August 19 1909 THE FLESHEETON ADVANCE if THE STANDARD BANK E<.bi»h«ji873 OF CANADA vsz^^d^ A Joint Account u a great convenience In handling the family fund*. It is opened m the names of two members of the family, and both may make deposits or draw checks over their own individual signatures. This form of account is particularly convenient for those who Eve some distance from town. You can open a Savings Account with One Dollar. Why not do to at once ? 71 FL.ESHERTON BfLANCH George Mitchell, Manager BKANCRXtf Jkl^O AT DX7RHA>t AND BARItlSTOir. VICINITY CHIPS John McAuley has gone to Tor«nto to work. Les. Norria, Turonlo, apeot the week end at his home here. Miss Maud Kress of Durham visited Gladys Cornfield last week. Mrs. L. F. Kipp is spending a month St her old home in Petroliu. Miss Blair, Toronto, is visiliiiK Miss Mary Hopper, of the 8tb line. Fred LeGard of Toronto is visiting his brother, Harry, near the town. Mit>s Mabel Uartingh of Owen Sound is visiting her friend Lulu MitcbsU, Will Whyte, son of Ex-Councillor Whyte, leiivosfar the west to-day. Mrs. Geo. Stuart and children are spending a few weeks in Thorabury. Thoa. Clayton returned after visitinx with riends in Windsor and Detroit. Misses Mabel, Lily and Dorris Boyd re visiting friends at Mount Furest, Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes of Owen Sound visited at F. G. Karstedfs lust week. Miss Laverno Johnston of Owen Sound visited with Lillian Armstrong last week. Misses Lottie and Ida Harbottle of Durham visited at F. McClocklin's in town. Roy Kerr has givin up his position at Boyds' and will attend the high school be re. Mr. Edwards and Miss Annie Wilson of Toronto are visiting the latter'a mother bere. Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. McAuley of Toront are visiting their sister, Mrs. F. A. Tucker. We understand that Mr. Harry Thistlethwaite is ill tit Elk Lake with typhoid fever. Miss Bert. Nesbitt of Credit Forks is Tisiting her aunt, Mrs. I. Sinclair, for several weeks. Misses Thompson aud Janiiesfn have opened their dress-making establishment on Toronto street. Miss Lizzie Williams of Eugenia is spending a few days with her friand. Miss Ada Thompson. Mr. N. Harvey and son, Ivan, and Mr. Harry Wilson of Durham visited at Mark Wilson's on Sunday. Public school opened on Monday with a good attendance. Misses Chidley and Thurston are the staff. Rev. Ross, Presbyterian minister of Corbstton, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit here on Sunday. Mrs. Tobias and children of Toronto are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. (Dr) Carter far a few days. Misses Evelyn and Mets Hall returned to last week after spending the summer at Mr. A. Boyd's. The Presbyterian pulpit will be supplied the next two Sabbaths by Uev. J. D. DoukIsss, of Hornby, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Norris and Mr. aud Mrs. Fred MoClocklin aud family visited in Ch.itsworth on Sunday. The "spell" of dry weather was broken on Monday when a refreshing thunder storm supplied au abundance of rain. There is a rumor abroad that Inglewood may get the new Central Prison farm. It is nob troubling us very much where it goes. Mrs. R. Zimmerman who has been visitinR with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thomp- son has returned to her home in Owen Sound. ^ The Misses Beatty entertained a number " of Flesherton and Dnndalk young folks at her home, Toronto and Sydenham road, Thursday evening. The Revs. J. T. Crosby Morris of Owen Sound, J. R. Wilkinson ofRocklyn, and H. Berry of Prieeville, visited at the Methodist Parsonage, Monday, Mr. and Mrs. StilwoU and little daughter Blanch, of Bloomfield, N. J., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson for a short time the past week. Mrs. J. E. Wright and two children accompanied by Mrs. R. H. Wria;ht went on a driving trip last week and visited at Corbetton, Shelburne, Orange- ville and other points. Laurie Smith, Isaac Smith's five year old son, was knocked down and tramped on by a horse on Wednesday. The little ! has not yet taken up a fallinK board frightened it, resultit'g in the injuries mentioned. A year ago he broke his leg by falline out of the mow in the barn. The acceptance of the Markdale foot- ball challenge to the Kimberlay team resulted in a complete back-down by the former, when they withdrew the challenge. J. G. Russel of Parkhill is renewing old acquaintances here. Formerly Mr. Russel was a jeweller here, and left about nineteen years atro. We were glad to meet Mr. Russel again. J. W.Ford and family of Markdale have left for Swift Current, Sask. Mr. Ford will build and operate a 100-barrel mill aud 25,000 bushel elevator. We wiih him every success. During the dog days the majority of our exchjknges have dropped an issue â€" one even dropped two â€" but Tha Advance with undiminished vigour continues to disseminate news to a coostautly growing family of readers. J. A. Hulbert of Harkaway returned to old-time methods, in harvesting a 25 acre tield of wheat that wrs too rough to run a binder over, by having a bee and cradling the field with the aid of a number of neighbors. The largest cousignment ol lumber ever leaving Flesherton Station at one con- tinued shipment was during the last three weeks from Messrs CoUinson's mill at Ceylon, they having sent out forty-one car loads, shipped to Msesey Harris Co. of Toronto. Sunday, Aug. 22, Methodist church : morning "Studies in Ephesians," No. 2 in series, God's Poems Eph. 2 : 10. Evening, Christ and the Unusual, Matt. U : 28. You will always tiiid a hearty welcome. Mr. Hawthorne, formerly of Durham, is the new leader of the CoUingwood band. It will be remembered that Mr. Hawthorne got mixed up with the authorities at the Niagaia military camp â- \ year ago, and as a result gave up the leaders baton for the Durha(u musicians, Jimiuie Whyte, whose arm was broken by being throw from a horse a month ago, returned from the Sick Children's Hospital on Saturday, his father, Mr. Dan. Whyte, bringing liiin home. The arm is doing nicely. Mr. Whyte return- ed to the city on Tuesday. On Saturday the Pricevillo voters will decide whether they want cement side- walks. As far as we are aware there is no doubt but that the by-law will pass and that growing village will take another long jump forward. The residence and grounds occupied by Herb Smith have been improved this summer. The lawn has been reduced to the level of the sidewalk, a cement walk and steps laid, aud a neat verandah erected. The lot is faced with a neat wire fence. On Sunday evening Rev. Wellwood preached to the boys and girls on "ships" He departed from the beaten trail and introduced a few homely illustrations, with, we believe, the result of a strength- ened impression on the minds of the boys and girls. Solicitor Kelly, acting for Loretto Abbey, paid §50,000 to C. W. Chadwick for twenty acres on the north sidu of Eglinton avenue. The price paid for the property marks an event in the history of North Toronto real estate. Only four years ago sixty acres were bought at J300 ^n acre. Laohlan McDougall of Durham road lost a cow and two calves last Thursday night. They had wandered onto the C. P. R. track and were lying down when the night express came along. The cattle were struck and killed, but without damaging the train, which was stopped a short distance past the cattle. The Markdale almost team came to town in the pouring rain on Monday for a game of baseball â€" or water polo, or something. At the end of the sixth inninsis the near team from [that thriving burg to our north were behind 5-3, but in the seventh innings (played after dusk) they turned the score to 9-6 in their favor. The first five innings was exceed- ingly good ballâ€" for Flesherton, no runs being scored by the visitors, but the game was lost in the darkness. No use crying. The editor of this paper returned on Monday from a two-weeks' outing, but the quill. If he said in these columns two weeks ago about fish stories he msy have something to say next week. Suffice to say, his complexion has lost its lily whiteness and his appetite is nearly as voracious as a pikeâ€" and that is saying a good deal. The popuUrity of The Advance was testified to last week by a Maxwell sub- scriber, who we trust will pardon us for the reference. We received a request for another cupy, the subscriber saying "Miue was lent to a neighbor before we were dune with it, and she gave it to a Dundalk man." Geo. Stuart was in t.iwn last week, but left yesterday (Wednesday) to return to Gowganda. In coming out George had to tramp 32 miles to Elk Lake, from where he took the boat to Latclifurd. We have heard similar tales of this country, and same day Gowganda will be enjoying railway facilities, and possibly "airway" facilities also, when all those weary tramps will be but as disturbing dreams. The Methodist Ladies' Aid held an enjoyable lawn party on the paisonage grounds on Friday last. The event was an enjoyable one, and was participated in by a fnir crowd, the receipts being ab.->ut|^$22.00. A high-class program of vocal and instrumental music was given. We might especivUy mention the bass solo by Mr. Ames. This gentleman has a well trained voice, and rendered a very difficult selection to the great enjoyment of all. We shiver for our reputation, but still when anything u.iusul or ast^mnding comes under our notice we are in duty bound to pass it on. On Monday John Weber banded us a stalk of com 11 feet, 3 inches in lengch. The corn is of Early Compton variety and was grown by \\. A. Weber and planted about the 1st of June. We were also handed some oats 4 feet, 10 inches in length ^rown by Adam Hyslop. This would not indicate the poor crop of oats that we hare heard about. Dr. Murray and party returned on Saturday last from a most enjoyable boating trip through the islands of the Georgian Bay. The Shirley M. behaved magnificently and proved herself a very sea-worthy craft. The trip was made from Thornbury via CoUingwood, across to the Christian islands, thence through the labyrinth of islands as far north as Parry Sound, where the return trip commenced. The party had no exciting experiences on their trip and are all enthusiastic over the grand scenery of lake, ii^laud and shore line. Brown as berries scarcely describes the complexions of the returned sailors â€" it was a fine butternut hue. A crying need of Flesherton to-day is that of a resident magistrate. The mere fact of his presence would act as a deter- rent to poker-playing, cigarette smoking and rowdyism. Since the death of the late A. S. VanDusen our village has been in a wide-open state as far as concerns the restraining presence of a magistrate. The evils mentioned above have been allowed lo gain undoubted iiway with the young buys, and no questions asked. If someone could be induced to accept the slightly unpopular duties of the niagis- tratu it would not require many convic- tions to stop the gambling and poUer- playing, and cigartitte smoking. The Advance has received a number of com- plaints recently as to the prevalence of poker playing among the boys from fif- teen up. It is sjtid by eye witnesses ihi.t some of them get so low with thor gambling that they have to stake postage stamps and other articles of a cash value. This fact alone should be of sutl'oient importance to cause its stoppage, but when the bjys admit wrong doing by going back to the secretely lo indulge, then no question as to right or wrong can bo raised. For a time their gambling was concealed, but with the growing practise came the difficulty of concealment, and nowit is a comparatively easy matter to detect them, and theie is good material for conviction when the opportunity comes. Is there no person in Flesherton with the ptoper qualifi- cations that will accept the onerous magistracy and help wipe out this dis- grace ? Odds and Ends issuer of marriage Apply W. A. Armstrong licenses. Team good farm horses for sale, to J. .\. Heard, Flesherton. The Advance till 1 Jan. 1910 for 25 cents, or till 1 January 1911 for 81.00. Second hand buggy to exchange for cash, wood, hay or stock. M. Wilson, Flesherton. Shingles and Hemlock lumber for sale, any lunuth required. T. V\ . Phillips, Lady Bank P. O. Boy Wanted â€" Intelligent youth to learu the printing business. Apply at once, this office. House and blacksmith shop to rent in the village of Maxwell. Apply to Win. Guy, 81°., Max (tell. Lost â€" Between Duncan and Flesherton girl's tweed rain ciat. Finder please leave at Advance office. Hemlock, spruce and balsam lumber, hemlock, spruce ind balsam lath hr sale. J. W. Dt-aglft, Eugenia. , Lost â€" Between Flesherton and Chas. | Stewart's, a pair of gold riimmed glasses j ill case. Finder please leave at this office. For Sale â€" I cow, milking, 1 sett single i harness, about a dozen young hens, well , F.G.KARSTEDT I General and Fksberton» Hardv/are Merchant Ontario PRESERVING UTENSILS We have in stock the best quslity of gem jar* on the market. They are exceptionally heavy weight, and of uniform tops from pints to half gallons. They are the best buying as they can be bought at the same price as inferior articles. Also a complete stock of preserving kettles and everything necessary for preserving. PURITY FLOUR ijfi Is unexcelled, no matter where you go. Where Purity Flour is sold ^ It is regarded as the best flour on the market. Also Three Star Is ^ unexcelled in its grade. Try a bag and you will a^ree with us that it j|^ is the best flour un the market. ^ Redpaths Granulated Sugar m^ We have the market cornered on Sugar and are keeping the prices m^ ^ down in this vicinity. We have still a few bags left tu go at #5.00 ^: ^ per hundred- weight. ^ bred Minoreas. Trimble. Apply to W. W. The Ladies Aid have engaged the band for the lawn party on the Methodist parsonage grounds on Friday evening. Admission 25 and 15c. Property for Sale at Priceville â€" A brick house, eight rooms. Darn and five lots, for sale reasonable. Apply to Catherine Scott, Priceville P. O. Mar.ltf Strayed or stolen from my ttock, about I July 12, two leicester ram lambs with l<mv tails, weight, about B3 pounds. Finder will be rewarded. Chas. Stafford. Teacher wantedâ€" For U. S. S. No. 1, Euphi-asia and ArtPinesia, duties to com- mence August lUth. Apply stating salary and experience, to Geo. Gorley, Eugenia. For Sale â€" 3 year old heavy horse, 3 year old well broken driver, driving mare and her col', bred by Ab Brino, also lumber and shingle. E. C. Graham, Eugenia P. 0. To rent â€" Ten acres of good land with good bearing orchard, good house and barn, also good well. Possession im- mediately. Apply to Thos. Fenwick, Eugenia P. O. The Misses Thompson and Jamieson will open their dressmnking .shop on Toronto street and will also take pupils ': to learn sewing, cutting, and fitting. ) Be sure to call and see us on or after August Itith. j For sale at Eugeniaâ€" A good house and barn, stabling for three head of cattle with loft over stable for feed, and i one half ace of land. The house is in I good repair. Apply on the premises to Joseph Williams. 1 A garden party under the auspices of f , „ the Ladie-s' Aid of the Methodist church < FlUO aud Ueavter will be held on the parsonage grounds o.i Friday, Aug. 13tli, 1909. Refreshments served on Iho grounds.' A good program will be provided. To t hose who want to have a good ap- pearance it is good news to know that they can take their linen to Andy Wilson Flesherton, and have it laundered in first class stylo. Basket leaves Tuesday night and returns Saturday a. m. Markdale steam laundry. W. J. Smith, Prop. Clearing sale of general store stock, consisting of dry goods, boots and shoes, groceries, hardware, paints, oils and varnishes, wall paper, patent medicines, all will be .sold at a reduction as I have .sold my store and give possession on Dec. lat, 1909. All accounts duo aud payable at once. I will accept ti-Ade for goods to Nov. 15th, '09. Il.N. Kinnoar, Maxwell Oi.tario. Nothing in the way of a cough is quite so annoying as a tickling, teasing, wheez- ing, bronchial Cough. Tho relief comes perhaps from a prescription known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And besides, it is so thorouahly that mothers give it with perfect safety oven to the youngest babes. Tho tender leaves of a .simple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shcop's Cough Remedy its remarkable curative effect. It is truly a most ceitain and trustworthy prescription. Sold by all de>klers. Fine Shoes With the coming of Spring we naturally look for something neat and stylish to wear espoi- ally in footwear. We have go jnst what yon need. Wereoom. tuent the MODEL Shoe as being handsome in shape aud right up to date aud built of first olaa^ in m chap was standing near the animal when Van be persuaded to forget what was Street mail delivery is to be inaugurat- ed by the Postoflice Department in Owen Sound and the town has been asked to have the streets named and houses numbered in order to facilitate this work. A special committee of tho Council lias decided to recommend that the thorough- fares running norih and south bo named avenues, and numbe.ed as such, aud those running across town be numbered streets. A special meeting of the council will be held to-morrow night to deal with tho question. Though the proposed change is regarded as a radical move, it is endorsed as the best possible solution of a problem which is particularly com- plex in Owen Sound. A report ]U8t issued by tho emigration authorities in Germany shows that' spon- taneous emigration' to the United States has ceased. Reports of German steam ship companies show that only 174,000 peisons have embarked at Hamburg and Bremen since the first of the year. This is greatly in excess of the figures for the first six months of 1908, when the finan- cial crisis caused a sharp decline in emigration, but it is nearly 100,000 below the lecord for tho same period of 1907. material by reliable malsers. We have the MODEL Shoe Bluoher and Oxford style Black, Chocolate, Ox-Blood, Kid and Dongola, You cannot help being suited. Not especi- ally for Children, Men Women, but for the whole family. Also Men's and Boys Shoes. or CLAYTONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. The first year's business of the Noisy! River Telephone Company, just conclud- 1 ed, shows a surplus sutticient to pay the| stockholders a dividend of ten per cent.] on thkir investment after all expenses of j running the institution were paid.â€" Creemore Star. From an exchange wo clip the follow- ing suggestion :â€" After your potatoes are out of bloom mow the tops ofl', but not too close, and see if you don't have tho finest and most beautiful crop you ever had. 1 his is an Irish scheme. J. E. LARGE All through this stoi'e,high class goods at very low prices. We have never been better prepared to sup- ply you with all your spring and summer wants, for every department is crowded with bright new goods â€" the fkind of goods we insist on selling â€" look better, are better, and cost you no more than the kind that are niadt; merely to sell. Your .satisfaction the particular thing we aim at, and we aim to make this the safest store for you to buy at. Ilighest prices paid for produce. J. E. Large, e u o e n i a. idea is that tha tops have done duty after blooming. Try a few. ' A flight of an hour and a half was made by M. Summer in his airship at RheiniB, France, but M. Ruehonnet landed too abruptly, and smashed his frame. Six hundred policeman wore needed to quell a riot at Dublin, Ireland, when a crowd of Orangemen atPortadown attack- ed an excursion party of tho Ancient Order of Hibernians. Automobiles have killed o7 persons and injured 1,018 within the limits of Chicago during the first seven months of the year, according to figures given out at tho bureau of police records. Tho Royal Hotel, Bobcaygeon, has been rented to a Guolph man. As a result of the recent murder there, a strong agitation is being made for local option A natural gas explosion in Cleveland I wrecked a building and injured ten, 1 Tho Owen Sound lire department has only had one alarm in about two' months. Soothing syrup caused the death of a six week's old baby in Shcrbrooke this week. The first execution in Paris in four years took place recently. In spite of The) years of pressure the Chamber of Depu- ties has refused to do away with tho Bull and Boar for Serv Tliovou^hbreil Hull from iiiiportod stock, also Tatnwortli Hoar for service ou lot l&l, T: ic S. It., AiieuicEia. 20 Aug. JOHN A DAMS. Prop. their I death penalty. Hereford Cattle for Sale Wo l.ave for sale some (jooil bulls, lieifers aud cows, all tUorougbbred Herefords. T; & J; WATSON. Proton. H a V Y c o T u r e d Thompson's Bakery H.iviiig scemod Mr E. Arm- strong I'f Peterboro, a first class Imker, wo are prepared to turn out the best of every- thing in our line, Kreah Breeicl alwaye on hand Atrial solicltect. Ed.Thompson. Flesherton. Scottish Pride 66274 Tbo young bull Hcottieli Pride will stand (or ovvics at Mr. F, W. Nicliolson'B, lot W. con. 5, Arteniosia. Scottisb pride is sired by Soottisti Prince, ft ijiftudsou of tlie woudorful sbow cow. Ueui of Bellachiu, luip., ninuerof oigbt prizes at Toronto aud Loudon, besides beiuR chamii- ioQ female, Slie weigUs over 1000 pounas. Duo of tbis cow's calves sold for $1775.00. Scottish pride is out of Lady Kolla by the Toronto tlrst prize winner, Captain May Fly, imp 28838. This youui; bull bas prove bim- Belf aslionbull liaviuK gained au enooaraxinc record tbis fall at Feversbnm. Ho won tlrst {>rizeasbest bull calf, also diploma for beat >ull any Age. Tbose liaving pure bred oowa bould see tbis graud bull before breeding as they cannot do better tbau use him, A llmitep number of grades will be takenat 91;il6;For pure breds. $4.00 Bull for Service Tbe tborouRhbred bbortboru Dull, "Eart Grey, "71452, will be for service ou lot .'^, oon, 8, Artemesia. The pedigree ot this &ne aoimal can be s«eu on application. Terns •! ANDUBW DOW. Proprietor. Good Farm For Sale. T ot 10, con. 0, Osprey contaioiutj 100 acres, 8 -'-'cleared, (rauio bouse, frame barn, stone foundation; orobard, well waterede On tlinuHand down and balance to suit purchaser Immediate poseessiou Apply to B. N. KmNF.AB. Maxwell P. n. Bull For Service 2 years old, reg. shorthorn bull, Victor' Pridi', 74S05 is for service at Lot 37, Con. 6 Artemesia. Terms iJl.OO. ! .TOHN HARGRAV E iPure Bred English Berkshires and Tamworths. j I have a fine lot of young pigs bred from I prize winning stock, fur sale, SVrito ins for pricoK. I can give n bargain also guarantee satisfnctiou on all mnil orders. Geo. W. BOSS, Mtt.xwell P. O.