JUKPLEASANT FOR THE MAJOR. 'nis £xpcriftne« With a Brawny Hotel Porter. Did I ever tell you the Major's curious adventure last winter? No? Well, the Major came into the Rum- ifoozlera one night with three pieces 'ot court-plaster on his nose and an eye in half-mourniug, and was vain- ' ly importuned to divulge its ori- ' gin. He declined all confidences, • but the Yapper, to whom in a weak • moment he had related the circum- , stances under which he had receiv- _ ed his scars, told us all about it " afier the Major's departure. It appears that he was stopping ' at an hotel where a brawny farm- • er's son had been engaged with no . experience in hotel work, but with a frame capable of caring for his master's property during the small ' hours, and with a profound sense • of duty as well. The weather was , cold, and the Major asked the land- li.'rd to have a fire made in his room at 6.30 the next morning. As is • customary, a slate was hung ia the , hallway containing directions for the night porter regarding the time guests were to be called to catch • early trains, etc., so the landlord .wrote upon the slate: â€" "Fire 40 at 6.30." Next morning the Major was •awakened by a loud knock at his .door. He shouted "Come in," for #t was 6.30, and the porter entered. "You're to git out," he said, Vriefly. * "What do you mean?" ask«d the ♦Major, testily. J "I'll show you phwat 1 mane, remarked Pat, "if you don't git mighty quick. I've orders to fire ,' jou out at 6.30, and out ye go." "What kind of a fool are you, • any*-ay J" shouted the Major, sit- . ting up in bed. "I am all kinds," responded the porter, "but I obey orders just the • same, and out you go." Suiting the action to his words, ht grabbed the Major by the ue^k and hauled him out into the middie o' the room. ">^w driss yourself, ye black- guard," said Pat, "and driss quick, or Oi'U throw you out as ye are." The Major began to storm, and used language not to be repeated, whereupon the exasperated and honest porter sprang upon his vic- tim and shot him into the hall like a bundle of rags. The Major's clothes, travelling bagj, rugs, etc., followed- "Now," said Pat, "if ye don't driss in foive minutes out ye go inj the strate as ye were born I" And out the Major would havej gone, but the landlord, disturbed j by the noise, came and rescued him j from his formidable persecutor. | Ard that was the result of Pat's interpretation of "Fire 40 at 6.30." BANQUET 17 HOUBS LONG. 8ir Roiiert Hart at Chinese Ban- quet of 125 Courses. Sir Robert Hart, the veteran in- spector-general of the Chinese cus- toms, speaking at a dinner in Lon- don tho other day, said that he once in Pekin sat out a banquet that lasted seventeen consecutive hours. There were 125 courses, and he tasted them all. Mr. Ward, the American envoy to China, who trieu to secure an interview with the Emperor Hieng-Fung in 1859, tells how he was entertained at a dinner that lasted from noon one day un- til si.x o'clock on the evening of the day following. The total num- ber of courses is not given, but Ward mentions that he had to give in after partaking of 133 different dishes, "whereupon his hosts won- dered greatly" â€" presumably at his abstemiousness. Probably, however, the Esquimau banquets last lorger than any other and the quantity of food swallowed i.' also proportionately greater- Ross records that seven of his party of natives once ate continuously for thirty-three hours, during which time they consumed 200 pounds of seal meat. Europeans exposed to the same climatic cinditions act ia much the same way. Captain Scott of the Discovery, on his return from his long journey over the inland i<e o: the Antarctic ccntin'^nt, did no- thing but eat and sleep for the space of three days and nights, and even then he was stil hungry. Commander Peary and his party, returning famished from the futi'e dash for the pole in 190o, slaught- ered a herd of seven musk oxen on Hazen Islatd, off the extreme norih of Greenland. For two days and nights thf;reafter they crouched in- side their snow huts, eating con- tinuously, and when they had fin- ished the pile of boaes outside was "as high as a tall man's chin." ELIAS ROGERS. rrtStdinU ALBERT J. RALSTON, MailMlnS OlTMtar F. SPAR LING, SMTtUry. National Life Assurance Co. HEAO OFFICEi NATIONAL LIFE CHAMBERS, 15 Toronto St., Toronlo- â- inlnets in Fore* Dally Income ovor - * • • ln«e«tad In high grad* MourltlM Surplus to Polley Holders' Account The only O^nipauy ranortins to Canadian Inaorance rear* ot intere&i or oriauipal on any inveiitinent. •iMnjtiJS • t13,0M.N »,2£t,211.l7 t32>.iee.Gl Dep't, Ottawa, c A splendid open n^ in this county for an active, energetic agent possessing^ gaod character. Apply dirsct to head office. ^ Toron'.g St., Torouto. SOME LARGE SALARIES. Some IntcreBiini; inside facts ar<- ocoa- eionally divulgiHl in regard to the .'norin- ouii HaJariea earned by uome iusuraace airenta. It u reportoil tli.it two .iceuta rtsceatly ap- p.iinted by the NaiimU Ufa A«ura ica Cim- gany in one of our tarire western eitiea ave earned over Two fbooiiand DoUoxa i$2.000.00) a month from the time ijiey started to get busineeg for this C'oa?pany. Of course, these men are hustlers, and are well cKjuipped in every way, possess- me even small motor cars to cover tho territory mure rapidly. We understand, however, that any man who has real abUity in this line could do as well. One of the reasons for the success of national Life aeents is the splendid standing of the Company which is shown in their aaveriisemeiit elsewhere in this pacer. If it has ever occurred to you lo taKe up the Life Insurance business you cannot make arrajgements with an easier Company to ..ecure business for than tne National Lile. And they .u-eU an Agent right in this territory. Coiu- municata with the head office Applicant â€" "No, ma'am. I I couldn't work where there was 'children." Mrs. K.?ephouse â€" "But we advertised for a girl who under- stood children." Applicant â€" "I do understand 'em, ma'am. Th.at's I why I wouldn't work where they are." A lady to her friend: "What a splendid library you have ! You must lend me a few books." The Friendâ€" "I regret thai I must de- chne to do so. because books are so seldom returned. Just fancy ! All these are borrowed !" The change of dietary that comes with spring and summer has the 1 effect in weak stomachs of setting! I ur. inflammation, reEulting in dy- 1 ' sentery and cholera morbus. The i abnormal condition will continue if not attended to and will cause an exhaustive drain on the syste.m. The best available medicine is Dr. J D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. ]). clears the stomach and bowels of irritants, counteracts the inflam- mation and restores the organs to healthy action. fiOT WEATHER MOJITHS KILL LITTLE CHILDREN It you want to keep your chil- dren rosy, healthy and full of life during the hot weather months | give them an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets. This medi- cine prevents deadly summer com- plaints by cleansing the stomach and bowels ; or it cures the trou- ble promptly if it comes on unex- pectedly. The mother who keeps this medi- cine on hand may feel as safe as if she had a doctor in the home. Mrs. C. C. Roe, Georgetown, Ont-, says: â€" "I can heartily recommend J Baby's Own Tablets as a great help! to baby during the hot summer | months. I have used them for sum- 1 mer troubles and am much pleased with the result." Sold by medicin«» dealers or by mail at 25 cents a bo.x from the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. EDUC.ITED SOLDIERS BEST. Do Wet, Boer Leaderâ€" Rejoiced in Spread ot Education. In Europe it is generally held that men from the rural parts of the country make the best soldiers and that the townsmen, who are better educated but have also a clearer perception of the dangers and discomforts of war, are much more ready to throw up the sponge when in their opinion there is no use in continuing the fight. Tho famous Boer guerilla leader. Chris- tian do Wet, thinks differently, and iu a speech he made to some Soutn African students the other day he gave very striking evidence in fav- or of cducatwl s<.)ldiers. He said that he himself had no school learn- ing because he had never ha<l the chance, but that during the three years of the war he had gone through a process of education. He found that the bravest and nKist trust.vorthy soldiers were those who bad received a good education. .-\t the ei:d of the war eighty per cent. (('' those who still remained iindor ar:iis on the Boer side were men of learning. Nearly all the men of the back vekit had abandoned the struggle and gone hotne. Th.it. Eai<t l>e Wet, wa>! his expfrii-ii'e, and thorefore he rejoiced in the spread <>i ediieatiuti in I he Trans- vaal. Canada produces nearly a'l the vorld's a-bv-il. â- ^. Ivir.dSy iMO-itlo:! the ••nr-" cf this |i;;i»rr ii. m;'.:!!:;; to advoi-tiscrs. <• GROW RICH BY ACCIDENTS. Bund ot Fakirs Who Feed on Pari- sian Companies. Avery clever swindler, passing under the name of Count Grenot- ton de T[iuin, lost his temper \iich an omnibus conductor, in Paris, irrance, and lost his liberty in oou- sequence. He tried to get into an omnibus which was full, and struck the \ conductor during the altercation. ' He was thc.i taken to the police : station, where he was asked whe- i tiler he had any claim to the ribbon of the Legion of Honor in his but-| ton-hole. His reply was given in such forcible language that the in- 1 spector ordered him to be searched- 1 .\bout thirty accident insurance policies and details of accidents were found in his pockets. In- quiries were made, and the "count ' was found to belong to an organ- ization which has in the Wst year or two defrauded several insurance companies in Paris of large sums of money. The organization owns a number of motor cars so constructed that accidents occur constantly. The drivers, who are accomplices, ar- range for heavy iude. unity, and then put their cars in order again. A number of women and men who also belong to the organiza- tion have for some yeirs past suc- ceeded in throwing themselves, without serious hurt, under the wheels of motor cars, omnibuses, private carriages and cabs. They get medical certificates for injuries, and in many cases obtain heavy damages. The "count " after a severe cross-examination, ci'ufessed that b«: was at the head ot the organiz- ation, and that he ma<le * <â- last year as his share of the fraud. Seven of his accomplices were ar- rested. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator does not require the help of any purgative medicine to complete the cure. Give it a trial and be convinced. "One kiss," p'eadcd a departing lover. "Nonsense!" exclaimed his fiancee in a teasing mood. "Some- one might see us." "Whof" '_]Why, the clockâ€" it has a face." "\es, but it keeps its hands in front of it." PAINKILLER cures all sorts of cuU, bruises, burns and straics. Taken intern- ally it cures diarrhoea and dysentery. Avoid substitutes, there is but ore " Pain- killer "â€"Perry Davisâ€" ^c. and 50o. Landlord â€" " 'Ere you, you 'aven't pa'd for your beer." Wav- fsrerâ€" 'That's all -iafht. Did you piy for it?" Landlordâ€" "Course I did." Wayfarer â€" "Well, then, there's no need for both of us to do it," INSURANCE APPLICATION. Remarkable Occurrences Recorded in These Documents. The way in which application form tor insurance are filled up are often more amusing than enlight- eniug. As illustrations the Brit- ish Medical Jaurnal gives the fol- lowing: Mother died in infancy. An uncle died ot cancer on his mo- ther's side. Father weut to bed feeling well,, and the next morni.'ig woke up dead. Grandfather died suddenly at the age of 103. Up to this time ho bid fair to reach a ripe old age. Applicant docs not k'low anything about maternal pos- terity, except that thry died at an advanced age. .Applicant does not know cause of mother's death, bu states that she fully recovered from her last illness. Applicant has ncv- ct been fatally sick. Father died suddenly ; nothing serious. Ap- pliciut's brother, who was an in- fant. di<Hl when he was a mere child. Grandfather died from a gunsiiot wound, caused by an ar- row, shot by an Ii.dian. Appli- cant's fraternal p-ircnls died when he was a child. Mother's last ill- ness was caused from chronic rheu- matism, but h© was cured before death. .The microscope In the hand-* of exports employed by the I'nited Slates Government h:is revealed the faot that a house Ry sometimes car- ries thousands of disease genus altaohed to its hairy body. The (:ontinuous use of '.Vilsoa's Fly Pads will prevent all danger ot in- rec(ion from that source by killing both the geruis and the flies. "I had a fieht yesterday wi^hthe boy next door," a boy confessed t-«- his father. "Yes, I kaow ; h^\ father is coming to see me abo it it at my oQ'-e." "Well, father, I hope you will get the best, of it, the same as I d'd yesterday" Red. M'eak. Wrmrr, Watery Eyea. Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You Will Uke Murine. It Soothi's. SOc At Your Druggists. Write For Eye Books. , Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto, j Jacky had been imparting to the minister the important and cheer- fu' information that his father had got a new set of false teeth. "In- 1 d:'ed. Jacky," replied the minis-; ter indulgently, "and what will he' dc with the old set!" "Oh, li spose," answered Jacky, "they'll cut 'em down and make me wear em- Don't experiment with nnsatis- factory substitutes. Wilson's Fly Pads kill many times wore house i flies than any other known article. ; An orator ho'di; g forth in favor j i-f wo.ma.iâ€" dear, divine woman â€" j concluded thus: â€" "Oh, my frien;ls, i depend upon it, nothing beats a good wife." "I beg your pardon." replied a woman. "Sure a haJ husband docs." IF THE OCEAN EVAP0R.4.TED. Salt Left Would Cover Entire Globe -iOO Feet Deep. Sea water contains ab<jut 3% per cent, of sodium chloride and other salts. Time evaporation of all the oceans would leave a mass of salt sufficient to cover the entire globe to the depth of 200 feet, and liqual to the bulk, above sea level, of North and South America, of one- fturth that of the whole earth. Tiie theory that this enormous quantity of salt has been dissolved from continental rocks and carried down to the sea by streams is not tenable, because the salts found in solution in river water contain 80 per cent, of carbonate of liiie and only 7 per cent, of chlorides, while common salt, or sodium chloride, constitutes 89 per cent, of the salts of sea water. Moreover, the evap- oration of inland seas which has jtaken place in Central .\sia has left saline deposits very different in composition from the salts of the ocean. It appears, therefore, that salin- ity must be regarded as an original property of the ocean. + YOUR SUMMER OUTINC. If you are fond of fishing, canoeinc. campine or the study of wild animals look up th>; Al^nquiii National Park of On- tario for your summer outing. A fish and game preserve of 2.000,000 acres interspers- ed with 1,230 iaiu-s and rivers is awaiting you, offering all the attractions that Na- ture can bestow. Magnificent caaoe trips. Altitude 2.000 feet above sea level. Pure and exhilarating atmoepbere. Just tlie place for a. young man to put in bis sumiut-r holidays. Hotel accommodation. An in? resting and profusely illustrated dosciipt.vit publication telling you all about it 6e::r free on application to Mr. J. D. McDonald. Union Station, Torouto. VAMZANT * WMtMtl 'i'. iHiVriED ' "SPAVIN CURB*! M :i!»il on r«c«ipt uf tl.OQb. -««U for bouklttt- Th« V*e«rlnai7 â- •m««y Company. UmltKl, B xA. 7ftAilol&ide.St., â- , TurouW, CAoadA. Business Training The Tuture of your children depends larg^ely on their present Irsinintr. Tba best provUion fori he future is acoursa in our oldest and most reliable schooL WBITH FOB OUH CATAI,OGUa OR BETTER Coma aitd see us au nj your CxhIbiUon VIs.t. Brit'sb American Business College V.1I.C.A IHiLllNC. TORONTO. T. M. WATSOS, - Pai.NCiPAL HELP WAKTE3. Customer â€" "Are these shoes too tar gone for repair?" Bootmaker â€" "No, I don't think so. .\ n3W fair of uppers, with soles and hee's, \vill make "em all right. The laces seem fairly good." WANTEDâ€" Li:dics to do plain and licfaft sewing at home, whole or spare timet good pay: work sent any distaneai charges prepaid. Send stamp for full pa>> ticulars. National Manufacturing Coi»> pany, Uoutreal. WANTKD. WANKKH â€" »5.0«. in am>'ont9 "f |Sc or mor^ tu acquire ihe ciial laiaiDg ri^bl^i on a large trMf of land «--tiinAt«il tu contAia :i'j,uuci,ijot tons s( coal. An oppurtitn<tv of a tifetiiiis to get la «â- gruoud liuur. T.iuuwa, Mclnt/r* aluck, Wlad Veg. 8£u Buggies and Harness D1£SCT t I the nner ht manufacturers' pricae. Top BuRglea, tC2.M Mn«|j MamaM, M-^ UP- , Sare agents' probti by buyinj{ dlrvct. Write o^ The Toronto Hnrr.ass and CarriaM Supply Company, * TOROMTO, ONTARIO. /f Learn Telegraphy And earn a good salary. We prepare you thoroughly -and quickly. Par- ticuiurs fre«. CENTRAL TEUeCRAPH SCHOOL 3 Gerrard fit. E.. Toronto. 1/ We all Have Missions in the World. â€" There is a work to do for every man on earth, there is a func- a i •„ |- i •„ j' ii _ tion to perform for everything on ' OllllinO UienU:iry lOHegO earth, animate and inanimate. Ev- ' erything has a mission, and the m's- sion of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is to heal burns and wounds of every description and cure coughs, colds, croup and all affections of the respiratory organs. "So you have decided to call in another drctor?" "I have," was the reply. 'The absurdity of the man prescribing liuseed-;e-i and mustard-plasters for people of our position!" DON-T BE DECEIVED.- InscrapuIouB na.TkiTS are a. templing to steal your moucy i Bi.u utir reputation by puttini; out an ; imitation of "The D. i, L." Me.;Uiul; | Plaster. lie sura ;o gel the genuine made by Davis i Lawrence Co. The never failing medicine, Hol- loway's Corn Cure, removes all kinds of corns, warts, etc. ; even the most diUicult to re uove can- rot withstand this wonderful rem- edy. Kindly mention this name of this paper in writing to advertisers. Hope tor the Chronic Dyspeptic. â€" Through lack of consideration of the body's needs many persons al- low disorders of the digestive ap- paratus to endure until tliey become chronic, filling days and nights with suffering. To these a course of Parmclee's Vegetable Pills is recommended as a sure and speedy way to regain health. These pills are specially compounded to com- bat dyspepsia and the many ills that follow in its train, and thsy are successful always. MRS. ALLQALL. "Who's the woman who call.-- every day to use our telephone!" "The one who complained be- cause our children take a short cut through her yard on their way to school." Nearly 167,000.000 tons of coal are consumed in England every year- Rhir>oceros blood is greatly valu- etl by the Burn'esc and the Chi- nese as a medicine. Jamaica ginger is more than twice as valuable as any other. Although the world consumes a million tons of sugar a month, the production is more than sufficient. KIDNEY/ 1 aN*-'^^ ^n,mmm ISSl K NO. 3J-09. - "There goes a man who has never spoken an unkind word to his wife,' said WiUoughby. "Fine! Who is he?" asked Dorrington. "He's a <.ieaf .and dumb old ba^'helor aamtd Hrakaway," said WiUoughby. Revive the Jaded Condition. â€" When energy flags and tho cares t/f business beccme irksome; when the w hole system is out of sorts and there is general depression, try Parmelee's Vegetable Tills. They will regulate the action of a deranged stomach and a disorder- eo liver, and make you feel like a new man. No one need suffer a day from debilitated digestion when so simple and effective a pill can be got at any drug store. * RAILROAD OWNED BV 2 MEN. Humble Orisin of Canadian Cap- tain of Fiuance. In 1S96 there was no Canadian Northern Ki.ilroad; to-d.iy there aie 7,000 miles of it in operation, under construction or surveyed. \t the present rapid rate of e.\tension it will in a few years form a con- tinuous streak of steel from ocean lo ocean, making the third trans- continental highway in Canada. The Canadian Northern is unique :'.uong railroads, says Hampton's Magazine, in that its shares are t.ot sattered among a large number of holders, but are owued and con- trolled by two men, William Mac- kenzie aud Donald U. Mann, two <f the most interesting characters Canada has yet produced- Mackenzie's early experiences embrace school teaching, operating a sawmill and running a couut"y store in Kirkfield, Ont. He is known as a financial wizard. His ability to secure capital to float hii enterprises is one of his chief char- acteristics. He slips over to Eng- land every now and theu so quietly that he is back almost before any one is aware of his departure â€" and he brings with him the cash needed for new railway extensions or big enterprises of some kind. He is a genius for selling bonds, for getting the majority of them guarantee<l by the Canadian Gov- ernment. It matters not whether tunes are prosperous. He can bor- row millions where others would find it diflBcult to negotiate the loan of a po.stage stamp. His busi- iJTss interests are extensive and he is said to ha\ e rejuvenated more lopsided, totteriii? ertcrprises than any other Canadian. "Look here,," exclaimed the aii gry man, as he rushed into the es- tate agent's office, "that plot I bought from you yesterday is thirty- feet under water."' "Pardon my oversight," ap.;loglzed the gentle- manly agent. "We give a diving suit with each plot. I will send yours to you to-day." Little Margaret and her mother, while ouc walking, approached a | particularly nasty-loo'aing -..rgan- i grinder, with his monkey, and her mother gave the girl a cent to be- kt-ow on ihe unfortu'iate animal. She hesitated a moment before pro- tenting her alms, theu gravely asked : "Shall I give it to the mon- key or to his father?" TE.VPIRANCE ST.. T3R0HT0. CAN. Established 1SSZ, taksn ovsr by ths PnwlnoM CovamnwnC of Ont u-ta, ItOf . AffilftteJ wnb Ihr I'Tj-.t^T* ty o.' T'iiomo ander tte euQiroi - f the Drpt nf .\^:cu:tnr«cr OntAiro. Cnllraa 0: ens l..t Octolter. IM. '*'>ur>« nf tiu r fratwnei Uirou h 3 . o.lr(« r«ff. PKBS f BR SKSS.uN tti.!^ C»4«ailar tu k|<piii-«t:uD. E. A. A. lillAHai. vs.. MS , Pria ll»l. Deck U^ MOULTON COLLEGE 34 Bloor Street East, Toronto. A hizh ;r:i.lo R-.<ila i-.iil <;:!i >.il fjr I3ir!s. F»«« for iha TCiT -K^iidant Stailonti, KJ2 la tUt| ^a» stule.itJ. *;u I'' rs. Coilega Reopens S«at, 19^ Calsnlar on aDplloatlaa MISS cUAKLOrrE rllU.VLI.. Vic»-l'naoipaI.! Woodstock College WOODSTOCK. ONT. A ruityCqu'ppod ResldBnJil School for Boy* antf Vourtff Men rreparos fcr Uutwersity. 8cti{.»:t ttf tciet'co. Bualnesd. &o. S2nd Annual CaiMutar CB:it on .ip I a%;ior« A. T. MacNEIL, B. A.. Principal- Wilson's Fly Pads, the best ot all fly killers, kill both the flics aud the disease serius. SHOULD KNOW HER NAME. Some time ago an accident hap- pened to a little girl's doll, Bar- bara, which consequently had to be sent to a shop where wounded dolls receive attention. Later on the little one called at the shop and asked if her doll was mended. "I think so,'' the young man be- hind tho counter said, fumbling oxer a pile of dolls on a shelf, '"but I am afraid I can't tell which one ;t is in all this lot." "Oh, you should find her easily enough:" the little one confidently answered; "her name's Barbara. ' j Doii't fail to see our E.xhibit at the Natioiinl E.xhibitiun, Tontiito. ^^^'^^ AGENTS KS.? â- USE WRITE ^, ^ CATALOGUE M»»* (3>D>r>n>l esub. lUh p- r:r.ftiifut buaiao^aos our <-*inl»l. Orir bick ct.,^» sot, .1 BfU oa tt^M iD'»«ry nntuP. hr* qaictlf n-«(t up«n^I â- Ape.^t o,4ar« »Miic fa i. RzciuMT* t«ff* ritory civt^n. Tar H >its SvrrtT Oa, Dtpi. 5«, T«r»«ii>. Oa*. The j Rapid h'eadle Threader A practical eye-savinj, time-saving tit-vice, used for any size ncrdle or thread. It thread.s quick- ly, easily, and will last m lileiinie. Mailed lo your address, postpaid for 250^ AGENTS WANTIO. The Raoid Nca<il« ThraaJttr Co., ,/i ^ Box ISO?. Orillia, Ontario Dyeing I Cleaning I tt ib« v*ry k««lt«a« r*«r «*rh to lk« ••BMTMII AMERICAN OYIINO ••.- laisk tm waat la r«w laws, at aaad 4lMai. llMiliml.T«rooto, Ottaws, Q%i«k«ft HIGH CL-A.'?e CANADA. EXHiSITiON VISITORS cordially invited to call and inspect our slock. -A-O-EISTTS "^^.A-NTEIID in every locality. REX TAILORING COMPANY, 171 King St. WMt Toronto (Opvogite Princeu Tlioatrc.) DRINK, Tobacco and Drug Habits CURED New Systvm of Tr.'atment. Recently Oi-- cove rod l^emcily ihit Cur«a Rapidly and Permanently. Marvellous Results obtained that makes our remedy one of the wonders of Modern riediclne. Patients cured secretly at their own homes asalnst ttieir own will and knowledge. No suffering, no Injections, no loss of time, or detention from business, no had after effects. I X*StZI13 X We «end by in»ll. free of eharse, our 64 page booV. whieh fully «- plains our modern tTotem of treatment, of bow the Drink, Tobacco and Driif bahita can be rapldl.r oTorcoma and cured. Thia book is lent in a plain eoTelope, sealed from obserTstion, so no one can toll whni your letter contains. All correspondence absolutely secret and conildcntlal. Address. DESILVA INSTITUTE. Suite 300, 5,- University St. Montreal, Caiada