July 29 1909 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE ;THE STANDARD BANK I E-.bl-WI873 OF CANADA 77B«cI-. A Joint Account H a great convenience in handliiw the family fund*. It is opened m the names o( two memben of the ramily, and both may make deposits or draw checks over their own individual signatures. This form of account is particularly convenient for those who Eve some distance from town. Why not 7i You can open a Savings Account with One Dollar, do so at once > FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, MAna^er BKANCBEJ AX.SO AT DVR.HAM AND HARR-ISTOM. VICINITY CHIPS V. G. Karstedt, jr., is visiting friends in Owen Sound. Ed. Bentham of Toronto is visiting hLs Aiotber iu towu. Mrs. John Lyons, Pr-ton, ij visUirgat W. J. BelUmy's. Miss Willa Wright has secured a school â- Far WilliaiDsford. Mr. J.D Clark of Otta wa is holidaying j vith relaliveH in tawn. Harry Steeley of Toronto is spending a few weeks with bis mother here. Mvs.Falkner of PHlinerstou visited with The Chatsworrh News and Msrkdale Standard will not issue papers this weak. May and ilitjinie Reid, wcU known liere, with the other four pupils of the fifth class of the Hawkes-tone public school, were successful in passing the graduaUoa diploma exam, held during the Utter part of June. The exam includes sixteen subjects. Meih->dist Church Service â€" Quarterly Communion â€" Preaching, Christian Fel- lowship and the Holy Sicr-imeut ot our Lord's Supper in the Methodist church, Sabbath, Au(!ust It, at 10:30 a. m. "This do ye in memory of me " Even- ing wur-hip at 7 p. ro.â€" the pastor will preach to the Young Men of Fleshertou. fcer sister, Mrs. Uc. Watsun, last week. ; ^pj^^opriate music. You are welcome. After six weeks of dark nes.s over one Mrs. J. W. .\rnistriing of Meaford is Tusitiug her daui;hler,Mrs.Fr»d Hickling. Mi« Emelina Carter of Bond Head it the guest of her uncle, Dr. Carter, in town. half the town, owing to the burniiig out of a large transformer, Mr. Deagle of the power company eaid on Monduy evening "Let there be light," and there was light. Mr. M. K. Richardson attended i The company has h»d two transformers Masonic Grand Lodge at London las*. week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Moore left on Tues- day to visit friendj in Bolton aud Guelph. Mr. Watson will start next week to cnt cut shingles which will occupy abouc three weeks. Mrs. J. D. Clark and little daughter, Dorothea, of Ottawa, are holidaying with relatives here. Miss A»henhur»t returned to Toronto this week accompanied by her friend. Miss Lulu Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Sudden aud son returned Iiunie to Chatsworlh, after camping with friends at Eugenia. Master Willie Heard of Inistioge has returned home after spending a foitnight with his uncle and aunt here. burned out this spring, which will make a considerable hole in the earnings, as these machines are costly things. Mr.and Mrs. B. Robinson ar.d daughter, Ethel, aud Miss Jean Thistlewait* of Stayner are the guests of Mrs. Robinson's brother and si.ster, Mr. and Mrs. M. Thistlethwaite, and other friends in this vicinity. They are also accompanied by Miss M. Thistlethwtite, eldest sistnr of Mrs. Robinson and M. Thistlethwaite,. Miss Thistlethwaite has lately arrived 'from England on a visit to her brothers and sister whom she has not seen fi.r almost thirty years. We gladly welcome her tu our midst and trust she will enjoy her first visit to our fair Canadt aud per- haps be persuaded to reiniin with us. One of our subscribers doesn't like some of che things be reads in this paper. Neither do we. But he is at liberty to '^^ Mr. Will Hawkins of the Morey Corner .('ick out what he doesn't like and leave lad a fine cow killed by lightning during 'it for someone who is lesj f.istidious. the severe thunder storm o:\ Thursday .Does he know what they call a man who night. * t *''* down at a tirst-clajs hotel dinner, aud Dr. Murray has purchased a "Detroit" 1 beginning at the first item on the bill of 2 b. p. gasoline engine. The machine is f"»- «"«•'» »» -^"f -^^"y -l"'' niantioned idget, but has lots of p.wer bottled thereupon? The newspaper presents a varied bill of f«re every week, but there is no law compelling you to devour every porliim of it. Just put ii^ids what you don't relish aud siy noihing abwut it. and don't swear at the editor. It's bo'h wicked and foolish. Abraham Flynn, the young man who was taken to Toronto a couple of weeks ago, suffering from appendicitis, passed away in the General Hospital there on Thursday moruing of last week, ut the age of 17 years. It was confidently thouaht he would recover from the oper- ation, he had got alousr so we!l,but iiiHam- matien set iu and within a few hours he was no more. The remains were t rought luMue, and the funeral took place to Flesherlou cemetery frr^m the Baptist a ui op in it. Mis. F. D. Goff, Clarksburir, returned rae Tuesday after spending a couple of eeks with her sister, Mrs. F. H. Hickling. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tucker took in the 1. (.). F. excursion to Niagara Falls on Friday, returning Monday. They alsi fisited at Buffalo. Mr. John Cae.sar, statif'n agent at Markdale, has gone to British Columbia to visit friends. He was aecomiianied by two of his daughters. I. Harvey Perigoe has opened up an in suiance business in the office recently vacated by W. J. Bellamy. He will retain his Fevershain office. The (luarterly orticial board of the I chapel on Sunday afternoon, conducted Methodist church have their first business meeting for the conference year 1909-10 Thursday, Aug. 5ih, at 2.30 p. m. Mr. and Mis. Mark Wilson have the following hclidaying guests : Mr. and by Rev. L. F. Kipp. Abraham was a steady, hard working boy, and a good boy to his mother, to whom a great deal of sympathy is extended in her sorrow. There will be quite an exodus of citi- Mrs. Donald McFadyen of Oak Grove,' zcns on Saturday nex» when a number Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McClocklin,. will take iu the Muskoka excursion. A and Miss May McClocklin of Durham. ; boating party will also leave town consist- Mr. Austin Shackelford shows thei"'8 "^ ^'- E. C Murray, W. Somers Advance a stock of this year's corn,which ' •''"'1 ^has. Richardson, to be joined by is 7 feet 4i inches in length. He must i »!'• ««'-"Se Richardson of Toronto, have an eitra gocd crc p if corn this! !''"» P"'y «*» '»>"^ ''^e Shirley M. to year. iThornbury and navigate among the ... „ ._ , .^ . . 1 . , i islands of the esst shore of the Georgian Miss Etta Beatty, who 18 studymg for!„ _,, ^,.. , ~, ., ^ _,â- „ . ' ,. ... . B«y. The Editor of \lhe.\avance will a nurse in a homeopathic liosipital at Rochester, is homo for holidays. Miss Laelh* Beatty, who is a stenographer in ; join his two brothersâ€" Dr. F, .\. Thurs- ton of Chicago and .A. D. Thurston, Tor- onto, in a canoe trip in Parry Sound With all this exodus business on tha same as ever, for the Itpchester, accompanied her sister home i .. . . ^ .,, ^ 1 ».• -r district and will return next week. Miss Ina ... . . „ , . 1 . "â- '11 K'J Beatty of the Sault ts also home. L . . , ,. ^, „,, .,, ' I fortnight they are away. Ihey will Mrs. Wellington Badgerow requests | probably not be missedâ€" only at meal us to thank the friends for their kindness, tune to her in her rccoiil bereavement, and; also to acknowledge the mark of esteem ' Muskoka Excursion on Saturday of the passenger crew of the Walkerlon i „ ^ , . ' ;, „ ^, . , , . , .t ri r. r> u i-e I Saturday next the Sun Press Clubs fcranch of the C.P.R., in a beautiful ^ . ...,,, great excursion goes to Muskoka lakes over the C.P.R. and it will be the great- ThoC. P. R. have five sailings per ^.^ and best holidav outing tf the year. week from Owen Sound, viz.. Monday j^^j^^^^ ,^^^ f^^,„ Flesherton is 92.10, 8. S. Alberta, Tuesday S. S. Kewatin, ^^j ^ ^^,^^^j ^^.^^ ^j ,j,g ,,,^^, ,^,,y ^^ ^^^ Wednesday S. S. Athabasca, Thursday ,^^ ^j p^., additional. Don't miss this 8.8. Manitoba, and Saturday S. S. jj^eat chance of aeeiiig the Und of lakes Assiniboia. The steamship express ^^^^^ jslauds-the Killarney of America. leaves Toronto 1 p. m., .irriving in Owen St>und 4.60 p. m. on these days. On Pain can be easily and ([uickly stopped, the return trip the boats arrive at Owen Pink Pain Tablets â€" Dr. Shot>p's â€" Stop Sound on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Headache womanly pnii..f, any p:\in, any- Tuesday. and Thursday. The steamboat where, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on express leaves Owen Sound 8.40 a. ni. I the 25c. box. Ask your druggist or and arrivea in Toronto 12.50 p, m. on doctor about this formulaâ€" it's fine. Sold above days. [ by all dealers. The Dirty Tongue The Roman Catholics are making a great cruaade against the frei{uent u.se of foul and filthy talk. Archbishop McEvay of Toronto, who is well known for his dauntless courage in attacking in plain s^ieaking (.gainst the evils of the time, says:â€" "The crying sin of our fair country in cursing and swearing. It is heard everywhere, in the factory, in the store, as well as on the street. Any man with a spark of manluxxl should avoid it. The man who says he cannot break him- self off the habit is lx)th cowardly to him- self and untruthful. One lias only to mingle with the groups of young men and boys crowding on public thorough- fares to realize how far the filthy tongue is becoming a national evil. We do not believe that the onus of stemmii-g the torrent of profanity should be left en- tirely tti preachers, although they can do much by their influence and getting with the l)oys, showing an active interest iu their games and sp<jrts, etc., to make the habit unpopuLir. With (Mrents rests a responsibility they should not shirk, and while recognizing the danger of encou- raging the t"x) free u.se of the hiw, a few .salutarj- examples made of foul mouthed tiilkers on the public streets would have a whole.s<jme ett'ect. When the Hair Falls Stop It! And why not? Fall- ing hair is a disease, a regular disease; and Ayer's Hair Vigor, as made from our new im- proved formula, quickly and completely destroys that dis- ease. The hair stops falling out, grovs more rapidly, and all dandruff disappears. Does net change the color of the hair. A tiers Forvalft with â€" eh bottle B2iow it to your doetov A«k kim^bvot 1%. tbaa do •â- h* mKf% F.G.KARSTEDT I General and Hardware Merchant. ^ Fksberton, Ontario Knee Spreads or Dusters A full line of these yoods can he had at a rory moderate price in wool. Linens and fancy designs. Everything is of the best quality fiou 73c to #2.54J. Ha\-e a look at 'hem. Harvest Tools The little book in each package gives the formula of our new Hair Vigor, tells why each ingredient is used, and ex- plains many other interesting things. After reading you will know why this new hair preparation does its work so well. Haying and harvesting are near at hand now, so it would pay you to get supplied in Hsiid Hakes, Forks, Shovels, Scythes, Snaths, Sickles, Cradles, hcyihe Stones e'c. We have the very best that money can buy at the most {topular prices. Binder Twine c Odds and Ends ^ We are head quarters for the Brantford Cordage Co's "Gilt Edge." This is the best, .'IS it has no eijual on the market to-day, together with Plymouths' "Gold Medal," both 650 feet to the pound for lie per pound. Secure your order froui us at ouce as it is possible that It will raise in piice. Two Railway News Items Wm. Kirkpatrick, general freight agent of the C.P.R., was in town on Wednes- day, says the Examiner, looking up the prospects for business should his company enter Barrie. He wa» taken m hand by Mayor Vair and given every assistance towards securing the information desired. If C.P.R. connection is given to Biirrie it will probably be on the hue to be con- structed from CoUiugwood to Orillia. Replying to a question from Mr. Kirk- patrick, the Mayor eaid the town would not offer the C.P.K. any inducemen's to enter Barrie. Indueemeiits were otfered to manufactories that would make the business for the road. The Tiverton Watchman says : Two C.P.R. engineers from Montreal were in the village last week on their way over the proposed extension of the Proton branch of the C.P.R. from Walkerton to liiverhuron. They were favorably im- pressed with this section of the country. They examined the ravine north of the village and found that access to the lake could be obtained with a low grade. They drove to Inverhuron, t^tking levels along the way and thoroughly examined the harbjr. After anxiously waiting for over a quarter of a century the people are be- coming cc'ufident that they wil have a direct line to Toronto over the C.P.R in the near future. A company has been formed to miue the zinc deposits recently discovi red near Wiarlon. A certain girl had a proposal cf mar- riage and asked a week to think it over. She went to all her married sis'ers. One who used to be a belle had three child- ren, did all her own work and h.td not been to the theatre or out riding since she was married. Another, whose hus- b.knd was a promising younf man at the time she was maiiied, was supporting him. .\ third didn't dare say life was her own when her husband was around, and a fourth was divorced. After visit- ing them and hearing their woes the heroine if the t;ile went homo, got pen, ink and paper and wrote an answer to the young man. You may think it was refusing him, but it wasn't. She said she would i)e ready in a mouth. The following countries and colonies have entered in an agreement to work to put down the white slave tratfic: â€" .\us- tria-Hung.\ry, Belgium, Brazil, Denmaik, France, Gernnny, Great Britain, Italy, Norway, Sweeden, Portueal, Ru.ssia, Spain, Switzerland, Bahamas, Barbadoes, British Guiana, Jauida, Ceyh'U, Aus- tralia. Gambia, Gold Coast, Malta, New- foundland, Northern Nigeria, Southern Rhodesia, Trinidad, Windward Islands. Each government is to appoint an othcer who will have a strict watch kept, par- ticularly at ruilway stations and ports, to prevent women or giils being taken away for immoral purposes, and to keep other countries informed of suspected ptrsons coining. Thefuhjict of heme work for public school children is being discussed agtin, some medical men having advised that it should be abolished. It was done away with iu Stratford puWio schools a few years a<;o, says the Bescon, except in the clas-ses in the third and fourth readers, and in these a limit was made. There is no rea.son to believe ihat the schools have suft'ored in efticieney since, and it would probably be just as well if there were no home work at all. Children need time for play and to develope physically. If five hour.* of good hard study is put in at schiol it is enough for almost any child of the ago at which public school is at- tended. There may be exceptions, such as where a child is much above the aver- age iu a clas.s, aud is strong physically it inay in such a case be df.sirablo to let that child have an opportunity of over- taking the work. The training of the mind is but a part of educ.ktion. The body and the soul need to be looked after as well. If there is too great ment- al exertion it aflccts the health cf the botly and in turn reajts upon the mind. W. A. Ariustrung issuer of nianiage licenses. Lime for Sale â€" Fresh burnt â€" Wm. J. Alcox, Vandeleur. Shingles and Hemlock lumber f'r sale, any length required. T. \> . Phidias, Lady Bank P. O. House and blacksmith shop to rent in the villas;e of Maxwell. Apply tu \Vm. Guy, sr.. Maxwell. Team good farm horses for sale. Apply to J. A. Heard, Flesherton. Hemlock, spruce and bahsun lumber, also hemlock, spruce iiid balsam lath fjr sale. J. W. Deagle, Eugenia. Lost â€" Between F. Mathewson's and Boyd's store, ladies' black suit coat. Finder please leave at Boyd's store. No trespassing allowed on lot 25, con. 13, Aitemesia. Berry pickers strictly prohibited on my property. Henry A. â- We tor. 1 Ni'tice to trespassers â€" .AH parties are warned against trespas-^ing on my farn-. Berry pickers take sptcial note. Mis. ; R. Rutledge. ' For Sale â€" 1 cow, mHking, 1 settsiug'e harness, abuui a doz.-n young hens, well bred Minoreas. Apply tj W. W. ^ Trimble. • Leather halter lost, between village ' aud stuliou, on Monday. July I'J. Finder please return to Park House, Flesherton. The party who picked up a sum of money at culvert opposite P. Soiiiers' on , June 24 will do weli to return same to D. Vf. Clintuii. Property for Sale at Priceville â€" A brick â- house, eii^ht rooni.s, Oarn and five lots, for sale reasonable. -Apply to Callieriiie Scott, Priceville P. 0. Mar.ltf Strayed or stolen from my tlcclc, about July 12, two leiceSLt-r ram lambs with loiii; tail", weight, about So puuuds. Finder will be rewarded. Chas. Stafford. , Teacher wanted â€" For L'. S. S. No. 1, i Euphrasia and .Artenieaia, duties tu com- | iiieuco August 10th. Apply stating sal.iry , aud expeiience, to Geo. Gorley, Eugenia. For sale at Eugeniaâ€" .\ good house and barn, s!abliug for three head of cattle with loft over stable for feed, and one half aue of land. The house is in gi.-od repsir. -Apply on the premises to Joseph Williams. Remember the Maxwell circuit garden paity to be held on the parsonage ' grounds, Wednesday, Aug. 4th. The flesherton Band will be in attendance. ; There will be i.ther programme if ad- i dresses, solos, leBtlmgs, etc. Tea served : from 5.30 to 8 o'clock. Admisssim 25 and 15c. | To those who want to have a good ap- \ pearance it is good news to know that ; they can take their linen to Andy Wilson \ FlesheiloM, and have it laundered in hrst ' class style. Basket leavts Tuesdiy night and returns Saturday a. ni. Msrkdale steam laundry. W. J. Smith, Prop. Girl wantidâ€" -A capable girl to do general housewcik and assist with the care of two small children. Hijihest wai!C."«, permanent i>osiiion in Toronto if satistactory. Apply lo .Mrs. .Albeit Webster, at Mrs. M. K. Richardson's, Flesherton. Clearing sale of general etore st'ick,' consisting (if dry uoods, boots and shoes,' grocerieJ. haidware, |)aint=, oi's »nd varnishes, wall paper, patent medicines, all will be soil at a reduction .is I have sold my sti>re and give possession on Dec. 1st, 190l>. All accounts due and payable at once. I will accept tride for goods to Nov. 15th, '00. R N. Kinnear, Maxwell Oi tario. \ For Saleâ€" 1 cow, Durham and Jersi?y, | 4 year old, milking since the end of May last ; 1 culler, in good reiwir ; 1 side- â- b-innl ; 1 bedstead ; 1 woi^iLheatingstuve. ; Yuki^n triple heater ; 1 coal heating stnve. j "Good Cheer .Art," with double heater/ attachments : 1 wood cook stove : About 5 cords of diy wood, 20 inch, nearly all I maple. As the owner does not wish to j .•ihip these articles on leaving Fleshertr.n, he theiefore offers them for s.ile. Terms cish. Apply to Rev. G. C. Little, The Manse, Flesherton. Nothing iu the way of a cough is quite .so annoying as a tickling, teasing, wheez- ing, bronchial Cough, 1 he quickest relief comes perhaps from a prescriptic)n known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. â- Shoop's Cough Remedy. .And besides, it is so thorouahly harmless that mothers give it with perfect tafety even to the youngest babes. The lender leaves of a simple mountain clirub, give to Dr. Shcoji's Co'igh Ramo'ly its remarkable curative ett'ect. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy prescription. Sold hy all dealers. Fine Shoes Witii tlie coming ~o^fi5ciDg we natnrally loolc for something neat aud stylish to wear espci- ally in footwear. We hare go just what yoa need. Werecom- meut the MODEL Shoe as being handsome in shape aud right up to date aud built of first class material by reliable makers. We have the MODEL Shoe iu Blucher aud Oxford style iu Black, Chocolate, Ox-Blood, Eidaud Dongola. You cannot help being suited. Not especi- ally for Children, Men or Women, but for the whole family. Also Men's aud Boys Flue aud Heaviei- Shoes. C LAYTONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. iJ. E. LARGE tAU through this store .high elu-ss goods at very low prices. Wt'have never been better prepared to sup- ply you with all your spring aiul suuinier wauis, for every ilcpartiiien't is crowdevl with bright new goods â€" the 'kind of goods we insist on selling â€" look better, are better, and cost you no more than the kind that are made merely to sell. Your satisfoction the particular thing we aim at, and we aim to make this the safest store for you to buv at. Highest prices paid for produce. J, E. Large, e u q e n i a. ^r!i H a V Y c o Tu r • 1 e d Thompson's Bakery H i\ ill,' secured Mr.E. Arni- .â- >tn'n^ cf Peterboro, a tirst cl.uss baker, we are prepired to turn out the best of every- thing ill our line. Krosli Hrort<.l ulWHyu on hnntl Atrial sulicttecl. Ed.Thonipson. Flesherton. Bull and Boar for Service TboiougbbreJ Bull from importetl stock. also \ Tauiwortli Koar for service ou lot 151, T: Jt S. , B.. .\riemesia. '20 .\ue. I JOHK ADAMS, Frop. Bull For Service I Pure Bred Holstcoi Fricsiaa Bull. This j youuK&uiuiai comes from cue of tlio best dairy ; nerds In Canada, beirg iu e.\teuded i-egistra-. ! siou. Terms $1.00. I GOLDEN LEGEND ' Pure bred Tamworth Boar. This voung ani-« I uial bas proved biuiself one of tbe'best stock setters that bas ever beeu oBered for service. I Terms Sl-00 KICH.\RD ALLG^i. Lot 170, ia<l E. T. dt S, R. FlesbertOQ Out. Herefords For Sale. and heiien f'lr s;ile. lume MaiJ Contract i*E.\uF.D TENDERS addre.wed to the Cow* and heiier< l..r »;ile. lume Iwtter, fJE.^^i^EO TENDER.^ addre.wed to the Prices nirht, F.'.«t Othw, Pix.ton 8t»tiou; farm Postmaster General will be received at OtUw.i half mile from Sau|^wn .Iimction. | „„til noou on Kridav, the 2<)th .\uirust, liKW Wo Lave »..M all oi.r I'lUs- .„,,.. i for the oiivcvnnce of His Majestvs Mails, oa .1. & T. WATSON ajesty s Mails, oa j a pr»i>i)se*l Contract for fiair j-eare six timea ! per week each •*â- &%; between T Pt r ^-'cle<» Good Farm For Sate. Pt 19, con. f>, Osprey coutainlnc 100 acres, fio ured. ^atue bouse, frame baiii.slooe foundatlou: orcbard. well watered. One tlioiisatid dcwu and bAlaiice to suit purchaser, iujiuediate I'csscsslcn AVP'V to K. X. KiNNK.vB. Maxwell P. O. Pure Bred English Berkshires and Tamworths. I have a fine lot of vouiii; pin* bred from prize winiiiu^ stock, fur sale. Write m» for prices. I can give a b.trfiain also ([uarantee satisfaction on all mail orders. , «Jeo. W. ROSS. Ma-xwell P. O. Jtained at the postoffices of DuudWik and lHi>|>ev!lle, and atthe office of the Postolfice luxix'Ctor at Toronto. DUNDALK and HOPEVILLE from the X't October next, Wnted notice.-! containing further inf )rma- t:on as to conditi"ns of proposed contraci; may be seen and blank foniis of tender mav beob- Bull For Ser>-ice i 2venrscld, n-a. «h"iti)oni bull, Victor' Pride. "4)<0.'5 is f.>r set .iov at L.>t 37, Con. 6 I ,\rtenie»i». Terms Sl.i'J. ' JOHN HAROR.WE -G. C. Post Office Department, Mnil Service V.vuucli Ottuwa, :>th Julv, V.n>".». ANDERSON, •Superintendenl