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Flesherton Advance, 19 Aug 1909, p. 1

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â- Â».-MiifMi«ii»<BlwriiW«i- ^k^\)cxi0n ^ivantt. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINOJPLEb ^0T MEN. VOL nV, NO 1399 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, Augfust 19 IQOO W. H THURSTON EDITOR aiid I'BOPUIETOB &^ 3ewelUry! !^ 1^ Jewellery! fm Bidde$t,Be$t mH g^and Cowest^ ^ Priced Stock ^ ^in t^.eeoum=^ ^ Reliable ^ p Dealina ^ ^ Jlrmstrond's ^ ^ TIesberton. j^ Ceylon Farmers are all busy harvesting. Fill wbeui and barley U all gatherud in. Oats Eeem to havo ripened a Hi tie tuo suou un account of the dry weather. The crops in general are from medium to good. Some tlireshint; baa been doue, the fall wheal yield being guud and the tample Shoul opened un Monday, teacher and pupils all looking bright and eager fi r work. The trustees have had a new roof put ou the building. Mr. J. W. Cuahiue has obtained a position in Toronto, his wife and family went to join him on Monday. We wibh them success in their new home. Misses Lulu and Mabel Totter uf Duluth are visiting at their uncle's, Mr, Donald McLeud's, also Miss Euchen uf Chven sound. Mr. Chas. Buyce is going on a trip to Michigan acconipauied by Muts Glasbie, bis cousin, who has spent several weeks visiting her friends, ihe Wrights. Mr. Geo. Hargruve of Egreniiint, and Miss Brown of Durlmui, visited at Air. Wm. Hargrave's ou Sunday. Mr. Jas. Pnttison is iinproTinx his property by laying a ceuient ll<^or in his stune cellar. Mr. LeL'atesr., andsoD, WiliiHiu, and Ci>ldiidKe,all of Egren;ont, visittdat Mrs. R. P. Legate's recently. Mrs. G. U. Holmes and Miss Edith Dingwall of Owen Sound, visited their friends at 'Jeylon and vicinity lust week. Mr. G. CoUinson has shipped sevorul CHrloads of tine lumber lately and Boyd Bros, have shipped several carlouis of telegraph poles. Mr. Uarry Stone of Kaka>>eka Falls is visiting at hia fatherV, Mr. Henry Stone. It is over ten yearp since Harry left his parental home and hi^ fiieuds were no doubt glad to ste hiiu. Mrs. MuNae, with her dauxhler, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mis. Jol.n Melia. Mr. Chas. McMullcH, after spcndinu a week with his p.ireuts has returned to Tor.mto. Mr. Norman McLeod has returned home after sijending a month or so in Turont'j. Swinton Park. BerrieSi for this year arc ahcut done. lar}{e quantities have been gathered. The Orangeuien of No. 1186, had » successful picnic in Mrs. J. S. Hardy's grove on Aug 12lh. Everything was well arranged HO that the lai go crowd enjoy- ed themselves. The program was suit- able, the supper tirst class, swin;;ini(, rdces, weie ou joyed, football nmtuli, Dundalk vs. Swinton Park. Swintou Park won, score: 3-0. We expect the society to give us another one in the coming year. Mrs. Briggs and four children from Buffalo aiu visiting the former's parentn, Mr. aud Mrs. Jas. McDonald. Miss Alm.v aud Master Williard Blake- stou of Stratford are vi-iiting th:iir many friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Strousaal two dauiiliters of Hamilton, are visiting their friends here. Rev. Walter Nich.)l of St. Mary's, preached an excellent sermon in the Presbyterian ohurih here last Sabbath. Rev. Wilkinson of Rocklyn preached an impreMive sermoD in the Methodist church. 1 0th Line, Osprey. Harvesting the spring grnin is in full swing now and oats are kfeneraliy a light crop. Mr. Richard Heron got a had hurt last week by bemg throwu out of a buKgy. Mrs. Wra . Duncan, who has been on the sick list for a time is able to be around again. Mr. Sheldon Heron of the Cataract is holidaying at his ijureutal home on the eighth line. Mrs. ^Weldrick, jr., of Owen Sound ha.s letuined home after visiting friends in this part for a couple of weeks. Born â€" On July 31st to Mr. and Mrs, S. Hawton, A daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers of Gibraltar spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Bicknell. We are sorry to report Miss Jennie Izzard very ill at present. Born â€" On Au?. 4th, to Mr. aud Mrs. Edward liawton, a son. The rain on Sunday was badly needed as pasture and root crops were in great need of it. us ihey were drying up. A failing tiny nerveâ€" no lamer than the dnest silken thread â€" takes from the h*-art its impulse, its p<.>wer, its regular- ity. The stomach also has its hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop who tirit told us it was wrong to drug a weak or fulling Siotnach, Heart or Kidneys. His prescriptionâ€" Dr. Shoop's Restorative â€" is directed strui^ht for the cause of these ailments â€" these weak and fnltering inside nerves. This, un doubt clearly explains why the Restoialive has of late grown so rapidly in popularity . Drugeists say that those who lest the Restorative ever. for a few days soon become fully con- vinced of its wonderful merit. Anyway, don't dru:{ theorgan. Treating the cause jf sicknerts is the only sensible and successful way. Sold by all dealers. Victoria Cotaers Bom â€" 11th to Mr. and Mrs. N. MiiierH, a daughter. Mr. H. Gallagher and daughter, Mrs. W. Moore and little sou, Elvin, .s{ieur a few days at Mulmur. Berry picking n so much the order of the day that there is .scarcely any news. Our boys attended Warehain's very sucoissful ganlen party last Tuesday evening and plaj ed ImU against Protot., bein^ successful, the siandiuK being seven to eight. Mr. Richards not being able to keep his charite, we are delighted tj have Mr. Laiilaw with us for another year. He will attend College and be with us only on Suiidsyc. The trustees of number four have secure.' the servios of Miss Leslie of Markdale. We wish Miss Leslie every success. Wedding be'ls. Kimberley The local .showers of Sunday and Mon- day of this week were certiiinly much needed and will l.e of much benefit especially to the root crops. School reopened here on Monday of thi.s week with the Misses Meiklejohn and Eula Scott at the helm. Mr. John IMewes visited friends at Toronto last week. Mr. Herb Lewis and sister. Miss Annie of Meaford, sjent Sunday last, the guests of their sister, ^lx». Win. Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawrence visited Rocklyn friends last week. Esdalo Walter spent Sunday at W. H. Thurston's, Flesherton. Miss Fox of Meaford is the guest of her fiieiul. Miss Eva Magoo. The Miivsos Jennie and Zolla Claridge of Georgetown are spending a few weeks, the guests of their friend. Miss Sadie Fawcett. Messrs. J, Howard Fawcofct of Bark's Falls and cousin, Mr. Roy Fawcett of Heathcoto spent Tuesday last with their cousin, R. R. Fawcett. Mrs. (Dr.) F. A. Thurston of Chicago, i i spending a couple of weeks holidaying hero, and is the guest of Mrs. G. H. Walter. Miss Florence Thur.sttn, Fleshertoii, was also a visitor there. Mr* Harold Proctor sixjnt li st weok with friends at Meaford. The regular monthly meeting of the local bi-anch of the O. W. I. will l)e held at the home of Mrs. Jasper Stuart on Thursday afternoon, .\ug. 26th, com- mencing at 3 o'clock sharp. A full ww • , r» i_ i #\ j attendance is requested. | nlgll dCllOOi Upeiied Mr. J. E. Humiuond returned home on Monday of this week, after a five weeks' holiday tour tkrough Munitolia, Saskatchewan, .\lbertu and British Columbia. He also visited the Seattle Exposition. Mr. and Mi-s. Wm. Brewer and family visited at the former's parentid home at Meaford durini; the past week. Mr. John Lawrence of Mejiford spent Sunday with friends here. Rev. Mr. Berry of Priceville occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday evening lust and deliveerd an, basing his renmrks on the 5th verse of tho 4th chapter of P^pbesiiuis. Mr. Lyness Fawcett who has spent the i kindred objects, past few mouths at Gow Gauda, returned ' motor, telegraph Tlie Initial Day a Precursor of a Successful Term. The High school opened on Monday with an att.ndance of 24. divided as follows : form 1, 3 ; form 2, 20 ; form :i, 1, and while this is encouraging, yet it will be added to in a few weeks. A number of scholars being drtaiued at home to afsiht in the harvest. The Advance cVded on Mr. Marcellus on Monday and was shown the ccpiip- mentofthe school by thut geiiilem»n. The said equipment consists of a be- wildering array (to the lay mind, at least) of iilass beakers, lidllJHrs, t<.st lubes aud There is an electric outit, electric bells, home lust week. I ary batteries, induction oil, and al- Master Elmer Cox of CoUingwood, l together a good electrical equipment, who has sj)eul the prist numth or so with i Included also is a good set of plaster friends hure, returned home hist weok. cists as diuwipg models for the art clasi>. Mr. Fi-ank Hutchinson and Mi-s. Hurd 1 ^" iuterssting instrument is the tellurian, and dauyhtei-, Miss Euhi, leave this | '''^"'K"*"' *''"' teaching iiialliematical week for different parts of the Canadian ! K*"'-"'"P''yâ€"t''« season", night nnl day north-west. | aud ecl', etc. Mr. Mnice'lus states ithat when they get the tables iiibtilled ho will htVH a yood equipiiient and if the scliolars do their part there is notliin;; to a. very preiiy aim quiei weuuin^ was sand in the way of success. He is pieasrd with the acioa of the trustees in supply in:: the equipment, and reference Robinson â€" McKee. solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McKoe, U9 Garden Ave., Tor..nto, ou Wed , Aug lull, when their youngest ! library, which contnins over 130 volumes, daughter, Trcssy Dot, was united in the all exeellent books, designed to lend holy bunds of matrim luy to Mr. Sidney Robinson, Toronto. The Ilov. Mr. every aid to the students. There are alto several gifts from the Department such Morrow of St. Mark's Presbyterian (as "Barm Weeds," etc. church lied the silken knot which made two hearts as one, in the presence of iiuinediate friends only. Prompily at eight o'clock p. m. to the beautiful strains of the Wedding march, played by Mr. Frank Robinson, brother of the groom, the bridal party entered the parlor. The bride, who was given away by her f'liher, was beautifully and becomingly The trustees are hitjhly enthusiastic over the prospects for tho school, and are determined to make it the success it deserves. There are 4 sections in the plan and the trustees held a conclave lust week, and gave Mr. Marcallus permission to continue work for another year with the old Goomotery, Latin, Arithmetic and Book Keeping text books as the new ones attired in while oriiandie, triminod with are not ou sale yet. Next year it will see and inBertion and silk sash, and wore > only be nencsdary to purchase new Lttiii a wreath of orange bloFsoms. She was and Arithmetic text books, the other attended by Miss E. Ellis of Toronto, courses not requiring text books, dressed in piok orgnndie with lace and Llyo<ls have extended t'.ie'r iiisurance risks, aud now insure airships. Baddeck No. 1. returned fnini Patta- wawa to Baddeck, N. S., by train for repairs. The Toronto Newsboys Union will insertion. The,;riK)m whs ably kupportud by Mr. J. filakol.v, alao of Ihe oily. After the ceremony the gue*ts were entertained by a duiu'y breakfast. The bride's popularity was evidenced by the useful presents she received. After a very en j'lyable evening spent in games , . , , ^, . , 1 1 I import Amei loan newspapers to do a«ay miu other amusements the happy couple | ;,^ ,,, , , « left for ibeir new home, 14 Bellwoods Ave., amid showers of rice and confeiti. A wide circle of friends and neighbors join in wishing Mr. and IMrs. UibinHon alouit, hnppy and prosperous journey through life. Deal at Home. The .^dvairce has been huntins around to find some illustratioim to back home an argument agaiu»t the iriail order busi- ness, and we found one in the furniture line. &Ir. Bunt sold a roll-top desk, (piariered oak top, 30x50 inches, the price being $32. The same deik at Eaton's or Siiipson'K would cost $36, not to mention freight or express. The iin.isl is di»ceriiil>le. If any of uur renders are asked for an order for printing by an ou'side cimcern we might bo able to give another instince, that would point the moral. Cliaiiengc. We the menibrrsof the Eugenia fool- biill dub do hereby challenge tho Mark- dale football club to home and home games at any date in the near future. .Signed on behalf of tho toain. --E. MORGAN. with the agents' prufi's, ' Constable Hahner, of Delanoo, N. J., in tho abseiioe of any local police station, handcuffs tramps and chains tie ii over night to a large tree. The mosquitoes are so thick that no hobo subjected to tho treatment ever returns. A official of Ihe Canadian Emigrition Society plates th^t he has hnd enquiries recently from many men who«o incomes reach £4000 to £5000 a year, and that men of considerable hnaiicial standing have g"ne out, particularly to British Ciilumbia and Ontario, U) farm t'leni- selves or to esUbliah a livelihood fir their sons. Chas. Ferguson, of White's drug st n-, saw a latge meteor fall on Monday even- evening about nine o'c'ock. It appealed to he about two feet in diameter and left a trail of smoke in its downward Hi^dit. Mr. Ferguson thinks it struck thettround somewhere between Shelburne and back line and not far noitli of the town line. â€" Shelbursiu Free Press. The papers iiiuke nioution of u genlle- man in New .Icrsey who undertook the !asl< of manufacturing eug'*. He is some- tliing of a chcinst and, Iniving discolor- ed by iinuljsis the various elements which coiiiposu an ogi', he went to tho drUj-.-tore, boug'ii those ingredients, and went home to perform the experiment which he expected would astonish the civili/A-d world. lie made a hot lire, put his chemicals in a vessel, and soon they began to boil. He took a blowpipe, and concluded to tlull' off a do/..-ii fiovh He A book on Uhtumali-iiii, by Dr Shoop, of Rachino. Wis. lulls ronic p'aiti truths, and in n plain and practical way. Get IhiK booklet, and a free trial troi'meiit of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy for sonio dishourtenod sufl'erer in your vicinity. Make a grateful and appreciii- i eggs as simples for tho scientists live friend of soiiio one who is dis- , had scarcely placed tho end of his blow- courased bocuuso iif tho f..ilurps of others I pipe in tho kettle when there was an to help hinr. Help me to make this test. ' awful explosimi, and when tho invoiilor and I'll certainly help your suffering frinud. Sold by all dea'crs. had picked hinisclf out of the dubris, he looked at his wife, who was utti-aoted The rat-catching; record has been ' ^rom t-'iB garden by tho noise, and said: smashed to smitheieens. On Monday , ''I guess 1 used the wrong sort of vessel.'' night Mr. Thomas Vriga II set a large cage j "Yes," she said, "you did." "What trap ill h's barn, and on Tuesday niorniii'/ 1 do you think it should have been?" ho no lofs than fimrleen rodents had visited i inquired. "It's out there in the yard," its cosy quarters and decided to spend j aho replied; "It's a hen," therein tho remainder of their days. Mr. I Tho Bruce Herald says of tho recent Vogan claims the olia.npiouship of the ! examination results: "From Wiarlon Bruce Peninsula and is ready to defend two out of four passed, from Ohcsley, 6 his title against all comers.â€" Wiarlon >ut ot 24 and fioin Walkertoii 9 out of Canadian. IV, ' McFARLAND&CO. MAl^KDALK ONTAKIO Summer Goods Summer Goods Reduced for Reduced for Ladies Men WHITE .MULL AND GENTS' FANCY WOOL VESTS LAWN WAISTS Regular $1.00 Vests, sale price 7oo 1.25 " " 5>0o i.50 " •' 1.20 Regular 81.50, reduced to SI. IS 1.75 " 1.25 2.00 '• 1.45 •i.25 " 1.68 2.75 " 2.19 L.\DIES'LONa GLOVES All ifHAES, ETC. Regular 50c, reduced to 29c. 58e " Hoc " 75o '• 45c " §1.25 I Silk) reduced to 68c LADIES' PLAIN AND FANCY SUMMER HOSE Regular 25c, reduced to 19c a pair. '• 15c ( wLite) reduced to 10c pr " 50c placet reduced to 88c pr Special Ribbed 2 pairs for 25c GENTS FINE ST AW HATS Regular 50c Straw Hats for 38c • 1.00 Straw Hats fpr 75c. 1 .75 Straw Hats for 1.25 TIES, COLLARS, ETC. 5 dozen 50c Gents Ties, four-in-hand, half price, only 25o 8 dozen loc Bow Ties, 2 for 25c Reg 25c Fancy Lisle Socks for 18opr Reg 50c " " 38opr 4 dozen Geuts Linen Collars to clear 2 for 5o 10 dozen Woodep Pipes reg 28c for 15 15 dozen Celluloid Cuffs at 9c a pair Gonts' Lever Collar Buttono, 4 for Co 25c Hammers for I9o. McFARLAND & COMPANY The Flesherton Carriage Works Fiesherton, Ont. BUGGIES â€" Intending purchasers will save money by calling and in- specting our stuck, as we have a good stock to choose from - and prices ara right. REP.4INTI.<IGâ€" Bring your buggy to us for repainting. Satisfaction guaranteed. PLOWS, etcâ€" Wo handle the best plows, harrows aud also carry a full line of repairs on liaud. CREAM SEPARATORSâ€" We are agents for the .MELOTTT. The best in tlie market. ^ ^ Special attention given to Horseshoeing. ^ First Class Livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, . Proprietor. The Middaujjh tiousu at Durham is (ifTeieJ for sale William La Baa, a Wiarton haker, took P'liiuii on Monilay of last week. He will prohahly recover. C. F. Wi'Iard made a cross-iountry flight of twelve miles in his aeroplane on Loiii; Island. Tho Eyo-Opener has been transferred from Calgary to Port Arthur, where it will be printed hy the News. More matchea are used in the United Kiii|,'(loni than in any other one country in the woild. It has been estimated that Enxliah people uae an average of eight inat:li es each i ersoii per da}'. The recent sucoet^iful aquatic meet at S'. C»tharino8 has .set tho Owen Sound Tillies loiigiiiK for the »ood i>ld times to return again when water sports weio popular in (^wen Sound, and when vatious interettiug rowing aud sailing races were pulled oft'. Today the only pleiisure craft visiMe there are motor boats, and even they neglect competitionij. For the tirst t'me since the Indian list went into fm-ce in London, Out... t'le authorilies have a whole family pro- hibited from coiiic near hotels. The- family iniludeM Kinanucl Kelly, the father; Maiy G. Ivelly, the mother;. Mitt. Julia, a daughter ; and Thomas and Walter Kelly, fcms. Except for their weakness for li>|uor, they are jjood citixuiis. "Bunpus" Brown, a youth rosiding on Berford street north, had his chin Kuawod by a hungry rat Tuesday n'ght, aud is now laid up fdr repairs. Of course "Bungus" must have been sleepini< as it is a well-lcnowu fact his talking apparatus is never still long enough during his wakeful moments to uive a j rat half a chance.â€" Wiarton Canadian. Pain can bo easily and i(uickly stopped. j Pink Ptiin Tahletsâ€" Dr. .Shoop'sâ€" Stop Hoadaehu womanly paiiis, any psiii, any- where, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c. box. Ask your druugist or ^.ocMV alK)ut this formula â€" it's line. Sold by all dealers. It is whispered th'it tlie C. P. R. had a man on taking a census of the Iraftic ' across the tracks at tho Mam street cross- I iu)i Tuesilay to see if tho traftiowaa heavy eiiouith to doniiuid i;ales according to the ' reipiircnieiit.s of die Hallway Coininissioii. They cerlaiiily pickwl on a roikI cpiiet day of the weok for taking iho census. â€" Shelburne Economist. J,imesand .\lbert .fohnston, of Mulmur who have been coiitiueii in the County ganl hrre f<.r some months as persons of unsound mind, wereoct «t libertyTuusday nioriiiag. Tbeir father, James .lohnslon, an ex-School teacher, arrived in town Monday evening and lefi for home with the two younx men shortly alter they were sot free. â€" ()raiii(eville Btinner. The Court House at Washiinrton, Mason county, in which "L'nce Tob," of "I'licle Tom's C;\bin'' fame, was sold, was struck by lightuiiig and destroyed. The buildint; was erected in 17^)4. It WHS the sftlo of an aged negro at this place that i(avo liarrriot Boucher Stowe , the biksip for her story. 60 YEARS* } EXPERIENCB '^ Tbadi IMarss ! dcsioks i CO(>YRIOKTS &e. ATirone«en4lng atkcteh ar.^ JMoriptlon tosy tmlcklir ucortain our opinion free whotlior au InToiitloii is pnibitMir patentAhl& Commtmle»* tinnHFtrlctlrconUdcntluL HANDBOOK on Patouts sent truo. Oldest niToiicT f or eeooTUMMMUcntA. fntcuta tAkoD tliruui:b Munn STjbbNoetti* ifuialnoUt*, wltbomo bant e^ Inthe Scientific jfUnericait i A luDdsomelT lUiutratod weekly. Luceat nU^ gilstlon ofjuir sclwiilflo Journal. Terms lor Caiuda, KM a Tear, puttuse preiwid. Sold by all DeWMeeleni. DR. BURX Specialist In disease*:, of ihe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Oltloe 1 3 F cost St. - C')wcne»onnai At tho Revere house, Markdale, Ist Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. oi.

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