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Flesherton Advance, 29 Apr 1909, p. 4

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*i«* Ai'lui. -JO 1009 THE FLESKERTOiS A D V A I^ C K "iS^ ji '^jtiMiiiM FXHILL & CO., - Markdale BIG SALE THI5 WEEK OF HIGH CLASS SHOES. The Carey Shoe Co., of Southampton, were forced out of business, and we bought their stock at a big discount. $2,000.00 woiili of Ili^li Class Shoes made by bncli reliable firms as tlic I^mpress Shoe Co., John Mc- Plierson Shoe Co., W. U. Hamilton Shoo Co-, Victoria Shoe Co.. Imporial ami Alaplo Leaf Urands, in Ladies, ChildreuF, 15oys and Youths' Shots. This big purchase 0/ Slioes wo put on sale Wednesday morning and iho prices are '2a to 30 per cent, loss than regular. This is a grand opportunity to save money on reliable makes of Shoes in good staple styles, Be on Land early. Ik-st always go first. coiiio in Box Calf and Fine Dungolu in Strap and (Jxf»rJ styles. Culors, Black and Tan. Carey Shoe Cu. prices 81.2."), 1.40, und 1.50, .sale price pi-ipair 98c twciity-ldiir hnutH. Wo liavd no doul>t i.u llio rftnair.der nf llm piiriy returning wc Mill be supplied wiili fuller particulars. VVi' tre iiifornied that it is the intention of the party who have coniu back, to re- turn n^^aiii ill ntioiit. t»'u nionllin, and tnakf further invcstix.'ili uu and Jis- noviriis." 200 PAIUS CHILDUENS FIXE SHOES AND OXFORDS. In Sizes 6, 7, 8. 9, 10. Sale Price 75c- TKese come in fine Donj^olas, Patent Leather and Vulour Calf and the followinn colors: Black, Tan, and Re<U and all rtyle.s of Oxfurds and Klippers are included in the lot. Carey Shoe Co. prices 81.00 and SI. 10 and $1.25, sale price per pr Toe. GIRLS SIZES IN SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS. 11, 12, 13, 1 anl 2. Sale price 98c. 180 pairs OuU Fine Slippers and Oxfords. BOYS SHOES. Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Sale price 81.25. 200 pairs Boys Heavy and Fine Shoos in Box Calf, Coidovan, Dongola, and Velour Calf. In this liuo we hare all the sizes, but more of the larger sizes than (he small. They come in Blacks and Tans, and the Carey Shoe Co. price for them was §1.50, 1.75, 2.00 up to 3.00 a pair. Sale price $1.25 (Ehc tiou of circumstances that has brought I about such a happy result. 000 I No newspaper is safe in stating !• laiUUhed every Tiiurwlay at «.ooi)er' tl'^t "The Kiurade murder inquest aniiMinifiKiid in advaiicp, Ji..''* if nut »o paid. , will be resumed this evening." It' NET ADVKHTKSINO RATKS I may be this evening, to-morrow 1 column disi'Uy one year, t«o { evcniuij or somo Other evening. | Newspaper men have decided to place lUU column one year, $.30 Quart*>c column one year. •!."> Fortnightly clianRe» if requiiMl QuoUtlona for trsniiont adTertUing wUl be ! and politics given on application. it in the category with horseracing 000 The Ontario Government has pub- We appeal to the government in '^"'"^'^ a book of »G pages containing power at Ottawa on behalf of Mr. "''''""-"'"' '''»•"'« f"*- «'''° '" '''« Pugsley! That gentleman says that ^'°^""=« "^ <^'"'"i"- These farms he can prove innocence from guilt i„l 'ange in price from $150 to 8.V2.000. the matters with wiiich he has been ( ''^'"""^ """^ so'-'tthing like 900 proper- chaiged. It would be but British fair' '"^» '^'^""'^'^ '" ^''« ^^""^ "^'"^ "° '1°"'^' play to give him the opportunity ofj ""^''^ «'"*P^ •»'' '*'"°"K ''"'"• I" ''"3' squaring himself, but this Mr. Laurierj evidently declines to do. Dr. Pugsley! ahould feel exceedingly aggrieved that he has to lie under these charges without being allowed by his own party to prove his innocence. 000 Had the shady matters recently ventilated in parliament been brought up immediately prccctling an election, probably little notice would have been taken of them ; but coining, as they do, at the first session following an election, causes the people to sit up and wonder if tlie government has not been too reckless in its expenditure and too disrcgardlcss of the honorable and hoiiost in its fiuanciul transac- tions. During the past year number- less cliarges of an unpleasant nature have been Hung at the and individual members thereof, and event investments in these would be safer than silver certificatesâ€" Cobalts or Oow Uaiiders. Just how the real estate men will take this new depart • ure in pr-jvincial politics remains to be seen . A copy of the book can be had from the Director of Colonization, parliament buildings, Toronto, Doiot!s at the Sault. [Wc have a chatty lelter from a friend livinu at the Sault wiiich we take the liberty (.f paMsing on to our readeis, hop- in({ to have the pardon of the writer for so doin;;. The letter is too good and of 100 much public interest to sulfur extinc- tioii in the waste basket. â€" En.] .Sault Ste. Marie, Out. April 22, 1909. Mv Dkah TniTRHTON, â€" Three weeks government jttgoil look myself in both hand», and j went out and bouglit an ex j)reH« order to there is danger that some of them at cover my indebtedness to The Advance, least will stick. Mr. Lauricr should P"^ >' ">v<>y carefully in my pocket book draw his lines more taut to order to! '"'* ''"2"^ """*"'"' â- '• ^ dug it up to- keephis team under control. jday and oncloxe same herewith, with - apoloKieM for delay. I read with intttrest from week to week the appeals you madu One of the most surprising charges f„r settlement of oui^tandiun suosciip- broughl forward this stssion at Ottawa J tions, and like the sermons one hears on was that formulated by Mr. Middlebro! Sunday, pasfed it on to the other fellow. of North Grey in a speech that liasll''* f"u':y what a general impression caused wide coninient. Ilo charged n**"'" "â- '"â- "'"'""*'* """^l"*!'*"' ">"" i" that previons to the last election the ! "' ""i" """ ''""'' '" * 'n<>>»'«»fy """e. 1 government had negotiated with t,,e Ixfl'"'" H'" 'f they did not blossom out Grand Trunk Pacific people for ,^^1 "'"""'T'^ 'T"""'V"\""'"''"'"' , ,. .,,. ,' , ,, I presses and gasoline outfits, the public loan of ten millions that had been put; ^j,.,, ^„„,,i. j,. ,(,„„, adjust it.elf. through the Honse last month, and kad promised that if returned to power they would make this loan. His inference was that this offer was made io the nature of a bribe. Mr. JLanrier would neither affirm nor deny the triilhfuhiesa of his allegations. Mr. Middlebro pointed out that the Grand Trunk Paeitic people had work- ed itrcnuously for Mr. Laurior'a ro- ttirn to power. 000 The people of this country will reap a lioge benefit from the keen competi.- tion of rival firms for the manufacture of our lohool bonks. Ihe complete •flt, from primer to fourth reader, will only cost 49 coots for the next ten years. The old set sold at $1 . 15â€" a saving of 66 coDts on every set pur- chased. There ii no danger of a cry of graft in this contract, and every cbau of family will biesi the combiua - Everybody ia glad aineo the iii(,'ht be- fore latt, when four big biirf>os got up from Detour and locked through en route to Duluth and Port Arthur. The St. Marys river is clear of ice and Ihe paisage down is good now. The apring seems pretty backward, snowing to-day with a cold wind from Superior. We certainly net enough cold weather in this country. You will have noticed the Sauh in- tends Koing ahead in the near fiiturn, with the construct iuii of a ilry dock, ex- teiisitm ( f the steel industry, and the oonliauationof the A. C railway to the U. P. H. main lino near Orasset, and ul- timately north to the 0. T. P, These, with improvement in oondiliuus of the lumber trade, ahould make a good town ihia summer and fall. Glad to see that FUsherton intends to have another good day on the fiist of July. I'nlesi something unforeseen happens I shall have to take it In. The demonstrations we have put up down Harda the uinount of entertainment and the money value of prizss. They had a trades procession hero last Victoria Day and, even with the help of the fire bri- gade, it was not 1, 2, 3 with the tradeg procuiision at home. It was in the " also ran " class, all riijht. I can congratulate you on the improved appearance of tlio enlarged Advance^ which is always welcome. The personal news, which to a str*nger is so trivial, is always of interest when one kuows every- body for a long distance around, like myself. I see Alex. Madill, his son, Ben, and Fred Walton from the Valley occasion, ally, and last Saturday I ran across Wts. Duncan, who used to be with Henry Wdson, blackemithing. ll« is working at his tr.ide in town. The Mansoll fam. ily and Miss I;ia Beiittiol see ijuite often. The (Jow Oanda country has attracted a lot of attention here. This town always was a " pluiiKer." Nearly ovoryone you n.oot is deeply. interested in Cohiilts, and also ill copper propoiitions away ba-:k from heio. Thero is any amount of iron and copper north of here and not very fir. either, and some day this hitherto di'spisid Algonia will produce Noinetliinir liesides pine and pulp wood. I was talk- ing lately to a man who has located moot of the iron in Minnesota, and ho can put his tinker on precisely the same indications as he found there, within twinlyjmiles of hero. His theory is that the formation di|.is undor Superior and crops out up here again, and at Michipicoten whore thu Helen mine is. It may be years yet before anything is done, but its there nil right, waiting to make somebody a big "bank loll," Don't think I have anything particular worth botheriiig'you with, 10 au revoir. With kind regards. Division Court Division Court was hold in the town hall before Judge VVidditieUl on Wednes- day of week. The docket was 11 frtuly huge one and included the follow- ing cases ; Mii.ssiy V. \V. Osborneâ€" Action on contract. Judgment fur full amount, 4<113-:!0. Stins n V. Levcrâ€"T. Lover did .some cement work for J. Stiosoii. This wa.s l)'iid for, after which the pl.iinlitf sned for damages, claiming thiit tiie work v/nf not i>ropcrly done. Ho failed to make the judge see it tliis way, but each parly hud to pay his own costs. McCabe v. Boydâ€" The plaintiff liven in Collinnwood and sued on a di.sputod c>m- tract for a cream separator, but failed to put in an appearance and the action wr.a dismissed. Smart v. Karstedtâ€"Actiou oa account. Settled out of court. Watson A Howell v. Fallister. â€" .\ction ou note for lf38. Juduinent in full for plaintiffs. Veasott & Co. v. Gulp â€" Action on note. Defendant lives in Proton. Judg- ment for plaintirtiB for full amount. Bailey v. Wcthorall and C. PT U. gar- nishee. Judgment fur primary creditor for amount of claim, $15 20. Matthews v. Wetliorall and C.fP. R. garnishee. Judgment for primary cred- itor fur amount of claim, $42.98. Mansoii Campbell Co. v. C. Wilson â€" Action'on promissory no'o. Judt^inent for $13.20. McTavish v. A. Teeter, W. J. Bellamy garnisheeâ€" Clulnt for $11.75. Action dismissed with costs. Blakey v. W. G. Strain â€" Acfon on note. Judgment for amount. $43.00. Wright v. Copeland, R. Noilson ear- ni.-hee. The claim was for $123..36. .ludgmcnt for $23.48. Sovereign Bank v. Maxwell et ul â€" Adjourned. J. Heard v. W. Phillips â€" Action on contract for $50. Judgment for full amount. .Jacobs v. Karat edtâ€" Action on disput- ed account for $87.90. The case was adjourned, t •T-iinos Fisher v. Luke Bowers â€" Fisher sold Bowers a horse and sued for a bal- ance of $41 unpaid. Bowers cl;time.l the horse was not us represented and put in a counter claim for $(>0 damages. Judg- ment was reserved, but wa.s handed down later, as folluHs : .Judgment was given ])laintiff for $41 and eost.M, and judgment for defendant on counter claim for S40 und costs. Kach j)arty will, therefore, have to pay the other's coats. Kiinnors' Binder Twine Co v. Vert - Action on contract for $80. 17. Judginont for Sol. J. & w. B OYD> ^^"'"' ^/^ia ro^y""^"'^' WE are openini.' np a meichan!; taih.iinR business under the iiiaoaiiiniiit of Fied Morley who is a Brst class workman. Wo liiive a coinpli to range of new and up-to-date tto;;k. VVe yuaranteo a perfect tit. Call and see the (<ood8 â€" jijiit in the coiuer riom MRS SMITH'S or.D STAND. rt 5 ,« *j c "35 o p 5 .7: o 3 CQ (U 'O s â- "00 s o.S SJ .L â€" ^ 'ft « 03 >-. O a 03 c o o o *j . CO =3 03 tD s o ^Ar r^ , o o N EW Dress Goods in all the new shades and patterns â€" prices Soc to $1.60 per yd., also a large assortment of Ging- hams, Zephyis, Linens, Prints and Muslins A complete range of Ladle's Ready- to-wear Garments â€" Skirts, Jackets. Waists, Uuder- skirt:), Etc. Flour and Feed. We keep on hand a full stock of Flimrand Feed includins Feed Flour Shorts, Bran and the famous Five Rosea Flour made by the Lake of the Woods Mdling Co., Kewatin, every bag of which is guaranteed if not satisfactory return it and uet your money. Hardware. We have a well assoitid ttrck of Hmdware â€" parties ronlempIaliDg building will do wrll 10 ^et our prices before purchasing elsewhere â€" also a nice hne of stoves, tinware etc. ^ /wv^vv/** •â-¼"^^â-¼V^^ ^•'./^^â-¼^ ^V^l^^pvT^ 'iF^ >»s_?irN /^r\.^^r\y^s?ip\/vV^l^ 'Wx^in'wv^ iiMM 1n$feigh5» Budalcs* CUdgdon$» li»arrows, Ploudbs* €ream Sep- arators and mire Fcnctng Our Scrap Book It is strange how the mii'eml riches of our north country have remained undis- covered until very recant yeara, when forty-fivo years ago prospectors were al- ready endeavoringto unearth the pieoious metal. Their search, however, appears to have been more after gold, and this they discovered, according tothoCidling- wood Enterprise of July 18, 1802. Why thit discovery was not followed up is ex- plained in the dithoulty of mining and entire absence of traniportation facilities. Following is the item from the Enterprise referred to : "A number of thegold diggers wholeft here about three inontha since returned from French Uiver on Saturday a weak ago. The party are reaerved in their communications, but the Enterprise learns that after enduring many hardshipa, and graat annoyance with flies, they proceeded •bout 300 miles north of Lake Nippiaing, to the height of land, where they found evident traces of geld, in beds of alternate granite and slate, but aa to whether it was found In sufiicient quantities to pay for digging, we could not learn, which re- main! still to be proved. One thing ia establiihed however, that gold exists, although in what ipiantities wa are still in the dark. The party stated that they went so far north, that on ascending a hill they fimnd it to be almost perpetual day, for on laying down to rest at ten o'clock in the evening, '.hey had clear daylight, and on wakinu up in the morning at three o'clock, they also found it perfect day, there are away ahead of lota of others gi'inK the psrty ;ho impressivin, that it hold in much larger places, both as re- had been daylight during the whole Weak Women To weak ami ailing wompn, thpro Is at least ona way to liolp. Dot with that way, two trcatraonts, must be coinblnod. One is local, one is constltii. tlonal. but both are important, both essential. Dr. 8hoop'.s Night Uiro is thu Loral. Dr. Bhoop'a Ki'Storativo. tho Constitutional. The fornier-I)r. Hhoop'ii Night Cureâ€" i»a toplcml mucous lucmhruiio siipp<xilIory remc^dy. while Dr. Bhoop's Kostorative is wholly au internal treat- ment. Tho Kustoratlve naches throujthout tht entire sysUan. wmklng tho ropalr ol »U uerre. •11 tluun, ami all bloo<l uihtwnts. Tho "NIglit euro", as itsnamo implies, does Its work whilo yousloop. It soothes Boro and Indam- •a mucous surfaces, heals loial weaknesses and dlacharros, while tho Keatoratlve, easoa uerrous exdtement, gives renewed vigor and wnbltlon. builds up wasted tissues, bringing about lanewed Mreneth. vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop'a Reatoratlvoâ€" Tablets or Liquidâ€" a»a geneisl toolo 10 the aystem. For positive local help, use ai w*U Dr. kShoop's Night Cure "ALL DEALERS" Canadian Pacific NO CHANOK OF CARS OOINQ TO Western Canada 0\ C. P' R. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION Special trains from Toronto April 30th and every 2nd Tuesday until Sept. 2Jst. Low Round Tiip Rates. Colonist and Tourist Sleepini{ Cars. For copy of Ilomcseekers' Pamph. let. rates and full information, apply to 8, RANDS, Agent, Flesherton. STEADY EMPLOYMENT For A Reliable Local Salestuau REE'RESKNTlNtJ Canada's Oldest and Qreatcst Nurseries IN Fle.<iherton And Adjoining Country. Yon will find there la a Rood demand tor Nursery Htook on noeouut of tho hi(;li iirloes HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Farms for Sale & Rent I^&riu for sale, contalnlDg ono liundred acres more or less, bt^ing lots J41-14i\ con. 1. N. K. Toronto Kydeuhaiii roail. ubuut eiRlUy acres clearofi; balance bu3li. 0»i the proi'urty Is one fruiiio ba.n 35x55 oa stonu bascincnt with cun<- crutostabliiiK andRoofiiuiploiut'iitHheil. Fraiuo dwelling bouse, siuall orc-hai (I. t>TO aood wells. Also two fliiriiiM« on back end of place. Thero aro thirty acret) fall |tlouKhetl, Ave acres of fall whtat.wt^U fenced uud in a^oud state of cnltiva* tiuii. This is one o( tht^ best fanne in tlio township and can bb boiiKht rigbt. It U situate rid one ndle frotu Flesherton and tive miles from Markfialc. Apply to KICHAKDSON ItUOS. Floshertou T ots ;i4 and Xt, con. ;t H D li, IGO acres, IV) cleared *-^ lU acres pasture, balance good bush. Haru . f>5xr><t, driving shed, ^ood frauie house, '2 wellH, t I acre of orchard and stone wall under barn. ) Bati^een river crosses baok of farm. Well fenced , and in ^ood state of cultivation, :i miles from \ Proton Htattcn. Foe terms apply on premiHus to J\ME8 H. VAl'SK, Proton Station Cet/ion's T^eai All kinds of fresh and smoked meats, head cheese, always on hand. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Jas. ^ceiockli in. Vov Halo cheap, oi rout, iinniedinto ijosseanion * Lot :-tO eon. 11, ArteuitiRia, about 75 acroB olear, oomfortablo Iok hnuno anil frauio baru. AiU'lv to B. .!â-  Kpronlu, Klonhorton, or John J. Martin, aoroBB the road from uaid lot. T utH K i H and D, Con. 13, iu tliii towbKhip o( *^ Osprey, 1.'ieAcres,lav(;ucleariutj,goo(1 franto barn and stabloB, Rood dwelllDg and wt'11. Ap- VUy on tbo pienii^oii or to W. J. IlELLiMY, Fleshorton C*or Bale cheap and on tiSRy terniB, ijood com. I- lortable Iranio dnellioK. Btable and driving house, with throo villBKu lota, iu Ceylon. UweN line well built and tliiished and ^ood bearing orchard ou the propertY, Apply to K. J. 8rHO0LR, Fleshertou t'or sale or rentâ€" 100 acre tarm, 1 acre of or- ^ chard, 10 acres bush iucludlng 5 acres bard- wood, well watered and gooil foncm, brick houBU, frame barn,tli lullcB from school and post otlioo, ,H miles from Proton Station. For price and terma of sale apply to Wnv Taylor, lot 7a- 74, oou \ north of Uurhau) road, ArteueBia ijfii p frntt this that Kiuwei'B have realized on thiir Buaaon. Unr saloHinenare tnriiinit in abiR biisiuoHBlo UB thin year. Ilcoun of tnoni and oaiu yood waRuB through tho winter luonthH. Torrltorv ie«orved. I'ay Weekly. Free saniple ontnt, etc. Writs forparticulnvs. 8 T O N li & W E L L I N G T N PoKthlll Nurseries I i«jO aoroB ) TORONTO Ontario T Ota fl.'), 60 and 07, con » Attemeaia, 1.00 aorea *-" 113 cleared and under oultlvatiou, all fenced two good orchards: lar^e frame barn, basement barn aud outer frauie burn V4x:W, frame dwell- ing. This will bo made a good thing for the right man W. H, McNALl.Y, I'ortlaw L'i.r aent-lot Xt, cou 4, Artomesia, 100 acre«,a'> * to lie clearcil and in cultivation, comfortable dwelliiiK, bank baru, stoue stabling, in a first clasH settieiueut aud wall worthy the atteution of those requiring such. K. J. Sl'UOULE, Flesherton T Ota, con. 4 0Bprey. 100 acres well timbered' •J For torniB etc. apply to B. Uobern, Ladv Uauk f, U, ' EgCs For Hatchinji. Drown r.fghoru Kgca for hatching, from Bri.1 "olaaa pou. All prise birds at Kast Orey fall lair are iu this peh: Kggs .'Kta. per setting of 16: LEVIBETTH, Floahertou: Good Farm For Sale. J ot 19, con. 0. Osprey containing 100 acres, 80 '^cUarod, flame house, frame barn stone foundation: orchard, well watered On« housaud down and balance to sui" purohaMr Immediate poascsMou Apply to »'""''"'*"• , ^- ^f. Kili^i.:AH,MB.\well P. O. c^, cv I' Dorado Farm. til hhorthorn cattle and Leicester la-cp llnlU and heifers on hand m salt-, also a number of single and rose comb brown leghorn, urn single comb white leghorn Lot 32 Con. 5. Chas. Stafford. cockerels Shorthorn Cattle for Sale.'aLantv""' .Y',"?""""- ">« best of breeding at rek»S'il'.'ble pr'i"cei <=<"" """1 heifers foraalS Lot 3iJ.oon.5 CHA8. STAFFORD. Fleshartoa Herefords For Sale. Cows and heifers for sale, none better, 1 rices right, Post Office, Proton Station; (arm lialt^ mile from Saugeen Junction. >V e have sold all our lulls. J. t T. WATSON. F*UMI» MAKING Wooden pum|« manufactured throughout aud rej.airs promptly and aatisfaotorily attended to. I an-. «(;ent for three of the best iron l>ump manufacturers iu Ontario. A card dropped to me af Coylon P. O will hitre my prompt attention. Your patronage respectfully solicited. dAME3 A. McLean, Currie's Corner, Ceylon IP. o.

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