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Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1909, p. 4

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May 13 1U0» r 11 E F L E S II £ R T JN ADVANCE .t . . \»timltm â-  »'!•« â-  ^^^ - ^ -^ â-  - â- Â» â-  » ' F.T.HILL & CO., = Markdale Imtnense Purchase and Sale of Children's, Girls and Wcmen's Hosiery. 3000 Dozen In the Lot r.OOO dozen of WoinciKs, Gills, and Children's Stoc-king.H. Jiist tliiidc what tli;it nu'iins, :!(5,0()() ] nils, that is ihc cxjut fijiiiics for oiu' of the bij,'<^ purchases we I'vtT iiia<li' in hosiery. This i)i<,' lot of Hosiery we purciiaseti last Fel>rii- ary when eittton liose was not seasonable and the uianufacturers wanted nionsy. llaviii}: three i\( i(.<i,i.(l l.tir.j,' al le to sell |:ait oftlie lot to one of the keenest wliok'>ah IS in Ton nio, niade it possible for lis to handle the '[nantity and now we are scllinj,' Hosiery 35 to 40 per cent less than we could .sell them if we paid the manufacturer re<;nlar [jriees. 12CiJ puiis Women's Fi'ip I.islo s|ritia imedle lililx-U Hii>'i', iri]i[il" t(i)W', sphced \ivh, Hii:raii;id fust <ly.'. A lifiiitiful tiiiu ^l<lc•kiIlJ. lU'iiii'fir IJjc v^ilue. All s 7.e.s fi-'TU ().', 'o !l. Th>' w ly wo liiiu'jlit llii'iii iiiakcH ir |ii«silile for w to KfU llu'iii Rt I'.H: a (nir or 2 | air i'*t • ..f^ii.. v. • • . • ... • t> • t . â- **> J Women nn'l Uiils Two Tliruntl Fr.iicy Lice Hoao I'l colors of niicV, Tun. ami Wliitp, kIs') |j|iiiri r^lur-k Silkolehi'; very tine umii;". I{i|{u!if -."» to ;)(,V rIo k- b'^M. Tliii liii: piircliuKe 111 <de it possible for uk to sill ilieni .it per l)air lie Woiiu'm'h Fine Black Cotton Uosi.iry Fleecu Lined, sale price lie a jir. ](iO() pairB of Wonl^n'» Fini! Ulaclt CoUoii Hosk in â-º eemlvi-s feel, Hi'ecel lioel. Tins bose sells ie;{ijlar- ly »t 18c (iii'-, I. Ill llio WHy wt! h light llim lot »o are al'le to sell them M per pr lie Woim n'n Ilosv ill Rltck and Tan With Fancy Pultni). 2 ]ir for 2-">c. SM prlr- WoMi'Mi'ii llg'^t wei'^h* line llaok Hose. Keom- lu<» foet. In taiiey patteriM of white, nvime, liiue and Tan deoorations. Sp-cial 'J pr for 2iK. Bad Attack of Dysentery^Cured. "All li'inoifd eitizoii of tlii» town wiw miffer- iiiK fiiiin a MHt-ie attack of dynaiitfry. He tolil a friend if he cuuld ohtaiii a hottle of rMia-iiliei Iain's Colic, Chileia and Uianhc ra Kriiiwly, he felt coiilident of Iwing cur*;!!, he havine used this leniwly in the West. lie wan toM that 1 kept it in Htock and hmt no time in ihtainiiiK it, and waa |ironi|itly enred," Kays .M. .1. 1^-aeh, ilni)(Ki'*t> of VVoleott, Vt. I'"or »al>' liy \V. K. Richardson. Cough Caution Ki'vnr. positively iieviT poison yonr lungs. If yon couKliâ€" I'Vcn from u sinipl" eolil onlyâ€" yon shoulil ftlwr.yi loal, soothe, nnil caSKtlx! Irritated bron- C'lial tnts'M. Don't lilin<lly sniipii'SS It ivitli a stepetylni; poison. It'HStmhgu liow sonio tliingg tin;.l!y comealx)nt. For twenty years Dr. .'JhooB has constantly warinil iwoule not to take cou«h ^ni.xtnri'.* or prcwriptions cfaitaintng Opium, Cnl.irutona, or similar poisons. And nowâ€" a littlo !i\ti't!ioni!liâ€" t'ongri'SS an.ys "I'lititon the lalx^. K pol.sons n;i' in your Congli Mijilnro." (ioodi VkryRooilIIHeivaiiiTfonlii.-viiyiiasonmothers. rndotliers. sliotild iiulston hiving Dr. Whoop's (.'ciUgli Cnru. No iioison marks on Dr. Hlioop's !ul.«isâ€" and none In the ini'dielnc. clsi' It must by law Ik- on thf laU-l. And it's not only safe, but it is said to Ix- liy thos'-that know it Ijcst. a tndy re- D-.arkablc eouKh remidy. Take roehonce thfn. r-articnlarly with your ehildreii. Insist on haviiiK I)r. Siioo;>'s t'fanrh Cun-. C'onipan- carefully tho Pr. Slirxip I'HckiiKi' with others and note tho riifferceei'. No poison marks tluTc! You caa Rhvayj bo on the safe side by deuiandlng DFo Shoop's Cough Cure "ALL DEALERS" ; J. &W. BOYD, General and Hardware Merchants, Flesherton, Ont. w Is published cvrry Tliumday at SLOuiwr anuuui if paid in advance, 9I.-50 if not ao |iaid. NKT ADVKKTlSlNt; UATKS 1 column display one year, SOU Half column one year, $;*) (JuaitiT cohiniii one year, ^i'> Koitiiixhtly chanuen if if<|tiiied Quotations foi transient vlvertising will la given on a]iplicatioo. Drainajjc txperts Will Come Cemetery Notice. To illf Editor of The AilfiDirf:. Deau Si k, â€"Would you please I I'loihi IJers in Flesiiorion c^im lory nro state r>''l'"^'"'"^ '" l>"^'e «" lubliish, stooi-s, _ > T .•! t • e'c rc'iioved from their pht< not li:ter jth.a Centre Gri-y Farmers Institute is ,!;.„ o^th M.iy, huI if not then lemov. d ' paying I'l of. Win. ii. Day's expenses to and plo's ^eot'ially cleaned nj) tl.ey may this ridiii;,', and all who reipiire liis as- Im I'oi e so Ht the cost of owiierB. There Hi-i- still a few desirable p'otH for sale, iiid very lu-tny, wliieli may lie had on apii!icatioo to tli* t.ei r>-tary, â€" Wn. Clatton It is some weeks now eince wc have licard from llic Niagaia peach crop. No doubt it wus so buiHy injured liy .January fro'ts that it in scarcely worth meiitioning. At last accoiuita tlic Kiiirndc fa'iiily was ill Monli-ea'. It is safe letting that the man who killed ElLol Kinrade will never Lo dibcovercd, o o Ex-Picsidf-nt Kossevcit, the great liiiiitcr, is keeping lii-i people well informed as to his prowess iu the wilds of Africa and telogiains that under ofbiiruy conditions would lo- qiiiro ilay.s to reach United States civilization an ivc ivgii'arly witliin a few hours of tiioi- occiiro'.K'o. How it it done is a mystery, but theie h a lingering siiBpicion tliat the telegrams are manufAiUurcil right at home and pay no cable toll. The Loid'-J Day Att has been doing g03d work in i-estricliuK Sunday labor. The railways have to a lar>;b extent bad to cut out Sunday labor since l!ie A Jt came ill force. Out of the total number of cases of Sabbath dcsecru- ti'ju complained of to tho Alliance, Oti per cent, havb desiatel from work on the first day ot thi! week by the Alliance drawing the attentioii of the parties concerned to the infiingemeiit of the Act. 'J he Itailway Cos have on six occasions rdpiested the I<ainier Oovetnment to allow the liord's Day Act to go by default but so far without MucceiS. u AVith wheat around $1 tiS, beef at $7.00 and all other fuim productions floaring, the farmer ought tj be iu a good financial position. As a raattor 'Histancc iu laying oiit drains and dniin- Inge HurveyH can have lain by taking them from and to tlie station and IxmrJiiig tlii'iii while Jit work. This olfer is not likely to occ-ur again. He siiys : " It is <>in' cu^itoiii to hold a drainage den.oaHtr.ttiou or field meeting "J,,;,;,..,,, ^ , ^,„^ f,„- ,.,„„,„Ur and rheu- in I'.'vch locality visited, inviting all the matic pains, foi the cure of sprains and sore- l.eoi.le ilitoreste<l in draitinge to tie pres- "•*« "'.«''.•• "luseles. In case of rh.uin.UiHiii ptoini iiu-unii^ » â-  • 'A I anil seiiitiua It rellfves the intense pain and ent." Applications have been received. ,„|,ij,.„ „i,.e|, imd rest po.ssilili-. In ease of from four to-viisliip s.H.ieties so far. It '•I-rains It ieli.-veH the soreness and rcstorj-s the " ' 1 r 1 parts to a healthy eonditl n oiietliiid the will l)e well oil in the summer liffore ho ,[,,„, ,ei|uhed by the usual treaMnont. It is collies here. Good Liniment. You will hunt a i^ood whiU la-fore you find a priparaiioii that is u(iual to Chainbcrl'.dn's to copy.â€" J. I. G -J I (jKAII.V.M. ; iiiuallv valuiilile for lame back anil all deep ' ', '.'.' 'Kfutecl IT. uscular pains. 2.") ami 'lO cent sizes Would like papers m our riding f,,^ „«!„ l,y W. Iv KLlmrdson. « Our Scrap Bcok « I Duiiiig the week betveoit Christmas 'atul Ne* Vears, Mr. and Mrs. .Iidiii ; WliiMak"r were innurning the licaih of their little daughter seven in iitlis old. Wecoiiunue to ivc, no fioin iic ir'y <)ii S itnrd^iy tley wore foic.'d to every hicdily in the district nccouirs of! I.eir adili'ioiial soiruw when the baud of the extensive destiuctmn of property by Identh beckoiieil liome tli. ir briulit lilll« tins iu the wood*. In St. Vincent,' dHuyli er, .lennio Klurence, at, llio age of Sydeohan, and on the Penins-ila, con-i four years, six inonlhs and hfteen days, si'teiab'o damaue lim been <lon». At ' Tie chi'd had wluaiping coufh, but Co'poy'n liny a great .luiintily of lumli |) irrialiy .verud, wh>!ii t.vhorom. has been huriit ovo--, several bouses de-[ plic dions sit in and ciusod a lingeiing alroyed, iind Croat damage done to the| illness of seveial weeki duration. In- crnjw. Wo le^ni that Mr. Skinner and; termont took place toDurb.iu cemetery Mr. ScaleH have bad llieir liiuses and ! on Monday afternoon last Our syui- nropi aim St entiiely coiisunod.â€" Owen' pat liien are » iih tl e bereaved jwrenta, Soutd Times, July 18, 18G2 if their who alone can feel the burd. n sorrow. â€" Chronicle. The Most Common Cause of Suffering. nheuinat!»nicaUHe« ill )frt pain and siifTeriiiK A Iiil« girl nnnied Maty Middlcbr^> and hoi InoLluT, of (")wen Sound, wcr^ _ m 1 I A 1- 1 I I -o -.1 1 than any other diseaHe, for the reason that it is on Thuriday l.'.st slid u!< down a hill wilhj j,,^. ,„„^; ^.„„„„„„ „f ;„ „,„_ ^, ,, ^^ ;„ ,,„,.j^i„,y a I'ltie Imii I sleigh, ut the botioin of jg.atifyinK to sntferern to know that Cliamlwr- which was a well wi.hout any protecion. j '•'''"''''*i'"r?V'''!l'le'''''l„''"l'"!;,v?:L"''Jh'; When lIiM s'cigh H' t ti«*i>r the Will tliof relief frotn {uiiii, wliichia nt (iiHt tHuiiHiiarv, cllildron fell Into i. ; the lit-lo boy f, II on ' has h-c.nni p«ri..anent, wl.i.e in old iK>oplle _ ' â- ' 1 subject lo cliidiiic rlienniatism, often brouitht the ice nnd his sister iiUo ibe water. ' on by duinpneHa or chan);cs in the weather a sT'iiaiient cure cannot he expected ; the re I'liB little fellow lie'd his sHter ii'i f.r lief from pain which this liniment affords is coiiHideiahle length of lime, but al lenuth alone wortli many times its cost, 25 and 50 became weaned and let her go, mid she â„¢nt sizes f..rsal«by W. K. KhdiardHon. went under the water and wna ilrowiiod.l Mis^ Kdiih Miller, the "Mani'oba When found the litile till was lyiny oii| Nightingale," who has achieved distinc- ber lack dead, and the little boy. .tan I- ' tion as a voealist In th in Atnerica aid iiig (Uithe ice in iho well.â€" O. S. Adver- j Kufiie, is a niece of Mr.s. .Isuioi Giles tisor, April 2!», 18«2, Lf Monul Forest, who attendi d the '- â€" concert iu Massey Hall, Toreu'o, on LOST IN Till woons I Monday evening of last week, and win A few days an . ahoy named Jauie. ''""'*''''' ""»* •*" "'''•''' U''"''""'*". » McLaren, aged lit. with i wo other li-yn, aeltlera in Muck ka, weio retiirniii); from ti.shii.g, and ithen near lliir homo Mc- Iixron tHriick off into the woods to shoot IMtrlr:d<ie.H. It was then ipar evening, •lid the nii^lit having set In and tho boy not rotuined, the family became alainied of fact he ii not getting the crenm out ja„a ^Urted in search of him. The usual of most of it. Ills wheat was cold at a'ar.n by liiinji offtfutiH wai given M no iiO cents some time ago, his cittlc al f> cents ill the winter, oats last fall at j)8 cents, and those who have been •able to hold large slocks are the ones who made the iiiunoy. It is many a moon eincc wheal has been as high as it it; today, but large numbers of purpoKi*. For two or three puccoidini; dny< tht) neighhora sco irjd the woo Is in every direction fir inilea hut not a iracu of him was di^covor.-d. The Itama Iiidiiiik was sulxeipieiiily ernployed. and piid for Ihoir ae.rvici-s, bit they also failed. How the poiii' pny met bis death eiiiains a niy>iery. If hj wolves or /aimers are placed ill the position of injirs, frngnionls of hit chithosi, or ihe consumer ratliei' than producer and 'uim wt>ul.l most cenainly he found, lut snfit'r from i:itlated iirices along in the alwiuc.i of cither, it is thouvht he with the rest of us. No doubt as our !"«'â- '* ht»u fallen int i iho Sevorn ad we«U.incoiie«pondcntBfty8,it is Uie """"''""'""'• Thii .sad cdami-y must , . _ 1 ./111 Ihj felt deeply by the poor mother of the loor piospccts ill foreign wheal nelds . , , . , , ' *â-  ' ° , I lad, she having only a day or two hcfoio that cause the abnormal price of |„„ied her huaband. ISariie A.lvancu. wheat. >Yilh« fc'ood yield iu the Oot 30. IWii. I this year tJie western fuimer '~~ • ,, 1 . ' .James Hoy e, >lie per of Willie oiildieapau enormous lewaid, as, ^^.,,,„^ ,,,/,,^,.„ ,en!,m-od to bfe im- cduoi is snre to biing a good piisomnrtit. and b>H wife to twenty livj )eniK iMid a fine of fn.UIH). islriiover 1 1 her. Alan iniermission in I tliM concert the lafer addies'cd her: ' "Excuse mo. niadani, but do you .know where Miss Miller i» (.t'lyifg. 1 «in a relative of bois and wim!d like to call on her?" "What relative may you le of Mis. M'ller.'' He tidd her t'le nitnie of t^e relutioiiHliip. "Why," »» d Mrs. Giles, "you must be a brother of uiy lU'itber!" Al d so it tuned out The gentldiiwn was an niiu'e i f Mi*. Giles »V»i> bad vone W'- st a'-(iut 187:1, who is at pieteiii iu (.liitari I on a viait, and whom she had never before seen, Tim coinei I- eiii;e is nearly a« noteworthy as the I'ollow- injt thtt has gone the loondt of the woild's ]i.(ai receiil'y : Docior Svou Hedin and Docior Stein. l)olli Tibetan e<|dorer< were jiiea's at a dinuir in L'.ndoii Hot limit auo. Dr. Siein took from his |i 'ckot it small tape measure In ail alumium drun, and as he sthiMted it teiiiaiked that when in eastern Tihel in lidHi he picked up thenieHSiiro at the foot of n ruin. He had cirried it ever iiiice. Ur. ilcdin ti ok the meaiure, hokid a> it aid said, " i% mii e. 1 lost it in Tib jt in ITOI," and he named the iipot wli-ru he dropped It. Doctor Stein said ti:iit wa.s where he found It. Thia iiieideiil il'ii t'at»i8 the du utility of alum nniu, aa well as the curious ci(i.s.s- ing of Iho pnlh< of men ai they uoiinaiid do 1*11 ihs world Ml. Koie t Confeder- ti.e. LORD ROSS, 35673 A. T. it . tlio unbeaten hoiBfl en Cansflian poll Siierl bv full brntlior Of Dar( Devil, ii!) bv .ManibrHo liins, lOT. the ha.ilsomest borao in the world. ROUTE Monday, l!»y .'l_WilI lenve bis own stable, hiisyth, and pieceml east to Win Totteidicin's Hoatli HoaiK f.u- noon â-  iheiioe east to .Ith liiu toSanm..! Kteidieiis', Stiathaven, for niKlit. Tii08day-Ity .Spi-iiiK Hid t* lOtli line ranth to •foe iiu.burl's noon, iht-nco to Iviiiiberley tor nixht. whuro na will mma'n until Wod Deaday noon. Wetlncs'^avâ€" At 1 o'clock will leave by Fp- I•lll^• and Uockl yn to .James I'uKey's for nicht Thuisdayâ€" Homo to Fimliay's 1 ivirv lor nooM Mid by wjy of Kiavol loaj to Ueorge Daker's for iiiylit. Krii'ayâ€" To./ohn Kine's Sr.. Kinn's foruers f jr noon, thence tu Uob.Tt Uay's for iiiwnt. tatiirilayâ€" I'o .lulin VanwyckV, Annan, for Olio hour, till nee to City hotel, Owen Kininil. for noon, where he will remain iinlil 4 o'clock, tbeiiee to his cwii stahlu. Kilsvth. wbero he I .vlll remain until the lollowinu .Monday inorn- ii «. '1 ids route will b.< eoetinne.' tlnoiiuhotit ibo seaicp. In atth and weather purniittiLg. Cards of bruediiiij sent on apidiuation, .lOHX KINDLAY, I'lopiietor and (Vieetor. H li- IJox â- i:>0, Meafoid,i.lioue70, Jacob Hunt iu chaiKo. 1 ./uly The American Standard Bred Stallion DEMOTT E 29842 The properly of J. Uud 1 Mattho«s, Maikdale, Ooi. Tkrm.s -$12 Poinotte will make tho seaiion of I'JO!) us foil ws : HoMiAV eveiiiiii^ -Beikelcy. Tili'KsiiAV evenii'i;--Kleslier'on. The rot of the we.-k .Maikdulu II •Stables. Deiiiii:ti>, 29842, is a hand.s-.nie. ^ame, level headed with a perfeet dispusi- tioii ; 111 see linn is t.. like bun. mid after lookini; over his p.>ilinree all imist admit that he ii oii« ot the bied l.orse* iinpoited. Where will you till, I Minither ill this Count y with as fa.«t a siio and dam? Ilia crai.dsire, (Jambeil.i Wilkes, s red (ionhober, the sire of ihe gnat fc)el 2.2J;. Hi< grind ire on h ^ Uain's side, v.. V. CUy. has more to bin cielit 'U ihe 2 10 list thin Miiy o'lier Iniso iu Kentucky, an. I is al.s ie of tho, if not the oi'ea'est. sir s ot high actios ii the I'nded Slaei. Deuio to is a heaii'itui IiIkIi triiii g hors 1 with a orea' inrn â-  f speed kiiiiself, liaviie.' been a eloie 2iid ii Hi^'. I have nut ihi« hii'Se'a f e very low, within leac'i i f the .mn r of ihe o - .liiiHiy mar,', wl ile iheo'.vnera â-  f the i est mures will gel the nervlee of a $25 hoisa for just $12. Thine wislnn.i to bargain for hviig cobs call d â-  so by apply ng io me. I have also m«do airiie^emt lit lor pasture close to town for marcs »eiit a di taice. E are openiui; up a mcreliaiit tailoring busineKs niiJer the 1118'iai/iuoiit of Fred Morley who is a first class woikman. We have a coiiipli to rangeof new and up-lo-date 8to;k, We sfuaraniee a jierfect tit. Call and see the aoods-- jiiEt ill the collier r"om MRS. SMITH'S OLD STAND. .=? s -i o a c is O a > (Ji oil ^ o 1 m o o rn .- m C^ &. CO en S a •ii 4â€" > 4-* 4-J >-, tr. a r^ a o rt ^ i^ '^ CO I % I-. > s K â€" ; ^ O = t>< o O S3 *J S rt O EW Di-jss OooUs in oil the new shades and pitterns â€" prices ooc tu Sl.oO per yd , also a laiye assorlment of Giig- hanui, Zephyis, I,iiiei.s, i'riiusaid Muslius A coini)letc rantje of Lulie'ii Ready- to-wear (iarmen IS â€" Skirts, .J .icke's. Waists, L'lider- akirts, Etc. Flour and Feed. We keep on hand a full sloik of Flour ard Feed incluuiiig Ferd Flour Shorts, Bran and !lie fan" us Five Rotes Flour ini.«!e 1 y the Luke of tb> Woods Millint; Co , Kewaiin, t vi ry tug of wbiih is euaranliid if not salisfactoiy rctum il and ;;et your uioi.ey o o Cl O •'â- Il o o CO Or N Hardware. W e have a we'l «>ifoil>ci ncik 'f Hiiihvaii â€" paitiis ronlrmp'aiir" bu i'ti r.s.1 will do wi 11 Io tet i nr t-rici s btfi le purchasing eltewhere â€" nice line of staves, tinware etc. In Sleidb^* BugalcSt lUaggons^ l^arrcws» PloughSt f^reani Sep- arators and mire Fencing HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Markdale Steam LvLwi ndrv Andrew Wilson, Agent, - Flesherton We ipiotp you a few of our auuiuior pric s: -â- Vll s aiclied shuts, 10.; each ; .^Nuniiner cotioii underwear, ficeach; hanokeichie a, lo tach ; wash v.sta, lOe ; du. k tionser*, lue, and other articles at prtpoiiiouately low rates. We try our best to please you. If we fail to .1(1 no tell Andy and w« • ill put lliotn nyht. W.J. Smith, Prop. Heard's Carriage Works Farms for Sale & Rent 1,''artu for ftalo, cniitaiiiii^f.' one tmiulied acies uiftre or lesN, buiiiK l«>tH i-ll-U'J. con. 1. N. 1>'. TimmtiO hydeiilmiii load. Hbout ciK^ity neves (!leaie<l; buUiicts biisl). On ttiu pi-o)'uity it out* frimu bain ;i.'Jx.V} o.i ntono ba^t-iiHMit witti oon^ ori9to.Htab)ii)K ai>dgo<i(l tiiipluineiitHbeft. Kraitie i)wel)iii|{ liouot^, Hiiiall orchaifl. two K'*'^*! wi<n<4. .\Ihu two t-pvit ^H on btt«-k tiid of place. There are tbii ty aci't'H fnll pluu^hufl, Uvo acroii of tall wh' at wi'll fencmlatid in a (â- otx) statu ofeiilt'va'- liMti. TbU ia oiiu o^ tbn btihl faitiis in tlio tdwasbip can bo botiKht ri^ht. It i» sitiiat- ri't one niilv from Klrshertoii nnd ttvi> uiilt^s fioiu MiirkioU. Apply to KICHAUDSUN llUuS. Fieslieitou Canadian Pacific Very Low Rate For Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $77.30 return from Flesherton good going May 20 to Sept. 30. Return limit Oct. HI. Liberal stopnvwa. Wide choice of routes, (to by the direct Ctnadian 1 ieâ€" see vmir own country-the west, the llocky Mountains. Vi«it the Heattle Kxposition and other spreial attractiona. Talk it over with S. RANDS, Aon'. Fl-aherton. STEADY EMPLOYMENT For A Reliable Local Salt small HEt'RESKNTlNt; Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries IN Ple.<^herton And Adjoining Country. Yon will find tlitire ii a i;noii rleiiiaiul for Nui Mtfrv Htoek on nec'-iiiiit of tlio lil^'li prices tl;at itrowera liavo I'e.ilixei'l on tlieir tlii>i seanoii. (Mir HaleMiniin are tnnilni; in a liif) litis'in rr to \ UK tlii^ \ear. In-mie of llnuii ami earn yood I waaeH tllroll^ll lliu wliiti.i- iuoiiMik. 'I'erritorv le.seivci.i. Tav Weekly. Free nftin|ileoiitnt etr. WiIlh lur jiar icii) u'h. S l O N 1' * W i; L L 1 N (i T O N Ktii'tliiJl Ktii'suiitiH ( K'O aci'GH) TOnO.NTU Out.iiio I ot« :14 and 35, oon. ;tS I) H, IGOacren, (Ij cleared ' ^ IU %cres paHtiuro, balLnco ;:!oo<l buHh. l'>a}'i> OixJO, driviDM Mht^d. g-ioil frame house, '2 wtd! s 1 aero of orchard uitd Mtonu rvhll tnuttir bi^Mi. .->aiii;uun i iver cro*t«ies back of faiiH. Well it-nctMl and ill Koott Htavu of cultivation. 3 niittH from I'rotuu Stali< n. For tr-'rtus apitly on preniisea t'> J \MKS H. V.M'SV:. Woton Station L^or Hate cheap, ni vent;, iininudiatu po»4HttH»>ioii ' liot ;(() c.oii. M, /*! ti-intiHiA, Hbont 7> Hcies clear, uoiiifoitatilt,- lo^ bouHu an 1 frame barn, .\t»plv to H. â- ) â-  Sjironle, Kleslicrton, or .lolm .i. M(iitin,au OSS the roiid from aai.i l>>t. Ceylon's 'Jffeat T^arket. All kiiicls of fresh and smoked meats, head cheese, sausage, alwavs on hand. - * CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Jas. ^ceiocklin. I ot» K ^ H nn'l U. l^oit. bi, in ihetowubliip uf *-^ Ospr*w, ir>Oacrt«>*, larue clearini;,[;oo't frame liiirn and ftiiblev, pood dwolUtiH and well. .\p- ply o'l thu piuioitiui* or to W. J. hKi>LAMV, Flesherton L'o» Palo rheap and on easy ternis, yood com- ' fortitblu fihiiie dnetU r stnblu and driving houHe. with thveo vilI»'«o lit*;, in Ccylor. DwoN lliifj well built and tii inhed aii<l t;oud buarii i; oicbard ou tho pi op ny. Apply to U. .J. bi'Hot'Li:, Flesherton L'or sale oi rent â€"103 firtn, 1 tore of or- *^ chard, to arroabuab inchidii.g5 ftri-eahaid- wond, well watered and tfood funcen. buck houHe, franif* bai n, \\ uiilco from Hcbool and pimt uthce, 3 nitlea .lo'n Proton Station. For |i)i'-e nint teruiH of Hal'* nuplv lo W'ui- Taylor Ou»-h( lot 73 74, coil 1 north of I [lam roa^l, Aiteuiehia y L*..r nent-lot ;'7, con 4. Artenii'hia. 10(1 i»cren.H."i " lo W) clear.'il ami in cnltlvoti'iii. conif<irtnVile Iwulliiitf. Iiaiik liarli. •4toii» at.ntiliiiK. ir a flrgt claim suttieiiiuiit a*iilwu11 worthy ttiu attuction if those luquiiiu)! 8ueli. II. J. sl'UOULF, Klofherton r onl eon. 4 Os|irey. 11)0 acrt » well tinibortul. •' Kor tenuH etc. api'ly to H. )<obor.,8, l,a.1y Hank f, (.). Eggs For Hatching. Drown Le({horii Kupa for hatching:, from ft'- ^itfts* |ieii. .411 |irl7,e hirila at Kiist firev Ik tail aru in this i>tih. Kkki^ •''lUe. per aettinii ol I LKVIHKTTS, Flosheiton; Good Farm For Sale. Jot 19,, (iRpiev ontaiiiiliu 100 acrna. 80 cl'wre.i. f;aiiH. nouae, 'ramu barn, stone foiliKlatiou; iirohaiil, well WBtored. One th..n«»iiil down aofl balance l< 8 it imn baser. IiiiinuUlate iKis'PKsion Anp \ .i B. N. Ki<»->Ai<. Maxwell P. O. El Dorado Farm. 1 SVorthuru cattle and LeiceHter "liei'p Hulls ,„„1 heifeiK „„ hand .•1 Kiilo, alxo a iininlier of KiiigU. and iiwe comb nr<mn lej(horii, and «inj;le conil. white leRhoin cockerel.s Lot 'i'l- Q.,,,. 5, Qhas. â- St.i&'inil. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. .,ww?" I'o "'"' ."â- '"U'lui'. the best, of broertinR and qiiBlif,.- Hull, cows and helfiTH for sale a' reKHonablo priceH Lot ;t4oou,5 CHAS. BTAFFOKD, Flashortoo Herefords For Sale. OowH and heifern for sale, lenic better. \ 1 ice« 1 IK It, Post Ortice, P.-oton Station; farm half mile from Sauireen .Junction. W c have sold all oi,r \ nils. J. A T. WATSON. CROUP 'rosd. A safe aad pleasiiisi>yni|>â€" .'^. l>rustfU)l: stopped in SO minutes sure with Dr. Shoop a Croup Hemedj. One lest will surely prove, . No TomjtinB, no dls- I i>. I \Voodeti (lumps nninufHctured throuKhont and urtau's proni|)i,ly K„d »%tisfHctorily at:oiidti.l to. I air. agent for thro.i of the be.nt irou liuiiip uianufacturers in Oiitaiio. A cud dr-.|.p?d I.) mn a' Ceyhm P. O will have my prompt Hiientioii Your pationHgB reopectfully solicitud. 'l)r ^JAMEby A. McLean, Carrie's Corner, Ceylon P. O.

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