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Flesherton Advance, 12 Aug 1909, p. 1

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/lesljert^tt V %Hmu, ••TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB.'' â€" '• PRI.N'CIPLEb NOT MEN." VOLUV, SO 1399 Flesh-erton, Ont., Tliursday, Augr 72^ 900 W. H THURSTON EDrroR »ad PKCPKIETOB i gg Jewellery! 2^ Jewellery! ^ WfiJâ€" â€" â€" - „ Biddest>Be$t zs^ ig and Cowest ^ ^ Priced Stock ^ ^^^in theeount=^ ..^ Reliable ^ ^ Dealina ^ i^ Jlrmstronfl's ^ i Tiesberton. r^ Eugenia. Dry weather still continue!. Pasture and all sort of ve^etattua is sud'Mr ing from the drought and extreme heftt. Mr. Robt. Wanacss uf Torouto unde a short visit with bis father at Eugenia. Mrs. Large aud family have gone on a couple of week's holidays to Oweu Sound. Mrs. R Field of R<.>ck Mills was a visitor with Eugenia friends the pAst week. Mr. W. H. Fenwick of Toronto, ac- companied by Mr. Wichloni and license Inspector Jennings, has been spendine a holiday visiting friend* here. As Mr. Fenwicic is one uf the old Eugenia boy», he is (till a welcome visitor at Eugenia. Messrs. J eunint; and Wicltlom are de- lighted with the scenery around Eui;oiiia. Mrs. J. Kernahan and Mrs. McKriiuon of Torunto are visiring at Mr. Jamiesou's for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Fetch of Toronto and Mrs. J. J. Thompson of Fleshertoo, were the gu«sts of Eugenia friends for a short time the pas* week. Miss Ada Thompson of Fleshertin is spending a holiday with Mis.n Lizzie Williams. Mr. H.-\rry Steeley of Toronto was a Cuest at the Eugeuia House, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson aud children of West Toronto, are visitiu;j with Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams. Mr. Willie Campbell of Toronto is visiting his parents in the valley. Miss Ruth Cairpbell of Irish lake is visiting at the Eugenia house. .Mr. Wesley Jamieson of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Hill of Wareham, were wore nuests at Mr. Robt. McMa.ster's. Mrs. Stobie and children of East Toronto, are visicing with Mrs. Goctey,si\ Mr. Fred Jauiieiion and sister. Miss Grace, visited Clarksburg friends for a .short time. Mr. Francis Gero« had his barn raising on 8:iturday last, a large number were present. The ladifs turned o«t in large numbers to see the boys spfe home AU enjoyed a go^nl time. A bountiful supper was laid for aH, imi a hearty invitation given. Miss Catder of Mount Forest, visited friends over Sunday. Every one was plea.sed to see hvr. A KH)k ou Rheumatism, by Dr Shoop, of Rachine, Wis. tells some plain truths, aud in a plaiu aud practical way. Gtt this booklet, and a free trial troatment of Dr, Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy for some disheartened sufferer in your vicinity. Make a grateful and apprecia- tive Friend of some one who is dii- couiaged because of the failures of othei-s to help him. Help uie t>> make this test, aud I'll cerUiuly help your suffering lierd. Sold by all dealers. The act respecting the employment of girls in shops and factories is not one that appeai-s to bo well known, and well regaiiled. It is illegal to employ a chilJ, girl or woman later than »ix o'cl<.>ck at uight, except on Saturdays or days be- fore a holiday, when the closing hour is 10 o'clock. This applies to rural com- munities as well as to cities and towns. King Edwaid entered on the 9th year of his rei^u on Monday, August 9th, 1909. Victoria Coraers Mr Richards, the now minister for Inistioge, pi-eachetl not only a scriptural serniou, but one tilleil with information, Sunday. Mrs. Hames, sr., has gime to Ton.mto for a visit. Boruâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. WiUivnl G«llagh«r, August 1st, a son. Some of our lK)ys having become tiiv<.l of "single blesstKlness"" luv taking unto themselves "the better hiUf." Wo aro plea-setl to welcv>me Mrs. William ToiUl intoomr midst. The Misses Stevens hnve theii' cousin. Miss Miuerva, visiting them. Vandelenr. The baying is about over in this vicin- ity. The crop has been saved in good condition. Fall wheat and barley is all cut, and the hum of the thresher will soou be heard. M. Beard baa purchased a new self- feeder for bia grain separator, ftlarshiill has a tirst-clasi> oMtfit now, and expects to start the aeasua's operatioas tfaia week. Mrs. Milligan of Fleshertua visited friends in this oeixhborhood last week. Sid. Gilbert's family circle was enlarged by the arrival of a daughter on Thursday last. Misses Lily and OLve Gilbert of Kim- berley visited their sister, Mrs. Will Hutchinson, for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eil. Warling and baby boy uf Toronto spent a couple uf days last week at John Watliugs. Geo. Shannon is making preparations to build an implemeut bouse. Gev. Ptitchard and daughter, Mary, took advantage of the excursion tu Mus- koka last week to visit friends at Graven- burst, and report an eujoyable oudug. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert and two childien of Toronto were visitors at Geo. Warling's last week. Allan McLean and family, and A. McLauchlan of Pricevule spent Thursday at S. Gilbert's. Mrs. Baker, sr., of Collinijwood is visiting her sou, Edward, of thi.s place. Ed. Baker attended the funeral of hi;) uncle at CoUin^wood last week. A. T. hiutchinsou of Feversham visited his father, Mr. Geo. Hutchinsou, sr., recently. Olive, the youneest dau^rhter of Mr. Will Hill, while playiug with some other children in her uucle's barn, near Mark- dale, fell from a ladder striking hei head on the baru tio>>r, causing serious injury. Under the skilful nursing we are glad to hear that iih« is recovering. Mr». Botbwcll, of Vancouver, B. C, paid our burg a visit leceutly. Misses May Graham aud Sadie Warliiuc are spending a fe* days with Miss Florence Thurston, Fleshertoa. Hanlan's Point A failing tiny nerve â€" no larger than the tinest silken thread â€" takes from the heart ils impulse, its power, its regular- ity. The stomach a!.so has its hidden, or inside nerve. It w^is Dr. Shoop who drat told us it was wrong to drug a weak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kidneys. His prescriptionâ€" Dr. Shoop's Restorative â€" is ditected straight for the of these ailments â€" these weuk aud faltering inside nerves. This, d<> doubt clearly explains why the Restorative bas of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restorative eveu for a few days soon become fully con- vinced of its wonderful luetir. Aiiyaay, don't drug the organ. Treating the cause 'jf sickueiis i.s the only sensible and successful way. Sold by all dealers. Eiist .Mountain Berry picking has been the chief object in this settlement, and everyone is harvesting tluiir share. Miss Maude Smith, who hits sjient the past two weeks with her fiieiid.s here, re- tiu-ued to Toi^)«to ou Friday. Miss Nellie Martin Ls visiting til Duuaiu at present. A uumberfnun this part took in Francis Geuoe's barn raising ou Siitmxlay. Mi-s. Will. Humberstoue left hist week to visit her vhiughter, .Mrs. Orr, i>f Mauitoiiliii Is1:ukI. It Ls rumored that R. J. Sprvmle hiia sold his fium for §1-.W. Will bo able to give ci.>rrect statement later. Henry Walton is improving his residence by bricking his house. Pain can bo easily and quickly stopped. Pink P;uii Tabletsâ€" Dr. Shoop'sâ€" Stop Headache womanly iwii.s, any p.iiii, any- wheiv, ill 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 23c. box. Ask your uningist or doctor about this formula â€" it's tine. Sold by :dl dealer.^. Oltl Duriiam Road. this Haying is -tbv'Ut completed locality. The hot wcH'her has been lipeuing the grain very rapidly. A cool wave is passing over .it [res.'nl. May it coutinue. l>ur school house has been undergoing some repair!. Now floors have been laid which adds much tu the appearance and com fort of the interior. Services have boesi reci mmeuced. Student Ronaou held tho fort Sunday evening using for his text the words "Where art Thou." Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wattcia are at present viaitinu relatives in Thorubury. Uuddy bivthers had a successful raising on Thursday. A slight mishap to one of the plates allowed J.Turner's side to win being a couole of rafters aheivl. J. Tumor and W. Roid wore captains. The framing waa done by our inipular framcr J. McDonald. Jas. Whyte, who had his arm broken is atill in the hospital but is expected home thia week. Misses Margaret and Piarl Henderson visitetl the Misses McPbail one day last week. They also visited the Misses Muir A few days ago. Mr. H. McKianon i» engaged as tca:her. Burned Out Thousands of Dollars' Damage Doaeâ€" Young Lady Burned to Death Special to The Advance Toronto, Aug. 10 â€" Hanlan's Point, one of Ton)nto's most popular amuse- ment places was almost totally destroyed by fire to-day. The fire bri>ke out in the Electric Theatre at four p. m., and at six only three small amusement places were left of what a few hours before was a popular, modem resort. The fire was the worst (Toronto has had since the Hathertoo Ber-Jy picking Ls the <jrder of the day. Fall wheat is beini; harvested and is and is coasidered to be a fair crop. Hay having been a much better crop than at one time expected. One farmer having eight load off three acres. The pea crop Ls extra good this year, while otits and barley are good. Mr. James Winters had the misfortune of losing a fine cow. Her hums became entangled \n some willow bushes, and in trying t«> get out threw herself, causing I her death. I Mr. and Mrv. James McKee ;md Liule S4)n of WhitJield, also Mr. and >lrs. W Tucker. Dromore, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Down recently. The ML-s8esMinnie;uidBlanche Parker. Tort.into, who are vi.siting their grand parents, Wareham, sj»ent last SuniLiy with their uncle and aunt, ilr. aud Mrs. great contlagration of 1904, and thousiinds j Parker. .>f dollars dauiiige was done. The baU I Mr. and Mrs. SincLiir and Jauijhter grounds aud grand stand, figure eight. Hazel, DuniLdk, aLx> Mr. and Mrs. J. and the hotel Hanlan were among the ' peoley, Scayner, spent Sundiiy with their imporfint .structures destroyed. The , ^^^^^^^ *''^'"- '^"^» ^^ J"*P»' Litter, a tine, large and popular summer : -vfâ€" r u i ... , â-  , \. ^ â- â-  ^^- L. Badgerovr and daughter^, hotel was saved m the di-sastrous tire Sadie, little <.)Uie and bnbe spent a d;iy which swept the same ground in 1903, ' with Mrs Dijwn recently, almost six years ago. There was, as fiir j On Sunday evening Lust nine yi'Utlis Ls kuowu. only one life lost, that of the ( J"*^ entering into m.uihood, were receiv- 1 1 I.- t.i. i.x: • u.. "! *u into the Meth>idL-*t church Maxwell young lady cishier of the '"tigure eight, i,„ ,t , , ';'•" -"i- <â-  i^uurtu, jias»^;u. â- ',"',- , ,..- hythe {jastor Rev. A. Stanley, after whose Iwnes were found with a fewj^hiei, tho sacRiment of the Lortls niet;d (larts of her clothing in the .\8hes. | supfjer was .idministered,. An txcvl- The fierceness of the bhize was due to j lent sermon wtis given by che pastor, the Lirge amount of wood used in the j ^"^^ • Duncaitsou preached his fcirewell construction of the various edifices. Port Law Fail wheat bas Uwu harvested aa<l is a splendid crtjp â€" the best for many year;?. Mount Zion people are justly eUc«i at the sermon List Siibbath momiu! j A numlier from here took in the garden I party at M;ixwcll. Flesherton s jiopukr band was in attendance and rendered some choice selection.s. Thev may rest a.ssured of a hesirty welcome 'in M'axwell 'n t!iB future. An excellent pn-grjini succe.'O of their garden party. The table j was also given. Every person seemed to receipts amuanted t» J4U, and this was <uppl«- 1 enjoy themselves, meatt^d bv c*Jatfiderable from the tent. ' . ^ . of boseliill and football, and other amiise- ; ^'•^'" =' plea.sant visit with her parent.s meats, were mdulzetl in. Speeches were ^ here, M rs. Campbell juid little son re- priven by Kevs. Stanley and Uaid'iaw, a recita- 1 turned home to Toronto List SaturxLiy tion by UUdvs White, and a ttvueruus supply I w i i-.. in . . ,. of mu-Hic by the choi- and l>uadalk ban.l. ! ".^ddiug belLi are nngmg. More Mrs. McKe,-hnie of Slarkdale vaited her ' P«rtlcuUw Liter. uncle, Wok Fish«r. ] While driving .tlong the sideroad near Wesley Janiiesuu of Toronto spent a few ' Mr. Hillivk.'*. Mr. Neil, gravel r«ad, was days with his brother here and his sister at j thrown off a load of hay which upset iu'o l=^"«*"i»- j the ditch, and he had his leg and one rib Mount Zion congregation was pleased to ] brv>ken. As Mr. Neil Ls an aged man, midces it quite serious, Dn Ryckman attended to the iujurie.s. have Kev . Laidlaw with them last Sunday, I and d<> n >C t egret that he is to remain fur another vear. in the We understand S. Osborne has purchased Mr. Kiunear's store property at Mx\H-ell,aiid will remove there al>out l)ec. I. He has built up a Koud business here, and we wish him success in his new venture. Ida Osborne spent a week with friends at Lady Bank. James Johnston is able to be out a^rain. We are glad t€> see hiiu so much improveil after his long illueet, and hope he may com- pletely recov en. -• -»~ ' mrs. ».ooKanacntia ot Mirinipee, are Harold Thomj^mis visiting his grand- h^IiJ^yi'Jg ^ith ber m..ther, Mrs. A. M. IKtfenU. .Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Flesherton. \ ^""'f. O'*! Duihtm Road K. McMaster is in this vicinity with his j Wisst's Maggie an J Flossie Ca.swell »f nioderu welldJiviug outtit .\ towunhip can- i Fl.'sherton are visiting their aunt, Mrs. uot be too dry, nir the three-tifths clause pre- ( L. McArthur. Mi<s Edith Dingwall. H^'peville, PrictTiU* Held over from last week The hay crop is practically all barns now and does not occupy t»o much space, either. Mrs. Cook and child of Wi veut hiu from supplyiug the Adam's ale. Mrs, K. Mouttp^mei-v and children of T<>r- ou'.'i s|>eut a month witli her i>arents, ilr. and Mrs. Thorn [>son, sr. I>r. Luton, wife and daughter, of ii.-K Mich., were guests of Mr. aud Mrs. F. H. rhomiJsun. Mss IS Martha Mr. Joseph Chapman, an AJjala town- ship ftirnier. has entered an action in the High Court for §j,tXX) damages for the death ot hia son. The b<.>y fell into a tcleplume jk>1o hole on the highway iieai' his fut'ner's home and w;is drowned. The accident occurred road betwee'i Aiijal.i townships and the plaiutitt' chirgos the county with negligence iu leaving the {)ost holes unprvitecte<l. Kimberley The weather h;ks lieen very warm and dry during the ^vist week aud as a result, the spring crops are ri{)oniNg very f;isl, in fact (generally sjicikking) practicidly all the crop wUl In; ready for tho .sickle tliis week. We refer to the valley. ^i>n!y. The LLzzie Bowcrnwiu aud Liiaie McClelland of Toivnto are hi'lii'uiying with their friend, Mrs. Jasper i^tuart. Threshing fall wheat ci>inmcnceil here Ltst week. Mr. Jas. Stuart being tho tirst to have liL* wheat threslied, which yield- ed some forty bushels to tho -lere and it is a first class s;ini[)le. This abn.>riuiU cii'p is certainly an exception, jvirticular- ly this year, as the average yield for tho valley will be sou-cely 15 bushels per acre. We oli'er coiignitulalioii.s to the M i.-:.-ies Frances Hurd and Elvio Bishop who were successful in tlicii- recent high schwl exams, by securing their .secv>nd cL-iss certificates. Miss Wvie piwssod with honors. This certainly Ls a ivuiarkable showing for such a young jiei'son, sis she Ls but 13 years of age. the guebt of her cousin, Watson. A'ex and Mitchol W.ilker, Toronto, are holidaying with friends here. Misses Kate and Bc!la Campljell st>ent a few days at the old home, north line, recently. .Miss Derby, a former teacher here, bu". recently i.f .\lberta, is the guest of tlie Misses .l.'iincs. W. G. Watson tcN->k in the Sunday Burling- OR the county sch< ol excursion on the 27th to and Tecumseh ton Beach. Mi.ssM.Miae Fawcctt /- n'^;'Htog \i„ his 78t.h year He was a ...ative of week or .so with friends at <-ollingw.KHl. , ^^.j^^^;^^ ,.^,^,.,,, , ,„j ,^, f,.^. ^^.^^ John M.sgee and .\nKvs Mc- ijQj.^.,^,^ ,j f^.,;j^.„(i yf this township, and Clung vi.siu.Hl!<th line. Arteiuesia, friends I, jj ^ij^ly known and rt'-spected as a ou Suuilay List. Success bt^ys. Mi-s. Geo. Hutchinson visited Meafotd friends recently. Miss Poail I..awivnce is visiting friends was widely known and re-»pe geni>tl ana kind neighbor. He was an ardent Liberal in politics and a member of the Presbyterian church. Deceased waa married three time*, his first wife at RcK-klvu this week, aud Ls tho guest of i was a Wi».s McDonald, who died in her her friend. MLvs Annie Curivy. " ! '^I't year, leaving one daughter, Mrs. D Mr. aud Mrs. James (.\>x, nee Miss Ethel Plewes, of Collingwood, are holi- daying at the Utter's parentid home here. Mcisrs. Frank V^lea-sauce. Willis Court and J. Herliert Fawcettof Collingw ikkI. siient .Monday of last %tvV. angl'iig for the s[)eckle<.l beauties in the Beaver river. G. ilcLean. of the village. His sect>iid wife was Mrs. Campbell, and his surviv- ing wife waa a sister of Captain Mc- Gdlivray, of tlie Salvation .\ri»y. and who is left with 3 s-^ns and one daughter, , the eldest about la year*. .\ large number of people attended the fuuersl services at the house, and at the village cemetery, which were c^^nducted by Revs. li. Berry and Dr. .Mullin. Miss Gladys Watson is visiting Shel- buriie friends this week. .^lex Livingston has been enjoyin;: a visit from his cousiu, Duncan, of Beutiuck recently. I'nii'ii services were couductetl iu the MethiKlist c!imx-h Sunday. Rev. H. Uerry preat.hing a much appreciated sermon to a lai'^e a'ngreg.'itiuu, the aisles l>aviu^ to be filled with extn* scits. In the evening Mr. J. Montgomery student i>f Victi'ria I'niversity, preached in the Presbyteiian church to a stiil larger audience. Sir. Montgomery preached in Iwth churches la^t year, and is well liked iu PriceviUe. Wo understind that Mrs. Conkty's house was struck by lightning during the stirmon the 29th. but not seriously damaged. Hector McKinrti'ti. ison nf our post- master, who his b-eit attending Xormil school, Toronto, h-»a been engiged to teach at S. S. No. 7, O. D. R., at a good Siilary. S. L. M:Kinuon. some distatice west of the village, h.-i.-* piissed his exaius creditably at Strafford Normal and has .securetl a schtx>l near Bradford at a salary of So(VJ. Died, July 19th, at his residence, 5th con.. Glenelg, Mr. Godfrey McTaggart, McFARLAND&CO. aiAEfKDAt-E OXTAl<IO These Prices Claim Your Atteniion. For Were Making Big Price Reductions on Many Lines of Summer Goods. Avail Your- self of these Opportunities to Save on Timely, necessary Goods. GENTS' WHITE VEisTS REDUC- ED. Wu're Jetsrmitied Co clear all 3Ien"s white Vests, which consists of white ground with spots, stripes or smail ligures, assorted sizes. Here's the way we are ^'ins? :> di it. will sell all the Sl.tiO Vests for each. $1 20 for 9tX-. eMb, $150 $1.20 each. We 7Jc for PRICES KNIFED ON SIEN'S STRAW HATS AND LINENS Wo have .tboat â- fJ Men's Straw Sailors, ail this sea'<ou's styles, that must mere out i.]uick!y, hence we will put on sale this lot Thursday morning aa follows: Reg. oOc Straw Sailors for SSc. Reg. JJIOO Straw Sailors for 75.-. R-eg. 81.75 Straw Sailors for 81.25 Reg. oOc Linen Hats for 38o Reg. 75c Linen Hats, for fiOo 84.C0 to $5.00 TRIMMED HATS Ft.lR SL45. We have only 6 Udies' trimmed bats left, which cons.sts of medium and light fancy shades and would sell in regular way ac ^.00 to $5.0C. Voor choice to clear at each $1.-45 McFARLAND & COMPANY The Flesherton Carriage Works Fle^herton, Ont. BUGGIES â€" Inteudinjj ptircbasers will save money by ctjllitig and Ln- speciiug oiu- stt^k, aj we have a good stock to choose from - and prices ars right. REPAINTING â€" Bring jotir boggy to ti3 for refiainuug. Satisfiicfcion gaaranteed. PLOWS, etc â€" Wo handle the beat plows, harrows and also carry a full line of repairs ou band. CREAM SEPARATORSâ€" We are agents for the ilELOTTT, The bess iu tbe market. Special attention given to Horseshoeing. First Class Livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. Proton Station The ladies 'U-e busy picking; berries this weather and getting their complexion spoiled. Mi-s. W. Ludlow and Miss Ethel, spent Monday with friends at Swinton Park. (.>ur biisebidl team intend playing a ipinie at Wareham giuxleu psu-ty, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Marshall, Totx>nto, spent week at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons. Miss Ida Biunie of Flesherton, spent Sunday at here home here. Messrs. M. aud J. Pickett. West Toronto. sj>cnt last week at "pleasant view farm. Hopkins. Durham, spent a few day* last with her bri.>ther DU. Jlr. Bruce Ncilsou, JTorouto, is holi- d.iyiu^ here at present. Muss Mallei Wauchob returoed home. ;if tcr s(>eudiu>c her vacation at Durham. Waikerton .A very serious accident happened to a te'ephone here on Saturday afternoon. The ijauji was working notth of the riviir, not far from the foundry, when the accident occurred. Ouo man, Uert Piiao by na.iie was up near the top of )i pi>le. when wii hout warning it broke otToeai' tho l»ittoin. Being strappe<l to the p<^>!e he could not jump, and when the pole struck the earth his face struck | the pole, breaking his nose, aud fractur- iui! his skull. Tlio wrist of the riijht hind was .ilso broken. Dr. H. H. Sinclair whs at once summoned, and he ordered his ;>iitient to be taken to the hospit.ll. The doctor reports that his patient is showing slight si^ns of impro>T»- ment. but that the chsuces of his recovery are not the best. Pajje is an Euglish- inai), and apuears to have no relations iu this country. .\ colony of w8S(.vs had taken up their ipiarters in the binder twine factory, and when the machinery was started up, it put tho w.wiw into an e\coedinsty tad temper, and ever since it has been pretty much of a tii;h», all day long between tho wa.sps and the employees of th» mill. It is said that lheproi.K>r way to fight wasps is to tight them, aui then run away. This is not the plan which tho people arouud the twine factory have adopt- ed. When Mr. S. Irwin of Kinloss commenced to mow List M(>iiday morning his horses in some way became frighten«d and attempted to g«t >\w«y. The man was drawn d')wit upon the machine when the shaft br'. ke striking him ou the thigh intlictiiig terrib'e injuries and breaking it iu two places. T. Colwell and S. Walsh weie jusc passing at the time and quickly hurried to his assis(:vnce. They succeeded iu getting the injiu-eJ man into their buagy an i unhitching the horses, left the team with a little son of Mr. Irwin's for him to bring home. They had not gone very far when the lad following wi'h the uneasy horses wa.s unable to manage them and they goc away from him over'akmij the three men in the buegy ahead. They were all thriiwu out addiiK farther injuries to Mr. Irwin. Drs. SiucUur iiud Fersuson were called but the luau was beyond their »id and diett shortly alter their arrival. Mr. Cearley Stephau of Walkcttou attended the funeral. Anthony Schutofski and Conn Zaber came to town li. â- it Friday to hear the Goidon trial. They hearvl it. and liter on started for home. They got along all right, until they bad reached a poiuc opposite Ben Wuechter's farm. TtieQ the hortie bolted, jumped the ditch, and duug both of them ajaiust W.iechter's stone feuce. Alex McLtfi..iau saw the acci.leut, and after removing them to his house hurried in for tlie do«tor. When the docl»>r arrived he found them in a pretty bad shape. Both had black evfs aud cuts on the head, and Zubec had in addition a brckeu thumb. â€" Tele- scope. X "How to Tickle an Editor," is tho title of a new name and can be played with great interest. Take an ordinary scrap of writing paper, pen a few lines suitable for tho occasion, then fold it carefully, cucK>sing in the fold a bank note sufficient to corer all arrears for your subscription and a year in advance, and bandit cheer- fully to the editorial chairman. Keep the corner of your eye upon him aud tC the smile that won't fall otf adorus his usual solemn face, th* game has b;eu played successfully. It can b« played by mail. The Ontario Government is planning a complete revision of the I*rovincial 6sh vind game laws and the measure will probably be submitted to tho Legislaturo at it* January sitting. I>R. BURT 5|>«clalist In Jiscat^Ciol tiM Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Otllcc 1 3 V" i.-«-><»t sSt. • <>wene»ouii<i At the Revere house, MarkdtUe, 1st Friday each mouth from 8 to 13 a. m.

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