T il K F L E S II E R T ]S A D V A N C E May 6 i:) )'.) PARK HOUSE H. D. UAVISON, - - Tropiietor. KATES-$l.(^)Rn(1 81 oO per c1«.v. HOAIIDUS- ?;V00 and 8.J.r)0 j.-i week Hpccinl attention to Students m ^ GARDEN 5nOI)S! am THEAlHIiRE VlA and ^'jinlfti tiee<N â€" ill kiiidfâ€" Su-cIMriKlf". lli»^'ic>'t '•11 the iiiarkft. TiieHf in- chuU' iiiiinif *>1(1j4, 41)1(1, Hiiu'^i' Iwit , i»'ns, ttc. 1»K1)I>1N<; Pi.AN'I'S IN SK\S()N. Hour ftiKl IVeil iii us\i»l. Ulioiee I^akc Tmut iiiily <ic pt-r II). â€" uhili> this lilt liuit-. Wrijf Ill's Grocery ( Li;SHEttTON S fy y Scottish Pride 6G274 The youiiK liull ^<lltt)^h I'lido will stand fo «rk-ico at Sir. V. W. Niclii)!iiO)i>, lot :,7. con. Ar.oinc«ia. Scottisli piiilc h sire J l>y Scottisli iTincB, n pKii'Uon if tliu woudoii'nl fl)ow cow Uein of l!uila<'hi)i. III)))., winner of oiKlit iirizHi •I Toront lauil lAinrioti.bi'Kiduii lit'im; rliaiiip- Ion feiiittU. 81iu weicln ovtT V.UU poiiii.l.t. Oae of tlil« cov/K calvos sflil for Sl'T.VUI. hcottinh prirto it out ol l^nily Kella by the Toronto ttrst prize will. K'l-, Captain May I'ly. imp iJHMJU. Tl.in youufi bull has prove lilni- H«ii a t-howbiill liavioc {;aiut'(l an ttijcoiirauliiM lecor-l tliit fall at Ktvir«l)ttiii. H<i wen tirst prir.>> its beat bull «alf. also iliplouia fur bi'st bull any axe. Tlioiio liaviiit! pure ured cowx i>1toulfl B«e tliiH Ri-and bull before brui-diiiu an they i'anDOtdo bettertnaii uku bim. A litiiitcp number of RradcH '#ill be takuuat i|fl;J6;Kur pure t>reda. yt.OO It's fine care that m«kes fine hair! Use Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formala, sys- tematically, conscientiously, and you will get results. We know it stops falling hair, cures dandruff, and is a most elegant dressing. Entirely new. New bottle. New contents. Does ml change ifie color of the hair. A ijers rormuU with each bottle Show It to yoor doctor A*k him about tt. then do xa ha aaya The District Around Us Events as Chronicled in Our Exclianges Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our new ifTiproved formula, is the latest, most scientiflc, and in every way the very best hair preparation ever placed upon the market. For falling hair and dandruff it i« the one great medicine. by Ui» J. C. Ajf Co., i.ow«u, : THOSE WHO LACK A THOKOIUH nrsiXESs thaininc always HAVKTHi; IlAUUPXr WORK AND THE J'001!K.ST I'AV. Write 11 letter to Cjnuda'B Leading .^^cliool of Busines.s. On-cn Sound, iiiul let llicin lull you Imw tu cut a step lili-iier. C. A. FlKMMI.Vii, PitlNCIP.VI., Owen Konii 1 * Oiilaii.) Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A." Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician FLESKLE RXON ^ •^ NORRIS BROS, .^itirfli a rain a re ^l erc/ieiftis ann / ,7/ it/is ««. 'm We have the pleiisiire of iiiiiKuiiKniiy ilmf ive liiivo eiilursfcd our slore to the full size of (iiir Ijuililinj; and are |)'t'iisi'<l to say that our liiislio)) w in tlie HIUIIT jliice i'lsii-ail of mi the front counter as in the paat. You will find us TO THE FRONT in whaluver line ymi may rfi|uire. TIiIk week we are piisKinj! into stock a completH new linu ijf Imivust tools, hikI they are liein;; niuikeil at piiei'.s llmi will interest yiiu. We iilso o|iiMi lip fur your iimprel inn all lliu limpie tloaiiing necessities such a< (Jilletts Lye, L'(|uiil and Paste stove piplishe.s, liath En-i'iii I, Knrniiuru and Inieiior Vaniislieo of a vny etpiM- or (|ii,iliiy, Ktrul) HriislieH, etc., c'C. The Kprin'i piiiiitiiijj is now at Imh.1, all we ask f'T our lino of paints in that y.iu try 11 (.iiiall cm. The p-iintvill speik for itKulf. it IS fj'ily liuaranieed mo you have uo risk to run whatever. We have ])tep!ired for « liusy su.ison in tlia TiiHinilhing and lior.fing line iin.l are lo.idy to ciler to your every nred on Ihtj slioil- e«t iioii'.-e. Keineiiihsro.ir Kpocialtiis: I'AP.Oin HOOKIXC; ami DILLON iiin«;e.staykkxc;k. Kjles/ierto/i \Dntario. The Flesberton Carriage Works l-leslicrtf n, Ont. nUGGIl£S â€" Intending inircliiiseis will save money by callino niul iii- spoctiug our stock, as we have u good stock to ehooso IVom and prices arc right. REPAINTINGâ€" Bring your buggy to U3 for reiiointiiig, Batisfaction guarajiteed. PLOWS, etc â€"We handle the best plows, harrows and alBO cany a full linf of rcpaii'M on liuiul. CUE A. M SKPAl{ATor..S â€" Wc arc agents for the .MELOTTT, The best in the market. Special a ttention given to Horseshoeing. First Cla 5S Livery In connection. D, McTAVISH, - Proprietor Nervous, Diseased Men DRS. K. & K. ESTABUSHED 20 YEARS Consultation FREE. Quution Blank for Home Treatment tent FREE. RcaionabI* Fee* for TrMtment A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANHOOD W« antraiiltt It eurt all Ciirilila Omu tf Strioturt, Virle«otliw lirvMt DtbllHf, BlMd PoUms, Vital Waakniitat, KMity, Bliuar and Urinary Oiitasas, and all DltaasM Paealiar to Man and Wamin. Don't wa«t« your time and money ni cheap, dangerous, experimental treatment. Doo't inoro4we at your own coat your aufferlDKa by l>eiug experimented on with rcincdiea wbleb they claim to Ilbtu just discoirered But come to us In eoutldena) VVu will treat you coD«cleotlou«ly, honestly ami akillfiilly, and rcstorx) you to healtli in the ahortcat pog- (il>le time with the least uiediciue, diaconifort and expense practicable. Koch coae Is treate<l as the (ymptom* Indicate. OurNaw Matliotl laorlglaafaud lias stood tite test for twenty yean, Diis.KENNEDr&KENNEDY ^' Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. \* i^'iiiallix.x st 11 exi"ls in Xoniinnhy near .'\yton. 'J'lie directors of the Ayioii Twine and ('ordii«e Factory liivo announced tha> iiietitulion has uona oiil of existence, and Ihisu who sank tlieir money on tho en- terprise are heint; leh.iled at the rule of i-'l cents on the ilollnr. Mis. irotin Sp.inlionse, wl.o wa.s so h'ldly injured in tlmt terrible tragedy m\\ Fehruaty Till, ITO'.), li.is so far recovered us lo lin alile lo visit her daufiliter, Mrs. W. J. Loudun, Shelhuriie. The township council of Niittii\vii«ai.'a has passed a liylnw to a])|)oinr. iijipraisers to value sheep killed liy diys in that municipality. The appraisers will receive (1 for each itif peel ion (not eiicU aniina!) and ten cents pfr iiiilo one wny. We rc'ioi to learn of ilie serious illness of .lenuie, the f.ur yiar old diumht 'r of Mr. aiid SIis. Julin Wliitt^ker. The cliild took tho wh(M)pin(f cough las* winter and never aetiiieil to recover from iis elTeds. A vouplu of weeks avu aerions coinpliciitions st-t in an<l vi« un(L>r«tainl, there is lit! le hope for hej- reciveiy. Mr. ,ind Mis. Wliittnlcer lost their youngest cliild last winter from tho wuiie trouble, and are the recipiei.ts of much sympathy jii their douhl:< nltliction. - ChiDniule. Mrs. liolinan is a wonderful woman. She lives with a son near Monkton, and aUhou;;h she is neari.i'^ her 10.^:d l)irlli- day her faculties are bright and her health w.)S never belter. ILr memory is w )iiderful and she rcla'es wiili interest events that occurred ninety year? a^o. Tiie most extrftDrdinary thing about her in, that some time ago she cut three new toetli, and they will soon be full grown. â€" Mitchell .Advocate. CoUL'hs lliiil are tiitlil, or dist ressin tickliim eou^shs, cet i, -'' and certain help fioiii Dr. Shoop's Coii'.;h Keinedy. On this aceoiiiit Drui'^jisls every wheie are favoring! Dr. Shoop's Cough Iteinedy. Tho tender leaves of a knrnilesa luni;- healint; uiountHinous shrub, give tt) Dr. .Shoop's Cinioli Ueinedy its curative properties. Those leaves luivellie power tu cdui the most distressing Oai^di, and to Huothe, and henl tho most senKitive bronchial ineinbriine. Test il oih.'O your- self and see! Sold hy all d 'iilerK. Lunacy is increasini; to nil nlarniiii^ Worl was reeeivod this week of th^ death of Mr. .lanios Ito.seborou^di, at A'ermillioii, iSask., on SaiurJay, April 17tli. Mr. UoscliorouRh was the father of Mri. W. T. Ruiul'e, of this vilkige, and WHS 7!) years of aee. Ho was for a number of years a very highly respected resident of Proton tu-.vnship. â€" Dutidalk Herald. The old fashioned way of dosing ."» weak sMiuiaih, orstiimilatino tho lleartor Kid- neys is all wroiiit. Dr. .Slii);i(. lir.^t pfiint- ed out this nrror. This is why his pre- scri|ition â€" Dr. Shoop'a Itestorativeâ€" is directed entirely to the cause of these ailments, the weak insido or coiitrollin!{ nerves. It isn't so difhcult, siys Dr. Shoop, to ftr.-ngUien a weiik Stomach, Henri, or Kidneys, if one [Joes at it correctly. Each inside organ hns its controlling or inside nerve. When tl;e»e nerves fail, then these organs must surely falter. These \ital truths are leading dru!i!;isls everjwliere lo dispense tind j recoiiimenil Dr. Shoop's ivolo'ntive. I Test it. a few .lays, and see! Improve- ! ment will suru'y follow. Sold by all I dealers. For lliu past month . ropiesenlAtivrs from the various churches iiiGrAiid Valley have held several meetings with the view of brinjiiiii on a vole en Local Option at the next iiuinicipal election. At the liift meeting held (ill Thursdty nnjht it «as de^'.ided to form a joint slock eonipaiiy to either buy on» of the existing hotels or build a liou»e, and thus lie able lo provide accouiniodiition tii clit event of local opt i.m 1 carryin.', and tlmse in th« hu^iniss rt- j fusing to do so, Xo^Jiine detinito will be I doio un'-il their chiirtcr is granted.â€" iStar ]! "iiiiulic poHoiis are tpiickly and â- s'l 10 y driven out of the blooil with Dr. .^iioop's Rheuniii'.ic Iteinedyâ€" liquid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop's booklet on llheuinatistn phiiiily >& interestingly tells just how thif is done. Tell s iino suffer- er of Ihi.s book, or be' ler s;ill, wiite Dr. Slio'ip, KaciiK', Wis. for the hook and free le.st Mamples. Send no money, .fust join with Dr. Shoop and L'lvesonie Kuffer- er ft pleasant surprise. Sold hy :dl deal- ers. Whooping Couj^h. "In I'Vlirnaryiiiii iliiUKhter liiid th'' whoop- ,. , , , iiiK eoii(,'h. .\li. I«inc, of llarlliuid, iivUi.iiuMi- degiee in this quarter of the couuliy.und ,l,.,i ChaiiiU'rliiin's Couftli lleuicdy.and snidil cave his eiistoinir.i tin- lie-.! of satisfiu-ti >ii. We found it !'.h Ih> Miiid; and can rt'comniend it, to nnyoiip havliik' cliililrcn tniuMcd with uilt-iipiii); coiikIi." n-iys -Mrn. .\ (Joss, of 1 Inland, .Midi. I'lir sale Uy W. K. Kicliar.l- son. one u\idence of this is the luct tliat in the county jail there are no fewer than ten iiieiit illy deraiitjed peraons at present confiiud. Yesterday t'.uitlible Shute JDuri.eyed to a farm near .luckson and took in charge an o!d man over 70 years of a^'.', naniod .Toseiih Frec'ton. The oDicer had his hands full, for tint old man was a dillieult suhject lo deid with, lie """'Versary of Inc.l opti.e, in this town, had previously Ihieutened to kill « ,„,„,. I «'"! the tee ird of tho year is spch that Local Option Souvenirs Norwood, May 1. â€" Today is the first bi>r ot Ills relatives, his mind beiui; tilled with the idea thnt he was the vietini of pereecuiion. Freest ui appeared before (juoroe Meiizie", .LP., and was remanded to jml. The luiiaiy siiiiation is rapidly drawing near a crisis. The nsylum at Hainiltun can hold no inoie patients, while the county jails have more of tlioso uiiforluna'es than they hare room for â€" ( ( .S. Advertiser. Andrew Oberle bail a carload of hoys ready to ship on Monday, hut for Hr.uie reason or other the train went olT without them. Then Oberle got mad, and raiaod a row, and the agent had lo telegraph to Mildiuay to send tho engine ImcU fur Oiierla's load of lio^s. In due course the some avowed oppoiienls of the mensnie have been in ele its friend and advoc iles. The day is being iiiarUeil by an aniuMiii; nlfair. Last Hallowe'en i|i« touglii of the town galhurtd up all the old li<|nor bottles they could tind, and at inidiiii^ht deposited thein on ili« lawn surroiiiulinj; the residence of IIjv. W. II. Adams, who had heen iin aeiive worker in ihj local option movement. AlthoiiKh much in- dignation was ex;iiessed at tha tiiiie. that gentleman look llie matter gooiMiunior- eilly, ami ihe boltlea, turned into tasteful iiMiitlu onianieiils, aiu beiie^ told hy him this afternoon, through Uuf- field'a .Joweliery store, at thirty-live cents each. Tlie-Jemand for tliitio inter- si in;; souvenirs exceeds the supjily, and engine came buck ami hitched onto the i boiiih persons hsve to content llioinsdve hog train. There was no caboose and | »);'"'" «''""1""'' 1'I'"I"!,''"1>1> "f llie hoUles. coiisei|Uently no place for Olierle lo ride. lie proposed ({etiiii!' onto theeujjiup, but Ihe engineer objecteil, lis heini^ auaiiisl tlie rules, and he had no alteriuitivo hut to walk, or crawl in with the hogs. The nveraije (iraiid Trunk train does not go very fast, still Mr, Dlierle lijured it out thnt it iiiiuht i>et a spurt on, and ^et there ahead of I The cleruymiiii tuls Ins fun, niid u nice oiiiiil sum into thu hiirgain, from the lliillowu'en donation. Horse Routes. MARNIX. rUESDAY,MAY4 Willleavo his own ' J , ' 1 Tj stable and proceed north to (Jeii Taylor's, lliu, and he coMeliided ,,,i, i- V' i c -. .j " . ->, ' lllh line, hupliiii(-M, for iinon ; thence that it would be iRferlo ueoept the hog to Issao Snoll's, llukaway, for night, proposiiinn. So in he crawled and away WEDNESD.AY â€" Will proceed to went the train. 'I'liey hinded liiiii .safely but it wH.s a pretty mad man that crawled frourihe hni; car at Mildniny station â€" Wulkerton Telescope. The Hiinunl nieetiti? of Centre Orey license commisHioiiaiB was held in Mark- dale on Thursday, April 22nd, all the members present, vi/.. : Messrs. Joseph Ferguson, Feverahain ; F. A. Smelser, Clarksburg ; and Inspectors. J. tlalbert, Markdale. There were no objections to the renewal of any of tha seven licenses, and they^were all renewed »ith tha ex- ception of that uf the^late John J. Murphy of Markdale, and in this case the lime was extended for one 'jnonlli from the first of May. FoUowiiig are license lioldors in Ceiitro (irey for an- other year : Win. McKiidey, Holland Ceiiiie; Frank Cuanora, Williamsford . Allan MeDougall, ('halsworlh ; W. .1; MonlKomery, Desboto ; Frank Malier, and Oeorxe'E. Orsy, Markdale. Bad Attack ofoDysentery^Cured. ".\ii lioiioreil cili/.en of this town waasuffer- iiig from a aeveie attack of dysentery, lie tolil a friend if ho cniild obtain a bottle of L'lia'iiliei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Dinrrhi ea Keuieily, he felt confideut of l)eing cured, he haviiie used this remedy in the Went. He wnis tnld'tliat t kept it in stock and Inst n< il " " Wi Hamilton's, Con. 2, Ilidland, for noon thence tti Holliind Cenlre for niuht. THl^USDAY-To Williamsf, id for noon, thence to Duriioch for niijlit. FRIDAY' "Will proceed lo Joseph Priel's for noon, and to Berkeley for ni)iht. SATnUDAY-Will proceed to Mark- dale for noon, wheru he will slay until U |i. m. and home to Ins own stable whore he will remain until the following Tues- day tniirnin)^. GERANIU.\I. Monday Will leave his own stable. Lot 40, Con. IL Arteinesia, and proceed to Feversham for noon, thence to Alex. Fleshor's, Hob Roy, for night. Tuesday â€" To Sam Sanderson's, Lot 13, (-on. 12, Osprey, for ntam, thence to Thomas Pollard's, Lot 0, Con. 4, tJolling- wood, for night. Wednesday â€" To John ('aniphell's. Lot 10, Con. ;<, (Jollingwoiul, for noon.thunce to Edward Kerfool's, Kirkvillo for night. Thursday- To Neil .Mclntyre's, fourth line, Collingwood, for noon, thenco to Robert Walter's, Ravenna, for night. Friilay- To William Clan's, lot 10, Con. 2, Knnhrasia, for noon, thenco to Robert MoMnllen's, Lot 1, Con. '\ Eu- phrasia, for night. time in ilitaiiiinK it, and waa iironiptly eureil," I Saturday - To his own stable, whore ho says M. .1. Leach, ilruKgist, of AVolrott, 'V't. J will remain until the following Monday For sale by W. I'.. Kichardson. ^ niornini/ I The only nourishment that bread affords is that which the flour contains. Bread balcing is merely putting flour in appetizing form. Flour making is merely putting wheat in shape for bread making. Roya! Household Floor is made from carefully selected Manitoba Hard spring wheat. Every pound is almost a pound of food; clean, and nutritious. It goes farther, does better baking and is more satisfactory in every way than any other flour. Ask your grocer. ^^ Ogilvie Hour Mills Co., Limited, M»&treal. MX •••• •••••••«••••••••••••••••••••••••••%•â- •••••••••••••••••«•••••• ••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••#•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• â- •••••â- â- #••••••••••«#••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••«• • •• CEYLON'S BUSY STORE ! i â- :::: •••• Call and inspect our grand di.splay of Men's and Boys' Hats and Capsâ€" Felts, Canvas, Tw'eed and straw all the latest shades and shapes. Seeds ! Seeds of all kinds â€" Clover and ^n-ass seeds, new },'ai-<len seeds, Buckwheat, l{ape seed. Turnip and Mangold, Ciiant Sugar Beet ami field Carrot seed.-; on hand. Dutch sets and Potato Onions at very low prices. Dishes ! ElejI-vnt Gla.ssTea Sets at 2.')ca sot. Class (lolili't, I (loz. for 25c, 4 ditlbrent designs. iJinner iSetsand Bedroom Settsâ€" very pretty, rnre â- Maple Syrup for sale at ^as, iPattison, Cej/lon^ Ont^ III ••••••*»t««*»»« ••«••«••••••••••«••••••••••*•• •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• •••• vs. xs. •••• iSOClETlKS BusiNE.ss Cards meets oi. llio last Monday | 'nf.VLTEK LOUCKS cir loORo room ' â„¢ AC u V . , „ 111 eaoh mouth, iu their Iooko room I " Huilder Hint Contractor Xoirii' block, FliHUerton, at 8 p.m. NLW-.j For Drick, Stono ami fraioo leBidenccs. Ea- Miles TliiKtlotliwulte; Hoc, C. H. Muusliaw; I tiniate« elieertully lureisliod, I'leshertou 1* o Kiu., W.J. Ueliauiy. ViaitlDRbretbreO iLvlteU | Ontario. PKINCK .\UTHUU LODtSE, No. :i:«, A.F.A .\ U.meetnin tlit Manoiiiu hall. Snw- slrone's Hall Kioidiorton, evorv Kriday on or before tho full inocn. Tlioa. lIlakelv.W.M.; llerb.ouiith, Setro'jary. poURT FLESHKRTON. OO.'S, I. P. F, ireetsln ''ClaytoiiH lilooli tho last Weduondav nvoiiitis lit eacli iiiontli. VisitiiiK Foreatois lioartily wnlc^oiiio. II. li., DyBoii; U. H., T. Hoi.ry; Kill. 8ec., f. N. ifieliardsoii. I'leasu pay tinea to Fin. Sec. before tho thnt day of tho iiioiith. Oo OULL.OUGH & YOUNG Itankera Markdale a geoeral baiikint! business. Money loanod at loasouabloiatci. Oali on us. CHOSEN FhlENDSâ€" Flesberton (Council ol Chosen Frienils iiioctK in Clayton's hall llrst and third Weihiendav of each mouth S p. in Pay aHHOHHiiientB to tlio Itceorder on or before tro tlrat day of each month. Chief Councillor T. lIlakeleyjKcoordcr, W. H. lluut. Pure Bred English Berkshires and Tamworths. I have a tine lilt of youuK pitf" bred from prize wimiini,' "tuck, for sale. Write nie for lirlcuH. ( can give a bar»;iiiu also guarantee nti.sfactioii on all mail onlers. Den. W. ROSS. Maxwell P. O. For Sale One span of Liiihtuii.g Colts oominK three inatcliud. Iteady towork. Also one Shorthorn Hull eiiihteon inonthK old, bred by (leo.ltristow, KobKoy, iiuuibov,^)S446, in volume 21, Naiceâ€" Village Captain. ALiUK.liT B< HANLEY, Lot 4, Uon. 10, .Osproy, Feverahaui P. 0. A ' I'ostiiiaster, ''eyiou ConiiiiiaHioiier m II. v. J , t'onvevaneei- deeds. inortRaKOH, leanes, wills etc. eareiul ly drawlf up Jollectioiia mad... ehttiws ruasonablo. llso Broeeries, Hour, (ued etc. kept in .took, l'ric« p J SPKouhii; "• I'ostiiiaster, Flesherton v-ommlseiouer in H.C J.. Auctioneer KearEstate "'aLd"7,. """ '"""J' I-^^"" Keal fcatato and Inauraiico Agent. Deeds mortsagea, leases and wills carefully cU-lwi up ami valuations made on shortest i^rti^ money to loan at lowest rates of inturest V^- Iharee' 1ow"""a" 5° , ""^ Piomptm.â„¢ St^iSfsh .^ r; '^'""" '°'' 0<^«»» Dominion Htaamahip Company. A call solicited. D. Y-omiVyi-f' ,V'"''"""I„ Auotioueer for tha , touuty ot Urev. Terms moderafa •^nii sat sfaction Ruaranteo,!. The aiTaueemonu ami dates of sales eat. bo made a', TuS A^v\TcS comreot"''n.""'"^ ""^ ^'•''- '^»^">"- '^""'P''-" Deo. 0.07. Bull For Service 2 years old, reg. shorthorn bull, Victor's Pride, 74805 is for service at Lot 37, Con. li, Artemesia. Terms til.llO. JOHN HARGRAVE. . Marks D(â- la^• OopvRiaHTs Aa laveiitTon Is prohMtilr patent tlonsatrlotlTConfldentfrU HA.._. lent free. Oldest auonr.y foraeoi SatentnbML Communlea- t-.tfANOBOpK on Patent* Anrone aendlng a sketoli ecd deiorlptkin may QnlcklT osoertaln oiir opinion fraa whether an â- â- " " lOi Commu BOOK on Pat ^Bonc.y for aeouni)iri)at«)i â€" Pateuta taken tlirouRh Itunn VCO. NcelTa ipfclai «o(ic«, wlthont c hnrg e, In tha Scientific JUnericait A handsonjelT UluBtratcd weekly. Lanrcst otr- CUlailon of any sfleiitKlo Journal. Tornis for Wnadu.^Uo a year.pootage prepaid. Sola l>y all oewsdcalers. Lter^-ffewYprt L. W.^'^,"f'^â- »• Licensed Auctioneer for ~" ^^ • the ooiiuties of tlrey and SIihoob. Parin and Slook sales a specialty Te?i« moderate, satisfaotion guaranteed ArrSuSi offlce^o'? A-rnrL"" '"^•"' "' "'"> ^''â„¢ «^ onice, or A. T. HutchluBou's store, FevarHh«.ii< UeL'f^rofey","' "' *â- --'"-- """^"o't R"^Petio«e^e??„?re co^.ft'y^^ot'ore^'"="'S^l Legal m H. WRIGHT, Barrister, Solioitor Convey* Saturd .^•''"""''"oe.SproulesBlook every Medical |\R CARTRR om.. a?d^e^,rnorPaV'.t"rilrrrn " J P OTTEWEhrj Veterinary Surgeon ' of Ontario Veterinary ColIeM. Vary street. This street Presbyterian Church. Graduate residence runs south n WILSON, Blacksnjith A * . .. 'ifaduato of lie Veterinary Scienoe Asaooiation; Kesldonce, Durham itreet. op oslto Boyd, HIckllng'a hardware. Dentistry nr. B. C. MURRAY X,. D. S., dental surgeon " honor graduate of Toronto University aud Uoyal College ol Dental Surgeons of Ontario (las adiniuistered lor teeth extraction ylUiJo at re6iaouoo,Torouto Street, Floshortoa