THE F L E S I£ E R T O IS ADVANCE JcNE 3 19< i) WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Huiiiinur of Miti. iind nisi) ut Viin- Xlie Cent#« ''I't'y ^^'*>"'»'"'" Insli'wt* will hold tlioiv annuiil Rerics of meeting* ***'""'*'"'-"ing Ji">»-' i^ 111. I'HW. Tliey have nccurwl tl>e Kervices Colia '^"'P'**'!!. Windmir, wliu will give :uldrv((HU.s ut nil the BntiicheH jJCJioi I. HylHiul, 72 St. Mnry St., Toronto, who will join Mrs. CHiupbcU ^liur, June 12th. Mrs. Caiuiibvll will give HddressoH on the following subjects : 1 â€" Canning fruits and vegetables. 2 â€" The f«ie aiul uses of milk. 3â€" The coniimriNon of our c4initnoii fiMKls. 4 â€" Care and feeding of young chikens and young turkeys. 6 â€" ITio fanner's fruit nn<l vegetable garilen. 6 â€" The edueittion of the Uiy or girl who will remain on the farm. 7 â€" Home and its prohluins. 8 â€" The housekeeiMii' and her iuiportAnco to the state. Miss 1. Ilyliiiid has taken the full co\u-so in the Lillhin Mnssey School Domestic Science, which is uttiliated with the University of Toronto. Subjects:â€" "F< Kid values"â€" Illustrated by chart. "Table setting uiul serving." "Hints on home nursing, "Emergencies and liandaging." "The jirevention and treittuient of tulierculosLs. " "HousehoUl conveniences," "Twenty century food fails." "Demonstrations in cooking." Address No. (J, evening. Mrs. Colin Camt)l)ell will deliver addresses at: HOPEVILIiE-McAidle's hall, June otli. DUNDALKâ€" June 7th. BADJ EROSâ€" School house, June 8th. Address No. 5, afternoon. MAXWELL-Wclhodist hidl, June 9th. FLKSHEHTON- Town hall, June 10th. PRICEVILLK \Vat.sons hall, June 11th. Mrs Cam|ibell and Miss Hyland will deliver adih'csses and dcuionstmtions in cooking at: V.XNDELEIR- Forestei-s' hull, June 12. KIMHEKLEV- Public hall, June 14. RAVENNA-Township hall, June 15. HEATHO<.)TE-Mill Creek schisd house, June IC. TEMPLE H III- Presbyterian Church, June 17. W.VLTEKS FALLSâ€" June 1«. WILLIAMSFOUDâ€" Maccjifec's hall. June lit. Me/itings connnence at 2.."iO p. ni. and 8 p. ANNIAL MEETING The annual meeting of Centre (irey Women's and Farnier.s' Institutes will be held at the home of Mr. Walter Buchanan, "Breezy Brae," iiearBavenna, on Tues- day, June 8, 1!M)!>, at the hour of 1 o'clock sharp. Order of busiuessâ€" (1) PiKjsi- deut's report and discussion thereon. (2) The report of the Executivu jiresonted in writing by the secretary. (Il) Auditor's rei«ut, presented in writinj;. (4) Sug- gestions of )x)ints ut whicli to hold regular meetings, or form Branches. (5) election of directors, and election of auditors. ((5) Suggestions as to how the Institute cjin be improved or made more u.seful. A Basket Picnic. Hot tea laovided. At 2.00 p. m. H. H. Ledrow of the O. A. C, will be present and address the meeting. Mrs. J. I. Graham, Pres , \V. I. â€" W. H. Guy, PrcH.. F, L Mrs. A- E. Myles, Sec. W. I.-- J. I. (irahani,Sec. ,F.I. "m Â¥ iffj ] ][ <»«• NORRIS BROS. ^yfexfduftcre â- mAtefehanits and ^/inamitni - # We are fully prepared to fill your every noeJin tholineof Man est toiils. Poultry Nettings ani Wire, I'liinis and ods, in fact our stock is most complete. Hare you used a Eurcki Sprayer this year ? Tf notâ€" why not. Are just the thing for spraying Fruit trees, Gardens, Shrubs, H.irsea and Cattle and will pay for themselves when it comes to killlni; the Potato Bui^s, and the pi ico ouly §0. This wiek wo Tiiake a specialty of two popular s'zes in Paint Brushes. :} inch Black Br;slle Brushes, reaiular Moj. value, for 20o. 2^ inch Black Bristle Brushes, guod 2oc value, for IDc. See these specials in our window. If in need of a Bo<»d roof, don't buy till you have examined Paruid Koofinj,'. It's the old ueiiuino aiticlu, Frost Proof, Water Proof, and last but not least, cheaper than the ordinary shingles and (13 cheap as the (just as K^od) rooHngi. ,.: Wo arc agcDta for the-DILLON HINGE STAY FENCE. tjlesherton \Jnta no. The Flesberton Carriage Works Plesherton, Ont. BUGGIES â€" luteniling piirchuacis will save money by calling and in- specting our slock, as we have a good stock to choose from.' and prices are riglit. EEPAINTINGâ€" Bring your buggy to as for rcpaiutiiig. Satisfaction gaarantecd. PLOWS, etcâ€" Wc handle the best plows, hanowa aud also carry a full lino of repairs on band. CRE A. M KEPAj|(|kTUUS-Wo are agents for the MELOTTT, The boat in tlie market, s^ Special attention given to Horseshoeing. First Class Livery in connection, D. McTAVISHr^^^roprictor. MEN -WE CAN CURE YOU FINEST NEDIGAL INSTITUTE IN AMERICA OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY DRS. K. & K. YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED MEN who ni'oil ttienervlces of extxrt epoclallRts why nusto ymir money hi Ireathig wlili (IcKtoi-H yiiu Know notluiig of, why waste your money wllh worlhlesa elcctilo liells or ilruic hturonoatruiiis, wlien you can get fuarantecil, reliatile, HucroHBful treatment t'roiu Ihcso Maitar Spccialiili. Dn. K. A K. t:ave treatetl putli-nlH throtii;)ioiit. Canatia for over «'0 yejti-s and art? reHpuiiHihlo llnan- cially. Ttiey ucct'pt only curatilu oast*^ and i<lioiil<I your case prove inciiialjle it. need not cost you a cent. If you are unable to call at our (â- llltd for a iwiKonnl examination wu willHoiidntjueHtion Liut foryon tit (111 up from wlilrh we can diagnose your case and ti'll you whether you are curahle or not. 'I'hcn wo will prescribe spcclllo remedies for your Individual cane which voii cau tak« at lionie. Wo have no oimisll remedy thalwoiiend to everylHKly alike as niogt i|i<'i'ialii>tHdo, but we priHcrlh* tlin rem- eiiicH required for navli individual caoo to roinpletn a euro. Tliat'soneof thn secrets of ,(ur wtinderfid bucccss wiien others fail. Send for our Frea Booklet on Discasos of Men llllutlraled.) CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY V.'o (fiiaraiitt^ to Cure Ncrroiu Dubilll)', Blood DlMutt, VaricoM Vvin*. Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diaeaaes CONSULTATION FREE If unable to call, write for a Queilion Blank farlioms Trealmenl DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswoid St.. Detroit. Mich. Destroys Hair Germs Recentdiscoverles have shown that falling hair Is caused by cerms at the roots of the hair. Therefore, to stop falling hair, you must first completely de- stroy these germs. Aycr'sHalr Vigor, new improved formula, will certainly do this. Then leave the rest to nature. Do€i not change iht cofer •/ iht hair. the Methodist church Sunday murnioff and preiichf (1 » very eHrn«8i sermon. ' Mr. George Linley, Corbttton, rpeiit a few days at lii» home. Mr. Harry Guy and Mr. Frank Hutch- insun, Mexford, visited at the fornaer's pnrental home a week ago Sunday. I Mr. Jim Guy, Toron'o, '» 8(>ending a few days at hi* |>art-nt)U home. I Mr*. Jim Long U viiiting with friends , in Toronto. ! Mra. Joe Radley, Flesberton, visited with MiH. Win. Guy, Br., last week. I Mias Mary Heron, FleRherton, spent V'ictoiia Diy ut her parental home here. A Correction and So Forth A "":'"Z'i^:Zr Stou^hton, Sask.. May 24. '09 XWll^rO *oatot To thf Editor of The Advance. Ji JLUf^i O ttl^^jSjiJi I Dk* Sir,â€" The Advance camn to hand laat week arid thiii, and I thank you for insertion of my coinmuniciktion. And it ia cuiisiderrd a good and truthful state- ment here. But listen ! There is one .serious iiiisqucfcition ; it is where I say " thousands of liusincfs men were driven to distractiiin "â€" not "destruction" aa printed. Please make correction, plain. \ You have many readers here in the west. m>. Angus JtcLeod met with a rather I ^yhil.t there were certainly many you.ig soriou. accident on She and j business men who had to go out of busi- her dausKter, Kate, weie going down to „^„^ ^^^^ j ^^^y „,,j j,,;,,,^ „( mikwg their farm to plant s..uie potatoes. The g„^.,, ^ y^^.eping assertion ss to team was friu'lilened in parsing some ' fi,oi|g,i„(jg_ Recent discoveries have also proved that dandruff is caused by (enns on the scalp. Therefore, to cure dandruff, the flrtt thing to do is to completeW destroy these dan- druff cerms. Here, the same Ayer's Hair Vifor will give the same splendid resnlis. »ytt>J.aiywO»»I<owil1.1liw ' Ceylon The SUCH a sweeping assertion as to any p»«Mng some ' thousands. It is wonderful what » dif- stock, one end of the i.eckyoke became f„^^„^^, ,,,^^ j^ Wtwea those two words loose, and striking against the horses' legs j,,^,^^^,^ ,,,„^j,^,i^g .^^ ^^.^.^^^ j^,y word was correct â€" "distraction." 6. they became unmanaguahle. Mrs. Mc- ' Leod was thrown against a telniiraph pole and receivwl several nasty bruises and cuts about the face. Dr. Dixon was called and sewed up the cuts. Her face is very sore but we trust nothini; serious will result. Mr. W. J. Beatty is very low wi'h pneumonia at McLaughlan'ii, hotel here. Dr. Dix"ii attends him. Ho is also , carefully attended by a trained nurse, I assisted by hi'* mother and H-ster from 1 Sturi;eoii Falls. Messrs. McLaughlan and McDonald are erecting an implement shed at , the corner cf Front and Bell i streets as a necessary adjunct of their gro^int; busi- ness. Miss Maude Schell has returned to Mr. Jas. Pattisoii. Jlr. Brown of Durham visited hi« jiKt •!•, Mi!j. W'lij. Uargrave, f)a Sundaj-, Oh, yes, we were rocked in the cradle of mother earth Saturday night, 17th insi., 10.20 p.m., when rhe took a fit and '(naked. As for me, 1 was sitting by the tible with my elbow on the table and my head on my hand, when suddenly I got a couple of roelcs and my head slipped off my hand. I'hu cupboard rocked and the dishes rattled. I was alone at the time and my Hrst impression was that a ' runaway had da»hed by, but nothing was in sifht. Then I thought of earthriuakc I and Inuuhed at myself. Wouldn't Thurs- ' tcio tliiiik me silly for thinking of such a tiling in this profaie Canada af ours? I Hut in a few minuics the wires told ilie I 8t«jiy. The whole Northwest had been I stiired into commotion like bees in a ' hive when you give it a go- id resounding [ kick, and the e.rthtiuake buzz went , ' toiind. But n) dn mage WAS done. Still Mis. McLaughUnisveryp..orly wiiha it^,j,,„^c,u,jl ^.xperience of "rocked very sore throat, and is otherwise under/ j,, the cade of the "-earth. the weather. Mr. and Mrs. Cushnie uf Kansis are here. We believe they will not return to Kansis but will l<)cate in Ontario. Feversham. The garden party and c incert given. by the Feversham public school on the ev- ening of Victoria Day was a decided suc- cess. After the tea was over, a l»rgo number assembled in the schnolhouse to hear an e»cu'lent program which consisted of choruses, readings, recitations aud dia- logues by the children, stdos by Mrs. ('. E. Long and Mrs. 11. Alexander, read- ings by Misses Hale and Paul, and sev- eral well-selected insirumenttils by the Feversham orchestra. Short, interesting and humorous addtesses were given by Mr. F. Brownlee (chairman), Ca])tain Price, and Revs. A. P. Stanley and Diincanson. The proceeds of the even- ing will be expended in providing suit- able games and amusements for the children. Honor Rolls. ^^'aruhanl public school report for the month of May. Jr. 4â€" Grammar - Bolle McMillan (ifi, Mabel Irish 4.'), Kniorson Wright 'M't. fjiteraturo- Belle McMillan 75, Mabel Iri.><h 75, Fmcrson Wright 5:t. (leography- Bello McMillan <iH, Malad Irish 04, Emerson Wright oJ. Jr. 3 â€" Grannnar â€" Olive Davison iM, Mal)el Honder.son 88. Literature â€" Mabel Hoiidersim 7H, (Jlivo Davison ttO. Arithmetic â€" .Audrey Mills 07, Olive Davison IK), Walter Grnimiiett 88. The wheat seeding is over, and a large acreage is in to await fruition and har- vest. Now for the oats and barley. I^ut wiih fine weather now the work will rush along merrily. â€" F. T CAUU. Who Was This Man? I'p in Grey County some years ago there was u farmer who liad the iianie of being a wicked and worldly man. He curoiised and loved a tight. But he was II fairly successTul man. One yetir there was a famine for fod<ler, and it was feare<l that ctkttle would stitrve to death. As the siuuton wore on and the situation grew des|)erate, it was found tliat this man was KU|iplieiI well beyond luH needs. Ond day two men drove in to hiH jilaee and offered him a big price f( r hay and oats. "Do you mean cash?" ho aHked. "t'iisli down." "Have you got the money with you?" They said they had. "Let's see it," he demanded, and they produced it. "Well," ho said, "1 won't .sell you a cent's worth. You've got the money, and call buy fodder from t)ther people, but .stviiio of my neighljors have neither fo»ldor nor money, and 1 ain't goin' to see their stock starve." .-Vnd he was as good a.s his word . Toronto Star. No Need Suffering from Rheumatism. It is K n,iiit»ko to allow anyime to HulFer from rhttuiiiutiiiir, HH tilt! pain can alwayx he relieved, uiul in iiioMt ca»en a cure effected by applyiiiB Chamberluiii's Liniment. The relief from pain which it utt'ordH in alone worth iiiimv times its vohI. It make Hleepand rest poHsilili', Kveii in ta«n» of long Htaiidiiig this liniment sboubl be UHe<l on account of thn lelief which it affordM. Do not he ilisicouiiiReil until you have given it atrial. Many«ulfeiei-» />„„ „. i>..,i. 11 ,.,„ ai A,.,i i have bwii Hurprised and deliirUted with its (.ramniar -Ruth Hargrave 84, Audrey „ain-rcli«ving ,,,ialitif«. a^ ar Mills 71, Hannah Roomo62, FaI. ^Falbot (il. Literatureâ€" Audrey Mills 75 |X)r cent. Ruth Hargrave t)9, Myrtle McCuteheon <>8, Mildred Grummett 00. Aritliineticâ€" VyalterGrummott88,Rulli llai'gravo 8;i, Myrtle McCuteheon 82, Maxwell Items pain-riuevnig cpis for sale by W . K, and r>0 criit Ilichardsoii. Miss Minnie Anderson, Wareham, is spending a week in the village. Inspector II utf of Meaford visited the schools in this vicinity last week. Mr. T. Andrew gave* very interesting and iiiilructivo address on Birds at League K>»er Valley. The decision to go into The are somd who believe that the mountain to the west of Collingwood contains wealth in thti form of gold. So ooiitident are a number of local capitalists that such is the case they have formed a syndicnte for the purpose of making a test, which it is believed will either substantiate the reptu-ts or settle for once that they are wholly without foundation. The teat is to be made on the Hortoa farm, north of the Valley road, in tha township of Collingwood, and « short distance from the post ottice uf Pretty two weeks ago. Next Thursday night Mrs. Down and Miss Lillicoe will take the topic. Mr. Robert Fenwick and daughter, .\lice, leave for a nionth'a visit in the Weat in a couplo of weeka' linio. A number of our young people will drive over to Providence Monday even- ing to enjoy the ice cream social. Mrs. Charlie Heron of Buffalo, and daughter, Margaret, hare arrived to spend the summer. The work of remodelling tho Metho- dist parsoiiago started this week. Rov. Duneimson occupied the pulpit of this matter thoroughly it said to be due to the fact that a recent assay of a sample taken from an opening made and sunk some eighty or ninety feet shoved ore containing at least $40 of gold and 92 uf silver per ton. To carry on tha teat punipinft and drilling machinery is to be inatalled and tha work gone about in a business-like and practical method. Pain anywhere stopped i'l 20 minutes suro wiih one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Tho formula is on tho 25 cent box. Ask your Doctor or Druggist about this formula ! Stops womanly pains, hea<luclio, paiiiH anywhere. ^^ rite Dr. Shoop, liacino, Wig. for free trial to prove value. Sold by fill dialers. Twenty-five years ago it was difficult to sell spring wheat flour for pastry at any price. People didn't want it â€" they were using soft, winter wheat flour, and saw no reason for changing. But hard wheat flour was persistently pushed. The women tried it and succeeded with it, â€" to-day hard wheat flour is the favorite for Pastry as well as for Bread. Ogilvie's Royal Household is hard wheat flour at its best â€" milled by modern methods, retaining all of the good of the wheat. It is without an equal for every kind of baking in which flour is used. 16 Ogilvie Floor Hills Co., Limited, Honktd. -"-^^ • ••• .::: • ••• •••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••â- ••>•••••••••••••••••••••â- •••â- •••••••• ••â- •» ::: CEYLON'S BUSY STORE ! g •••• •••• •••• •••• *••• «•• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••«• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• â- ••• •••• *••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••••. â€"•\ â- ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• s: ^as, ^aiti'son, Cej/ion, Ont^ % General â- mALerckant. We have a fjood supply of Screen doors on hand fiom $1.00 to 2.00 each. Also Window Screens at 25c each. For the balance of this week we will sell Granulated Sugar, either St. Lawrence or Ked Path at $5.00 per 100 lbs. We have still a little Clover Seed left. We have also Buckwheat and Kape Seed for sale. The very best Vlour always on hand, also Ontario Braq^ftd shorts and Feed Flour. â- %. Highest Market Prices paid for all Farm Produce. £>lan.ts For Sale H!ere. sr Societies A Q U W n:eet9 oi. tlie laot Monday I ,u each month, In their lo.iRe rooiu .Sorris' block. Flcfneiloii, at 8 p.m. M- W â- .Mil.!»Tlil»lKal.waito:li«c.. C. H. Muiisliaw ! Kiu \V.J. Uel.Bmy. W»itiDRbretbr«n itviteu DKINCB ARTHUB LODOE. No. HS8, A F.* I AU iiioetB in tilt Unsonic bull. Ariii- stronKS Hall KI««hertou. overy ^'\)^^ °^, or before the full ujocu. Tho8. Ulakelv.W.M.; Herb. .Smith, SetreiRry. COURT FLESHERTON, DO.'-.. I. 0. F. ireotaln LlaytOHs mock the liiKt W edneBdav evouiiiR of eaeh month. VUltlug Foresters heartily wuloonio. H. K., Uynoii; U. S., '1. Houry; Kin. See, ('. N. liicliarilson. I'leasHiiav ilufsto Flu. Beo. before tho Hrst day of tho month. Business Cards WALTEK LOUCKS Hullder and Contractor For Brick, Stone and frame rosideoces. Ra- timatcs uhuerlully lurrishod, FlusUerlou F o Uuturiu. WOULLOUGH & YOU.NQ liaukers Markdale Oo a general banking businoas. Money loansA at reasouablB ratev Call on us. CHOSEN FhlP.NDSâ€" Flcslierton Council ol Chosen Frioiids meets in Clayton's hall first and third Wodnofidav oteaoh mouth 8 p. m Fay asBonsmeiita to tlielie'-order on or bi'fore tre nrst .lay of uach month. Chief Councillor T. blakoley; Recorder. \V. H. Hunt. TCHISI.KTT, • PoHtmaHter, Oovlou. Comniissioiior in H, 0. J , Convoyaucor, deeds, mortgunes, Icastw. wills etc. carefully drawn up Collections mad.-. oharKus reasouablo. AlsO' groceries, Hour, feed etc. kept In stock. Fricoa rlHbt. Pure Bred EngUsh Berkshires and! Tamworths. ' Ihaveafme l"t »f youiiK I'lRs hred tnmi prize winning stock, fi>r sale. Wnto me for prices. I can give « barRain also ({uaruntee iitisfttctiou nil «U miiil <;';<l>'r2,- ,, „ « r^ (Jeo. W. UOt<S, Maxwell P. O. RJ SFKOULK Fostmaster, Kieshertoa i^ommlssiouer iu H.C J., Auctioneer veyancer, Appraiser aud Money Leads Real Estate and Insurance Agent. De«d» mortgages, leases aud wills carefully draw* up and valuations mado ou shortest, notion money to loan at lowest rates of iuterost.'CoU lections attended to with promptueee charges low. Agent for Ooeau Dominioa Steamship Company. A call solicited. n McPHAIL, Ijlceused Auctioneer for the "' County of Grey. Terms moderate aud satisfaction guaranteed. The arraugomenu and dates of sales can be made a*, TiiR Advancb oflice. Kesidonco aud P.O., Ceylon, Telenhona connection. r >» •» Deo. 8.07. For Sale One span of I>ightnii.f{ Colts ocming three matched. Ready to work. AUo one Shorthorn Hull eighteen mouths old, bred by Oeo.Bristow, RobUoy, uumbev,W4.>. iu volume 24. Nameâ€" Village Captain. AI.Ul'.KT V.- HANDEY, Lot 4, Con. 10, .Osprcy, Fevershain P- O. Bull For Service 2yeBrseUl, leg.; shorthorn bull, Pride, 74805 i.H for seryice at Lot 37, ..Vrtemesia. Terms «UK..^^ H.^ROR.WK, Victor' Cou. 6 60 YBARt* ' BXPERIENGK TaADK Marks OOPVRIOHTa Ao. Anrea* irndtDf a sketeli van a«*cnption may ,nloklT aioertaln our opinion fre» wheiiier ao iQvontlOtt Is probably pat«ntabl%Coniiuuulra. qtil tinntttrlotlyco: â€".81(0 tbr Milt free. Oldest luoncy for •eourlusrvate) Patents takea through Munn A (Jot N nwrialnoUM, without obarge, lutEa ou Patoma .Jilts. lecalv* IwrMi notiM, without cnsrge, Iu tba Scientific Jitiicricatt A handsomely Ulustratod weekly. Largest ctr- culftticn of a^y setontltic JoarnaX Terms for Ciuiuils, |.i,l6 a your, pustage prepaid. Bold by aU oetinde^lore. L W KAITTING, Licensed Auctioneer for i^ ,*"2 oo'iitiBS of Grey and Siuicoo. farm and Stock sales a spacialty Terms moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Arransa- uiouts for dates may bo made at the Advsao* office, or a: T. Hutohlusou's store, Keverstaam. or by addreasiug me at Fevershaoi, Out. Lo3 la, COD, 13, Osprey, DUDn MATHEWS. Markdale. Licensed auctioneer for the county of Grey, Qoorl Bervlce at reasonable rates. Dates ' cau ba made at The Advance. 1 o 09 Legal W H. WRIGHT. Harrlster, Solicitor, Con««i» "anoer, etc.â€" Owen Sound, and Flesberton, N Bâ€" e bertou offloo, Sproules Block even Saturd ' Medical r|R CARTRB ,^ M OP A 8 Ont, Physician. SurgeOB.. OfBoe and residenceâ€" Peter et., Flesherton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary OoUaMu residence â€" ssoond door south weat^a >t.ary cti-eet. This street runs aoath Presbyterian Church. n WILSON, Hlacksmith "• 'Jraduate of no Veterinary Scione* Association Itosidence, Durham itroet, op oslte lloyd, Hiukliug's Ijtrdwaro. Dentistry iwrdw istt Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. D. 8.. dental snrgaoB honor graduate of Torouto University and • Uoyal College of Dental Surgooua of Ontario, Gas aduiinistorod for tooth oXti'aotlon OlUflO at rositleuco, Toronto Street, Flcs hertOM I K e , 4i*(f,-'ii) » ^>,„. -^-'.-^^.-.-.a-,â€" â- mt i rt- -