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Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1909, p. 5

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May 13 1909 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK Eiubluhed 1873 OF CANADA 77BtMclwt A Feiv Dollars A MontH taved, instead of being carelessly spent, does not look very formidable. But these few dollars deposited regularly in the Standard Bank of Canada, with Interest Compounded, will amount in a few years to a fair competence. It may mean a little self-denial, especially at firA, but it also means a great deal of solid satisfaction, and the habit is easily acquired. B« fair to your old age â€" start a Savings Account now. One Dollar will do it. 74 FLESHERTON BiCA.NCfl George Mitchell, Mcmager BRANCHES ALSO AT DVRHAM AND IIAniVISTON. ^ VICINITY CHIPS^ Mr. TluiH. LevLT hn.| ii ciiiple of sheep killed l)y (logs receiitly. Mr. Emtrsoii Bellimy look a Inicinehs " trip to Owen Sound thi^ week. Mr. W. Sc)urli|^ate viMtt-d his mint, Mr?. Geo. Mitcliell, last week. Mr. A. Runstad'Kn- of Bi rlin visilcd his unnle, Mr. Jolin Lun^iliidtlur, Wjek • Norris Bros, put up forty rod nf wire fenct) .ilong ilie front of Mr. T. Slod's farm, tiie p' week. Mrs. J. Little of ()w:n S"UnJ visited with her mother, Wrs. Bos', over Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Jolinsti'n drove over from Thornliury, to visit their daughter, Mr-". Goo. Stunr'. Mr?. Johnsion retnrnid on Wednesday. The frnmers are Ini'y frauiin.; tlie timber for a new bHrn for Mr. Clms. S'owait, which lie int.en.lH liuilding this summer. Mr. S. Shniik, insiirai-.c j ajent, has reiited ih.) Mclvea residence on Collins- wood sliuet and wi 1 biinjj his family heie from Woodl)rid(;e. The new iown»Iiip siorie erusher ai - lived \*!'t week and <vvh I r^uglit out from ihe stitioii by Em> rson Adamt.' team of dr»unlr.s. Il favo th-ui »11 they ^wanted to do,too, h.s the inachir.e weighed 4 1 tonn. Mrs. W. .J. Doiig'ass and 'itlle daught- er of Collingwood fp^ii" a few diys dur- the week with the foinioi's mother, Mis. A. S. Vandusen. Mrs. V<hi L)u,^eu Hrciiiipiinied her claiigUttr Vi ColliiiL'- wood on Tuesday. l)r. Oittw. 11 had in liis posseKsioii last week the head of what ini^/ht be culled a d'ul^'U-headid Crilf, and lias »t nt it to the to yet iiiiuiite I. Ithi-dtwo nose?, 'wo months, fiur e>e«, on a sii gle skull and only two e.iro. 'llle freak was rare and curious. The »'xt'cutive of ilie ArlemoKia Sal - bath School Assicintiiti met in I'leslioi- ton lact week find decided lo hold their annual convention at V.uideleur on VVcd- msday, June 2S. It ia expected that Mr. YellowltoH, Secretsry of the Provin- cial Assi ciatioii, will te [)ic«ent. The aunuil meetinu of thn Wnm in'.^ Ihstitule will be held in the town hall on Tuesday, 18th in^t., at 2.30 p.m sharp, when otticers and director «ill be elic'ed and the leport of the pre'ei^l year pre- sented. It is expected that Mrs. (Di.) Caldwell will give a paper. A large at- tendance IS requested, «li-o that iiiembers will p«y fees fur ensuin;; year. At the Ijst meeling of the financlil year, held on Thursdiy last, the Methc- d'vt chu'ch boaid eUcted the following officers for the en»uiog jfar : Stewards â€" R. Waller, W. A. ArmaUontf. F. W. Nichidson. Win. Clayt. 'U, llidiert Rich ardson, W. G. Shannon and VV. Cullis. Secretary, Win. C'avton. Mr Clnylon was al-o appointed delegate to the dia- Irict nifelina to be held in Owen Sound. Ar ilic annual meeting of the Woman's MiK.siimaiy Socii Iv of tho Melhodiat church, held l.isi Thurnday. ihe follow- i' g otticpis were *lecled : Pres., Mrs. VV. H. Thurston ; 1st V.P., Mr*. W. Bi.yd ; 2i.d V. P., Mr*. Jos. Clinton ; Cor. Sec, Mrs. W. W. Tiiinble; Rpc. Sec, Mrs. (J. .Mitchell ; Treas., Mrs. W. H Bunt ; Pies. Systematic giving, Mrs. F. Nicholson ; Organist, Mrs. Tiimble. Wo Imvo learned that Ur E. K. Rich- ardson of Toiootii, ,11 d in whosa prosper- ity many Flosherton poop'e are deeply iitt-restiHl, has during the week re- ceived a niu'i little appointment that adds about 9550 to hia income, boidua other ffcs. Tills w,ia the appointment of asso- ciate physician for Court Sherwood For- est, I. O. F. Th'scouit has a mcmher- »hip of over 1100 ineinbeis. Congratu- lations are certainly m order. A Kdy writing from Hopeville a«l.s u< for Ili9 whereabouts of a man named Marshall, who wts in the Toronto General hospital l««t January. Of course an editor should knew every thiiij:, but our • educft'ii'ii i< at fau't in this nm'tir. Mr. Marshall hii.s not come under onr ob.ierra- tiim. Howeverj if ihia mteta the eye of nny person v ho knows the gent'eman's whereabouts, ihey w;ll confer a fa»or by communicaling with Mis. Jij.«iei)!i Lo\c, Hopeville, I A nie(»ling in t'la inteie^c of football (vas held on Saturday nii'.ht at the Park houKi'. There was a !;ood at-fendanee c.f players and seppor'orsand it was decided to orgsn'ze. The fcdlowing olfioeis wee elected: Hon. President, Geo. Mitchell; Pres., J. A. BoyJ ; Seeretaiy-Tivas., j Wm. Soniers; Manager, Ed. Thompson; ! CiptHiti, G-o. McTiiviih ; Comniittceâ€" A. Spr'at, G. Mc.\ithnr, Rny Piper, E. Armstrong and Roy Kjir. An aUuit Bible class hits been orta- n zed by the conu'regation of the Presby- terian churcli. Meetings nill be held on .Sundays at 1.30 p.m. Tho followiny oficers hare been elected : Teacher, Mr. Frank Chaid ; Pie.'ii'lent, Misa Cliid- ley ; Viec-Pie.s., Walter Louckx ; Sec, I. E. Biiiiiie ; Treas., Mr. A. Uawkin. The mee'ings will be inaugurated .••ii B'liday eveninir, May 14, by a locial, lo which all over Hixte>n yeais of ajio are invited. A meeting of those inti rested ill has - ball was held in the Mnnshaw house on Mcmday evrning when the local club wis reorganized aa follons: Patroii.s- Gi o. Mitchell, A. Munshaw, D. McTavish and I Dr. Carter. Hon. President, Jidin A. ' Boyd. President, Mark Wilson. Cap- I tain nnd M.nager, Mr. McCiniuodale. Sec.-Treni.. Roy B. Kerr. Managing I Coinmitieo â€" H. Smith, E. .-Vrmstreng and F. A. Tucker. I At the annual meeting of Ihe Ep'vi rth I League, Monday evening, folli.wint; I offtcers were elected f<ir the enduing year : Piesident, Mr. Richard Wi'cox ; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. W. A. Aimstrong ; 2nd Vire t'res., Mrs. Thurston ; ."{rd Vioe Pre"., Miss Uundle ; 4ih Vice Pies., Miss Heri>n ; oth Vice Pres., M ,s.i Thurston ; Roc. Sec, Gordon Laird ; Corr. Sec, R.iy Kerr; Treas,, Misa Henderson; Asst Tieas.. Miss Leone Belaiiiy ; Oraanist, JIis» Ella Kaistedt. Tl:erc WIS a Utile troiblrt mii the t'ain Monday evei'iou beS-weeii Dudalk loid Fl sherton, when two n en named Tndd ai d .Vtliew gnt intii an altercation. The former failed to produce a ticket and the conductor had him arrested at Flesher- tnii staliini on arrival of the train heri'. T uld pu' in tho nijilit in the e'atioii house wi'h bracelets on hi.s wrists. Tue.*:- day morning Migistralo K. McGi 1 let him go, as i.o chai-ge was preferred auainst him. A goiit'cnian informs an Osproy tarn'er fiigiiued four iinni'granis to assist him. The men found that their houri of woik were from 4 a. in. to 11 p. in. and bein</ unable to stand it throw up the ji.b. Whai- could these nieu wish fir! Didn't they get enough to eat? And wasn't tho pay suBic'ent to keep ihem in ch.thia? What is tho wiiild cninirg to, anyway, whan men refuio to work niin- tarn hours nut of the 24! Farmeri' as a rule do not expont more Ihun twelve hours labor fnun their hired lie'p, and nineteen is piling it on a little too thick snd tho four atrikers have the moral support of many sympathisers, Sam M'jrkigovitch in a Rus-tian Jew and ha< been doing a rag time buainesH here for ihe past few days. Recently a warrant uas received here for Sam's oppreheusion and committal on a charKe of contempt of couit in neglecting to liquidate a little judgmei.t of $35, held by an Owen Snund man. Bailiff John Wright surprieed Sam on Tue.sday while industriously plying h's honored occu- pation of rag gathering and intited him to get ready for a trip to the county bss tie. \i tirst Mr. Morky, ttc, denied hia identity but later decided that trick was u'leleas with our eagle-eyed bailift'. He therefoie tishod up ten dollars, all I the money he had but ipiiie suHijieiit for purchasing a stuck of rags, and left hia horae and wagon in chart;u of tho baibfl', while he took the night irain for Owen Sound to draw on his friends for the liitle balmce of f25. And thui another judgment will be satisfied. . Mr. .lobn Young of Th 'rnburydiol on Tuesday ni J t of last week at the age of 8w yeirs, The deceits 'd gentleman was an uncle o.' Mia. W. H. 'I'hurston, Fleshcrton. He wia born in Iielind on M»y2(Jth, 18-27, and wien a of 'C loft his native land for some time, c>'m n{, lo Thoiid)ury 4.3 jenrs ago eutciinii into the hardware buaiiiess, carrying on that bus ncsa until about ten years ago, living retired t-ver since. Thi bustiieaa integrity of the iloc«as,.'d irentleinan is spoken of in the highest ternia by il ose who have known him for man' J ears an I he I «d th'.' c I tideiiceof Ibj uitinous tu a to . large extant, h.aving serve 1 as councillor in Thernbury for some time. Th« late Hr. Young wai nut a (.'emunstrutive man, but was tiue to his professions. In religion he wos a Methodist, being a mamlier of tho church for many years of hia life. In politics he was a staunih Liberal of the old school. Hia wife pre- doceastd him about 20 years ago. He'iBSon, Hartley, in Seattle, Wash., a id two diuighters, Mrj. W. W. Bia.Uey in Biitlsh Coluintua and Mrs. J. E. Huttunin Thornbury. Rev. M. M. Giddbero, a former rector of Cnri^t Church, MukJale, and who had b on an invalid fro.a paralysis for over two years, died at his home in Woodstock. Pasture to Rent Pasture on hits 171 and 172, in the 2nd Con. N. E. T. and S. R., .\rtenie.sia. For particuhirs see Joseph H. Wat.son- Portkw P.O. Garden Tools FLESHERTON, MAY, 1909 Garden Seeds 4^ Odds and Ends W. A. Aruibtrong issuer of marriage licenses. Fre-li liii'.e on hand, Monday, Miy 3. .John Dow, Ceylon. Ifyouwnra good shoe shine, quality in fiilt Edge,, Noggelt, (jx blocd, 2 in 1. Call at Chyton'.-. Shingles and Hemlock lumber for sale, any leiiL'lli reipiired. T. U. Phillips, Lady Bthk P. O. Wirning â€" .Viiy person tiespissing on my property, lot 32, cm. 13, Artemesii, will be prosecute 1 to the full extent of the law. .James Oh'ird. House to Let â€" Elecliio lighted, hard and soft, water under co<er. Good stable. Vacmt May 1. Harmon R;ulley, Flesherton. For Sale- One cushion tir. d buggy almost new. One steel tired biifuy. One sol t single h inn S8. W. \i'. Tiim'le, Flesherton. Get y.iur garden and field seeds at- Kichardson'a drug store. All kinria, frmn th'i best siid most re'iable s. eJ.s- nion . Potaloofl for Sale â€" Gooil ear'y potatoes, ex'rag'ioil yielder-. For further particu- lars apply to Aithur Johnston, Hesher- ton P. 0. Paiiitini; and piper hiingiiig. Leave orders 'vitli the idd reliahk- workman, ,1. Brodi\ Pricevillo or Fleshert 'ii, Imsy Egas f .r Hatrhinuâ€" S. C. BiownLe<.'- horn egys, at .^l)c. p.r sotting, Puuk egj;s at 25c. settii g. A. Bar: ison, Flesherton. Hmisennd douVdi; lotforsdo or rent mi Sydi'tihaiii srieet. FlHshe'tim, 8 r'">in •, siable. A[iply to R. .1. Sproub', Fle.h- ei'on. Mare for sale â€" Sound in eicrv way, well built an.l vi'Uig, ahoiit 1400 lb"., in foal to Diiiure M.ic. W. Cisnell, I'lesh- orton p. o. Very Fine Shorthorn bull oalf for pa'e, 10 mofi, nM,br' d by Scottish Prde, ijiand- soii Deihy ( inp.). F. Nicholson, Flesherton Property forSalo at PriceviHe â€" A brick house, eii/ht rooms, nam and five lo's. for sale rensonabie. .Apply to Omhciiiie Scott, Pricevi:ie P. O. Mnr Itf Bull For S"le â€" A pure bred Sh-nihorn bull, 14 month.s old. fit for service, will be sold reasonable. W. J. MeaJs, Cey- lon P. O., or l..t, 20, 0. D. R. House Slid orchard for sale on Ccdling- wood street. Priceville. App'y to Jas. Brodie, KleHlieiton. Yriiing he'us fur 8ale--Thironghhred Rocks »nd Wyand^tea Alsn 1 set of single hariiens, rubber mounted, ne.v. 1 Bet of single harness a'nios" new. 1 good hugity. Apply to George Stewr.rt, FlesheroM, P. O. The Maxwell I.otrl will be taken over by the undeuigned ou May 1. We purpose i;ivini,' first class accommodation to the imvelling i>iihlic and fo'iiit patronsge. Haniioii Undley. Gasoline eniine f"r site, two horse power Fairlianks-M.'rpe, just ihe tiling for farm work; in g'>od OMiidition,ruiii'ini> every day ; reasini of sile, wani to replace with a larger ei gine. Eighty didl.irs will buy it. Th's ollice for All kinds of liianitlc, sngiir beets, tiiriiip carrot and black oni^n i-ced in gieat variety. Il w II pay you toius|.i>ct before imr. hiiaini;, orilors fiom outside |)"iiits by mail nr lelephone tilled promptly and can fully. H.ive telephone in otfice. Free phone nio'saaes for Fevorsham, Maxwell, Kiigonin, Ceyl 'ii iiiid Piiceville. Sproule, Hiijitinb ithani & (.'o. A complelu line if field and ijardi n seeds, fresh and pure, bIwsvs on bund at Sproule, Hi^' & Go's, Floslier- ton, ii.cluilii'g Mainmotii, red, nlsiko and lucern or .ilpnlpha clover, tiiin t'ly seed of good clem ipial.ty, flax S'.ied, dutch setts, potato on'oiis and Eiulish multipliers, Gsiden seeds in all varieties. Alo giant enalhige ai d i t'icr corn. Real the pain !â-  rinula on tho box < f P nk Pain Tri'ileis. Th..ii ask your botior if thoie i.s a liette- one. Pain meius congas ion, blood pressiire siine- where. I)r, Sho p's Pink r-iio Tablets cl eck beiiil pains, W( manly pain.", pain anywhere. Try one, and see! iO for 25c. Sold by all dealers. As soon as a practical man sees Anii- lit,««, he reccogn'zo its superiority. The wearing ipiaity of a good roof duitends upon its weight. A thin flimsy fabric cannot wear us loiijj as a thick heavy ime. Amatite weiiths twice as much as any other roofing at its pr'oe. Another import.'int thing it has a real mineral surface of Ainatite. This prepinitiim protects roof against the rain and wind. JIos' rootiiifs have to be jiainled twice or throe limes in five years, with this it rei|uircs no paintin'.'- If you aie eimtomp'aiing on good rmf in»estigattf and you will .sua the .\ms- tite's superiority. Call and got samples and eircnhirs giving fu'l in- formation. Amatite Roofing Steel Range Problem We are very sorry lo soo our intelli- gent fanners being taken in by aoino dealers, who tro ihronijh tho country ileinnnstraiing the better (juali'ies of their stoves and are sellini> them right and loft nt lu-arly doulile the price which we ask. Why buy n stove that when i-e(|Uiring repsira, yon ara sure of gefiing them, not of a stove tliao pro!-abiy miabi he out of existence in a few years? These rpinlities they call better are only a talking prdn*, you know wh.'it thu mallenblo iron lop does and why i ot bo sutisfird and not pay fruiu §;'..) to «i40 iiioro for an urtitlo which 13 nj better. Garden Seeds Wo are head quarters for (Siuiincrt) firfet quality Gaiden and Root seodf, including Carrots, Sugar Beetti, Turnips and Mangels, Corn", Clomp- tun's Early, and N. Dakota Wiiita Fliiit, Millets and Dwarf Essex Rape. All at popular prisea, also Red Cldvor and Ahike, Timothy seed*. Dinner Sets received a larjfi crato ot Ihe newest lino in Dinner Sots, cnnprising 100 disi es in each set, all of the latest desig.i and "f thu be;t semi and Porcehiiii ware from fo.OO to 813.00 per set. Also a full lino of h:md lamps parlor lamps, vnses, Jardineres, odd cups and saucers, plates, water 8018, tumblers, egg cups, etc., etc. Everything necostary to the most up-io- diite hoa.sekeeper. June Weddings Fashionable Shoes We have them, yiu want them, in our Ox Blocds, Tans, Patent Leathers, and ^'ivi Kid, either in Bals, Bluchers or low shoes in (Jcntbinetis' and the popular -Empress" Shnes for women, in Kids, Tans, Choclute in all widths and shapes, most becominu, latest stylo and easiest fitting sh^ies of .vy shoe on the market. Next mimtli, a.s ynii all know, is tho popular month tor weddliiys. Let us KUg'jest some thiir.'s â- .vliieh will ho both useful an'l lieau'iful for a wedding pres- ent in lied Siireals, Curtain*, Cheiiile C'lvcis, Kid (il v.s, (jlasswai-i', Cutleiy, either a hand-omu Carving Knife and Forks, or Silver Ki.ives and Forts, Tea- spiioii.", etc. Wo liivp almost everything 111 this line whii 11 wmild bo necessary lo the handsome bride in Tii;waie, Giaiiite- wsre, and X;ci<leil Plated ware. Call around and see il, wo aro here to sho'.v, no trouble, if yon don't like ir, and can't Inter yourself liolli for (pmlily ami price, why diiii'i take it .\li we ask is n lonk in. Seasonable Millinery Our Millinery Parlor« are always open to your closest iiispection. Our parlors, under the able Buperiutendenoe of Mis-i Wilkinson, who, as you .ill know, has been so siicoes^ful iii -lie I'ast is always willing to show ynu her artistic inilliiiHry. She has, wlthiiut a doubt the must up-to-date luits on Miis Dvveii S' und line, tiny are beinu aiiinired by ,ill. Call aiound and get her to suit you. If no haven't got ir, she will make it acjuidiiig to your ordering and will do it right. Yuu can depend upon thaf. Now Contracting for Season's Sugars We hare jiist s arted a scheme which has met wirli the approVHl of all, who we lisve been talking to. We agree to tupply yi.u with siiijar .it a certain price 4 inonths, or the sncar seas' ii. If »ugsr raises, which it does amuud presorviiiis time, you will get it at the contract price, and if it tju-a lower, you gu' the reduced price .in the sugar purchases at tiie lime of the drop, iliis iiiRuring you agiiinsi, tho sugar f.iiniiio wliieh is likely to talis place I lis sess'iii. Now is your t.iiie t> come in, only it. certain amount w-e are Koing to put ini the market in this w 'y. All «-« ask yi'U to do is to ssy y<iu want it. We Don't ask any money until jou get the augar, and get it lower in this wuy. Call at mice an 1 investigate. If nut clear come in and wo will make il clear. F. G. KARSTEDT - General Merchant Dealer in all kinds of Hardware. Flesherton. Ont. Died. Giliies- Tr Arteniesii, on SuniUy, May iJ, IDOl), ChailotteGillcs, aged 88 yearr. Thoinpnon â€" .\t Kimbi rley on Thur.-- day, M.iy 11, 100!), Sauiuei Thoiiip.soii, a.;ed 34 years. Rolled Over Embankment .lohn Schier ha<l a thrilling and some- wlnt painful experience whilst driving a livery rig loaded with ."ix comiiiercial trunks from (Jwen Sound tu Meaford on Friday afteanoon. The accident occur- red as the team was a.scending the hill at the second rock after leaving Owen Sound. It happened so suddenly and unexpectedly that Schier was unable for the time being to accurately uiidorstund just wliat did take place. Being alone, he naturally was at a loss to know what was best to do under the cireuinstanvos, and even now he has no distinct recollec- tion of what caused the overturn. So far us ho can judge, however, the teiim slipped making the steepest jiart of the grade, with the result that the wagon overturned, and the next moment horses, driver, vehicle and trunks were lying in a promiscuous hiap at the bot- tom of the declivity. Unfortunately tho freshet had converted a small stream which flows at the of the hill into quite a laidy of water, and into this one of the horses foil sideways. The poor animal died of sutfocatiou before the driver could do anything for its release. Tho other was extricated from its jierilous poai ion by cutting the harness. | As soon as the driver could secure as- sistance he had things straightened up, then made his way as best he could to . Woodfoid, where he remained under the care of a physician until .Saturday after- noon. On roachiiig Meaford by the ev- ening stjigo Dr. Druiiimond was called, when an cxaniinutiou showed thai tho young man was terribly shaken up, though fortunately he is not thought to be .seriously injured internally. Syden- ham council will pay for tho damage . - Meaford Mirror. MAKE MONEY. Sellinjr I'elhani's Peerless Fruit and Oniauieiitai tr<Ts, shriilis, etc., during' the winter nicnths. We clTer ynu stejuly and priitit.'ilile enipl'ivnient in viair mvn ilisrriet at Kond piiv. WK H.VVK CVKK I'llJIt ACKKH of nursery stuck svliieh vni will .s«ll ilirett to yiiur eustomiiiri. No dise.ised la-ib'eil nut .\iijerieaH stuck supplied. Jiistahlished over 3U years. Write for partiunlurs. I Pelbajn nursery C^o. L_. Toroiito, Ont, a H a V Y c o T u r « 1 c Thompson's Bakery H.iviiig secured Mr.E Arm- strony of Petcrboro, a first class baker, w-e are prepared to turn out the best of every- thing in our lino. p-i-e»li Urotici always on lianU A Irlnl s*ollcttecl. Ed.Thompson, Flesherton. ii[ Mum. Cuielully Corrected ii'aaii Weokj Oats 43 to 43! Peas 00 to 00 1 B..rley (iO to 00 Wbeiir, ICO to 100; H-iv 7 00 to 8 00 j Butler 18 to 18 Ejgs, flesh IS lo 18' Potatoes per bag 75 to 75 10 to 10 Ducks 10 to 10 ! Chickens (! to 8i Turkeys 14 to 14 i f" Eggs for Hatching. RHODE Island red W. II. Tm :r.-st<i.n. - Flethertoi Wooden Hens For Sale. Tliose lliteiesttsil uipiiiillry an invitml to call anil iusprol tiro nincliiii« work, 'riie iii- ouliutor we sell is not a liit li.' toi tlinii tlie liest. tint just a lilllu l/ulter tlnoi Mm lest. I will Imteli uliieki'iis on coiiiiniH at tlio tollow- iiiRiniceB: .ii. for eaul; cue, or Mlc: ror each uhickeii one wi!"l( olrt. ViiIiiuIjIh ruueipts "iven fi'd'-tolliiiu how to treat 111. kitels of ilisuitses in fowl, ol.l aiiil ^olMl:,^ tf- .\. \VIIy.->',i.\, Kli ;llel ton. Ho.\ 2IG For The Spring, Wo have a enmplcle line of Hanmss iiiid HarnessSundries, Whips, Bells, Plush Uugs, Rotes, Curry Combs and Brushes, Hoof Ointment, Gall Cure, Harness Oil, Trunks, Valise^ Telescopes, ifc Blacksmitli'sAprons. Look in and examine our stock of Hursu Blankets. ReP.^IRINO PUOMITLY Dl'NK. 0. W. Phillips, FLESHCRTON, ONT. Gclden Legend Pure Itved rKoiworth Hosr for service on Lot 170, aid E. T. d!f*. K. Tornis KlCHAltD ALLEN Bull for Service At Viotoiia <-cr_<VB, Toronto Line, ft tllorouK lihroil Hoib ein bull for sorvicy- -ClIAS. !•:• MOORK Whooping Couglt. "In Fflinniry oui ilaiigliter had tie' whniip- ing cou|{h. .Ml. Lane, ot Hiirtland, ri'coii. men- ded Cliaiiilierluiirs Cough Ueinedy and said it gave his customers the tiesi of satisfaetioii. We found it '.H he .said; and can recoiiiiiienit it to anyone having children troiil>leil with ivhropiiig eolith," says Mr«. A (iims, of Diirand, .\Iich. For side by W. K. Kiehaid- son. Our Clubbing List Thrt following prices are for strictly paid in alvanee siihscripiions ntily. We have no accounts with other papoiji. Advance and ToronUi Wiirld, diiily . .8 3 00 'J'oronto Dniiv News 2 .')0 Weekly Glolio .1 80 Mail-hiiiipire .... ....'. .'5 Family Herald & Star 1 80 Ti.rmito Star 2 36 Fsrme.r Sun 1 80 Farm.'is .\., .oCAta 2 25 Weekly Wii„:e»p I 75 Sal uidayNight 2 60 About Summer Shoes I t'lilyton-s have just the kind you need and will lie plea.sed to bootyou if you wish. Wt^ soil The IVIodel Shoe eomfortlbie To wea\' and in t lie latest style. Black, Tan, Ox-Blood, Patent leathoc, Dongola, Kid. Trunks, Teles- copes, Suit Ca-^e.s, 81ioe Polisli. A lot of Home iiMJe Mt^'ii's Bluchers and Lace Boots, first ([iiality, ou hand. CLAYTON^

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