"Uppw^iw J USE 24 1900 THE Fl. ESHERTON ADVANCE THE SIANDARD BANK E-.bi-w 1873 OF CANADA " ^..nci^ with which has been amalgamated the WESTERN BANK OF CANADA The combined Banks offer an exceptional service throughout Ontario. The Branches of the Banks are so distributed that together they cover the best districts of the Province. Yq FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, Manager BKAWCHES ALSO AT DURHAM AND HARRI5TOM. VICINITY CHIPS^ -Wi Uev. Ivison and Mm. Wilson of Maik- dsltf called on friends hui-d Tuo&Jay to l)iil farewell, previcm to his reiuoval nirXt Week to Huntsville. Mr. ETni. .\rinslroiisj. Cobalt, who was a delegate lo the T>jronto cnfereiiCL-, cook a coup'e of day.s off last week to vi.«it '"** . his mother and friends here. A .1. Lime for Sale â€" Fresh bur AIcox, Vandeleur. Reeve Boyd is in Oiren Sound week attending County Council. ,,.,.,'_, , . , ; Mr. W. H. Bunt met with a nasty »i- Mr. nrwht of Pr<. ton IS supplying the •. â- «, i â- . „f ,r , icident Monday evening, when a piece ot brick for the new araory at Duihain. i , . > . . t n u- ' I Grlaf.i tioin a broken tr:iii.si>m fell on null. Township Clerk Belhmy l.a.-* removed i striking him on a d«.liy t^rt ..f the .rm his office to Clnytou's bluck, oppooito ! ^^^ catting a g-sh that reciuired four Boyd's hardware. j sjttches to closa it. MLhs Katie M.nnif.ij of Brussels, Ont., is visiting her sis'erj, Mr-». .Jacob Lever »nd Mrs. Fied Mathewson. Thorn and Mrs. of Mrs. (Rev.) L. W Christoe (vf Stratford are the eue-sts Mrs. W. W. Trimble for a week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. Wilson of Toronto were the guests last week of the latter's brother, Mr. Jos Coriiliold. Kendall Mitchell, O. S. CoUeeiate ; and Miss Mabel Boyd, Whitby Ladies' College, are home for the holidays. W. E. Bums of Maple ai:d.). A. Burns of Eulinton were up visiting Osprey friends and gave The .\dvauce a call on Satui'day Its'. 11. E. A.Stinsnn. wife and two chil- dren, of Mooretield, are the uueata of his ' I Several pet.pJe ha»o asked us where j Owen Si'Und North church is, where I Dr. Caldwell i« slatioiieii. It is the old j Brooke church, which, since incorporation with Owen Sound, has been s'yled Owen Sound North. Mr. W. CUyton, F!eshertnn'<» b<jot and shoe man. who attended conference from here, ta .spending a wpllde-served holiday on the beautiful shores of Ltke Simcue. May he come home rejuvenated and in gaod condition to "Ust" a lonj time yet. The V\oodstock College Evangelistic band will hold services n-'xt Sunday as follows: '11 a. lu. and" p. m.. in the town hall, Fiesherlon. 3. p.m ,Ri ckvale, Mr. • Trembett ipeakiii'^. 4 p. ni , Ceylon hall, the ijuaitttte in charge. Every brothers here. They i urpose removing ^j^j,t next week in the Baptist church in to the We.t, having sold out their gen- ^j^^ villaae The Methodist Epworth League, about 30 strong, visited the Markdale League Monday evening. The Fleshnrton youn? people supplied the program and Mark- dale the eatables. There was also a pea- nut proverb contest, and altogether the evening was most enjoyably and in- structively spent. Mr. Alex. Cameron advertised some stray cattle in The .Xdvance last week. The paper had not betm out 24 hours until Mr. Cameron was notified of their" whereabouts and be wants us to make a no*e of it vi that others wdl know where to come when they have anyihii>f{ to advertise. The eclipse of the lun on Thursday evening Itst as it neared the horizon was a very pretty tight indeed and many villagers viewed the phen"iuen- un. About one half of the sun's disc was covered by the moon. The air and »ky Were clear and the eclipae was viewed under the mi'St f»»i>rable c'rcumstances. Anniversary .services will be held in the Presbytetian church on Sabbath, July 4th. 1909. Rev. Dr. McLaren of Rocklyn will preach at both morning and evening services, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. A free will otfering is asked for a' l>oth serviMS, as there will he no festival on th« week full«wiiif[. All are cordially invited. The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the town hall on Tuesday, 19th. at 3.30 o'clock sharp, when a paper will be giren by Mrs. Runstadtler. Subject: "Compare the seeds sown in the tield with tho.se .sown in the home." All ladies cordially invited to attend and any one wishing tu join will be accepted, as this is the t>eginning of the year. The new coat of arms for Ontario heada a g.'>vernmeut advertisement iu anothar column. The Uarriston Review explains the new emblem thus : "It is of very handsome de«i<{n and entitles us to a seat in the Herald's College in the Old Country. To those who never saw such, and they are many and numerou.s, it may be mentioned that the heas'ie walk- A dozen merabars of Prince Arthur lo-ige altei'ded a Mas<mic service in Mark- dale Sunday morning, conducted by the pastor. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, who preach- ed an excellent sermon appropiiiite to the occHsioii. Mr. Henry Tucker, Ceylon, met with an accident ou Ftiday morning that might easily have coat him his life, in f ICC it is scarcely yet known how it will result. Mr. Tucker was driving a small hiad of h.iy on a aagon box across the railway track, when the jolting of the WH;;on threw him off in front. One wheel ran over his breast and another cut his head. H« 'n aUo I>elievr4 to be in- jured internally as well as sutfering a so lip Wound and injury to back and side. Ele was picked unconscious ai>d carried t ) his home, where he no* lies. Mr. Tucker is an elderly gentleman, which m.ikes the accident all tbu more siMioua and regrett:ib!e. We believe, however, he has sl'own evidence of improvement and we truit he will soon recover. The Woodstock band of five young men who aie holding night meetings here under the auspices of thu Baptist church are ha\iiig splendid success, the meetiiius -.- i eing largely attendid and the keenest, "^v interest evinced. The sinqing of the ; ijuartet is a very attractive feiture. while the speaking is earnest and effective. They tell the old story in a mure than usually convincing way, and the benetit derived by their comini; here will be .something that our people should be thankful for, regard less of creed or calling. It is rarely indeed that such a combination of rich joung manhoid is heard in one place. Tliesc young men are rich in the enthusi'ksni of youth and in llic endow- ment of ^ifts that are likely to make them a power in the future »oik of their chosen church. They have been received here with great good will and wishes for God speed in the work they have in hand. The town halt was well tilled on Sundiiy mornin;r and packad at night, while the meeting this week are crowded. Throat Coughs Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. He will tell you how deceptive they are. A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better explain your case care- fully to your doctor, and ask him about your taking Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Wo publish our rormuUa yers . Wo b&niah aloohol _j^_ from crar m*dioiotta W« are« you to oonsult your dootor ig F.G.K 'Jf, General and ^ FUsbcrton, 5ooo lbs. Colli STEDT f irdware Merchant sein 'Spring Wire at $2.5o ler cv/t. best hard 0»iled .«S[)rtn'.' ^"^re I price that waaever offereii. We Ir custorau's. t'.'Mie \n, if it isn't 5u waut aii'i ivo niil keep i^ for We are prepared to i (Xo. !>) in any <|ii.intity at the lo net a rebate, in turn, wt give i" in leave your order for as much i you. A Car load ot StaM Ce.^.ent to Arrive ecu carried over from lasr ^eascn , b«ir. We have a car coming about Who makes the best liver pills? The J. C. Ayer Company, of Lowell, Mass. They have been making Ayer's Pills for over sixty years. If you have the slight- est doubt about using these pills, ask your doctor. Do as be says, always. ib^tbaJ. c. .l^arCo.. Tii»i11.1>Tm« <#" Odds and Ends â- â- • Why buy cement which hasj JL buy it fresli oft 'he c»r, when yfl ^ (Uk tirst of JuU"", of the be»t-t!er1». at on the market. Call around and JR get circulars and see what it has done. Unload the cement ri^ht off 'Jft tile Car a!iJ aivis the drayman's chariies. 4| Paints and Oils -T*? Now is the time t V hiiy Martin Senour 100 per cent. Pure Ea.'nt ; ^1^ We have every shade and every color nece.ss«ry tolnauiifj your home, ^ also « full line of Turpentine, Boiled Linseed »>d. Raw Liuf'eed Oil, ^ Variii-slios, Dryer and Dry '^aints, also drst class Motor Gasoline. ♦ Ail at the lowest possible prices. /Bj -V-a'a^vj/'a^-a-^«^'M,"a"a--a"a.-'^ » â- a."a^va^v»^>a/>a^-* «_ â- .a.-r^Aiiad^ .l..i..f,-i-..i^.f..i- .^..i.,f..l..l..is^r^^^^wnr.T..f ^.isyT..w^ Fine Shoes eral dry goods business at Mooretield. The temperature was on the ragged edge of frost for a couple of nuhts hist week, but no damage is reconled in this vicinity, and tender plant) and fruit may sow be considered safe. Several shares of Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. stock for i|uick sale at par. Four per cent, discount on first share order. Good notes taken iu payment. I. Perigoe, Fevershain. BIra. W. A. Armstrong has a cute j little charge in a wee red p<dl that hai | built its nest in a hansting basket on her ! {jorch. The tru.Hting liitle bird has ita j brood hatched .iud growing nicely. This is a week of exairinationa in the Fleshorton public school. Monday and Tuesday the usual promotion exams were held, and Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- day the entntnce exams are ou with Mr. Jituweof Markdale in charge. Mr. Wellington Badgerow has rented bis farm and will start a boarding b«>u8e and small grocery at Saui;e>>u Junction. He expects to be in position to cater to the public about July 1. He will hold an auction sale, which is announced else- where. Mr. and Mr«. R. T. McOirr and Mr. Jtnd Mrs. .4Ux. Douglass of Meaford •pent a day la«t week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Mr. McGirr has just re- turned from a four-months' trip through several of the southern Statea. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong will leave on Tuesday next for thi Pacific coast. She will take the Epworth League excursion itom Toronto on the 30th, which goes by way of Denver and Salt Lake City. The return journey from Sea'tle will be by way of the C. P. R. via Winnipeg. Mrs. Armstrong expects to be absent about six weeks. Mr. snd Mrs. M cKenzie Duncan met wiih a painful lo.ss List Thursday, when their son, Harold, aged 15 years, was taken from fhem after an illness extend- ing over some time. The funeral on Saturday afternoon was a very Urge one. The remains were ttken to the Presby- terian church, where an appropriate ing along the top is a boar while the aeriuon was preached by Rar. Mr. Little, hcrnod cattle standing on their hind legs after which interment took pl.ice in are reapeo'ively a de«t and a mooseâ€" not Flesherton A. U. W. lodge, together with their friends, picnicked at Eugenia on Friday afternoon last and had a jolly g>od time. Priceville and Markdale lodges were to have joined them in the festivities hut failed to iiiuierialize. Major Craig of Fergus, M. P. P. tor Eaat Wellington and school inspector in the same divi-sicn, also Grmid Foreman of the order, gave an interesting address on the peculiar and special advantages of be- longing to this order. He had been a member for 25 years. B. D. G. M. Henry of Oraugeviile also spoke along the kame line. Bro. R. BeKt iccupted the chair. Flesherton band supplied the musical portion of the program and the ladies supplie<l a bountiful lot of choice eatables. Ba.s«bikll practice and football match in the eveiiitig between a scrub Flesherton team and a Eugenia team resulted in I-O in favor of ihe latter. Only tw.i of Flesherton'* regular players were on the team. We do not know the composition of the Eugenia team. Tkis game comoleted quite an enjoyable after- n >on. It was a pity that the neighboring courts did not see lit to attend as they missed a treat. Mr. Craig i* a host when it comes to talking. He is the man who worsted Hon. A. M. Gibsoa in E:tat Wellington, turning a Reform majority of lOOO into a Coniervatire majority of about 200. That in itself is emugh to make hint an interesting gentleman tu meet. With the coming of Spriug we naturallj look for something wear espei- ally iu footwear. "We Lave go Werecom- ment the MODEL Shoe as being handsome iu shape aud right up to date aud built of first cla.-s Flesherton cemetery. Councillor Duncan and family are the recipients of much sym- pathy in the loss of their son, who waa » bright lit'le fellow aid bore his suffering with great fortitude. Thursday next will he the great day •of the year iu Flesherton, when people from all parts of the county will bump up agaLiat each other and say howdy. The morning train fnmi Walkerton will run up to this station frjiu the junction ai.d is expecied to biing a lot of Durham, Hanover and Pricavillo guests. For the benefit of these a football tournament has b*eii arranged fi^rtho forehoon, the clubs 'Monday mori,ii.g» It is thought death a mouse, Scotry. The inpcription is Latin and means "We are the Whole Tip aud More Too." A sad death occurred on the west hack line, two miles from Markdale, on Mon- day morning, when Harry Smyth, aged 39, and the sole support of an aged mother, waa suddenly called away. Mr. Smith had been aihng fur some time but even tha physician did not think his case serious. He harrowed all day Saturday and was in Markdale Saturday evening. Sunday he tot)k suddenly ill while driv- ing to see his stlianced and passed away taking part being Kimberloy, Markdiile, Feversham and Eugenia. The prize is $13, and a nominal entrance fee of 10 coiits will be charged. Don't fail to come out and participate iq ih's big day of «?ort. was caused by a growth in the liver. The mother, who is left alone, is 80 years of age. The funeral took place to Gltnelg R. C. cemetery on Wednesday. A brothtr of Mr. Smith kept a li\ery in FUshorton a few years sgo. Auction Sales. .\n auction sjile of farm stock and implements will t>e held on lot 33, con. 4, Arteme^is, cm Monday, June 3d. See bills. Wui. Kaitlii g, auctioneer. Wellington Badgerow, prop. An auction sa!e of implements and household furniture will be held on Iu': 2, con. 5, Arteuiesia, on Tuesday, June 29, at 1.30 p. ni., the property of the late W. J. Beatty. Seo bills. Jas. Mc Mu'len, administrator ; D. McPhail, auc'ioneer. Bull for Service The thoroughbred Shorthorn Mu'l, "guri Grey," 7145*J. will b« for ?ervic« on lot ;18. con, 8, ArieuiUhiA. The pttdJKre* of this Aire aaiiual caa ba sa«u oit applioatiou. I'eins 41, &NDKKW DOW, Proprietor. Card of Thanks. Ibereliy b«i{ to thanK the Cana'lian Order of KoreHters for the prompt oettli'iuHnt ol death benefit oniiiv late hushnii'l, C'harlua Cmft, who ! waaaiiittiuber oi Mtixweil Coriit, No. .~>3.>. â€" Sahah Ann Caorr. For Sale One »paD of LlKhluii.t; Colts crniinK three matohetl. Heady towotk. .Mao otie Sborthoro Bull tjuhteen uionthH uUI. bred by Geo.Hristtow, hobKov, u II m be" 58415. in volume '24, Nauut â€" Village Captain. .\L.BK.KT K- HANLliiY. Lot 4. Cod. 10, Osprey, Keverahaiu P. O. W. K. Armstrong issuer of marriage licenses. Examine the Louden liarn door track and hangers at Norris Bros. HarJware. Egg vats fi>r cistarns â€" lOtJ to 120 pails â€" Apply to J. Run.stadtler, Flesherton. Lost â€" Between F. Mathewson's and . Boyd's .store, ladies' black suit coat. I Finder please leave at Boyd's store. ) McCorinick mower, good as new. also °^*' *"<^ Stylish to 2-year-oM blood filly colt for sale. Must be .sold at once. A. Boyd, Flesherton. Hemlock lumber, 10, 12, 14. and 10 /just what yoa need feet : bSl^ain and hemlock lath for sale. J. W. Deagle, Eugenia. Ifyouwsnta good shot> shine, first ( (duality in Gilt Edge, T.»n, Nuggett, o"t blood, 2 in 1. Call at CIayt.ia'.s. Shingles and Hemlock lumber for sale, any length required. T. W. Phillip(>, Lady Bank P. O. Little Pi^« for Sale â€" Now ready to go, â€" improved Chester Whites. Stock purchased from E. D. George of Putman, Ont. Wm. S. Inkster, Wsreham. For Sale â€" Democrat wag<^n, canopy top, nearly new. 1 large 3-.seat wa2on and 1 buguy nearly new. Prices right. VV. ', Moore, Flesherton. ; Very Fine Shorthorn bull calf for sa'e, | 10 mos. old, bred by Scottish Pride, grand- j son Derby (imp.). F. Nicholson, i Flesherton. Hemlock lumber for .oale â€" 1, 2 and' 2x4. Tamarac, 2 in. plank, at lot 7. con. ' 2, Euphrasia. W, A. .\inistrorg, Flesherton. Property for Sale at Priceville â€" .A brick house, eight rooms. Darn and five lots, for sale reasonable, .\pply to Catherine Scott, Priceville P. O, Mar. It f A full line of up-to-date groceries and fruits at e'.->se prices, also another ship- ment of bran %ni shorts just arrived. Oat.s, Pean, oil cake, etc., on hand. Sproule, Higginbotham & Co. Bull For Sale â€" .\ pure bred Shorthorn bull, 14 month.s old, St for service, will Imj sold reasonable. W. J. MeaJa, Cey- lon P. O., or lot 20, O. D. R. Young man wanted to learn electric lighting business, atou* 1" or 1$ years of age, of vood 1 abits. .^pply at power house, Eugenia. Georgian Bjiy Power I Company. To those who want to have a good ap- | piarance it is good news to know that I material bj reliable makers. We have the MODEL Shoe in Blucher and Oxford style in Black, Chocolate. Ox-Blood, Kid and Dcngola. You caQDOt help being suited. Not especi- ally for Children, Men or Women, but for the whole family. .\lso Men's and Boys Fine and Heavier Shoes. CLAYTONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. J. E. LARGE Bull For Service Jyearsold, reg. Hhorthorn bull, Piide, "â- •)<(» i.s for service at Lot 'Si, Terms $1.(K». JOHN H.\RGRAVE V ictor' Con. (i .Arteiiieaia. Bull for Service ThorouRbbreil Durheui bnll for service on lot tl, COD, t), Artemesia. Teiuia ai.OO. VV.C. fEULAK- I 111 Ma) ao Bull For Service Purs Bred Holatoin Prieaian Hull. Thla vouus animal cornea from one of the best dairy they can take their linen to .\iidy Wilson Hesherton, and have it laundered in hist clikss stylo. Basket leavrs Tuesday night and returns Saturday a. m. Markda'e [ steam laundry. W. J. Smith, Prop. . Tha joy of comfortable feet isaomeihing exhilarating in a pair of well fitting shoes. It makes you feel young again. The Model shoes are good titters and best material. Clajtons have them. Mortgage Saleâ€" Lot 147 2iiJ Range south west Toronto and Sydenham road, .\rtemeaia, 50 acres. Fa r buildings. Will l)e offered for sale at Cairn's Hotel, Ct-ylon, on Tuesday, .Iiine loth, at 4 o'cliM-'k. For paiticulais apply to Lucas, Kauey i& Mc.\rdle, Solicitors, Maikdate ; CInyti ns are i>hu»iiig the new sijles in i hdi«s fi. otwtar, Doi gola, Kid, Oxblood, La.M boots and Oxfords. Only first class m.tterial used. ' Teacher W»nte l--For S. S. No. 1 i. Osprey, duties to commence after sum- mer holidays. Small schoo', new bui'd- ing, well e((U'pp«d. State i{ualiticatioua and salary. Ad<lre.s» E. C. Pedlar, Sec , Mclntyre P.O. A Snap ' Commencing Saturday this week. Soda biscuits 5 cei.ts per pound for a few days. Try our Teas, they are gtiod The choicest Bieakfs-t Foods to b« had are here for you. Durham. Gieo Huion, and Pure Manitoba tlours fiT sitle. >^ -Vlltlirough this store .high class gootls at very low SJ prices!" VvVluive never been beLt^prepav^tl ta*"^' ' * ply you with all y^r j«fpring and summer wauts, ((a, every tiepartnient is crowdeil with bright new goodi jj â€" the 'kind of goods we insist on selling â€" look better, are better, anil cost you no more than the kind that are niadt; merely to sell. Your satisfaction the particular thing we aim at, and we aim to make this the safest store for you to buv at. Highest prices paid for produce. J. E. Large, euq enia. H a V Y c o T u r e d Thompson's Bakery Hiving .secured Mr.K .Vrni- stroug of Peterboro, a first class baker, we are prepared to turn out the besi of every- thing in our line. Fresti Hreacl always oi» hand Atrial solicited. Ed.Thompson. Flesherton. r Call and see us when in Higginbotham A Co. toMii. Spioule, herds In Cauaiia, beir); aiou. Toruia »t.OU. exteuded GOLDEN LEGEND e^latraâ- ' f uro bred Tamworth Poav. Thi« <oiinK ani'. nial lias proved himself oite of ttie tjest stock getters that bos ever been orTeie-1 for service. Terms ♦Iv'O KICH.XKD AILKN Lot ITO.iud E. T. Jt s. R. Fieshoitou Out. Farms for Sale. Two hundred ami Hftecii acres, lot 2<>, e>m. Inland lot 2»s o»>n. 14, kiwnship of 0«|in>y. High state of cn'ilivatii n, one hundred acres i umler cultivation, fraii e bam 44xi>4. stone j fruuilatjon, cein>-nt stiiKlinit. roinrh last boime. iii>v«r iiiiling drilled »eil, and driviii)i; slie^i, aud a (jMantity of b lah. Thtse are excellent farms for stock raising b -ing well watered Pasture to Rent Pasture <m lots 171 and 172, in the 2nd Con. N. E. T. and S. R.. .\rtemesia For [larticulars see Joseph H. Watson, Portlaw P.O-. Pure Bred Eaj^lish Berkshires and Tamworths, I have a fine hit of young [>igs bred ^â- ^>ni l>rij.e winning stock, for sale. Write ine for als For The Spring. We have a complete line of HariiHss and HarneKsSundrie8,Whips,Bell8, Plush Rugs, Rotes, Curry Combii and Brushes, Hoof Ointment. Gall Cure, Harness Oil, Trunks, Valise^ Telescopes, & Blacksmith'sAprons. Look in and examine our stock of Horse Blankets. RKP.iiRiNo Promitly Donk. 0. W. Phillips, FLESHERTON. ONT. I Public Notice. Notice ia hereby giren thai the bylaw prohibiting certain animals running at large will i)e strictly entu ' and the public are with spi iucs. Will sell together or separate â- *( prices. Icangive a bargain also guartxntec :„.t »... . . â- .i ;n,Ms,.,ml!ie,.nce. A, plv n, R. T. or .1. H. i:isfactiou on all m.,il oncers. ^against transgres.sing the i HKNOKKSON Rob Roy P. O. I ang. [ tleo. W. ROSi*. Ma.xwell P. OT l e Police Trusteta.