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Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1909, p. 8

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â- 2^:-^'V WP.ft|n.'~-^<fW. wwmm w^. V: if • THE FLESUERTON- ADVANCE JcNE 241909 Hf SPORTS Killed by Lightning, RTON T, 1909. Mr. Geo. Hunt, of the <). S. R., Normanby, whs iiiovinif an oi<l funce una day recttntly, HiHi^titd by F. Litwson, whou tbey uueHrthud what Mr. Hunt IR coiiti'Ivnt i(,the Imhcs of nn Indian and ptrt of his rifle. He 8»yR the custonn uf the Indians •hm, when one of ibeir HUtubor died, to huiy their rifles wiih them And he is Kure he atruclf an Indian j^ve. Th« diggers were only able lo Spencer Hopkinn started out about noon n«t a piece or two of boneâ€" evidently the to sec- Mr. Goo. Mervyn'a ne* house •'''n ^"ne, and a part of the Urrel of the ' A trag'o death occurred op the 5th |coiiot«*ioo of Bentink tiwiiahi^ near J Allitn Parle, on Sunday, June 13, when William Porter, a younx fellow juat on the thr#<hoid of luaidiood waa killed by I liuhtniiiir. Dei^oased and hia counin jjUUk Pai m of women, head |M>ins, or any prin Ktopped in 20 oiinutea eure, with Da. 8hoop'8 Pink Pain Tableta. Sea full foriiiuU on 2o3. Box. Sold by all deal- era. Some Meiford citizens appear to b- aa far ill advance of the literature of the day a8 tht>y are lacking in their knowledge of the bibU. In announcing that the 'iona will take tlie morning tram due at ' " ° ".' , """ "'"" ' "»'>""' '" Epwoith League had Sicured Prof. John •lar train due to letiveFle«hert<.n g.rW '*'*'"â- >*""''-'"'' ""*' *''" >"'""< ffllowa Uuxbury togive an elocutionary enter- erton and intorinediaU) sUitions will Kt>od in the shed watching it. William ' t^jnuient in the llethodiat church on train leaving Cntnguville lO.tKJ o'clock u. in., arriv- i picked up some hail blone* and with the' Tuesday evenin;; n»-xt Ilev. Dr. CVnlpliell ^.. ,JOocl.«=kno.m. Then for the convenience of ,Miasenger«!„,^^^^^^ y„t ^^ „^ bi« ^ated th.t the not«,d eh.cujimiwfs selec keiton, bncknow. Uui'hnni, Saugeen Junction aim intermediate pointa, , ,, .. » n u , , , t.. .i . ' . . , , . . , â„¢. chai-terod a tniin which will leave Walkerton at (i.45 a. ni., aniving in , ''•''"" '«" back-dead. It seenia that ! t,„i.« for the evening »mild include "The t..n8.2oa.m., returning name evening leaving Flesherton 7.4.5 p. ni., ! Wilhain waa standiiiB directly under 'he , ]<ook of Job." Several peisona, thinking niMiby, but changed their minds )knd . went to Mr. Baker's who is on Thniuai : Franui*' pltco. They C4me bic'-e juit as , the electric storm commenced betwejii ' ' ' ' four and five o'clock. Deceased's mother itee have this matter in handâ€" I»icke«l call«J to the boya to come the house, ! 'tend to make this the greatest day's sport but William answered that he wanted to •o made arraiignients with the C. P. 11. feed his pony and thd boya wont oi to- rn by train. Passengers from ()wen ti.e .table. The st .rm did not appear to V^OU cannot buy flour as fine, white, pure and nutritious as Royal House- hold under any other name. There is no other flour ia Canada ^ipon which half so' much money is spent to insure perfect purity â€" just think for a moment what that means to the health of your household. i; ill Walkerton tt.40 p. m Bijlow is a list of the princi]>al sports and attcactions : Horse Races Open trot or jriace, purse $180.00 Ist *100.03 2nd fi.'iO.OO a») trot or pace, puii«! 120 Of) (li).OO 4'>.00 :i.00 trot or pace, purse 80.00 40 (>0 2.1.00 Entrance fee, 5 per cent, of purse and 5 [ler cent . additional of the amount won I t.) winners. Four to enter and three to start in each class. ] 3 MILE MARATHON FOOT RACE In a purse of f:50.00 Ist $15.00 2nd $10.00 EiitraiK-e fee $1 .i30 and 5 |>er cent additional of the amount won to Four to enter and three to start. . -^ MEN'S RACE ONCE AROl^ND THE TRACK ^ Purse tlO.OO 1st $5.00 2nd $.'l(Ja^ 3rd $2.00 Entrance fee 50c. 4 to enter 3 to start. j/^ MEN'S 100 YARD RACE Parse $6.00 Ist $=1.00 „ ' 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.C0 4 to enter 3 to start. Entrance fee 50c, ^- '^ BOYS' RACE UJrt)KR 16 YEARS 2)0 yd race, purse $6.00 1st $3.tJ0 2iid ig-'.OO 3rd $1.00 3 t'l start, no entrance fee. LADIES' RACK 100 YAJtDS, OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE FAIR SEX Purse $6.00 ^y^ Ist $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd 81.00 3 to btart. Ntfentrance fee. GIRLS' 100 yd RACE, 12 YEARS AND l^NDER Purse |4.50 Ist $2.00 2nd $1.60 . 3rd $1.00 3 Ui start. No entrance fee. DOG RACE ONCE AROUND TRACK FOR A Pl'RSE OF $10.00. 18^40^00 2nd 13.00 3rd $2.00 Entrance fee, 5 |>er cent, of purse, and 5 jMjrcent. of the amount won, t<i win- ners. 3 to enter, 2 t<j sbirt. The most atti-active feature of the day's sjiort will la; the committee nice once | " "'" ""'^"> around the track. Alioiit 'M of a coiiiiiiittee indisgiiise, will take [uirt in this nice. I i"<>inpw"i. ""«» 'Hie fii-st prize will lie a liox of 50 10c cigars, donated to the winner, by J. W. / Sr 2 to jr 3 partition that seijaratei the shed from the il,Mt a new jitrtry of ibiilling intprest had 1 main building. Hopkins wa« also thrown just b©etl published, hastened to the I U> the ground, where he Uy insei.sible j PoMic Library and made anxious en<iuuy foraciup'e of minutes. When he p^me 'for the book, which proved to be none "V t') he c died to Porter's step father that ' „tber than the old family Bible at home. 'lo 00 ' '"' *'*'' ""â- "''' ''*â-  •'X''*"'"^- ^^''"â- â€¢' ''"'â- y i -Mirror. l"5:00 examined William he was quite dead. , p^j^ .nywhere stoppe.l il 20 minutes sure with one of Ur. Siioop's Pink Pain Royal HoDsebold Hour For,,2 Sprained Aniiie. I Ah uiniaH^v treated, a Kprainud ankle will .11 »ji nn diiiatJ* tLe injured iKmon forainunth iiriiicire, I Ivrf by applying Chaiiiberlain'ii Linirnent and winnerijy'obiierviiiK the iliret^tiunH with e»ch iKittle ' i, , i i ^' i faithfully, a cine may be elftctB-l in many ca-ex ; head;iche, psius any where. Tablets. Tiie formula is on the 25 cent box. Ask your Doctor or Druggist about thit firinula ! Stops womanly jjains, Write Dr. in UsH tlian one week'n time. I'liin liniuient is . Shoop, Racine, Wie. for free trial to I a ni ist remarkable preparation. Try it for a j „.i... u.,ij i... .ii j, .i„.. xprain nr bruiite, >r when laid up with chronic or muscular rh«uni.'\tisi.j, and you aie certain to Iw deli({h*.nd with the prompt relief which it affurdit. Kor sale by W. K. itichardaon. Promotion Examinations Senior department, FJesl'-^rtoo. Names in ord' V Sr3tojr4--L and Dell Thurstjc' - x Joe Kadley, * '^'•.4,.^- Wright, Ruby itii'vtit. Maud Boyd, Muriel Mk. j*. "â-  Jr.-l t-. sr 3- Walter ,'<*"./ Hastie, Vera Loucks, HerbiL'"' ) ^?^-d, Nettie Trueiiiaii and Nettie Teeter^"' ^»1, Harmon Hales, Lyda Trueman, Hazel ssel Ijever, recommended. prove value Sold by *H dialers. mmffiis. Carefully Conected Eacii Weeli tlats 50 to 66 Peas »i> to !W Barley 60 to 60 WUeat 10<1 to 100 'ay 7 00 to 8 00 tter 16 to 18 fresh - hag lyoiatoeaVv '^CIitCKPns . . , ^ ^ Turkeys.., Wool 17 '0 19 75 to 75 10 to 10 10 to 10 6 to 8 14 to 14 20 to 22 is the best â€" most wholesome â€" most carefully milled flour to be had in this country. The Ogilvie name and trademark are on ev^ry barrel and sack â€" a guarantee from the maker to the consumer. Tell your grocer you muti have Royal Household. is •gflvfeFlMrlimsCo., liadlei. HmHtO. •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• :•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢&•••••«•••••••• •••••••••****- CEYLON'5 BU5Y STORE I ^ prize will lie a tiox of f>0 lUc cigars, «lonate(l to tne winner, oy j. «.' ai ~ i" ji ..â€"Florence Bunt, Koy i Charles of H. P. Eckhardt & Co., Toronto, wholesale grocers. The second prize , McAuley, Leone Thompsim, Harold wiU be a ls>x of 25 Itjc cigain, doiuited by C. H. Munsliaw, hotel keejier, Flesher- ton. The fat and the lean, the and the short, the wide and the narrow will, ,,. , , t.. . t«kei«rtinthUrace. Alice MacLeod, .Maurice \N right, EUla Mr. Hector McDonald,Highland i.i|)er, and Jessie McD<mald,Higliland dancer, Karstedt, Elmer Wat.son. liave lieeii eugiiged for the day and will assist the eiitert4iiners at the concert, in the , â-  r. . . ..i 1 ^ evening. The Flesherton Citizens' I$and Imve been eng-iged and will enliven the •'"»""• Dei«irtinent, !â-  loslierton. prcKret-dings throughout the day. ' J'' - '" «'' 2 -Clam Lever, Percy The concert in the evening promises to lie the most successful event of the.Legard, Wilfred Watson, Florence Lever, Mildred Wright, Aleda Mit4.1iell, .Alliert Our Clubbing List ii:: Ii ^'^^* ^Pattison^ Ce^ion^ Ont^ % i The following prices »re for strictly Lever, Elmer Wright, Zeta McClockliii, (paid in alvance subscriptions only. We kirid, ever held in this town. Mr Bert Harvey, comic, and Mr. Frank K. Beiii rose, classic tenor, Mr. Hectol^ McDonahl, piper, and Jessie McDonald, Highland Scotch dancer, have lieen engaged. The program will l>e exelleiit. (JEO. MITCHELL, I'riKJdent. J. A BOVT), Secretary. Â¥ ^ NORRIS BROS. OHanflufai'e. •^i.erc/ian'ia onfl C/insmitna m\ â€" I ]( How alsiut that leaky roof ? The wood shingles are not so gnod as ill day* of yore. The iron shinglea are too tlear, but heie'a the remedy (Paroid) ready roll roofing, fully gunranteed and put on com- plete on any building by expert roofers. The price is $2.90 a square. Now is the time to prepire to battle with the flies and mos- (luitoea. 'The 6r«t »tcp is to purchase screen doors and windows and our stock is ur.excoUed. Prices ranue for doora fi om 80c to $2.15 each. Windows, 18c to 'ISc each. _ ' '' ~ XVehtve an extra gnnd ijuiwti;" x>f oils for (his aeason. Don't huy till you examine our Machine I JMr^lwrfirOil^ C'ylinder f)!!. Boiled and R«w Lidseed t)il and Separator C>il. We alwitys have the bear, uiade of Coal Oil, Turpentine and gasoline and our prices will interest When it comes to paints and dry colors our goods spenk for tbemseWet. Buy a small can and we aie saiistied that you will come here for the larger can when there is more painting lo be dune. 'ton Onta no. Sjwrkes, Leeta Blakely, Jim St^'wart. Sr pt 2 to Jr 2 -Amniida Stewart, Wilfred Teeter, Iteulien Cargo. •Ir. pt 2 to sr jit 2â€" .\liiieda LeOard Lily Lever, Mabel RichiirdNon, Bobs Trimble, Mabel Thomp.son, Frank Thurston, E<1 Lever. Sr pt 1 (a) to jr jit 2 -Mary Colgaii, Mallei Fields, Shirley Murray, Charlie Flynn. Sr lit 1 (b) to sr pt 1 (a)--We.sley Arm- siroiig, Keiia Cargo, Viola McClocklin, ViiJet Watson. .Ir 1 (a) tosrpt 1 (b) Claieiiee Fisher, tiladys lA'ver, Russell Trueman, Flossie Richardsoi., .loan Reid. lrl(b)tojrl fa)â€" Marguerite Run- liave no accounts with other papers. Advance tnd Toronto World, daily . . . Toronto Daily News . . . Weekly Globe Mail-Empire . ... Family Herald & Star. Toronto Star Farmer Sun . . ... P'armwrs .\h.ocat3 ..... Weekly Wit.>ess Sat iirdayNight ....... $ 3 Buli for Service stadtler, R. N. Cornfield, Vei-a Frank Bunt, Bertha Smith. Ij«!ver, f^ V *S(* »â-  YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS •nu>iiaaDda of roung and t tbrougk Early la«MT*li«iM. fanrlDir aympmnis cansiilt lu dantaadKluoiny, »|iecli« ln-f \r NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WrTMOUT WWTTEN CONSENT JIA NIRVOU8 DEBILITY jouB, and tnlddJa-agM mejMir. annually .wept to a^y^n^ture^Krav. I«9 lata. Are yon iiervntis and weak, (Ih«im>h- _._,â„¢,.,, „„,. „ ,,.», Willi dark ctri^l.-a undar tlii-m, wi»k iMirk, itinera IrrJtable.iiiilullat Ion of tU« heart, iMiahful. dreains niid losa.-*, (wdlnipnt In urtiie. lir3£2:dUtru»tful aikeiierifyaii.lslreinfia. tlrwlmoniluKH, rH«ili-KH glithts, ot>anK«able ^JS^^T^^^^^rv^'^«^^T<i decay, bouo palua, 'jialr looae. Kire Uiroat, eto. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our Nmt MatluMi Tr.almant i-»n <iire yo" and niakw a man of you. tJnder Its innii- •Ooe% bSun bS!^e. "" ", th« 1.I...KI p.rrUled, so .1ml all plniples. â- ^'•,'; "•"•"'' '••';" dUaoi^r Uioil.-rve» Decrnie »lr..nif ««»toi-l, bo tlial iierv.mHfu-sii, hnalifuliu'ss an 1 dea- SooiPm^v vanish lli« rye lH-.'oiii.-»irr.(<ht. the face fidl an.l cl"«r. fiiertfy returns t.. the K^vamf t3m"Vi Physlr il nil I ».-ximl hj stems are Invlirorated; all .Inilns cease-no S!1X vital .var^"frl;.r.(5." „;""„. lioin iHt quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard Mrnad dollars. Wa wlU cure jroii or no paj. EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONHDENTIAL â- EADERi No tnnttor who ban tr.-nU'd vm. wHIo for nn hnm-st opinion Fr«* of Chars*. ^^^^M««l,« P,.. "Til. GeJdiin Monitor" i lllilst nili^l I «^n Secret DU«»i«» of M«». QUMTIONUST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST VjiJCENNEDY&KENNEDY iStMW^. . . . __.i-.__. _ij ci n.4.<vU Mi/.lt Division Court Division (^ourt was held in Duiidalk on Wednesday of last week, when the list was not a large one, and Judge Widdi- lield had the slate cleared alsuit ^t p.m. The following cases were before the Court: McCal)e V. Boyd- -Action for price of cream se)Ntrator. Dismissed. Sovereign Bank v. Maxwell et «1â€" Contract, $22..')0. Adjouriietl until the next Court. IloUey V. Truemanâ€" Cimtract, $.'11 80. Settled iHit of Court. Uardiner V. .Smith et al â€" Gainishue, $12.62. Dismissed. Pivnick v. Scilley- C<intract, $8.50. .Adjourned to February Court.. Luvine v, Pirnick et alâ€" Garnishee, $4t).tH). Judgment for amount of claim, McArthuv v. Muliinesâ€" Contract, $52. .ludgment reserved. Uclntyrc v. A. Browiiridge waa a jury case. The plaint ill' is an Orangeville man who brought action against Mr. Brownridge for the price of n toinl)Ht.tine, $U4.50. The jury allowed $65.00. The f\ne Hborthnrn liull Hroadhooks LOid (No, 7'2JSII will b«tnr servicd en lot 10. con. 9, Osprey: TeriiK ifl.CO. Cows not letururd will Iw cliariiail whntber in calf or not. Pedi. uree ou application: JAMUS HLRX8, Prop. Warning. The public is hereby wnrned n .t to give credit to any person in my name unless authorized by me. JoH.N CoKRIIiAN, Fleaheiton, July 17, BKDV - •••• ! .••• I •••• I •••• \ -••• •••• • •• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• .. •••• ]••• •••• •••• •••• •••• <•. Genera/ â- ^ttepehant. Notice to Creditors In the iimtttT i>f the esUt*) of Mary MiuUlen, Inte of the Towimhip of (>Hiirey in the County of Grey,SpinHter,tloc'ea.sed. NOTICR in hereby given imrHuant to the t«- TiHeastatuienuf Ontario, IH<J7. Chap. U that alt the creditors and otherK havluK claiuia aKainfit the estate of tltti nai't May Madden, whodied onorfthout the fifth day of AuRuat. 1007, are retjtiirt'd t>n or before the er>th dav of June ltiC9, to Herd bv potit pre- 6at<l or deliver to Margaret McOrade. Maiwidl nt.. Aduiiiiifltratrix of the entatti of the said Mary Madden, deceased, their chrtatiau and BurnauieR, addreoHes and deucriptlous, the full partiouUrB of their olaiuiH, the atatemeut of their acooutits and the nature of Che aeouri- tiea (if any) huhi hv them. AND FUKTHKK TAKK NOTICR that after auch la^t mentioned date thetiaid AdiiiiBiBtrat- rix will proceed t> dintrihute tlie anfiets of the deceaawl aaion^ the parties entitled there- to having regard only to the olaiina of which they bIiaM then hare notice, and that the said AdiiiiuifttratrlK will not he liable for the said afcttets or any part thereof to auv person or Iwrsons of whosu clftiniB notictt shall not have )eou received by theui at the time of suoh dis* tribution. nateddu^e 4th, A. D. lUOO. W. H. WRlOHr. Owen Bound Out. ttolioltor for the Aduilniatratrix npra gc 'ichi jati Av «. and Griswold St., ited fi'i ' Detroit, Mich. N tOVea No Need Suffering from Rlicumatisni. It i» a niiHtuke to allow anyone to suffer friiin rheniimtiHii., as tho |iain can aluayn \v rvlievrd, and in iiioiit vturn* a cure i-ffectetl liy iipfilyliiK ChanilHirlHiirK liiniiiiunl. The rxliuf from |>aln which 11 atfortlH is al(iu« wurth iiiaiiT tiliKiiits oml. It make sleep anil rvnt |Hm»il)li-, Kveu in uihoh iif loii); standinft I tliiH linimi'iit Hhoiilil Ih) used on accnunl of tliH iKJiiif whirh it HlToi'da. I>ii not b<> diiKMiuia{(e<l until yon have glv«ii it a trial. Many suffm-ern linvu lieeii mirpriMtMl and di'lichted with Um pain-rflicviiiK<|ualitieii. 'JTi and A(l cent •Iznii fur naif l>y W. K. Uicliardimn. A faw day* ago a local meroliaut liought what he sup)ioHed was a 201b. crook of butter fioin a farmer who lives a fev miles east of OrnngevilU. On taking it to tha cellar and emptying it, he found that the crock wai filled with lard with a I hill covering of luitlur. The seller Ni'dloil the matter by iigroeing to take I (1c per pmiijd.ior^l^j) iMiiteiits of the crook . Kviduntly^^^Jie moan peniilc' me not dend yst.^wnnor. MAKE MONEY. Sellinu P»lhanr« I'eerlnns Fruit and Ornamental tre«-ii, Hhruba, etc., during the winter months. We uifer you ateady and profitable employment in your own district at rixkI pay. WK HAVK OVKKtMMl ACKK.S of choice nursery •took which via will aetl direct to your cuattmiani. No diseaaed nr dried out Aiitericanitock anpplied. l<jitablinhed over 80 yeara. Write for particulars. . Pelbam 11ikr$ery €o« Toronto, Ont. We liave a j^ood supply of Screen doors on hand from .$1.00 to 2.00 each. Also "Window, Screens at 25c each. For the balance of thi^ week we will sell Gmnulated Sugar, either St. Lawrence or Ked Path at $5.00 per 100 lbs. We have still a little Clover Seed left. We have also Buckwheat and Rape Seetl for sale. The very best Flour always on hand, also Ontario Bran and shorts an«l Feed Flour. Hi'diest Market Prices paid for all Farm Produce. Sr Plants For* Sa.le :H[ere. SH KT ••••••••• •eeeeeeee*«eaeeeeeeeeee« ^•••••••eeeeB** eeeeeeeee ee«»eeeee eeeeee»»« Societies Business Cards o u \V meet! ou tbe latt Mooday , WALTER LOUCKS .- .acli mouth, in tbelr longe rooiu I " Kuilder and Contractor Norriit' block. Flennerton, at It p.m. M. W..) Kor Itrick, Stone and (rame rwldeocea. Bs< MlleA TbietlBtbwaitejheo.. C. H. Muaaliaw; I tiuiatee cbeerlully turrisbed. FleetaertOB P o- FlQ., W'.J. B«'. Vi8itlDKbretbrct.ii.vitea Uotarlu. PKINCB ABTHUH LOOSE, No. M3S. A.P.A t A U, lucate in tht Uasontohall. Arm. atroDs'ii Hall Kle«berton. vvery Friday on or bafore the (oil mocD. Tboa. Ulakaly.W.M.; Uttrb.imltb, Secratary, I U UUIA.OUOH & YOUNO t ""a HaukeiB Uarkdale i Oo a geoaral banking buaineae . Uooev loanaA at reasonable ratee Call on us '~'"" COl'RTFLESHEUTON, 98S, I. 0. F. ireetain Clayton's lllock tha taut Wadnmdav eveulnfi ot each month. VlsltlDg Foresters heartily welcome. H. R., Dyaon; B. H., '1'. Hecry; Flu. B«o., C. N. Richardson. Pleaae pay dura to Fin. S«o. before the first day ot the uionth. TOHI8LKTT, ~ ' '" • Postmaster, reylon. Commissioner lu He. J .Conveyancer, deeOa, n)ortKa«e». leasen. will. etc. carelully drtwnu? .olWctioiiB mad... cburcea reasooable. Als» grocerioK, Hour, feed etc. kept iu iitock, Pria«a CHORF.N FRIENDSâ€" FleahertOD Council ot Cnoaeii Frieuils meets Id Clayton's hall first and third Weilnesdav oteach month 8 p. m Pay ansesaiuenta to the Recorder ou or before toe firat day of each month. Chief Couuelllor T. Hlakelev: Recorder. W. H. Buut. eO VCAR» â- XPKRiaNCI Yrapc Maiwa Dsatatia CopvRioHTa As. A av<i J* aentfttig a skatrh and tfescrlptlnn isaf ^v^a^tr ataartaha our orAUiii fr«e wliof'.Mr aa lNT*itinn larrnt>altly ftri^UA*'- u Coipui'*. Mo«a«trirtlre.v)04*iitl»l. 11^^ . .'lLi.uratt*nif t-rfil 'ia*. (luiaat aa *ncr f r<H,.ritif |iai«i<ia. ratanui iitkttt tliiuu«h kW < k Co. ia««lv« ^.**iml (mM... >. ttlioul wbaTKlt, lb*ba A Vwidfovntlr riudtmir.l wi-t-Vf. I nriieft cl^ i?<HGo.'^'«'*K8w1fPrk tMM«< «ftit«.«» IT tu vra.i<wiiu.ii u. a 5TEADY EMPLOYMENT Fur A Kel table Local Salesman REPRESENTING Canada's Oldest and Qraateat Nurseries IN Fle«ht9rton And Adjolninc Country. 'Von will find there ia a good demand tor Nursery Stock on aocouut of the high price* that growers hav^ealiised ou thair fruit thla season. ^t Our salesmen Mwtnruing in a big business to ua thia year. Reone uf them and earn good wages through the winter uiuntbs. Territory reserved. Pay Weekly. Free sample outfit, etc. Write tor part ioulars. STONE AWKLLINGTON Foiithil^Nnraertea (HM acres) TORONTOBI . . 4 Ontario D J 8PRUULK " Poatuiastet, Flasbarton vouimtssioaer in H.Q J.. Auetioneer veyancer Appraiser and Uouey \mA% Real Batata and Insurance Agent Dbjih, BQortgsgea. leases and wills carefully draw*. DP and valuations mad* on shortest notte* money to loan at lowest rates ofiatarcst.?}*)!. lactioos attended to with promptaeas S5y"w'°^; *«•"' '«»â-  Oo'an DonilBloo â- tttauusbip Company. A call soliettad. MePHAIL. Licensed Auetionear for th* 1 .*. /'""n'y »' Orev. Terms modertito maA satisfaction guaranteed. Tike arranaeoMBla â- and dates of sales can )>e made a». Tub Advanob office. Residence and P.a, Ceylon, Tetopboae connMtioo. â-  * . r I Dec. 6.10. L W J^rPTINO. Ucensed Anctloneer for "• "• the eountiee ot Urey and Bimeoa. Farm and Stock sales a apeoialty. Tarma mo»lerat«. satistaotlou guarantee.!. Arrang*. ments for datw may be made at the Adysaa» office, or a: T. Batcbinsoa's store, teverahant, or by addresalng mt at FeTcrsbam. Out. I<o» 13. con, IS, Osp^ â€" *â-  RUDD UiTBKWS. Markdafe, LioensMl auoMonaer for the county of Orev, Oood aervlce at reascnable ratea. Dales ' can b* made at Tba Advaaoe. low GARDEN 5EEUS! GET THEM HERE I'icld and )(Hrtleii aertla â€" 'juilsâ€" StCfl-Ilriiign, tlidiest ^^ tho market. Tlieni. in ^e\<l<> luniigolds, iMrd, suirnr Iwf t , iM-a«, etc. HKDDlNl,) Pi.ANTS IN «K\SON. Flour and Feed .»» UHiial. 1^, Wright's Qrocery FLESHEKTON. IiEUAL H. WRIGHT, Barrister, Solieltor, ConTev. ancer, etc.,â€" Owen Bound. and Flesherton. N Hâ€" • bartQU olBoe.Sproultt'a Htujk eTe.-y naturd \ w mJ EDICAL .^B CARTER il. "«»*,* 8 Out, Physician. BurgaoB.e Onioe aud residenoaâ€" Patar at., Pleshertoa JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Qraduate of Ontario Veterinary CoUem, realdeuce â€" sscoiid door south west^a vary «tr««t. This street rans south Prexbytnriau Church. D WILSON, lllackawith . ' aradnate of iie Veteriuarv Sclenoa Aiwoolatlon Rasldenoe, Durham itreet. oi> oalte lliiyd. H onllutj 'a hardware. Bentistry Hv. B. C. MUKRAV L. O. S„ dental aurgeoa 'â- ' hi>uoii;r«(limte of Toronto Uiiivei-aitv and Unynl Colleiju of lltfulal rturx.ionaot Ontario (las a<luiinis»«rua for tot<th oXt.-actloa V I . OUlco at rcsidcnce,Totonto Street, Flesbsrtoa ''T i I i It i

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