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Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1909, p. 4

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^„,,fmwf^' r'lr^'i May 20 lOOtt 1 V s THE FLESHERTO^! ADVANCE 1 F.T.HILI & CO., - Markdale Immense Purchase and Sale of Children's, Girls and Women's Hosiery. 3000 Dozen In the Lot noOO dozen of Women's, (iirls, and Children's Stockings. Just think what that means, 36,000 paiis, that is tlie exact figures lor one of the biggest purchases \vc ever made in hosiery. This l)ig lot of Hosiery we purchased last Febru- ary when cotton hose was not seasonable and the manufacturers wanted money. Having three stores and being able to sell part of the lot to one of the keenest wholesalers in Toronto, made it possible for us to handle the quantity and now we are selling Hosiery 35 to 40 per cent less than we could sell them if we paid the manufacturer regular pi-ices. ««/%^^%^ ^/^^'•^m^ «^/%%«^ %/%^%^«^%^ «/w%'%/»/% 1200 I'r. Woait'n'H P'inc Lwle Hose. 1200 pairii Wdineir.s Fine liLsle sprinc needle ribbed Hcise, tripplu knee, spliced ho«lB, wiirrant.ed fast dye. A U'autiful tine ctockiri>j. He|;ulitr .°<5c value. All SIM'S from Ci to 0. TliB way wo bought them nmkes ir piMiaible for us to sell them at l!)c a piiir or 2 pair for :!oc Women and Girls Twn Thread Fancy Laco Hoho Tn colors of BUck, Tan, and White, also plain Blirck Silkolene; very fine K«uj;e. Itegular 25 to .'{Cc slock- iiij^H. Thia bii> purchnHe made it possible for us to sell them at per pair lie Women's Fine Black Cotton Hosiery Fleece Lined, sale price lie a pr. IGOO pairs of VVomen'a Fine Black Coclon Hose in seeniless feet, fleeced lined. This huse sells regular- ly at 18c pair, but the way we bought this lot we arc able to .sell thorn at per pr lie Womr n'a Hose in Black and Taa With Fancy Pattern. 2 pr for 25c. 800 i)rir8 Women's light weij^ht lino black Hose, feem- loss feet. In fancy patterns of white, mauve, blue and Tan decorations. Special 2 pr for 25c. Bad Attack of DysenteryaCured. ".An hmiorfd uitiy«ii of thin town wasHuffer- inn froni a««vi>i(; attack of (iy»cntery. He tolil a frieiiil if he could obtain a Ixittlo of C'htt'iilHji Iain's Cfilic, Ch'ileru and Diarihcea KeinMly, h<- felt coiiKdent of living rurvil, he haviiii' iiKwl thJM remedy in the West. He wax tolilltlmt I kept it in Ktock and hint no time ill ilitaiiiiiiK it, and wait promptly ciireil," iia.VH M. .1. Irfiich, (Iniggist, of VVoloott, Vt. For »al« by W. K. Kicliardsou. 4i^^i^ '^^?^i?'^B^ ""^^^ -"^^ -^^ â- ^^ ^^ ^^^<^^_.^^^â€" ^^ ^^ ^^ -^^ -^^ -^^ ^w, i^^ -^^ -^^ -^^ -^^ "^^ "^ ^ "^^ • â€" -â-  - â€" - â€" - -^11 (Ehc I« luitilishii] every Thursday at ?1.<I0 |«r annum if liaid in advance, $I..V) if not so paid. NKT ADVKRTISIXO KATKS 1 colunin'.display one year, WO Half cohiinn one year, (KW Quartec cohimu one year. W."> FortuiKhtly chaiiRes if retpiired QuotatioBii for tranxient a/lvortlsmg will bt Kiveu uu apiilicaliou. « Our Scrap Book 'travallers going across the line had his j counterpart fifty years n^o. Here is how I one mail was treated at Detroit a.s desci ib- I ed in the Globe of September 12, 18(12 : AceiDBNT IS ST. vi.scEXT j .>(,„ TuB-sday lapt Mr. Alexander It becomes our painful duty to record yy,|,j,^ ,„,„„„„ ]i„j^,|i^j,man residing iu the very sudden death of Mr. J"sephL,^. ,„^„gi,ij, ^f R.j,.|,ggter, in the coun'y Emery, of the above township, on the|„f k^s-x, procured a pass fiom the American consular agent at Sandwich to township, on afternoon of Saturday last, ha was at {work with a horae power shingle machine jaiicl had just st.>|iped up to oil some of enable him to visit Detroit ami return. He transacted his business and was about The past few weekd have been hard on our little feailjcrcd Iriends who came back to us from the Bouth at their usual date, but fouud cold winds and 8UDW storms to greet thoiu. The grah had not begun to stir in liis earthy bed and Hies and insects were still dormant. There is one bird, our choicest songster, who has not yet arrived but may bo expected any morn- ing, lie i.H always lieard lir!;t in the morning, having apparently arrived during the night. About tlic 24th of May he is due here, or just when the k-af buds on tht maples are half ex- panded and showing a lively green. 8ong sparrows and robins have been with U8 fur some time and at the peep o' day tiie robins make merry cliorus, although little attention is paid to them, but some of these fine mornings a new and decided note will be added to the orchestra wlicn Sir Oriole arrives witli his merry whistle, and liis orange and black Hpriiig dress will be seen flitting in and out among ihn delicate young greenery, lie is a dainty charmer and wo cugcily await his coining, for it means warm weather and summer. Wiio will bo lirst to Lear his melodious whislk? One Whitty of Toronto Junction liaa learned that ic is just as serious a matter to commit perjury ill a liquor case as in any other, and will stand his trial for tlio deed, to which ho has made confession. It was one of the etock arguments against local option that it >\ould ho fniitftil of perjury, but perjury is perjury wherever fsuiid and theie isBcvce and fcsBible punish- tncnt for committing the deed when- ever it crops up just as there is panishinent for any other crime. or all tho invoDtions produced to annoy mankind, the prayer chain is one of the worst. Our llatkorton oorrespondent did not put it strong «Doagh last week. It is a nuisance without any just reason for living and it has the liven often cats. You need not be afraid of breaking the chain, because it can mend itself like the tropical crab which can tiirow off its legs and grow now ones. An a Iroak in this respect it beats every- thing in nature. We know this to ho a fact, becaubo it has been smaahcd remorselessly in this house a do/.en .times and still tho links (this should be^ipoUed lynx) coutinuu to roas- semblo themeelvei apparently as strong as crcr. Hreak them every chance you get and perhaps in time the Ihin^ will yi&v its life away. the gearing, when the fly-wheel hurst jj„ jg^,^„ j„ ^heevenin? when the Yankee with an exphisiou like that of a shell, | ^y^j-j „t the ferry took his pa.s.s, but in- scattering some of the pieces to a- dist- gtoad of iUowing him to proceed home nnce of ;!0 rods; one of them, wei'^hing lU pnundf>, struck the deceased on the locked him up for the night. In the morning lie was handcuiTcd .uid marched thigh and hip with such force ss actually „found t he city in that condition forfuUy ground tlie bone to powder, and inflicted I g^.y hours. He was rirtt marched down an awful wound on his side. Me.lica_l aid ,„ ^^^g f^rry dock, then taken before Col. was called in but it was of nu>Tail. as he Smith, u local military fuiictionnry, then rapidly sank from tho effects of his in- 1 1^ Marshal Dickie's office, whence he was juries, and in the space of four hours death put a period to his sull'erings. -tlwen Sound Times, July 2.5, 18C2. POLITICAL There lire four candidates in tho field for (irey- Dr. Mahafl"ev, Conservative Independent ; George Jackson, Liberal Independent ; Nassa C Onwan, Con- servaiive Opposition; Jess T. I'urdy, hlliciiil Opposition, the late member, who will certainly lie re-elected. The Lea.ler boasted tho other day that Mr. Fr.izer of Owen Sound, who lisd been iiienlioned as an opposition candidate, hut declined to run, would not oppose Mr. Jackson. This was utterly untrue, as Mr. Fiazer explains in a letter published elsBwhere. â€" Globe of Juno 8, 1801. A» a matter of history Mr. Purdy was not ri-elected. The plum went to Geo .lackson and Mr. I'urdy disap|)earod from politia:. He died in north Dakota about ten years ago at the iigo of 02 years.- Kd. Adviinco. oidered to the barracks where they told him they would compel him to outer tho army, and insisted upon admini/iterinj! the oath to him : peremptorily refusing to be sworn, he was again led to the Marshall's olhce, where he underwent the form of a trial, and was made the subject of.much merriment by the otlicers present, who looked upon tho thin;^ as a tine piece of sport. He was then handed u pass with ir.structioiis to retain it in iiis own possession, and led to the ferry dock, whore it was taken from him, and where he would'slill jiavo been detained but for the intervention of Mr. Munger, tho consul who gave the fust jiass. Tho K.xsex Uocird, which relates tlieso facts, demaiuls that something slioiild be done by the Camidian Government to prevent a repetition of such outra^fs. Indigestion Stomach troiilil.^ Ii< but a symptom of. and not In ll«if a true diseas^.. We think of Dyspepsia, ni^ai-tbum. and Inditfustlon aa real diseases, yet they are symptoms oniy of a certain apeclfic Nerve siclmitssâ€" iiothinK else. It was this fact tiiat first correctly led Dr. Shoop In the cri'ation of that now very popular Stomach KeraiMlyâ€" Dr. Shoops Re.stnratlve. (ioin« direct to the stomach ni^rvea, alone brought that success and favor to Dr. Shoopand his Restorative. With- out that original and highly vital principle, no such lasting aeronuilishniints were ever to lie had. For stomach dlstres.s. blimting. billuosness. bad breath and sallow complejion. try Dr. Shoop's Restorativeâ€" Tablets or Liquidâ€" and see for your- self what It can and wUl do. We seU aud dieer- iully ruccmmeud Dr. Shoop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS" LORDnROSs7T5673 A. T. U., the unbeaten horse on Canadian soil Sired b> full brother of Osr» Devil, 'J09, by Mauibriao King, li!70. the handsomest horse in the world. ROUTE Monday, Uay :tâ€" Will leave bis own stable, hilsytb. aud proceed east to Wm. TottenhsmB Hoath Head, for noon : thence east to 5th line to Samuel Stephens', Strathaven, for night. Tuesdayâ€" Ily Spring Hill ta lOtb line.south to Joe Huibert's for noon, thenco to Kimberley for night, where he will reuia'n until Wad- nesday noon. Wednesday- ,\t 1 o'clock will leave by Ep- Ping aud Uocklyn to .James Bailey's for night Thursdayâ€" Home to Fiudlay's I.ivery for Doon and by way of gravel road to Uoorge Haker's for night. Frit'ay- To ./ohn King's Sr.. King's Corners for noon, theoco to Kobert Day's for night. Saturdayâ€" To John Vanwyck's, Annan for one hour, thenoo to City hotel. Owen Sound, for noon, where he will remain until 4 o'clock, thence to his own stable, Kilsyth, where he will remain until the followini! Monday morn- ing. This route will be continued throughout the seaeou, health and weather permitting. Cards of breeding sent on application. JOHN FINDLAV, Proprietor and Collector. 1". O- Ilox -!:», Meaford, phone 70. Jacob Hunt iu charge. i July Good Liniment. You will hunt a tfocKl wliilu Iwfore you find a iirepuratloii timt is einiai ti 11 W' ANOTIIK.R OITRAOK OS TIIE f'UONTIKR. The United States iminigratiuu otHcer at llutl'alo who has uf late yoart been (aoting ai> oflioiously against Canadian t'liamlicrlalirH Lintnu'iit as a curi^ for muscular an<l rheu- matic iiuins, fot the cure of KpraiiiN aiul Kiire- ll''i<H oi the mii.sclci'. In case <>f rheuiiiatisin and vcintica it lelleveM the inteiiKc |iain and A universal systtm of woiyhtsl '""'"."' «!VI','."''' Z"^ l-os-iMe. In case ,.f •' •* I H[irams it leiieNCH the sorenesH and restores tin- and measures has been under discussion | parts to a healtliv condition in onethird tho for very many years. It is admitted that | time le.iuimi by the usual tica'.inent It is â- '.'•'. e(|uallv valualile for lame back and all deep the metric system is Ihu only system seated n. oscular iiains. 25 and iiO cent sizes worthy of universal accept.inco but it ap- ''"â-  ""'" ''•>' ^^'' '''• '{'I'l'Wil""". pears impossible to yet Koj^lishspeakini;! countries tc adopt it. So far back as IHIil tho nieliic system was di>cusse(l wiihout rcs'jit as tho f(ilhiwiii){ taken from tho Globe of Sept. 7 that year will show: "At the Co igress of Social Science, rccunlly held in Dublin, M Chevalier, Ihu dihtiiiKuishcd Krencli writer on liohtical economy, fjavo a short history of the efforts which have been made to introduce a universal system of woi>;hts aud measures into all countries. In 17t)0 the ccnteinimal system was adopted iu Kraiice, and it is now used in Fra nco, Spain, TortUKsl, Oreece, lleij<ium, Itily, the NulherlamU, and in three of t!io re- publics in Houth America. M, Chevalier oonsidera the French system as tho best for all nations. Trofesaiir Hennessey slated that tho (j;ieal object wa» to hit Upon a measure that would meet tht wants of the world at large, Tho inetra and its divisions appeared most tuitable, for the metre is a fraction -A tho meridian of the earth. He hid heard a ^reat deal said ai<ainst the metre beeauae it was a Fienuh system, but if it were the best it should be adopted and became cosmopoli- tan. The Social CouKresa paised a le- solutliiii recommending the adoption of a uniform and general system of weights and measures.'' MAKE MONEY. .Selling I'elliam's IVeilcss V'rult ami "rnameiital tn^es, shrulis, etc., during the winter months. We (itfer you »t<'a<ly aiul profitablr rinplnyment in your own district at gimd pay. WK ll.W'K OVKRCilHl A(;KES'of choice iiuiHery stock which v ni will sell direct to your customers. No (lisoased or dried out American stock HU|>pliod. KstaVilished over 30 years. Write for particulars. , , Pell)am nursery Co. Toronto, Ont. The American Standard Bred Stallion DEMOTT E 29842 f The properly of J. Rudd Matthews, Markdale, Ont.!12. Peinotte will make tho season of 1909 as folh'ws : Monday eveniiuj -Berkeley. Thlksdav evoniiit;â€" Fleslierhin. Tho rest of the week Maikdale H > Stables. Deinotte, 29842, is a handsome, same, level headed horse with a perfect disposi- tion ; to see him is to like him, and after looking liver his i>edit;ree all must admit that he is one of the best bied horses imported. Where will you tind another in this country with as fa.«t a sire and dam ? liis (jraiidsire, (iamhetta Wilkes, sired O.imbolier, the sire of the great Eel 2.2]. His graiulaire on Ins dam's side, C. F. Clay, has more to his credit in the 'J. 10 list than any other horse in Kentucky, anil is also one of the, if not the Ejroatest, sires of high actots in the I'nited Stales, Demotto is a beau'iful high itoiiig horse with a Kfcat turn of speed kimself, havim; been a close 2nd in IO4. 1 have put this's fco very low, within leach of the owmr of the 01- duiary mare, while tho owners of tho best mares will got the service of a $'25 horse for just 9Vi. Those wishing to bargain for living colts can do so by applying to me. I have also niado arraii'jeuient tor pasture close to town for mares sent a distance. Markdale iSteaiii Laiinclrv Andrew Wilson, Ajjent, - Flesherton We quote you a few of our summer prices; All starched shirts, 10c each ; Summer cotton underwear, 5c each; handkorchiefs, lo each ; wash vests, 10c ; duck trcmseis, l.'ic, and other articles at propm tioiiatcly low rates. We try our best to you. If we fail to do so tell Andy and wo will put Ihem right. W.J. Smith, Prop. H a V Y c o T u e d Thompson's Bakery Having soeured Mr.E. Arm- strong of Potorboro, a first class baker, we aro prepared to turn out the host of ovory- thing in our lino. I'"rcisl» Uroml Hlurnyn tin Itaiicl Atrlul isolloUed. Ed.Thompson, Flesherton, Canadian Pacific Very Low Rate For Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $77.30 return from Flesherton good going May 20 to Sept. 3o, ReturnlimitOct. 31. Liberal stopovers. Wide choice of routes. t!o liy the direct Cauadian 1 ie â€" see your own country-thc west, the Rocky Klountaiiis. V iflt the Heattle Kxpositioii and other special attractions. Talk it over with S. RANDS, Agent, Flesherton. STEADY EMPLOYMENT For A Reliable Local Saksaiau RKl'RESKNTINtJ Canada's Oldest and Qreatest Nurseries IN Fle.sherton And Adjoining Country. You will linrt tliorc Is a Kood deioam] (or Nursery Htook on account o( the IiIkIi prices that Ri'owers have realized ou their fruit tills season. Our salesmen arc tnriilne In a ble tinslncssto us tills year. Iteono ti( them and earn good waKOS throiifjh the wlutor nioutlis. 'rurrltorv reserved. Vay Weekly. Free eamiileoiitnt, etc. Write fur pari ietilaVs. 8 T N V. k \V E L h I iN O T N FoKtIilll Nursoi'ios ( tt'iO acres ) TORONTt) Ontario JS, W RHVn General and Hardware Merchants, ^ . a TT . DM I Uy flesherton, Ont, ^ WE are opening up a merchant tailoring business ui.der tho 7K manaiimeiit of Fied Morley who is a tirst class woikmnn. ^ We have a compli to range of new and up-to-date stock, VVe guarantee a perfect tit. Call and see the gootls â€" just ill the Collier riiom MRS. SMITH'S OLD STAND. »-.M ^N .•«.« o rt c a Ml <<^« â- * ^ t. €e- 6C o c > 2 o o 5 Q eS fs: ^ _o 4^ Q^ ,-m Q^ w^ ^d m (71 a> si O} r3 ^ IS ^ ai â- 1^ Ci -.-1 >> en a a 2 C m o "m ^ o 0) to >. a O pq ^ k -3 o o s-> S >»t^ OJ 5S CO 39 a. ->-> c j3 «3 o o 0) o i-l o - O 11 c T) ^. 3 to 4.^ ^ 33 «6r '^T EW Dress Goods in all the new shades and patterns â€" prices 553 â- *-' to 181. .50 per yd., also a large assortment of Ging- hams, Zephyis, Linens, Prints and Muslins •" A complete range of Ladle's Ready- to-wear Garments â€" Skirts, .Jackets. Waists, Under- skirts, Etc. Flour and Feed. We keep on hand a full stock of Flour and Feed including Feed Flour Shorts, Bran and the fanuus Five Roses Flour made by the Lake of the Woods Millinj; Co., Kewatin, tvery b»g of ivbich is guaranteed if not satisfactory return it and get your money. Hardware. We have a well asFoiltd st< tk of Hardware â€" parties contemplating ^K buildiui! will do Will to (let our prices befeio purcha.sing elsewhere â€" ^^ i' . > . nice line uf stoves, tinware etc. ^^ m^k InSlcigbs, BudaUSt Olaggons, l^arrowst Ploughs* €rcam Sep- arators and Olire Fencing HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Farms for Sale & Rent T.^'arm tor Hale, eontaiiiitig one limtdred acres â- ^ more or Iosh, bein^; lots Hl-UtJ. coii. 1. N. K. Toronto Sydeiiliatii road, about c-iBbty acres cleared; balance bvi^b. On the jiroporty is one frame barn :ijx")ri o.i Ktotie basement witb coii- croto htablint; aiulRood impkMneiitHlied. Frame dwellliiK bouse, small orcbard. two Kood wells. AIho two spriiifis on back end of place. Tliere are tbirty acres fall {dotiKbeJ, live acres of fall wluat.well fenced and in a yood state of cultiva- tion. Tbis is one ot tbu hest farms in tb« townabip and can be bonsbtriKbt. It is sitiiat- «d one mile from Fleabertun and ttve miltis from Markdale. Apiily to iaClI.\UDyoN UUUH. Floshciton T ots M and :(.'>. eou. n S D U. ICO acres, Go cleared | *â- * 10 acres pasture, balance good bnsb. Uarn , fi,'>x50, drivinj; shed, ^ood frame lumse. 'i welh, i I aero of orchard aud stone wall under barn. . SauKoou river crosses back of farm; Well fenced and in Rood state of cultivation, :t miles from I Vrotou Statitn. For t»»rms apply on |>remi80fl to JAMKS H. V.Vi;SK. Vroton Station L"'or sale clicap, oi rent, immediate possesniou " Lot ;H) con. H, Artemesia. about 7.'> acres clear, comfortable loj* bouse and frame barn, Avplv to H. J- Sproule. Flesherton. or Jobu J. Martin, acio.satho road from said K>t. Cei/ion *s 7?feat Ail kinds of fresh and smoked meats, bead cbeese, sausage, aiwavs on baud. ~ s CASH r'AID FOR HIDES. Jas. ^iceiocAli in, Iuts i; i S and !>. Con. 1:). in tlio towhsliip o( •• Oapi'ey. l.'iOacifs. laiKO cluaiitiK, kooi) traiiio liarii anil stsliles, Kood ilwclliiig auJ well. Aii- l»lv on thu piuuilsBS or to iW. J. I1KI.1.AMV, Flesherton l-'orsalo clioap ami on eoxy tcniia, koo.I com. ^ fortttblu Ivanie dwelliuK. i^talilo ami driving housB, wltli tiiroe viliH){o lots, in Ceylon. UwbI- lioK well liiiilt and tliiisbecl and Kood bearieg orcbard ou tlio I'lopertv, Apply to K. J. Sphoclk, Flosbertou 1f<or salo or rentâ€" 100 aoro tsrm, 1 acre ot or- chard. 10 acres bush incliutliig 5 acres hard- wood, well watered and good (uncus, biiok housH, franio barn, IJ miles from school and post ottice, :i miles from I'ruton Hiation. For price and terms of sal" apply to WiU' Taylor, lot 7:1- '71, coul north of Duvhaiit road, Artemesia l^'or iiont -lot ;i7, con I, Artcmnsia, 100 acres, fW " (o IK) olosii'd and in cultivstlon, comfortable dweliing, bank barn, stone stntling. in a tlrst class settlenumt aud well worthy tho attention of those requiring such. M. J. HPUOUl.K, Flesherton Good Farm For Sale. T ot ID, con.O, Ospiey coutaiuins 100 acres, m ''cleared. f:au,o house, frame^.ie onndstiou;,), „ell watered Oul Uunissiid down and balance to suit purchaser Immediate posBession Apply to ' "'^'- '"""'• K. N. KiNjM.:A«,Ma.\weII P. n. El Dorado Farm. Of Shorthon, cattle aiul U.i„.Hter sheep BnlU „,„] |„.if,.„ ^„ ^^^^^^ toi sale also a number of singlu »,„! ,.„«« „,„!, brown leghnrii, and sinKlecomb white leghorn cockerels Lot .'«• foii. 5. (^has. StiSf ord. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. au>nm"Jl?fl*"'^u V;'^''"''' «l'«b««t of breeding St rel^Jo,;l"(;,e ,S â€"»''-'-« fors.l5 Lot 38.000.5 CMA8. STAFFORD. Flesherton Herefords For Sale. ("owH and heifers for sale, none letter. 1 iice«nKht, lN.«t Ottice, fVoton .Stalicm; farm half nule from SauKccn Junction. We have sold all our I nils. J. &T. WATSON. Lot:i. con. lOsproy. too acres well timbered. For terms etc. ai>ply to It. Koberts, Lady Uauk l>, U. Eggs For Hatching. pro wu Leghorn Kggs for hatching, from nrst "class pen. All prise birds at F.ast Oroy (all lair are in this p»b: Kggs .'lOe. per setting o( 1.1 LK VI HKTTS, Flesherton: GROUP stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One tost will suroly prove. . ~ . ~ ,^ ^, ~ ^" vomiting, no disi- trosD. A safe and pleasing sjrrupâ€" 90o. Druggists. PUMP NVooden pumps manufactured throughout aud teiiairs promptly aud satisfactorily attended to, I air. aijent for three of the bent iroli pump manufacturers in Ontario. A card dropped to me at Coylon P. O will have my prompt attention. Yowr patronige respectfully solicited. JAMES A. McLEAM, CurrJe's Corner, Ceylon ;P. O. (

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