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Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1909, p. 1

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9 "TRUTH BEFORE t A VOR.' â€" •• PRLNCliJ.Eb NOT MEN.' VOL XXV, NO Flestierton, Ont., TlRirsday. May G 10OP) W. E TfiUSSTON KDiroR ami PltOPUIKTO.. J^ 3«well«ry! mS p Semllery!^ r^ Biggest, B«$t Mi â-  Cowcst g*g| Hricc ' M Reliable ^i Dealins fi^ £f m S Hr«,s.rong-s ^| iOth Line, Osprey. Very onM biickiViinl nviither itml siiow- gtoitiis have preTailud in this p^irc ihis r.jrintr. Mis. Johti C.iultharJ is sjiious'y ill iit present. R. J. Ciilijuette i» on the sick lisv. Mr. Ed. Harhuttie is recovering from u seveie iittack uf Ih siippu. The backward growtii is makins; fetsl very sc»rce. The ice, sleet and wind t-turoi of last week blew over and hruku » jreat i|iianlity of timber in the wodd.s arouiid here. Mr. Joseph Irwin ha.s s^arttd to saw lumber and has a large stock uf lo.^s to cat this season. Mr. John Hale and sistt^i. .Mi.-s Miry, eft hiiit we^k f»r a trip to Vancouver, B C. We understand that Mr. Buti-her is slowly recovering from a severe sttjick of pneuittoiiia. Mrs. McCalluin and d.iu^hler leivs for their home ill Dollir Riy, Mich., after visitJT g with iho former's mother, Mv:i. John Kinloy, in Fevcrshiiu for several weeks. Mr. Tho«. Horton of Collinijwood attended the funeral of hia niofher at Fevursham week. Mr. Kai'tingr hns gone to try his luck in ludian He^d, Sask. Miss Ada Kaittin^ has uoiie to Thorn- bury, where sho his secured a position in Mr. IJrown's ^t ire. Ceylon Mr. Samuel Chislett has gone lo Maik- dale to work with the Mitrphy gan<;. Charlie also is expected to secure woik there. Ml. Duncan ISnter wiis suJdeii'y stricken with paralysis, conse(|uently ht' has only partial if his left arm and leg, but we trust he will soon bo arnund acain. Mr. U. Ri-adley visited his sister-in-law, Mrs. J. Biadley, from Washington state. She is staying at her sister's, Mrs. Jos. Cairns. Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes and friend, FrancesPtitchard, of Owen Sound, visited friends here and at Flesheiton hist werk. Mrs. John Cushnio (nee Mis* Mary Cook) has had the misfortune of lo.sinjf her child lately. Mr. and Mrs. Cushnia ar« expected to visit the Utters parental home shortly. Our worthy teacher, Mis* Pearl Mc- Gregor, has been laid up with a severe attack of la xrippaaince Friday lait. We trust she will tcun b« herself aj^in. Mr. Norman McLeod has hir«d with Ur. Collinson as Engineer. Miaa Anna Chialett has accepted a poaition in the post oilico at Duunville, Ont. She will no doubt be missed by th« young folks of the villtige. We all wish her success. Kimbcrley. Very c<h>1 weather at time of writing. Mi-s. Thiw. Brtioks of Clarksburg visit- ed her mother Mrs. Edw. Burritt, during the past week. Miss Vorna Wallac*» gave a Flinch party to a number of her y<iung friends on Monilay evening of this week. The KiniWrley Bi-aiu-h of the <â- >. W'. I. met at the home of Mrs. Uufus Wickens on Thmmlay afternoiiu last. A very enjoyable time wa.s spent by pres- ent. Maude Fawcett siient the week end with her friend, Sli.'-s Ereadetis Brooks, at Clarksburg. Mrs. S. S. Burritt visited Chrtibui-g friencL* on Tuestliiy of List week. Mr. Thos. BriMiks of Clarkslmrg visit- ed friends here on Suaday Lust. Mrs. BriHjks returned home with him SunAiy evening. Mr. Henry Kurd Ls vLsiting Toronto friends at present. Mr. Herman Smith left for the West recently. .\PKIL Wkdoinij A quiet but ftwhionable house wedding w.iH Kiileiiiniiifd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Court, .Sty Marie St., CoMingwoou, on W'ednesil.iy. April ".Wth. whtJii the r youngest daughter, Katliarinc, wa.s united in the holy bond of uuitri- uioiiy to5L'. J. H. Moynihiu of Toronto. Promptly at one o'clock, to the .strains <if Lohengrin's Bridal Chorus, phiyed by Mi.-.s Nellie Ward, ovgauLst of Maple St. MethiMlLst chufch, the eontnicting (larties entered tha dniwing nxmi, the brid-.; leaning on the arm of her father. Tlie ceremony was })erformed by the bride's jwstor. Rev. Xornuin King, [Nistor of Geoi'ge St. Methodist church, in the presence of a few of the close friends of the contracting l»arties. The briile and groom were attended only by a flower girl, in the jwrsou of little Miss Hazel Fawcett. niece of the bride. The bride handsomely gowneil in an Einpii-e of |Hile blue silk eolien, trimmed with Lice .ind me<lalliuns, and a Ijeautifid iiale. blue diiectoii-e .sash, and C!in-ied white roses and white aiul pink carnations. The little Hower girl Lmketl very sweet in a cuKtume of silk with lace and chitfon triniinings and c.irried whitt and pitik carnations. After the usual congmtuLitions the wedding jjarty, foUowed by the guests, re|)aired to the dining riHim, where a very iLiinty wetldiiig dejeuner " was served. The bride, who one of CoUingwotKl's most |Kip(ilar young Lidie.s, was the recii)ient of many n.seful and costly pres- ents, among them lieing a linen .shower fi-oui her young Luly friend.s, ako .i beautiful present from the George St. coiiiCi-egation. The young couple left on the four o'c'ock train, aiiiid sliowers uf rice, for then- home in Toronto, where the groom holds a good [Mwition with the Toronto Kumiture Company. The bride's travelling suit was navy blue with hat to match. We join with the many friends in wishing them a long and pro.s(>erous voyage through life. Victoria Corners Miss Gove spent the week end with Mrs. Tucker of DriiUiore. Mr. Jos. Strain has started f'lr the west, where, we leaiu he intends taking up land. The Misses Reiinie returned home last week. Mr. Xeil Patton is intending to go west on Tues lay. Why not all of us move west ar once? Although the weather was not the host on Sund ly quite a number were at Inistioge. Is t here any wondi'r so many are going west? The pre.sent stormy weather mid the small amount of racourigement that Prof Hicks gives us for lietler makes one feel like t.<king a single trip ticket lo the north pole. -Vny plare as good as here we think. However it is only aeedng time, and when the harvest comas we may be surprised. Wotders naver cease in this world. W'e may as well say "cheer up for the worst is yet lo come." East Mountain No needing has bean done yet in this neigh boihiKid. Th« weather h^s beeb very backward and averyone is longing for warm weather. Mrs. Walton is still very low and small hopes are held out for har recovery. Mr. Hernisn Smith left two weeka ago for the wes'. Ralph Harliotlle left last week for Owen Sound in view of wurk. Mr. (ae<>. UarlKittle list a luare aud colt week. .\ serious loas at this time of the year. Miss Alice Cnniack is relieving Miss Walton at present. Preventiosâ€" thase Candy Cold Cure Tablets- will safely and ijuickly check all colds and the Urip. Tiy them once and seel 48- Mc. Sold by all dealers. The British War ( )Hice is negotisting with the Wrights for iho puicha«« of an aeroplane. East Grej Stallion Show. Th : sffring s'low of sire horses, held on aflertiotm of last wc>'k, was a splendid succi'FS, fcurteeii animals being •-nered. Betwreii two and three hundred farmers took advantatre of thj occasion to make their choice for th,* pres:;ilt season, and a splendid oppirtunity th-y hid, f jr never was a better b'.i-ich of grind aniinaLs ^hown here. Many expressed .soma dissatisfaction at the mauiier in which the nniiiiH!.-; were judged. The judge w is a Mr. Fitzsiinmons of St - Mirys and he gaie no rt'a'ons for the awards he gave. Always heretofore judges have pointed oLt the g Kid <|ualities that went to make up their judiiineits but in this case the prizes » ore award-.'d and that a'l there was .-ibuui it. Some of the awanU, too, nee'i- ed erpkinii'g, brcauso there was a wide divergence in soin^; cases Lct*-e-?n public opinion and tl'.e awards. No d lubt the jad:ie was riiiht. but ihe public Mould like to know why he placed .some of his judgments wheie ha did. It would only have been jusrioe lo those whi> came to lea'n, and I as been cuatomiry in the pa-t. We iIto believe the Depirtnient of Agviculture in aijrceing to seni out theoe judges .says they wilt esphi'n the why and wherefores. In ill's •â- :«« Ihe judge was dumb and there wa< some •grumbling. With one e.Teption every horse on the ground got a prize Mr. Patron's Merry M.i.sou vv:is in line trim aud took tirst and sweepstakes iu aged Clyde*, while Mr. Burnett's Dunure Mac took second. There i* a race between these two line animals for first place. Last year t'le judgment was just the reverse. Merry Mason was in some- what better condition wh'ch proba'-ly accounted for thu reiersed verd'ct this year. Mr. Lever's tine Peicheron had the deld to himself, as also did Mr. Mercer s Hacknry, D atnond City, and his import- ed cilt. King's Bounty, and Mr. Teeter's C 'a.-h, Kentucky Wdkes. There were throj competitors in the stand ird bred cltts.1, and RudJ Matthews' De. Motte got the red and S. Thompson's Walter T. the blue tibloti. Lord Ross- one of the hiudsoinest animals ever seen here â€" cauiu in third Folloaiiig is theotticial prize li-,t : Imported Clydes, agedâ€" First James Patton'.s .Merry Mtison, second Wm. iiui- nett's Dutiure Mac, thtiil Jos. Cairns' Balniedie. Imported Clydes, four years aad under â€" First T. Meroer's Kiui^s B lunty. Canadian bred draughtâ€" FirBt .\lex. McDonald's McLean, 2nd Dona'd Camp- bell's Pi ince Robert, 3rd S. Bachelor's Royal Ma.son. Belgians- -Fust W. J. Lerer'.-= Marnix. Coath-Thorne Teeter's Kiiitucky Wilkes. Hackney â€" First T. Mercer's Diamond City. Standard bred horses -First Rudd Matthews' De Motte, second S. Thomp- son's Waiter T., third John Findlay's Lord Sweepstakes iu heavy horsesâ€" Patton'i> Merry Masoi, . Sweepstakes iu ligh': horses â€" Mercer's Diamoiid City. Honor Rolls. Report of S. S. No. 17, fjr the month of May. Namjs in order of mc^i^. Class 4 sr ♦EJsar Gibson, *Harley Phillips, *Arthur Ci'anl, Ernest Rus.ell, Eddie White. Clasj 4 jrâ€" Allie McDonald, Nellie Fisher. Best in s|>elling, Edgar (Jibson. 3 sr â€" Reta Be'ts, LiU Fisher. Best in spelling, Ret* Bett*. Class 3 jr -♦Berth I White, ♦Wesley Smith, .^nnie Pedlar. Beat in spelling. Bertha White. Class 2â€" Herbie Betis, Artie Portaous, Lome Atkinson, Ellwood Partridge, Violet Smith. Best in spelling, Herbie Betts. Part 2â€" L*tta Partridge, S,arah White. Beet in spalliog, Sarah White. Part 1 â€" Pearlie Porteoua. 'Irene Smith, Frank B«tts, Joan Millan, Bertie Porteous, Charlie Stafford. Best in spellimt, Irene Smith. •â€"Perfect in attendance. Average attendance, ^2. L. Maidment, Teacher. Real the pain formula im the 'iiox of Pink Vain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a lietter on«. Pain means congestion, blood pressure sinie- where. Dr. Shoop's l*iiik Pain Tablets check head ]>:iius, womanly pains, pain anywheix'. Try one, and see! 21' for 25c. Sold by all dealers. Hanover Mrs J. D. U.'isiug fell i.ff a chaiv »nd broke hi-r right wrist. WiUiam Beamish, an employee of the Haniiver Specialty Cominny, met with a Very uiifortuinte a.'ci.ien'. In some manner he g il his left hand in a j int«'r ma'.-hini v/iih the result tliar the hand w;ls^adly mmilid. Tha uiildle tiuger had to be aui[iuti'ed and the 6n'. and third lingers were v.-ry badly Licerateil. One of the old pionee s of the town- ship of Carrick in the i)ei-s;m of Mr. John Deuts;!imann, passed anay at hs p'ace in Brant at t!ie a.:e of 8.j yeais. William Pearson lies a: his home in a serious condition .is tlie result of an .ac- cident tbar bi-fel him one nixht n cniitly .It the C. P R. depot. He bad arrived honij friin Tori'iitii, and had »Ii.jine>l fr-.m the coach ut »hat he mppi-.s. d aa-^ t^ie ^tat on, when he sudle'iiy found liims. If crushed in lietwren the h'ah pLitform anl .still n>ovir,g inin. Hm fdce was badly Li e tited. his collar Iwrne hrolien. lii* side cru-bel an i his spine injure I. .M'oge.htr the injuries he re- ceivid weie scriou.s, but in view if bis s'ronu coDstituiion it is exuecttd h; »i i recover. Mr. Peai.son cLiim* that tl.e train hid stopped when ho alighetl and then s'arted again, wliicli, together wiih the |M or ligktit'g :iccomiiKHlati •:•, was responail>io for bis injur e . H^ will t'lerefore sue for daimiges. Tlie C.P.R. people, we un<'er<taiid, hold that he gut out before thu tr.iin had stop(ied and was pei-soii.-iliy to blame for tlin accident. McFARLAND&CO. A Dairy Farm's Competition. A cmiii'ttce composed nf leading farmers and daiiyiuvii representing the dairy cattle breeders' as.sociat tons and the daily men 's as.soci»ti<ms of Ontario have completed arrangeinen's for the holding this year, of a dairy farms lompetition through Ontario. The prizes will ii.ui-i«i of 00 gold and sill er medai.s. and dipli>in.i.s. as Well as a Inrge number of "pecial prizes, the details of which have nit yet been arranged. The province will be divided in'o four di^tiicisas follows : I'r au Kiiigstmi east : from Kii'g»t'in to Vouge St. Torino; western Oiitaiio, north Hud soulh, of a line running from Hamilton to Ooderich. There will be a com{jetitii>u this year for the best farms in each district and five gold and ten silver medtils will be offered this in each di'stricr. The farms will be judgeil twice ; once about July 1 and ag:iin .loine time during December, thus giving the judges an opportunity to see the farms under wintei and summer conditions. Next year, the farms in eaalern Ontario and all farms in western Ontirio which win prizes in thecompctitions tkls year, will be .illuwtd to comfiete in special compititioiis to dec de the best fill 111 in eastern thitario and the best farm in wtstern Oiit:u-io. Two yeais fri'iii now. it is pro|iosci.l t > hold a linal coiu- petitiou, ill which the leading farms for both eastern ai d west;>rii Ontario will ci.imp^te to di-cide the K-st farm in the Province. Exc-'ptionaliy tine prizes will be offeivd in this linal coiii[H'tition. .All branches of farm work will be in- cluded ill the competition. In all 1000 points will be otfeied. piints h.ive been subdivided as fiiUows : House and surroundings 130 : farm buiMings lO'i : live slock 200 ; crops 2C0 ; farm maiiai;e- ment 100 ; farm machinery "."i ; permanent improvements 7i>. Several prizes will be offend to tbe farms that score thehi!;hest poiut.s on the house and surroundings ; on P'ultry : on orchards and other similar depirtinents. Competitions i>f this kind were held in On-.-uio some 25 years iigo, and creat.d great interest. The gold medal farmer in the Psovince at that lime was Mr. Simp- son Rennifi, the well knewu Farmer's Institute speaker, who now lives in Toixinto. The ci'inniiitee which charge of the competition is composed of Messrs. H. Glendinuiug of Manilla ; O. A. t!ille.Hpie of PeterlKiro, represent inir the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's .\ssociation : Mr. D. .\, Dempsey of Stratford, aud C R. Wallace of Burgessville, represeuting the western Ontnrio Dairymen's .Vaaociation ; Mr. W. W. Ballantyne if Stratfoitl ; D. Duncan of Don : George McKenzie of rhornhill ; R. F. Hickaof Nfiwtonbreok : Gordon Goodcrham of York 51 ills ; Sinip.«on Rennie, and W'. U. Ellis of Toronto ; and H. B. Cowan of PeterUiro, to Sehcretary. Full jKirlieulars aKuit the eoiiipeticion may l>« obtained from the Secrettry. .\lready a nunilH-r of leading farmers in (.Vntario have indicated their intention to take part in the competition which proni'sts to create a great interest aud be productive of much good. M -\ !^IvU.\ I. K ON r.Al<IO Information re Purchasing of Hardware. If you contemplate hayiMi; li.irvlware with your tr-ile d-jii'^. for.!et that you oin iH-iiist your iriule lo 11* aud CKiii lor SI ue ('*t ta le pr'ce«) and t'leii ym have the piivilcje iif g'l'iiv; to !h; two olJest esr-iliiish^d dardwar^ stores in town viz: Hasiieit Urns, and J. .Ariley's, where iha goods will be auld you at close prices iu exchange fi.r th'e coin. Look at these Price What's in store for you 25 and :iOc a vard KLmr M.ittins fir 'I We have alour 2(0yiiids of Jap Fl' or Mit'ina in iiss-Tted pal'eius that were | .selliuii at 25 to :SOc a y»rd. Th s week ,i you i-aii have your eliuice at [ler varl i isk Read ihi.s Li-t Care'u'Iy and Note the Price Inducements. 48 Men's Grey W'uol Socks, ISc kinit- 2 pr f 1 ir . . , 2?c. I"i7 yds jilaiii aud fiincy rib-Hjus, wiile widiii.". It.'t'iilHrly v.ld at 25 and :i5o, yi.ur choii;e a yt I9c . '29 only G'jnt';; 25i: Knot Ties, iUtsort- e-l 2 for, 2;c 33 Puff Ties, ;i.--.sii-fe.l, 25c, U'W. 12c 50 Gent's Bow Ties, regular value 15c, for....^ 8c 100 Bifxcs N"te Paper. iSawinpes to match, n-guLir valu.- 15, for per box 10c. Reductions and see if you buy this week. 25 dozen I»i!i-'» HUck Cotton Ribbfd Hose siuaianceed .stainless, special 2 pr for 2ae. 24 Bi'oks, gtMHl authors, 35 to 4.5o v.<Iue, choice l!»o 2C0 canls r-f Oi-nt's one [liece col'.-.r bufoi ti. 12 i)i a card, special per tar.t lOo 3d imcktwes Viilet Talcum Pcwdei, l.'ic kind 5u 110 L"lie'» Fine ipial ty white Eiu- brniilered turnovct CoUurs, lUc kind lor 5c. 23di:zen p'ain white Cniiibrick Hand- kei chiefs, hidies size, while tUry last 5 ter 10c. 141 pieces White Tape, 8 to 12 yds i:i a piece ;it onlv per piece. . . .tie. 5 d.'Z. Meu'a Whi e Twilled Duck G'ovt s at pr 10s 12 [inckages Mays' Seeds (all new) for 2.5tf 10 Us Uliufaei Suit" lor 35u McFARLAND & COMPANY ^ Time to Choose Your Spring Costumes Now .\ good range ill Dres* Go 'ds and Silks. Orders taken for readv- made Suits, Coats. Dres-ses. Can have ynur ordrr tilled here within a few days. Special bargains given in ready-maile Summer Dresses in all the latest .styles and designs. .\ full line uf Fincy Waisting, Mnnttbon Lmen Suitiiias. etc., from 15 to 2') cents a yard. MILLINERY OPENINGS APRIL 8. 9 AND 10 Thursilay, Friday and Saturday, and will have on display al! the latest creatiniis in sprnii: styles f"r young >iid old. 11 ive "pened up an ennre new stock of English Prints in nil the pretty shades and patterns. Specials in reiiuUr l-'w ior 10c and 12.^c. STYLl!?U SEW CLOTHING *i)R MENâ€" Orders takeL for tailor ill ide Suits , ind Overcoats in up-to-date styles. Twenty per cent, off in Men and Boys' Keadymades. Gk.hI buying ir> Men's Shirts. Fancv cliireii n«»nl'ae Shirts made fnna fiue corded "shirt iny uuterial, small .Vmericiin pattei-ns, some of the latest stripes iu deep blue and tan, etc. I Je E. Large, e u g e n i a. I Alton â€" Norrish. Ou Wednesday, April 14lh, 190!), p. in., ihc home of Mr. and Mrs. Norrish, Stroiigtield, Sisk.. was •n \vh le in.ille. Tlie groom wis .sup- »t 6 P'^*^'-'^ ''y •''» '""Other. Mr. Charles Rut- \y,„ Isdge of Flesheiton. The gi.'ts were tiu- the'""^"'""" ""^' <^"^''y. "'"i testified to the scene of a pretty wedding, when theiri'^'*'^'''''" '" *""'â- '' l'»« y^^^K '^"V^^ »« daughter, Marv Loui:ia Beatrice, '''â- ''^' -^f'"' ''"* 'â- â€¢'â- â€¢''e'«''ny a dainty was united in niarriaae to .Mr. Arthur M. »*«^'d'"« >'«'l'"'*t set veil. The happy Alton. The Rev. Smith- Windsor, ..fC^uple l«ft on the C, ..'clock ti»in for a Hauley, Sask., performed the ceremony,'"'^ ***â- '':''' ""'"^-'y^"-'"" ^'^'^ »«> Toiia- in the uresence of aliout forty guests. *'*"'^''- ^ ^- -^^^'''' ""^''' i'«"*"« ^^^V The Weddir.n March was played by Mrs. '"'" '^'*''>" '"â-  t-^t^'^ct. J. K. .Vrmstroiig. The bride, who was .^ gi»en away by her fatKer. looked very winsome in a beautiful gown of silk radium : .she can led a liouijuet of hllies- of-tlie-val!ey. The youtg couple were unattended. -Vfter the ceremony and eoii^ratul.itions. a sumptuous wedding dinner was scrvevl. .V very enjoyable evening was spent by all in music and games. The popular youni; bride was the recipient of a larsie number of beauti- ful wedding presents. The groom, who is one of Sivskatchcwan's prosperous yiung farmers, hss built a very cosy cottage on his farm, section G.28.5.,; where the young couple will reside. Mr.: .^Iton if well known iu this vicinity. | SEASOfiABLE IN GOODS FURNITURE "^ The hu-gest and best stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of the nice things in Side Boartls, Dining Chairs, Parlor Si-tts, Bed Rmnn Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on evei-y- thiiig, iu order to re- duce the st..H.'k. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton # Rutledge-Morris .\ reiy pretty e*ent took place at the home of Mr. Get.irge Morris, Alton, oD, Wednesday, .\pril 21st, at 3 o'clock, when his eldest daughter, Geitrude .'V.gne.s was united in marriage to Mr. R. DeWitt Rutledge. C.P.R. agent at Cat- aract. 1 he ceremony waa performed by the Ue». Geo. W. Rose, B. A., of AlU.u, in the presence of the immediate relatives and friends of the cuctracting parties. As Miss Margaret Bean of Alton played the Wedding March, the bridal party: ~" ~~" entered the drawing room and took their 1^'^^ '^9 T T 'V^ rvi place under an arch of evergreens. The', *^x^m ,^» %J At X bride, who was attcndeil by hsr sister,' •*P«l«"at m diseases .ol the Mi8.s May, h.iked charming iu a gown of Eye, Edr,NOSe cLOd THPOat I«le blue silk, trimmed with white overotlUe 13 K.-^,..t tst. . Owon^o.^a lace. She carrietl a bouquet of pink; At the Revere Markdalo.%t carnations. The bridesmaid was diessediFriday each uionth trom 8 to 12 : '«'

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