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Flesherton Advance, 22 Jul 1909, p. 5

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July 22 1900 THE F L E S n E K T N ADVANCE ' > •) THe Money You Save Saves Yoti from worry â€" wantâ€" debt â€" humiliation. A comfortable Bank Account give» one aa easy mind, self-confidence, and the power to taka advantage of erery opportunity that cornea to better one's position. THE STANDARD BANK E*jjij«f T873 OF CANADA '^ ^"^'^'* gives Savings Depositors, whether their accounts be large or small, ' the most courteous service. Mate a beginning at once with a Deposit of One Dollar or more, in our Savings Department. 73 FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, Manager BRANCHED M.\^0 AT DURHAM AND HARRXATOM. VICINITY CHIPS Mfs. Bliickburn Tcrunto. Ornisby Doheity of Toronto visiteil it W. J. Bellumy'a. R. O. Laird, Petroli.i, is visiting his sister, llrs. L. Y. Kipp. Mi-s. \V. Patch of Toronto is viiitinj; nith friends in thij vicinity. Mrj. J. .^. Stark of Toroiitu is the gueit of Mrs. -las. Cari(o iii town. Mrs. \\. C. LtGard, and son, Joaeph, BDent the week end iii Ccibttton Richard and Will Wilcock risited friends in Singhiiniplon on Suiidny. Will Wilson and llub. Bellamy are holidaying in Toronto. Mrs. Fred LeGard and children of Toronto, are up fur their usual summer visit. Misses Lilian and Florence Bunt are visiting their grandmother at Wood- brids;e. Mildred Graham of the Valley syent Sunday witli her aunt, Mrs. Henry Wilson. or pieces taken out of it. Sniiio of the orchnrds are practically ruined fiii-8aleiil>lo fruit this year and the los.s will lie heavy. The leaves were also riddled us though a sneiit last week in I '"y'ad "f rifle bullets hud been fired through them. Old residents there say it was tlie worst storm tliey have ever witnessed. Misses Lulu Mitchell and Miss Ashen- hurst visited friends in Meufurd over Sunday. Bernice, the 8-year-old daughter cf Mr. S. H. Breese, Chatsworth, wa.s kicked by a iiorse last week and had her hip bone badly brolien. Misses May Virtue, Eleanor Montgom- ery, and Hazel Eldridge, Mrs. Uurd, David White and wife, Cha*«. Hurd and Mis. Bunt and Seldrick Hurd were visitors at Rubt. Best's fur the holidays. Mrs. J. Runsladtler, acconipanied by her mother, Mrs. Egiin Sr., Mrs. J. B. Egan. Mrs. J. D. IVIorgan, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Bwlger all of Duudalk, Itf'. on Monday fcr a ten day's trip to Sle Anu^ De Buaupre, Quebec, and other points. Mr. Ed. Thompson's ponies took a ruu to themselves on Friday and n.ade a mile and a quarter out the gravel in fiUit time until stopped by Harry LeOaid. Two lictte girU that were in the ri-.; at the Bornâ€" In Seattle, Wash., on Sunday, July 11, to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MilK a time were thrown out but furtui.ately daughter. Geo. Connell and daughter, Annie, and Miss Irene Cousins visited at Mrs. Geo. Swanton's. Misses Zilli and Ethel Trimble of "lo- Tonto are holidaying at the parental home in Fletherton. Mrs. T. Wilcox and Sli-ss Eraser of Toronto, visited with friends here dur'.iis the week. Miss CouL^r n, who has been the guest of Miss Mitclieil returned to her home in Grimsby List week. Rev. Lewis F. Kipp is to preach next were not seriously injured .\brahani Flynn continues to improve at the Toronto General Hospital, and bis e:itire recovery is practically assured. This young man owes ids life to a ttiong constitution and clean livir;;. The doc- tors who operated on him did not expect to see him come nut alive from uiider the opiate and operating* knife, and he has surprised tlieui. The Grey 0:d Boys' excursion from Toronto wa.s another great success in every way. The day was tine and eleven coaches brought up between !JO0 and lOCO visitors who drojiped off «t the Sund'iy morning on "May a Christian | various points throughour the county. Dance or Play Cards?" Mrs. Swift and four children of To- ronto are guests of Mrs. Swift's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Quigg. Reporting t!ie 12th of July celebration Mrs. W. U. Bunt returned honiB on j i„ Markdale the Clarksburg Ketiector hi.s Next year the .Association purposes run- nin?' their excursion to Durham as rt'ell as to Owen Sound. Situiday after spending two weeks with hur mother at Woodbridge. l)r. Murray has begun the foundation for his new residence. The building will not be completed until iiext summer. Mr. Jas. Armstrong, who has been visiting Fevershani and Euuenii friends for a month, returned to New Liskeard on Friday. Mrs. .Viidrcw and three children, and Mrs. Chcesenian, and little son, George, ot Stayner, were jjuesis of Mrs. tl, Wil- son on Fridiy. Mr. Robt. Wright, mathematical mas- ter in the Hagersville high school, called on frieiids here for a couple of days dur- ing the past week. Miss Jessie Phillips and friend. Miss Hazel Barrie, and Mr. Dune. Bunts, of Toronto, are ludidaying with Mr. Martin Phillips' family, CoUingwood gravel. Mr. Robt thesd nice thiu^^s to say of old 244 : " The largest lodge in the procession was No, 244, Pri'tiin Stition, which was some 75 strong. This is some 15 or 20 below the average on account of some of ; the brethren attending celebrations in other towns. They were all hiindsomely att;:red, marched well and they certainly , weie a credit to their Wuithy Master, Mr. Herbert Corbett, who perhaps wus the I youngest W. BI. in the procession, beiu ; ! scarcely 21 years of age when he assium- .el that responsible position 'three years ago. He is a son of Reeve Corbett of 1 Proton." I Mr. Wellington Badgerow of thistown- 1 ship died on Sunday evening at his home I at Saugoon Junction, where he recently ' ill )ved from til e fourth line. Mr. Badg- erow has been in failing htalili with something like Bright's disease for the past few years, but the end was not Doughn, of the staff of j thought to bo so near. (>u Thursday ha took ro his bed and sank tiipidly until the Owen Sound "Sun," was in the village im Saturday looking after the Sunday eveninff, when liie dread sum advertising of the Sun Piuss Club Ex x\\k\\\% came. The deceased gontk'iiian cursion to Muskoka. j vras only 39 years of age and was boru in A young man named Thomas Ferris, i this township. He leaves behind a young 34 years of age, living near Hopeville, ' wife and two small children. The iuter- was kicked on the held by a horse and menc took place in Fleshcrton cenieteiy killed on Saturday evening list. Swinton j Tuesday afternoon. Park correspondence gives fuU particu- ^_j^^,,,„ j,,^ Q^^y (,,j rj^^y^ ^^.,,y j,,,,^,. 1 ped ttf hire on Saturday were the follow- lars. About a doz»n members of Prince Ar- iiig J. W, Bales, the energetic thur 1 >di?e, A. F. and A. M., drove down j^nt of the A.ssociation ; Dr. E. K. Rich- to Dundalk Sunday evening tri attend a ^,.j,„„^ Dr. Fxyd Murray and wife, Jas. Masonic service in the English church pi^ij^, A. D. Thur.ston and little son, there, conducted by the rector. Rev. Mr. j ivenneth ; Mrs. Alf. Carter and two children. Miss Annie Howard, Mr. and Miller. Miss Lily Thistlethwaite of Toronto is Mrs. Thorp Wright and Miss Emma spending her vacation at the parcnlil ; ^Vright. Miss May Damude, Mr. and Mrs. Acheson and child, Fred Ryder, Win. McKee, John Phillips, C. Leavens, W. Campbell, Mrs. John Whitlen, Rubt. Taylor, D. Blair, G. E. and J. A. Mc- Pherson, R. J. Blackburn, W. A. King, J. E. Montgomery, J. Gilbert, Miss E. Henderson, Miss Ina Beattie. Miss S. Turner, Miss M. Cliirk, Mrs. Fred Le- Gard, E. J. Stoner and wife, C. Melta and wife, Miss Ida Ruiledge, Miss M. home, "Oak Hall'', accompanied by her little friends, Miss Doreon White of Tor- onto, and Master Charles Laukin of West Toronto. Dr. Fred Murray ot Toronto gave two 'beautifully rendered sohis in the Metho- dist church on Sunday â€" one in the morning and one at the evening service. Dr. Murray's singing is very highly ap- preciated here and when visiting in town j y^i^^^l^jU^Vm. Taylor, R. J. Brodie, over Sunday he is always requisitioned Lj^.^ Qj|y^,^R ^ Kinj;, J. Ball, R. for this pleasing duty. Phillips and wife, Frank Phillips and A r«cent hail stonn that passed over wife, and R. D. Purvis, the Kimberley valley did hundreds of| Last Thursday the Fleshcrton Institute dollars worth of damage to the apple and j ncceptcd an invitation from the Maxwell grain crops. There is scarcely an apple 1 Women's Institute, aud about twonfy- left in .^ome orch.irds that had not a piece gye membeis drove out to the heme of Mr. Joseph Giimey. The weather was not rll that ei'uld be dexircd, in fact it WHS decidedly damp, soma even went .so far as t<> say there was a downpour of ruin. The priigraninie was provided by the visilini; Branch, and in the absence of Mrs. Best the chair was taken by the cecretary. Mis. II. Moore read n paper on "Table Manners and Courtesy in the Home". Mi.s. 14. H. Wright g"«ve a solo, Mid Myrtle riiurstcjii a ri?«diii!!. Mrs. J. Runstadtler load a paper "Com- pare the Seeds Sown in the Garden with Sown in the Home." Mis. (Rev.) A. P. Stanley favored the audience with a reading. * sumptuous supper was served on the lawn, »liieh was done ample juHtice to by the bfty people who sat down. When all were in .a happy frame of mind a photograph was taken of the group. A vote of tliaiik.s was tendered all around, Jind particularly to the host liusiess. The drive home Yoi/r Hair Contrary? Is it inclined to run away? Don't punish it with a cruel brush and comb! Feed it, nour- ish it, save it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Then your hair will remain at home, on your head, where it belongs. An elegant dressing. Keeps the scalp healthy. Doa ml change fhe color of the hair. ~A formula with •aoh bottla ~ Show It to your dootor Aak him about it. than do aa ha aaya Xjers I F.G.KARSTEDT I General and Hardv/are Merchant. "Â¥â-  M M Fleshertoiit Ontario Knee Spreads or Duster s .A full line of these yoods can be had at a vory moderate price in wool. Linens and fancy designs. Everything is of the best ijuality fioui 75o to $2.Dli. Have a looic at them. Harvest Tools wai much enjoyed unlil- in the eveniim. -well, it uii> rain Nothing in the way of a cough is (piite .so annoying as a tickling, teasing, wheez- ing, bronchial Cough. The quickest relief comes peihapi from a prescription known to Drusgisis everywhere a.s Dr. Hhiiop's Cough Remedy. .And besides, it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers give it with perfect safety even to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain chrub, give to Dr. Shcop's Cough Remedy its remarkable curative effect. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy prescription. Sold ly all deHlurs. An Orangeville despatch says: William MacNaniara, a yonni/ Mono farmer, was to-diiy convicted before Judge McCarthy of an aggravated a.ssault on George Mc- Donald of the sainc township, and sent- enced to the Central Prfsim for six months. The men were in town on April 24th last and bad been drinkin<i during the day. It beiii;; Saturday, and the hotels closinjj ihe bars sliarp at 7, MacNnmara procured some whiskey on a medical certiticate by feigning illness. It was stated that the complainant, an Orangeman, and the prisoner, a Roiiian Catholic, got inio a tigbc over religious quislions. and McDonald was badly usai up. About half past ten o'clock ho .started to walk home, a distance of tjve miles. Shortly afterwards MacNamara was started oil' by Ihs night watchman with his horse and rig in the same direc- tion. The complainant, it is alleged, was orertaktu Vy ihe accused and further beaten, and had liis leg broken, and 's-as left on the road in a drizzling snow.storin and miiiht have per;s!ied but was found aliout midnight by a chance wayfarer and rushed up town, where his injuries re- ceived attention. MacNamara, although protesting hi.s innocence of the midnight attack, piiid $175 as compensation. McDonald, who came into court today on crutches, was satisfied to drop all jjro- eeedinffs, but the Crown was uiiwillinj,', so the case was pressed aud sentence iiii - posed. Sproule <& Go's Announcement Opened this week at Sproule, Hii-gin- botham & C'u.s, I'leshertoii, new cherric, tomatoes, gooseberries and currants, sel- ling like hot cakes and at lowest prices. Also fresh huianiis arriving daily. The c.debrated "Buster Brown" leiiioii.s. which liavo nearly douljb.d in price within the piist few Weeks, iio\ eitheless tlrs week will sell iit the old price, ttliicb makes tlieiii exoec'iing'y cheap. Have just opened aiDtlur sliipiiieiit of those celfbru'id Lite V.ilencia "G'ddeii Flower," seedless oranges, the best aud most hiscious oninaes <;rownor imported, selling at 30, 4<J iiiul oDc per doz. It will pay you to give them a trial. They are also lieidiiuartcrs f.r pig feed, chicken, fuwl and aniiiiiil feed. NTow llmt hosj.s ale seliinu iit .Â¥7.0') per JOtl lbs., euus IPc di'Z., chieken.s 2Uu per lb., aid butter I'.tc per lb. . it pays well to h'ok caiefully after the keeping and feeding of Iiol-.s, fiovl and milking cows, hence iS|)r'iule, Hiuyiobi)tbiiin & Co., ever niindful^of the ro'iuirenieiils and interests of their cii.stjiner.s, kee|i con- stantly on h.<tid \\\« best cliicken aii.d fowl feed, con- posed of a iiii.x*uio of cleiiii wheat, buckwheii', pea.s, bailey and a piiiall spriiililiiiy of oa's. Feeding with tliis and a sn:;ill sprinkling i.>f HerbaL'ciiiu will nuke hen.s lay luoie ei;'_:s, and cliick- ens grow better »\\A fatten quicker than with any oilier feid on tlie ninrket. .Also on hand a ifnoil s'ock of Ontario bran, â-ºhurts, chop, nnt.s, peas and bailey. and liiiesl (piality of IM.mitoba and blended Hour .and nil .soiling at lowest reiunneriitiTe puices. We certainly believe this, or we would not say so. Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our nev improved formula, is a great preptration for the hair and icalp. Stops falling hair. Cures dan- druff. Promotes the growth of hair ~~-Xa4* \>V tiM J. C. Ayvr Co., Lowtll, Ki Haying 1 and harvesting are near at hand now^, so it would pay yiiu to get supplied in Hand Rakes, Forks, Shovels, Scythes, Snaths, Sickles. Cradles, Scythe Stones etc. We have the very best that money can buy at the most popular prices. Binder Twine Odds and Ends We an- head niuarters for the Brantford C.irdau'c Co's "Gilt Edge." This is the best, as it has no eipial on ihe itiarket to-day, together with Plynioulhs' "Gold Medal." both 650 feet to the pound for 11c per pound. Secure your order from us at once as it is possible that It will raise in piice. Arnibtroug issuer of n.arriage J. Good Farm For Sale. Tot 111, con. r>. Oftprey contftioiiiw ItXlHcres. RO -'cleKiijii, f:au>e houiie. 'raiou barn, stone fotin<]atiui); cjrcnard, well watered. One tiiousand dunu and iMLlaiicL* to suit purcliascr. liouiediatu |"'ssfssion .Xitpiv to K. N. KiNNKAU, Maxwell P. O. Mail Contract SK\l,K1) tenders nddrff<.sed to the Postmaster (ieneial wi[ll)e received at Dttawii until nodu on Friday, the lUtli .August, V.HOI, for the conveyance of H Is .M.ijesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for foin years si.\ times l>er week each way, l)i;t\veiiii DUNDALK and HOPEVILLK from the 1st October next. Printed uutices contaiiiiiig further iiiforiiia- t!oii .IS tociaiditi'>ns of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may l)c oli- tftiiied at the postoHices of Oundalk and lli>|H;ville, and at the ortice of the Pustoftice Inspector at Toronto. â€"a. C. ANDERSON, Post office Department, Superintendent Mail Service Branch Ottawa, Oth July, IW.). U . A licenses Lime for Saleâ€" Fresh burnt â€" Wm. Alcox, Vandeleur. ShiiiglcH and Hemlock lumber for sale, any leiiuth reiiuired. T. \^ . Phillips, Lady Bank P. U. House and blacksmith .shop to rent in the riilage of Ma.xwell. Apply to Win. Guy, sr., Ma.xi>e|l. Hemlock, spruce and baksam luub;r, ^ also heiiilocl<. spiuce -»iid balsam lath fjr ' sale. J. W. Deagle, Eugenia. Lost â€" Between F. Mathewson's and Boyd's store, ladies' black suit coat. Finder please leave at Boyd's store. Notice to trespassers â€" .AH parties are warned against iiespassiiig on my f.arni. Berry pickers take special note. Mis. U. Ruiledge. The party whe picked up a sum of money at culvert opposite P. Soiners' ou June 1^4 will do well to return same to i D. W. Clinton. | Property for Sale at Priceville â€" A brick ' house, eight rooms, barn and live lots, for sale reasonable. Apply to Catherine Scott, Priceville P. O. Mar. Itf ' Strayed or stolen from my tloc'v, about ; July 12, two leicesLer ram Uiubs with : Inny taiN, weight, about 8o pounds. ; Finder will be rewarded. Clias. .Sratiord. To who want to have a good ap- i pearance it is good news to know that they can take tlieir linen to .Vndy Wilson Fleshcrton, and have it laundered in tirst class style. Basket leavi-s Tuesday night and returns StttUiJay a. ni. Markilale ! ateuiii laundry. W. .1. Smith, Prnp. All auction sale of bimsehold furniture etc , tho property of Dr. Bond, late of Ma.\well, will be held at the Temperance House, Fercrsham, on S iturduy.luiy ;U. inny, at 4 o'clock p m. See bilis for lilt. Will. Kaitting, auctioneer. Girl wanted â€" .A capable girl to do general housewotk and assist with the care of two snndl children. Hiiiheat wajos, peiiiianent position in Toronto if siiistactory. Apply lo Alr.s. .Albeit Webster, at Mrs. M. K. Richardson'.", Fleshcrton. Store for Sale, nithor without stock. Good trade, over Jlil.OIJO per annum, small opposition . The property contains half an acre, FrMiim store, dwelling in connection. Will b« sold riyhl f^r ipiick sale. H. -N. Kiiiiiear, Miixnell. Mt. Zion Sunday school will hold a iwd.'U party on Mri-. J. Taylor's lawn, on Wednesday, July 2.H. Diiiidalk bund will be ijresent and a s{den(lid ])roaiani has been arranged for. 'rhere will also be a baseball match between Piutini Stat'oii .-iiid Ini.stioge luams. See posters fir further particulars. The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be heb! at the residence of Mr. W- Ijoyd on Tuis'ay. •J7lh ilist. a 2.."1U p. in. The subjocis to be discussetl ai«, "HoiV to piepare .simple meals in berry ti:iie," by Mrs- Wilcoi'k, aiol "Desert.-i." by Mrs. W. W. Tiimble. Ladies who are not mciiibers invicid to this nieutiiig. For Sale â€" 1 cow, Durham and Jersey, 4 year idd, iiiilkiiig since the end of Mii list ; 1 cutler, ill t'ood repair;! biard ; 1 heilstead ; 1 wond heatings Yukon ii-iplo heiilcr ; 1 co;d licnting stove "Good Cheer -Art, " with double heater ntlnohments ; 1 wood cook stove ; .\boiit 5 cords of diy Wood, 20 inch, neiiily all iiinple. As the owner does not wish tn ."^liip theso articles on leavinii Fleshert-.n. he tlieiefore olbrs them fur .sale. Terms c^sli. Apply to Rev. G. C. Little, The Manse, Fleshcrton. Fine Shoes With the coming of Spring we naturally look for somethiag neat and stylish to wear espci- ally in footwear. We Lave go just what yea need. Werecom- ment the MODEL Shoe as being Lauilsome iu shape aud right up to date aud built of first class material by reliable makers. We Lave the MODEL Shoe ia Blucber aud Oxford style ia Black, Chocolate, Ox-Blood, Kid aud Dongola. You cannot help being suited. Not especi- ally for Children, Mdu or Women, but for the whole family. .\l3o Men's aud Boys Fiue and Heavier Shoes. C LAYTONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. -9 I J. E. LARGE TBS 5j All thrnuu'li this store. hi^i'li class goods at vei'v low 5 prict\s. We have never been better prepureil to sup- ^ ply yt,)u with all your spring' and sunnner wants, for "" everv tlepartiiient is crowded with bright new goods â€" the 'kind of goods we in.sist ou selling â€" look better, arc better, antlco-styou no more than the kind that are math; merely to sell. Your .satisfaction the particular thing we aim at, au'.l we aim tt) make this the .safest store for you to "^ .)uv at. 5^ Highest prices paid for prt)duce. , J^ II J. E- Large, euqeniaJ H a Cbe B«st excursion _^ of the Season Y C O T u r Union Sunilay .Sehi'i'l Fxcint-i m tn Tmonto aii'l lliiiiiiltoii. The Suiidiiy iSi.hmils of Slii-llxiriie will niii their .\iiiinul l''xciir»iiiii \ ia the Ciinndiaii JVltTe Ridhvav t.i Tnnait.., The ^b«lie>k.i toHiOPiit-.n,'Tl'K.'^l).\Y, JULY 27th. ^helbunne iLivic Jiolicfai/ SO miles of the tineft w.-.ter triji on hake â-  IVIC tineft w.-.ter Ontario. Kxciirsidii train will leave Alaikdide at a. 111., iurive at Toronto 10..'>ll a. i.i. .W Tiii.o Fare to Fare tl T irontii Uainill/>n Markdalo T.IK) .<i'i.(>.-. S2.70 Kle^lierton 7.14 2.0;) 3r«0 Saugicn.ltc 7.-'i» I'lotcn 7.-'.T 2.0.-) 2.4.-) DiiiKlaik 7.."J7 2.00 2.40 Corbettmi 7.4i"> 2.00 2.30 Thompson's Bakery ll.iviiiy secured Mr.E. Ann- .â- ^tiiiiii; of Peterhoro, a first baker, we are prepared to turn out the hesi of every- thill'' ill our line. l'' lliotiel Lilvvtty« on liaiiil Atrial solicited. Bull and Boar for Service TliovoiiRli bi'Bil Hull from iinforteil stock, also \ Taiiiwortli Hoar for servico ou lot lol. T; ^ 8. K, Arteiuesia. 30 Aug, JOHN ADAMS. I'roi>. Bull For Service Piira Hieit Kriesinn Hnll. This voimu nniina) conies from one of tlio best dairy lierils lu Canatin, bei;:g iu extended reglstra*'* aiou, Tuniis .-â- (l.DU. GOLDEN LEGEND l^iirfi breil Taiiiwonli Hoar, This young aui-. intil liAH ))rovtt(l himself one of tho best stook uolters ttiat has evor boeu otferod for service. Terios SI-JO KICHAKD ALLEN. Lot 170, and E. T. &S. R. Fleshertou Out. Kercfords For Sale Contract Children under 12 years half fare i Tickets to both Toronto and Hamilton Kond j to return on any lei'ulnr train up to and in- i cluiliiiR .Iiilv L'X. I On the goiiijf trip a special train will run to j YoiuinSt. wha.-f,, where the Kx- ciirsionists will take the sienmer. Modjeska, ' arriving r.t . I ohn St. wharf, H.vniltoii. On' leturu triji Excnrsinnists returning same iiiK'it, will leave Hniiiiltoii on steamer Tuiliiuift, ut .->.;10 or li.DO p. 111., .lames !<t. Wharf, llamilton. running thmuuh to Bay St. wbnif, 'loront.), where sp-c'al train will be wnitinft to take them home. Tho C"ininitte<-" i* leaving ni'thing undone to make this the best and loost enjoyable Qiiting of the sea-son. 1*". Uerwick, R, J. \Vatsoii, It. Fe:-gu3un, -Committee, Cows and bi-ifeis for sale, none better. Prices right, I'cwt l>ttice, Pi-otoii .Station; farm half mile fininl .Saugeeii â- function. Wo have sold all our lulls. .1. & T. WATSON. Pure Bred SE.\LE1) TENDKR.S addie».«iil to the Po«tma.ster < ieiuTal will be rncei\ ed at Ottivwa until uiioii on Friday, the 2Utli .Vintust, IIHW, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a projjosed contract for four years three and - ; three times i>cr week each way. between Berkshires and| t^iarkdale and lauriston GLASCOTT and M.VRKD.VLE English Tamworths. prL^^^;;.?i;r 't;^hf f.r:aft, ''^^^^^^r^^''zt''r^^^f\ "ir"^ .rices. 1 can give a l,argain also guarantee 1 ,. ^""T .^ 1^ eonuuninK further mfoima- Litisfaction on all mail orders. ''.•" »» '"' *=," j''';^'"/ ''J, I'''?!;'''^'' eontractn.ay (;eo. W. ROSS. Ma.xwell P. O. Il': â- ,'" ' ?' ) if »T f tt\ %^ "^,1 ' tained at tie postotllees of Berkeley, Gloacntt I and Markdale, an<l at the office of the Post" Bull For Service <M<» inspector at loionto. 2veftrs<'Id, reg. shorthoru bull, Victor' â€" U. C; ANDERSON Pride, 7480-, is for service at Lot 37, Con. « p„„t office Department. Terms »l.tW. j. :i Service Branch JOHN HARORAVE , Ottiwo, 5rd July! W09. .A.rtemesia. 8ui>eruitenden(

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