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Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1909, p. 8

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. %,, v.«r»>«^ THE FLESIfERTOM ADVANCE AcGcST 5 19t)9 A Practical Education Is si>:iicthiiig tliut in within ii'iuli <if uvcry youiiK iimii till) iiiul woiiiiiii nhii liitx tilt) aiiiliilioii t<> succeed in life, ll can Ijc seciircil in II short time ;iiiil iit ii eipiin>:iiii- lively Kiimll cust, liy iittelliliiv.4 the Collinywood (business Co if eye Full Term ojK.-ns Sept. 1st, lilOi). Write now for free Oitnloguo. T.E. HAWKIXS, . Principal. Weak Kidneys By-Law No. 2 KlrtnoTs, inwly POlTii to wphV kidnpy KiMTi-». Ttw ki^lnoyn. llko tlio ItcuTt. ftiid tlia of AuKusr, l!K)9, to sum up ths vote* g.veii fjr Hiul a.%iM\-i\. this By-Ian. I Diitcil fit Pricevillo this twenty-second A Ry-lrtw of iho Police Vi11ii!,m of Pricj- dny of July, A. D. 190«. Wonk KMnoy ) etomach. find tholr weakm-ss. not In l!i'; orgun lUk-U but In tlif nervi'S thiit coi'trfU nrid Bultlo unci btr«nKth.>n llx-in. Dr. Hlia.!; 6 K«itoratiy« ll a mf<ll<-ino si.KlficBlly prcimrt-d to reuch tlie«> Co:itrnlling ik-rren. To doiL r tli- h kliieys oUme. , is tuillo. It Is » wBbtu (X lime, una ol uiouey ai | we!l. If yonr biirk aotic iraiUl.-i. orlsdKrkaiKl.- of Uriglits or othiT rtl,.. ..,...„ . , ,, IiHV .li.<oii.«'.tryDr..Slioopi>Hi<6lcratlvettnionin ,j„„ (jf ciiiient KlUdWalkH Tnl-U-U or Llquld-iiiid w - "Imt « cji" and wl" do lor you. Utufiglst xocoitiiKiUO naa ma s Police Trustees. ville in the Cciinty of Orey to iiiiHo/ the Num of $131)0 for the co:iKtructioa of coiDoiit orgnmoli'hio sidewalks in the Haid police villngu of Piiceville. Wliureis the trustcfs of tlir. Police , <>s or Ijvf-akjf the urine Vii|„i..e ,,f Priceville deem it (idvisable to copy of a proposed By-Uw which ha! ll'mwiiiK^or danguroufikid. nii«o the sum of 81.5(H) for the construe- ' l>*'i"" taken into c.msidcratioT hy the â€" ' â€" "" ' 11 thH following Police Trustees of the Polios VilUg- ' NOTICE. Tftkn noticp that the foretjeina is a true GOODS W SEAS FURNITURE SEASONABLE IN or. snoop s Restorative H'rcals or purls of strotts in said Police ViUigf, viz : KimoMs, Artemesia, Kin- ciudiiie, Princt-H.s and Queen, the e.sii- inated coats of the Hiiid Hidoivalks being about ciijht cents per rquaio foot. And whereas to raise the sa'd RUin it will be ntcessary tliat the Township of Artciiie.sia fhall issue dehontureR for the Police Trustees of the Polios VilUge of Priceville and will be finally passed by the said Police Trustees in the event of the content of thepioperly <iuaiitied elec- tors being ob'aliied therrto after one month fioin the tirst publication thereof ir. tliij Flesherton Advance newspaper, the date ol which firht publication is the 22iidday of July, A. D. 1!»09. The largest and best stock of Furniture ever shown in Fle.shert.m. This without fear of c ui- tr.idiction. Come and see some of the nieo thiiij{s in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, lied Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to i-e- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton "ALL DEALERS'^ sum of 81350 and the Township of Gl-n- i ,. '^"'i "^ ' "^ ^'""••- ^«y "'"I V)^<"^ '*>««â- Â«!" elg for the sum of §loO, bein.- the pi<.- t'x«d for takma th« votes of the properly portion rtnuired to be raised by each of 'lU'*'''"'fl electors the po'l will bo opened the Slid townships under the provisions , "" "P'"- or the Consolidated Miinicip.U Act,190.3, ! Dated at Priccville this 21st d<y of atid miiendmeiits thereto, the total July, A. D. 1900. amount thereof. gliJOO, beinu the amount \\. U. McLEAN "| Police Trustees of Carefully ()ats Peas . . . . Uarley . . . Hay Corrected Eac) ! of I lie debt intended to be created by this ] by-law, tlie proceeds of the said debeii- I tures to be applied for the purposes Week'i^f'desaid. 50 to 551 And whereas it is desirable to make the 90 to 9iJ said debentures piiyabltf by yearly iiistal- (10 to (iO iiient'» during the period of ten years from 00 to 8 00 if"" ''!"« t'''s JOHN STOTHART -the Police Villatje A. D. McLEOD j of PriceviUe. 15utter 17 to E'jgs, fresh l^H 'o Potatoes per bag 75 to 10 to Ducks 10 to I Chickens '' to Threshing Engines and Fuel I want to say that we positively will By-law fthall coino into \ will not thresh rakings, or anything that horse rake, with our straw cu;tin;< separator. Veiy often fanners have a load of rakings on urxoys 14 t.i HOUSEWIVES ! •3iqnoj> 3in}n; sur^iu P3l33u }U3S3Jd -sasuai jadoid jo uoiiEOjiddB /pw iCq p3;j3AB 1!) etf ct (being the currency of the .said has been raked up with 19 debentures) with inteiest thereon at the! 75 rate of five per cent, per annum, mich It) yearly sums to be of such amounts tint 10 the a'.;s!ie..;atc amount payable if) eieli , ti p of the mow and we might almost as 8 year tor prii.cipal and interest ill ie«|)ect well ihre«h it as have it thrown off, U <.f the tad debt .shall be as near "s P'".- ij^.^u.^ the stones and grit are shaken \V(,(d 20 to 22 Rible eiiual to the ainou'it so payable in i . , , . , , jeachyearof the other years of the said ;o""'""""='='«'" I""'*'" ""'' '•'«" «*' ; period. | into the machine. A single set of knivca And whereas the total amount re.juired ' '"'' ''"" '"«cl''"« ^"'•'-» ^-'i W, hei.cj the by the Coii.solidited Municipal Act, 1903, I necessity of cUau main. Dun't mis. to he rai.sed annually by spt;ciil rate for understjnt!, we cui thresh peas or any paying the wvid debn and interest, as , ,,,3^ jy^^^ j.tyji- 1,,;^^ ^as been harvested bereinattc-r indviued, is the suui of' , , 8104.25, of which ai.ioui.t the .sum of ""'"*»« «''"»•'• §174.82 shall bo raised by the Tort-nshin I Then t! er.' lai bjou talk al>jut of Artomesia, and the sum of $19.43 | (ij.^,^,,^ „m „.|ii,„ut gj,„g .^^g,,,,^ i,^ by the lowiiship of lilend,'. .Aud whereas the whole amount of the rateable pioiieity of the Townships of;. , â-  ,• , â-  j li Artemesia and Ulenol.., accoid.m, /„, he '"«"""" ^*" ''"''' "â- ''"-â- '• 'â- ^''^""â- '^'' '^""'''^ last revised assessment lolls, is the sum I the power needed fur orditiaiy threshing of §1,259,548, and ?74,175, respectively. : on common thresliiui.' wood and in son e Ami whereas the win de amount of the jca.se9, veiy far from tint. Wo know raiealilo property of the .said Police Vil- jcustonieis don't do this to be mean, but age, according to the last revised assess- | ,f ^hey would only stop to consider that this kliid of wood often taxes the fireman You know that it jwys to cnly the best groceries that, cheap groceries do not buy the give The only nourishment that bread affords is that which the flour contains. Bread baking is merely putting flour in appetizing form. Flour making is merely putting wheat in shape for bread making. Royal Household Flonr is made from carefully selected Manitoba Hard spring wheat. Every pound is almost a pound of food; clean, and nutritious. It goes farther, does better baking and is more satisfactory in every way than any other flour. Ask your grocer. i OgOvie Hour Mills Co., Limited, HontreaL 12 results. Our g, are the , 15KST and ihe prices are the kind that lit in well with the (piiilily otlercl. You \vill_^»ant your preserving sugar in a few days. The best pluco to get it and nil your grneerios at \V RIGHT' AiGrocery, Flesherton re, anu not wiinnut some leison, I our customots and ourselves are to blame, I not the engine. Customers for expect- W^ nil3{S9JOJ JO J9U^ai B W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler ft. Optician FLESIiERTON . MAKE MONEY. .Silliim I'ulh'iio'.s IVerlifK Kiuit and Ornaiiifiital trees, shrubn, etc., (Inriiijc the winter iniiiiths. We offer you stiady an<l prolitalili' employment in ymir own (li»iri(t at K 1 pay. WK II. WK CVKKlitHl .VCllKS of choice iiiirHeiy stuck which v ni will sell direct to yonr cll^tonl( IK. No dii-eiiHed or dried out An.eiicaii stiick sup|ilied. K^tabli»llell â-  â- vir HO years. i: iiiellt roll", is the sum of S;5y,470, of which aniouiit S'i5,l)75 is the amount of, the rateable propirty of th .t part of the : *it!i f'u ord nary machine to his utmost said Police Village wiibin the limits of 1 we believe they would gladly furnish us the Township of Artenie.siti, nnd it|i.7!)5 with liie bt s'. We have been to blame, i.s the amount of the ra' cable laoperiy of | uurselves, for trying to sltain with this that part of tli' limits of the T Write for pnrticniiirs. Pelbam nursery Co< mmmasA Toronto, Ont. Nunitis HitoN. NolCIIIS Hl^ Noi;i:is liui » << NORRIS BROS. â- ,/lare/ioare •^Lcnc/iariLS <inrl Uinsmitha luel and wlienever we thought the w.ini safe, tlirowing opsn our smoke utack a'ul using cveiy devne we knew to help the engine out. (if course, when when w« did this we depended on the capiice of the wind, beciuse when a po.verful engine c I is 111 this niiape, doing heaxy work, and the lira being (oiistaiilly stirred to get awuy with the infoiior fuel, there are nut only sptrks but wlnde chunks of tire escipiiig from the siimke slack. Now 111 a case of this kind, sh'Oild a tiie occur, is the engine 'o blaine( We say sy i.pbati- tally, "No!" Our ei g no was slight y ueiuciive at llist, but are pttpired to sdy it is now the isafent we haie ever ortlied. Weha\e run fiveothers andofien ilnesli- ed Willi (he fioiit wheels iw.i or three » ll'iw alxiut tliac leaky roof ? The wood shingles are not fo good as ill days of y^irc. The iron .shingles are too dear, but hero's the remedy (Paion') ready roll roofing, fully giiiiraiiti^cil and put on com- plete on ai y building by exji^'rl roofeis The price is .*!2.!)0 a stjuare. N'lW is the time to (irepire to battle with the flics and inns- <|uitoes. The first i-top is ti iimclmsc screen doors and windows and our stock is uiiexd'h d. Pricei ranne for dooia fmiii HOc to S'2.1o each. Windows, 18c to "ioc eicli. Wi) have an extra goiil cpiality of oils f .r Ihifi s^'ason . Don't buy till yon i-.xaniiiie our M icIiineOil, (.'.istor Oil, Cylinder Oil, Itoiloil and Raw Lidsei'd Oil and Se])iiiator < )il. We always have the best, giadu of Co:kl Oil, Tui'|)eiitine nnd gasoline and our prices will iiilerest you. When ir ronies lo paints and dry colors our g.iods cpeik for theiiis, Ivei. liny II small I an and we are saiislied that you will coiiio here for the 1 irgur can when tlK>re is mure painting in bu done. Paris Green-Extra Good Quality. Waleriiit! CaiiHâ€" SprayoiH â€" A good assort iiieiil at right prices. Nonitis jtiio Noitisis l'.lto^ Noiiuis llui.s. « « Poiiee Village within the wn^hip of (jllenelg. ' And whereas the ainouot of the exist- ing dobenliiro debt of tlie said Townsliip of .Artoinosia is 812,285) 54, and no part of the principal or interest ir in arrear, and tile amount of the deiientur.* delit the Township of (ileneL' is S1.4P7 01 and no |jart of the principal interest is in arrear. And wherea.s there is no flcbeiiltire debt cliargeal)le against the Police Vil- lage of PriceviUe other iImii what i« no cliirgeable against the s.ii 1 Police Village as pal t o.' the mid Townships if Arte- inesia and (ilen.lg, lespectivilv, and in- cluded 111 the Slim heretofore meiitioiio J. Thi'i-uf .re the Police Trustees of tbo { f^'^' '"""•'"''"""'•"•"â- '''"> «'"' '''""'• I'olico Yillage of Pricevillo enact as fol- 1 '"- ^tâ„¢'i;''t through and wu never had a I iws viz.: I tire. Why? Simply because we cmld do ' (oidimry woik nrli or ;iiiary fuel and 1. I hat It shall he lawful for the Police , k^.^p „ur enginei as they arc intended to 1 riistees of tliu Police \ ill.iue of I'nee- l,^, j^,.,,;,. villi- to raise the sum of l?l,riU0.IIO in tlio 1 /, ,* 01.^ /vi . an.> /><> ninnuor prosoiilKH^ l-y tl.o Cuns.IitlUea ' <>^n- terms .iv 810.00 per sK, ^20.00 MuhiciiMl Act, ]!HKi. n.ul HnuM..luK-nt8 *^*^ ^**>'* ^''" ^- '^'^ l^^*^" *^""* 1**""'«*' tlunstis Hiul iMrsudi piaposi-Nn nquire ! ^^^' ^'^*^ *^*' folUuvii.j; o.iniwiis .n, en- tho T.iwiiKhii* i.f AitfURsm i,. issiiv He- ' ^"»*'i'>l ^»y *'"'' ">'"»t piv^^iessno fuinu'is l.t'Mtnro.s f.n- thn ^w\\\ ..f $1,350 (K), to I ^^cthiiik nm- Hn^ safe in snyinj^ we avi-j- m-thiT with inti'ivst at live per cent, per | ll^'^ threo-fv»i.rihs of t.ho »iiee.l of thw (iiimim, ami the Ti'Wiiship of OU-nt'li; t'» ^"^*>"^0' '»"^**»"»'-' '"I'i ^.\\x\^\i thi-* e<m . issiit) (U'betilureH for ihe sum , if SlodiMJ ! l"**'^'*" "*' *^'''^ '"'•'*''*• <-Ji*liiiury thresh- uith iiit- rtffL i*t tive per cent, perftnimtn, : '"tl followed l»y t uW-.-utti'is. 7^ l»(>u-s Iiviiia llio prrtp-otions of tlio Miitl toiul , t*"^-**'''"**' "* ^^ ''^ P*^>' *»""'' S^ -'"» aiii'KMit- to be r.iisoJ by the said tov^-iishij-s r* "'^" ''^ '"'**' *''i''*^l>»*'fe' »*^ li>c per rospuclively. ••••• ••••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••r •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• *••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• ' •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••*• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••»• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• >••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ «••••••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢ •••>••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢*••* »••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••â- â€¢Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••^ ~-- ••• fas, !Patttsony Cej/lon^ Ont^ jij CEMENT r~KT •••• •••• A ear of cetnent just arriveJ. Any one requiring wment vviU know where to get it fre«h at the right price. We have a good supply of PC KK PARIS GREEN on hand, also Sprinkling Cans, Hoes, Hay Rakes, Soythes and Scythe Stones, good thick Machine Oil, tine and coirsa Wind.sor S.»lt. THE BEST KNOWN BRANDS OF FLOUR always on hind, and our prices deserve the attention of all carelul Buyers as well as the Brand. Anyone walltiI^g STRAWBERRIES we would be pleased if they would give their order in this week, as the best will soon ba over. Highest Market Prices paid for all Farm Proihice. RE.MEMBER OUR MOTTO: â-  vs'murt FrufiU ai«f (i»l<:k iJetanw." VS. ^ •••• V *••• • •••••••• ••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢^^••••••^•••••••••~ .- â€" â- â€¢Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â« DRs.KENNEDr&KENNEDY SucoeasorB to DBS. KENNEDY ft KERGAN NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED ExeeMPii <«ir) Indlacretinoi are th« pnuno of more sorrow and ttuneiiiiK ttiun all oilier UiMeatU'a eoinblned Wo lee the vlctlnis of \lelous halillD on <)vcrv hand- the Hallow, plinolcd face dark circled eyea. Bto<i|ilii)( irni, itiinted 'letelopmeat. buolitul, nielan. untcnaucu and tlnilii lienrlnir pro nil llio worUI his folly and tend to .\ij4 ' liolie couni *W ; claim to all lA^ l.lielillilari UmM la Oar Owa Otlk* BalMlag, ilaicnee. Our treatment |K>alllTe. ly ciire« nil wealr men liy overcomliiK and removing the edeeta of 'omier liidlacretlona mill exeesHes. It ilopa all dralim and qulcklir restores the victim to vrliat nature Intended â€" a lieali liy and hapfiy man with pbyilval, uien- tul and nerve power complete. FerovtrlOiraara Org. K. * K. ha** traatad with ttia sraataat auooaaa all dlaaaaaa of man and woman. If yiin havn any ac>crrt dlieain that la a worry and a nienni^ to yonr health coiiRult lllll old eHtalillahi'il phyalclaoawhodo Dot have to ll"' ez|>orlment on you. We guarantee to cure NIRVOUt OIBIUTY. •LOOD DItUtH, ITRICTURC, VARICOCILI, KIDNIY AND BUDDIR OltUltl. CaNtuRi^ Von Praa. It unable to call, write (or a queattoD Blank (or Homo Treatmenl DrsKENNEDTAKENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave, and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. 2. The said principal ."um shall lie payable iu ten luiiuial iiislabiieiita with iiireiesl at iho rate iifores.iid anniially during the siid lenii, and the aggregate ainonnt of such iiistaliiieiits of principal and iiitorest shall be the sum of .*!l'.)4.2o in encli }c ir. .". Fi.r the purpose of paying the Puid debt of Sl.'iOtlOO and to cover the inter- est, on the said ainouiit as al iiesaiil, the Mini of :Slil4.'.i5 sliiiU he levied by a upec- i:il rate over ai:d above all other rales in the same niaiiiiir and at the .same time other latesare levied upon the whole laxalilo properly ill the said Police \'il- lige of PriceviUe liable to be rated there- for in e.icli year for the period of ten yeaiH fro.iilhe dalehereinatier mentioned lor this bylaw to take etfect during which th I said debenMi hour 10 la 10 his. straw-cutting at 80o per 8 00 G men for 10 hrs. stra-.v-cuitmg at 15c ler hour CO Ttal S3S 38 etraw cutting iiiachiiie 10 Ill's, straw cutting and ttireshiiijj at $2.00 per hour «i'JO 00 I! men for 10 hrs. at 15c per hour. SI 00 Total '.. ?-2!) 00 Notice â€" This gives our customer a clear uain ot $0,;i.S ami moreover we can faiily claim a benefit to our customers in saviiiK . f stiaw (no straw stack) and ihe convenieiieu if having all done at once (no second bee.) A. Ck.vtty. We, the undersigned have pleasurw in s have to run. Of I ho i "':",'",« "''' ''â- "" , '""' '""";. """â- â€¢'â- '^•" said sum of «S1,.'.00.00 the num of !i!174.8t.' I *'''' "'" •""^< 'â- â€¢*â- â€¢' •<"•»"• ^-''l'"" s^iH'-""!-"- Ii-liall be raiaid by the Council of the 'I'ownsliip of .-\rteinesia, and the sum of |tsl!l,4:i by the Township of Olen.dg, upon ihe puiportion in rbo sail Police 1 Villaje of Pricevillo within the snid ' lownshi^is respoctivoly. I 4, This By-law shall como into pfTect iniiuudiatoly after the final passimj thereof. fi. This By l.iw shall bo submitted f )r the assent of the electora of tlie said Po- lieo Village of PriceviUe under the pro- vitioiig of ilie Coiiailidsted Muiiioii>id Act, lOOH, andamondmouts thoreio, ;m Satuv- ilay, the twentv-tiist day of .Auajunt, A.D. IltOll. At the hour of liiuo o'clock ia the forenoon the poll will be o|ieiii>d to take the voles of the qualified electors of the said Poiiee Village of Priueville on wiid i Bylaw, and the poll will close on the afternoon of the same day at five o'clock. (I. The place for t»king poll will b> at Watson's hall in the aaid villaee, and the returning otHeer aiiall be Neil McKinnon. 7. That on Saturday, the fourteenth day of .Micmt, A.D. ItKK*, at the hour of seven D'eloo'< in the afternoon, at the said hall, the Police Trustees ahNll appoint in j wrilinij the persons to attend at Iho said I pidling pUec and at Ihe fintl auiniiiinti up of the vofea on behalf of porsonH iiiter- I'stod in or onposing respeclivvly, Ihe paaaing of thia Bylaw, 8. That the Police Trustees and Re (urniiit( ()flic«r ahall attend at aaid hall in the aaid Ptdico Vilhigd at ten o'clock in theforonoon on the twenry-hird day .md that the above coiiipari.soii is veiy fair and llie uiiivei's;d deserves all that is claimed in its favor: l>. Foster, .\. G. Taylor, J. W, Cavis, M. Thistlelhwaito, Sha* ii Chalnieis, Thos L. Mercer, W. H. Hoard, (ieo. I^iniion, (Jeo. Hutchinson, .Vlberl Siinsou, M. li. Orr, W. F. Chard. An Ii'dian at SauUlo Falls performed a daring (eat one day recently when he rescued a gold watch from the bottom of ihe river where it had accidentally fallen. At this point the water ia some forty feet deep, nnd weighta had to be attached to the Indian's foet to carry hiiii to the bot- tom. The weights wero ao fixed that they could be easily reloaseil and upon reaching the bottom the daring Indian, who landed within three feet of the watch, made the reseue and brought his find to the top, receiving a reward of fo for hisetfott.- Wiarton Canadian. At the Annual meetiti({ of Ihe DutVeriii County Toniperance Association, Mr. R. J. W.kkIs was presented with f200, as a token of osteoin for the intcreat he had taken and saorifioes he had inadu in the tnloi'ODt* uf temperance in ouuiity. Tara Preabytoriaiia have rxtendeU a call to Rev. J. Rubertion Kay, of Strat- fold, a raceut graduate ot Kuvx College, .An iiiteresiiii ! experiment is beii s[ undertaken by l\e' .•\nd Uallon counties. Peel has an S-18,0JO House of Refuiie, HhUoii has I'one. Tin counties have u liteJ agree'.iig upon !?'8,000 ss a valua- tion of the present Home and, also, to spend S12,O0C niori^ in repairing and iui- p.-oviu; the I uildings. The coit of eivct'on, repair m.d uuintenance, to bo borne o<[ually by li.e c lantie.s. This lo iks like a move in the right direct! >i) A ihousiiid pers ns have been drown- ed in a great tb>od in Manchuru. Business Cards W.\LTER l.OUCKS Kuikler and C.mtractor For HricS, Ktoue and framo ixsidences. Kg. tiuiattis cheerfully lureisUBJ. Klesliertou 1* o Oucario. lUi JULd^OUGH * YOU.NG >»* hankers iluikdale Ooa general baukiUK busiiicsii. Money loanej ut reasonable r&ccf Call ou us. FALL TERM COMMENCES SEPTKMBiR ISr at Canada's Loading l?chool if Pusinesa OWEN SOVND. Commercial, Short han', and Pieparatory Courses. Write for infoimation ti C. A. Fleming • • Princiiial Medical DK C.MtTKR M 1' Jb S Ont. Pbyalclan, Surgeon, • UlUee and residciicttâ€" Peter at., Flesherton 1 V OTTKWKl.L " Veterinary Snrseoti Qraduate ot Uutario Vuterlnary College. residence â€" sjcotid door south west; on .V^ry street. This street ruua aoutb t^reHtvteriaii CImvoh. H\V1L.81).N, niaikpi.iith * 'iradUKte of oo Veterinary Science .Association. Kn»i tuuce, Durham tcreet, op OHite Hoyd, Hiokliu^'s liardware. TOmsLKTT. • ro!itiuaiitt>r, '^'evlon. Couiiuissioutu- lu H. 0. J .Convevaucer, deed*. uiortKaaes, Isases, wills etc. carefully iliawn up .lolltfctions iuad.>. cliali;es ifasouabie. .\!so sroeeries, flour, feed etc. lienti:! stock, rdcea ri«lit. n J Sl'KOUI.K '• I'ostiuaster, Kltmherton voiiimissioner in If.o .)., .Auctioneer veyaucur, .Appraiser and .Money Leads Keal Estate and lusnrsnce Agent. Deed cKortsaKes. leases au 1 wills carefully drawn up aul valuations made ou shortest uctica money to loan at lowest rates of interest. •Col- lections attended to with nroniptneea char>:es low. .\geut for Ocean Dominion 8t»«m«hu< Ooin tianv. A call solicited. f\ Mcl'HAIL. Licensed Anc'ioneer for th« >J' CoMiitvof Giov. Terms moderate and B.iti8faetuin •.â- uaiantm.t. The arraniiemeata and dates of sales can l>o niaile a*. Thr Advancb office. Hesidonceaudl'.O., Ceylon, Telephooa connection. Dee. C.I17. XY'^'-, KAITTIM!. Licensed Auctioneer for " the counties ot Hiev and Simcoow Farni and Stock sales a specialty. Term* moderate satisfaction Kuarantted.' Ari«ua«. nieuts for dates niav be maile at ttio Advaaca offlee. or a: T. Hutchiu.son's store. I; evershain, or by addressing mo at Fevcraham. Out. Dl'DD MITHKWS, Markdale, Licensed *• ancMoiieer for tlie county of Orev, Good service at reismable latea. Dates ' can ba made at The Advau ce. lo Id LfiCiAL For Sale One span of I..lKhtnii,K Colts ooming tbree matobed. Heady towoik. Also one Shortboru Hull elKhteen months old, brod by Geo, Kristow, KobKoy. niimtav' .VUtN, lu volume i!l, Nau:e â€" Vlllase Cai>taln. ALBKKT K- HANLKY, Lot 4, Con. 10, Osfirey, Kevoishaui I". O. Voters' List, 09 Municipality of Artemesia NOTICE Is hevtby Kiven that I have trans- niittod or dvllverel to the |i«»r80Ua mentioned in ae<itlou ti luul (l of the "Uutario Voter's List Act." tlia copies re<|nired by Die said sectiuna to be so transmitted or delivered of the List, ni^de pi.rsu oit to said Act-, Of all persona ai>pe«rlii( by the laat retiied aaseaamuut roll of tbc aaid uuinicipality to t>e entitled to vote in Ihe said lotuiicipality at eleotioua for nieuibera of t*J0 l.efjisl-ktive asseiotetf and at nniiiicipal elections, and that the said list â-  aa tlist posted up at luv ollloe at Kleihertou. nil the !J9th day of >liily IMKI, and ramaiua tb«r* fur iiia|>eetion. Klectoia are eal'ed upon to examine the aaid List, and if any omiasioua or any other orrora are found therein, to take iiuui«<liate proceetliURS to have the aaid errors corrected acoordluK to law. W. J. HRLLAUT, Clerk ot Artemesia. Dated (Ilia Ith day ol August, lOW, nr H. AViilOHT. Barrister, Solicitor, ConT*v« " ancer, etc.,â€" Oweu Sound, and Flesherton, N n- eijvuaoaij. ;j.i.jul e's Block ever, Satnrd ' Societies A O U W meet, on the last Monday ** in each month, in their looue room corns' block. Flesherton, at (» p.m. M, W. Miles Thistlethwaite; K«-.. C. H. Munshaw- Fiu., W.J. Hel.amy. VisitiUKbrethranlUTited PV.INCR ARTHUK LODOG, No. IWS. A.P.4 I A M. meets in th« Uasoniohall. Ami- atrouK'a Hall Flesherton. every Friday oa or before the full moon. TUoa. Vlakelv.W.M.- Herb.3wlth, Secreiiur;, nOCRTFLKSHF.UTON. OftV \. P. F. u-eete la V Clayton's Block the last \Ve<liieaday eveuioa of each month. ViaitiuR Foresters heartily welcome. H. K.. Dysini; R. 8., T. He&rf: Flo. Sec, C. N. Richardson. Please pay dues to Fin. S««. before tb* Unk day ot the mouth. CHOSEN FhlENDS-Flesherton Council ot v Chosen Friends meets in Clayton 's hall Srat and third AVe^lneMlav of each mouth 8 p. la Pay assessments to the Keoorder ou or befora tee first davof each month. Chief Coanoillar T. Blakelov; Recorder, W. H. Buut. Dentistry Dr. B. C. MURRAY U .•>. R., dental sorgeoa hooot'i;radiiate of Toronto Uuiversity aod Rpyal Colletie of l>eutal Siiriteons of Ontario, as aduiisiuiatered for teeth eXtxMMoD GOtBce at redeuce,Torouto 8lr««t' Flaiiiertoa.

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