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Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1909, p. 8

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THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE May 20 19 19 1 - { ; PARK HOUSE JPloMli ex*t on H. D. DAVISON. - - Proprietor. RATES- $1.00 and «! W) per lUy. BOARDR8-$;i.OO Hnd $3.50 per week &l>ocial attention to StudviKs QAROEN 5EEDSI GET THEM HKRE K «â- ! tnd i^arilpn Mtvlnâ€" »1I kind*â€" Sl«•l•Brilrg^ thelwtt ou the market. Tlieie in- clnde iiiant;»l(l*, <-tiril, Mifai Jieet'. iK>»», etc. )5KI)l>IN(i PI.ANTS IX SK^SON. yiour Mid Feed m u»i»I. ClKiicr I^krTrmii i.iily Cic ixrr Up. â€" while thin lot liati*. Wright's Grocery FLESMERTON Scottish Pride 66274 The youDK liuil .-cotiii-ii I'riilti Hill nttnil to ervice at Mr. K. \V. NIcIioIbou », lot >7. coo. S jlr emebia. hcottikh |>ri<le in sireJ t)y Kcoctisti ) riace, a ki ao<l»oa rf the wouderfiil Rbuw cow G«u) of Hetlachin, Imp , winoerof eit;ht prizes at Toronto ao(i Ix^ndoii. t>ei(ides beiuc chaiiitt- ioo teiuale. She neigha over lUOO pouuda, One of thli cow'a calve* sold (or ^1775.00. tioottiab pride it out of Lady Kella by the Toronto Ant pruewiuoor. t'aptaiu May Kly. iuin2KHS«. you UK bull baa prove bini- j tvit • fcbowbull haviuK Kaiufd an encouraoins ' rrror'l tbii (all it KeverBhim. He won nrst Our New Hair Vigor Ayer's Hair Vigor was good, the best that was made. But Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im- proved formula, is bener. It is the one great specifle for fall- ing hair. A new preparation in every way. New bottle. New contents. Ask you r druggist to show it to you, "the new kind." DatM not change the color tf Ihe hair. A F^ranta wlU Moh boUU * Sbew It to yoiir uers It. ttan Ao aa tia aaya As we now make our new Hair Vigor it doe* not have tbe tligbtett effect upon tbe color of tbe hair. You may ase it freeW and for any lengtb of time with- oat fear of cbaating tbe color. Stops faUingbair. Cures dandruff. liiii>y»fc>J.O.Ay»rOa.. LewaU. »«â- â-  â-  i; •rlteaibekt bull calf, alao dipluiiia (or Ijest ;ull any age, Tho»» bavina pure brtd Cnws khoulcj aee tbitcraud bull before brecdiuK aa tiiey lauuotdu bettarthau u>e biiu. A limitep tiunil>er of Krad.s -till be takeuat *l,)!5;For pur* breda, «4.IX| THOSE WHtJ LACK A THOROfOH BISIXE.SS THAINIXG ALWAYS BAVEIHK H.\ WOKK AND THE PUUKK.ST PAY. Write a letter tn Canadrt'N Leading School uf business. U«.;ii .Sound, and It", them tell you how to Kei a (tup higher. C. A. Flemuino, PniNdPAL, Beauty and Utility â-  ' " > ' Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a franie best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician FLESMERTON . The District Around Us Events as Chronicled in Our Exchanges I./eaving a family uf nine children, fifty Kritndchildreii and fifteen great grand- childiun, one uf the oldest piunaera of (if the tcwnabtp uf Proton, passeU away on tho (lid hduieslead Konie inilM north of Mdunt Forest on Thursdiiy, the 29th ult., in tliu person of John Mulball. No one ever dreams of offering mail order hoiiseK (iroduce in exchange for goods. The I'leal tnurchnnt i« expected to do that and take all risks whether he winH or luaei. Meanwhile the mail order houie gobbles up the caiih and |>eople wonder why it i« tho local dealtr can't Deceiusi'd had attained to the great age of I pay ihcni more cash fjr tlieir produce! ninety years had bean a farmer of Proton. Born in Wicklow, Ireland, he cutne to Canada itith his family in the prime of life, and bonie years after his arrival took up land in Proton, where he has since lived and prospered, bringing up a large family of hardy sons and daughter* to blesH his advancing yeaia. His aeed partner in life ^also lived many yeart, predeceasing her husband five yearo ai(o. A inin who lived fur his funiily and the beiteriiitnt of his o:vn home, dtMieased wiiH well known and highly retpscted To the family the aynipathy of the com- munity goes out. 'J he funeral took place on May InI to St. Patrick's cemetery. Proton, with six 8ons acting as pall beaiura. The survivinit sons are: Jimea, There are two sides to every riuestion.- Burks (^alls Arrow. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak Htoniach, or stimulating the Heart or Kid- neys is all wron?. Dr. Shoop first point- ed out this error. Thi.sis'why his pre- scriptionâ€" Dr. Shoop'a RcHtorative â€" is directed entirely ro the cause of these ailments, the weak inside or controlling nerves. It't so ditficuU, ssys Dr. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart, or Kklney*, if one goes at it correctly. Each inside organ has its controlling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail, then these organs must surely falter. These vital truths are leading drut;j<ists everywhere to dispense ard , ^ , , ... , , r. , . I I j recommend Dr. Shoop's restorative of Outliih; Michael, Dakota; John, â-  , , , , m, 1, . â-  1 wii- 1 i> . t '*'•''' "^ " '"* diys, and seel Improve Thomas, latrick, \» illiain and Peter, of.___^_^^ __.|, â-  .• n Proton. Our village merchant is tolling a yarn regarding a live dollar hill that was brought III to hiin recently in a very mutilated condition. The customer on being nuestioiied, said hujwas workini' in the tield one day and lost the bill out of his pocket. The d*y f.illuwing another luumber of the household went out to liiok for it and was lurprised to see a si|uirrel running along tho fence with the bmk note in its mouth. He succeeded in running it down and got the money, which w:is all riijhi except that the siiiniiil had chewed the edges consider- aoly.â€" Mansfield cor. Allislon Herald. ment will sure'y follow. Sold by all dealers. One day recently while William May was handling a revolver in a Imrber shop at Thonibury it accidentally went ofl and lodged a bullet in the palm of his hand. He went to Collini;wood hospital whsru the bullet was located liutween the knuckles of the first and second fingtrs. He was able to return home on Saturday and the wound is progresiiiig favorably. One afternoon recently Wig Choetman and J . R'iberif on started out from Stayner for a little running practice and befoi* iht'V finislied they had gone to CoUing- woiid imd back, a distiincu of .some 23 or Tlie best Canadian wheat, the mo«t modern mills, and the most skHled millers, all combine to give Royal Household Floor those baking qualities which make it the choice of discriminating housewives everywhere. Give Royal Household a fair trial and you will never go back to other brands. Your grocer will get it for you if you insist. Ogilvie Hour Hills Co., Umited. HonlreaL ••• e*» *••••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• J^ ^ NORRIS BROS. •yififf/i affliiuini â- m/TLere/i erefiams ano I .7 ins/nii/is //,s *<. <>* We have the pleasure of announcing ihar wi- enlarged our ••ore to t!ie full size of iiiir building and are ij'uiisid to say that onr tiiishop in in the KlfJHT place instead of on the front counter m In the past. You will find usTO TIIK FItONT in whatever line you may reipiiie. Tliia Week we nre piissiiiji into sfock a coinpleta new line of harvest ton's, and they are bejni.' nmrked at prices tlmt will oiteivst you. Wf ipIso open lip for your ins;,iclion hll the loiuiio tlcioing iioeessitiis such as (JillettH Lye. Tj'cpiid mid Puite stove polishes, liiitli Enamel, Kuiniiure and IiUtrior Varnishes of a viiy 6i.ji,'ri.,r (iimliiy, Scrub IJumhe.s, etc., cic. The s|)iina painting is now at hind, nil we iisk f'M- our line of (laintN id tlmt y.iu try a Mnall cm. Tlii! piiiit v ill spiuk for itself. It is fj'ily iiu.iranieed .so you have no risk to run wlulever. We have prepared for a busy se.isoii in the Tiimnithinii and Roofing line and are ready to cater to your eMuy iu('.l on the sliorl- fst notice. Rcincmberoiir spocialtits:â€" PAIIOID UOOl-'lXG and DILLOV IIIN(iE STAY FKNfJE. Kjlesherton Onfa no. •1\ miles. They undo the distuiicu in 2 There »ss an eaithiiualie in the North- |,„„.s ,ind .5:? minutes. They stifled r.t The Flesberton Carriage Works f'le.iherttn, Out. BL'GGIKPâ€" Intoiiding pmcliiiRPiH will siivo money by calliiio nnd in Fppctjiiy onr stock, as wo liavc a good stock to clioosc from-' and piices ar^ right, RKPAINTLS'U â€" Drin^' your buggy to ti3 fji- rrpnintiiig. Satisfaction giiaraiitpod. PLOWS, ntcâ€" Wu handle the best plotvs, liarrowg and also cany a full lint of ropairs 011 liniul. CltlCAM SKPAIl.Vror.Sâ€" Wo are agents f)r tho MELOTTT, The liest ill tlic market. Special attention ^iven to Morjie.<lioein}r. Class Livery in connection. west (in Saturday last. The »ibiiition extended from Medi ine Hat to a little CHst (if Winnijieg. Tho slioek travelled fiiiiii West to (ast, as wjs shown ly neneral rep' iris of the tockiiigof funiitu'e. Q'lie tremor w»s particularly strong in the southern poition of the three pruvi:ices, while in the north it w;ih scirccly percep- tible. M^iose .I.iw and Uiyina were aji- |iirently the i;eiilies of th ' disturbaiices, as the t-hock was long ir und more pro- nounce J. . ' Owen .Sound is profcstiii;,' nu'sinst the action (if the town of S. Marys in slesl- iug a cement factory from the Oto yian Hay town by speciHl indue. 'inents. Thsre is a l.iw on ihe statute books of Oiitiiio x\ i_ii f 1 1, , n t 1 1 Dundallt. fiirli.d.Iing llie oflerinj; of a bonus by a niumeipaliiy, with the object of iodocing ^y,,^ yj,],, Itm .Ho. of Klodierton, s;,ent the industry lo relllo^^^ The Oneii Siind.iy at hoi- hoine li to. .Sound people I'ulievo that S'. Mary's is While James t^iismi of the suliiiibs, vii.latiiig t.lie spiiit, if nut tho Icttar of I «ii^ -'I't'iu.i liis windini:! int â-  ge.r ili- this law, but it is not likely any attempt f ""'»'"« 'â- '•'"',' "''I'l'.''' ""' "'.1"=* '';''"'-•* -"'' .,, , ' , , , ,, . i in the ree.iil hll hiiii a fuuou.s li'ow on will bo made lost. ip the (led. it is ». (he chin inllie in- i .-lein .-u! lo the lioiv. mighty poor busine's h-iwever, for aJTIie dresin.,' cf Ihe wound ie.(uired several si il.jhes. Thou^jh ilie in jin-y wiu iiHiI eiioiiuh he w-as for'uniiie hlsjiw not liiolien. Tho I'iliiwns' Silver linid a^ve the (i'st the Glob^ Hotel, Stayner, airJ ran to tho Toronto HoiiBc, CollingwooJ, in tho very good linieofl hourand 15 minutes, where t'lcy to ik refreshniontg. The Most Common Caiue of Sufferitii;. Klieuiimtisiiu-ivii..n'S in ir-i piiiii and suireriiiif tliHii aiiv iither (liseaMc. for the ri' tliat it is the must c.itiiinou i>f all ills, ui.d it is i-i-rtainly pratifyini; to ..^ulfi-rers tn kii.Av that ClmmlHT- Inin's Liiiiinent will atrnnl rillef, uii'l iiialit' ri'st 1111(1 hb-t'ii iMi.^silile. In many cases the relief frmii pain, which is at tirst tein|iorary, liiis li.Triiiii? p:M-ni.-viieiit, whi.e i:i olil penpl" Huliiect tn olirniiic iheiiiiiatiHiii, tifteii lirini'..'lit nil liy (laiiipm'ys nrehiui«i's ill the Wi-ither n iM'ri.aiieiit ciin' ejoinnt lie e\|i.'('teil ; the re lief fnilii liaiii which tliis liiiinieiit atT.ii'ds \* alnne wnrth iii.iiiy tiiii"- it« 2"i and ."lO cent sizes fnrialcliv W. K. Hi h u-Jsoii. i CEYLON'S BUSY STORE ! ii >.«a .••a â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ ..•a •••• ••• â- â€¢â€¢a .••a â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ .*•• ...a •••a •.•a ..•• .'•a ...a ..•a •••• ..•a .••a â- â€¢â€¢a â- â€¢â€¢a â- Â«â€¢â€¢ '••a •••a a«.- a*.- D. McTAVISH, . Proprietor. v:^as:s:^u^s3T3s'2!!ms&Ki:{ss:iiisaasxjpm% BRs.KENNE^mSCEi successoRs TO town to secure iiidiuiriei by siieli mot hods. Itnguravates I ho bonus evil by encouraging bonus hiinU'rs lo net mie town auaiiisl amithor in bidding f"'| of the s.-r es ..f (m-s.,h. su,„,uer pro.-r-ms iiiduilries, to the manifest iidvuntago of j fioiu the baleoiiy of Ihe Inwii hull .SHtiir- llie tonus hunters.- (Jodeiieh Si'.iiial. j day evening'. Tho t iiiiioiil whu "2 strong and coiisiderinL' the iii.ij-.rity wero j There ai-'i even's occurlng in o^ery "greoiihorns" and beginning of th« coiiiinunily which, if reported in a l.eal "'•"»>" tku iiiu.ic leiuleieit was (piile II L .• 1-..1 eredita'iie. paper. Would create a coiiiniolion lillle . , . 1 I t ii-i i •. I lit -A' » i>|i:H-»d nieotiil'' of Diiinlalk sciiool dreamed of. \\ hat to report and what i ,.i ,i , , ^ -, i i / ' Ismrd the trusters eonsKlered the ad not to i-cpoil perplexes the editor He is yisihiliiy of iblishiiig another primary often unjnslly aieiised of coward eo and ) fouii in order to lelieva tlic ei«»-ded f*voriliini, wluii all the lime hu is balking I'*' 'f<-"'f ^'i'*''* IIuH'm m. There mo at , 1,1 1 . . r .1 4 I present .S'2 piiiiils on tho roll in lb;," iiiio toward till' good reputation of the town ' ' .u . .. i â-  Call and in.'pcct our givand display of Meii'.s and Boy.s' Hats and Capsâ€" Felts, Canvas, Tweed and straw all the latest shades and shapes. Seeds ! Seed.-^ of all kindsâ€" Clover and ^rass .seeds, new (garden .seeds, Unekwheat, Rape seed, Turnip and Mani^'old, Giant Sugar Beet and tield Carrot; seeds on hand. Dutch sets and Potato Onions at very l(jw prices. Dishes ! Kh\ii-tnt (rlassToii S^t-? afi.loa sot. Cdass (iolilct, 1 dtiz. tor :2.")e, -1 diUbrent designs. ])inner Sets and liedrooni Settsâ€" very pretty. rtiie Maple Syrup for sale at jfas, ^Patt/sojif Co]/lon, Oni, ITTTIT Ilea* »••«••••*! ••«••••••••#•••••••â- â€¢>•• •••••••••••••••#••••••< •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••♦• •••â-  •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• •••• AO U V ir.etia oi. iho U&t Monday I WA lu oaoh liioiilVi. iu tlu'ir loiico loom '' lilSIXESS Cakds noiii \vi:Ii Apiil i)f (».*> ;iM um iv'\i ulli'iulHi'.otj ivv Horse Routes. Drs. Kennedy & Ker^aii SPECIAL IICTi:£. OwirK lo Of. K»r- ga;i I Cl' t£ ( C^ «3! (J, liT. J. U. K.ntici!/, Me<J.c:i1 l.>.rcctf :, \n% aiaoclalail Willi him L)r.K«:inC(^y Jr. who h-n teen wi.h th« Arm fur vcv#ral y«arfi, ^o hfrrafur burl:-«t« will cr-- dtiftcd undtr the n»mc of 0N9 KCNNtDY & KLNNLUy NERVOUS DEBILITY I .inu-an(1,<>( youiv.MiiKl iiiMillr a -<.<1 i:i u a' r aniinnlly swept I I a tirci'ialiire gr.:vc llinnBli KAHX.'V I.NliIStJRKTKi-N'S, I!\.l:i>:,i;i ANt) li;,(Xi|i lUsiAslCS. Ifyou have any uf the 1 .11 iwi;rg«vr.:ploiii»i<ii;kui» unUfore illntoo l«l». Are j on ii-rvoiit niiil v^cak, dcbpomlent and ploniiiv, apeckbbefnir the t\tt, with dirk cliclfiiirulcrtlir-M, wrik duck, I iilnryHirrlla- pittpita'.ion of (lie htart, l>asi;fiil. dicouis ainl I ••«•« leitl- tmetiiiii urine, pi rip-en on tU(! (arr. eyes Ktinkrn. luirnw ctir»-k« rjrewotn rxprutlon, po"r inemfirv. lilrlf.n. di'triihlMil, Inrk vnrr^y and strrrKth, t-rrd nioniiiirs rrsll'-«a ni^htu, chapfre- â-  1>I* nionilf. wrnk inniiliaud, premature decay, l>oue palnfi,JiBlr, Boie throat etc. BLOOD POISONS Hlood PnlfioiiH _ _ _ _ _ ftto thr III si ( v.iitiit aiMl Mn>»-( fr: i(iii» tlisrH »•#-». 'I'll* v fflp the very liff »:o*>«t ijf iJie vnti'ii. B'ld utiUHA tiitlrttv f ui(li<.nir(l,/r(>in the »vf|rm Tijuv n'^Tt T" f:tiir ' i"**frnHon. Juwhre o( Mercury, U ualy tuifprcsKS the •>uiptum«~OL'K NhW MKTliOU curcii them. Oy« NtW METHOD TREATMENT o'o^e '^n cur« you. •lul nifik^'n tt:in ul > wU. t'uilcr !..• iiiflti< i.i •* thtr httilii I'^ctmiit acilvc. the hluud ptinnrd m) tlmt all |*i.util(<t. M-itrhrii, and t<l.«rs t!ii(i;)TK4r, tit*.* ii< rvt • tieroine tttrouK an rt-r|, bo that iict> vou^'u^w-*. Iwnhiitlii^t'ft and dr^ivmdpiirv v ln:^'â- . thr i*vr Im rt»m«')* Un^/l.t \\\e face full ami rtierey rriuriia to thr IwMly. an-l lli«? iiDr**!, j>'iv<ti nl, oi>d vilnl nvl^nts nrr iiiv (;;. Ofnfd: plldpin*"*^"*'â€" "o m-^'-r v" i»nbt^ f'O"! tn"»y«l(r'n, JKiMkl ^uackit ^iid fakii>» rob you of yotii hardcttrucddotU'in. Wo will our* you orn* p£y: Ko m«tt'r who h»« Ir^ptfl yoti. writ^ forftti hotirnt opinion Free READER <}u«M>«n Llai far Ham* Trattmaiil Stnt en Ntquatl. ci Char^-e. IXiuUd I'MlCK^-'Tlic Uuldvn Uunitur" (Uluiltaled) I oulr: * (Uh DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY higan Av3. and Griswoid Si. OETRQIT, MICH where his lob is cast. Tlu loenl editor from necessity aliiM'st consliiilly tinils hinihelf between t<»o tires, and whelievir way he tur-iM he is sure to le unjustly tri-aled. This is one of ilki pleasuri-s of the newspaper biisinesH. Ourouriespond- "bALMEDlK" eins are often in tho sumo predicament, I j,„xi)AV Will leave hi. own stable, and the editor occasionally deems it ; OyU,,,, ,,roeeoil up tho back line prudent to tone down (ii-^u^ out items, lo I!. HUck's corner, across to gravel %"' 'mill and down lo .Muiislmw's hid»l, .Shaieb(i!de|-j of the dt-fuinl ()iil,»iici l''le»heitoii, for noi.ii; theme dnwii the Hank have some hopes •.hat tln-y may not Toronio line in ,Ino. Littles, for night. \»' called upon for the (bnibU- liability to Tt'ESDA Vâ€" I!. .1. Talbot's, fir noon ; 11. aLe up the estimated )ii-esent delicieiicy I 'hence down eeii'ie line, to F. Thoinp- of «r,7i;,(lt)0. One of the assols is ^.,000 j '""'''• ^''"â- ' '"*"• f'"' "'«'"' acres of land near Fort Williain, which I WEDNKSDAV -Will proceed to Jas. â- ^''ocii-rnKs ALTEIl l.OUCKS ItuUder and Coiiliactor No.iis- l.loeK. l••t.^l.lâ- rto^., at H p.u,. M U.,; For itrlck, Stoiio and trumo re^i.leneo«. K«. Mil m Thisikthwalie: Kee.. f. H, Muiishaw; I tiiiiatos elicirlully luii-isUoiJ, 1- lebliurt ju I' o I-iu,, W.J. bBl.auiy. ViBltiHRb>-utbrrt.ii.viliiuj Ontario. ; lyj JULLOUGH & YOUXO *•• Hankeis .Markitale Joa K«;'eral banking ImsliiesB. Money loanad bt reusLuiahlu rattf iiull uu us. PUINCK AUTItrit 1..0l)UE, No. :c«.A.FA A M, -.ncutu in tilt Masonic hall. Arm- KtronKS Hall iliv.horton. every I'vlday on or hcfoie tile full leocn . Thou. lllakolv,\V.M.; f!ui-b,.)iiiitli, Se(,rt)'-ary. pofUT KUTON, 09.1. I. f. V. uoetalnj ^t-lavton'fi Idoe.h Ihnlitst Wedni-sdav .vui.insl of each nimuli. Visiiiiic I-'oresters Iv.iartily , welooioo. H. II.. DvBon: U. H., 'i'. Hor.vy; Km. Btc.. O. N. iiiuliardsoii TV lll.-sl,i;i'r, • lV').tum-*t»'r, '^eylou. Coiiiiuisslouei in Il,t-. J .Convevsnecr, iloujs iiiortK««iis, liBsuf, wills uto.ottrfiullv tlrawu uu Jullcetloiis mad... char|iuH!. Also uroceritia, Bom, fued etc. keiit in utot-k. l>i ic«« risht. fill. »i;C.. (.. N. HUMiarilsoii. â-  Please jiay diiei to Fin. Sec. before tuo nrtt | q j tjiiioi. i,i-, day or Itiu month. i tl rocUi:a»ti-r, Klesherton â€" - â€" 1 1 ommissiouer lu H.c .1.. Aiu-tioncer veyancer. Appraiser and .Moiiev Lende Iteal Kstate and IiiDurance Agent. Hetxla ieovt;;a>;nB, leases and wills carefully drawn up aul valuations made on shorti ..t" iirtlee nicney to loan nt lowest ratcn of interest. "Col. h'otloos attended to with promiitiiena Charlies low. Asent (or Uteaii riouiiuion iStoamBhip (Company. A eall solicited. Pure Bred riijjiish Berkshires and! „ ...,., â-  Tflmvvnrth« \ D. ,.' \h ,V'''""'""L â- ^'"â- 'i»ii«er foi the Iitni»lirina. \u- county of Orev. Terms molnrato and 1 have a tine Int nl yorni^ pi^"* oro'l from! natisfactiou KHarante«^l. Tho arraiiKemonta pri/.e winning stnik, b.r sale. Write nic for ; sjjjl datesof lalesean Im luiiio a*. TiiK Ahvanoh ClinslCN Flili;\D8â€" KleBlicrton Coniicil ol Ciiosen Krleiiils meets in Clnytnn-s liall fti-ct i and third WediiuMtay of Chcli moiitli H p. in] Phv asauHsiMimts to the llei-ovJer on or before . tee Brat Oav of ettih uiontli. Chief Couueillor T. lllakolov;Heoai'd«|-. W. H. Uuut. may soon coiiiniand a big sum. That ihs Nhnreholdeis liavo .somo prospect s of that seiMiis to be Ihe chief re.non for tho pro- tnieled liliKaimii -hat has beep going on for two yean and a half over the bank's atbiirs. It is tn be hoped that ihuir ex- peelalions will ho reali/.ed, The m-tnufacturing end of Markdalu is now presoiitinu increased animation. Steam is on st the furniture factory, and in a foitniglit a nuinbor of skilled mechaiiicH will be employed. H. J. .\i mstrong & Co. are tinishing up at their Winter's, 4th line Osprey, tor noon, and Maxwell for niglil. TIIUIISDAYâ€" Win proceed in Fever- .sh»m for noon ; thence to S. Roberts', ftu- niglit. FRIDAY Will proceed to .Iiio. Har- grave'a, for noun, and homo for iiiglu. SATrni)AY-T(. Wm White's, Saugeen .Id., fnr noon, by way of Dur- ham road and Muir's corners home for niyht. DrNl'UE MA(\ MONDAY morning To .lames Stin- machine shop •oine very modotn maohin- :",'"''• 'l'"'"';'" ''""' 'V "','""! ' '",'^''^''^''''' ,, ,, , , .. .. tdriier, and to W. .1. dncksoii «, h.iist e.y for Henry Ihos. tannery, while M. ,,,^,,. (j,,^^ f„, „i^.,,,_ &.V. V,. .Vinislroiia's new veneer factory i „„..,,,,... i> u . t . , , .„ , r • Tl ESDA\ niornnig l!y Port Law, to isi.eaiiiig cinpletion and will be in (•„lli,t^„.(iod gtavel |o (ieo. Juhnstou's opi^rstion in uiiother week. That part f,,r noon, and home for irght, of the town bids fair to beinu a bivo of WEnNKSD.VY iift*i-nm.n-T.. Hill'H industry vory soon.â€" Standard, enrner. Oianue Valley, to back line,_ and home for night, Jose Oaudatoupe Aleild, Jaloslitlan, ; ,.,.,..,. .. . ,, .„ ., , ,,. . -, ,. ... , • , . 1 .1 ' llll IIS|)A\ lo Itreens cornt>r and State of Jalisco, Mexico, is said to bo tho ,,j, ,^.,y ,,, „.^,^, ,,„^,,. ,;„„ ,„ n„,„ v,^„„„.^ oldiisi man in Iho world. Tho rec-ord of ( ». D. R, for noon, and lo John lUirnoltH, bis biitb as coiilnincd in the archives o' ^^,)„(|, \\\x^^ for iiii;ht. thepurish -huich, »how, that ho was j KmD.vV -To Mh own stable by way born in 1770, whu-h makes liim LID years ,,f Ceylon for noni., wher.i he will lemain old. He is in good phyaicHl oonditiuii, I until tho following Monday- prices. I can (jive a l>arirain alao ijnarai.ii'e atisfactiou on nil mail orders. (i,.i. W. UO.SS. Maxwell V. O. For Sale One span ot l.lnlitnii.ij Cidts ccmlnK tl.iee oltlce. Kesideucoaudr.O., Ceylon, Tolenhona , ('onnectioii. Dec, 0.07, I I, XV KMTTlXd. l.ieensoil Aiiotioneer for I .J. ti . tlie eouutiiis of tii-ev and Simooe. irariii anil Stoi^k sales a sp.'ciilty. Turnii inodoratu fatiMfaction Kuarantted. .Arraiiuo- iimtelieil. Heady to work. Also one Sli.irtlioru '"'"ts tor ilaleti inav bo mailo at the Advance llnll I Idhteeii months ohi, lirod by lleo.Hrlstow Ilnbltoy, nninlie' uHJ4.\ In volunio s!l. N'an:e VllluKo' ilttptiilii. AI.HVUT K- 11ANL.KY. 4, Con. 10, Dspiey, I'BverHliam V. O. oUloe. or A: T. Iliitchliisons store, ieverVliaiii" or by addresslns mo at KBVorsliani, Out. liot IjoI 1:i, con, 1-2, Oaprey, Bull For Service rei;. shorthorn bull. r 2 years idd. I'ride, 74.S()."i is for service at Lot X, Ci.n. II, .Arteliiesia. Terms .-jiLtKi. .IDJIN llAKtiUAVK I'nn MVTHKW.S, Maikdalo, r,loen»ed iuic*,ion«er for the county of Orev, Qool ' service at reist.nablo rates. Dates oau ba Victor »>"»do at The Advauoe. lo 111 Carefully Correoted Kaob Week Oats 43 to 4.1 Peas !»*»•" 'HI Ilnrley fiO to tiO Wheat. 1«) to 111) Hay 7 00 to 8 no Rullor 18 to I« Kegs, fresh 17 '" 1_ roiatoos per bag i» t" T" Oeese 10 to 10 Dueks 10 t., 10 t'hiekens ('• t.i 8 Turkeys 14 to 14 W Legal ». WKIOIIT, Harriater, Solicitor, Convey, anoer, ote.,â€" Owan Sound, and b'lesherton " « bertou olBoo. Sproulo's Itlook every N n Satiird Medu'al DU CAltTKR iM U I' A H Ont. riiysiclan, Sursoon, e OIHce and roiddouceâ€" I'eter St., FlesUertou JP OTTKWEJ.Ii Vetorlnary SurKeon Graduate of Ontario Vetorlnary Colleg*, resldeucH â€" sjcond door noiith weat^oo Xmi striiot. This street runs aoutb I'reKt.vierian Chiiroh, H WlI.SdN, lllacksi.iilli 'Iraduato o( no Veterinary Asffoclatlon; Hti«iduiice, Durham iti oslte lloyd, HioktiuK'a hardware Relent* ireet, op Mr. Ivob.-rt Dnnlop, ono t^f tho pioneers of Fupliri-iia town.ihip. dii'd at the ngo of Kl yeirs. 1)K KNTISTUV Dr. B C. .MURRAY U .\ K, dental sursf on h'inoi'Kriiiliiate of Toronto Univemity nnd Koyal <;ollei;o of Dontal Snru 'nnn of Ontairio, Gail adiuliili''eved kir tuotli eXt.actinn. uUloe at roBiduuce,Torouto Street, Flea iiVtio i '^1

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