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Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1909, p. 1

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/Ie0[)^rtxrn %hmnu. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PrJA^nii-LEb ^0T MEN. VOL XXV, NO Flestiertoii, Ont., Thursday, Auo-ust ~> 190Q W. fl TEDRSTOiN EDITOR »ud I'hCPhlETOB 2^ Jewelkry! fes 55^ i^ §M and Cowcst ^ ^ Priced Stock ^«n^^ ^ Keliable ^ i>| Dealing ^ m m P Hrmstrona's ^ Tlcsberton. S553 lOth Line, Osprey. The bountiful ruin of Lust week will m'vko thj ^iviiii crop a lot better mid longer, though the hiiy ci-op is very light in this purt. R. J. Colnuette, who has been on the sick list for the [wist two weeks, wo iire ^{lud to s'ly w iible to be around iigaiu. A5 iss Rogers luis returned to her home in St. Miirys, after spending three weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Burnside. 5Irs. Thos. Davidson of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Browu of Fevershani, at present. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weldrick visited nit'i t!io former's sister, Mrs. A. Mc- UoWiiu of llavonna this week. Born - Cn .Siuuliy, July 25th, to Mr. and Mi-s. L. McLean, a son. Miss AUie Ottewell is visiting with Dr. and Mi-s. Dttewell of Thorubury at pres- ent. Mrs. John Wtldriek and daughter of Owen Sound is visiting friends in this neighborhood at present. lJ«)ru â€" On July 21!, to Mr. and Mrs. Kiiui Sanderson, a son. Mi-8. Robt. Cohiuetto and Mrs. Tli'w. Davidson vi.sited with Mrs. Jnhn Stewart of Flesherton last week. .Mr. and Mrs. A. Heron luive returned home after sjjtudiug two weeks with their- daughter, Mrs. Ensign PLiutt, at Huntsville. Haying Ls nearly tiuished iu this i)ait, and is a very light crop. Ktmberley ^ Brrries are bein;; harvested. Dell Tbui.stuu of FleihertoD, who has been the guest <jf her cousin, Otlessa Walter, durini; 'lie past two weeks, re- tiirnt d hoiuo on Friday last. Ediih Hammond was the i;u st of Thoi nbury frieiid» the two weeks. Mr. and Mis. C. Knott and little grand-daughter, Elvie Biovm. of TliMrii- bury, are visiiins; frieiidi here ai, present. Thos. Magi'c, and son, Arthur, of Tor- Oiito, are holidaying; here, Walter Elliott of Mirkdalj was a vi-itorat Null 11 lyle's on Sunday last. Mrs. N. Doheriy of Minv.'siiig, Miss Kate McLeod and C itfurd of Orangeville, Mis-ies NetMe Mc&nhur, itud Eva Buskin of Wodehousewere the quests of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Scoll at the "Traveller's Home" recently. Mrs. Ja^. Clu<;s!iin, er., ncconipAnied by her daui'iter-in-law, Mrs. Elijah Clugstou of Kpping, were the Kuest4 of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Abercrouibie, recently. Lewis PedUr of Ruck Mil'.8 visited in town on Sunday. Harry Guy and aister, Maude, of Max- well, were visiturH at Geo. Hutchinson's over the week end. Gladys Knott of Epping is the truest of her aunt, Mrs. R. J. Stuart. Willa Wright of Flesherton visited at H. 'V. Gaudi.i's last week. James Oliver and John Lawrence uf Meuford visited friends here during the ()ast week. Miss Vera (tauoin is visiting Fksherton friend*. Mr. Andrew Fawcett nud sister. Miss 8adie, v, sited Fairmount friends on Sun- day last. Mrs. G. H Walter, who has been vis- iting her brother. Dr. F. A. Thurston, of Chic«K*N '^® V"*^ month, returned home on Fiiday Clarence Th<>n>p«on tf Flesherton and Mrf. JsR- Oliver of Dttroit were visitors at Mrs. ^Oeo. Lawrence's on Sunday iMt. Ceylon Berry pickint; is the order of the day. Berries seem to be a itood crop, and are Silling at a ((ood price. Mr. Win. Hirgrave and family spent Sunday with friends in Egreniont, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McKeown of Toronto spent from Saturday t > Monday wi'h the latter'ss'ster, Mrs. Rand-). Mr. Brantou of Corbolton spent Sntur- day and Sunday at Mr. J. Sproat's. Mr. John Haney of Dundalk visiied his sister, Mrs. Johnson Woods ov»i Sunday. Mr. J. W. Cushiiie, who has secured a position in Ton.nt i, speut the week end with hU family at Mr. R. Cook's. Mr. Samuel Jackson and family cf Bunes^an, spent Sunday with his father and sinter here. Swinton Park. The August RotI and Gun, Jihn CnnipbtW dead-Anoihor of tlie* »,, i. ,: , t i- ,. , , , ' , • . "he holiday fealing pery.iduig th- hitid early seltl^-rs in Proton townihii) in the ,i.. . .i • .. . ^u r i i^T T 1 .. 1 II I 1. duruiu the hottest month of the year is person of Mr. John Campbell, wh'i after; ^ •>'''" an illness of .even days, died at his home I ^«' represented u. the August issue of here, on July 26th, at the age of 90 i j^:"',"'"' ^,"" '" ^''*"'''^''' l>"l'li'*>'«d l'? cFARLAND&CO. years five months. Mr. Campbell «.^ j ^^^ J- f»yl">- at Woodstock, Ont. born on February 22nd 1819, at Tiree. l''" '''"1'^" '" "'^ Maritime P.ovi„c.«, Angoeleshiro, Scotland. He waP atout I ^""^^'V^^ """"'" "^ "'"^ '"''' '"-^"^^ "« '>"•• thirty ye. rs of age when he came to 1 -l^'"*''-" '^f ^'"^I'l"'"." enjoy the beauti- Cape Breton. Nova Sc titi. to Pro-on about fifty-three years ago. 8th Line, Arteinesia. Haying in now the ordor of the day in this coininunity. Mr. Carson and daughter, Jennie spent Saturdiiy and Sunday with his daughter Mrs. I. Sargeant, iu Owen Simnd. Miss Eva Turner is sjjending a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Turner. 10th line. Miss Minnie Hemphill of Toronto, si)ent the past fiutnigiit vwituig her aunt, Mrs. ,r,is .Magee. Mr. Kred Jamieson and sistar. Miss Grace, spent a few days of the past week witli Clarksburg friends. Mr. and Mrs W. Orr and two Ixiys of Victoria Corners visited with Mr. ami Mrs. A. Ciimeron recently. Mr. Frank Geuoe of Eugenia was a caller iu this neighborhood recently. Mr. and iittt. Gibson of Winnipeg are the guests »>i'jlie hitter's sister, M rs . Geo. Lawlor^ Eugenia. TIio Toronto civic holiday as usual lu'oiight a number of visit<irs to this [ilace of bcjiuty. Mr and Mrs. Gibson Bjiillie of Winni- peg are tlie guests of Mrs. F. T. Carr. Mrs. Gibson, foroierly .\rlona Cair, was one of our most highly esteemed younn ladies, and her many old friends here are ple.used to welcome her and her iiusband. Mrs. Nelson Tolton and children of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. Henry Fen wick. They will remain for some time. Mrs. Thomas Spence of Toronto, and daughter.s, Kminaar.d Margaret, ami son, Norman, are the gtiet-ts of Mrs. Wood- burn of "Glentield ViUa. " M iss Eva Turner is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Solomoo Turner. iMrs. William McKeo was the guest of her mother. She was accompanied by .\1 iss Cryselda P^'dlar. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pedlar and child reii of Singhamptoii visited for a short time with the former's mother, of "Sum- mer Hill. ' Misses Piul ami < Jsborne of Fever.sham were guests of Kllti Pedlar. On Sunday morning in the Presl)vter- ian church Rev. Jlr. Little proaclied his farewell .sermon. The churcli was crowd- ed, and both pistor and iHsople regretted the [lartiiig. Rev. Mr Richards has commenced his [lastorate of the Methodist congregation. He has already gained a favorable opinion among the people. We hope the genial Editor of The .\dvance and his party will enjoy a de- lightful holiday among the lakes and woods of .Mu-ikoka. B.u'ry picking is now in vogue. With more rnin the crf>p would be good. Fall wheal is now rcjidy for cutting. It is a fail- crop considering the dry sea-son. The liadies' .Vid of the Presbyterian church were di.sjippointed at theii' garden jwrty on Friday last, the Feversham football team not showing up, according to arrangement. This was not the ladies' fault, but ap|x»ars to l)e a habit of the Fevei-sham bunch, who disappointed the management of the July 1st celebra- tion at Flesherton also. It is felt that the leajit they could have done was to have plioned over that they were not coming in time for the ladies to make other arraBgemeiits. Rev. John McLauriu. of Dufferiu St. Baptist church, Toronto, goes io India, KR a missionary, in October. Mr. Campbell was an industruus farmer, and Will respected. But few of the eirly settlers of his day survive hini. His wife predeceased him fifteen years ago. They bad four aons si.d f.,ur dau<;hter», but three of his dauglrers are doid. He leaves a anuiher of grand children, also great grand children Mr. Campbell was a Presbyterian nil I quiie regularly attended Gaeliu services in ,. J , ful summer weifher <s told in a proiiiselv Ha iu>ived I .„ , , •' illustrated article. A delightful [lap/r is "S'lll H-iDting With a Caiuer,' wlide of ei(UHl'y abiorbin;; interest is one on similar lineiâ€" ".>hootiiig Wild Geese with a K^'dak." To detnil the li»t .)f gooi things would bo to repeat the table I of contents, but the article on Voracious , Eatets, by Martin Hunter, is worth j attention from all sp-irts.nen. The Km? I of fur bearer, is a story of a successful j atteinpt at fox rertriiig fru- the sake of r> . ,. 1 L . I ! pells. BlO' id hounds slid Trading wjU 1 ncevdie church up to about a veir ago. I ,. „ , , ,,. „ , , /] 1 appeal to all dog lovers r.nd Mr. Dartlett 8 [japer on tLe Wi Ives follows up the iii- ' terest created through the m-iyHxiue in this impo:tiur .sudject. This numlier should accoiui a'ly every pport-man on his vacation in i s pig"s lie will Jii.u MA^KOALE OXTAKIO Read this list carefully and see if won't pay you to take advantage while the prices are so low. it The funeral, which took place t>) Pi ice- ! ville cemetery on Saturday, largely afended. In the absence of his [instor the fui>er:tl services wh-ch were iinprcsive. where coiiducldl at the iiouso and grave by Itev. Himry H -ny Miss WmII ICC of Poit Hope is visiting her cousin, Mrs. R ibt. Knox. Mis. Grethers of Toronto is visiting ar. Mr.". Geo. Black '.s. Miss Gladys Pearl of Toronto i<i spend- ing her vacation at Wm. J. Wi'sou's. Mr. N. Scott of 0,pr.>y sp-nt Sun- day at Mr. Geo. Martin's. We are sorry t > loam that Eddy Wil- son lias typhoid fever, bur under the skdlfid tiea'nient of Dr. Snea'h, hope to see him around again goon. White Sheer Lawn Waists for 98c. .Ills* recently we were fortunate iu procuring at u big dis;dunt .'iO only Fine Qu.-ilily While Sheer Lawn Waist.s. made in the hitesi styles. li»iul«om.dy trimmed with val.Jaces and iii.serti..|i«, .si/.e> :U to -tl. Tlie»e would sell in the reijuiar way at 81.50 and ^l.(X) ; you can have your choice for age. $1.00 Dress Goods for 50c. 201 vuds Li'.'br Fanoy AI1-W.mi1 Check eli'ect Oie«s Goods which is suitahlo for Liilie; or Cliil ben's wear, and .sold iu w.iy at SI. 00, on sale this week at ha f [jrice, to clear per y.ud _-,(). much to imku plca^indy. his leisure tiuie pass A failing tiny tieiveâ€" no larixer than the tiiieit silken lliieadâ€" t;ikis from the heart its impulse, its power, its rouular- ity. The stou.ach a'so has its hidden, or inside nerve. It wu Dr. Shoop »h.. tira told us it was wrong to 'liu;; a weak or failing S;i much. Heart or Kidneys. His prescript onâ€" Dr. Shoop's Restorative- is diiected ttntight for the cause of thecc ailmentsâ€" these weak and fiilterin!; inside Herv, H. This, no doubt clearly explains Miss May Aldcorn was salclady in her why the Restorative has of late urown father's store last week in Pricevi le. [ .«o rapidly in popul .nty . DrugstisKs say Amone the relatives of the late John Campbell, who attended tTie funeial were : Mr. and Mrs. Treun»r and daughter, of Batavia, I'liited States. Mes-rs. Roderick und John Campbell of Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. D. Cuiipbel' of Cleveland and Mr. Will Campbell -of- Toronto, the latter, grandson of the de- ceas d. Hay in cenoral ivi 1 bo done for this se«un tliis week. Althouuh the crop is not to be compared with the yield of 101)8, yet the ample .showers In the past ni'-nth, have ppiduced tons of exria fodder in the Mieii(h)W3, and M t! e weather conditions for spring crt>])s are ideal, the outlook is exceedingly more hopeful than once anticipated. that those who test the Uesiomtive ever, for a few days soon become ful'y con- vinced of its wonderful ineri'-, .\iiyriay, don't dug theoruan, Treaiing the cause >f sickness is the only sensible and successful way. Sold by all dealers. Walkerton A book on Rhtuinalisin, by Dr Shonp, of R.'ichine, Wi.s. tells soaie plain truths, and in a plain and practical way. Get tlii'i booklet, and A free trial tiei'ment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumaiic Remedy for some di»heartencd siilferer m your vicinity. Make a grateful and app.ecia- live friend of souio one who is dia- couraaed because of the f.iilures of others to help him. Helji me to make this test, and I'll certainly hell) your safferinu rieud. Snkl by all d-.-a'es. Dundalk. DniuUilk's civic hoi day, Fri'hiy, July 2;<rd, turned out a wet day and very Utile ill the way of out-door pleisure Could ha indul.'ed in. A dnzeii or so braved the elements and lo.ik in tie excursion to Toronioaiid the Fall.". Tic lawn bowlers started a game iu li.e morning bui the S.-otch mist tlii;keiied befoie the tiiiish an 1 they to seek sheller. It was a quiet day. Mr. Wm. A. SeHwright reoivel tie Sikd news by telegram on Sunday of tie deaih of his brother Frank at Westliold, N. Y. Dea h \« as very sudden .is a letter fiocn Wesitield written Friday and it- ceived Saturday ii'g'it made no iiien'ion of any illncHS. W. A., Miss Seawiiglit and Willie loft Monday mot iiiiia to attend iho funeral. Deceased was 38 ve u-s old and leaves a widow to mourn his sudden demise. Mr. Goldhawk, of this place, has purchased a bakery business at Sing- hamptuii. Some of the boarders at the Wdlker House htd a lively time of it looking a'ter their spate wearina apparel on Fri- day night las'. Some person or person.s, n ones not given, but supposed to be members of the Brussels football c'ub went through the rooms appropiiatinn sundry articles of wearin,' appurel, sweiitei-s l;eini! most in demand. KinaTy one of the boarders laid a arieviince be fore .Mr. .McNauiaia J. P. and a search warrant was i.ssued and placed iu the hands of Constable Russell for execution. When it was noised arouod that the Ci'iihtable was comiiii! ihe ,ii grew Ibiek with sweaters. They came throu-jh fm- ligbts and p.-irtly open doors, and when hi nriived h-j found the corridors full of them. They were duly restored ro their owners, and in further action was taken. Wo had a very int'>restint; conver.sati m with Mr DuncHii Marsliall, M. P. P., Ihe olli-r d.iy, "U t'le subject if prairie plou.'hing. Mr. Mirshall says the .Americans will come over.take up or buy a Koetion or t.vo of land, put their steam ploutfhs to work, and have the wlio'e thiilj turerd over in th.i Course of a few Wiiek.s. A fiir day's work for a stenm p'otigh is from 2.") l.o .'W acres a day, but in one instance one plough made ()4 acres in H day ot 24 liouri'. In many insta'icea t-he I I'liLih is kejit aoing f r )m 4 o'elock ii tlis ino'iiimj till ten nt iiiglit, and occasionally they keep the pluugh g dug all night. On Wednesday iii.dit, July 21st, about o'eveii o'clock, a severe thuii.ler storm pissed over th(! vicinity of Nesta. The hou'ieif Mr. Harry CiniKui was struck by lightning, a chimney beiiii shattered and the electricity followingthetavctrough into the ci-tern, innltliig the pipe. The oc.'upants of the house were unaware of the Hccident until the ncxr morniuif when t';iey could not account for the fact thai t'lO lire would not burn. When Mr. j Cannon wont .utside he found the ground _,, ,, , „ , ,. . I covered with brick Slid was not loni.' iu llie Empeior anl Empress of Kussia ' , , u . u » . 1, . , ,. ,,. , seeing the reason he could get im tire for paid a visit to Iresideiir talheres if i. ... ., „.,, , . , 7, .,, t , , breakfast. About ?40 wor'h of dnmage liiance at Cherbourg on Saturday. ( ,. , â-  ,, , •, was (lone which is small when we consider Doukhobors ars reported to have start j the c.\usi of the accident. â€" Telescope. ed another nude march from Swan River, Man. A Clinton boy passed the entrance exam at the age of 'J years. And now a story uf seven stones cemes from the west I inch hail- By a sweeping inajoriry Hanover carried a by-law on Friday giviu'i a % bonus uf $1,00 to the Uanocer Re-il Estate Co., Limited. This cump'my wtw formed by the business men of the town to ereol a building t^i be (»ccupied by the The Methodist church is Meking one ' Willi ims, Gieeiie snd Rome Co., of hundred missionaries for work in Western I Berlin, as a shirt factory, which will ein- Cauada. ploy over 150 giiU, Ladies' Belts. 4 doz-n only Lji lies' White E uhrnidered Liiioti Wash Be'ts Buckles, uU sizes, r-gulir value 2ae., while iliey last onJy . . , )f Silver and Gdt loc. Craniteware Purchase. We've just received oi>e lot of about 75 pieces Gn-niteware, consisting of Lipped. SaucepHos, Piidlio!: D shes. Wash Basins, eic, etc., that would sel in roaulsi way a- 2'>'\ to4 'c ei.h. Tiiese goods were hought at a sacritioe and the prioe for loo. your cl:oico is only . Voii cannot alford to your share of this lot. McFARLAND & COMPANY The Flesherton Carriage Works Fleshertcn, Ont. BUGGIES â€" Iiitsudiiig pnrcliasers will save money by calling and iu- speciing our sluc'it, as we have a good Slock lo choose from • aud prices are right. RE PA INTI.v'G â€" Bring your baggy to us for lepaiuting. Satisfaction guaranteed. PLOWS, etcâ€" Wo handle the best plows, harrows and also cairy a full line of repairs on band. CKEA.M SEPAIL-VTOFiSâ€" Weai-eageiu.sfor the -AIELOTTT, The best in the mariat. Special attention given to Horseshoeing. First Class Livery in connection. it is known that both trenthm^n are Catholics. What other town in Ontario, under license, can .show a siindiir instance of forbe'iraiice.'â€" IJurks Falls .4rrow. D. McTAVISH, . Proprietor. No man is wholly free from sin, bat so! "^ rema.kable and unusual instance of many less, r evils are tolerated thai a man !''°"'' C""'"'"" s-i'^w and sound judun)ent should hositae long bef .re becoming a »â- '••'"â- â€¢''«'' "« f^oni the little town of Kear- de.ul beat. Crimii.als are despised aiid;""y' '" ''"''"-â- '' '''« '"'^'-'1 ko''Pe>s there abhorred, but to the dead-beat all that i„ '•«^"'"-'d to sell any whiskey ou the occas- comiiv, as well as the contempt of his."" "^ '''^' '''"-''''- '-''' '^ J"'y celebia- feilow-men. There is something at once;""" 'â- ''"'''• ""' ""'y ''•'"<l!>--d beer and .so mean and so liflo in t.kii.g advinti.gol""f' '^""^^- ''"'"'^ ''"" ''"" h tclkeepers of the conlidenee which comes willi '" 'l"*'"" '"• ^f"""""- P"''«'ik P'unty and fiiend.ship th.l the iiand of every man is '^^ ^""'^' r>>'i-l^i\ the temptati, n to turned against a as soon as his ''"â- '-'•'v '"croHse their protits in ordor to reputation is well es'aMished. The.^""""''' ''" o.derly celebi-aion, is all the n: .y f.ndly imagine he i- living l'""''= """'^""'^''^ ""^ P''"i''e»'"i''l'y whet, easy and ni«kii)'.i money without work, and of couise he takes no account of the conlidenee he violates and llie hnrdships he iiiHicts on others. But, that a.side, ho really has a harder time thau the man The thunder and linbtniun .storm that who is honest, and fair. Ho is compelled y»^ie<i over this viliago last Friday night to move a good deal .md peace of mind he ""^ ""^ "f 'he most severe in many yeiirs, kuovTsnot. Like other types of crooks "'''"'"«•'"" »'ery serious damage is re- he doesn't ptosper. and the finish is more Por'ed. One Hash shattered a tree and unplea-ant than the beginning. Ki^* I>"«t >" t''« neighlorhood of the public school and also d»molished a tia){ The writer h'ld a very intercstiuc con- staff at Geo. MilcheH's in the same nelyh- versation the other day, with Mr. Duncan borliood. TIlis is the fourth tbig stall' Mars'all, M. t'. P., on the subject of Mr. Mitchell has ha 1 struck by lifihtniii^ the Monnons. xvho settled in .\lberta. in a short rime. It is also reported that Mr. Mar.sliall knows this Mormon a couple of young cattle were killed nei t selllemont well, and is personally nc((ain- Ravenna, â€" Clarksburg Review. ted with many of tlio leading men. He .\ fa'al accident occurred Wednisilay say.s they do not practice polygamy Bvening of last, week on the farm i| in Cana'la. Soma of the old fel'ows have Samuel Tweedy, a short distance north of three or f mr wives, but they only bring Shelbutne. Mr. Tweedy was operating it one Vi Can.-ida and 80 far as the young hay fork. He was drawing back the people are concerned, they do not take to fork to reload and when the fork btruck polyusiny at all. They are shrewd, sharp i he block it slipped the hook and fell to Yankees, and for the most part are the ground, striking Mr. Tweedy on the making money fast. They have given up forthead, killing him in.stantly. Mr. the business of growiui; sugar beets nnd Tweedy was a prosperous young farmer are confiiiing their attention for the uf the section, and the t rrible accident most pait to growing wheat. Politically has cast a gloom over the whole they are divided .some of them are Tories cummuuily. and others Grits, but the majority of them Our esteemed friend. Robert Gillies, vote with the government. Mr. Marshall pulled off that old joke of his again, regards them as being among the very sweeping the list in the entrance exami- class of settlers we have in the ""l""!"- .fifyoine-his entire cUss- passcd, fifteen t;iKing honors. â€" Pott I Hope Guide. west. Walkerton Telescope. Postmasters have received from the P. O. Department a warning to the public that any enclosure of writing i i any package of third or fourth class matter renders the sender liable to a line of from ten to f .rty dollars. 9pcclall«t In discasta.of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offtoe 13 Fx-o»t t*t. . OwenSoiintl At the Revere houso, Markthile, 1st Friday each month frvm S to 12 a. m. lliiiiMiMlliilliiMiliiMiMli

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