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Flesherton Advance, 17 Jun 1909, p. 1

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'V fkB\}ttion ,<. %\^mnct. TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN, VOL XXV, SO 1399 Fleslnerton, Ont., Xlmrsday, June IT 190Q W. H TfiDRSTON '"'Jud^-lioPBiETOH ^ Jewellery! mS Wm Jewellerv! psj ^ Biggest, Best S^ g^ and Cowest ^ ^ Priced Stocic ^ i^-Sln thceouiitx^ ry. "^ Reliable Dealing Jfrmstrong's ^ Tiesberton, jl^^ Maxwell Items Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Guy attended the Instituttt convention at Ravenua lust week. Miss Mary BalUntyne and Miss Lilli- coe of Huthertun were visitors at the par8oiiaf;e over Suuday. The farmer* are looiiing happy after the Sunday showers. Mr. Roberts, Warehaii, was in the villiige Saturday evening. Mr. Kiniiear has arrived hume fi»m tVja West. What has become of the Warehain incribe? We enjoyed the interpsiing W.ireham items and hope he or she will tiike up the pen agnin and help makn our local paper one of tlie best and immt in- tereFtiiiji in this part Miss Hazel Ballantyne, pupil of Mrs. Stanley, passed with honors the primary exaraiiiution in piano held by the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Mr. and Mrs. T. Andrew .-ind family epent a couple of day.s visiting friends in CoUinswood. Mr. Frank Sullivan has returned from Meaford for the summ er. The Methodist younst people attai:d(d the At Home given hy the Wareham Epworth League last Friday nis<lit and will long remember the pleHS.uit evening spent. Burn â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ling, a daughter. Congratula'.ions. The Foresters at'end divine worship in the Methodist church next Sunday night. The choir will give special music. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell of Colliiigwood visited at Mr. Pivniek's on Sunday. Born â€" On Thursday, June li), to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rosa, a daug'iter. Swinton Park. CongraliiUtiouR from the Park to Hon' I. B. Lucas, and best wishes for his con- tinued usefulness in the temperance cause. Inspector Ciinipbcll vis^iled the public school here on J une 7 and gave us credit for keeping a neat school. He found the pupils^jioyressing favorably with their studies. A wedding took ^lace in Toronto on June 9, when Miss Marie Chislett was married to Mr. Charles Omelia. Mi^s Marie was one of Swinton Park's estim- able young ladies. Her many friends wish her a long and happy wedded life. We have no particulars at baud. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Knox at Swinton Park was the scene of .-i pleasant event on Wednesday, Juno 0, at 5.aO p.m., when their eldest daughter, Mabol, was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Mc- Cormick. The ceremony was performed by Rdv. J. A. Matheson in the presence of near relatives, while Miss Collinson of Ceylon played the Wedding March. The bride was attired in white silk trimmed wich silk over lace and chiffon, and wore a tulle veil with bridid wreath, and car- rieda bouquetof whitelilies. The brides- maid, Miss Maggie Knox, w.ire helio- trope silk and carried a bouquet of car- nations. Mr. D. McCormick was grooms- man. The bride's goinp-away dress was light grey cloth, with suitable hat. The bride was the recipient of many useful presents. Best wi.shcs go with them to their new home on the litth con. Proton. Miss M. J. Martin attended her niece's wedding in Toronto last Wednesday and returned home on Saturday. The bricklayers who are building Mr, Jno Fernu-xiii's house, are getting along well, as they are up to the top storey. A quiet wedding took place at the Latter Day Saint church on the 14th con" Proion at 11 o'clock, Wednesday, June 9, when Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson's eldest daught-er, Minnie, was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. McMurdo by Elder Jag. McLean. The bride wai assisted by her sister. Miss Lena, and Mr. Jno. McMurdo as gronmsmaii, A few inTited guests went to Mr. Wilson's and partook of a tastily prepared breakfaat. Mr. and Mrs. McMurdti left on the afternoon train to visit friends in Brampton. They purpose leaving for their new ho-ne in the far west in a couple of weeks. Best wishes go with ihem. Mrs. Chrinston and two little boys, from Lucknow, are visiting friends here. Mr. Chas. Haw, who has had poor health for some time, but got worse last week, when his friends were suiuinoned to his bedside. He passed peacefully away early Monday morning, June 14. His remains will be laid in Swinton Park cemetery on Wednesilay. He leaves a wife, one dauuhter, three sons and one grandchild, uUo thiee bro'hers and three sisters, to mourn their loss. The sorrow- ing ones have the symimthy of the community in their time of trouble. Kimberley. Beautiful weather at time of writing. Mr. John Plewes visited CoUingwood friends lust week. A number from here attended the an- nual district meeting of the Fanners' and Women's Institutes at Ravenna on Tues- day of last week. Mrs . .Mliert Ellis returned h<nne from ({nod supply >if water near at band they cou'd not have saved it. Miss .\nnie Ueion of Maxwell visited with Mrs. Gen. Burnside last week. We are glad to report that Mi«s Bertha Colijuette, who has undergone an opeia- tion for appendicitis, is improving nicely and will soon be able to leave the hospital and return home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stephens and Toi-ont<i on Sabui-day liist, where she has , family of Singhaiii|iti>ii visile 1 with Ijeen visiting friends for some time past, laod Mrs. R. J. Oulquette one day Rev. Mr. and Mi-s. Neal of Meaford j *eek. are the guests of Ml-, and Mrs. M. R. i â€" â€" Mr. Ust Ceylon Proton Station and Mr. Mr, and Mrs. D. McLeminent family spent Sunday at the home of and Mrs. Jas. Corbett, Beiliel. Mr. Al. Sherson lo.ik in the excursion to Niagara Friday last and reports a pleasant trip. Mr. Festutt and Miss Bella Bhikeley of Corbetton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blackburn. Miss Louie Kooine, who has spent the past few weeks with her sister, Mrs. A. Colgan, returned to her home at Ware- ham oil Monday. Mr. Peter Pickett is visiting friends at Kenilworth this week and will attend the wedding of his cousin in that town on Monday. .Mr. and Mrs. yuis.'g, Flesherton, and Mrj. Suller, Toronto, spent Friday with Mrs. Wes. Lyons. Mr. Robert White, Priceville, spent Sunday with friends here. Bornâ€" On Weduesday, June 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyons, a daughter. Congratulatiiins. Old Durham Road. Beiuj interested in your much valued paper, I thought I wouKl drop y.iu a few iu-iiis which might be of interest to your III uiy reader--. As we lire in a farming community we see many wearina a very bright smile on ajc<juiic of thii much-needed rain that fell Sunday, The went her been beautiful and crops in general look well in this lo,;ality. The country i» taking on a very beautiful appearance. Mrs. Ring, nurse, was called to her hniie near Tlioriibury to wait on her mither who was taken suddenly ill, hjart failure being the trouble. As Mrs. Wattcrs was an old and liiyhly respected resident of this place, we hope to hoar of hor speedy recovery. Rev. L. F. Kipp has coiniuenced services at our school for the summer monlh.s. The work is much needed here and is very highly apprecihted and will no djubt do much good. We were pleased to meet our old and highly esteemed friend, Dr. Bates, who preached in the interest of education in Priceville a week ago Sund:iy. Master Harry Jones visited the old li'ims over Sunday. We notice the bills are out for the Woodstock Mission Band to coniiiience meetings in Flesherton on the sixteenth. They are now at Durham doing excellent work. We learn thao they are a band of splendid workers and are looking forward for a good work being done on this large tield. Miss Margaret Henderson of Toronto is at present visitinu friends at Orange- ville. Margaret is on her way for an ex- tended visit at her home at this place. Tell «omp deserving Rheumatic sufferer, that there is yet one simple way to certain relief. Get Dr. Shoop's book on Rheumatism and a free trial test. This book will make it enlirely clear how Rheumatic pains are quickly killed by Dr, Shoop's Rheumatic Homcdy â€" liquid or tablets. Send no money. The test is free. some disheartened sufferer by first getting for him the book from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by nil dealers. Hanimoud. j Sadie Fawcott visited Duncan friends during the piffit week, Mi-s. Beattie and her daughter, Mi> Mr. Arnold Fergus<m of Thornbury Mooi-e, left for their homo in .Sturgeon is visiting friends here. A number fix>m here attended a garden l»rty at Duncan on Wednesday evening of last week. Don't forget to attend the picnic at Kimberley on June 18. .4 good time is expected . Evangelistic services are being held in the Union chin-ch, conducted by Rev. Neal of Meafowl. Mr. A. D. Thiu-ston, wife .and family, Mrs. J. M. .ind Miss Myrtle Thurston, Toronto, were visitois at Mr. G. H. Walter's on Sunday. Mr. H. V. Gaudin, who has been (juite ill this spring, has gone to New York to see what the oceuu breezes will do for him. We wish them a safe Vandeleur. Vegetation is making a rapid growth since the beautiful showers on Sunday, ProHjjects are good for a bountiful har- vest in this vicinity. Mr. C. B Boliind .ittended the C.O.F. High Court meeting at Ijondon last week iis delegate from Court Vandeleur. Mr. Will Alcox of the " Cotmlt " limo kiln hnished burning his Hrst kiln of lime for this seasoi. on Friday last. Mr. Marshall Board has tinished cut- iiig hiiiiber for Mr. Irwin and has moved his mill U> the west Imck line to cut liim)>er for Shaw it Chalinors. The F<iresters are making propiiralion for a good day's sport here on the tirst of July. The program is in the hands of an efHcient committee who are simring no pains to make it the best yet. Mrs. Baker, »r., of CoUingwood, with her children and gx-andchildren, had a happy family reunion week at thi home of lior son, Edward, of this place Those present wx-re ; Messrs. Fred ,iiid Herb. Baker, Mi.sses Nellie and Alice Baker, Mr, and Mi-s. Lawrence of Col- lingwood, .Mr. and Mrs, Laiichlin and daughter, and Mrs. Dove of Sariiia. The compiiny left on Satuixlay for their re- spective Inpiiies after an enjoyable outing. The Women's Institute dulogates ))aid their annual visit to Vandeleur branch im June 11, The President, Mrs. J. I, Graham, jiresidod. Miss 1. llylaiid siioke (111 " Household conveniences " and Miss Rcyiudds on " Horticiilturu and veget- able ganlen " in the afternoon. The evening meeting was opened by singing "The M.qile Leaf," when the President called on Miss Reynolds, who gave her address on " Character building, ' This was followed hy a .sido from Miss .Sadie Warling. Mrs. .\. E. Myles being pres- ent was called on and gavo a short syn- op.sis of the work for tlio |iast year, showing a good increase, Mi,ss Rosic Gilbert gave a solo and Hylaiid ad- dres.sed the audience on "Twentieth century food fads."' Mrs. Myles gavo an instrumental in her usual i)lcasing iniin- tier. Miss Veiney gave a reading on the benetits of Women's lii.stitutos. The biiineh seemed to be well pleased with the delegates. From the fac*^ presented that thorinigh mastication will reduce the f H)d necessary 25 ])or cent,, the molars are likely to have much more to do in future. The branch is in a prosperous condition, holding regular monthly meet- ings. The next meeting will be hold June 17. Visitors welcome. falls on Saturday joimiey home. Lizzie Saigont is spending a few days ill Owen Sound, visitig her brother, 5Ir. Isaac Sargent, and his wife. Mrs. D. D. Mcl,«iuglilan went to Toronto, where she has gone under an operation for flo-itiiig kidney and ap- |)endictis. We are pleased to hear she is doing well. We hope to see her home again shortly, Reggie McDonald of Corbettou is visit- ing at his aunt's, Mrs, J, Sproat. Mr, Wm, Jack.son and daughter were odled away to the bedside of his son, Mr, Samuel, at Bnnessnn, who was prostrated with .-ipjiendictis, lie is now doing well. Mr. Ben Smith of Banda, visited his sister, Mi-s. Jos. Cairns, last week, and returned to his home on Monday. Dundalk. Mr. George Sharp claims 8200.00 damages from Dundalk and has caii«ed a writ for this amount to be issued ag.iinst the municipality. The dilHculty has arisen in connection with putting the big dnin last summer Sharp's proper- ty- A rat her serious runaway occured on Tuesday afternoon an Main street. Fred Tansley, who works for James Carson in the suburbs, was driving into town with a team attached to a wagon. By .some means the horses sf4rlBd running and the driver lost control on account of not being able to brace his feet on the loose bua-ds of ihn box. He actually droppea down on the tongue between the horses and I ho bunk of the wagon and was in that position when die team collided with j full force into a bugay occupied by the two Misses McMillan, of Waioham, on the cement walk in front of Syinington's shoe store. That tlioru was not someone killed or .seriously iiijurc.l was a miracle. As it <f as the ladies rcccivod a very severe shock and were somenhal bruised. The buggv was budly smashed in the mix-up. The three horses fell on the cement walk but were very little injured. The ladies after a rest were alle to go home that evening. Tsnsley was un- injured. -Herald. At about 11 o'clock Saturday night the tiio alarm rang out a'ld it was soon .seen that George Wood & Son's planing mill and sash and iloor factory on (Iwon Sound street was in tlames. The wind was from the north and carried the sparks across the town, increasing the danger to other buildin>;s. The lire was, however, coii- tined to imo place, but it was completely destroyed. The loss to the firm is severely felt as they had buf. $1500 of insurance. They were burned out before at the .same place in August of VM7. The building was therefore new and the machinery mostly all now. The tiro coming at the beuiniiiiiif of a new season is a discourag- ing blow to the linn and they have the 8yin|)atliy of the community. As to re- building they have not detinilely decided. Tile tire is supposed to have oriuinaied from a smouldering spark in the .saw- dust. 1 0th Line, Osprey. The beautiful rain on Sunday last, was welcjiiiod by the farmers in this patt. Crops are growing very fast now. Mrs. Chris. Thonapson of this line, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Wm. Waiters, of B.irrie, have gone to visit friends at Weyburn, Sask. The house on Mr. John Poole's farm, occupied by Mr. John Bicknell, came very near being burned last week by sparks from the stove pipe. It took nine men about half an hour to pub it out after it was seen, and had there not been a Born in Iowa. Our famil.v were all horn and raiseil in Iiiwa, and have used Clmniberlain's Colic, Cholera and Uiiti-ihoea Ktnncdy, made at pes Moines, fill- ycrtrs. Wn know how good it IH from long (ixiiuiionce in the use of it. In fact, whpn in Kl I', To.\tt», the writer's life was saved by the pnniipt use of this remedy. We are now outraged in the ineicsntile Imsine'ss at NarcoodBeo, Fla,, and have inti-odiit-ed the renimly here. It has proven veiv snccessfnl and is constantly »;rowinK in favor, â€" JCmiis Bms, Tnis remedy is foi xale by W, E, Richardson. I>R. BXJRT .Specialist In diseases. of tho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offtec l;i I-'.-o»l. Wt. . <)vvon,-Soun<l At, the Revere house, Markdule, 1st Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. McFARLAND&CO. MA,I^K:DA1.R ONTAlilO Specials for the Wool Season. MILLINERY SALE 20 Ladies Trimmed Hats Reduced As Follows : to $4,50, 9 Black Hats, res.' »3,50 for |2,'J5. These are made of good Black Mohair and Straw Braid Shapes, se<piiii and hce facinuK, triinined with best ijualitv ribbon and ct.lored flowers, royular ft:j,50 to $4,50, all on sale at one price f 2, it5 bons and flowerc, etc., where 93.00 to f 3..'>0, now J our choice for 91, 9R a Only Grey Hats, .'J.OO. $3.50 94 00 for 91.90 and a Brown Hals, 94 00. 94.25 and 94.50 for 82.75 Throe Regular $4.00, 94.25 and 94..50 Ladies Medium Shape Brown Straw Uats trimmed with ribbons, assorted c doled tloweis, etc., choice for 9--''5 We've 3 left in Grey Straw Braid .Shapes, handsomely trini!::ed *rith libhiioK, flowers, wini>K, etc,- that wpre 9:1.00, 93 60. and 94.U0. all â- narked down at one price 91.^ liOc Infants' Silk and Ctshmere nets for 35c. Bon- 5 Navy Blue Hats, reg. $3.00 to 9:160 lur 81. '.»H This line is in medium and larue shape giiiKl quality stiaw trimmed with rib- Mc FAR LAND 24 only Infants' Embroidered Cream SSilk and CaHhnieie Bonnets, hand- soniely triinmeil wiihVal. Lace, ruch- ing and silk braid, reg. 50 and (Rlc on sale at 35c. & COMPANY The Flesherton Carriage Works Flesherton, Ont, BUGGIES â€" Intending purchasers will save money by calling and in ' .specliug our stoc'n, as we luu-e a good stock to clioose from- and prices ar® right. REP.AINTINGâ€" Bring your buggy to us for icpaintiiig. Satisfaction gnarant(>R(l. PLOWS, etcâ€" Wo handle the best plows, harrows and also carry a full line- of repairs on hand. CKEA.M Slil'AUATURdâ€" We are agents for the MELOTTT. The best in the market. Special attention given to Horseshoeing. First Class Livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. SEASONABLE IN GOODS SEASI FURNITURE The hirgest and bc-it stock of Fiiriiilure ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and .SCO some of the nice things in .Side Boards, Billing Uoinii Chairs, Pallor Setts, BihI Uooiii .Setts. .V special reduc- tion now on every- thing, ill order to i-e- iliice the stock. . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician FX^ESHERTOMT • (JKT A ITHIJROUGH BISINESS TRAINING AT THE \ (.'mii'ses include everything essential to a i successful cart-er. Hundreds of younu people are needed ta I supply the demarid. The cimi-Sf-i cost iittlo. It will doulde ymr , inoiiiii- and lasl you a life tiioc, Studi'iitn i atlinitti-'l at any lime. I^ers^tnal instrm'ti(»ii given, l'i-e|>ai-at.>iy Dt-iiartnient for those wliiwe larly vducation has been neglected. Catalop-ue free. C. A. FLEMMINfl, PniNlJIPAL, Owen Sound * Ontario Grey CountA Old Boys and Girls Annual Thrcc=Days Excursion • JoingSTAUHDAY, July 17th. Returning M(>NDAY,July liHli. By Canadian Pacific Railway To Markda'e and Owen Sound FARE To Markdale Adults cliil'n Fnmi Toronto A Parkdale 81.25 70o To Owen Sound From Tonmto $1.75 Wc Special trstin will leiivo Union Station (m .Saturday, August 1st at 7,50 a. m., Barkdftle, 8,-i. m,. West Toronto 8.10 arriving at Markdale about. 12 noon, I Owen Sound at 1 p. m. and will stop at I any station north of Sholbume on reipi- I est of Excursion Committee on train. Tickets are good on this train only and returning on any regular train on July imh, JOS, T, CLARK, President. JAMES McBRIDE, Treasurer. JACKSON L. LIITLE, Sec. Scottish Pride 66274 Tlie younu l>iill Scottisli Pride will stand for ervico at Mr. K. W, Nicliolsons, lot d7. con. .'i Arteinusia. SoottiHli pride is sired hy Hcottinli I'rlnoo, a Kiandson of the woudorfnl "chow cow. Uoin of nollBcliin, Imp., winnurof oight prizes at Toiouto and London, l)eBidoii lioini{ olinnip- iou female. 8ho weighs over 1000 p(|undB, Olio of this cow's calves sold for $177;, 00 Hoottish prido is out of Lady Bella by tho Toronto rti-stiivir.o winnor, " â-  ' Bull I ronor-l this fall nt l>'evi3i-»hain, _ 1)1 ir.e as best bull naif, also diploma for i)est bull any aRo, Those having pure bred cows Hhoiild seo iliiRRi-ftiid bull before brocdlliK ah thaycanuot do bettor than UBohiin. A Itniitop huuilmr of (jiados -Aill bo takeuat !jl;a:l'or pure breds, 81.00 â€" , Captain Mav Fly, imptWSSS. This young bull has pvovo liiiu- ashowbiill hnvini; gftined an ou<4^atiine Hotwou IllBt

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