1 cS >j « CU _ 'â- /: *- liH C "en <; K >^ a o •- -â€" CO O =i o -is £ S ti: a o o s c o ce . „ o "^ "2 en -se- We have opened op a merchaht tailorinb business under the nianage- meiit of Fred Morley who is a first class workman. We havo a complete range of now and up-to-date stock. We guarantee a ferfect tit. Call and see tho goods â€" just in the room MBS. MORLEY'S OLD STAND 7: * -*^- •**-• *'--^- •^'-^â- *- *'- ^--^--^ â- Â«>â-  ' A ^ m-.-'A.^'mf respectively. We'll give up the^host, as BO far he has us trimmed, but we doul.t not that some of our farmers in this vi- cinity can beat this by a vood marv n, and put Bie'r Thurston on the run for longer h|)eciinens. Wo'd like to hoar from them if they cm. -Chronicle. Harold, the 8-year-oUl loii of Mr. Jam*) Ccrliyof M'. Forest, mot with a serloua accident tho other d.iy. In trying to use the buy fork in his father's barn his right hand was drawn the pulley and so nian.;led that niupntation was at tiist thoujjht necessary, but it was "after- wards deo'dcd to try and save the hand, which is still being dre'-sed daily by the di'ctiir wit'i good protpeota of saving the member. The statoiuont is made that during the past two years nearly a thousand doll-ii.t' worth of cittle ha\o di.iiip])earod out of pastures iu Kiucardino township. Tin? thieves are s^id to bo s > bold^ thtt thi'y will drive right into a barnyinl aud take fat sheep from tha penâ€" and that in tho â- Soid^-diiost seotiou of Bruce county. all i'ii;lit, but wants to aee fur himself hefo e tiiiiilly locating. Herald An AmpU T««t. '"^ Tti« Inaurance Agent-Snr* your heart Umt weak? ftfae Insured On»-< Oh, yes, yea. Ibo Aficnt-Bver teat ItT The Inmredâ€" Tea, Indeed. I vatebed a flfUen inning ball gam* witb ttw aeore 1 to 1. 1 W. G. BEGG \V. G, Bi'cg invito^ every fanner and vi.sitor to our Kxhibition, to make our store ynur headiiuarteis duiiiig Fuir week. Our MIlddXERY and FALL OPENING duriuj; Fair week will bo the grandest display of high class Millinery, Dress Goods, Furs, Caipets, Ru:;s and Squares, ChiUiinc, Booti and Shoes, Gi'iu's Furni.shinijscvfr shown North oj Toronto. We will conduit one of the greatest Sales we ever put on for Exhibit'oii week. Don't miss our Grand MillinO'y and Fall Opening. W. G. BEGG OAK IlAl.L, €oIlinawood Eye Strain Belies Character. Defective sight produces unnatural expres- sion. Perpetual frowns caused b^ an effort to see J better often belli ;^ character. We are experts in fitting glasses that make facial distortions unnecessary. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician fi:.e:sh£:rton . Bull and Boar for Service TliorouRlilirwl Hull Jroui imvoitod stocU. Tfttuwortli Hoar tor servico on lot 151, T. & S. It., Anenicsla. 20 .\nti, JOHN AD.WIS, I'rop. In Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Separators and WIRE FENCING! Heard's Carriage Works 'a :^ I u i » y„<i w .»i »' "w r» " » l ^i . » w .v, m m 9 jK. m } i » n^ » .w â-  n » t » n » â- â-  <n^ » j^ ^ ^^ a j, t ji m fi m y Farms For Sale or RentCc lOIl Meat Lots :« and 3j, con 1 S D B, 10 acres. M cleirea 10 acres I'aature, balance ROOil Inisli. Barn 0.)X50, (lrivi"K«liert. good framo bousa. 3 wolls 1 acse of orcliard aiitl stoue wall under barn. Kauaeen river crosnca back of (»rn). Well fened nud in good statu of cultivation, a miles from Frosou btatiou. For t Tnis apiily on i.reuilsea to Jamks H. Vaibk, riotoD Station, T?or pale cheap or rent, immediate po^sesfion. " 1 ot :,'0 ecu. 14, Artruiesia, about 75 acres clear, couifortablo Ioe bouse aud frame barn. ApidvtoU J Sproule. blesberton, or John J Martin, across the road froiu said lot. T Ota b J 8 and 9, Cou ^ Osprey. l.')0 acres. 1 â- llN. Op«n Conf*«alon. Auntyâ€" Tommy, I put threo pie» In here yesterday, ond now there Is only one. How Is that? Tommyâ€" Please, It was io dark, annty, I dln't see tliat one^ Th» Reason. Discontented Wifeâ€" Several of the men whom I refused when I married you are richer than you are now> Xbe Husbaud-That's why. He Is the noblest who has raised himself by his own exertions to • hithor .!itptlop.-(1Jf«roi, Scottish Pride 66274 Tlio yomiK liiill Hicttlsli I'ridc will stand for ervicn at Mr. !•', W, NicliolHon's, lot h7. con. .'i, Arleuiosla. fiuottiwli urido is sirol by Hcoitish I'rUico. A ti* Ands«on of tbu wonderful show cow Oiiniof llullacldn. Imp , winnorof eight prizui at 'i'orontu and lionOon. besides bcini^ champ- Ion (oinalo. KI\o welulis over 11)00 pounds, One of thi^ cow's calves sold for S1775.0O. Scottish pvido in oHt of l.ady Holla by the Toronto nrst prize winner, (Captain May Ply, inin 'JSH.'iH. TMs youuR bull has prove hini- Hellashowbiill InivliiE Rained an or.oouratinE leoord tliia fali at Kevtirshani. Ho won tlrat iirlup as bust bull calf, also diploma for Iwst iMill any <i(!o. Tboso ImviiiR pure bred cows 1 dd »o« thlsttvand bull beto e hrccdiuR as tlii'V cannot do bettert)ian usohiiu, A lliiiitep num ler of Krades will l>o takeuat i81,vU; i''cr lau.ila-eds. «i|.00 Bull For Service 2ytftrsold, ng. shorthorn bull, Violor' I'lide, V-lStli) is fi>r service at I,ot 37, Coll. Artt'inesiu. Terms SI.IH'. .TOHN H.VRC.R.WK Steer Astray C'ame to the raeuiises of the mnler»iKiict!, li'tlTH, K.T.& .'â- >.U.,.\rteiiu'siii, Aii^rust IS, ono steor, presuuialily Syenrs-idil. J'lie owner ^viIl |>rov« piiiiiorrv, p.»v exiMuisea nuil and take him aw.iy. JO.S. 11. WATSON I'or tlaw, An n- 2 !!, l!Ki!l. Hereford Cattle for Sale Wol.avi' lor sale soino Kood hulls, heifevs aud cows, all tliorouijhb p< Hori-forda. 1 ; ,V; .». \VA rdON. rrotoir. 13 iu the township of Lrge clearing. t^ood Irauie barn mid stables, eood dwelling aud well, Ap- ply on the premises to â€" W J Bellamy, FleahertoD. Market All kinds of fresh and smoked meatg, head cheese, sausime, alwsy.s on hand Cash paid lor hides. J. ricCLOCKLIN t'or sAle cheap ftod on easy term?, good com- " fori able fviuno ilwcUiuK, f tablo and drivii)!- bouse witli t>pee vlllace lots iiiCeyloir Dwell- ing veil bniU and ftniahed and Rood bearing orchard ou the property. Apply to â€" K J Sphoulk, Klesbexton. L^or salu or rentâ€" IW acre farm. 1 acre of orcb- * ard, 10 atres bush lucluriUii! 5 acres hard wood, w ill watered and good feiicoa, bricK house, frame barn, 1^ uiiloH from ocbuul and po»totHce, 3 utiles froui Vroton Station. For prion and tennsof sale apply to Wm Taylor, lot 7:>74. con 1 north of Pnrhiini road Arftcmesia L'or Kent -lot :vi, con 4 Arteuiesia, 100 acres 85 *â-  to IK) cleared aud iu cultivation, comfortable ihvelli g. batik barn with stone stabliiiu, in a t\vht claHS fottlcnu'iit aud well worthy the attuutiou of those rfquiiint^<>uch. â€" h .7 SvHovLK. Flesherton, I ot -i con. 4 Osprey, KX> acres well tiniboved. •^ Kor terms etc. api>ly to K Itoberts, Lady Hank V O PXJASP CANADIAN ASAKIM^G MORE MEN WANTED FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS tlO OOINQ II j»1Q ADDITIONAL r^" TRIP 11 li^lO FOR RETURN ATTft 07 From Toronto and all stations 'â- 'â- ^ ^~^- '-I east. S EPT 7 ^''°'" *" 8'&"ot"" Torouto west* SRPT 10 ^•â- Â°"' »â- " stations east of Kj^A. J., iv Toronto in Ontario Apply to any Canadian Pacific sjjent for full particulars, time.s of speci.d trains, etc. S. Rands Agent, Fli.sherton. Woodftn ptinipa manufactured through- ' out aud repiirs pjomptly and satisfac- torily attended to. I I am ajetit for the three best iron pump tnanufacturer.s in Ontario. | A card dropped t>« ine at Ceylon P. O. ! will havo my prompt atleutiou. i JAMES A. M CLEAN CUIIUIES CORNER, Cevlon P.O. EXPb'RI£NC>! BULL FOR SERVICE Pure bred Hoslein Friesian Hull. This voiu.s anihiRlcou OS from oneol th) b-at dairy herds in Canuda,baiUR.iu e.\tuDded registration Toruis fil.OO j AMBER K'NG Tire broil Tannvnrth Hoar. This voiinc ani'nal liss proved himself ore *>f the.heststocK Bettf-rs itliat has tver been ollered for serviuo' Terms onodillir. â€" RICH.\Kl) ALI,RN I Lot 17l.\ Unci F. T and S road, FieshertouP O OSSIGiiS Copyrights 4c. Anroaa son.llnj a sVatcb nnd deacrintlon mai an. lily Mc«rtr.;n our opinion frco fvliotbor «a liiveillon 13 pmbatjlr pi>r.i>nL>tb:g. C'i>i;iiniinio». llon»iitrlctlyc«nIlrl*itul. UnadlKifk on I'ntsiiU lent rr««. oidyat attnnnj for ^<?rui-hi,t putftius. Patenu Uiton tliruuiU M inu Jk Co. r«c»l»« I;w:ia4 iwfk^ wlihoul oh»r,(e, lii tho .\ handaotnely lllnatTat-.d weoilT. 1 .uraait eH» cuUalon cf «nj eeleiitiao Journal, a oniu, t3 â-  f»ar; fom nioiitUs, $L fjold byall na<T>ilealeri, «UNPI8Co3«'8"""'**'NewY3rS Bf «.'••> itiw g» W St.. \Va»WiMn.,i, U.t3^ »»^ j>Twr"»j>T«Biv.

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