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Flesherton Advance, 26 Aug 1909, p. 8

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THE FLESIIERTOJJ Weak Women To w«ik ami Kllins women. thcr<> Is at lo««t on* *»y to lulp. Hut with that way. two trfutin.>nt«, inuMtx'iomblnc<l. Oiio Is lotiil, oin- is curutiiii. tlonal, but bcUi mM Important, Uiih cwcuUaL ^ Dr. Shoop's Mght CUro U the Local. "£'â-  Shoop's KittorBilvo. the Cuiiftltutional. *>* ' Ttio lormti^br. Shoop'n Night (Mn^lso topical BlucousmomtirBno kupp<nilt.)ry remwly, while Dr. â-  ehoop » miitorutlve Is wholly an liit«niBl treat- mcnt. Thf Restorativi' ri-ttch<« throughout th» : •nuns >y«t*tu. tw'kliig tho rx'palr ol all luirve. I all tlutiH. aii>l all blix>l ailui<ii>t4. ' The "Night fun'", ai lu iinm.. Impllu. do«>« lla work whllf you slevp. It soolh<4 tore and liifiam- â-ºl mucous tnrfao-s, h>ials local weaknawi't ami aiscliargo.-i, whih- th.- Keitonttlvu eaM ncrrout •icjtement. glv.s n'new.d vigor and ainbiUoci, muids up wa.'t«l tiMuos. bringing about tujiowod Kmmi>. vigor, anil energy. T»ko l>r. ghoopi ttoratlTeâ€" Tablrtj or Liquidâ€" asa general tuoio toUwiTitem. For potlUra local help, use a* w*U Dr. vShoop's ADVANCE AuGcST 26 J909 " ALL DEALERS" _ lirimiis: Carefully Corrected EacJi Week Oats 50 to 55 Peas iW) to «>y Barley CO to 00 Hay 7 00 to 8 00 IJuttor 17 to lit Eiigs, fresh 18 'o 20 Poiatoei p«r l)»j{ 75 to 75 Geese 10 to 10 Ducks 10 to 10 Chickens to 8 Turkeys 14 to 14 Wool 20 to 22 HOUSEWIVES ! AHc air Dressing If you wish a high-class hair dressing, we are sure Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Improved for- mula, will greatly please you. It keeps the hair soft and smooth, maizes it look rich and luxuriant, prevents splitting at the ends. And it keeps the scalp free from dandruff. Doa not change the color of the hair. A FormuU with •«ch bottU 9 uers Show it to your dootor Aik blm about It. than do %» ho OAyi At the same time tiie new Ayer's Hair Vigor is a strong hair tonic, promoting the growth of the hair, keeping all the tissues of the htir and scalp in a healthy condition. The hair stops falling, dan- druff disappears. A splendid dressing. â- I â- Midtbytha J.0.1y«rCo..L»W»U."" You know that it \myn to buy oniy the best groceries that, the cheap K^ocerieK do not k>vo results. Our gaod.s are the BEST and the {>ri:cs are the kind that lit in well with the quality ottere.l. You will wait your pre.serrint; sugar in a feir days. The best jikce to get it and all your );roceno9 at WRIGHT'S a rocery, Flesherton F.\LL TEIIM C(jMMENCES SEFTK.\I(}EU 15T at Canada's Leading School of Biisines.s OWEN SOUND. Commercial, Shorthand, and Prepuralory Courses. Write for infuimation t j C. A. Fleming . - Principal Medical DR CAKTF.n M C I> & 8 Ont. Phynlclan, Rnrxeon, e OOlce anil rcsldtnceâ€" rotor Bt,, KluHhurton JP OTTKWKLL Voterlunry BurReon Oraduate of Ontario Veterinary College, revldunce â€" B3C0"d door Bouth went; on >L.krv street. This Btreot 'riine eouMi Pi -nsi.vttfriiiii Clmrrh. WILSU.N, lilllckl'l.iUli • 'irailuatu of no Veterinary Rclcnce AKsoclaiion UoRJdnnco, Dtirhani street, ojt ositH it'tv 1. Tt'.*\H'i',''H liar'lwfirtt. A Practical Education Is Koiiivthing that is within the leach of every yninig iimii itiid woiniin who has the .tnibition to succfe<l in life. It can l)e secured ill a short time and tit a c<>ui)mrii- tivi'ly small cost, by attending tho Collin^ivood iSusiness Colie^e Fall Term opens Sept. 1st, 1009. Write now for free Catalogue. T.E. HAWKINS. - FURNITURE Tlio laiv,'csl ami llu^L stock of Furniture ever shown in Fleshert<m. This without fear of Con- tradiction. Couio and see some of the nice things in Side 15<inrds, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Uoom Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on eveiy- thing, in order to re- duce the .stock. , . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER eslierton BusiMcss Cauds ^ALTEU LOUCKH Dkntisthv Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. ll. K, dental Riirgcon honor urodiiate of Toronto University and tlnmtes cheerfully lurrislicd, vpyal ColleKo of l>iintal riurK^ons of Ontario , Ontario. - .1...t-l...-. 1 * . >l. ..Vt. .1 ' Results of Co-Operative Experiments Willi Autumn Sown Crops, I'our hundred and tun fanners through- out Ontiiriu conducted ixperimentu wiih autumn sown crops during the past year. K<!ports have been received from lliiity- six of tho counties of the Province. cuuiitifs which furnished thegicut- est nemlier of ^ood reports of successfully 'jonductcd experiments were Middlesex, Huron, I5rant, Norfolk and JIuskoka. The experiiuents deKerve great credit for ; ho good work whicli they have done, not only for themselves but for the farmers generally. Average results of ' the carefully conducted co-iperative ex- periments with autumn sown crops are hero prehen'cd in a very concise ft^rm. Winter Wheat. Four varieties of winter wheat wore distributed last .lutumn to those fanners who Jwished to test souio of tho leading varieties on Iheir own farms. TIio iiveraite yields per acie of sira* and of giain are as follows : Imperial Amber, 1.4 tons, 24.1 bus.; Abundance, 13 tons, 23.0 bus.; Bul- giiriun, 1.2 tons, 21.0 bus.; and Nigger, 1 4 tons, 21.'.) bus. The Imperial Amber gave the greatest yield per acre in the co operative e.xperi- I ments tliroughout Ontario in 1007 ai'd in i 1 J07 and in 1!W8, as well as in ll»0i». It aUo came tirat in pt)pularity with the ex- periments in each of these years. The Impirial Amber will again be distributed thiousrhoul Ontario this autumn as one of the varieties fur co-operative experi- ments. We distributed the Dawson's Golden Cliafl" for co-operative experiments throughout Ontaiio in each of twelve years, but not within the kst three years. According to exten.sive inciuiries which we have made this year, the Dawson's Golden Chaff is btill the most pojiular and the most extensively grown variety of winter wheat in the province. Winter Rye. The agerago yield of liraiii ner acre of each of three varieties . "' " '" „ .^ , , , ^^ ' ,. ., 1 • .1 . A »"t<-'r-powersito capab eof ceueratino of winter rye, dislnbuied m the autumn i „„„^ , ,ff ,,,,. ,^ . ^ geueratina of 1908, i, as follows: Mamm<,th White, ["f^^^f"' ''^ horse-power greatly 28.1; Common, 25.1; and Washington, l"^^ 'f^''" l^^'^-"*''. »>«^ l-on 19.C. In -the experiments ,\....^:S...i^:^^^^^''\^-'^^^f^--^^^- «t.Joh„ Ontario, the M.tmlth White -H-cd j^^^: Z?"'" ft"V?''. "" '"^ the Common rye by an average of 5 1-. j J^''^,;;;;'"^^" "'"'^'^ electriHcation is per acre in 1907, 5.4 bushels per acre in ' 1908, and C bushels per acre in 1000. Fertilizers with Winter Wheat. In the CO operative cxperimciils with ditleient fertilizers applied to winter wheat, the averngo yields of grain per acre for live years are as follows: ^lixcd Fertilizer, 25.2 bus. ; Nitrate of Soda, 23.8 bus., Muriate of Pot.tsh, 22.0 bus.; Dundallc. We notice by tho Areola. Sa.k., paper that Dr. Reg. Urier, who (irst looatod at Kiabey has moved to Areola, a larger centre. Hb has met with considerable Hucocss in surgery and his services are in largo demand. We are pleased to note the success of a former Duiidalk boy. Dundulk school board has engaged .Miss Dahl of Dutton as principal, at a salary of 9050 per annum. Miss Dahl holds a first class profefsijnal ctrtificate. Miss Draper of Arthur has been engaged at a salary of 8400 for the prinuiry department. The butcher business conducted for over 27 years by W. T. Rui.dio was sold last week to Joseph J. Smith of Shel- burne. In disposing of the business Mr. Rundle does not contemplato leavin;' town, at least for the present, but will become a wholesale dealer in meat, ship- ping to Toronto chiefly. The well at ihe electric power house has the habit of going diy about this season every year, so tho village council decided to diill deeper with the hope of striking a better spring. A Markdalo outfit is at work since last Thursday and fair progress is being made. The li^ht shines only when water is drawn in by tank t(» the 'ooiler, so villagers are some nights brojght back to the olden times when the tallow dip was the best going and when the eleclricians' dreams were laughed at.â€" Herald- The longer man inhabits the earth, tho more of its products does he discover to be edible. One of the latest things to t)e made into a food is alfalfa. A club of young college men has been making practical tests of the palatability of that arass, and has pronounced it excellent, as cattle already knoT it to be. Electrification of Ihe Grand Trunk Pacific Railway from the Si. Lawrence River to Monckt^u is being considered. and Superphosphate, 22.7 bus. ISuIhier unil Contractor for Itrlck. Stone nml franio rei-iilenceB. Kb. Fleuhorton 1" ti sfi aduiUln tutored fur tooth extraction Uice at ro'lenee, Toronto Btroef Flosherton SOCIKTIKS fii^ ULLOUtlH & VOUNO ll:0)kci'H Markdalu The un- fertiliz.d give an avorago of 10.9 bus. per acre. The Superphosphate was appIioJ at the rale of .'120 pounds and the .Muriate of Potash and Nitrate of Sod-j each IGO pound per ncte. Tho mixed fertilizer consisted of one-third of this ([uantity of each of the other throe fertilizers hero mentioned. Tho usual co.-it of the fertilizers as used in this experiment is between four ami five dollars per aero. Fodder Crops. In each of six years. Thompson's Bakery Having secured Mr.E Ann- stiong of Peterboro, a first class Iwker, we are prepirod to turn out the best of every- thing in our line. I'rosli liroiicl (ilvvny« on litincl A trlrtl Htjlleltotl. Ed.Thompson, Fleslierlon. k V \V meets on tho last Monda; I each month, in their lodge rooui Norrld' hlock. Fleiiliorton, at H i).ni. M. W. . Mllok ThlRtlethwalte: Iter., (;. H. MnnKliaw; Fin.. W.J. pel.uniy. VmitinE hrcthrrn Invited Job Kenorol bankirn; hu»ine:iB. .Money loaned tllO seed of Hairy Vetches and of \\ liiler Bt reasouable rotci- Cull on us. „ . , ,..,.,, , i . ' Rye bus been distributed throughout ''rounmlTer, reylon. • liitai io for co-operiit ive exporimenta in nj|Comniii.Bioiier In H. (:. J , Convoyancor, tlec.I», , testini; these crops for fodder purposes. ;o, A.r A niort(!iii;e«, leaReM, ttlllii etc. cuefuUy .Irawn nii , ^ ' , ^ } II. Arm- 1 -''''''•':"<'"» mail.'. elmrueH reuHonal.le. AI:o In tho avctaiie of SIX yenrs experiments Btronud Mall Klealicrton. every Krlilay on I B''""'"''';''. "OUf- 'eo'l etc. kept in stock. â- >••â-  ' or before tho full inorn. Thov. lllakely.W Herb. :Soiltli, HetretKry. PKINCK AKTiltlll I.OUIIK. No. :i:o, A IX, ineetrt in the Masonic hall. I riKht. n OfUT FIjnsnKnrnN. 995. \. 0. F. ircctfiln ^ Clayton's Uloek the laHt Wednojulav evonlnR of each month. Vlnitins ForeKtorn h'^artilv welcome. H. It., nv»on: It. H., T. llcr.ry; Fin. Sec. C N. lliclinrdi'.on. i i'lenie |iay dnes to Flu. Kcc. boforo tho first day of the month. p J Wl'llOULI': " I'Oftniiister, I'riccfl ^|j^ Hairy Vetches produced slijihtly the "â- ~~~ largest yield of green fodder per acre. . Fleehorton i/Onimlmiloner in H.O J., Auctioneer yeyaucer, Apiniiloir ond Money Le-ide Kntate and Innunmcu A(!>iit. Died but in lOiJO the largest yield was pro- duced by the Winter Rye. mrl?,"['"v";i!m.V.o/?'Vr'''" V''1""y'''''"^^^^ ! Distribution of Material for Experi- u\< an 1 valuationn innde on vhortest nrtice â-  â-  â-  uioiits in 1009 Uial CHOSKN FhIKXD8-Floi.lierton Conncil of (.'hnsen Frleniln meet" In CMaytnn'B hull first And third \Vodnc<)i1av ftf each month H |). ro I'ay aRBOHHmentH to tho Heeorder on or before tee flrct ''ayof each month. Chief Councillor T. lllakelcy;necarder. W. H. Hunt. Legal , VjJ M. WKIOUT, llarrister. f'ollcllor. ConvRV. , "ttiicer. etc.. â€" Owfin Konnd, nnd FIoRhyrton,- IlsN I!â€" bertoa oOloe, Bnroulo'B Illook ovory j Oatnrrt | incney to loan at lowcm rateB of intercRt.'Col lections attended to with promoiruBi chart'oH low. ARont for Ocean Dominion Sieamshu) Company, A call solicited. D. toUDD MATHRWft, Markrtolo. Llcensod " auctioneer for the connty of fircy. Oopd I nmnth for dates may bo Vnade nt" tiio \dvBiice aervice at ruaBrnablo ratef.. Dotes can bo olh â- - •â-  • â-  As long as ihi) suiiply lasts, miittrial will bu distributed fi-ee ufcliArgo in the order in which tbo applications are received from Ontario farmers wishing tocxporiuieni, and to report tho results of any (die of Ihe following tests: 1, three _____^__^^^^^^^^ vaiielies of Winter Wiieat ; 2, two """""^ j variOius (if Win'er Uyo ; 3, live Ferii- VVM-KAITTISO. Llconsed Ancllonoor for I '''TJ''"' ^^'"'?'' }y''^"" = t: .^\""""J " tho counties ol (irey and Siincoe ; and S|dillg appllOllMlln^' (it JSitMlii (it nmiw.'j;'.'' ..".'("»'',. i""'"' " ''''"•â- '".''J'' '''•"•m^ i S.ida and comuion Salt with Winter nnidi'rate. flatl»factlon Kuaranttnd. Anmiiie. ' .im ^ - n â-  . i- 1 â-  • *â-  'Wlii'at; 0, \\ inter I'.uiuu'r and McrilAII.. I.lecnDod Anc'.ioncer for 'the County of (iiev. Tenim ino.lenito and satlsfttcllon pnnianttjorl. The niranKoniBnts and dates of Kales can bii made a', TitK Anv,»'.cF ol!li.ij. Ilosiduuco and P.O., Ceylon, Telerihono eonnectl'.n. ' fi.(i7. made at The Advance. lo f'9 [ or by «, or a: T. llutchlnBon's store, l.ovurshain Harloy ; (i, ll.iiiy yaddressniK uu, at Fuvcrsham, Ont. | ,{„„ ,1 f„^,,ier croi I MEN -YOU NEED NERVE W«a4Mfiii Nairoat Srttom EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM Tho nerves conl rol idl actions of the liody so that any- thing that debilitates lliem will weaken (dl oiKans of Ihe systein. Early Indiscraliont and Excciies have mined thousonilB of pimnl.lni? youn),' men. Unnatural Drains sap their viKiir and vlt:ditynnd they never develop Ion proper condition of manhood. They renuUn weak- IIii);m, mentally, physically and kexunlly. How jrou fa«17 Are you ncrvons nnd weak, despondent and K'ooniy, K|H\c>k» iM'foro llioey(>s with dark eircles under them, weak linek, kidnejs Irritable, palpitalion of the heart, bashful. debllilntinK dreamB, veillinent In urine, pimples on tint face, eyes sunken, hollow eheeks, careworn oz- pn'Miion, iMior memory, llfelesa, distrustful, lack energy anil strenKlh, llred momlnKS, restleKa nii;htB, elmnRO- able moods, premature decay, Imiiio pains, hulr loose, etc. This U th* condition our N« w Matlicd Traatmant la GUARANTEED TO CURE W*e liAVO tr*wted I>IS4'aMAS of ^ten for nhnost a Ufe- tima 9D(1 do not have to experiment, Cunault us FREE OF CHARGE and we frill t«ll you whether you are curable or not. We ffuorantee curable coaea of NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS, BI.OOD AND SKIN DISEASES. GLEET. BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Beohlet on Dtaeeaea el Man. If unable to cell write fer QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT Salt with Winter Velilua and Winter Rye as fodder crop". Tho size of each plot is to bo one rod wide by two rods long. Miil-riid fiu- numbers 3 and 4 will be sent by express and that fur the otluMs by mail. O. A. C, Uuelph, Out., Aug. 18th, lilOO. C. A. ZAVITZ. Drs KENNEDr&KENNEDY I Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswoid St., Detroit, Micli. John Morrow, an emigrant employed by (iuorge and James Duke of Mono Mills, [lit otV tho oilier day with a valuable horse, saiidlo and bridle. On Friday morning lli(>y diovo into a farm hou.:e in Trafalgar lo make the usual emiuiries and wuro surprised to find Iheir man sitting at broakfust. His coat nnd hat were hanging on a hook near the table. As soon as hu saw tlieni he sprung from Ihe tabic and took from his pocket a loaded revolver, at tho same time declaring that ho would shoot either or both of them if they nudosted him. He did not try to escapejnid after iomo conversation they i persuaied liiiii that his wisest course was i to give himself up and la) taken back to I Orangovillo with tho promise that they I would not bo too hartl on him. They all got into the bugi<y and slatted on the return trip. On going up the Calcdon mimntain, Murray jumped out of the rig, nnd, it is charged, drew a revolver and sworo that he would go no further. His captors were armed, but weie unwilling to risk bloodshed, and the prisoner got away. W. Ge B E G G \y. G, Btgg iiivihn every fanner and visitor to our Kxliibitioii, 10 mako our store y.iur liLvul.|uarteis during Fair Week. Our MILLINKRY and FALL OPENING during Fair week will bo the grandest display of hioii c!a,s Millinery, Dress Goods, Furs, Carpets, Uui>s and St|uares, Clotlnnsr, Rooti and Shoes, Gent's Furnishingsevershotvn North oj Toronto. Wo will conduit one of the greatest Sales wo ever put on for Exhiliition week. Don't miss our Grand Milliiuvy and Fall Opening. W. G. B E G G OAK HALL, AT ONCE A Reliable Local TO REI'RESENT' Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurser;es In Ple.sherton And Adjoining Country. The dc'inatid f^r Niiiscry Siotk is in- creasing yearly, and if yuu beooinu one of our .salesnioii you will re.ili/.o there is good UKincy in the business for you. Write at oiu'o for particulars. Pay weekly ; Fieo Outlit. ST N E c^ W E L L I N a T O N n.^.,,,l'r,'.',"''" fJursorles ( 8J0 acres) •lORONro....,, Ontario THK OWEN SOUND Collegiate - Institute. RK OI'IONINt; Tuesday, September 7th, 1909 Tho Owon Sound Colleglato lufltltute will re- open for tho Fall Tei 111 on Tuesday, Bept, 7th, at 11 am., when implls will bo oniolled and cla89lftBdaudclttBBisor((anl/.ed for the Oeneral toiuBc; theOomineiclal CourBo for all erndes of roacherB' Oertiniates; for pass and honor Matriculation, and tot entrance into all the learned professions. BT.\PF.^sn Eyni'MENT-Tho staff con- sists of thirteen teachers, AXA, HI'liOlAtilSTS and nionolthohiKhestprofeBsiousI standing, The 0(inlpniont is thorouuhly uiodern ami among the best In Ontoilo, MANUAL THAININO AND HOUSEHOLD BOlKttCU Kooms have been thoroughly equipped, and tho students of tho lower forms reneiye lu- atruetloua ill tho important lepartuieuts. COMMEnCUL COUKSE-To meet tde drmand for a l>6ttor cninmoielal education. ih< Hoard has thoioughly kj ipped a Com- mercial (lepartinont, and instruotlon is given in tho several Nubjeota required for a good bnsinoss education, inoludlnii practice In Hhorthand ^id Typewriting. Tlio Htudent who BucceBslully ooiimletes this course is granted a diploma by tho Collegiate Institute Board. TEUMH-Town pupils, taOO to •18.00 per year: all others (lO.UO per year. For annual Annonnoeuieut or other informt* Uoui apply to THOB. MURRAY. Principal, Jdo: HUTRBRFORD.Sao'y'Trtas. The light bread or the leaden loaf is a mzttcv of c/ioice â€" not luck. Choice of method â€" choice of yeast â€" but,above all, the choice of the ^our. Royal Household Flonr IS made from the finest, selected Manitoba wheat, which contains more gluten (that quality which makes bread light) than any other wheats It is milled under the most sanitary- conditions,â€" there is no Other flour in Canada, upon which so much is spent to insure its perfect quality. Ask your grocer for Ogilvie's Royal Household â€" the flour that makes light bread and perfect pastry. Ogilvie Floor Mills Co., LUuited, MontreaL ^^ laaeeeeeeeeeaaa.eeeeeeeeeaaaaaeeeeeereeeaaeeeaeeeeeeeaaaeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeef'^M*. "•• Mm 11 ^as, S^attisoTij Cej/lorij Ont. % Ge \i ymAtercAant, •••• •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• »r. Ceylon's Busy Store. Saving money is making money. That is what you do when you go to JAS. PATTISON'S, Ceylon, to buy your goods. Come along and ask the prices on St. Lawrence or Red Path granulated sugars, preserving pots, sealers, vinegar, ' picklini.' spices, binder twine, oatmeal, flour, and in fact ikhnost anything you can think of in dry foods, groceries, boots and shoes, and especially on CEMENT our prices are always right, not down one day and up the next, only as the market chinges our prices change. Give us a trial, those who have not done so, and we arc sure you will come again. •e» eaa. e«*« :::: nE.MEMBKR OUR MOTTO: ''iimull PaJiU (uidQxick i^«;^t^«." •••• •••• ^ ••••••»••••«â- â€¢â€¢Â«â€¢Â»â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ ••••••••• •••••••*«•••••••••••••< ***********'*?*********** ',******t*************S ?S?!!!t?!?t??ttt?t77Stt777S*" Hardware and Tinsmiths FLIES NOT GONE (YET) Rett er c(uno mid got n new screen door at thoio exceptionally low prir^es. The bttlance of our .screen doors must be cleared at once. Tho only retnody is to cut the price. Doors that were good value at YES. Yim will noad Harvest and Plough Mitts. We have high t'l-ado j good s ,a t r prices. ght !K)e now «,•) at ?l.l() ". S."> at 1 . 33 " SI. 00 at 1,(!."> It i.-2:> at 2 15 (( 1.70 With hingi>s, lionk and d KU- pull, compltle Wo take pleasure ill procuring for you any special or- der on I he shortest possible notice. TRY US Remember our .special t)ui«Iiiy when it comes to oils. Wo have made a study of oils and .iro prepared to give you tho hisih grade goods just as cheap as tho ordinniy oils. Try our m.'ichiiio oil, cylinder oil, castor oil, separator oil, raw ami boiled liiisoi'd oil, coal oil and motor g.isolene. For the thresher â€" cup grouse, belt dressing aud lace leather. Have you a shinale roof which is leaking, yet too good to tear vSI Wo have four barrels of Roof Paint which will stop laakiug roofs and preserve the shingles on now roofs -paint which adds ten ye.ars to tho life of shingles. Gi't our price on this paint. It will be interesting to you. ..^^^^ij')Uiiits,iHni^tk nm^im f/fits^gmcm-i^Mtiii H^WJ^\ ;«!<fW^-Tf:'>-^^?5S)^«?BR?^ Don't forget to get that roof (Paroid Rooting) For Sale One span ol I.lghtuli.g Colta ccniing throe niatohud. Heady to work. Also one Hhorthorn Hull eighteen months old, bred by Oeo.llrietow, Uoliltoy. n II in liev 58.145. iuToluuieU4. Nau:e â€" Village Captain, AI.HK.KT K< HANLKY. Lot 4, Con. 1(1, Osproy, Fevereham P. 0. Pure Bred English Berkshlres and Tain worths. I have a fine lot of young pigs bred from priiio winning stock, tor ««le. Write ine for prices. I can give a barsain also guarantee satisfaction on all mail ordero. Geo. W. KOS3. Maxwell P. O. Good Farm For Sale. Iot 10, con. 0. Osprey containing 100 acres, 8 -'cleared, fianie linuBe, frame t>arn.stoiia foiinilatlou; orchard, well waterede,.]. On thousaud down and balance to suit purcbaBer luiuiedtate possession Apply to B. N, KiDNKAB, Maxwell F. O. Bull for Service The thoroughbred Shorthorn Bnll, "Barl Orey." 1W&, will be tor service on lot ;«S. eon, H, Artenieala, The pedigree of this fine animal oan be seen 00 applioatlou. Terns •! ANDREW DOW.froprletgr.

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